Useful properties of birch sap for weight loss. An example of a birch diet for a week

13.05.2019 Healthy eating

Birch sap has become a favorite remedy for cleansing the body in early spring, when trees are growing and the collection of this useful natural component begins. But you need to know how to properly take birch sap for weight loss, so as not to harm the body, and cleanse it of toxins. Birch sap has a strong diuretic property and at the same time has a good effect on the metabolism, speeding it up and making the figure slimmer and cleansing it from toxins along the way.

How to drink birch sap

Birch sap is mined in early spring, when birch buds begin to bloom and leaves are blooming, thus the sap goes along the stalks of the birch and with a correct cut on the stem, you can collect several liters of natural birch sap per day.

It is important to remember that the natural substances contained in birch sap - vitamins and microelements - have no effect for a long time. The best and most useful is freshly harvested birch sap, which has the highest concentration of mineral salts. Birch sap should be drunk within two hours after collection, when it is most useful.

The scheme for taking birch sap is as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach 100 ml 30-40 minutes before meals. You can drink a teaspoon of olive oil with birch sap, which is important for cleansing the body of toxins in the same way as this natural product from nature itself. It should be taken for at least 7 days so that the body is cleansed of toxins, however, in the absence of contraindications, you can drink birch sap for up to two weeks while it is available fresh.

Contraindications to taking birch sap can be the presence of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, with regular use, stones can begin to come out and it is better to discuss this painful process with your doctor. If the specialist allows, you can take birch sap for weight loss and simultaneously remove all toxins from the body.

If you decide to drink birch sap all year round, you can prepare it for future use. Cocktails with birch sap and mint will become very tasty - non-alcoholic mojito with birch sap not only tones up, but also treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, birch sap should be prepared for future use, preserving it with sugar and mint. In this form, the juice can stand until the next harvest, and you will consume natural vitamins throughout the year and tone the body with natural vitamins and the power of nature itself.

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Birch sap or birch tree is a clear liquid flowing from broken trunks and branches, cuts that have resulted from root pressure.

Composition of birch sap

Birch sap is an excellent product that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. And how is this juice useful? Due to the small amount of sugars - 0.5-2.3% - and low calorie content (only 24 kcal per 100 ml of product), it is well suited for people who are on diets and trying to lose weight.

The chemical composition of birch sap (amount in ml / l): potassium - 276, sodium - 16, calcium - 13, magnesium - 6, aluminum - 2, manganese - 1, iron - 0.25, silicon - 0.1, titanium - 0.08, copper - 0.02, strontium - 0.1, barium - 0.01, nickel - 0.01, zirconium - 0.01, phosphorus - 0.01 and traces of nitrogen.

Birch sap: beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of birch sap will definitely delight all lovers of a healthy lifestyle. Scientists have proven that taking one glass a day for three weeks helps to cope with spring vitamin deficiency, fatigue, lethargy, absent-mindedness and depression. Contraindicated only for allergy sufferers.

Is birch sap (fresh) good for weight loss? Still would! If in doubt whether it is possible to drink all kinds of juices for weight loss, then doubt away! After all, this is one of the best means to speed up metabolism, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The vitamins contained in birch sap are recommended for blood diseases, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and all respiratory diseases. Regular intake of birch sap qualitatively breaks down stones in the bladder and kidneys, cleanses the blood, and expels harmful substances from the body in infectious diseases. It is also useful for stomach ulcers, diseases of the gallbladder, liver and duodenum, as well as tuberculosis, scurvy, migraines and some venereal infections.

It is also good to wash your hair with birch sap for dandruff to increase the softness and shine of the hair.

With the systemic use of juice in men, potency increases, in women, the menopause period is easier, the feeling of drowsiness decreases, and immunity to colds increases.

When and how to extract juice correctly

The sap begins to stand out in the spring with the first warming, and it lasts until the buds fully open. They stop collecting juice approximately in mid-April, when the leaves have already blossomed. A stronger movement of sap on a tree occurs during daylight hours, preferably from 10 am to 6 pm. It is better to start harvesting in areas warmed by the sun, where the birches wake up earlier, even when the snow has not melted yet. On average, 3 liters of sap per day comes out of a birch, and if the tree is large, then you can get up to seven liters. It is not advisable to take it from young trees.

The selection of dishes for collection should be carefully considered. It is better to have glass jars or wooden containers, because bottles with a chemical composition can flavor the juice or dissolve in it.

Juice is obtained by cutting the bark of a tree with a diameter of at least 20 cm. The hole should be correctly made on the northern side of the birch, at a distance of about 50 cm from the beginning of the trunk. It is better to insert an aluminum chute or other semicircular device into the slot, so the juice will drain well into the dishes.

After collecting, it is not always possible to immediately consume all the juice, so it can be stored in the refrigerator, there it will not spoil for three days. To preserve it longer, it is better to preserve the juice, then it can be enjoyed up to 4 months.

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Today, to enjoy the taste of birch sap, you do not have to go to the forest, since this drink has long been available in grocery stores. It can boast not only of its original sweetish taste, but also of its various useful properties. People learned about the benefits of birch sap for the body in ancient times, and today it has already been proven through numerous experiments. Doctors and nutritionists agree that the drink should be included in your diet.

How is birch sap useful for the body?

This natural drink contains various substances that cause a number of beneficial effects. It should be borne in mind that the collection of juice should be carried out only in ecologically clean regions.

What is the reason for the benefits of birch sap for the human body:

  1. Provides useful substances, tones and energizes, which is especially important for recovery after winter.
  2. It has a positive effect on the ongoing metabolic processes.
  3. The composition contains tannins, so the juice will be useful for people who have high blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Helps to strengthen the immune system, helping to fight viruses, infections and vitamin deficiency.
  5. It is recommended to drink a drink with anemia.
  6. It contains betulinic acid to help fight bacteria and inflammation found in the kidneys and urinary system. The drink cleanses the organs from sand.
  7. Has an astringent property and promotes better production of bile in the liver, and this already has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  8. Thanks to the diuretic action, the kidneys are better at removing excess salt and water, which helps to lower blood pressure.

Many people are interested in how birch sap is useful for losing weight, and whether it can be drunk without harm to the figure. To begin with, let's figure out the calorie content, since it is this value that many pay attention to. The energy value of the drink is small and only 25 kcal per 100 g. Birch sap for weight loss is useful in that it has a diuretic and laxative effect. Drinking a drink can cleanse the body of excess fluid. In addition, the juice improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, due to which toxins are removed from the body, which normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive system. Regular consumption of birch sap can be considered an excellent prevention of obesity.

Drinkers of birch sap for weight loss claim that it is the most useful liquid in the world. If you look at this without the "people's medical" pathos, you can get a little upset. Birch sap is the most banal isotonic. Or, as our grandmothers used to say, sweet water. Let with a small amount of vitamins, minerals and phytoncides, but the essence does not change. Birch sap is unlikely to help you in the great cause of weight loss if you do nothing for yourself but drink it. But if you compare it in the context of calorie content with the same popular peach or cherry juices, birch will win. So how to drink it if the goal is to gain a slim figure?

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Traditional medicine in relation to weight loss is generally a harsh thing. "You are eating too much." This is the main thesis of all folk medical sources. And to lose weight, you should eat as little as possible, so little that it is difficult to fit into a reasonable framework. This is where tips for skipping meals and all kinds of other such things begin.

With birch sap, we are advised:

  1. skip dinner, replacing it with a glass of juice. Of course, you won't go far with a glass of juice, but you won't stay hungry either, according to the authors of the recipe. Further, you can think of any thought about "cleansing and accelerating metabolism" to your taste;
  2. drink birch sap before each meal to dull appetite, saturate the diet with vitamins, and, most importantly, rid your body of terrible thirst;
  3. skip "a whole day of food", that is, arrange fasting days for 2.5 liters of birch sap, minus all other products. So to speak, a technique for the strong in spirit.

So, all this is great, of course, but how do you know if you will get all the necessary substances with this approach. And, of course, we are not talking about useful vitamins that are contained in birch sap, but about more commonplace things. Think about calories, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, for example. Are you getting enough macronutrients? Sorry, but something does not seem like if you have breakfast in the spirit of oatmeal without sugar and salt on water, lunch - chicken breast with vegetables, and for dinner - a glass of birch. And at the same time, you do not eat anything at all for one more day, arranging for yourself "unloading for cleansing."

Why are popular methods of losing weight with juice dangerous?

  • Slow down metabolism.

A number of modern sources speak of it as an imaginary problem, meanwhile there is a very real risk of acquiring it, especially if you are systematically malnourished. Deceleration is an adaptation of the hormonal system. It is expressed in a decrease in the level of secretion of thyroid hormones. As a result, metabolic processes slow down and the restoration of the body is disrupted. This usually results in the inability to lose weight on relatively low calories.

Slowing down metabolism is the real reason why people who are disciplined and do not suffer from constant breakdowns fail to lose weight on low-calorie diets.

  • Disruption of the immune system.

Our immune system needs us to eat at least 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight in pure form. If we do not do this, over time, the immune system is disrupted. We begin to "catch" all colds, get sick and suffer. And we do not associate all this with nutrition. And if we do, then for some reason we assert that all problems are due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. A typical immunocompromised losing weight is likely to chew countless lemons, buy black currants, goji berries, and cover it all with honey. And he won't even think that this is not the problem, but how much cottage cheese and chicken breast he eats, or rather, how many of these wonderful products he does not eat at all.

  • Impaired absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Usually the problem is ignored, but foods with a diuretic effect (and birch sap is one of those) interfere with the absorption of vitamin C, potassium, calcium. In principle, it is not critical if a person receives all the necessary vitamins from food, and it is rather critical if he does not receive them, and his diet is poor.

  • The biggest problem with losing weight is with birch sap.

We read everywhere that juice cleanses, restores strength and relieves edema. But nowhere that it almost satiates like all other juices. From a chemical point of view, juice is a solution of vitamins, minerals and simple carbohydrates in water. All this is quickly absorbed by our body. And if we are "lucky" to have an insulin-sensitive body, then drinking juices is not at all what is needed to avoid the swings in appetite. And it’s not at all what you need to gain a healthy weight. In general, if juice increases your appetite personally, most likely it is you who will suffer from it and end up overeating. But everyone knows that it is enough to overeat just a couple of times for the problem of the average weekly calorie intake to become relevant. In the sense that the calorie content after a couple of sessions of overeating will easily go into "support". And nothing can be done about it.

Health Benefits of Birch Sap

All this does not mean that birch sap is a poisonous muck, from which fat grows in huge layers on the hips and stomach. The product contains phytoncides, which contributes to the natural healing of the intestinal microflora. In moderate doses, the juice helps to strengthen the immune system, get rid of the tendency to colds and other diseases, and helps in the prevention of increased fatigue. The disinfecting properties of birch sap are widely used when it is necessary to relieve local inflammation.

So lotions are made from birch sap on joints when it is necessary to reduce swelling and soreness in arthrosis. Various lotions for skin inflammations and boils are made from it, birch sap with birch tar is used to treat acne and acne.

In addition, juice is useful as a drink for those with colds or flu. It allows you to obtain the required volume of fluid and ensure the elimination of toxins, and in this sense can affect the body temperature in terms of its lowering.

Birch sap is considered useful for general vitality and health, for a long time it was included in the diet of sanatorium and children's food. True, "evil tongues" claim that this is due to its exceptional cheapness and availability.

How to choose birch sap for weight loss

If you do not have a problem with the sensitivity of cells to insulin, and drinking juice, in principle, does not leave you with a "wolf" appetite, you should still carefully consider the process of choosing birch sap. The product should not be used as a substitute for all clean water in the diet, but can only be drunk additionally.

The information on the packaging usually gives a comprehensive understanding of what we bought and drink. If it indicates that the juice is completely natural, does not contain preservatives, colors, stabilizers and additional sugar, this is usually what we need. Birch sap can be packed in a jar or tetra-pack. The latter option is better as it is considered more chemically safe.

How much juice can you drink for weight loss

The calorie content of the juice is not high, compared to other juices, it is "light". But you should still carefully enter the calorie content of all the drinks consumed in your diary, because this is the only way we can be sure that we get as much as we need. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to answer the question about “how much juice”. Everyone has this amount, and as everyone guessed, you can not drink any juice at all and successfully lose weight.

The article was prepared for you by Anna Tarskaya (CrossFit coach)

Birch sap is one of the greatest gifts of nature, which is not only tasty, but also, when used correctly, significantly improves health.

I adore birch sap for its sweetish and delicate taste, but alas, there are few birch forests in Ukraine. I have nowhere to assemble it myself and I have to buy a ready-made one. Fortunately, the 21st century is in the yard and you can buy birch sap on the Internet or in any supermarket.

Beneficial features

For the kidneys and genitourinary system

The birch drink contains betulinic acid, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects on the kidneys and the entire urinary system. It stimulates kidney function by clearing sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder.

Cystitis and pyelonephritis: thanks to its active ingredients, birch is used to treat chronic kidney inflammation. Moreover, not only juice is used for treatment, but also dry leaves, buds and bark of a tree.

TOamni and kidney sand: birch sap is considered the best method for dissolving kidney stones. Anyone who suffers from urolithiasis, make it a rule to regularly drink fresh juice. If this is not possible, then buy collections from dry birch leaves and bark at the pharmacy and make yourself decoctions.

For the liver and digestive system

Birch sap is astringent due to its high tannin content. It is able to increase the production of bile in the liver, making it ideal for treating digestive system disorders.

Diarrhea: Drink birch sap or decoctions from the dry bark of this tree to combat intestinal upset and remove bacteria that cause this ailment.

Liver: the choleretic property of birch increases the production of bile, which helps to improve food digestion and reduce side effects from malfunctioning of this organ, such as belching, gas, heartburn. Treatment with birch sap significantly reduces pain and inflammation after hepatic colic.

Hypertension and arthritis: birch sap, due to its diuretic properties, helps the kidneys to remove excess salt and water, thereby lowering high blood pressure. It also serves as a preventive measure against arthritis.

Cholesterol: Due to the high amount of tannins, birch sap is beneficial for treating high cholesterol levels. Tannins prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the blood.

Slimming birch juice

Birch sap is a laxative and diuretic. It stimulates the body to remove excess fluid without irritating the kidneys and urinary tract.

Obesity and metabolism: everyone who wants to have a stable weight and a slim figure is recommended to drink birch sap for weight loss. According to well-known nutritionists, for effective weight loss, you need to burn excess calories and cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

For a good cleaning of the body from toxins, the liver must function flawlessly. It removes all food colors, pesticides, saturated fats and preservatives from our bodies.

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The kidneys work to remove excess salt, urea, uric acid, and drug residues from the body.

Birch sap, stimulating the liver and kidneys, cleanses the body of excess fluid and toxins. With its mild laxative properties, it fights constipation and effectively cleanses the intestines.

The active components of the birch drink stimulate metabolism and regulate the metabolic processes of digestion. Do not forget about these advantages and drink birch sap for weight loss and obesity prevention.

For external use

Reducing foot sweating: Decoctions of dried birch leaves help reduce sweating of the feet and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Dandruff and hair loss: a decoction of birch leaves is used to eliminate flaking of the scalp and to treat dandruff. Hair is washed with birch sap for hair loss, to enhance growth and make hair soft and shiny.

Acne: The healing properties of birch sap are actively used in cosmetology to eliminate skin imperfections. On store shelves, you can find a wide variety of creams that include birch components. The effectiveness of such creams is aimed at reducing perspiration, reducing skin oiliness and eliminating acne.

It has long been known that birch sap, due to its special properties and composition, gives the skin a healthy and youthful appearance. The lotion made on its basis not only overcomes flaking, dermatitis, eczema and acne, but also gently cleanses and maintains the skin, stimulates the growth and delays aging of epidermal cells.

It is useful to cleanse the pores of your face yourself at home. Boil 5 tablespoons of dry birch leaves in a liter of water for 20 minutes. Wipe your face with this broth in the morning and evening.

Composition and calorie content of birch sap

The calorie content is only 20 - 25 kcal, but at the same time it is rich in vitamins and essential oils. It contains fruit sugar, tannins and saponins. And also a number of useful minerals - magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, copper, manganese.

Birch sap during pregnancy

Birch sap is safe and approved for use in any quantity. Pregnant women and nursing mothers can drink birch sap to reduce swelling and cleanse the kidneys.

Birch sap is useful for women during menopause. It reduces high blood pressure, reduces puffiness and cellulite formation, and soothes unpleasant symptoms of the climatic period. Fatigue and drowsiness will pass.

Also, it does not cause an allergic reaction and therefore birch sap for children absolutely safe.

How to store

Unfortunately, freshly picked natural juice does not last long. Even in the refrigerator, it turns sour within two days. After heat treatment, it loses most of its beneficial properties and can only serve as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The purchased birch sap in the store is not particularly beneficial, as it is subject to heat treatment and contains preservatives.


  • This drink is safe, but people who have large kidney and bladder stones should drink it carefully and only after consulting a doctor. The juice can move stones and block the urinary tract.
  • Also, people who are allergic to birch pollen should not drink birch sap.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

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Birch sap has become a favorite remedy for cleansing the body in early spring, when trees are growing and the collection of this useful natural component begins. But you need to know how to properly take birch sap for weight loss, so as not to harm the body, and cleanse it of toxins. Birch sap has a strong diuretic property and at the same time has a good effect on the metabolism, speeding it up and making the figure slimmer and cleansing it from toxins along the way.

How to drink birch sap

Birch sap is mined in early spring, when birch buds begin to bloom and leaves are blooming, thus the sap goes along the stalks of the birch and with a correct cut on the stem, you can collect several liters of natural birch sap per day.

It is important to remember that the natural substances contained in birch sap - vitamins and microelements - have no effect for a long time. The best and most useful is freshly harvested birch sap, which has the highest concentration of mineral salts. Birch sap should be drunk within two hours after collection, when it is most useful.

The scheme for taking birch sap is as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach 100 ml 30-40 minutes before meals. You can drink a teaspoon of olive oil with birch sap, which is important for cleansing the body of toxins in the same way as this natural product from nature itself. You should take birch sap for at least 7 days so that the body is cleansed of toxins, however, in the absence of contraindications, you can drink birch sap for up to two weeks while it is available fresh.

Contraindications to taking birch sap can be the presence of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, with regular use, stones can begin to come out and it is better to discuss this painful process with your doctor. If the specialist allows, you can take birch sap for weight loss and simultaneously remove all toxins from the body.

If you decide to drink birch sap all year round, you can prepare it for future use. Cocktails with birch sap and mint will become very tasty - non-alcoholic mojito with birch sap not only tones up, but also treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, birch sap should be prepared for future use, preserving it with sugar and mint. In this form, the juice can stand until the next harvest, and you will consume natural vitamins throughout the year and tone the body with natural vitamins and the power of nature itself.

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Today, to enjoy the taste of birch sap, you do not have to go to the forest, since this drink has long been available in grocery stores. It can boast not only of its original sweetish taste, but also of its various useful properties. People learned about the benefits of birch sap for the body in ancient times, and today it has already been proven through numerous experiments. Doctors and nutritionists agree that the drink should be included in your diet.

How is birch sap useful for the body?

This natural drink contains various substances that cause a number of beneficial effects. It should be borne in mind that the collection of juice should be carried out only in ecologically clean regions.

What is the reason for the benefits of birch sap for the human body:

  1. Provides useful substances, tones and energizes, which is especially important for recovery after winter.
  2. It has a positive effect on the ongoing metabolic processes.
  3. The composition contains tannins, so the juice will be useful for people who have high blood cholesterol levels.
  4. Promotes strengthening, helping to fight viruses, infections and vitamin deficiency.
  5. It is recommended to drink a drink with anemia.
  6. It contains betulinic acid to help fight bacteria and inflammation found in the kidneys and urinary system. The drink cleanses the organs from sand.
  7. Has an astringent property and promotes better production of bile in the liver, and this already has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  8. Thanks to the diuretic action, the kidneys are better at removing excess salt and water, which helps to lower blood pressure.

Many people are interested in how birch sap is useful for losing weight, and whether it can be drunk without harm to the figure. To begin with, let's figure out the calorie content, since it is this value that many pay attention to. The energy value of the drink is small and only 25 kcal per 100 g. Birch sap for weight loss is useful in that it has a diuretic and laxative effect. Drinking a drink can cleanse the body of excess fluid. In addition, the juice improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, due to which toxins are removed from the body, which normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive system. Regular consumption of birch sap can be considered an excellent prevention

Birch sap is a natural healing drink. Juice has long been famous for its beneficial properties. The tree gives sap for about twenty days, from late March to late April. Of course, the most useful will be the sap of birch, which grows in the forest, and not next to the track. The use of this healthy drink not only heals the body, but also helps in losing weight (if you drink it correctly).

Why is the juice of this beautiful tree useful? The drink contains various enzymes, organic acids, iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, as well as rare substances (silicon, titanium, nickel, barium, aluminum, strontium, zirconium), phytoncides, tannins, saponins, essential oils, vitamins C, B1 , B12, plant hormones, glucose. All of these substances are beneficial to health. So, phytoncides kill bacteria, B vitamins normalize the nervous system, and vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Birch sap increases the tone of the body, restores strength, relieves inflammation, copes with blues, cleanses the blood. A healthy drink improves kidney function, removes sand, increases hemoglobin, increases bile production, which means it relieves heaviness, constipation, belching and heartburn. The juice lowers blood pressure, fights arthritis, promotes early wound healing, and lowers cholesterol levels. Healing liquid is used for pneumonia, bronchitis, sore throat, stomach ulcers, radiculitis, low stomach acidity, rheumatism, skin problems.

In addition, a healthy drink is used for weight loss. The juice has diuretic properties. That is, it removes excess fluid, relieves edema, which is often one of the reasons for excess weight. The drink improves metabolism, which is very important for losing weight, as well as cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, relieves constipation.

In addition to all these useful properties, birch sap increases the supply of vital energy, relieves chronic fatigue and drowsiness. And this means that there will be more strength for sports, walking in the fresh air. This liquid contains only 24 kcal per 100 g, which means that when losing weight, it does not carry extra pounds.

But keep in mind that not everyone can drink juice. For large stones in the bladder or kidneys, for diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to consume a small amount of juice. In addition, you may be allergic to this drink.

How to lose weight on this drink? There are different juice diets. We offer several options.

For example, a three-day diet involves drinking two liters of beverage a day. In addition, you can eat oatmeal or buckwheat, vegetables, apples and chicken. Besides juice, you can only drink water.

Here is the diet menu:

  • in the morning: porridge and juice;
  • snack: two apples;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken, salad and juice;
  • afternoon snack: apples and juice;
  • dinner: stewed vegetables and birch sap.

This diet is not hungry, but rather monotonous. Therefore, it is not easy to observe it. But there are other options as well.

The five-day diet allows you to eat any food, but dinner should be replaced with a glass of birch sap. That is, you can eat meat and fish, eggs and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, cereals, bread. Losing weight is very comfortable.

Here's a rough menu:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with apple, bun and green tea;
  • snack: fruit salad or yogurt;
  • lunch: soup, cutlet or chop, salad and compote;
  • snack: cottage cheese with berries or a sandwich with cheese and herbs;
  • dinner: juice.

That is, during an afternoon snack, you should not just eat an apple or orange, but have a snack more thoroughly. A slice of cottage cheese casserole, a small bowl of milk porridge without butter and sugar, a healthy sandwich with boiled meat or cheese and vegetables will do. This will help you survive a very light dinner painlessly.

Another option is a long-term diet, the essence of which is to drink juice before each meal. This will reduce appetite, as well as get a large amount of valuable substances. Of course, food should be healthy. Sweets, muffins, fast food should be avoided.

The menu can be composed like this:

  • in the morning: porridge or cottage cheese, fruit and tea;
  • snack: salad or fruit;
  • lunch: soup, fish or meat dish, salad, fruit drink or compote;
  • afternoon snack: cottage cheese or a mixture of nuts with dried fruits;
  • in the evening: stewed vegetables or casserole and kefir.

You need to drink juice half an hour before meals in the amount of 100 ml. It is advisable to follow this diet for two weeks while eating a fresh drink. But you can increase or decrease the number of days of the diet.

Of course, it's best to drink fresh juice without additives. However, other ingredients must be added to store the beverage. The juice will still be useful, and you can enjoy it not only in spring, but also at other times of the year. Birch sap recipes are different, you can choose to your taste.

Kvass with raisins

The birch sap must be heated to 35 ° C, then add 20 g of yeast and 5 pcs. Per liter of liquid. raisins. After that, the jar must be tightly closed and left for a couple of weeks. You can add some lemon zest if desired.

Kvass with honey

Squeeze the juice of four lemons into 10 liters of the drink, add 30 g of honey, 50 g of yeast and raisins (three pieces per bottle). Pour into bottles and keep in the dark for 1-2 weeks.

The drink itself is healthy and tasty, but if desired, you can add infusions and decoctions of various herbs. For example, mint, lemon balm, currant, thyme, rose hips, pine needles. In addition, you can mix it with the juice of any berries, apples, pears. There can be any recipes.

With rosehip and lemon balm

Mash two tablespoons of wild rose berries, add a couple of lemon balm sprigs and boil with boiling water. After half an hour, mix half a liter of juice with the resulting infusion.

With currant juice and mint

Squeeze the juice out of a glass of black currant. Mix two glasses of birch sap and squeezed sap, add a couple of mint leaves. Leave on for twenty minutes, then you can drink.

Whatever the recipes for this drink, in any case it strengthens and tones up, and losing weight with birch sap is very simple and healthy.