Passion fruit: description of the fruit, benefits and harms. Passion fruit - a delicious fruit of passion

18.09.2019 Grill menu

What does passion fruit look like?

People who have never seen passion fruit can imagine a large plum, yellow or dark purple in color. This exotic fruit grows on a vine and ranges in length from 6 to 12 cm. Passion fruit, which is not quite ripe, has a smooth skin, and its ripe fruit has a wrinkled surface. The peel of the fruit is quite dense, it reliably keeps the pulp from mechanical damage.

Passion fruit composition

100 g of passionfruit contains:

    Water - 78 g

    Proteins - 2.4 g

    Fat - 0.4 g

    Carbohydrates - 13.4 g

Dietary fiber (cellulose) -1.5 g


    Vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 0.24 mg

    Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.02 mg

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.1 mg

    Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) - 2.5 mg

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.2 mg

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.4 mg

    Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 14 mcg

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 24 mg

    Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.4 mg

    Biotin (vitamin H) - 5 mcg

    Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 10 mcg


    Potassium - 340 mg

    Calcium - 17 mg

    Magnesium - 9 mg

    Sodium - 28 mg

    Sulfur - 19 mcg

    Chlorine - 37 mg

    Phosphorus - 57 mg

Trace elements:

    Iron - 1.3 mg

    Iodine - 1.3 mcg

    Manganese - 120 mcg

    Copper - 120 mcg

    Zinc - 0.25 mg

    Fluoride - 20 mcg

Useful properties of passion fruit

Passion fruit contains almost no fat, protein and carbohydrates predominate, which allows those who care about their weight to use this fruit in their diet. The calorie content of 100 g of a tropical delicacy is only 65-70 kcal. But the benefits of passion fruit are not only in use in dietary nutrition, it has many valuable properties.

Useful properties of passion fruit:

For the intestines- Passion fruit helps to improve bowel function and has a mild laxative effect. In addition, these fruits stimulate the excretion of uric acid from the body and act as a natural antipyretic agent. Passion fruit is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the urinary tract and liver, as well as with low blood pressure. The juice of this fruit has a calming effect and helps to improve sleep.

For skin- Passion fruit contains alpha hydroxy acids. Improves skin hydration, firmness and tone. It is used in cosmetics (gels) for aging skin with poor circulation, a tendency to acne and oily skin with poor self-cleaning properties.

Passion fruit contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, rich in fiber and substances with antioxidant activity. Nutritionists recommend using passion fruit for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, urinary tract and for weight loss.

Passion fruit also has antimicrobial, antipyretic and laxative effects, and also lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of the digestive system and promotes the elimination of uric acid and other metabolic products from the body.

Passion fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, urinary tract.

The soluble fiber in the fetus lowers blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease. Insoluble fiber normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and is used to prevent various diseases of the digestive system. Passion fruit has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects the body from viral infections, and regulates the nervous system. Passion fruit juice has a calming effect and improves sleep.

Passion fruit juice has a tonic effect, has a calming effect on the body, helps to fall asleep and inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and is also widely used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Passion fruit seeds are edible, but have the effect of sleeping pills. The fruit contains the glucoside passionflower, which provides its calming effect on the body. Sedative medications are produced from passionflower.

What does passion fruit taste like?

At the stage of full maturity, passion fruit is juicy and sweet, it consists of 40% juice. There are many opinions about what passion fruit tastes like. To some, it resembles a kiwi, to someone - ripe sea buckthorn. Most often, the taste of the yellow-orange pulp resembles a mixture of tastes and aromas of strawberry, plum, apricot, peach, gooseberry. This fantastic mix leaves no one indifferent. To experience this bouquet, you need to acquire a ripe, heavy fruit with a wrinkled skin.

How is passion fruit eaten?

The dense peel of passionfruit is not edible, after consumption it is thrown away. In the homeland of this exotic plant, it is customary to eat the pulp with a spoon, choosing it from half of the fruit. To do this correctly, with the least loss of valuable juice, you need to cut the peel of the passionfruit in a circle, trying to make a cut so as not to cut the fruit in half. After that, the halves are separated with a quick movement, trying not to lose a drop of the refreshing juice. Passion fruit seeds are edible, they are eaten together with the pulp.

The pulp of this fruit is widely used in the cooking of the countries of its traditional cultivation. It is added to salads, mousses, pie fillings, and sauces. Edible passionfruit seeds in Brazil are used to decorate pastries. It is believed that by eating a cake or pastry with such decoration, a person becomes calmer. The tonic juice of this fruit is drunk undiluted, added to cocktails and other drinks.

Growing passionfruit at home

If desired, passion fruit can be grown at home, in a short time it will braid a large space with its shoots and begin to bloom with amazingly beautiful flowers. Of course, its shoots will not reach ten meters in length, similar to the passionfruit lianas in the tropics of Brazil, however, this plant will decorate the interior with bright greenery, amazingly beautiful unusual flowers and, possibly, will bear fruit.

There are two types of breeding:


    With the help of cuttings.

For grafting, you need to have an adult fruiting passion fruit plant on hand. The easiest way to get your own copy is by seed propagation. Planting material can be purchased at a specialty store, where the seeds are most likely sold under the trade name "passionflower" or extracted from a ripe fruit yourself. The washed and dried seeds must be disinfected by washing them in a weak solution of soda or potassium permanganate.

The components of the soil for growing are also calcined for an hour in the oven or for 15-20 minutes in the microwave to prevent the tropical sissy from contamination with fungal diseases to which she has no immunity.

Soil composition:

    Humus - 1 part;

    Coarse river sand - 1 part,

    Sod land - 2 parts.

The seeds are placed in a nutrient soil, lightly sprinkled with earth, spilled the soil and covered with a film until shoots appear. They will have to wait long enough - at least a month. All this time, the soil is ventilated, opening the film, and kept moist. It is necessary that the container is in a bright place at a temperature not lower than room temperature.

Passion fruit care after germination:

    Placing the plant is only in a bright place, free from drafts. If the plant is on the windowsill, it is not recommended to open the window or the window leaf.

    Watering - only as needed, after the topsoil has dried out.

    Top dressing - every 15 days with complex fertilization, fertilizers for tomatoes are excellent, foliar spraying with stimulants such as "Epin", "Zircon" is welcomed in accordance with the instructions.

    Passion fruit support is extremely necessary, since in a few months this plant is able to completely close the window opening with its shoots. It should be noted that this vine is practically unable to grow if its shoots are directed downward or tied with twine. The best option is a solid support in the form of a trellis or a special lattice.

    Transplanting - carried out in the phase of 3-4 true leaves immediately into the pot in which the plant will spend its life. If you do not transplant passion fruit at this point, later it will be technically more difficult to do due to the abundant vegetative mass of the shoots.

    Pollination is carried out manually with a soft brush. The best time for this operation is the first half of the day, the air humidity must be at least 65%, otherwise the pollen loses its ability to pollinate.

With careful implementation of all technological operations, the first fruits will delight after the first year of passion fruit cultivation. But, even if this does not happen, exotic flowers and abundant greenery will become the pride of the florist.

Contraindications to the use of passion fruit

With extreme caution, it is worth using this fruit for those who have experience in dealing with any allergic manifestations. It is extremely rare, but still there is an individual intolerance to exotic fruits. Do not use passion fruit to feed young children. Even if the child is not prone to allergies, the baby's immature gastrointestinal tract can react in the most extraordinary way.

Persons suffering from diabetes mellitus should be aware that prolonged storage of passion fruit in a cool place in them significantly increases the amount of sugar. Particular attention should be paid to thorough cleaning of the fruits purchased in the retail network, since for the safety of the fruits during long-term transportation, they are treated with wax and antibacterial drugs. It is advisable that these funds do not enter the body during meals.

The use of passionfruit will bring many benefits to exotic fruit consumers. Its rich composition normalizes many functions of the body, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair, and growing this plant at home will bring many pleasant impressions.

Useful tips, informative articles for summer residents and gardeners... Planting, leaving, harvesting. Of course, there is a lot of information about flowers, berries, mushrooms. On site pages

If a few years ago it was a rarity to find a fruit called passionfruit in a store, now it is much more popular: passionfruit can be seen in juices, yoghurts, ice cream, tea, etc., and even on supermarket shelves. And interest in the beneficial and harmful properties of this product, its chemical composition and methods of application is only growing.

What kind of fruit

Passion fruit is a fruit that is the fruit of a series of tropical vines called passionflower or passion flower. Such plants are most often found in the American (Brazil, Peru), Asian or Australian tropics.

Passion fruit is also grown on an industrial scale in a subtropical climate in the Caucasus. Because of one of the names of the vine on which such fruits grow (passion flower), this fruit is called "passion fruit".

Did you know?In the forests of Brazil, you can find a large tree, which received the name"Milk nipple" due to the ability to give milk: if you pierce a tree, milk will pour out of it, which people can drink. However, first, such a product must be boiled and diluted with water. One tree can produce up to 4 liters of milk per day.

Passionflower fruits have a rounded shape, slightly wrinkled or smooth skin (depending on the type and ripeness), light green, burgundy, orange, yellow or dark purple on the outside and, as a rule, the flesh is yellow-green on the inside.

Calorie content and chemical composition

This fruit is not very high in calories and is suitable for consumption if you are on a diet. The calorie content of passion fruit is 68 kcal. Energy value: - 2.4 g (about 10 kcal), - 0.4 g (about 4 kcal), - 13.4 g (about 54 kcal). Energy ratio (protein: fat: carbohydrate): 14%: 6%: 80%.

Video: passion fruit Chemical composition:

  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • group vitamins, and;

Did you know? In Japan, good quality fruit is rare, so, for example, fresh ripe pineapple can be a luxurious holiday gift. There are shops in the country that specialize in perfect fruit not only in taste, but also in sight and smell. However, the prices in such stores are rather big. For example, 12 perfect strawberries will cost a Japanese man $ 80, and 3 small melons will cost about $ 400.

Benefits for the body

  • tones up, gives energy (juice);
  • saves from insomnia (seeds);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves nervous tension;
  • helps to eliminate wrinkles;
  • narrows pores, helps to restore a natural complexion;
  • restores skin elasticity;
  • helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • helps in the treatment of certain diseases.

During pregnancy

If a woman is not allergic to this fruit, its use can bring enormous benefits to the pregnant woman's body:

  • this fruit helps to fight insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, which so often suffer from pregnant women and which must be disposed of for the health and normal development of the baby;
  • passion fruit is a rich source of vitamins and minerals so necessary for pregnant women;
  • it is a source of potassium that helps in the formation of cells in the baby's body.

Important!Passion fruit is a strong allergen, so it is better for pregnant women to first try it in small doses, observing the reaction of the body.

As for the use of passionfruit while breastfeeding, then during this period it is better to refrain from such an exotic fruit. Since the newborn's body is weak and very sensitive, it is better for a nursing mother not to eat foods that could cause allergies.

How does it taste

Passion fruit is very juicy, it consists of 40% juice. If you buy a ripe fruit, the flesh will be sweet. Opinions about what the taste of such a fruit is like differ: with some it resembles a kiwi, others - a ripe sea buckthorn. In fact, you can also smell notes in the taste of this fruit,.

How to eat correctly

The peel of this fruit is not edible, therefore, in the homeland of passion fruit, the process of eating it is as follows: the fruit is carefully cut (so as not to lose most of the juice. To do this, you do not need to cut the fruit in half, but cut the peel in a circle) and spoon eat the pulp, after which the peel is thrown away.

How to choose when buying

To buy a sweet ripe fruit, you need to taste it by touch: an unripe passionfruit has a smooth skin, the fruit itself is hard, but a ripe fruit, as a rule, has a slightly wrinkled surface and can be soft.

Contraindications and harm

Despite its good chemical composition and a huge list of the beneficial properties of passionfruit, this fruit can be harmful to some people. You should not use the fruit for those who have an increased allergic sensitivity to anything.

Also, it is better not to give such exotic food to young children, even to those who are not prone to allergic reactions, since the child's not yet formed gastrointestinal tract can react unpredictably to such food.

It is worth noting that one of the beneficial properties of passion fruit - its ability to induce drowsiness - can turn out to be a big disadvantage of the fruit for someone, so it is better not to consume this fruit in large quantities if you want to stay alert and full of energy.

Important!Patients with diabetes mellitus should take into account that if you store passion fruit in a cool place for a long time, the amount of sugar in its composition will increase significantly.


Due to the absence of clear contraindications to its use, this universal fruit is used both for the treatment of a number of diseases and the preparation of various dishes, and in cosmetology to eliminate skin problems.

In medicine

Passion fruit can be used to treat the following ailments:

  • digestive problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor metabolism;
  • hyperthermia;
  • liver disease;
  • problems with the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • abnormal blood pressure;
  • asthma;
  • migraine;
  • vision problems.

In cooking

The fruit of the exotic tree is widely used in cooking. For example, you can please your guests with a dessert in the form of a cottage cheese casserole with passion fruit.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 300 g friable;
  • 250 g of soft fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 5 passion fruit;
  • 2 tablespoons ;
  • half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix together two types of cottage cheese (crumbly and soft), add egg and sugar to them.
  2. Remove the pulp from the three fruits and peel it, leaving only the juice. Two more passion fruit should be left in order to decorate them with the pulp of the casserole later.
  3. Dissolve the starch in the fruit juice and add to the mixture of cottage cheese, eggs and sugar. Stir the resulting dough well.
  4. Grease a baking dish with butter and flour, and place the dough inside.
  5. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 200 ° C.
  6. When the casserole is done, let it cool, then cut into slices and garnish with pulp from the two remaining fruits each of the slices. Top with whipped cream and a mint leaf.

Passion fruit pulp can also be an ingredient in a fruit salad, a decoration for almost any baked dessert, or an ice cream topping. However, the “possibilities” of passion fruit are not limited to desserts. Fish in coconut milk with vanilla and passionfruit is a great main course for a family dinner.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 300 ml;
  • 400 g of white fish;
  • 2 passion fruit;
  • 1 vanilla pod

How to cook:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine the pulp of one fruit with the coconut milk.
  2. Add the contents of the vanilla pod to the mixture.
  3. In a well-mixed mixture, marinate the pre-cleaned fish.
  4. Refrigerate the marinated fish for 2-3 hours.
  5. Fry the individual pieces of fish in a pan with a little sunflower or olive oil.
  6. Wash the second fruit well, cut it in half and decorate the dish with it.

Passion fruit juice can be a great addition to alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, for example, you can make a mango and passion fruit smoothie for breakfast in the summer.


  • 0.6 cups vanilla (you can buy or prepare yourself);
  • half a glass of concentrated passionfruit juice (seedless);
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 pieces of ice.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the mango into cubes, peel the passionfruit pulp, leaving only the juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a blender and stir until smooth.
  3. If desired, you can decorate the top with powdered sugar or a fresh mint leaf.

In cosmetology

This exotic fruit is also widely used in cosmetology because it:

  • tones and moisturizes the skin;
  • has a nourishing and refreshing effect;
  • helps to cope with inflammation and irritation;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles or reduces their number;
  • has a preventive effect against rashes.

In addition to being found in a variety of creams, oils and masks that we can see on store shelves, there are several recipes for homemade masks. Mask for reducing the number of wrinkles on the face.

  • two tablespoons of mashed potatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon ;
  • 1 tablespoon .

How to do and apply:

  1. First you need to peel the passionfruit pulp, mix with banana puree, starch and almond oil. Stir until the mixture is smooth.
  2. After cleansing the skin, apply a mask on it with a brush. You can keep such a mask on your face from 20 minutes to one hour.
  3. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 7-10 times with an interval of one day.

Did you know?Skin is the largest organ in the human body: it makes up 15% of our body weight, and if you stretch the skin of an average person, it will take up an area of ​​2 square meters.

How to do and apply: Mask for nourishing and moisturizing the skin.


  • one teaspoon of passion fruit juice;
  • one tablespoon of plantain;
  • egg yolk;
  • one teaspoon of cocoa.
How to do and apply:
  1. Beat egg yolk with fruit juice.
  2. Grind pre-dried plantain on a coffee grinder or grind it by hand.
  3. Mix all the ingredients together, if the mass is too thick, add mineral water to it.
  4. Spread the mask on your face in a thick layer, hold for about 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for blackheads and acne.


  • 2 tablespoons passionfruit juice;
  • one teaspoon of henna;
  • one teaspoon of sage.
  1. Mix all ingredients together and stir until smooth, dilute with mineral water if necessary.
  2. Apply the mask to the previously cleansed face in a circular motion.
  3. Keep the mask on your face for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat the procedure once a week.

How to grow at home

Despite being a tropical fruit, passionfruit can be grown at home.

The easiest way to do this is with seeds, following the instructions:

  1. Remove the seeds from the fresh fruit and dry them well. Alternatively, you can purchase ready-made passionflower seeds in a specialized store.
  2. Leave dry beans in a wet cloth for 3 days.
  3. Plant the seeds in small pots filled with flower soil or regular soil (one in each pot to avoid plant root problems). Sprinkle them with a 5 mm layer of soil.
  4. Place the container in a warm place and wait for the first shoots, which usually appear in 10-30 days.
  5. Water the plant with fresh water as the soil dries.
  6. Since passionflower is a liana, it is necessary to provide it with support so that the plant can curl up and not lie on the ground.
  7. You can get the first fruits of passionfruit within six months after planting.
Video: how to grow passion fruit

How to store passion fruit

It is better not to store passionflower fruits together with other climatic fruits. The optimum storage temperature is not lower than +7 ° C (if the temperature is below this figure, the fruits lose their ability to ripen and lose their immunity to microbiological diseases). This fruit is sensitive to external bruises, which can cause the fruit to rot.

Passion fruit is a healthy fruit that is widely used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology. Due to its healing properties, passion fruit can help to cope not only with dry skin, but also with diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, migraine, asthma and other diseases.

Did you know?While laughing, the human face uses 17 muscles, but when we frown, all 43 muscles of our face work. Therefore, scientists have proven that the more a person smiles, the later wrinkles will begin to appear on his face. Gloomy people encounter such a nuisance much earlier.

Since among the contraindications to the use of this product are only possible allergic reactions, passion fruit can be eaten by almost everyone. And it is much easier to do this if several passionflower grow in your home, periodically producing fruits in the form of juicy fruits.

Of the approximately 500 species of plants in the Passiflora family, only the passionfruit has become widespread and famous. There are two different forms of passion fruit within a species - the common purple (violet) and yellow varieties. Not only the color of their fruit differs, but also how and where these subspecies of passion fruit grow.

Passion fruit is a woody perennial, with a shallow root system and long branches of vines, fixed with tendrils and weaving on the surrounding vegetation. The three-lobed leaves have small denticles at the edges and grow up to 20 centimeters in length, have a dark green color on top and paler on the reverse side. Young stems and tendrils have reddish or purple tints, which is especially characteristic of the yellow form of passion fruit.

In the axils of each leaf on a growing young vine, one passionfruit flower grows up to 7.5 centimeters in diameter. The flower consists of 5 greenish-white sepals, 5 white petals and many fine rays forming a crown of the same color. The whole flower has a deep purple color at the base, in the center there are 5 stamens with large anthers and a pistil, divided into three. The yellow passionfruit flower grows more showy with a rich color.

Passion fruit are almost round or ovoid fruits that grow from 4 to 7.5 centimeters in diameter, have a tough crust with a smooth waxy surface. Passion fruit shades can be dark purple with small white dots, or light yellow, reminiscent of pumpkin colors. A cavity is found under the peel, filled with about 250 bags filled with fragrant orange juice and seeds.

Countries where passion fruit grows.

The purple passionfruit is native to southern Brazil and Argentina, and the origin of its yellow variety is unknown. In Brazil, passionfruit grows everywhere and there is a well-established industry for the production of juice and preserves from it for a long time. Purple passionfruit is considered preferable for fresh consumption, yellow is grown for industrial processing.

At the beginning of the last century, passion fruit plantations were widespread in Australia and New Zealand, however, after the appearance of the disease, almost all large-scale plantings died. After the emergence of yellow and purple passion fruit hybrids capable of withstanding serious diseases, these fruits have re-emerged in popularity in the region over the past few decades.

The industrial production of passion fruit juice is firmly established in Hawaii, where the plantings of its yellow form reach 500 hectares. Commercial cultivation of purple passion fruit previously flourished in Kenya and Uganda, but after the emergence of diseases, farmers switched to less mass cultivation. In South Africa, India and Sri Lanka, purple and yellow passion fruit are actively cultivated for domestic consumption.

Today, passion fruit has spread and grows in Taiwan, in private gardens in Israel, it can be found on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Malaya, the Philippines, and Zimbabwe. Wild passionfruit can be found in many places in Southeast Asia, but it is of cultural origin. In the 1950s, interest in the cultivation and processing of yellow passionfruit intensified in Colombia and Venezuela, where the production of juices, ice cream, passionfruit cocktails reached industrial status with broad national support.

The purple passion fruit is a subtropical plant. It grows well at altitudes from 650 to 1300 meters above sea level, can survive freezing temperatures, but usually frosts cause serious damage to the passion fruit vine, so in the cold months it is advisable to organize shelters and wrap the passion fruit vine in heat-retaining materials. The yellow passionfruit is a more thermophilic tropical plant.

Both varieties need protection from the wind, and the minimum annual rainfall should be about 90 centimeters. Passion fruit grows successfully on many types of soils, from light to heavy loam, but soils of medium texture and medium acidity are preferred. There are different periods of fruiting passion fruit in different places of its growth. There are territories, for example in India, where passion fruit grows and bears fruit all year round, with peak periods in spring and from August to December, but the quality of the fruit differs from month to month.

Tell your friends about it.

Passion fruit is a fruit of a plant that belongs to the perennial family of passion flowers. The homeland of this fruit is the subtropical wild regions of South America, Paraguay. Passion fruit is also called edible passionflower or purple granadilla. This fruit has a pleasant taste and aroma.

In nature, there are more than 400 varieties of passion flower, differing in size, color, shape and taste. Most of them are edible.

The passionfruit plant itself is very beautiful, curly, which, like grapes during growth, releases tendrils and wraps around everything that comes in its way. It blooms in white-green flowers with a bright aroma. The average lifespan of a plant is 5 to 7 years.

The fruits have a smooth waxy surface and an oval shape, their diameter is usually 4-8 cm, about the same as that of a lemon, and their weight is 35-50 g.

Now the most popular are passion fruit with yellow and purple fruit flowers. Yellow fruits are usually larger than purple ones and can reach the size of a grapefruit during the growth process. But the pulp of purple fruits is more juicy and sweet, and also has a pronounced taste and aroma. Inside the fruit, there are membrane sacs that contain juice and seedless seeds.

Passion fruit: photo

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Passion fruit: beneficial properties

  • The beneficial properties of passion fruit lie in its chemical composition. The fruits of this plant are rich in vitamins, mainly ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, it contains slightly less vitamins A, B1, B6, B5, B2, E, H, K. Passion fruit contains a lot of potassium, which plays an important role in the work of the cardiovascular system ... This fruit also contains macronutrients such as sodium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus and magnesium. Most of all in the fruits of zinc and iron, and less manganese, iodine, fluorine, copper, etc. 100 g of the product contains about 68 kcal.
  • Due to the balanced mineral composition and high potassium content, nutritionists advise to eat passionfruit for violations of the liver, urinary tract and cardiovascular system. Also, due to its high nutritional value and low calorie content, this fruit can be consumed for weight loss.
  • Passion fruit has antimicrobial, antipyretic and laxative effects, and also improves the digestive system, lowers blood cholesterol, helps cleanse the body of toxins, uric acid and other metabolic products.
  • The pulp of this fruit contains a lot of dietary fiber. Fiber helps in the elimination of cholesterol from the body and also protects the lining of the large intestine. This fruit also contains a lot of vitamin C, and it strengthens the immune system in the fight against flu and other colds and infectious diseases. Flavonoids and vitamin A are needed to maintain good vision and proper nutrition of the mucous membranes.

Passion fruit: taste

To choose the fruits of this plant, you need to mature and heavy weight. Most often, fruits with wrinkled skin are tastier and sweeter. Store them in a cool, dark place, no more than 1 week. For long-term storage of the fruit, it must be sprinkled with a lot of sugar and frozen.

Fruit juice is also a valuable product. It is added to desserts, fermented milk products, juices, creams and cocktails. If it is not possible to buy this fruit, then you can look for finished products with its addition.

Eating passionfruit is very simple - you need to take a small knife, stick it 0.5 cm into the wide part of the fruit and start cutting it in a circle, and then very quickly open it into 2 parts. Then take out the yellow pulp with a spoon. The bones of the fruit are also quite edible, but you should not get too carried away with them, this can cause drowsiness.

Passion fruit is contraindicated for people who are prone to allergies and with individual intolerance to this fruit.

Passion fruit is a delicious and very healthy fruit, and it is also quite affordable nowadays. Another advantage is its low calorie content. The fruits can be included in the diet during the diet period.

Passion fruit or passion fruit("peshen fruit" or passion fruit in English) is a delicious tropical fruit that is quite common in Asian markets and shops.

Nowadays passion fruit is grown in tropical and subtropical climates almost everywhere (in America, Asia, Australia, Oceania, and even in the relatively cool climate of England). Homeland of the Edible Stratus Blossom (scientific name of passionfruit from Latin Passiflora edulis) - South America, from where the familiar name "passion fruit" comes from. This is what this fruit is called in Brazil, Colombia, Peru.

Why passion fruit?

The name comes from mara kuya (can mean "food in a bowl") in the Indian language of Tupi. Tupi's language was widespread in Brazil, but is now considered a dead language. The Tupi language did not have a written language and, in essence, it was a collection of dialects, so it is difficult to unequivocally assert how the name of the fruit originally sounded: passion fruit or maracuja, or passion fruit.

In English speaking countries passion fruit is called passion fruit(fruit of passion), which has more to do with the flowers of these plants than with the fruit itself. In the 16th century, an outlandish flower that came to Europe became a clear religious symbol of the passion of Christ and the crucifixion itself. For which he received the scientific name Passiflora or Passionflower ("passion flower").

What passion fruit looks like:

The passionfruit plant is an evergreen vine (vine) that grows in much the same way as grapes. But we, of course, are more interested in the most delicious - passionfruit fruit. It is round or oval in shape with juicy pulp and many seeds inside. Passion fruit color can be from yellow to dark purple, depending on the variety and maturity. However, so is the taste of passionfruit, which ranges from sour to sweet.

How to eat passion fruit:

Many varieties of passion fruit are sweet and do not need a sweetener. But, if you come across a sour variety, then you can add sugar or honey to taste. In the Philippines, passionfruit pulp is sprinkled with chili peppers, and in Thailand - with salt or pepper and salt. Are you surprised? I highly recommend trying the salted passionfruit with peppercorn - it's very tasty.

Peeling this exotic fruit is simple - cut it lengthwise and in half (as in the photo), and use a spoon to eat the pulp.

In many countries, passionfruit is eaten fresh. Juices, jams, preserves are also made from this fruit of passion. Passion fruit is often added to yoghurts, cocktails, ice cream.

If you want to taste delicious passionfruit, ask the locals exactly how they eat this fruit. There are varieties so sour that they are used in cocktails instead of lemon (for example, passionfruit azedo in Brazil). In Indonesia, there are two types of passion fruit: the white variety is eaten just like that, and the yellow fruit juice is used to make a thick syrup with a lot of sugar.

Useful properties of passionfruit fruit:

In addition to the fact that passionfruit is a truly delicious exotic fruit, it is also healthy.