What kind of chocolate is made without e 476. Soy lecithin E476 - benefits and harms to the human body

Animal lecithin, also known as the E476 stabilizer, is quite common in foods. Many countries of the world officially allowed it to be used, citing the fact that the substance is absolutely harmless to human health. However, E476, also known as polyglycerin, can pose a serious threat to humans.

E476 scope

Usually polyglycerin is obtained by processing various vegetable oils and, in particular, castor oil. The result is a fatty colorless substance devoid of odor and taste, which gives certain products the necessary properties. Nowadays, animal lecithin is most often used in the manufacture of chocolate, which can significantly reduce its cost. The degree of fusibility of this delicacy directly depends on the amount of cocoa butter content, which is by no means cheap. However, if you replace it with the stabilizer E476, then when making chocolate, its fluidity and fat content will be quite high, but such a product will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. In addition, chocolate with E476 stabilizer significantly improves its streamlining properties and is ideal for the production of bars with various types of fillings. It is noteworthy that the presence of polyglycerin does not affect the taste of chocolate.

Besides, today the additive E476 is very widely used in the manufacture of all kinds of sauces and ketchup, it can be found on the packaging of some types of mayonnaise and margarine, ready-made gravy, and liquid soups in vacuum packaging. Products that contain polyglycerin are quite cheap and, as a rule, are designed for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

Why is the food stabilizer E476 so harmful?

Direct evidence that polyglycerol can cause serious harm to human health does not exist today. However, from the moment the production of this supplement was put on stream, genetically modified plants began to be used for its manufacture. It is difficult to say what this is fraught with for the current generation of people. But it is possible that such a violation of the molecular chain can lead to irreversible changes in the human body at the genetic level and its degeneration.

Studies related to the effect of polyglycerol on human health have shown that the stabilizer E476 does not cause food allergies. Nonetheless, this product can lead to enlarged liver, kidney problems and excess weight... In particular, polyglycerin has a very negative effect on metabolic processes in the body. It has also been proven that foods containing such a supplement can cause digestive disturbances. Therefore, for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is best to refrain from eating foods with E476. By the way, today there is a safer substitute for polyglycerin, which is also widely used in industry. This is soy lecithin known by the label

Seeing ingredients labeled "E" in the composition of products, semi-finished products and finished products, consumers begin to doubt the quality of the product. One of these additives is soy lecithin, or E476. Many people try not to buy products with this component. Of course, the absence of any chemical additives is preferable, but in some cases you cannot do without them. In order not to worry in vain, it is worth getting to know better.

What does marking "E" mean?

Thanks to the active media, people have become more attentive to what they eat. Increasingly, in stores you can see buyers who check not only the expiration date of the selected product, but also its composition. At the same time, consumers are most interested in the presence of food additives marked "E" in the list of ingredients. As a rule, the presence of such additives forces the buyer to refuse the product.

In fact, the presence of "E" elements is not necessarily an indicator of poor product quality. For example, E476 is a conventional stabilizer. This auxiliary component is designed to increase the viscosity of the product, improving its consistency.

The letter "E" indicates only the European standard, and the numbers are the code designation of a particular additive. There are a lot of them, and not all of them are approved for use in the food industry. After the substance passes laboratory tests, tests on animals and humans, a final verdict is made. Then the reagent is added to the list of permitted or prohibited substances. Of course, it is impossible to remember all the permissible drugs, so for reliability you can download the list and save it to your phone, since the lists of E-elements are freely available.

E476 in the food industry

The E476 additive is officially included in the so-called "white" list. According to experts, it is absolutely harmless to humans and can be contained in food. Of course, only if its volumes are insignificant.

Soy lecithin is synthesized during the processing of vegetable oils such as castor oil. The substance is a colorless mass of oily texture that does not have a specific odor or taste. Most often, E476 can be found in the composition of such products:

  1. ... The presence of the substance can reduce the cost of cocoa butter. The quality of the products decreases markedly, but the price is also kept at a low level. Confectioners noticed that chocolate, which contains the E476 food additive, is characterized by increased fusibility and streamlining. This mass interacts best with various fillers.
  2. , tomato sauces, in about half of the cases contain soy lecithin. It gives the product a more appetizing appearance and reduces its cost.
  3. Ready-made soups also often contain E476. Especially if they are offered by a manufacturer with a name that has not yet been promoted.
  4. Ice cream and pastries, ready-made desserts.

Interesting fact
Russian-made products containing soy lecithin are more trustworthy than imported counterparts. The fact is that domestic soybeans are produced without the use of GMOs, which cannot be said about foreign products.

It turns out that the E476 food additive is used to reduce the price of the offered products. It replaces expensive or, improves the consistency of semi-finished and ready-made meals. The presence of soy lecithin in expensive products should be alarming. Either the manufacturer hides the real composition of the product, or unjustifiably inflates the price.

The benefits of soy lecithin

Oddly enough, the E476 food supplement also has positive properties. For example, a substance can be useful to the body as a building material. Lecithin repairs damaged cells by delivering nutrients to them. Observations have shown that a deficiency of lecithin can provoke inhibition of mental development in children.

In addition, E476 can have the following effect on the human body:

  • the level of "bad" cholesterol decreases;
  • strengthens the immune system, increases the hemoglobin index;
  • the intestines are cleaned, due to which its mucous membrane begins to more actively absorb fatty acids;
  • toxins and metabolic products are removed from tissues.

Another indisputable advantage of the E476 food additive is the fact that it does not accumulate in tissues and does not decompose into toxic compounds during processing. Within a few days after consumption, all components of the supplement will be removed from the body. True, there is no guarantee that during this time they will not have time to harm
With all this, the positive effect of artificially obtained lecithin is still not fully proven. It is difficult to determine the dosage in which it must enter the body to obtain the above results. Finally, it is not known how much it is found in certain foods. And it is not always possible to understand what origin E476 food additive was used in the production of a specific name.

Harm to food stabilizer E476

As for the negative impact of the supplement on the human body, nothing concrete can be said here either. Direct evidence that E476 in some dosages can have a bad effect on health has not yet been presented. However, when buying and consuming soy lecithin products, keep in mind the following:

  • E476, obtained from soybeans produced with the help of GMOs, can have absolutely any properties. And its effect on the body can lead to the most serious problems. In this case, violations will occur at the molecular level, which is fraught with irreversible changes.
  • Although E476 does not belong to substances that provoke food allergies, it is capable of provoking an enlarged liver, malfunctioning of the kidneys.
  • Statistics show that the dietary supplement may be related to the pathological weight gain to the point of obesity.
  • It has been proven that food with E476 in its composition provoke disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. For this reason, products with lecithin should not be consumed by people with pre-existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The constant presence of soy lecithin (primarily obtained through genetic engineering) in the diet can negatively affect the quality of metabolism. The processes will slow down, which will affect the general condition.
  • Products with E476 on the label should be given with extreme caution to children under the age of 12.

On the one hand, lecithin is useful, on the other, its artificial analog can be fraught with danger. Disputes about this continue, but for now, each consumer must determine the degree of risk and decide on the possibility of using such food.

Safer Soy Lecithin Analogs

All experts agree on one thing - it will be better if the composition of food products contains not E476, but E322. This plant-based lecithin is considered safer than its soy counterpart. It is allowed almost everywhere. It has been proven that the substance does not have a negative effect on the human body. True, recently there has been conflicting information on this chemical compound.

As a summary, it can be said that it is better to eat pure, natural foods that cannot be stored for a long time. To be sure of the shelf life and the absence of preservatives, it is better to cook the dishes yourself, there are obviously more harmful substances in semi-finished products. Mainly, pure foods are necessary for children, whose body is developing rapidly and absorbs any substances like a sponge. However, moderate consumption of foods with E-elements is quite acceptable for an adult.

Not a single element in the human body, provided by nature, is superfluous or useless. Each of them, like a screw, takes its place in the general mechanism. You've probably heard about lecithin and the fact that it is important for humans. In the article, we will talk in more detail about what this substance is, as well as about its beneficial properties and potential harm.

Lecithin - what is it?

Lecithin is an extremely important component of the body of every person. It ensures the replacement of damaged cells with new ones, participates in supporting the immune system, protecting the body from viral and infectious bacteria. Also, lecithin lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

The role of lecithin is invaluable in brain processes, for memory and the process of memorization. He participates in the formation of impulses in the nervous system. All beneficial properties for the human body can be obtained from naturally occurring lecithin. Unfortunately, in order to save on production and the cost of the product, manufacturers use E476 soy lecithin. And this is not the same at all. The beneficial and harmful properties of the soy component are fundamentally different from the classic natural product.

Soy lecithin is obtained by combining vegetable fatty acids. Castor oil is one of the sources of such substances. It, in turn, is obtained from the seeds of a plant called African castor bean.

Useful properties of soy lecithin E476

Soy lecithin under the number E476 belongs to the category of stabilizers and is considered a substance harmful to the human body. This substance is obtained from vegetable oils and genetically modified foods. Some sources refer to the soy supplement as polyglycerin. But this is the name of glycerin not of vegetable, but of animal origin.

In the food industry, soy lecithin acts as an emulsifier and stabilizer. That is, it imparts a thick consistency, preventing the product from spreading. In the confectionery business, such a substance is used as a component that allows the chocolate with a low cocoa butter content to flow around the filling correctly. This method allows you to save on production costs while maintaining a visually high-quality product at the end.

Curiously, some particularly resourceful manufacturers issue the replacement of cocoa butter with soy glycerin as a concern for customers - supposedly, reducing the fat content of the dessert (and soy glycerin is really less fatty than cocoa butter) allows you not to overload the body with fats. But at the same time they are silent about how much harm can be done!

What harm can soy lecithin E476 cause to the body?

There are some sources of information indicating the negative effects of soy lecithin on the kidneys and liver. However, there were no official data and statements on this score. However, people suffering from diseases of the relevant organs are advised to refrain from eating foods containing soy lecithin. Age is also a limitation - up to twelve years.

So, to know where to look for the enemy, let's take a look at a list of foods that are more likely to contain a harmful component:

  1. Often, the E476 additive is a component of margarine, as well as spreads.
  2. Most often, the substance E476 is used in the production of sauces - mayonnaise, sour cream and cheese.
  3. In ketchups, as well as directly in soy sauce, such lecithin is a frequent guest.
  4. E476 is often found in ready-made dishes that only need to be heated before serving: gravies and dressings, ready-made soups and main courses.
  5. Vegetable ice cream also contains a similar substance. In the composition, it can be designated as vegetable fat. If you are going to serve ice cream to children, read the ingredients twice carefully. A quality product should contain natural milk, as well as milk fat, but not soy fat.

Vegetable fats are also often used in the production of vegetable caviar and meat pates.

The E476 additive is allowed in Russia, Ukraine, European countries and Belarus. Since the launch of the production of soy lecithin and genetically modified products, the danger of the product has increased. Ingestion of this substance is fraught with metabolic disturbances, changes in the genetic code and degeneration. Allergic reactions and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. It is worth carefully studying the composition of the products and it is better to give preference to natural lecithin under the number E322.

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Food additive-emulsifier E476, also referred to as polyglycerol, polyricinoleates, refers to stabilizing agents and is a compound of fatty acids. Thanks to its addition to the composition, food products retain their viscosity and, moreover, their texture improves.

An additive is often used in chocolate and other products, although what effect it has on the body cannot be said unequivocally. This supplement is officially approved in most countries in the world, although some researchers claim that it is not entirely safe for health.

Polyglycerin is obtained from vegetable oils, usually from castor or castor bean seeds. However, recently, E476 has been quite often produced by processing genetically modified products (GMO).

Scope of food stabilizer E476

After processing vegetable oils, a fatty, colorless, odorless and tasteless substance is obtained, thanks to which certain products acquire the necessary properties. Often, E476 lecithin is used in the manufacture of chocolate in order to reduce its cost. The fusibility level of this delicacy directly depends on the content of cocoa butter in it, which is quite expensive. However, if you add stabilizer E476 to the composition, then the fluidity and fat content will be quite high and the price will be much cheaper. In addition, chocolate containing E476 has improved streamlining properties, which is ideal for making bars with various fillings.

E476 in chocolate - effect on the human body

To date, there is no official evidence that food stabilizer E476 is seriously harmful to human health. However, do not forget that this supplement began to be obtained by processing genetically modified plants. Often using products that contain E476, it is possible that this can lead to changes in the body at the genetic level.

In addition, some studies have shown that this product can negatively affect the metabolism, resulting in excess weight. Also, frequent use leads to an enlarged liver and kidney damage.

It is worth noting that there is a safer substitute for polyglycerin, which is also widely used - this is soy lecithin E322.

An important criterion for the safe use of food is that what food additives are contained inside.

According to the Federal Law "On the quality and safety of food products" No. 29-FZ dated 02.01.2000, they mean natural or artificial substances and their compounds, which deliberately introduced into food during manufacture to impart desired properties and / or maintain quality.

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Producers openly inform buyerswhen food additives are listed in ingredients with a unique code - 3-4-digit digital cipher according to the classifier of the International Digital System, preceded by the letter E.

There is a duality of legislation regarding the food additive E476. On Russian territory regulatory documents apply, which prohibit its use, but at the same time SanPiN allows the release.


What is it? E476 is polyglycerin or polyricinoleate, officially approved food additive.

The specified substance is assigned to the group emulsifiers, thickeners or stabilizers, that is, elements that can affect the viscosity of the product with which they are combined.

The texture remains unchanged, only the density increases. It is a fatty chemical compound without taste and odor that gives some products the desired properties.

You can also find such markings: polyglycerol polyricinolineate or PGPR.

How do you get it?

E476 can be produced only through chemical reactions.

During distillation of ricinoleic acid ester and glycerin the necessary remedy appears, often referred to as animal lecithin.

It is also possible to obtain this stabilizer-emulsifier from vegetation. Usually, oil from the seeds of a castor bean shrub or castor oil is used for processing.

In recent decades, genetically modified soybeans (GMOs) have been used the most in the production of E476.

Soy lecithin is a viscous, oily liquid substance of yellowish color.

It is easily soluble in oils and hydrocarbons, in alcohols it is slightly soluble, and in an aqueous solution or glycols it does not change at all.

It practically does not lend itself to solvolysis with water and is resistant to temperature extremes. Soy lecithin production cost is higher.

Substance properties

Polyglycerin, polyricinoleates belong to the conductors, which are characterized by stabilize viscosity and improve product uniformity.

Due to its unique properties, E476 is actively used to ensure ductility, density and homogeneity of various products with a similar consistency.

Including cosmetic products (gels, mousses, etc.).

The substance helps to reduce the disagreement between particles that at first glance do not lend themselves to mixing, such as water and oil.

As a result of the addition of polyglycerin output products are homogeneous.

Scope of application

Now, animal-based lecithin is often used in the preparation of chocolate, and this can significantly reduce costs.

If there is more cocoa butter in a chocolate treat, then it flows easier when melted, and so it is more nutritious.

The fusibility of such chocolate is determined by the amount of oil in the composition. But if you replace it with E476, then the fat content of the finished product will be much higher and will cost less.

At the same time, the indicators of buoyancy are noticeably improved, and chocolate is excellently produced with a variety of fillings.

This does not affect the taste..

Large trade brands (for example, Hershey, Nestle) claim that the replacement is made out of concern for well-being (implying that there is less fat in the chocolate), but the real reason is different: much less valuable and expensive cocoa butter is consumed.

And products containing polyglycerin are inexpensive and actively sold out socially unprotected stratum.

Admixture E476 received a wide application in food. It is often found on packaging materials:

  • mayonnaise, margarines, spread;
  • canned food, pates;
  • ice cream;
  • ready-made gravies, dressings, liquid soups;
  • chocolate spreads, sweets;
  • eggplant and squash caviar.

The additive is also used in the beauty industry, especially in products declared as natural.

Cosmetics with E476 in the composition are attractively priced. Usually it is well tolerated by consumers, only occasionally provoking a skin reaction in the form of allergies.

Baby food mixtures also include nutritional supplements. Usually they act as a thickener more harmless and natural lecithin E322, but in economy products you can find the E476.

Impact on health

Is this supplement dangerous? About the real impact on the body of food additives to this day scientific controversy.

There is still no official opinion on the harmful effect or usefulness.

After carrying out multiple checks, it was found out that E476 does not act as an allergen... Non-toxic, not capable of causing skin irritation even with direct contact.

Once in the body, it is gradually broken down by the intestines, only some of its components are absorbed and then broken down by the liver or partially excreted in feces and urine.

The maximum dose of E476 per day is 7.5 mg / kg of body weight. It is not advisable to exceed it, especially for children under 12 years of age and people with disabilities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite the fact that this food supplement is medically approved in many countries, it capable of damaging health:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • irreparable changes at the level of genetics and the degeneration of mankind;
  • overweight;
  • an increase in the volume of the liver;
  • disturbances in the work of the kidneys;
  • changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system in infants;
  • allergy - when using soy lecithin.

Possible positive influencessupplements include the following:

  • increased hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • activation of immunity;
  • helping the intestines to process fatty acids;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • fight against toxins.

The problem of limiting the effect of the stabilizer E476 on the body is becoming more urgent. It makes sense to take care of yourself on your ownfocusing on the ingredients and independently thinking through the menu.

Most supplements enter the body through industrially processed food.

Now it is almost impossible to exclude it from the market, even for the reason that the production technology from the very beginning is based on the use of additives.

Without them there will be utopian to maintain large volumes of sales and food transportation in international practice.

You can find out whether food additives with the letter E are harmful or not from the video:

E476 in chocolate, the effect on the body is controversial. There is an opinion that chocolate has a detrimental, harmful effect on the human body. In the process of studying the effects of chocolate, scientists were able to provide information on its benefits. It is important to note that we are talking about a quality, natural product. This can be determined according to the percentage of cocoa beans in the treat. You can eat the product on which the mark originates from 70 percent. If the indicator is 90 percent, then this is the elite, the best. Not surprisingly, dark chocolate is found to be healthy. As for the amazingly tasty bars, white, milk chocolate, they are useless.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

The influence of chocolate on the human body is priceless, as evidenced by the research of many scientists and nutritionists.

Treat properties:

Antioxidant. The product contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect a person from free radicals. They, in turn, contribute to cell damage. Such radicals cause aging and oncology. That is why it is beneficial to eat foods that are loaded with antioxidants. If you periodically eat natural black chocolate, you can avoid cancer and premature aging.

Healthy heart. Chocolate has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. By using it in food, at least twice a week, you can get rid of high blood pressure, improve blood flow and prevent blood clots from forming. Everyone's favorite delicacy prevents the development of atherosclerosis, which is manifested by hardening of the arteries.

Blood sugar control. Dark chocolate keeps blood vessels strong and healthy, protects against type II diabetes. It contains flavonoids that reduce insulin resistance. Therefore, cells can function fully using insulin intelligently and efficiently. Due to the fact that it has a low glycemic index, there is no risk of a surge in blood glucose.

Excellent state of brain activity. An increase in blood flow to the brain and heart is observed, and cognitive functions are noticeably improved. Dark chocolate prevents and prevents stroke, myocardial infarction. Due to certain chemical compounds, this natural product improves mood and cognitive health. The composition contains phenylethylamine, which is produced by the human brain during the period of love.

A source of minerals, vitamins. Chocolate contains a large list of minerals and vitamins that can maintain normal human health. When the percentage of cocoa beans is high, the composition contains:

  • iron - protects the body from iron deficiency anemia;
  • copper, potassium - prevent the development of stroke, heart and vascular diseases;
  • magnesium - reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, fights high blood pressure.

Thus, the benefits of dark chocolate are obvious. However, many people are sure that the E476 contained in it is harmful. Is this really so, it is worth figuring out.

The Phantom Menace E476

Stabilizer E476 is a lecithin of animal origin. Most countries allow the use of a stabilizer, explaining that it is not capable of causing harm. In fact, a supplement like this known as polyglycerin can be hazardous to health.

To date, there is no direct evidence that the additive is capable of harm. It is important to note that after the active use of E476, it began to be made from special plants that had undergone genetic modification.