Patties "Quick" with chicken and egg. Chicken pies in the oven step by step recipe with photos Chicken pies with yeast dough

06.12.2021 Buffet table

I bring to your attention a recipe for wonderful little pies. Despite the fact that they are based on yeast dough, it will take very little time to cook. And the point is that you do not need to wait until the dough rises. Knead it and you can immediately start making and baking pies. In addition, this dish has many other undeniable advantages. Pies are airy, puffy, melting in your mouth. The topping can be made according to your taste. I have meat, so these pies are suitable for tea, coffee, any first course instead of bread. So let's get ready. To do this, we need the following products: milk, butter, dry yeast, salt, sugar, flour, egg yolk, boiled meat (I have chicken), boiled egg, sunflower oil.

Preparing the stuffing for pies. Peel the onion, wash and chop finely. Pour sunflower oil into the pan and put the chopped onion. Lightly fry.

Grind any boiled meat (I have chicken) and a boiled egg. Add fried onions, salt to taste and mix. The pie filling is ready.

Cooking dough. Melt the butter in the microwave or on a conventional stove. Add warm milk. This mixture should not be hot.

Put sugar and dry yeast in a bowl with melted butter and milk.

After 10-15 minutes, the yeast will foam.

Sift the flour into a bowl to remove impurities and enrich it with oxygen.

Pour the mixture of melted butter, dry yeast and sugar into the sifted flour. Add one heaping teaspoon of salt.

Knead a soft, elastic dough. It does not stick to the hands, because the dough is quite oily. It is because of the fat content that the effect of puff pastry is obtained.

We divide the resulting dough into approximately three parts.

Roll out each piece into a rectangle. On the wide side, spread the filling on the edge.

Roll up the dough with the filling.

And now you need to do the following. With the edge of the palm we press on the roll and with sawing movements we separate the pieces of dough with the filling 4-5 centimeters in size. We get small pies.

We spread the pies in a baking dish, grease the egg yolk (you can not do this) and put in the oven, heated to 170-175 degrees C. After 20-25 minutes, the baking will be ready.

From the specified amount of ingredients, 15-16 pieces of pies are obtained. The pies are just amazing. Bon Appetit!


  • 8 chicken thighs without bone and skin;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 8 strips of smoked bacon;
  • 1 onion;
  • 250 g of champignons;
  • ¼ bunch thyme;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 400 ml;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 400 g puff pastry;
  • 1 egg.


Cut the chicken into large pieces and fry in hot oil for 5-8 minutes until browned on all sides. Remove the chicken and add the coarsely chopped bacon to the skillet. Cook for about 5 minutes until crispy. Add onion sliced ​​in half rings, mushroom pieces and chopped thyme and fry over high heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add flour and mix well. Pour in the broth and milk and put the chicken back into the pan. Bring to a boil and simmer for another 30 minutes over low heat. Then place the filling in a tall rimmed baking dish.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm, cover the form with the filling with it and cut off the excess. Brush the dough with beaten egg. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 30 minutes until the dough has risen and is golden.


  • 4 chicken breasts without skin;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a few sprigs of dill - optional;
  • 400 g puff pastry;
  • 1 egg.


Cut the chicken breasts in half lengthwise and beat lightly. Heat olive oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a skillet. Fry the chicken for 4-5 minutes on each side until it is browned. Mix remaining softened butter with chopped rosemary, salt, pepper, and chopped dill (optional).

Roll out thinly and cut into eight squares. Place a fried breast on each of them and brush it with a mixture of oil and spices. Fasten the ends of the dough, making neat pies.

Place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet, brush with beaten egg and bake at 230°C for 18–20 minutes.


For the test

  • 350 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 220 g butter;
  • 60–120 ml of water.

For filling

  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 tablespoons of flour;
  • 500 ml chicken broth;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • 100 g frozen green peas;
  • 2 boiled chicken breasts;
  • 200 g spinach;
  • 1 egg.


In a food processor, combine flour, salt and softened butter. Add 60 ml of water and knead the dough. Add more water if necessary. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour. Then divide the dough in half and roll out into layers. Put one layer on the bottom of the baking dish and level it along the walls.

Saute chopped onion in hot oil over medium heat. Add flour and stir. Pour in the broth and milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add salt, pepper, chopped parsley, peas, finely chopped chicken and spinach. If using frozen spinach, then it must first be lightly boiled in salted water.

Put the filling on the dough, cover with a second layer and firmly fasten the edges of the dough. Brush the pie with beaten egg and bake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 35-40 minutes.


  • 400 g puff pastry;
  • 100 g grated hard cheese;
  • 250 g of grained cottage cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 3 eggs.


Roll out half of the dough into a layer slightly larger than the baking dish, put it on the bottom and smooth out the sides of the form. Puff pastry can be replaced with. Mix finely chopped chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and spices. Beat the eggs, add them to the filling and mix.

Pour the filling into the mold and cover with the remaining rolled out dough. Trim off excess if necessary. Firmly fasten the bottom and top layers of dough. Place the cake in a preheated oven at 220°C for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180°C and bake for another 25-30 minutes.


  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 50 g flour;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • ½ teaspoon dried thyme;
  • 350 ml chicken broth;
  • 180 ml of milk;
  • 250 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 80 g frozen green peas;
  • 80 g frozen corn;
  • 400 g puff pastry.


Clean and cut it into cubes. Cut carrots into slices. Place vegetables in a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for another 8-10 minutes. They should not be completely boiled. Drain the liquid and transfer the vegetables to a plate.

Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Fry chopped onion on it, then add flour and spices and mix well. Gradually add broth and milk and bring to a boil. Then cook for another 2 minutes, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Put chicken pieces, peas, corn, potatoes and carrots in a pan, mix and remove from heat.

Divide the dough in half and roll out two layers. Place one of them in the bottom of a baking dish and line it up against the sides. Put the filling inside, cover with another layer and firmly fasten the edges of the dough. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 220°C.

Today we will cook pies
with Chiken. I will share some simple recipes for chicken pies. They are tested by time and millions of mouths and stomachs. Try it too.

Chicken pies

Puff pastry with chicken

Delicious fragrant crispy pies with chicken meat. And it's all thanks to puff pastry.

By the way, in order not to suffer and still save precious time, I recommend buying puff pastry in advance in the store.


  • Yeast-free puff pastry - 0.5 kg.
  • Chicken fillet (or breast) - 0.5-0.7 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mustard ordinary - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Ground black pepper
  • Sugar - 1-2 pinches
  • Salt
  • Butter - 50-70 g.


Leave the dough to defrost. Defrosting should be natural, and therefore you should not put it in the microwave. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling.

Chicken breast filling for pies

We separate the chicken breast from the bone and skin, cut into small fillets.

Peel the onion, wash, finely chop.

Add mustard, salt, pepper, sugar, onion to chicken meat. Mix everything and let it soak a little.

Cut the dough into squares. 7-9 cm will be fine.

These pieces of dough need to be rolled out additionally so that their area slightly increases.

Spread the dough around the edges with a raw egg. In each square (in the middle) put 1-2 tbsp. spoons of chicken fillet filling.

Put a small piece of butter on each filling.

Now you need to roll the dough to make pies.

Can be folded diagonally, press the edges. The pies will be triangular.

You can press each corner to the middle of the dough, and then connect everything. There will be square pies.

Line a baking sheet with special paper. Lay the pies so that they do not touch each other.

Brush each pie with beaten egg.

We send it to the oven preheated to 190-200 degrees, bake for 25 minutes.

Puff pastry with chicken and cheese


  • Chicken (legs, thighs, breast - it doesn't matter) - 1 kg.
  • Cheese - 250-300 g (hard varieties)
  • Wheat flour - 50 g.
  • Puff pastry - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Curry - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper
  • Onion - 0.5 kg.


The first step is the filling with chicken for pies. Finely chop the chicken meat.

Salt, pepper, pour oil, add curry. Mix and leave for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, deal with the test. Open, roll out, cut into rectangles.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add meat. Fry over medium heat.

Add finely chopped onion, mix. Fry until the meat is ready.

On one side we put 1-3 tbsp. spoons of chicken filling and put a slice of cheese on top.

We cover the second dough, press the edges.

Cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

Lay out the pies.

Send to the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

When the pies with chicken and cheese in the oven become a pleasant golden color, then they are ready.

Patties with potatoes and chicken

Amazing fried pies with chicken and potatoes. Very satisfying and flavorful!


  • Yeast dough - -1-2 kg.
  • Chicken meat - 700 g.
  • Mashed potatoes - 500 g.
  • Ground black pepper
  • Salt
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Onions - 150-200 g.


This recipe is quite brief, in that I won't point out how to make yeast dough and mashed potatoes.

Finely chop the chicken, fry with onions in oil.

Add chicken to mashed potatoes, melted butter, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the dough into pieces, roll them out.

Put the filling in each cake.

Sculpt the pies.

Fry in oil on one side and the other until golden brown.

See video how to cook chicken and mushroom patties

Patties are an amazing appetizer that has been admired by dozens of generations. Stuffed dough is served with soups and second courses, used as a snack during the journey and tea parties are arranged. From the varieties of pies, the head is spinning, because you can find both open and closed, and multi-layered, and pies with kulebyaks, and kurniki with three.

And fillings from minced meat, mushrooms, cheese, potatoes, eggs, berries and fruits beckon to try all kinds. Among all the snacks, chicken pies stand out, which will be discussed in our article.

Yeast pies with chicken

The recipe for chicken patties is a hearty and 100% meat option for those who do not like anything extra. It is best to cook these pies in the oven so that the appetizer is soft and juicy.

Pie dough

Pour water (warm) into a deep bowl, add yeast, sugar and pour a little flour. Mix thoroughly, cover with polyethylene and leave warm for 15-20 minutes. In order for the dough to rise, you need to cover it with a towel. When the time has passed, add the egg, oil and salt, mix. Pour flour in a thin stream so that the dough turns out without lumps. We knead not a tight dough, cover with polyethylene and put in a warm place. While the yeast dough is “growing”, we prepare the filling.

Cut the chicken breast and onion into small cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix the stuffing thoroughly. We divide the finished dough into 10 small balls, about the size of a palm. We crush each ball with our fingers to make a cake, then we put the filling in it and wrap it.

We put the pies in a deep bowl and put in the oven (180 degrees) for half an hour. During the baking process, you can grease the pies with sunflower oil or egg yolk to give a beautiful gloss to our appetizer.

Pies are cooked for an hour and a half.

Number of servings: 10 pieces.

Calories per 100 grams: 469 kcal.

Wind pies with chicken and potatoes

This recipe will help you prepare fluffy, light and tasty pastries that will delight the whole family.

Stir sugar and yeast in warm milk until completely dissolved. We cover the container with a lid or polyethylene and leave to ripen near the battery or stove for no more than 15 minutes. While the yeast reaction is going on, take the butter and melt it in a water bath, cool. Add salt and butter to milk and yeast, then knead the elastic dough.

The finished dough must be removed in a warm place and you can proceed to the filling. Potatoes are peeled, cut into small cubes and boiled until tender. As soon as the potatoes are ready, it is necessary to drain all the water, crush and leave to cool.

At this time, we pass the chicken breast through a meat grinder, or cut into small cubes. The onion is chopped and fried along with the chicken until a yellow-golden color appears. Then all the ingredients must be mixed, add spices and dill.

Roll out the dough into small rectangles and add the filling. Ready pies with chicken and potatoes are laid out on paper or a baking sheet and baked in the oven for half an hour (t 180 *)

Baking takes 90 minutes.

Number of servings: 12-17 pieces.

Calories per 100 grams: 624 kcal.

Puff pastry patties stuffed with chicken

Puff pastry with margarine or butter at home is quite difficult to prepare, moreover, such a dough can be found in any grocery store.

The fillet and onion are cut into small pieces. Garlic is pressed through a press, mixed with mustard and spices, then added to the filling. Defrost the dough at room temperature. In no case should the dough be completely thawed, it should be slightly frozen. Cut the layers into small cubes and roll out.

In the middle of each square lay out the filling and a small piece of butter. We wrap the pies in the form of triangles, bake in the oven for 30 minutes maximum (t 180 *). To make the appetizer fragrant and beautiful, sprinkle the dough with sesame seeds before sending it to the oven.

The dish is cooked for at least an hour.

Portion: 6-8 pieces.

Calories per 100 grams: 394 kcal.

Puff pastries with chicken and cheese

The bread is very juicy and appetizing. The aroma resembles traditional khachapuri, and the taste of samsa, but all together - these are cheese pies with chicken.

Cut the chicken into small cubes. Crush the garlic cloves with a press or chop with a knife, then fry with the chicken in butter. Grind cheese on a grater, add spices and mix with meat.

Defrost the dough, roll into small rectangles. Brush the edges with beaten egg. Put the filling on the dough and wrap in small envelopes, pierce with a fork and put on a baking sheet. Bake 1/3 hour (t 180*)

The dish takes 40 minutes to prepare.

Number of servings: 8 pieces.

Calories per 100 gr: 533 kcal.

How to cook delicious beef with potatoes in a slow cooker, in our article.

Lamb kharcho soup - try to cook from Caucasian cuisine.

Creating an autumn bouquet of vegetables and fruits with your own hands is an original gift that can be put on the festive table.

Kefir pies with chicken and mushrooms

This is an incredibly tender, satisfying pastry, which is characterized by a quick preparation and an easy process.

To prepare a dough, you need to stir the yeast and sugar in warm water, cover with polyethylene and leave near the battery or stove for half an hour. When the initial composition for preparing the dough is ready, add kefir, one egg, flour, salt to the bowl. We knead the elastic dough and put it by the battery for 60 minutes. At this time, prepare the filling.

Fillet, mushrooms and onions are cut into small cubes or passed through a meat grinder. The filling is fried in vegetable oil until cooked, spices are added to taste and cooled. The finished dough is divided into lumps the size of a palm. Each ball is crushed with fingers into a small cake, then the filling is laid and tightly wrapped. The blanks are laid out on a baking sheet, greased with a beaten egg and baked in the oven for no more than 40 minutes (t 180 *).

Baking takes 2 hours.

Number of servings: 10-15 pieces.

Calories per 100 gr: 465 kcal.

  1. To make the appetizer airy, lush and light, it is best to use fresh yeast. In appearance, such yeast resembles plasticine, so it is recommended to soak it in milk or water before cooking. Also, fresh yeast has a short shelf life (only 2 days), and dry yeast is stored for up to 12 months or more. If there was no fresh yeast at hand, then dry yeast will do, only in the smallest amount;
  2. When preparing puff pastry, it is important that all products are cold, otherwise there is a risk that the pastry will not rise during cooking;
  3. To make chicken pies juicy, it is best to add onions to the filling. Sometimes the onion is replaced with a small piece of butter;
  4. During frying, the chicken fillet not only decreases in size, but also becomes dry. To make the pies juicy and tasty, it is better to add meat in raw and chopped form;
  5. To make the dough without lumps, you need to pour the flour in a thin stream through a sieve. It is also recommended to sift the flour in advance;
  6. Don't forget to add sugar when making sourdough. This product speeds up the fermentation process and interacts well with yeast;
  7. Put the finished pies in a deep bowl and do not be afraid that they will “stick” to each other. This will help to cook two or three times more pies at a time.

Chicken pies are an easy-to-cook pastry. In just 1 hour you can please yourself and your family with fragrant pastries with delicious filling!

Tender chicken meat becomes an ideal filling for light and low-calorie baking. Delicious chicken pies look great on the festive table, and the ease of preparation of many recipes makes them a familiar snack of the daily diet.

The advantage of the delicacy is the ability to bring the dough to full readiness in the pan. Pre-boiled meat will turn out soft when simmering the broth over low heat for about two hours.

Cooking steps:

  1. The bird is boiled in a saucepan, the bay is topped with water. Add one cooking onion, carrot. Celery will add flavor. A couple of cloves of garlic and a few peas of black pepper will give a sharpness. During cooking, the liquid must be added. The result is a pulp for the filling and a fragrant broth. Salt to taste and at the very end of cooking.
  2. The meat is removed from the bones. The pulp is chopped with a knife and turned. The filling for pies is completely ready.
  3. While the bird is cooking, you can prepare the dough. It is best to choose a yeast base for the execution of a classic recipe. It will take only half a kilogram of flour and about one and a half glasses of milk. About 50 grams of sugar is used for taste. About 5 g of salt is added to the mixture. You also need a couple of eggs and a bag of "quick" yeast. Satiety will add oil. Either 100 g of a creamy component or three tablespoons of vegetable is used.
  4. First of all, they put the dough. A handful of flour is diluted with warm milk, sugar and yeast are added. The workpiece should start to rise. At this stage, it is poured into flour and, stirring, add the remaining components. The mixture is allowed to rise twice. Readiness is determined by the consistency, the mass easily falls behind the hands.

The dough is divided into the chosen number of apple-sized balls. You can roll them out immediately, laying about a tablespoon of the filling on each blank. The edges are carefully pinched and spread on the pan. Can be fried in oil. If the utensil allows, excellent dietary options are obtained in a non-stick pan.

Products are prepared for fifteen minutes on each side. It is better if the fire is weak.

Cooking with mushrooms in the oven

Boiled chicken meat, about one kilogram, is finely chopped. This can be done with a knife or in a meat grinder. About a teaspoon of salt and a little ground pepper are added to the minced meat.

Any mushrooms are used in a ratio of 1 to 1 with meat. According to taste, they can be less or more. All options, except champignons, are pre-boiled. Grind according to preference.

The order of creation is simple:

  1. To prepare the dough, take ½ kilogram of flour and a bag of yeast. To create the desired consistency, about one and a half glasses of milk and about one hundred grams of butter are used. Instead, you can use a similar amount of sour cream. You will need a tablespoon of sugar. Quite a bit of salt, about 5 g. You also need two eggs.
  2. Dough is made from milk, sugar and a small amount of flour with the addition of all the yeast used. As soon as it rises for the first time, add all the other ingredients and let the mixture rise twice.
  3. Then it is divided into small koloboks, which are rolled out in a thin layer. The filling is placed in the center. The surface of each product is smeared with protein or oil.

It is better to bake in a preheated oven. For complete cooking, you need about 40 minutes. After placement, the fire is reduced.

From puff pastry

Fragrant puff pastry chicken pies will be the best dish for a family breakfast. At the same time, it is financially affordable. It is enough to take 300 g of already cooked meat. As an alternative, ready-made raw minced meat stewed in a pan is used. Ready meat is turned in a meat grinder. Salt is added. You can pepper, add chopped herbs.

A package of ready-made dough is taken. It is left overnight in the room to defrost. The two boards that are in the package are rolled out as thinly as possible and divided into 9 rectangles. In the middle of each put the filling and carefully fasten. Prepared products are fried or baked. It will take 10 minutes to fry on each side. Bake for about 20 minutes.

Patties with chicken and potatoes

A hearty addition to lunch soup will be products with chicken and potatoes. It will take 300 g of boiled meat and mashed potatoes from three medium potatoes. The components are combined in a blender by adding 5 g of salt. They will become even tastier with ground pepper and herbs.

How best to cook:

  1. The dough is made from three cups of flour and two eggs. Add a glass of milk or 100 g of sour cream to them. The mass can be yeast or lean. When choosing the yeast option, a bag of instant yeast is immediately introduced. Depending on preferences, the addition of 50 g of sugar is allowed.
  2. The mixture will be quite thick. Sprinkle the surface with flour to roll it out. The layer must be very thin. It is divided into equal circles. Put a teaspoon of filling on each, pinch tightly and firmly.

You can cook in the oven or in a pan. Cooking in both cases takes about 20 minutes on medium heat.

With cheese filling

Any minced meat: with boiled chicken, onions, potatoes or without additives, will become spicy if grated cheese is added to it.

Stages of creating a dish:

  1. The carcass or chicken breasts are boiled. You should get about 500 g of pulp, which is crushed with a knife or blender. Salt, adding about a teaspoon of salt, pepper to taste.
  2. About 300 grams of grated cheese is introduced into the finished minced meat. Any variety is used. For a spicy taste, you can try adding garlic.
  3. To prepare the dough, a package of puff pastry is taken, which should be soft. The layers are divided into equal rectangles. They are thinly rolled out. Put a spoonful of filling in the center of each and seal the edges. You need to connect very tightly, otherwise the cheese, melting, will flow out.

The finished dish is cooked in the oven at a low temperature. It will take no more than 15 minutes. Such puff pastries look beautiful even on the festive table.

Balls of threads with chicken fillet

To perform the original dish, in this case, you also need only minced meat prepared from boiled chicken meat and a package of puff pastry purchased at the nearest outlet, which must first be defrosted. Such puff pastries can be made with chicken and mushrooms. Additionally, you will need a head of onion.

How to create a dish:

  1. First of all, 300 grams of meat and half a glass of rice are cooked. They need to be fully cooked. Next, the meat is turned and combined with boiled rice, adding about a spoonful of salt. The piquancy will add a ground mixture of peppers.
  2. You can take any dough, for example, yeast. To prepare it, a bag of yeast is dissolved in a glass of warm water. A handful of flour, a spoonful of sugar are added to the mixture and allowed to come up.
  3. Opara is poured into 400 g of flour. When stirring, 100 g of vegetable oil is added. Knead until the dough starts to stick to your hands. He is given a "rest" for about an hour under the film and divided into rounds.

Each ball is rolled out in a thin layer. The filling for the pies is placed in the center and pinched as carefully as possible. It is better to bake in a hot oven, immediately reducing the heat to a minimum value. It will take about half an hour.