Composition of green tea, the effect of components on the body. Why green tea is good for women

13.10.2019 Restaurant notes

Green tea is obtained from an evergreen plant. The drink has been known in China since 2700 BC. Then it was used as a medicine. In the 3rd century AD, the era of tea production and processing began. He became available to both the rich and the poor.

Green tea is produced in factories in China and grown in Japan, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Composition and calorie content of green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, C, B, H and K and minerals.

The calorie content of a cup of green tea without sugar is 5-7 kcal. The drink is ideal for weight loss.

Green tea is good for heart, eye and bone health. It is drunk for weight loss and type 2 diabetes. The benefits of green tea will appear if you consume 3 cups of the drink a day.

Green tea neutralizes the effects of harmful fats, bacteria and viruses, such as staphylococcus aureus and hepatitis B.

For bones

Green tea relieves pain and inflammation in arthritis.

The drink strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

The caffeine in green tea improves exercise performance and reduces fatigue.

For the heart and blood vessels

Green tea reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

People who drink green tea daily have a 31% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who do not.

The drink carries out the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. It improves blood flow and relaxes the arteries.

Drinking 3 cups of green tea a day will reduce your risk of stroke by 21%.

For nerves

Green tea improves mental alertness and slows down brain degeneration. The drink soothes and relaxes, but at the same time increases alertness.

The theanine in tea sends a “feel good” signal to the brain, improving memory, mood and concentration.

Green tea is beneficial for treating mental disorders, including dementia. The drink prevents nerve damage and memory loss that leads to Alzheimer's disease.

In a study presented at the International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in 2015, those who drank green tea 1-6 days a week suffered less depression than those who did not. In addition, the researchers found that tea drinkers hardly suffered from dementia. The polyphenols in tea are beneficial for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

For eyes

Catechins protect the body from glaucoma and eye diseases.

For the digestive tract

Green tea improves digestion and protects the liver from obesity.

For teeth and gums

The drink improves periodontal health, reduces inflammation and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Green tea protects against bad breath.

A study found that people who drink at least 6 cups of green tea a day had a 33% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drink 1 cup a week.

For kidneys and bladder

The caffeine in green tea acts as a mild diuretic.

For skin

Organic green tea ointment is useful for treating warts that are caused by the human papillomavirus. The researchers selected over 500 adults with the disease. After treatment, the warts disappeared in 57% of patients.

For immunity

The polyphenols in tea protect against cancer. They reduce the risk of developing breast, colon, lung, ovarian, and prostate cancer.

Women who drank more than 3 cups of green tea a day reduced their risk of breast cancer recurrence because polyphenols stop the production and spread of cancer cells and the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors. Green tea enhances the effect of chemotherapy.

Green tea fights cancer inflammation. It blocks the growth of the tumor.

Green tea is on the list of foods rich in antioxidants - substances that free our body from the harmful effects of free radicals, increase immunity, and also slow down the aging process of the body. Thanks to these substances, green tea is very beneficial for our body. It is not only an excellent treatment for many infectious diseases, but also good in the prevention of various diseases, including atherosclerosis and oncology.

The astounding medicinal properties of green tea have been of interest to health-conscious people for a long time. Even in ancient China, such tea was included in the treatment of diseases of various etiologies. However, even today green tea is a good helper in the treatment of ulcers, lowering blood pressure, stimulates the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body, etc. Despite the many beneficial qualities, green tea is still considered a medicinal plant. And, as you know, any medicinal plant has a number of side effects. In today's article, we will just talk about the benefits and dangers of green tea.

Not everyone knows about this, but green tea grows on the same bushes as black, yellow and red tea. They differ only in the way the leaves are processed. Green tea does not undergo the fermentation and withering processes that are inherent in black teas, as a result of which the maximum of useful substances in the tea leaves is retained. In addition, when brewing, it releases only useful elements into the solution, leaving harmful and useless components in an undissolved state.

Green tea composition.
Green tea is a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, which determine its medicinal properties. Today, about 300 chemicals have been identified that are present in the composition of this unique plant. By the way, some of the connections have not yet been decrypted. It should be noted that the chemical composition of tea can change throughout the entire growth process of the tea bush, as well as after processing the tea leaves.

Green tea contains almost all vitamins necessary for our body (A or carotene, K, B1, B2 or riboflavin, or folic acid, B12, PP or niacin, C). However, in addition to them, this miracle plant contains a huge amount of other useful substances, thanks to which this drink turns into an effective general tonic. Among them are tannins, essential oils, which are responsible for the quality and aroma of tea. It should be said that in the process of processing tea leaves, more than eighty percent of essential oils are lost. Also in green tea there is an alkaloid caffeine, which, in combination with tannin, forms a compound of caffeine tannate, which has a mild effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulating mental and physical performance. In addition, the caffeine contained in tea, even if consumed excessively, does not accumulate in the human body. Two more alkaloids present in the composition of this unique plant, theobromine and theophylline, have a vasodilating and diuretic effect on the body.

In addition, the glutamic acid present in tea stimulates metabolic processes and also leads to the restoration of the nervous system. Also, this wonderful plant is a source of trace elements such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, calcium, manganese, fluorine, copper.

Thus, green tea is a storehouse of substances that are vital for a person for the normal functioning of the body.

The benefits of green tea.
Green tea is a truly valuable product. Thanks to the unique set of nutrients and vitamins in its composition, green tea has an effective diaphoretic effect. It helps well with fever, fever, inflammation. Due to the diaphoretic effect, the process of removing toxins and microbes from the body is improved. Green tea is especially useful for people with diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole. It improves the functioning of the duodenum, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. In addition, it has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, the arsenal of useful qualities of green tea also includes improving memory and mindfulness, normalizing metabolism in the body, as well as strengthening and restoring a depleted nervous system. By the way, green tea (not strongly brewed) is an excellent remedy for depression, increases resistance to stressful situations. For a long time, this drink has been taken to improve tone, vitality and good mood. It can be taken for headaches. A cup of miraculous drink will eliminate it in no time. But this is provided that the cause is fatigue, overexcitation, stress, etc. If the headache does not disappear after a long time, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Since the cause of the headache can be serious deviations in health.

Green tea has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (if consumed regularly), reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, increasing the elasticity of the arteries and the strength of the capillaries, reducing the risk of developing internal hemorrhages and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the use of this drink reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and also stimulates the absorption of ascorbic acid.

Infusion of green tea effectively lowers blood pressure at the initial stage of the development of hypertension, reduces blood cholesterol, which significantly improves the well-being of patients with atherosclerosis. According to studies conducted by Japanese scientists, the constant consumption of green tea lowers blood pressure by 10-20 units. But at the same time, tea should be brewed in a special way: first, you should rinse the green tea leaves with boiled water. This is necessary to reduce the concentration of caffeine in the plant. Next, you need to brew six grams of leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Take this tea after meals three times a day. At the same time, the amount of fluid consumed during the day should be reduced to 1.2 liters (including tea). This is necessary in order not to overload the cardiovascular system.

Regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of developing sclerosis and halves the likelihood of myocardial infarction. It not only prevents the deposition of fats and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, but also contributes to the destruction of already deposited fatty layers. In addition, it improves blood composition and stimulates the liver and spleen, reducing the risk of kidney stones.

For a long time, green tea began to be used to treat dysentery. The catechins it contains have antimicrobial properties against dysentery, typhoid paratyphoid and coccal bacteria. The death of dysentery sticks occurs already on the second or third day of taking green tea infusion. In this case, the drink should also be brewed in a special way: pour chopped green tea (50 g) with a liter of hot water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the liquid for an hour over low heat, after which the drink should be filtered.

In case of various poisoning (alcohol, drugs, nicotine), it is also recommended to drink green tea with the addition of milk and sugar.

Green tea has anti-cancer effects. This is possible thanks to the polyphenols contained in its composition. They have the ability to cleanse the blood and remove carcinogens from the body, which has a strengthening effect on the body's immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer cells.

In moderation (no more than two cups a day), loosely brewed green tea has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. According to the results of studies by Japanese scientists, women who regularly consume this drink before pregnancy gave birth to stronger (in terms of health) children.

It should be noted that green tea is considered a drink of youth and longevity. It is not for nothing that the majority of centenarians, whose age is more than ninety years, devote a special place in their diet to this wonderful and aromatic drink.

Also, this tea has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Rinsing your mouth with this drink prevents tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. Moreover, green tea is considered to be an excellent cosmetic product. In particular, to increase the tone of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area, it is useful to wipe it twice a day with ice cubes made from green tea infusion. Also, the infusion of this unique plant can be used to cleanse the skin, used as a hair rinse for oily type (to increase the effectiveness, you can add lemon juice), prepare various masks for the skin (especially for dry and aging). With the help of tea baths, the skin tone of the whole body can be significantly improved. To do this, pour six tablespoons of leafy green tea with half a liter of boiling water, insist and strain. Then pour the resulting tea infusion into a bath with warm water. You can add rose petals and jasmine or their essential oils. This bath stimulates the process of cell renewal. One procedure per week is enough.

According to research conducted by scientists, the use of this drink reduces the cravings for alcohol. This explains the fact that in China and Japan, countries where people prefer green tea, there are significantly fewer over-drinking people in comparison with Western countries. To reduce the craving for alcohol, it is necessary to brew green tea in the ratio of one teaspoon of tea leaves to a glass of boiling water. You must drink the drink without adding sugar. The leaves that remain after the sleeping infusion are not thrown away, but chewed. In this case, the effect does not come instantly, but after several months of regular use.

In addition, green tea has recently been shown to have the ability to neutralize the negative effects of radiation from computer monitors. It is also an antidote to the poisoning of the body with the isotope strontium-90, which poisons the atmosphere as a result of nuclear explosions. This drink helps to remove heavy metals from the body, which enter our body along with food, water and air.

Green tea is great for those who want to get rid of those extra pounds. This is due to its property to reduce appetite, besides, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In addition, regular consumption of this healing drink regulates the level of nodrenaline, which is responsible for the process of fat formation.

Recipes for using green tea for various ailments and diseases.
For indigestion, strong brewed green tea is recommended for two to three days. Due to its bactericidal action, the drink has a detrimental effect on pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, this tea improves intestinal tone.

For colitis and gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to use a slightly brewed green tea drink.

In case of conjunctivitis and other inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, you should rinse the eyes with a strong brew of green tea in a cold form.

For colds and diseases of the respiratory tract, it is recommended to drink an infusion of medium-strength green tea with the addition of lemon and pepper. However, in case of diseases accompanied by a high temperature, it is better to refuse green tea altogether, since the load on the kidneys and heart increases sharply.

Chilled green tea helps with sunburn. It is recommended to simply soak a cotton pad in the tea infusion and blot the affected skin with it. It is also effective as a hemostatic agent, it is recommended to rinse fresh cuts and wounds with strongly brewed green tea.

The infusion of this plant can be used as rinses for rhinitis. To do this, you should brew a teaspoon of crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist for twenty minutes and strain. You can rinse with a syringe, but without a needle. The procedure is carried out six to eight times during the day. Green tea is effective as a gargle for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as inflammatory processes on the gums and tongue (2 teaspoons of plants in a glass of boiling water).

In case of vitamin deficiency, it is also recommended to drink green tea infusion prepared at the rate of 3 g of crushed raw materials per 100 ml of boiling water. Insist for ten minutes, then add a teaspoon of rosehip syrup. Drink the infusion warm after a meal, 200 ml three times a day.

Green tea with the addition of milk helps to strengthen the exhausted nervous system. It is also good to take it for polyneuritis and as a prophylaxis for kidney and heart disease.

Contraindications and harm of green tea.
As already noted, this miraculous drink, like any other plant, has some contraindications. In general, herbal medicine requires a careful approach, in particular to the use of green tea. This drink should not be abused; measure is needed in everything.

In the case of particularly sensitive stomach lining, green tea should be avoided as it can easily cause indigestion. It is also not recommended to drink the drink in a strongly brewed version, only for exclusive medicinal purposes. In other cases, with a strong concentration of tea, the drink should be diluted with water.

People suffering from iron deficiency anemia should not drink green tea at all. It impairs the absorption of iron by the body, which causes iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, you should not drink green tea with food rich in iron. Also, this drink reduces the efficiency of the absorption of folic acid. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

For people with increased excitability, it is also contraindicated, since it has an exciting effect on the nervous system, against which sleep disturbance and loss of strength can occur for no apparent reason. That is why this drink should not be carried away at night, as well as those who suffer from increased excitability and tachycardia.

Women should not abuse green tea during menstruation, carrying a child, and immediately before childbirth and during lactation, it should be excluded from the diet altogether.

The green drink is also harmful to people suffering from low blood pressure (hypotension). And with hypertension in an acute form, tea should not be drunk at all.

In the presence of any disease in a chronic form, the green drink should be consumed with extreme caution, since it can cause an exacerbation of the disease, as a result of which the patient's well-being can deteriorate sharply. In particular, in case of gastric ulcer, green tea increases the acidity of gastric juice.

You should not combine the intake of alcohol and green tea, because as a result of this, aldehydes are formed, and this is fraught with overloads for your kidneys, which is absolutely scientifically proven!

Do not drink green tea with medications, as it reduces the effectiveness of their action.

Remember that you only need to drink freshly brewed tea, since the amount of purine compounds and caffeine in the drink left for later increases significantly. Such a drink is dangerous for hypertensive patients, as well as those suffering from gout and glaucoma.

Summing up the above, we can say that the benefits of green tea are undeniable. In moderate quantities and in the absence of contraindications, it has a therapeutic and health-improving effect.

Today there is a lot of information about the benefits of green tea, but can you trust it? Indeed, the fact that this drink helps to cope with many diseases was known in ancient times. For centuries it has been used as a prophylactic and medicinal agent, and modern doctors have only confirmed its properties. Let's try to figure out in which cases it is worth using green tea.

The chemical composition of this drink is very rich. About a third of it is occupied by valuable tannins, which are various compounds of tannin, catechins, polyphenols, etc. High-grade green tea contains twice as much tannin as black tea. The chemical combination of this substance with caffeine has a stimulating effect and affects the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

This tea is also rich in alkaloids - for example, it contains more caffeine than natural coffee - 1-4%, there is also theobromine and theophylline.

The main chemical indicators of green and black tea

Protein substances - amino acids and enzymes are also present in the drink. Most of them are found in green tea from Japan.

There are also many vitamins in it. Green tea leaves contain more vitamin P than citrus fruits, there is also a lot of vitamin C. They enhance each other's action, help strengthen immunity and protect the body's cells from destruction. In addition, this tea has six times more carotene (vitamin A) than carrots, and it helps remove free radicals and improves vision.

Overuse of green tea can lead to loss of energy, nausea and increased blood pressure.

The drink is very rich in B vitamins: it is vitamin B1, which regulates the carbohydrate balance in the body, B2, which strengthens hair, nails and immunity, B3, which cleans the blood from cholesterol. It also contains vitamin E - an antioxidant that strengthens cell membranes well.

Of the trace elements and minerals in green tea, calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, gold, sodium are found. It also contains valuable essential oils, which, unfortunately, are often lost during processing.

Why green tea is useful (Video)

The extremely rich composition of green tea allows you to use it for a variety of diseases or drink it for prevention. This drink is an excellent stimulant for the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. If you use it regularly, you will notice that over time you will start to hurt less. This is explained not only by the stimulation of the body's defenses, but by the drink's own antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity.

Green tea helps cleanse the body of carcinogens. It removes heavy metals from the body and, according to some studies, even fights cancer. To some extent, this drink can even neutralize the harmful effects of various radiation, which will be useful for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer or in front of a TV screen. True, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact yet.

Very often people are confused as to whether green tea has an invigorating or soothing effect. It depends on the infusion time. If the tea is brewed for more than 2-4 minutes, it turns out to be invigorating, if 5 - soothing, and after 6 it is just a pleasant and healthy drink.

There are studies that confirm that green tea can revitalize the whole body, treat endocrine diseases and normalize digestion, and improve skin and hair. Let's try to figure out if this is so.

Green tea for skin and hair

Due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, green tea is widely used in cosmetology. Of course, when preparing cosmetics, not a drink is used, but the leaves of a plant. But at home, you can also use ordinary tea leaves. Even just drinking the drink can noticeably improve the condition of the skin, but freezing it and rubbing your face in the morning with a piece of ice can help you achieve amazing results. For oily skin, you can add a little lemon juice to such ice.

Green tea can be used to make effective face and hair masks

If your face suffers from dryness, then you should not overcool it; a mask made from warm tea leaves will do. After it, the skin must be thickly lubricated with a fat cream. This mask helps to get rid of the vascular network and rejuvenate the skin.

It is very beneficial for the skin to drink green tea in a bath.... It helps to enlarge skin pores and increase perspiration. Thus, the skin is deeply cleansed and gets a fresh, healthy color. In addition, after such a procedure, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and small pimples disappear.

For digestive health

Green tea is an excellent means of detoxifying the body, therefore it is recommended for food poisoning. The strongly brewed beverage has antibacterial properties, so it helps to destroy pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract. It can also improve the condition of a patient with dysbiosis.

Fruits and herbs can be added to green tea

Be sure to drink green tea for those who have digestive problems. Tannin helps to normalize the digestive tract. In addition, it enhances the motility of the digestive tract and intestinal tone. If you drink tea after every meal, you will soon notice an improvement in your well-being.

Green tea should not be consumed at the same time as alcohol. This can lead to kidney problems, swelling and pain in the bladder.

It is worth giving up this drink in case of exacerbations of gastric diseases - for example, with gastritis and ulcers. But even if at the moment the disease does not bring discomfort, it is better to drink tea weakly brewed.

For the cardiovascular system

We have already talked about the fact that green tea makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic. This allows you to prevent their ruptures and internal hemorrhages. In addition, the polyphenols in the drink help prevent blood clots. Its ability to lower cholesterol has long been known. This helps prevent atherosclerosis and some diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Good quality green tea even helps prevent heart attacks

Helps Green Tea and Prevents Heart Attacks... This was stated by Dutch scientists who noticed that people who drink 4 glasses of this drink daily and eat one apple or one head of onion suffered from this disease two times less often than others. These conclusions were made after a detailed analysis of the eating habits of a fairly large group of elderly people.

The caffeine in the drink can be addictive, so you shouldn't overdo it.

Separately, it is worth remembering the benefits of green tea in the initial stages of hypertension. Doctors from Japan claim that long-term use of this drink can lower blood pressure by 10-12 units.

Slimming green tea

Due to its ability to normalize digestion and activate the digestive tract, this drink can be used as a means of promoting weight loss. Of course, this does not mean that you can continue to overeat, and tea will solve all problems. But if you start eating right and at the same time drink it at least three cups a day, the result will not be long in coming.

Drinking green tea can help you lose weight

In order for the effect to be maximized, it is necessary to give up too sweet, salty and fatty foods, as well as increase physical activity. At the same time, tea can be drunk both hot and cold. Ice cubes and lemon can be added to cooled tea, as well as decoctions of herbs such as lemon balm, mint, oregano, chamomile. They will make tea not only tastier and more aromatic, but also have a beneficial effect on digestion.

Benefits for the liver

Green tea is very useful for people suffering from disorders in the liver and disorders of bile outflow. It is especially effective for cholelithiasis.... If you consume it several cups a day, you can get rid of the sand imperceptibly, and even small stones can come out without serious consequences. This drink is also useful for those who suffer from bile stagnation.

Catechins in Green Tea Protect the Liver

There are also studies that show that consuming green tea regularly can help protect the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco. This information cannot be considered completely reliable, but a couple of cups of tea will definitely not harm smokers and people who like to drink.

Milk can be added to green tea to give it a new taste and aroma and make it more nutritious.

The benefits of tea for teeth

Today it is well established that green tea helps to improve the health of teeth and gums. Responsible for this substance is catechin, which can even reduce the symptoms of periodontitis and other diseases. Regular consumption of this drink helps to get rid of bleeding gums and generally make them stronger. And the antibacterial properties of tea help prevent tooth decay. It should be noted that an improvement in the condition of the oral cavity was recorded even in smoking patients.

Frequent consumption of green tea has a beneficial effect on dental health

Separately, it is necessary to consider the property of green tea to whiten teeth. This is due to its high fluoride content. Of course, the teeth will not turn perfectly white immediately after drinking the drink, but if you drink it regularly and use it to rinse your mouth, the result will be sure.

In addition, green tea helps to get rid of bad breath, which often brings a lot of problems for patients and becomes a reason for going to the dentist.

Probably everyone knows about the healing properties of green tea. And many are sure that this delicious drink is completely harmless, because it has so many health benefits. But there are hidden dangers in this healthy drink that will be discussed: the harm of green tea.

Based on research conducted by the UK Tea Council (UK Tea Council), it has been found that a healthy drink, if consumed excessively, can cause side effects to human health.

What harm can green tea do?

The harm of green tea is expressed in its side effects, which experts associate with the content of caffeine and tannins (tannin and catechin).

Meanwhile, tea has tremendous health benefits. Read, Green Tea Extends Life.

Tannins. The tannins contained in the tea leaf are similar to vitamin P in their effect; they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. The tea itself is given flavor and astringency. But their large concentration in tea irritates the walls of the stomach, they slow down the absorption and assimilation of certain trace elements and can disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Caffeine- a purine alkaloid, is a powerful stimulant of the human nervous system, which has a number of positive effects on health. But an overdose of an alkaloid causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart, stomach, intestines and other body systems.

With an overabundance of even the most useful food products, the body is in danger, because all products contain chemical elements and biologically active substances that cannot be absorbed by the body indefinitely. Their excessive exposure takes the body out of the comfort zone, causing malfunctions and disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems.

Side effects or why follow the norm

Scientists have found a number of side effects that occur more often with an overdose of green tea, which is harmful for both women and men.

Changes the acidity of the stomach

Green tea alters the acidity of gastric juice, increasing it above normal, which irritates the walls of the stomach and can provoke heartburn. To this conclusion scientists have come, studies have shown that tea stimulates the production of stomach acid.

To neutralize its effect on the walls of the stomach, sugar can be added to tea, which, again, is not welcomed by everyone. It is better to drink the drink after meals or between meals, when the stomach has not yet been freed from food.

People with high stomach acidity and peptic ulcer disease need to be more careful when drinking this drink.

Reduces iron absorption

Since tea is drunk only after a meal, it interacts with substances contained in food. It has been found that caffeine, or rather theine (the type that is found in tea, differs in that it is absorbed only in the intestines), reduces the absorption of iron by 25%. This applies more to the non-heme gland found in eggs, dairy products and plant products.

But this harmful effect on the body, fortunately, can be neutralized by adding fresh lemon juice to a cup of tea or eating vegetables and fruits saturated with vitamin C first (greens from a garden with dark green leaves, tomatoes, broccoli, lemon, currants) ...

For women, it is important to observe moderation in tea drinking. Often, they already suffer from anemia and iron deficiency, and high concentrations of tea exacerbate this situation. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the concentration of caffeine can affect the development of the fetus and the health of the baby.

Promotes Chronic Headaches

If a person constantly consumes drinks containing caffeine, the body gradually gets used to it. And with a lack of this "doping" he responds with a prolonged headache. This is a kind of caffeine addiction, which causes a kind of withdrawal in case of insufficient intake.

Additional intake of drinks solves this problem after 25-30 minutes, but is it worth it to accustom your body to such an addiction? If headaches appear on the background of a lack of caffeine doping, it is better to completely abandon such drinks. After all, these symptoms will gradually increase.

Sometimes people have chronic head pains that turn into migraine. Studying such cases, scientists have found a connection between similar pain with the use of drinks (in large doses) containing caffeine.

Causes anxiety and nervousness, interferes with restful sleep

All these symptoms are more pronounced in sensitive people with an overdose. It's all about the substance xanthine, which is a purine base and a precursor of uric acid. Its derivative is caffeine.

Its side effect on the human body is the ability to block sleep hormones in the brain, and it also activates the production of adrenaline.

Increases heart rate and increases blood pressure

Sometimes there is a rapid contraction of the muscles of the heart (palpitations) or abnormal contraction, with a violation of the rhythm. As a rule, such failures and violations pass quickly. And if such cases occur, then it is better to talk to your doctor, undergo an examination and identify the true cause of the deviations.

If a person has an increased sensitivity to caffeine and its derivatives, then it is better to refuse drinks containing it in their composition.

You should not get carried away by drinks and people with high blood pressure, the fact of the effect of caffeine on increasing blood pressure is well known.

Causes diarrhea

This feature directly depends on the individual sensitivity of the organism. A huge number of neurons (nerve cells and endings) are concentrated in the lining mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Therefore, the digestive organs are very sensitive to all chemicals that come with food.

And drinks containing caffeine are rich in organic acids (citric, succinic, malic, oxalic), which stimulate the production of bile. At some point, this plays a positive role.

But accumulations of bile, in turn, trigger mechanisms in response to the effects of biologically active substances, which make them run to the toilet. For those for whom caffeinated drinks have a laxative effect, it is best to avoid them.

Promotes heartburn and vomiting

Medical experts acknowledge the fact that caffeinated drinks can cause heartburn. This is explained by the fact that when the mucous membrane is irritated with caffeine derivatives, the production of hydrochloric acid increases.

And since the active substances also have vasoconstrictor abilities, this to some extent disrupts the work of the sphincter, which does not work on time and passes hydrochloric acid into the esophagus.

Do not drink the drink hot, as it more irritates the stomach lining and do not work in an incline after drinking a cup of tea.

Tea overdose sometimes causes nausea, which turns into vomiting, which is rare. This is also associated with a change in the acidity of the stomach and the irritating effect of active substances on the vomiting center of the brain.

Possibly dizziness, ringing in the ears

Caffeine derivatives have insidious properties. In small doses, they increase blood pressure, cause vasospasm, which can lead to dizziness.

In case of overdose, on the contrary. lower the pressure. And again, they cause weakness and dizziness. Ringing in the ears is possible, especially with increased pressure.

It causes tremors of the limbs and a lack of calcium in the body

Can I drink iced tea

Experts do not recommend drinking too hot tea or cold tea. Hot tea can burn you, and frequent consumption of hot drinks causes a mutation of the epithelial cells lining the throat, leading to the formation of a malignant tumor.

Cold tea, after standing, is quickly oxidized, which leads to the destruction of the vitamins, minerals and active biological substances contained in it. There will not be much harm from this, just thinking about the usefulness, you will drink a pacifier. But in cold tea, a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria is still created.

The biologically active substances in green tea that provide benefits can be potentially hazardous to health if drunk in excessive amounts. The harm of green tea to the body lies only in this reason. If you follow the rule of the golden mean, then all problems will go away.

Reasonable use of tea turns the caffeine and tannin contained in it into friendly substances that only bring health.

  • And in this article, read about the benefits:

Drink your tea wisely and be healthy!

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Green tea is recognized as the first of 10 foods to promote health and longevity. Minimal processing of this type of tea preserves most of the vitamins, minerals and other bioactive substances that affect all organs and systems of the human body.

Tea has been scientifically proven to strengthen the immune system, relieve spasms of the cerebral vessels, activate the heart, improve sleep, strengthen the nervous system, relieve depression, increase sexual energy and fight obesity. The mechanisms of the anti-cancer and anti-radiation effects of tea remain unexplored, but the benefits of tea in these cases are undeniable. Perhaps tea helps prevent cancer by purifying the blood and strengthening the immune system. The anti-radiation effect of green tea is eloquently evidenced by the fact that the residents of Hiroshima, who regularly drink several cups of green tea a day, not only survived the explosion, but also improved their condition. Japanese green tea has the ability to absorb and remove strontium-90 from the body, even if it has had time to be deposited in the bone tissue. By the way, a modern person, surrounded by radiation from a computer, TV and other devices and breathing in the city air, simply needs to regularly consume green tea, which has such valuable properties.

In addition to normalizing the functioning of the body, green tea is also a powerful spiritual stimulant. This is why green tea and oolong tea are used in Chinese and Japanese tea ceremony. During the ceremony, tea promotes maximum concentration and openness to new ideas. There are often cases when an understanding of a problem and a completely non-standard solution comes over a cup of tea. High quality tea is a mild psychostimulant that regulates mental processes without harming the body. Regular consumption of green tea sharpens vision and increases the susceptibility of the nervous system, increases the reaction rate, accelerates the thinking process, enhances the ability for long-term concentration and stimulates creative activity.

Tea makes us resistant to stress and improves mood in depression. All this can also be explained by the purification of the blood from toxins, but it is much more pleasant to realize that together with tea we are pouring into ourselves a mysterious, magical essence. Connoisseurs of tea note that conversations over tea are different from everyday conversations and reveal the best side of the interlocutor. However, only fresh and properly prepared tea has such wonderful properties.

Despite the fact that tea packages indicate a shelf life of one to three years, three-year-old tea is much inferior in taste and useful properties to fresh tea. When buying tea, you should make it a rule to look at the production date. The information on the packaging will help you avoid another nuisance - flavorings. The very fact that green tea had to be added "flavors identical to natural" raises questions about its quality (or age). Even if the tea contains such additives as jasmine, hibiscus, chrysanthemum, pieces of fruit, lemon zest and other beautiful things, it is better to check the information on the package. Perhaps these additives only cover up the use of flavors.

One should not assume that green tea is a new and unusual product for Russia. Green tea was popular in Russia long before Europe knew about it. Only in the 19th century, following the English fashion, Russians massively switched to black tea. Love for black tea and the established traditions of its preparation "in Russian" often make it difficult to realize the fact that black tea is made from the same tea leaves as green tea, but it undergoes additional processing, which makes it less useful.

The most common mistake when brewing green tea is using the "traditional Russian method", in which the tea is prepared in advance in a large teapot, infused for a long time, diluted with boiling water to taste and flavored with sugar. It is difficult to spoil the taste of black tea by improper preparation, therefore, such an economical method seems to many to be the only correct one. Green tea is softer and richer. He requires special attention to himself. It is not surprising that green tea has so few admirers in Russia - it is quite difficult to enjoy a bitter, dull yellow liquid with a pungent odor ... In addition, with this method of brewing, tea loses all its beneficial properties and even gains harmful ones. It is completely pointless to force yourself to drink improperly prepared tea for the sake of losing weight.

To enjoy green tea, you need soft, odor-free water. In no case should the water be brought to a boil, even when brewing black tea. Green tea is much thinner than black tea, and too hot water will destroy its taste, aroma and health benefits. 80-85C is the ideal water temperature for green teas. It is best to infuse the tea in a small clay teapot. It is difficult to make recommendations on the amount of tea leaves and infusion time, because it depends on the type of tea and the time of its collection, the softness of the water and personal preference. To begin with, you can brew one teaspoon of tea per 100 ml of water, if the taste is not bright enough, increase the dose next time.

The taste properties of each tea are determined empirically. It takes a lot of experience and special knowledge to properly prepare unfamiliar tea the first time. The only thing to remember when preparing green tea is that its infusion time should not exceed 10 seconds. (Of course, you can follow the directions on the package and brew for 3-4 minutes, but who will like the result?) Many green teas turn bitter even when steeped for 3-4 seconds. Diluting tea with water negates its beneficial properties. Adding sugar equates tea to compote, which is not bad in itself, but makes no sense, especially if the tea is expensive. Quality teas can withstand up to 15 re-brews. This is why the teapot needs to be small.

For all its advantages, tea also has contraindications: excessive sensitivity to caffeine and dependence on caffeine. Sensitivity to caffeine can be individual, which is very rare, and situational: with exacerbation of stomach ulcers, hypertension, kidney disease, glaucoma, psychasthenia and any diseases accompanied by high fever. For colds, you should drink weak green tea. Large quantities of green tea are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, but a few cups of high quality tea a day will be beneficial. Small children are very sensitive to tea. Until the age of 10-12, children should not get carried away with strong tea, but a weak infusion of green tea will provide the child's body with vitamins and other useful substances.