Fibers in food. What foods contain fiber? Why a lack of fiber is dangerous

03.05.2019 Desserts and cakes

Fiber in the 70-80s of the last century in scientific works was often called because it does not carry energy value for the body. However, later it was found that dietary fiber (another name for fiber) has a specific effect on the intestines: improve motility, promote the elimination of toxins, and so on. Today, a list of fiber-rich foods is always close at hand for those seeking to lead healthy image life.

Useful ballast

Dietary fiber is that part of the food that is not digested by the secretions of the human gastrointestinal tract. This property makes them practically useless in terms of replenishing the body's energy reserves. At the same time, thanks to him (the table is given below), they are able to stimulate intestinal activity. The beneficial properties of dietary fiber also include:

    stimulation of bile secretion;

    elimination of excess cholesterol;

    cleansing the body of toxins;

    creating a sense of satiety.

Disease Assistant

One of the most common diseases digestive system today - constipation. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of this ailment, and he, in turn, provokes other unpleasant ailments. The inclusion in the diet of foods with high content fiber - good way prevention, and sometimes treatment (there are diseases in which fiber, on the contrary, is contraindicated).

Dietary fiber is necessarily included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes mellitus... Fiber reduces the need for injected insulin by increasing the resistance (sensitivity) of cells to this substance. Dietary fiber regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, thereby lowering their levels. The latter property makes them faithful helpers in the fight against excess weight.

In addition, fiber helps reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids and gallstone disease... Recently, gastroenterologists are increasingly talking about undeniable benefits dietary fiber in the fight against colon cancer.

Two types of fiber

Dietary fiber is divided into soluble and insoluble. Their effect on the body is somewhat different. Soluble, or "soft" fibers include:

  • dextran;

Fiber of this type removes from the body harmful substances, promotes the healing of the intestinal mucosa and the reduction of putrefactive processes. Insoluble dietary fiber improves the motility of the digestive tract, removes cholesterol, and enhances the secretion of bile. These include:



List of foods rich in fiber

Plant food is rich in ballast substances. The fiber content of the peel fresh fruit significantly exceeds its amount in the pulp. This rule also applies to cereals: Whole grains contain several times more dietary fiber than industrially processed foods. Dried fruits are also useful for digestion: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apricots. Vegetables rich in fiber include white cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes. A variety of nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, mushrooms and berries can also be used as a source of dietary fiber.

Today, you can find any fiber-rich foods on store shelves (a table showing the amount of dietary fiber per 100 grams of product is shown below). One of the favorites for this parameter is bran. In terms of fiber, they are significantly superior to many other foods.

List of foods rich in fiber
Products Products Fiber content (g / 100 g)
Cereal products


Brown rice5 Boiled peas5
White rice1 Green beans16
Flour coarse 9 Split peas23
Bran40 Lentils12
Dried fruits, nuts Beans25
Coconut24 Vegetables and greens
Almond14 White cabbage2
Fig18 Carrot2,4
Dried apricots18 Parsley, dill, salad2
Dried apples14,9 Radish3
Raisins7 Fried mushrooms6,8
Dates9 Boiled beets3
Peanut8 Tomatoes1,4
Fruits, berries
Apples with peel3 Oranges2,2
Kiwi3,8 Apricots2,1
Pears with peels3 Black currant4,8
Peaches2 Raspberries8

Daily requirement

Experts point out that a person needs to consume 25-40 g of fiber every day. The daily rate varies depending on the age of the person and the state of his body. The recommended amount for women is 25 g per day, for men - 40 g. After 50 years, the amount of fiber consumed by gastroenterologists is advised to reduce, since the elderly often have a decrease in intestinal motor function.

Specialist consultation required

Today, fiber can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of special preparations containing soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. They allow you to quickly replenish the body's need for ballast substances. However, after learning about the benefits of dietary fiber, do not immediately run to the store. Specialty preparations, as well as fiber-rich fruits, grains, and vegetables, can be both beneficial and harmful. Therefore, gastroenterologists and nutritionists recommend gradually introducing into the diet dishes with ingredients containing a large number of dietary fiber.

There are a number of diseases in which the list of foods rich in fiber is a list of contraindications. These include:

    diseases accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;

    acute infectious diseases;

    insufficient blood circulation.

Grapefruit, apple, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, cereals, bran and other foods high in fiber when overuse can lead to unpleasant consequences:

    bloating and gas production;

    the development of fermentation processes in the intestine;

    impaired absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

Do not change your usual menu drastically.

Sometimes, girls who have learned about the benefits of dietary fiber and studied the list of fiber-rich foods immediately switch to a new diet. Often, such a radical change in the menu leads to the unpleasant consequences mentioned above: bloating and increased gas production. A gradual increase in the amount of fiber in the diet will help to avoid such incidents. At the same time, the proportion of foods rich in dietary fiber is slowly increased every day. An indispensable part of the process is to closely monitor the body's response.

How to increase the proportion of fiber in the diet

Dietary fiber is almost absent in flour products top grade, in animal oils and vegetable origin, in fruit and vegetable juices, in all kinds confectionery, in meat and fish and so on. It is not necessary to immediately and permanently abandon these foods in favor of those rich in fiber. Instead of many of them, you can use similar, but more "alive". It is not difficult to gradually replace white bread with rye, premium flour - with whole grain. Instead of juices (we are talking about freshly squeezed ones), you can prepare smoothies that are popular today. Pumpkin slices, carrot and apple - great option for such a cocktail.

It should be remembered that most of the fiber is found in the skins of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is better not to peel cucumbers, apples and pears both for smoothies, there and during the preparation of salads. But avocado, the composition of which includes many elements useful for the body, should still be freed from the skin.

Minimum processing - maximum result

Fiber more in fresh produce... That is why patients with disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are allowed to eat only boiled or steamed vegetables. And for healthy body they are healthier when not cooked. Fruit salad able to replace the usual dessert. Instead of the favorite "Olivier", "Mimosa" and " Crab sticks»It is better to use dishes with fresh vegetables. Only one cabbage, the benefits of which are suggested to us with kindergarten and hardly anyone doubts that it can become an ingredient in a large number of salads.

Careful selection

Today it is easy to find fruits in the store both in winter and in summer. Keep in mind, however, that not all of them are created equal. At first glance, pineapples, oranges, mangoes and the same avocado composition are wonderful, but it is better to give preference to local and seasonal vegetables and fruit. Exotic dishes are brought to us from afar, and various chemical compounds are often used to keep them attractive. And in the absence of harmful substances, the usefulness of overseas products is lower than that of local ones, since they are often plucked unripe, when the fruits have not yet had time to gain strength, be filled with useful substances. Of course, you can include them in the diet, but you should carefully choose the supplier. Food preservation chemicals can cause allergies and stomach or intestinal problems. In short, in the pursuit of fiber, one should not forget about other needs of the body.

Brown rice and other grains, brown apples and pears, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage - the benefits of foods high in fiber have been confirmed by numerous studies. They help to avoid various ailmentsassociated with metabolic disorders and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pledge healthy body - variety and sense of proportion. Too much fiber, like fat, causes the body to malfunction. A familiar menu may contain some in excess and exclude others. Expanding the diet will help fill them. The beneficial properties of parsley roots, sprouting wheat, or the same peel of apples and cucumbers are often overlooked, simply because these ingredients are not too familiar to us.

Fiber supplied with food, or water-soluble and water-insoluble fiber, is not affected by the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. They bind waste, help to remove it from the body. Foods rich in fiber, cleanse the intestinal walls, are necessary for the digestive system, metabolic processes, prevention of hemorrhoids, colon tumors, myocardial infarction, diabetes.

What is fiber

The cellular membranes of plants, with the exception of algae, are composed of fiber. This is a fairly strong and tough substance.

At high magnification, it looks like a bundle of long fibers interconnected. They are elastic and durable, resistant to the action of digestive enzymes.

Fiber provides little energy and is poorly absorbed. But dietary fiber is necessary for the vital activity of the body, the prevention of various diseases.

There are six types of dietary fiber: cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, lignin, mucus, gums.

The walls of plant cells are made of cellulose. Hemicellulose, pectins and lignin are intercellular. Mucus is secreted from seaweed and seeds of some plants. Gums - from stems and seeds of tropical flora.

Dietary fiber absorbs moisture well, doubles its volume. The shells of grains (bran) are able to absorb water five times their mass.

Pastry products contain almost no fiber. It is completely absent in animal products.

Insoluble fiber

Water-insoluble fibers - cellulose, lignin - are found in cabbage, green peas, apples, carrots, and cucumber peels.

Cellulose refers to carbohydrates, absorbs water well, gives the waste volume and the necessary moisture, accelerates their passage and evacuation from the intestine.

Lignin is not a carbohydrate, it binds bile acids well, helps to lower blood levels. Reduces the risk of gallstones. When stored, its amount in vegetables increases.

Insoluble fiber normalizes. It is needed to prevent chronic constipation, which affects up to half of the adult population.

Every day, the body gets rid of the mass of waste that is formed after the breakdown of food. The volume of waste increased by insoluble fiber stimulates peristalsis - a wave-like contraction of the intestinal walls, makes it necessary to have regular bowel movements, and prevents constipation.

Eating foods that do not contain soluble fiber, cleanses the intestinal wall. The fiber scrubber effectively captures and evacuates waste.

The maintenance of natural physiological processes in the intestines by the use of fiber increases the body's defenses, strengthens.

Waste not evacuated in a timely manner rot, ferment, pathogenic microflora develops in the intestines.

In turn, it produces a mass of waste products that destroy the mucous membrane, are absorbed into the bloodstream, contribute to the development of diseases of the digestive system, and the formation of tumors.

Water Soluble Fiber

Water-soluble fibers - pectins, resins (legumes), alginase (algae), hemicellulose (barley) - do not swell when absorbed by water, like cellulose, but turn into bulk jelly with astringent properties. They slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and fats, give a quick feeling of fullness, and are low in calories.

After their use, it rises more slowly in the blood. The amount of insulin, which contributes to the deposition of fat, decreases, and excess weight does not accumulate.

Plant pectin substances necessary for the firmness and elasticity of tissues, to resist drought. Pectins and resins contribute to long-term storage product.

In the large intestine, pectins are broken down by microflora, maintaining the acid balance. In turn, the acidic environment contributes to the destruction of pathogens.

Foods rich in water-soluble fiber normalize the activity of the internal microflora, help to cope with flatulence, and reduce the content of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

The norms for the use of foods with fiber

It is believed that during the day it is necessary to eat foods containing a total of up to 30 g of fiber.

Some researchers believe that dietary fiber intake is age dependent and recommends fiber intake:

  • under 50 years old: women - 25 g, men - 38 g;
  • after 50 years: women - 21 g, men - 30 g.

The beneficial effect of dietary fiber is enhanced if the food contains vitamins C and E, beta-carotene.

How to take fiber

Nutrition should remain varied, consist of different types greens, fruits, vegetables, cereals. It is preferable to consume the whole vegetable or fruit in freshdo not mash or juice them.

Nutritionists suggest sticking to following rules fiber intake (in shares of the daily diet):

  • vegetable salads, herbs - 1/4;
  • fresh fruit - 1/4;
  • heat-treated root crops - 1/4;

The remaining 1/4 of the daily diet consists of:

Fiber should be included in the diet gradually and reach the recommended level within a month or two. Otherwise, it may swell, the chair will be disturbed.

The benefits of fiber

The inclusion of foods from dietary fiber in the diet is especially necessary female body... Fiber reproaches the withdrawal of excess sex hormones estrogen - a common cause of genital tumors in women.

Estrogens end up in the intestines with bile. Eating foods rich in dietary fiber removes hormones from the intestines, and their blood levels drop.

When estrogens are retained in the intestine for a day or longer, they are reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

Thus, the more plant fiber in food, the lower the risk of developing tumors, as well as heart disease.

Raw food, not heated and machining (puree), contain more healthy fiber... There is a lot of it in porridges.

  • Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which coats and relieves inflammation of the stomach lining.
  • Wheat porridge promotes the activity of the brain, heart, blood vessels, and organs of the digestive system.
  • Millet porridge improves intestinal motility, normalizes fat metabolism, blood glucose levels.
  • Barley porridge is especially useful for metabolic disorders, creates a feeling of fullness for a long time, and has a mild laxative effect.

You can add berries, nuts, fruits, raisins to cereals.

It is worth giving up cakes and rolls. Eat bran or wholemeal bread.

Fiber foods are good for all day, not just breakfast.

A low-fat, high-fiber diet is beneficial in treating diabetes.

Fiber and constipation

The reason for constipation - stool retention for more than two days, difficulty in emptying the intestines - may be a lack of fiber products, taking certain medications.

With stool retention, the mucous membrane of the colon comes into contact with feces for a long time, and is gradually destroyed by the action of carcinogens.

If you are prone to constipation, it is worth excluding or limiting easily digestible foods - fish and meat soups, white bread, mashed potatoes etc.

At the same time include foods rich in plant fiber. For example, nuts. They are high in calories, but contain a lot of dietary fiber. A table showing which foods contain fiber is presented below in this article.

On the other hand, including dietary fiber for general health benefits can cause constipation if not consumed enough liquids - up to 2 liters per day.

A definite indicator of sufficient fluid intake in the body is the color of the urine. If it is light, there is enough water. A rich yellow hue signals a lack of moisture.

You should not drink liquid immediately after eating fruits (for example, apples), so as not to cause increased gas formation.

Popular recipes with fiber for constipation

When constipation is worth a try following recipes with foods that contain fiber.

  1. Grate coarsely 100g carrots and 100g cucumbers, add 5g, 5g seeds. Eat at night.
  2. Grate 200g of fresh pumpkin with peel, add 100g of grated boiled. Consume for three doses.
  3. Grate coarsely 300g of boiled beets, add 50g walnuts without shell, 150g prunes. Consume 100 g of the mixture three times a day. To be treated for two days.

List and table of foods containing fiber

Often, a vegetable or fruit contains both soluble and insoluble fibers. For example, the peel of apples contains insoluble fiber, and the pulp contains soluble fiber.

On the other hand, the skins of purchased vegetables and fruits may contain harmful substances. For example, cucumbers cleanse the entire body and have a diuretic effect. But their peel accumulates nitrates, so it is better to peel the purchased cucumber before eating.

Below is a list various productscontaining dietary fiber:

Table of foods containing the most fiber
Product (100g)Fiber content (in grams)
Green peas6,00
Beans (beans)3,70
Green onion2,10
Thick leaf salad2,10
Parsley (greens)1,80
Celery (leaves)1,40
Green salad0,50
Wheat bran12,00
Unpeeled rice9,00
Puffed corn3,90
Boiled corn3,10
Oat flakes "Hercules"3,10
Bran bread2,20
Rye bread1,10
Wheat bread0,20
Oat groats2,80
Millet groats2,70
Pearl barley2,00
Rice groats1,40
Barley groats1,40
Brussels sprouts3,00
Horseradish (root)2,80
White cabbage2,00
Sweet pepper1,10
Unpeeled apples4,10
Dried apricot3,50
Dried apricots3,20
Fresh apricot0,80
Dried figs5,30
Sea buckthorn4,70
Black currant3,00
Rowan chokeberry2,70
Red currants2,50

Correct use of bran

Bran is the most fiber-rich food. Their reception facilitates bowel movements, normalizes metabolism.

Ground bran. Before use, boil the recommended daily dose... After half an hour, drain the water, squeeze the bran a little. In this form, add to kefir, cereals, salads.

Fry the bran purchased in the store on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 200C for 10 minutes. Store in a cloth bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Granular bran. Add to kefir, milk, soup immediately before use. Often they include, seaweed, vitamins that make the product healthier.

The bran is sold in pharmacies or supermarkets.

It is worth starting to take bran gradually, brewing 1 tsp three times a day. Within two weeks, increase the daily dose to 3 C. l. After two months, stop taking, use other foods rich in fiber.

Wheat bran has the softest vegetable fibers. Rye bran is easy to digest. Oat bran has the roughest structure.

For recovery and weight loss, it is better to start the reception with wheat or rye variety.

Harm and contraindications

Some include fiber-rich foods in their diets to treat gastric problems. Despite the intensification of complaints, they continue to take plant fibers, which are so beneficial to the body.

In this case, it is worth using less useful products that have passed mechanical and heat treatmentthan to be treated with coarse insoluble fiber, injure the weakened mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Prolonged consumption of fiber in large quantities, and, as a result, long-term violation of the principles rational nutrition can lead to nutritional diseases - associated with improper or insufficient nutrition.

The intake of foods containing fiber should be limited when inflammatory diseases intestines, accelerated peristalsis.

Plant fibers should not be included in the diet of children under 5-6 months, as it can cause diarrhea, intestinal colic (paroxysmal pain). It is better for small ones to give clarified juices without pulp.

Eating fiber-rich foods can cause.

In older adults, constipation can lead to fecal incontinence.

You should not take products with plant fibers during an exacerbation of the duodenum. During periods of remission (weakening or complete disappearance of symptoms), administration is possible.

In case of diarrhea, plant fibers are contraindicated until the stool consistency is fully restored.

Insoluble fiber is rough on the digestive tract and irritates the intestinal wall. The body gets an incentive to get rid of its contents completely as soon as possible.

With prolonged use, the body thickens the mucous membrane, its sensitivity decreases. At the same time, its ability to absorb nutrients deteriorates.

At some point, you have to increase the dose, otherwise the proven way to get rid of constipation stops working.

Decreased digestibility of food, spasms, as well as ulcerative colitis, adhesion of the intestinal walls, and other diseases of the digestive system may be the result of the use of excessively coarse insoluble fiber. Or, conversely, insufficient intake of dietary fiber.

Changed: 11.02.2019

Every day we all eat something, and most people are interested in the health benefits of the food we eat. So, everyone knows about the benefits of plant foods, but most often they talk about the high content of all kinds of vitamins and nutrients, and rarely mention such important elementlike fiber. Meanwhile, it has already been called one of the components of the recipe for longevity and excellent remedy for supporting good health... It is worthwhile to understand in more detail the benefits of this element for our body and find out which foods contain fiber, so as not to miss the opportunity and include it in your diet.

Few people know what fiber actually is, what it looks like and why it is so useful. Accordingly, our knowledge of the need to consume it leaves much to be desired. Scientifically speaking, fiber is a complex carbohydrate made up of non-starch polysaccharides, resistant starch, and cellulose. It is unlikely that anything will become clear from this definition, so we will try to explain it in a different way. Fiber is a rough and practically indigestible part of a plant. Fiber can be thought of as a plexus of plant fibers. Now it becomes clear which foods contain fiber, these are all kinds of leaves, for example, lettuce or cabbage, beans, fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains.

Naturally, the question may arise, if our body is not able to digest fiber, then what is the use of it? Fiber is considered a nutrient, along with vitamins and minerals, it does not provide our body with energy, but, nevertheless, plays important role in the process of life and is an essential element of our nutrition. Therefore, it is important to know not only which foods contain fiber, but also how it affects the body. To understand the benefits of fiber for our body, you need to understand the mechanism of its action. Fiber is a hollow fiber that, when it gets into a liquid medium, significantly increases in volume. It is this feature that makes fiber especially important for our digestive system.

There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Soluble include resins, pectins and insulin. Soluble fiber stabilizes blood sugar levels, slows down food digestion and glucose absorption, maintains acidity, and helps prevent cardiovascular disease... Insoluble fiber is lingin and cellulose. It is called insoluble because it does not decompose in water, which means it improves intestinal permeability and promotes faster saturation. Such fiber helps to cleanse the body, protects against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents the development of obesity - which is not a reason to find out which foods contain fiber!

Since fiber is not broken down or digested, it can be used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, to stimulate its work and more efficient absorption of nutrients contained in foods. In addition, fiber lowers blood cholesterol levels, which leads to a lower risk of heart disease. It is not in vain that many diets include foods rich in fiber, they slow down the absorption of fats, promote quick satiety and a long-lasting feeling of satiety, thereby preserving the slimness of your figure. In addition, there are practically no calories in fiber that many women hate, so if you want to lose weight, you just need to know which foods contain fiber.

So, let's take a closer look at which foods contain fiber.

1. Vegetables. As a rule, these are the ones we think about first when it comes to fiber. Especially rich in fiber are squash, pumpkin, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, green pea, lettuce, and parsley and dill. All this is quite affordable and delicious food, which are the basis of many dishes, which means that it will not be difficult to include them in your daily diet.

2. Fruit. The richest source of such vegetable fiberlike fiber, are fruits. The fact is that fruits contain a large amount of pectin, a source of soluble fiber, in addition, fruits contain cellulose, an insoluble fiber that improves digestion. Record holders for fiber content include apples, pears, prunes, plums, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, bananas and apricots. Do not forget about dried fruits, from which most of the moisture is removed and left maximum amount fiber. So, do not bypass dried apricots, apricots and raisins.

3. Berry. In search of an answer to the question of which foods contain fiber, one should not ignore the berry. Almost any berry can become great source dietary fiber. Especially worth noting are raspberries and strawberries, which contain the largest number fiber.

4. Nuts. It is worth including them in your daily diet. Everyone knows beneficial features nuts and their value for our body. Despite their calorie content, a small portion of nuts is able to provide our body with fiber every day. The largest amount of dietary fiber is found in almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts, and peanuts.

5. Whole grains. Many have already heard of whole grain breads and other foods from whole grain flour, as well as about bran and germinated grains of cereal plants. All these whole grains contain soluble fiber and lower blood cholesterol levels. So, you should include in your diet whole grain bread, bran, add sprouted grains to dishes, and cereals, buckwheat and corn grits.

6. Legumes. Include beans, peas, and lentils in your diet - legumes are excellent sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber. So, just one serving of lentils can contain up to 16 grams of fiber!

Now, knowing which foods contain fiber, you need to find out the rates of its consumption. Nutritionists recommend consuming at least 25 grams of fiber daily. It is unlikely that someone will be able to immediately coolly change their diet and start eating 500 grams daily. beans, 1 kg of oatmeal or 100 gr. loaves of bread. You should start with your usual snacks and eat a handful of nuts or a couple of fruits instead of chocolates or sweets. And instead of the usual pasta for lunch, use the vegetables you like from the list as a side dish. Start increasing your fiber intake gradually, and after a couple of weeks you will reach your recommended daily allowance. A dramatic increase in fiber in the diet can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as bloating.

Do not forget about the mechanism of work of fiber, therefore, along with an increase in its consumption, it is worth increasing the consumption of water. Eat only fresh vegetables and fruits that have escaped heat treatment, as a last resort, vegetables can be stewed or baked in the oven. You can try to replace the usual sweet desserts with no less sweet, but more healthy fruits or a berry. To provide the body with fiber, it is enough to eat at least 3 fruits a day, at least 300 grams. vegetables, 4 pieces whole grain bread, 4 servings of oatmeal or rice, and 2 servings of beans, peas, or corn.

How to fit at least some of these products into your daily menu? Remember what mothers and grandmothers taught us. So, it's worth getting into the habit of having breakfast. oatmeal, you can replace it with muesli homemade with the addition of your favorite fresh and dried fruits, as well as milk, natural yoghurt, honey or juice. If it is not possible to organize a three-course lunch and include vegetables for the first and second, and prepare compote for the third, then leave at least vegetable soup or bean soup. Knowing which foods contain fiber, you can include them in your diet every day, and we offer several recipes from the foods mentioned above.

Muesli with berries and seasonal fruits

1 / "Art. oatmeal,
½ tbsp. yogurt,
2 tbsp mixtures of dried fruits and nuts,
2 tbsp strawberries or raspberries,
1 any seasonal fruit.

Put half the oatmeal in a deep cup, put half the yogurt on them, then oatmeal and yogurt again. Wash the fruit of your choice and cut into very small cubes. Also cut the strawberries, if you took raspberries, then you can not chop them. Chop dried fruits finely and chop nuts. Put the fruit, berries and the mixture of nuts and dried fruits on top of the yogurt, cover the muesli with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight. Stir the muesli in the morning and serve.

3 /; Art. lentils,
300 gr. eggplant,
2 tomatoes,
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic,
4 tablespoons vegetable oil,

Rinse the lentils and pour 1 liter of boiling water, put them on fire and cook over moderate heat, covered with a lid. Pay attention to the color of the lentils, the red one cooks much faster than the green one. Peel the eggplants, cut into slices and fry a little in vegetable oil. Wash the tomatoes and make a cross-shaped incision on them, dip them in boiling water for a few seconds and remove the skin from them. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion, fry it in vegetable oil, then add the tomatoes and simmer everything for about 3 minutes, stirring constantly. When the lentils are ready, season with salt, add more boiling water, add the eggplant and continue cooking. After 5 minutes, add the tomatoes and onions to the soup and let the soup simmer for 3 minutes. At this time, chop the garlic and add it to the soup, cook for another 1 minute, then remove from heat. Season the soup with parsley when serving.

3 zucchini,
150 g hard cheese
1 tbsp. milk,
½ tbsp. bread crumbs,
4 eggs,
vegetable oil,
ground pepper,

Wash the courgettes, peel and cut into cubes. Boil the zucchini in a little salted water. Then mash them and cool. Add breadcrumbs, a glass of milk and grated on coarse grater cheese. Beat 4 eggs and chop the parsley and add to the courgettes. Grease a baking dish vegetable oil, put the squash mass and place in the preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Speaking about which foods contain fiber, do not forget that you should not abuse it, since its excess, like a deficiency, can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of indigestion. However, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and legumes are not only an excellent source of fiber, all these foods are rich in other nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, so their inclusion in daily menu will affect your health in a beneficial way. At the same time, try to maintain a balance of all nutrients and make your menu not only useful, but also tasty and varied!

/ 16.05.2018

Which cereal contains the most fiber. Fiber-rich foods, types of fiber.

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Foods rich in coarse fiber

Fiber is divided into two types: soluble (soft) and insoluble (coarse). The greatest benefit for our body, coarse fibers, which are a glucose polymer, provide. They do not split into gastrointestinal tract, are excreted naturally, are not a source of energy. Coarse fiber reduces the risk of cancer, helps to reduce weight, and lowers cholesterol synthesis. Therefore, coarse fiber must be present in the diet of every person. Today we will tell you which foods contain coarse fiber.

Foods rich in coarse fiber are necessary for the human body to accelerate the synthesis of lipase in adipose tissue, regulate the amount of glucose in the blood, lower plasma cholesterol, and normalize intestinal microflora, elimination of bile acids, as well as in order to avoid the formation of stones in the gallbladder. In addition, fiber reduces the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids, and prevents the development of cancer.

Coarse fiber is especially beneficial women's health... If the fairer sex regularly eat foods containing fiber and coarse fiber, then the risk of developing breast cancer or ovarian cancer is reduced.

Rough vegetable fiberthat enters the body from certain food is not broken down in the stomach, it begins to absorb toxins and harmful substances. This is due to silicon, which literally attracts heavy metals, radionuclides and viruses.

The benefits of coarse fibers for the body do not end there. If you want to maintain body weight, lose weight, then foods containing coarse fiber should be the basis of your diet. It not only has a low calorie content, but also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In the stomach, it increases significantly in volume, stimulating the intestines and bringing a feeling of fullness. Regular use such food leads to appetite suppression, excretion of water and sodium, creating a feeling of fullness.

What foods contain coarse fiber: a list

Foods rich in coarse fiber include bran, meals from wholemeal flour, cereals and muesli from hard cereals, as well as corn and brown rice... Add sprouted grains, bran, oatmeal to salads.

TO herbal products, rich in coarse fiber, also include vegetables and fruits: cauliflower, beans, broccoli, potatoes, pumpkin, cucumber, dill, bell pepper... It is advisable to use them with the peel, since it is in it that the maximum amount of coarse fiber is. Therefore, do not peel pears, apples, peaches and other fruits. Note that heat treatment does not affect the amount of fiber. Still, it is advisable to consume them raw.

Coarse fiber intake

We have introduced you full list products containing coarse fiber. Now it is important to talk about the rules and norms of consumption of products containing coarse vegetable fiber.

An adult needs 25-40 grams of coarse fiber per day. The exact daily requirement depends on physical activity, weight, health status. To get such an amount of coarse fiber, it is enough to eat 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Please note that this substance should be introduced into the body gradually.

Fiber-rich foods list

Fiber-rich berries and fruits

So which foods are high in fiber - let's look at the top 5 berries and fruits containing the most fiber.

Cellulose: 6.7 g per 100 g.

Avocado contains: vitamins C, E, B6, B9, K, potassium.

The fiber content of avocados varies by cultivar. There is a difference in fiber content and composition between bright green, smooth-skinned avocados and smaller, darker avocados. Bright green, smooth-skinned avocados contain more insoluble dietary fiber than smaller, darker fruits. In addition to dietary fiber, avocados are abundant, which help and the risk of heart disease.

Cellulose: 3.6 g per 100 g.

Crispy, sweet and tasty, Asian pears are high in fiber, but also rich in omega-6 fatty acids (54 mg per 100 g), associated with healthy cells, brain and nerve function (). American Heart Association recommends that at least 5% to 10% of calories come from foods containing omega-6 fatty acids.

3. Berries

Fiber in raspberries: 6.5 g per 100 g.

Raspberry contains: vitamins A, C, E, K, B9.

Dietary fiber in blackberries: 5.3 g per 100 g.

Blackberry contains: vitamin C, vitamin K, fatty acid omega-6, potassium,.

Blackberries are rich in vitamin K, a high intake of which is associated with increased density bone tissue, while the high levels of manganese in raspberries help maintain healthy bones, skin, and normal blood sugar levels. In addition to excellent taste and the above beneficial effects, these berries provide the body with a significant amount of high quality fiber, which also contributes to the overall health of the body.

Cellulose: 9 g per 100 g of coconut pulp.

Coconut contains: manganese, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin B9 and.

Dried and fresh figs are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Unlike many other foods, figs have an almost perfect balance of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Figs are associated with lower blood pressure and protection against macular degeneration, in addition to the benefits associated with adequate fiber intake. Even if you don't love dried figsThe fresh fruits are delicious and can be served on top of cereals, salads and even stuffed with goat cheese and honey for a special dessert.

Fiber-rich vegetables

Foods Contains - The food list includes the six vegetables that contain the most fiber.

Cellulose: 5.4 g / 100 g.

Artichoke contains: vitamins A, C, E, B, K, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Low-calorie, high in fiber and essential nutrients, artichokes - great addition to your diet. Just one medium artichoke provides you with almost half of the RDI for women and 1/3 of the RDI for men. They are also some of the best antioxidant foods.

Fiber in raw green peas: 5.1 g per 100 g.

Fiber in canned green peas: 4.1 g per 100 g of product.

Fiber in boiled peas: 8.3 g per 100 g.

Peas contain: vitamins C, K, B6, B9, A, thiamine, manganese, protein.

Peas are rich in fiber and powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients that support health. Frozen peas available all year round, that makes him perfect product for inclusion in your diet. You can use both dry split peas for making soups and mashed potatoes, and fresh-frozen, which should be lightly steamed before adding to your dishes (soups, salads). Adding it to your meals can add a subtle sweetness while providing almost 100% of the recommended daily allowance consumption of vitamin C and more than 25% of thiamine and folic acid.

Cellulose: 3.2 g per 100 g.

Okra contains: vitamins A, C, K, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, protein.

Okra provides the body with high quality fiber and is one of. This vegetable is packed with nutrients and is easily incorporated into soups and stews.

9. Acorn pumpkin (acorn pumpkin)

Cellulose: 4.4 g per 100 g cooked food (baked).

Acorn pumpkin contains: vitamins C, A, B6, B9, thiamine, potassium, manganese, magnesium.

Acorn pumpkin is rich in nutrients and dietary fiber. Its nutritious, brightly colored pulp is replete with soluble fiber, which slows down the rate at which food is digested, allowing better absorption of nutrients. Acorn squash can be baked in the oven and used as a substitute for white and others.

Cellulose: 3.8 g per 100 g.

Brussels sprouts contain: vitamins C, K, B1, B2, B6, B9, manganese.

As one of the most nutrient-dense cruciferous vegetables, brussels sprouts is one of best products high in fiber. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, Brussels sprouts support healthy detoxification and may reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Cellulose: 2 g per 100 g.

Turnip contains: vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium.

Turnip is rich in essential nutrients and is an excellent source of fiber. It can be consumed both raw and cooked.

Fiber-rich legumes

What foods have the most fiber - Legumes are on the list of foods rich in dietary fiber.

To cook legumes perfectly, you need:

Wash half a kilo of legumes thoroughly. They do not need to be pre-soaked in water. Place them in a saucepan, cover with 7 cups of water and add ¼ teaspoon. Cook over low heat for 8 to 10 hours until they are cooked to the desired degree.

Note... When you eat legumes, it is imperative to increase your water intake. Water helps flush toxins from your body, but it also helps reduce the gas and bloating associated with these foods.

Cellulose: 8.7 g per 100 g

Black beans contain: protein, thiamine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, folic acid.

Black beans are nutrient-rich foods that provide the human body with big amount protein and fiber. The high content of flavonoids and antioxidants helps fight free radicals, reducing the risk of certain cancers and inflammatory diseases.

Cellulose: 7.6 g per 100 g.

Chickpea contains: protein, copper, folic acid, manganese, omega-6 fatty acids,.

Chickpeas have been used as a food item around the world for thousands of years. It is rich in essential nutrients including manganese. In fact, these small legumes provide 84% of your RDA for manganese.

Cellulose: 5.3 g per 100 g.

Moon beans contains: copper, manganese, phosphorus, protein, vitamins B2, B6, B9.

In addition to an outstanding amount of dietary fiber, moon beans (lima beans) contain almost 25% of the daily recommended intake of iron, making them very useful product for women. Manganese helps in energy production and antioxidants help fight free radicals.

Cellulose: 8.3 g per 100 g.

Split peas contain: protein, thiamine, folic acid, manganese, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids.

One serving of split pea soup can contain a third of the RDA for folate, in addition to more than half of the RDA for dietary fiber.

Cellulose: 7.9 g per 100 g.

Lentils contain: protein, iron, folic acid, manganese, phosphorus.

In addition to being rich in dietary fiber, lentils are also high in folate. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is essential for pregnant women, people with liver disease, and people taking certain medications. Pilafs and soups with lentils - great way incorporate this fiber-rich food into your diet.

Fiber-rich nuts, grains and seeds

Food rich in fiber - the list of foods includes these four nuts, grains and seeds that are rich in dietary fiber.

Fiber in almonds: 12.2 g per 100 g.

Almonds contain: protein, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, riboflavin, omega-6 fatty acids.

Fiber in walnut : 6.7 g per 100 g.

Walnut contains: protein, manganese, copper, omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B6, B9, phosphorus.

Cellulose: 37.7 g / 100 g.

Chia seeds contain: proteins, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids.

Chia seeds are a true superfood that is easy to incorporate into your daily diet. High levels of fiber and essential nutrients help increase energy, maintain a healthy digestive system, and provide comprehensive health benefits. As with legumes, some people may experience flatulence and bloating when consumed chia seed... Simply increasing your water intake will help you minimize these symptoms. To prevent these symptoms, you can also soak chia seeds before using them. It will also help better assimilation nutrients.

Cellulose: 7 g per 100 g.

Quinoa contains: iron, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium.

Quinoa has an amazing nutritional profile, is easy to digest and contains no. Quinoa is high in other essential nutrients such as iron, vitamin B6, potassium and magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most underrated yet essential trace minerals that protects the heart and helps almost every function in the body. Many people have and do not even know about it. So, not only does quinoa add valuable fiber to your diet, it is a great superfood for many other reasons.

20 fiber-rich foods on this list - the best way get the fiber you need. Introduce them gradually and drink plenty of decaffeinated water and drinks to help fiber do its job.