Genetically modified foods. Genetically modified food

04.04.2019 Dishes for children
GMOs - pros and cons Why are such foods and organisms needed? Maybe they will only harm humanity, violating ours, ...
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  • GMO. Maybe not so ... To stop fainting at the word genetically modified foods, let's turn a little to ...
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  • The community of American scientists decided to patent the first artificially synthesized living ...
  • A genetically modified organism or GMO for short is a living or plant organism, whose genotype has been changed using genetic engineering methods in order to create new properties of the organism. Similar changes are being made today almost everywhere in the field of food creation in economic purposes, less often for scientific purposes.

    Genetic modification is distinguished by the purposeful construction of the genotype of the organism, which is in contrast to the random, characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

    A common type of genetic change today is the introduction of transgenes for the purpose of transgenic organisms.

    Due to genetic modifications, the roots of cassava (Manihot esculenta, euphorbia family), the main raw material for cooking for many millions of Africans, have increased by about 2.6 times. American geneticists, having made the above modification, expect that modified cassava (cassava) will be the solution to the problem of hunger in dozens of African countries.
    Professor R. Sayre and his team - molecular biologists from Ohio University - removed the gene for E. coli, which regulates the synthesis of starch, and implanted it in three cassava shoots.
    Sayre comments that cassava has much the same gene, but its bacterial version is about 100 times more potent.
    As a result, the modified cassava, which was grown in the greenhouse, has enlarged tuberous roots (200 g, while the usual cassava is 75 g). The number of roots (from 7 to 12) and leaves (from 90 to 125) also increased.
    Both the roots and leaves of cassava can be eaten. Cassava is the main raw material for cooking in 40% of Africans, and its root is regularly consumed by about 600 million people.
    However, Sayre noted that the large size does not provide a commensurate energy value product. And GM plants still need to be quickly processed immediately after they are removed from the ground, because the roots and leaves of not properly processed cassava contain a substance that provokes the synthesis of cyanide.

    Scientists at the University of California at Oakland have obtained a specific photographic film from GMO bacteria.

    New Scientist writes that during the research, Chris Voight's group of scientists used E. coli (Escherichia coli), which does not need sunlight to survive. To give Escherichia coli the necessary properties, the researchers introduced the genetic material of blue-green algae into the cell membrane of Escherichia coli. As a result, Escherichia coli began to react to red light.

    After that, a colony of bacteria with a genetically modified genome was placed in a medium with specific indicator molecules. When this "biofilm" is exposed to red light, one of the genes of Escherichia coli is deactivated, which provokes a change in the color of the indicator molecules. As a result, by changing the state of microorganisms at specific locations on the film, a monochrome image can be obtained. At the same time, due to the microscopic size of microorganisms, the drawing has an incredible resolution - about 100,000,000 pixels per inch squared. However, it takes about 4 hours to get a square inch of a drawing.

    Scientists believe that their achievement will most likely not be applied in the field of conventional photography. However, these experiments can provoke the appearance of nano-textures capable of creating any substances specifically in those areas where light falls.

    The community of American scientists decided to patent the first artificially synthesized living organism in history. This is not the first time people have tried to replay nature, this time starting with a patent.

    Researchers at the Venter Institute have been trying for many years to create an artificial bacterium with the smallest possible number of genes based on the structure of the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, in which they registered 250-350 genes necessary for survival. The synthetic organism was to be called Mycoplasma laboratorium (laboratory mycoplasma). The experiments were carried out in secret. In 2004, the institute's founder, Craig Venter, argued that an artificial microorganism would be created by the end of the year, but he was wrong.

    And today a patent application was received for both the artificial bacterium itself and its genetic code, says World Science. On GMOs, patents were acquired earlier, but now, as scientists of the Venter Institute say, it is about an entirely artificial genome, synthesized by human hands. The patent application states that the artificial microorganism has 382-387 genes.

    An artificial microorganism was created by removing its genetic material from the bacterium that serves as the basis, and implanting artificial genes synthesized by laboratory methods. An intractable problem is not only the synthesis of genes, but also their introduction into bacteria and the regulation of actions.

    Michael Cybert, an employee of the American laboratory NREL and his colleagues from the University of Illinois are developing a modification seaweed at the molecular level, in order to produce hydrogen in large quantities.
    Before that, scientists had already demonstrated a method of producing hydrogen through tamed bacteria. In addition, an interesting idea was proposed for the production of hydrogen from sunflower oil.
    The researchers found that hydrogen is one of the elements involved in the photosynthesis reaction in algae. But in order to be able to obtain it in production volumes, it is necessary to determine the processes and hydrogenase enzymes necessary for the formation of hydrogen, as well as the reactions of obtaining oxygen.
    Scientists use powerful computers to decipher these chains of connections and are already planning how to modify the algae. When modified, they will produce hydrogen 10 times faster than natural algae, says Cybert.
    As calculated by the development scientists, on a specialized farm (or several farms), with an area of ​​approximately 20 thousand km2, it would be possible to produce hydrogen for everyone passenger cars The United States, even if they were all equipped with fuel cells rather than internal combustion engines.
    But even if such fuel extraction does not become such a global practice, the contribution of GMO algae will still bring great environmental benefits.

    Genetically Modified Rice Unpretentious to Insects on Chinese Farms: Benefits and Reflection on Human Health.

    Until now, not a single state has grown most of the grain used for food from GMOs. But practice in China, where genetically modified rice is grown in increasing quantities, confirms that it benefits small farmers and is likely to benefit the people.

    China is on the cusp of the global expansion of the cultivation and production of genetically modified rice. In China, a study was carried out on two of the four varieties that farmers are testing. In a word, such rice is in the final stage before being allowed for global use.

    We investigated randomly selected farms developing rice varieties that are unpretentious to harmful insects, and independently, without resorting to the help of professionals in this field. It was determined that compared to the farms where traditional rice, small and poorer farms have benefited from the use of genetically modified organisms, since they harvested a larger crop with less pesticide consumption. Reducing the amount of pesticides used is also a very positive factor in maintaining the health of the people.

    Text: Karina Sembe

    What is GMO

    A genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal, or microorganism whose genotype has been modified using genetic engineering techniques. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) views the use of genetic engineering techniques to create transgenic plant varieties as an integral part of agricultural development. Direct transfer of genes responsible for useful traits is a natural stage in the development of work on the selection of animals and plants; this technology expands our capabilities in terms of the controllability of creating new varieties and, in particular, the transfer of useful traits between non-breeding species.

    Today, the vast majority of genetically modified foods are soy, cotton, rapeseed, wheat, corn, and potatoes. Three quarters of all modifications are aimed at increasing the resistance of plants to pesticides - agents against weeds (herbicides) or insects (insecticides). Another important direction is the creation of plants that are resistant to the insects themselves, as well as to various viruses that they carry. Scientists change the shape, color and taste of agricultural crops less often, but they are actively engaged in breeding plants with an increased amount of vitamins and microelements - for example, modified corn with a vitamin C content of 8 times and beta-carotene content 169 times higher than usual.

    With all the ambiguous attitude to the phenomenon in society, there is currently no scientifically substantiated evidence of the harm of GMOs to humans, plants and the environment. More than 100 Nobel laureates recently signed an open letter defending the use of genetic engineering in agriculture, urging Greenpeace not to oppose the use of GMOs. Using genes different types and their combinations in the creation of new varieties and lines is included in the FAO strategy for the conservation and use of the planet's genetic resources in agriculture and Food Industry... Be that as it may, part of the public is not yet ready to trust scientific findings and believes that genetically modified foods can be hazardous to health. It seems that in recent years it has become somewhat clearer which of the alleged risks are exaggeration, if not even manipulation, and which in fact expose the "vicissitudes of the method."

    What are the benefits of GMOs
    for agriculture

    What is genetic engineering and how thorny can make its path institutionalization of prejudices, makes it clear one illustrative and fairly sensational case. In the mid-90s of the last century, Hawaiian farmers faced a serious problem: the harvest of papaya, essential product region has been affected by the insect-borne ring spot virus. After many futile attempts to save the fruit - from selection to quarantine - an unexpected way was found: to insert the gene of the harmless component of the virus - the protein from the capsids - into the DNA of the papaya and thus make it resistant to the virus.

    Because papaya plays a minor role in the global marketplace, genetic engineering giant Monsanto, an American agricultural company, and two other companies have licensed the technology to a Hawaiian farmer's unions and provided them with free seeds. Today, genetically modified papaya is a proven triumph: new technology saved the industry. At the same time, Hawaiian history is a modern parable: the virus was overpowered, the papaya barely survived the protest campaign and at some point found itself under the threat of expulsion from its native state.

    The USDA examined test crops and reported the technology had "no harmful effect on plants, non-target organisms, or the environment," and the Environmental Protection Agency noted that humans have long consumed the virus along with common infected papaya ... According to the organization, particles of the ring spot virus, including harmless proteins from the coat used in gene modification, were found in the fruits, leaves and stems of most unmodified plants.

    These arguments did not satisfy anti-GMO fighters. In 1999, a year after the modified seeds were distributed to farmers, critics of the method said that the viral gene could interact with the DNA of other viruses and create even more dangerous pathogens. A year later, Greenpeace activists were already destroying papaya trees at a research base at the University of Hawaii, accusing scientists of inaccurate and random experiments contrary to the will of nature. Fighters against GMOs rarely take into account that a much more "random" mutation occurs in nature, and traditional breeding, the predecessor of genetic engineering, also produces completely "modified" organisms and, to a much greater extent, suffers from "inaccuracy."

    Genetic engineering can not only protect products from environmental influences, but also, possibly, improve our health.

    Although for all the time that GMO papaya was on sale, it did not have time to harm anyone, throughout the 2000s the long-suffering fruit was haunted. Only in May 2009, as a result of several years of testing, the authoritative Food Safety Commission of Japan approved the cultivation of genetically modified papaya and two years later opened its market for it. American scientists, who conducted tests under the supervision of their Japanese colleagues, made sure that, contrary to the beliefs of the adversary camp, the modified protein does not match the genetic sequences with any of the known allergens, and that ordinary infected papaya contains eight times more viral protein than genetically modified version.

    Genetic engineering can not only protect food from environmental influences, but also, possibly, improve our health. Today, about 250 million preschool children around the world suffer from vitamin A deficiency in their bodies. Every year from 250 to 500 thousand of these children completely lose their sight, and half of the blind die within a year. The problem is especially common in Southeast Asia: the basis of the diet there is rice, and it does not cover the need for beta-carotene - a substance that, when digested, is converted into vitamin A and plays a critical role in maintaining vision. As you know, vitamins in the form of supplements are not complete substitutes for nutrients that we get from food, moreover, in many parts of the world vitamins are simply not on sale or residents cannot afford them.

    A group of scientists led by Ingo Potrikus of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology set out to solve this problem by growing rice that contains enough beta-carotene. The golden seeds obtained in 1999 by introducing genes for the flowers of daffodils and bacteria were perceived in the scientific community as a breakthrough, scientists even received the encouragement of American President Clinton. However, Greenpeace was outraged: in their opinion, the "golden rice" became a Trojan horse of genetic engineering (even associated with the risk of cancer) and did not contain enough beta-carotene to cover the need for the vitamin. In the latter, the eco-activists were right, but already in 2005 Potrikus and colleagues corrected themselves and produced rice containing 20 times more beta-carotene than ordinary rice.

    Despite the effectiveness of the technology, opponents of GMOs continued to condemn Potrikus's initiative and advised to establish the cultivation of conventional carotene-containing products instead of "artificial" rice, ignoring the peculiarities of the climate and economies of a number of Asian countries, which were primarily interested in the experiment. Activists' resentment reached the breaking point when, during a clinical trial in China in 2008, 24 children were given golden rice to taste. Porridge, obtained from 50 grams of cereals, covered 60 percent of the children's daily requirement for vitamin A, and in terms of beta-carotene it was equal to the provitamin capsule that the second group of subjects received, or a small carrot.

    Why labeling "GMO-free" is not a guarantee of safety

    Concerns about some aspects of genetic engineering in agriculture, such as the linkage of GMOs to the use of herbicides or obtaining patents, are well founded. But none of really important issues does not concern the scientific aspect of genetic engineering, and even more so the moral component of this practice. Genetic engineering is a technology that can be used different ways, and for a clear statement of the question, it is important to understand the difference between the goals of applying the method and to study in detail each particular case. If you are concerned about pesticides and transparency about the origin of foods, you need to know about the composition and amount of toxins your food is exposed to. Of course, the label "GMO-free" does not mean that the farm has done without pesticides, and information on the content of GMOs, on the contrary, will not make it clear why genetic manipulations were carried out - perhaps to save crops from the virus or to increase nutritional properties. In fact, when choosing non-GMO products, we never know if we are making the right choice, because a genetically modified alternative may be safer.

    With GMOs under attack from all sides, the biopesticide industry is booming. When buying non-GMO products, it seems to us that we get healthy food free of toxins, while in fact, perhaps, we consume more harmful substances... It turns out that the marks on the content of GMOs do not make it clear what we actually eat, but only provide the illusion of safety.

    What are the consequences still worth thinking about

    Over the past twenty years, hundreds of studies have been done and tons of genetically modified foods have been eaten. Among them are not only plants, but also, for example, fish: salmon, modified to accelerate growth, or carp, resistant to Aeromonas bacteria. No amount of research will be enough to convince skeptics of the safety of GMOs. In turn, consumers can only rely on common sense and rely on the impartiality of numerous scientists, whose research speaks in defense of genetic engineering.

    However, the safety of GMOs for the human body is not the only cause for concern. Another problem is to be found in one of the most common uses of genetic engineering - in the production of crops that are tolerant to herbicides. In the United States, where this technology is common, three-quarters of cotton and corn grown are genetically modified to resist insects, and up to 85% of these plants are modified to develop resistance to herbicides, particularly glyphosate. By the way, one of the leaders in glyphosate sales is the aforementioned company Monsanto, which specializes in genetic engineering.

    While insect-resistant GMOs result in fewer insecticides being used, herbicide-tolerant engineered plants lead to an even greater use of these substances. The farmer's logic is that since glyphosate does not kill crops, it is possible to spray herbicides as generously as possible. As the "dose" increases, weeds also gradually develop pesticide tolerance, and more and more substances are required. Despite the debate over the safety of glyphosate, most experts argue that it is relatively safe. But there is an important indirect link: Weed tolerance to glyphosate is forcing farmers to use other, more toxic herbicides.

    What to expect in the near future

    The more you learn about GMOs, the more complex the overall picture seems. First comes the realization that genetic engineering is not evil at all, but then you realize that the use of GMOs may not have happy consequences at all. Pesticide versus pesticide, technology versus technology, risk versus risk - everything is relative, therefore, in each particular case, it is important to sensibly evaluate possible alternatives, choose the lesser of evils and not blindly trust the label “non-GMO”.

    Every housewife knows about genetically modified products. Not much, though. We are sure that if we conduct an experiment and offer to try a dish made from genetically modified products and grown in natural conditions without genetic engineering intervention, then you won't even feel the difference. Marketers have long been using the “non-GMO” labeling on bright product labels, and we intuitively choose packaging with this label, believing that it really is more useful product... Although a few of us will be able to clearly answer what genetically modified foods are and why they are so dangerous. FashionTime decided to conduct an educational program on this controversial issue and find out about the benefits and dangers of GMOs.

    What are GMOs?

    Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are foods and organisms that contain genes that have been transplanted from other plant or animal species. Every year the population of our planet is increasing, and it needs more and more food. The soil and fertile land in which crops were grown are being depleted. In order for a plant to obtain additional properties, such as resistance to diseases, an increase in insect resistance, and also an increase in yield, a gene of another plant is transplanted into its cells. This whole procedure takes place in a laboratory environment. For example, if you need to get a harvest ripe and delicious strawberries, then the gene will be introduced into its cell arctic fish... This will in no way affect taste qualities, and is aimed at identifying resistance to cold in strawberry fruits. However, if you are allergic to fish, you may experience it when you eat these GM berries.

    In Russia, the use of GMOs for food production has recently become allowed. The list of approved GM products includes only 14 types: 8 varieties of corn, 4 varieties of potatoes, 1 variety of rice and 1 variety of sugar beet. In our country, it is forbidden to use GM products in the production baby food... Nevertheless, a lot of GMO-containing products find their way to the shelves of our stores from abroad. According to the National Association genetic safety, about 30 - 40% of the foods in our diet contain GMOs. In the United States, the level of genetically modified foods is around 70%. Therefore, most of the products imported to Russia from the United States are genetically modified.

    Today in the world there are over 60 species of plants grown using genetic engineering. On the list of transgenes, the most popular foods that we eat every day are: rice, corn, soy, eggplant, apples, wheat, cabbage, strawberries, cucumbers, tobacco and others.

    The benefits of genetically modified foods

    The emergence of genetically modified products primarily had a beneficial effect on agriculture. The cultivation of genetically modified vegetables and fruits allows you to multiply the yield. And since these products are easier to grow, their cost is much lower. Also, GM products are able to independently fight insects, weeds, resist viruses and bacteria.

    Scientists in the laboratory can remove GM foods with a high content of vitamins and nutrients... Genetically modified products are also used in pharmacology, making vaccines on their basis against various diseases.

    The debate about the benefits and harms of genetically modified foods did not subside with the introduction of the first GMO. There are no clinically validated studies that prove that GMO consumption is directly or indirectly harmful to human health. On the contrary, the elimination of genetically modified products over time will increase the level of human immunity.

    Harm of genetically modified foods

    The science of breeding genetically modified products is very young. The first transgenic products were developed by Monsanto in 1988. So far, there is not a single well-established opinion on how harmful GM foods are. But environmentalists, scientists and even religious organizations oppose the removal of GM foods. Many scientists believe that GMOs increase the risk of dangerous allergic reactions, food poisoning and even mutations. They also contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance.

    The green movement has its own concerns about this. Ecologists believe that a genetically modified plant has a negative impact on the environment. For example, transgenic corn destroys not only harmful insects that are detrimental to productivity, but also other, absolutely harmless ones. Another serious problem is the crossing of crops of the same subspecies, during which one plant (weed) receives the genes for a healthy and edible product. As a result, the weed acquires beneficial features its counterpart and becomes completely immune to herbicides.

    Many scientists argue that genetically modified foods harm the human food system, disrupting metabolism and intestinal microflora, causing a weakening of immunity and the development of cancer.

    Where is GMO?

    Most often, GM foods are found in imported products. Transgenic products are grown in most countries of the world: USA, Brazil, Canada, China, Argentina, South Africa, Pakistan, India and with small indicators in almost all EU countries. Genetically modified plants can be a part of meat and sausage products, confectionery and bakery products, baby food, dairy products and margarine, vegetable, peanut butter, mayonnaise and other sauces.

    The manufacturer is obliged to inform on the product packaging if the product contains more than 0.9% GMO. The corresponding amendments to the law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" were made on December 12, 2007. The presence of transgenic products and their percentage should be indicated on the label in the list of ingredients.

    There is a famous list Greenpeace, which lists companies that produce GM products. You probably know many of them. We have selected the most popular brands on the Russian market: Nestle, Unilever, Hershey's, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Cadbury, Mars, PepsiCo, Lays, Cheetos, Schweppes, Pringles, Milka, Novartis, Parmalat, Talosto, CamPoMos, Daria-semi-finished products, Lipton , soups Campbell, Knorr.

    When choosing products in a supermarket, we habitually pay attention to the composition. On many of them you can see the mark "Non-GMO", indicating that genetically modified engineering did not have a hand in the cultivation of this product, and, therefore, it can be considered clean and safe. But if you think about what we know about genetic engineering and should you be afraid to include GMO foods in your diet? Let's figure it out.

    What is GMO

    First of all, let's understand the concept of GMOs. A genetically modified organism is an organism whose gene has been altered by crossing it with the gene of another organism. For modern scientists, such crossing does not pose any problems; they easily combine the gene of a plant, with the gene of a bacterium or even an animal.

    Why do you need to ask? In fact, geneticists made a revolutionary discovery by learning to overcome interspecies barriers and connect the genes of different organisms. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the properties and characteristics specific organism... It looks like this. A GMO potato is a potato that has been implanted with a poisonous insect gene so that pests bypass this product. As a result, we get beautiful tubers without damage and wormholes. Or GMO tomatoes are tomatoes with the northern flounder gene implanted. As a result of this crossing, tomatoes are not afraid of cold weather and do not turn black after heavy fogs. Today wheat is implanted with vitamins that were not previously contained in it, and in rice - the human albumin gene. This is done to increase the benefits and nutritional properties of cereals.

    Among other things, it turned out that genetic engineering had a significant impact on crop yields, because with the implantation of alien genes, the products became more hardy and resistant to temperatures. All this significantly reduced the cost of the harvesting process and increased the profits of farms. Is it any wonder that farmers are happy to grow GM foods? And consumers are much more pleased to buy juicy liquid apples, peppers or tomatoes, which look great, have an unsurpassed taste, and at the same time do not have any damage at all. There is only one fact that is alarming, which cannot be ignored.

    Why are GMO foods dangerous?

    Humanity is wary of genetically modified products, primarily because such products contain a foreign gene. There is an objective fear that modified products are harmful to humans, just so far their harm is not so obvious, but in the future, perhaps even after several generations, GMO products will deal a crushing blow to our descendants. In addition, there are suspicions that genetically modified foods can cause allergies, cause the growth of malignant tumors, disrupt metabolic processes in the body and antibiotic resistance.

    Statistics also add fuel to the fire, according to which in the United States, where the vast majority of products contain GMOs, more than 75% of the population suffers from allergies. At the same time, in Sweden, where a ban on the use of these products has been introduced, the number of allergy sufferers does not exceed 5%. It is possible that the presence of allergies has nothing to do with genetic engineering, but such data are very alarming and make you look with apprehension at all products of this kind.

    At the same time, genetic scientists assure us that there is no threat from the use of foods with GMOs, since in the process of digestion their gene cannot interbreed with the human gene. True, the evidence given by scientists does not exclude the risk at all gastrointestinal diseases, allergic pathologies or cancers caused by the activity of transgenes in the human body.

    The opinion that products with GMOs pose no more danger than products with preservatives and flavors may have a right to life, but this does not mean at all that such harm should be turned a blind eye. Howbeit, modern science has no evidence of the safety of genetically modified products, and therefore the term "potentially hazardous product" is used in relation to them.

    Why were GMO products created?

    Many people wonder why products were created, the effect on the body of which cannot be controlled? Here it is necessary to look into history. It turns out that the first transgenic products were born in the United States back in the mid-80s of the last century, and they were created with a good purpose - to finally rid mankind of hunger and feed the third world countries. But in reality everything turned out the other way around. Almost all African countries have abandoned the use of GMO products, in European countries restrictions have been imposed on them, but in the USA these products are produced everywhere and are very popular. And what about us in Russia?

    GMO products in Russia

    The number of genetically modified products in countries is monitored by the well-known organization Greenpeace. According to them, more than 35% of products in our country contain an altered gene. And every year the number of such products is increasing. Why it happens?

    We must say right away that the import of transgenic products into the Russian Federation is not prohibited, and therefore on the shelves of our stores natural products side by side with products that have been touched by the hand of genetic engineers. Moreover, while in European countries it is easy to distinguish genetically modified products from natural ones due to the lower price, in Russia natural vegetables and vegetables with a gene mutation cost about the same.

    Many will hardly be pleased with the fact that since July 2014, the cultivation of cultivated plants by the GMO method has been allowed in the Russian Federation. Moreover, permission was given to grow 14 types of plants, including: corn - 8 varieties, potatoes - 4 varieties, sugar beet - 1 variety and rice - 1 variety.

    Our scientists have already reacted to this permission, stating that the cultivation of modified cultivated plants will lead, neither more nor less, to the complete destruction of agriculture in the country! According to experts, the cultivation of GMOs in our country will lead to the emergence of super pests that are already appearing in other countries. But what is even more dangerous, the crops of farmers who grow organic products will be polluted, since soil contamination occurs under the influence of transgenes. And there is no need to look for evidence here. It is enough to look at the soils of those countries where modified vegetables and fruits have been grown for a long time. For example, all rapeseed in Canada today has become genetically modified, and all due to the fact that the pollen of a cereal with an altered gene was spread across the surrounding fields.

    Many are reassured by the fact that GMO foods are sold without restrictions in the United States and are not considered potentially hazardous. However, for those of us who adhere to healthy eating, you should know the foods that may contain the mutated gene.

    Foods that may contain GMOs

    1. All products containing soy, corn and rapeseed
    According to unofficial sources, all of these products found on supermarket shelves contain GMOs. When you see the word “vegetable protein” on the product label, rest assured that this is 100% transgenic soy. By the way, this protein is found in most meat and sausages, in mayonnaise and ketchup, chips and canned food, as well as in soy milk products.

    2. Margarine and vegetable oil
    According to statistics, 90% of all vegetable oils contains GMOs in our stores. Moreover, some manufacturers even dilute olive oil soy, and don't even report it on the labels.

    3. Candy, chocolate and ice cream
    Almost all chocolate products contain genetically modified components. You can notice this by the composition in which it is present soy lecithin... Similar soy components are found in ice cream, as, indeed, in all other dairy products.

    4. Baby food
    The overwhelming majority of foreign and domestic manufacturers use dairy products for the production of baby food and cereals with GMO.

    5. Confectionery and bakery products
    Flour, as well as bakery and confectionery may also contain altered genes. According to statistics, in our country more than 25% of all flour products contain these potentially hazardous substances.

    6. Vegetables
    Some vegetables are also genetically modified. GMOs are most commonly found in potatoes and tomatoes, beets and squash, melon and papaya.

    How to distinguish transgenic foods

    We have already mentioned that the cost of modified and natural products in our country is equal, which means that potentially dangerous products the cost will definitely not work. Appearance it will also say little to an ordinary man in the street, although when purchasing large juicy peppers, cucumbers or tomatoes in early spring, one should hardly expect that they were grown exclusively in a natural way.

    You will be surprised, but you shouldn't count on the “non-GMO” inscription on the labels of some products either. It turns out that, according to our legislation, the “Non-GMO” badge is placed on products containing less than 0.9% of substances with an altered gene, but even this limitation is bypassed by many manufacturers.

    The composition of the product is another matter. Having noticed soy lecithin or E322 additive in the composition of soft drinks, cereals or baby food, you can rest assured that this product is with a crossed gene. The same can be said if the composition contains maltodextrin, aspartame, dextrose, glucose, vegetable fat and soybean oil... And also be sure to look at the country of the manufacturer. Remember, almost 70% of all GMO products are produced in the USA, followed by Canada and France.

    What is left for ordinary buyers to do? Environmentally friendly pure products exist, you just need to look for them.

    Scheme 1

    Natural products coming to us from Europe are labeled Organic or BIO, with this badge (Scheme 1).

    Scheme 2

    You can, for example, find such flour or rolled oats (Scheme 2).

    In addition, natural products from Europe can be labeled with other symbols (Figure 3).

    Scheme 4

    By purchasing products with such a label, 99% can be sure that all the way from agricultural land to processing plants and packaging, this product has been done in strict accordance with environmental standards and has not been subjected to a gene change. In our country, we have the most quality products have the Rostet icon (Diagram 4).

    By purchasing products with such a designation, you, of course, will not protect yourself from GMOs, but you will be sure that it passed strict control quality. In addition, try to purchase products from those farms in the quality and naturalness of which you are sure. As a last resort, buy appropriate vegetables and fruits in season while you can, because crops sold in winter and early spring tend to have a crossed gene.

    The trends of recent years indicate that the number of genetically modified products in the world will only increase. However, this does not mean at all that we should follow the lead of manufacturers and use products that are not sure of their safety. Look for natural vegetables and fruits or grow them yourself, they are the ones that bring us benefits and health!
    Take care of yourself!

    In the 90s appeared the new kind seemingly familiar food products - GMOs. Since then, for a quarter of a century, the world's greatest scientists have been debating the benefits and dangers of GMO foods. The article will help you figure out whether genetically modified foods are so harmful.

    In the previous article, we reviewed and described their differences and composition. Today we are talking about such a common misconception as the harm of GMOs.

    GMO - harm or benefit

    Surprisingly attractive fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, with a uniform color, appeared on the shelves. The cereals also made us happy with their selection. And it cost several times less than the usual food until now, with a bunch of external flaws. GMO tasted fresh woody, but few people cared about it because of the savings on inexpensive products.

    On the safety of genetically modified organisms for human health, the conclusion of the Director General of the EC for Science and Information, made on the basis of 1500 world studies by the institutes of the science of engineering genetics, is noted.

    According to the manufacturers' statements, experiments, a thorough study of genetic biologists, the appearance of genetically modified nutrients contributes to:

    1. Increase the resistance of plants to bacterial attack, fungus, and other diseases.
    2. Decrease potential danger invasions of rodents and insects, as plants become unattractive to them.
    3. The volume of agricultural production is increasing, as it is adapted to drought seasons, sudden frosts.
    4. Introduce into the chain nutrients, vitamins, minerals.
    5. Replenishment of the feed crops market.
    6. Increasing the availability of products for low-income people.
    7. Strengthening the quality of food of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs.
    8. Reducing air pollution, as there is no use of pesticides.

    GMO research

    About dangerous exposure GMOs, as evidenced by the works of biologists - Irina Ermakova, Arpad Pustaya, Jacques-Eric Seralini. These studies have been thoroughly tested, refuted, and scientists criticized. An interesting fact is that the fighters who defended the gene modifications worked in the laboratories of the largest gene developers. Among them, the progenitor of plant genetic engineering is Monsanto.

    In 2010, the OAGS, together with the Severtsov Research Institute, conducted complex experiments with mammals. The hardest side effects after consumption of biologically altered species - multiplication of malignant cells, enlargement of organs, infertility.

    On January 30, 2015, scientists were listened to. In Russia, a bill has been adopted, as a result of which genetically modified crops are allowed for sowing exclusively on experimental sites.

    Products containing GMOs, plant seeds and food of animal origin are carefully controlled and regulated by law. Each of them, before entering the markets of the country, is initially thoroughly tested on high-tech devices of genetic engineering. The harm to organisms of animals, people, the environment is checked. If a product is found to be acceptable for consumption, manufacturers receive a sales approval.

    Should you be afraid of biogenic nutrition

    There is no unequivocal opinion about the benefits or dangers of biogenic developments. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that genetics is a complex structure, the introduction into which can attract Negative consequences... It is impossible to take into account the reaction of each organism - intolerance, allergies. A person acquiring transgenes does not know what microorganisms he is going to use.

    The risk of genetically modified elements is divided into conditionally potential and proven.


    The emergence of adapted pathogens - insects, weeds.
    Disappearance of natural biological samples due to pollination with transgenes.
    caused by a lack of nutrient balance.
    Intolerance and allergies.

    Conditionally potential:

    Toxicity of products associated with the lack of studies of termination or development of mutational properties after ingestion.
    Possible development of malignant tumors.
    Immunity of the user to antibiotics.

    List of products containing GMOs

    Domestic companies, after the law on limiting sowing, buy foreign raw materials. Well-known Russian firms using GM are Daria-semi-finished products, Talosto, Klinsky meat-packing plant, CampoMos, Bogatyr, Galina Blanca, and Yubileinoe cookies.

    Common foods often genetically modified:

    Soy, sunflower, corn;


    Cereal products (white flour);



    Multicomponent formulations, GMO foods:


    Carbonated drinks;

    Fish, meat - semi-finished products from them;


    Dairy products;

    Wine and vodka products;

    Baby food (dry mixes, mashed potatoes, juices).

    In Russia, they sell products that are extremely harmless and do not pose a danger to humans. But so far there are no precise mechanisms for determining the safety of a particular food product.

    How to determine the content of nutrients

    The definition of GMOs in products is regulated by law. Even if there is one harmless element in the components, manufacturers undertake to indicate the GM content in the composition and on the special product labeling.

    It is also possible to visually determine the content of genetically modified organisms. These are suspiciously cheap products. There are no flaws in the GM, it can be stored for weeks without a refrigerator. When cut, fruits and vegetables produce little juice. They taste bland, lean.

    Meat and fish also have a pronounced, unnatural color. When cut, they are easily separated into neat slices.

    Ignore the flamboyant "Non-GMO" signs. The manufacturer's legal right is to write anything on the cover. Look at the composition. There, companies, according to the law, indicate only reliable information.

    Eating or not using GMOs in food is everyone's personal choice. Of course, you should not bump into and suspect each product of its biogenicity. It is important to remember that only at the slightest sign of strange diseases, it is necessary to revise the food menu and seek help from a doctor.