Green juices are good and bad. Freshly squeezed juices - good or bad? For the best assimilation

01.05.2019 Healthy eating

Do you know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? It is known that all phytonutrients from them begin to volatilize immediately after preparation. And vitamin C, in contact with the metal parts of the juicer and the air, is completely destroyed within half an hour. That is why such juices should be drunk immediately! The only exception is the beetroot drink.

In the sunny south

While vacationing in Crimea, many pay attention to the sale of fruits. For example, in the city of Yalta, in the central market, sellers sell pomegranates and, at the same time, immediately make fresh out of it on the spot. People ask them to make them juice from this delicious fruit and within a couple of minutes they drink it. Some acquire and immediately use already ready drink that stood on the counter in the sun for an unknown amount of time.

There are customers who buy juice with the words "I'll go home tomorrow and take them for children as a gift." Apparently, they do not know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. After half an hour, all the vitamins in them disappear, they begin to turn sour and turn into a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. What will they bring to the kids? A dark red liquid with germs?


And how to drink fresh juices correctly? Consuming these beverages provides an efficient and easy way to obtain daily dose vitamins from vegetables and fruits. Since there is no fiber in fresh juices, fructose from it is absorbed by our body very quickly, which can disrupt the sugar balance in the blood.

Drinks made from vegetables (with the exception of carrots and beets) do not have this negative effect. Therefore, doctors advise to consume more vegetable juices and limit the intake of fruit juices to one glass per day.

It is known that one glass of juice can be prepared from 3-4 oranges, which in its composition will contain up to 8 tsp. Sahara.


Not everyone knows how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. You shouldn't be afraid to experiment. Most people do not want to mix these juices. But it is known that it is necessary and possible to combine them. Not everyone can drink pomegranate or lemon juice because of the sugary and acidic. If you mix them with others, you get delicious cocktail from minerals and vitamins.

Of course, not all drinks can be combined thoughtlessly. Many of them ferment when combined. By the way, sugar and salt cannot be added to fresh juice. If the juice tastes too sour, add a little honey to it, and if it is sweet, dilute it with another juice or water.


Are you interested in the question of how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? Do not try to consume them during or immediately after breakfast. Fresh is a concentrate of active substances. He begins to wander, reacting with food. As a result, a person develops bloating, heartburn, and many side symptoms of flatulence. In addition, he asks himself, "What have I eaten?" There is a simple answer to this question: fresh must be consumed on time.

With high acidity, you need to drink such drinks an hour after breakfast or lunch, and with low acidity, an hour before meals.

Several rules

Nobody taught you how to drink freshly squeezed juices in the morning? Let's try to understand this issue. All fruits and fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach. After all, the fruits are digested in the small intestine. If there is a lot of food in the stomach, then, upon reaching it, the fruits fall into the trap and begin to ferment.

Not everyone can start the day with a glass of citrus juice. Each of us has our own ailments - one morning reception this drink will benefit, and complications for others! For example, people with gastritis or ulcers are not allowed to consume citrus juices on an empty stomach. This rule also applies to those who have a pain in the gallbladder or pancreas.

One of the sugary drinks is pineapple juice. That is why it is impossible to lose weight with it. It breaks down proteins, not fats. Nevertheless, it contains a colossal amount of amino acids that improve human digestion.

Medical statements

Doctors say that drinking juices that have not been sterilized is unhealthy. They claim that in raw fruit and vegetables contain pathogenic microbes that can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even kidney failure. Doctors do not recommend drinking freshly squeezed and pregnant women.

In sterilized drinks sold in stores, not only harmful microorganisms are absent, but also "live" vitamins. Think for yourself, what can be left after heat treatment? Moreover, such drinks contain various dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other food additives.

Apple product

And now let's find out how to drink freshly squeezed correctly.Many practitioners believe that the most healthy cocktail is an apple-carrot drink. It is well absorbed by the body, enriches it with carotene and iron. Fruit sugar in combination with trace elements found in vegetables is of great benefit to humans.

If your stomach reacts negatively to juice, try diluting it with water in a proportion that is harmless to you. The most simple recipe is considered to be freshly prepared apple drink 30 minutes before breakfast (about half a glass).

In addition, you can make any cocktails from vegetable juices, taking apple as a basis.


It is rare where you can find information on how to properly drink freshly squeezed beetroot juice. We will tell you about it now. Beets can be stored for a long time, so you can all year round prepare juice. The tops of this root vegetable are also useful, and many squeeze life-giving moisture out of it. To receive healing drink suitable red beet variety, which lacks white streaks. The extracted juice is kept in the refrigerator for several hours, the foam is removed from it and mixed with carrot in a ratio of 1: 4.

Beetroot pure juice can cause unpleasant reactions: dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. Thus, it cleanses the body. Experienced people are convinced that it is better to start drinking mixtures with those in which carrot juice... They say that the proportion of beetroot should be increased gradually. Instead of carrot juice, you can use pumpkin juice.

If a person wants to be treated with beets, then he should take one glass of the mixture twice a day. When his body gets used to it, you can start drinking pure beet juice. It should be taken up to two weeks, then take a break for the same time, and then repeat the course again.

If a person is healthy, he can use beet juice with lemon, carrot, currant, tomato, apple, pumpkin. You can add honey, kefir or bread kvass to the mixture.

Some people mix 50 ml of beet juice with the yolk of one egg and 4 tsp. Sahara. Then on fine grater chop steam pickles and the resulting substance is added to the mixture. Then the cocktail is salted to taste and half the glass is filled with it. After adding a little lemon, stir and cool. The drink is served on the table, adding parsley, ice and green onions... it amazing dish eat with a spoon.

Carrot product

Did your grandmother tell you how to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice? First you need to remember that such a drink retains its useful qualities in a very short time. Therefore, it is important to drink it immediately after preparation. From evening to morning, this juice cannot be prepared, since there is no point in storing it even in the refrigerator. It must be prepared immediately before use.

If you wish to store your carrot juice, you can freeze it. As a result, he will retain all his useful vitamin composition without changes.

Carrot juice can be combined with meals containing vegetable and animal fats. So all of it useful components completely absorbed in the body. You can simply add a little yogurt or sour cream to the drink. But starchy or flour dishes should not be combined with it.

To improve the taste of carrot juice, you can add orange, beetroot, apple or pumpkin juice.


You can't find information on how to drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice anywhere? We will help you figure it out. Grapefruit juice is used both for the prevention of ailments and for their complex treatment... If your digestion is disturbed, your intestines are weak, you suffer from hypertension, you should add a little honey to this drink and drink it in half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

So, now you know not only how to drink freshly squeezed juice from beets and other healthy vegetables and fruits, but also how to consume these drinks. What is the healthiest freshly squeezed juice? The one that you liked the most. So experiment - come up with your own unique recipes, mix, combine vegetables and fruits. Vegetable and unsweetened juices are recommended to be consumed up to 3 glasses a day, and sweet fruit juices - no more than one glass. Now let's list the rules for taking the most famous drinks:

  • juice from apricots can be drunk 2 hours before meals (it is prohibited for those with diabetes mellitus);
  • Orange juice you can not drink on an empty stomach;
  • pineapple is taken with meals (it should not be consumed by those who suffer from peptic ulcer or gastritis);
  • cherry is drunk to bind fat during meals (it is forbidden for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and high acidity);
  • grape juice is taken 2 hours before meals (it is prohibited for those who have Chronical bronchitis and diabetes mellitus);
  • juice from pears is consumed 10-15 minutes before breakfast or lunch (it cannot be drunk by pregnant women and those who have colitis);
  • pumpkin, tomato and juice black currant you can drink whenever you want;
  • plum is taken with meals for weight loss;
  • potato should be eaten between meals, excluding fish and meat products for this period;
  • with the help of cabbage juice, you can lose a couple of kilograms in 2-3 weeks and cure an ulcer (during the day you need to drink 1 liter in small portions).
The benefit of freshly squeezed juice or fresh juice is that they contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that are found in fruits or vegetables from which the drink is prepared. Certain juices affect certain systems of the body, as a result of which there is an improvement in work internal organs and the state of the body as a whole. But how and how much to drink to get benefits?

For example, citrus drinks are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for normal immunity. Thanks to its entry into the body, the immune defense is strengthened, which reduces the risk of colds. As a preventive measure against influenza, it is recommended to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily.

You can add a small amount of lemon juice to the orange juice.

The combination of currant or cranberry juice with apple juice is also used as an additional remedy for the treatment of colds. This is beneficial for the body, since such a combination can enhance healing properties drink.

Cabbage juice, consumed on an empty stomach, improves the functioning of the internal organs of the digestive system and promotes weight loss. Prepare a drink, wait for the pulp to settle, and then drink. Some people prefer to add salt to the juice, this is absolutely impossible.

Fruit and vegetable juices are useful for the body from toxins and toxins. As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated, the skin improves, and the blood renews. During menstruation, a woman loses a large amount of blood, therefore it is recommended to drink a glass of beet juice on critical days in the evening.

Beet juice allows you to quickly restore blood loss.

Natural juices serve effective remedy for weight loss. For fasting days you can use grapefruit or watermelon juice. As a result, such a diet will lead to visible results within a short period of time.

Freshly squeezed juices are used to prepare masks and products for the skin of the face. A mixture of tomato juice with milk has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness, etc.

The negative effect of freshly squeezed juices on the body

Of course, not in all cases freshly squeezed juices are beneficial for the body. There are the following:

Don't use fresh juices as a diet long time;
- and acute diseases of the digestive organs, acids contained in the juice aggravate the situation;
- some juices can cause allergic reactions;
- at overweight or you should stop drinking sugary juices.

To reduce the concentration of juice, it is recommended to dilute with fresh water, as a result of which the beneficial properties will be preserved and the risk of occurrence negative consequences... But remember that prepared juices should be drunk immediately and not stored for a long time. Optimal amount juice per day for a person is 1-2 glasses.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are famous for their content a large number vitamins and other nutrients. They are also a source of easily digestible carbohydrates. In this article, we will look at the benefits of natural drinks... Depending on the product from which they are prepared, the juice will have one or another useful property.

Freshly squeezed vegetable juices

Vitamins and Minerals: easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins C, PP, folic acid and amino acids, salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, special antiulcer vitamin U.

Beneficial features cabbage juice: in the presence of stomatitis and sore gums, it will be very useful - rinse your mouth with juice. Cabbage vegetable juices taste fresh. But in no case do not salt it, otherwise all its benefits will be lost.

Contraindications for cabbage juice: in the presence of gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Vitamins and Minerals: beta-carotene, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, cobalt.

Useful properties of carrot juice: good for children as it promotes their growth and healthy development. Strengthens immune system, improves vision, helps to fight skin diseases... To improve milk, nursing mothers are advised to drink up to 0.5 liters of carrot juice.

You should not overuse the juice, because the excess of beta-carotene, which it contains, has a detrimental effect on the liver. To receive enough drink vitamins from the drink only 0.5 cups per day

Contraindications for carrot juice: with ulcers and enteritis.

Vitamins and Minerals: vitamins C, P, B1, B2, PP, potassium, iron, manganese salts.

Useful properties of beetroot juice: forms red blood cells, which has a beneficial effect on the process of improving the condition of the blood. Vegetable juices from beets cleanses the human body of toxins.

Despite its beneficial properties, the drink will not taste good to many. Therefore, it is better to start drinking beet juice with a small amount - 1 tsp, and gradually reach 100 g. You can also mix the juice with others. vegetable juices(while the beet juice should not exceed 1/3). For example, with carrot or pumpkin. In addition, such a mix will be saturated with phosphorus and sulfur, potassium and other alkaline compounds.

The drink contains and harmful substances that are destroyed in the air. Therefore, it is recommended to leave freshly squeezed beet juice in the refrigerator for 3 hours in an open container before drinking.

Contraindications for beetroot juice: do not drink for people who have kidney problems, in the presence of ulcers and individual intolerance.

Vitamins and Minerals: beta-carotene, vitamins of group B, C, tocopherol, nicotinic acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium.

Useful properties of celery juice: the drink perfectly cleanses the body: it removes the accumulated toxins and toxins. Improves blood condition, increases hemoglobin, lowers cholesterol levels. It also strengthens nervous system, helps to cope with stressful situations, has soothing properties. In addition, it increases the efficiency and general tone of the body.

Contraindications for celery juice: with ulcers, after 6 months of pregnancy and the elderly.

Vitamins and Minerals: vitamins A, PP, B, C; zinc, magnesium, chlorine, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, calcium, potassium, selenium, manganese, sulfur.

Useful properties of tomato juice: advise to drink to patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The drink "stirs up" the stomach and reduces the likelihood of cancer cells. Tomato juice it will also be useful for expectant and lactating mothers. Since the juice is low in calories, it is perfect for overweight people. Two glasses of tomato juice contains the daily requirement for vitamins C and A.

Many people like to salt tomato juice, but this "kills" its beneficial properties. If you want to add flavor to the juice, replace it with chopped garlic or herbs (fresh parsley, cilantro, celery and dill will do). Don't overdo it with garlic!

Contraindications for tomato juice: you should not drink tomato juice with exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Contraindicated in case of poisoning of any severity.

Vitamins and Minerals: vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, beta-carotene, sucrose, useful pectin substances, salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, cobalt.

Useful properties of pumpkin juice: stimulates the stomach, promotes bile secretion. The juice will be very useful for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart. Helps with insomnia.

The daily rate of pumpkin juice is 0.5 cups per day.

Contraindications for pumpkin juice: with individual intolerance.

Vegetable juices are very beneficial for human health. They are able to treat many diseases and have a rejuvenating effect.

What juice do you like the most?

1 100 0 Hello! Everyone has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices. But what exactly does it consist of? And do they have any harm and contraindications? Which juices are the healthiest? How to cook and consume them correctly? Read more about this in the article.

Useful properties of freshly squeezed juices for the body

If you do not have individual contraindications, then a glass of a drink made from fresh fruit or vegetables drunk on an empty stomach will great start day. The benefits of freshly squeezed juice in the morning are in replenishing the reserves of vitamins and minerals, quick absorption and release of energy for vigorous activity.

Juices with pulp, due to the content of dietary fiber and essential oils, contribute to the productive work of the digestive tract, remove excess cholesterol, poisons and toxins. Thanks to the use, patients recover faster after surgery, injuries. High-calorie freshly squeezed juices are shown to people who are constantly experiencing physical activity.

Balanced vitamin and mineral composition increases the body's defenses, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, resists viruses, bacteria.

The benefits of fruit juices

1. Orange.

Recognized all over the world, thanks to its vitamin C content (over 80%), it helps to resist colds, nervous overload, unstable emotional states. Freshly squeezed orange juice is beneficial for atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and liver problems.

As an antioxidant, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nail plates, slows down aging, and produces a rejuvenating effect. The fiber in the orange prevents constipation, and potassium strengthens the heart muscle, gives clarity to thinking.

2. Pineapple.

Fresh from tropical fruit is able to relieve swelling, relieves toxicosis in pregnant women, removes uric acid, is useful for joints. The drink inhibits the growth of cancer cells, has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. The famous bromelain in pineapple helps to absorb nutrients, supports normal intestinal microflora, is actively used in diets.

3. Apple cider.

Contains minerals that strengthen bone tissue, removes slags. Eating an apple every day or drinking a glass of fresh juice, you slow down the aging process, the destruction of neural connections. The benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice seen in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. The frequency of asthmatic attacks, shortness of breath decreases, metabolism accelerates. The drink, available and familiar from childhood, is part of the complex therapy for urolithiasis, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. Low calorie content(50 Kcal) makes it suitable for diet food.

4. Grape.

Doctors recommend drinking a drink rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, in the initial stages of tuberculosis, with gout, rheumatism, kidney disease. Regular use normalizes blood pressure... V light varieties berries have a higher iron content, and dark grapes have more pronounced antioxidant properties. Fresh grape juice is useful for knowledge workers, as it promotes concentration of attention, memorization of large amounts of information, and stimulates thinking.

5. Pomegranate.

The drink reduces the risk of vascular accidents, blood viscosity, and prevents blood clots. Herbal product contains valuable non-synthesized amino acids that are involved in metabolism. Pomegranate juice useful for iron deficiency anemia, raises hemoglobin levels. Benefits in the treatment of diseases are evident genitourinary system in both women and men. Prevents breast and prostate cancer. Due to the effect on testosterone production, it helps in the fight against impotence, increases libido.

6. Grapefruit.

The unique composition of citrus fruits is useful for diabetics, resists viruses, hepatitis C, reduces elevated temperature... The drink cleanses the liver from toxins in case of poisoning, soothes, is useful for insomnia. Drinking a glass of freshly prepared grapefruit juice daily will get rid of the effect orange peel with cellulite.

Women who care about their figure prefer to prepare juices from vegetables, rather than from fruits and berries, since they have less glucose and the mineral complex is richer.

The benefits of popular vegetable juices

1. Carrot.

The drink contains beta-carotene, a deficiency of which leads to loss of visual acuity and the formation of cataracts. Vitamin K promotes the fastest healing of wounds and stops bleeding. Freshly squeezed carrot juice increases the protective functions of the body, resists infectious diseases. Participates in the treatment of kidneys and collagen synthesis, which makes the skin moisturized and elastic. Clinical researches proved the usefulness of fresh carrot in the prevention of oncology of the lungs, mammary glands, prostate gland and colon.

2. Potato.

Potato juice is used in the treatment of old, non-healing wounds, stomach and intestinal ulcers, hemorrhoids. With its help, the work of the pancreas is activated, which leads to an increase in insulin synthesis and a decrease in sugar concentration. The drink helps with heartburn, relieves headaches and stomach pains. Treats gout, arthritis, hepatitis, dermatitis.

3. Beetroot.

Official and ethnoscience recommend drinking fresh for hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), ischemia, atherosclerosis. Freshly squeezed beet juice ranks first among other vegetable and fruit drinks to reduce blood pressure... Effective in detoxification of the body, removes radionuclides, inhibits growth cancerous tumors... B vitamins provide positive influence on the central nervous system and brain activity.

4. From celery.

The diuretic properties of the vegetable are used in the treatment of hypertension, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. Fresh vegetables are actively used in dietetics to get rid of extra pounds... The benefits of freshly squeezed celery juice are in the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates, increasing sexual desire. Due to the inclusion of antioxidants in the composition, it prolongs youth. The drink perfectly quenches thirst, in the heat it helps the body's thermoregulation, neutralizes toxins, and removes kidney stones. One more unique property- reducing the dependence of smokers on nicotine.

5. Tomato.

Differs from others vegetable drinks the presence of the red pigment lycopene, which is recognized the best antioxidant among carotenoids, prevents cardiovascular and oncological diseases... Tomato juice strengthens the vascular walls, prevents sunburn, normalizes cholesterol metabolism. It has a positive effect on visual acuity, due to its low calorie content (20 Kcal) it is used in healthy eating when getting rid of excess weight.

6. Pumpkin.

Pumpkin drink is good for acute stages colds due to anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice improves intestinal motility due to the content of pectins. Normalizes lipid metabolism, relieves obesity, eases the course of chronic diseases, removes "bad" cholesterol.

Regular consumption of fruit and vegetable juices will supply the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, improve digestion, the functioning of internal organs, and strengthen health.

Harm of freshly squeezed juices and contraindications

The harmful effects of juices can be as follows:

  • In addition to nutrients, fruits and vegetables, if not grown on your site, contain harmful nitrates and pesticides. If the drink is not prepared correctly, then the chemicals enter the body.
  • Aggressive fruit acids negatively affect tooth enamel, softening, destroying it.
  • Juices, especially citrus fruits, can react with drugs by changing their formula. Do not take pills that reduce blood viscosity with drinks of the same effect at the same time. Naringenin, contained in grapefruit juice, retains some drugs in the liver, preventing them from being excreted from the body and poisoning it.
  • When eating heavy food, juices cause fermentation, which leads to bloating, flatulence.

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juices are incomparable, the body will be as healthy as possible, given contraindications:

  1. Persons prone to allergic reactions it is recommended to exclude pomegranate, orange, beet drinks from the diet.
  2. Grape, banana, tangerine can increase blood sugar. This worsens the condition of diabetics and harms overweight people.
  3. Beetroot is excluded for kidney disease.
  4. Sour juices are contraindicated for gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers. The increasing acidity provokes an exacerbation of these diseases.
  1. They should not be used for diarrhea, since the problem will not disappear, but will worsen.

The inclusion of fresh juices in the diet of pregnant women is possible after consulting a doctor.

How to properly prepare fresh juices

When preparing juices, it is important to observe following rules:

  1. Fruits, berries and vegetables for making fresh juices are chosen from those grown in the region of residence, and even better, in own garden... The quality of the resulting drink directly depends on the integrity, elasticity and ripeness of the original plant materials.
  2. Each housewife has her own proven way of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables. Someone still uses a grater for chopping and gauze for wringing. Others use time-saving juicers.

In modern household appliances, manufacturers use metals that are minimally involved in oxidative reactions, and in the process of preparing drinks using the grandmother's method, raw materials interact with oxygen for a long time.

  1. To bring down negative impact on the body of nitrates and pesticides, before cooking, peel off fruits and vegetables or soak them in water for at least half an hour. Then cut into pieces, remove large, hard bones.
  2. Since vitamins are quickly destroyed, you need to prepare juices immediately before use, if you are not going to do preservation.

Fruits and vegetables are mixed at the stage of pressing or ready-made fresh juices are combined according to the existing rules:

  1. In a similar color. Red with red, green with green, and so on. This is true for allergy sufferers.
  2. By the general region of growth. Carrots grown in middle lane Russia, incompatible with exotic fruits(mango, pineapple). Beet-carrot, tangerine-grapefruit fresh juices will bring benefits.
  3. Fruits with large seeds (plum, peach, apricot) perfectly complement each other, but cannot be combined with seedless berries (currants, grapes).

The proportions of the parts of different juices depend on individual preferences. Will be of great benefit fruit and vegetable drinks... The first component enriches the juice with fructose and vitamins, and vegetables contain more minerals and less sugars.

For the complete assimilation of the carrot drink, a teaspoon of cream is added to it per glass.

To soften the aggressive effect on the enamel of the teeth and smooth the laxative effect, it is permissible to dilute the juices with water by half.

Will strengthen beneficial action additives on the body in the form of spices and honey.

How to consume juices

Any New Product, and fresh juices are no exception, they begin to use small portions, gradually increasing. The recommended daily intake for fruit and vegetable drinks is up to two glasses.

In order not to harm the body, you need to know how to take freshly prepared juice:

  1. It is advisable to drink it within half an hour after preparation. In this short period of time, the composition of the product will be preserved. The exception is citrus fruits, in which vitamins begin to break down after 10 minutes.
  2. If you use maximum amount drink daily, you should not include fruits in the diet. Excess sugar will negatively affect your figure. It is recommended to take carrot juice no more than twice a week.
  3. Morning and first half of the day - the best time for fresh, since it is during this period that the largest number energy.
  4. Drink juices between meals, as after mixing with other foods, fermentation begins. Heartburn, bloating, colic, and other symptoms of indigestion will disturb.
  5. Stick to contraindications.
  6. Choose glassware.
  7. To protect your teeth from the negative effects of fruit acids, drink fresh juice through a straw, rinse your mouth with water.
  8. Beet juice is drunk no earlier than two hours after pressing. The phytoncides contained in it, which evaporate over time, are capable of causing a gag reflex.
  9. Fruit drinks are bad thirst quenchers, they are used as a snack.

Fresh juices with pulp are more useful for the body. They saturate better, contain alimentary fiber inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates. This property is used in dietetics for those wishing to lose weight.

How to store fresh juices

The benefits of a freshly made drink begin to diminish after 10 minutes. Storage in a refrigerator in glass containers with a tight-fitting lid for up to 24 hours is permissible.

But there are exceptions:

  • Tomato, grape, cherry and peach juice to stay truly healthy drinks.
  • Carrot, cabbage, pomegranate fresh retains elements valuable for the body only for half an hour, even a decrease in temperature will not help to extend the period.
  • "Long-livers" (three days) are birch, lemon and pineapple juices.
  • Apple and apricot fresh juices are stored for several hours. The addition of a few drops of lemon squeeze will extend the life.

If the goal is long-term preservation, then canning with the addition of sugar or freezing is used for up to six months. In the second case, the vitamin and mineral composition is completely preserved, which cannot be said about heat treatment.

Do not take freshly squeezed juices as a panacea for all diseases. They are drunk to strengthen the body, observing simple rules of use, not forgetting about contraindications.

Expert opinion

Useful articles:

There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables are healthy. But many people believe that fresh juices from these fruits and vegetables are much healthier. Unfortunately, more often than not, everything is completely different. Even a seemingly harmless fresh juice can cause tremendous harm to the body: from allergies to exacerbation of gastritis. But let's start in order.

What fresh juices are useful?

Fruits and vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Freshly squeezed juices are certainly useful, but you need to carefully monitor which juice will not harm you specifically, because each of them is useful in its own field.

  • Freshly squeezed orange juice is useful for hypertension and many vascular diseases... It is used for liver problems and to improve immunity.
  • Smokers are advised to drink apple juice because it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. And due to the large amount of iron in the composition, it helps fight anemia.
  • Cherry fresh, like apple, is rich in iron. It is also high in folic acid, which protects the walls of blood vessels. For this reason, it is advised to drink it for hypertension.
  • Peach fresh is rich in magnesium, potassium, ascorbic acid, iron and many others. important micronutrients... Thanks to them, such juice enhances immunity, eliminates arrhythmia and fights anemia.
  • Grape juice prevents the formation of blood clots, it is useful for people with heart disease. Doctors recommend drinking grape fresh juice for neuroses, kidney diseases, asthma.
  • Pear fresh has a diuretic effect, is rich in fiber and pectin, which are important in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Freshly squeezed pineapple juice contains bromelain, a fat-burning substance. For this reason, it is beneficial for weight loss.
  • Plum juice has a mild laxative effect and is useful for treating gastrointestinal diseases. It is able to relieve swelling, remove salt and water from the body. It is used for kidney disease and hypertension.
  • Grapefruit juice is recommended to drink during pregnancy, because it relieves swelling. Pantothenic acid in grapefruit prevents the onset and development of anemia, is used during weight loss.

Vegetable juices can also be useful, but in their own field.

  • Freshly squeezed tomato juice contains a lot of potassium, which is useful for heart diseases, it is also recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Tomato juice helps in the production of serotonin, the "happiness hormone".
  • Carrot juice is rich in carotene, which improves vision and immunity. And because of its rich composition, it helps with digestive disorders, strengthens the nervous system and improves the quality of milk in lactating women.
  • Cucumber juice is rich in iodine and is useful for thyroid disorders. It helps to thin phlegm and fight skin conditions.
  • Freshly squeezed beet juice cleanses the liver, gallbladder, blood vessels, improves blood composition, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and much more.

    Attention! Freshly squeezed beet juice contains hazardous substances that cause poisoning. Fresh beetroot is the only one from the list that must be left for 2 hours before use.

  • Even drink potato juice- it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, is useful for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
  • Celery juice has vitamins B, C, potassium, zinc and many others useful substances... Thanks to vitamin C, immunity increases, vitamin B improves the skin. It helps to cope with various diseases kidney, has a diuretic effect.
  • Pumpkin juice is recommended for diabetes mellitus- it lowers blood sugar. And due to potassium, magnesium and iron in the composition, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. With toxicosis, pumpkin juice effectively reduces unpleasant symptoms.

What is the harm of freshly squeezed juices

The possible harm from freshly squeezed juices is so great that a harmless glass of fresh juice, when daily use, threatens to turn into, for example, gastrointestinal diseases. It is very important to use fresh juices wisely, because:

  1. They have an excess fruit sugar... These are mostly sweet juices. If you eat a lot of heavy foods, you are more likely to have problems with your intestinal microflora. If the juice does not seem sweet, then do not add sugar - it is better to use honey or stevia as a sweetener.
  2. Lack of fiber. Fiber is found in fresh fruit, but during the production of juice, it remains in the cake. And fiber (the same cellulose) is important for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It removes cholesterol and toxins.
  3. Too many vitamins. Yes, it sounds strange, but for our body and vitamins have their own norm. If you consume a certain vitamin daily in quantities exceeding daily rate, then chronic hypervitaminosis develops. Symptoms for hypervitaminosis are different, depending on the vitamin group. Most often it is a headache, nausea and vomiting, fatigue or irritability.
  4. Vitamins in juices are quickly destroyed. You need to use fresh juices immediately after preparation, since vitamins are actively evaporating. In just 30 minutes, not a trace of the former benefit will remain. If you want to prepare the juice in advance, store it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 hours, always in an opaque container. It should be noted that when the juice comes into contact with metal, vitamins are destroyed.
  5. Fruit acids destroy tooth enamel. You should always drink freshly squeezed juices exclusively through a straw. After drinking the juice, it also makes sense to rinse your mouth. So that the fresh does not cause so much harm to your enamel, it is advised to dilute it with a small amount of drinking water.
  6. Gas formation increases from fresh juices. It is recommended to drink juices in the morning, in the first half of the day. And it is better to take food 30-40 minutes after drinking the juice. Gas production can also increase due to poorly combined fruits and vegetables.
  7. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of nitrates. Nowadays, it is difficult to find fruits or vegetables without nitrates. By not soaking or peeling the fruit, you increase the likelihood of nitrates and pesticides entering your body. It is still advised to soak the fruits for 15-20 minutes, as well as peel them.
  8. There are many contraindications. Not everyone can afford to drink a glass of fresh juice in the morning, because everyone's organisms are different. Note! Avoid drinking fresh juices if you are on medication. Juices can not only weaken the action of drugs, but also cause poisoning if incompatible.

Who can’t have freshly squeezed juice

This point is very important, since any fresh juice can do more harm than good. One contraindication that applies to all juices is an allergy to a certain fruit or vegetable. And other contraindications depend on your characteristics of the body and diseases. If you consider yourself absolutely a healthy person, it makes sense to consult a doctor before regular use freshly squeezed juices. Otherwise, you run the risk of earning new diseases.

  • If you have gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, etc.), then it is not recommended to use grape, apple, citrus, pumpkin, beet juices.
  • With diabetes mellitus, you must refrain from eating grape, cherry, pear, apple, orange, plum, and pineapple juice v pure form.
  • If you have liver problems, do not drink carrot juice.
  • With urolithiasis, it is not recommended to drink tomato and beet juice.
  • If you are taking blood thinners, avoid acidic juices such as orange, apple, carrot, peach, pineapple, and similar juices.
  • If you are obese, then do not use too sweet and high-calorie juices: grape, cherry, banana. For obese people, doctors generally recommend giving up fruit juices, replacing them with vegetable juices, but in reasonable quantities.

How to use fresh juices correctly

There are many conditions, if they are observed, the juice will benefit a person. They should be performed so as not to harm the body and "squeeze" the maximum of vitamins and minerals from the fetus.

  1. Do not drink juices on an empty stomach, especially acidic ones. Drink them 30-40 minutes before meals. With increased acidity, it is recommended to increase the interval to 1.5 hours.
  2. The maximum dose of fresh juice is 100 milliliters. If you dilute with water, then it is permissible to drink 200 milliliters.
  3. It is necessary to get used to juices gradually - start with a couple of tablespoons, then increase the volume. Do not exceed the maximum dose.
  4. Children from 3 to 10 years old need to give juices carefully - only for treatment, 2 times a day, 2 dessert spoons.
  5. It is necessary to cut off the peel from the fruit, so as not to "pick up" the dose of nitrates. It is always worth soaking fruits and vegetables before eating.
  6. It is advised to make fresh from products that have just been taken out of the refrigerator.
  7. Mixes should be made from ready-made juices.
  8. Beet juice is not drunk in its pure form - it is diluted with other juices. Carrot, cucumber and others will do.
  9. Into carrot juice to get greater use, it is advised to add fat: a few spoons vegetable oil or cream - carotene, is converted into vitamin A and is better absorbed only with fats.
  10. Be sure to drink the juices through a straw to avoid damaging your enamel.
  11. You do not need to mix more than 3 types of vegetables and fruits, keep track of which fruits and vegetables you combine.

So harmful or beneficial?

Freshly squeezed juices have a lot of contraindications, which greatly complicates their use. And they are capable of doing harm many times more than good.
Fresh is tasty and convenient, but don't take this drink regularly. Indulge yourself a couple of times a month, but don't get into the habit.

And if you are already accustomed to freshly squeezed juices, then try to replace them with regular fruits and vegetables more often.

By the way, freshly squeezed juices are usually not as low in calories as we are used to. Most juices contain a lot of sugar, and therefore carbohydrates with calories.

The choice is always yours!