What juice is the most useful for the body. What natural juices are the most useful

03.04.2019 Fish dishes

Juices are considered one of the most delicious and healthy drinks. Both fruit and vegetable juices give a charge of vivacity and energy, saturate and tone up. But not all juices are healthy. Natural drinks without dyes and preservatives are very useful for health and body shape.

Below is an overview of the healthiest juices.

Healthy vegetable juices

Juices from fresh vegetables they are able to replace dinner, since they have the property of quickly filling. Any vegetables from the garden are suitable for cooking, even greens. Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, parsley, celery, radishes, beets and even cabbage. It is better to grind vegetables in a blender. Drinks should be prepared from ripe fruits free of nitrates and preservatives.

Carrot juice

Useful for vision problems, anemia, gastritis. Increases appetite, strengthens the nervous system. It will appeal to those who want to lose weight: the drink speeds up metabolism, contains iron, magnesium, copper. For better assimilation it is recommended to add to carrot juice a few drops of vegetable sunflower oil.

Carrot juice has practically no contraindications. Allowed for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.

Beet juice

In spite of unusual taste, beet juice nutritious, rich in B vitamins and vitamin C. Strengthens the body and saturates with energy. It is better to drink a beetroot drink in combination with a carrot drink, so the nutrients will be absorbed better.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice has a diuretic effect, therefore it is able to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other "garbage". The drink improves memory and also strengthens the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to mix cucumber juice with apple - you get a delicious and healthy cocktail for the figure.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice is the lowest in calories - 1 liter contains only 230 kcal. For those on a diet, you can drink a glass instead of dinner tomato juice- the feeling of fullness will come quickly. Tomato juice relieves constipation, saturates the body with vitamins C and B. Scientists have found that freshly squeezed tomato drink prevents premature aging. The juice can not only be drunk, but also added to dressings, sauces and even broths. It is believed that tomato juice protects the body from cancer.

Pumpkin juice

Pumpkin drink turns out to be slightly sweet in taste, has a pleasant yellowish tint. Indispensable for losing weight - restores and improves metabolism, removes harmful toxins from the body, relieves heaviness in the stomach. Especially recommended for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and obesity. Helps get rid of kidney and gallstones.

Pumpkin juice can be consumed not only as an independent drink. The addition of apple or carrot juice will help to increase its benefits several times. You can add some greenery.

Healthy juices from greens

Juices made from parsley, celery, watercress - why not? Healing properties greenery will be available here as well. Nutritionists advise to prepare green juices as follows - mix greens with apple or cucumber pulp in a blender - you get healthy, nutritious and delicious drink... You can use parsley, lettuce, mint, and even broccoli to make green juice.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices are not only a source of pleasant taste and aroma, but also vitamins of almost all groups. Unfortunately, this statement only applies to natural juices. Those on store shelves are overflowing with flavorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives. It is recommended to prepare juices yourself, then they will keep maximum benefit... And the taste natural drink very different from what is in the store.

Pomegranate juice

Most useful fruit juice considered pomegranate. Contains the highest amount of antioxidants and the lowest calories. Indispensable for anemia and low hemoglobin due to the high percentage of iron. Systematic use pomegranate juice will reduce the risk of oncological diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The drink is also rich in ascorbic acid.

Grape juice

It is one of the most effective diuretics. Contains easily digestible carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, as well as organic acids and minerals. Natural grape juice pleasant to the taste and possesses light aroma... Its combination with green tea- it turns out delicious and nutritious drink... Useful for diseases of the liver, lungs, gallbladder. Due to its diuretic action, it removes toxins and toxins from the body.

Grapefruit juice

Suitable for weight loss - improves metabolism, contains a minimum of calories, removes not only excess fluid from the body, but also toxins and toxins. Improves digestion, fights diseases of the stomach and intestines. Strengthens the immune system, gives energy.

Apple juice

Since ancient times, it has been one of the most healing. Known for its strength-enhancing drink, it is especially useful in the event of a breakdown. Contains B vitamins and a large number of vitamin C, therefore it is useful for colds. Also contains potassium, magnesium, organic acids, and other medicinal substances. Suitable for overweight people with diabetes, suffering from poor metabolism.

Is orange juice good for you?

So beloved by many, orange juice quenches thirst, is rich in vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants. Daily use a glass of freshly squeezed juice reduces the risk of cancer, helps to cope with the aging process of the skin.

Get the most nutrients can only be made from hand-made juice. Finished products contain too strong dyes, therefore they are not useful. To make healthy orange juice, just squeeze the juice of two ripe oranges.

Pineapple juice

To those who want to dump excess weight, be sure to include pineapple juice in your diet. Famous high content unique substance "bromelain", which has a powerful fat-burning effect. Pineapple juice is good for colds, especially sore throats. Also, pineapple juice is recommended for kidney disease.

Lime juice

It is not so widespread, but its benefits are enormous. It has a powerful immunostimulating effect and acts as a powerful antiseptic. Supports normal heart function, blood pressure. It is a good prevention against strokes. Contains few calories, so it can be part of the diet healthy cocktail.

Important advice! Many count store juices healing drinks that you can drink without restrictions. You should be aware that these juices are high in sugar, calories and artificial additives. Even if the packaging is labeled "sugar free", it only means that sweeteners have been added to the drink.

More useful juices in cans - the amount of additives in them is less, and the benefits are greater. Still, it is better to prepare juices on your own from ripe clean fruits. Then the benefits will be much greater, with no harm to the figure.

All drinks are full useful microelements, vitamins and antioxidants that increase immunity.
The most antioxidant-rich juice is dark grape juice. Its medicinal properties are so strong that it even equates to good red wine.
Grape juice

Contains high amounts of glucose, antioxidants and calories. To reduce the calorie content, it is recommended to dilute the juice with water.

Orange juice

Rich in vitamin C. Regular use this juice helps to increase the level of optimism in life. Recommended by psychologists and psychotherapists for depression.
Tomato juice

This juice has the lowest energy value, only 230 Kcal per one liter of juice. Excellent quencher of hunger and thirst. Its properties are comparable to fermented baked milk.

Grapefruit juice

Contains a special element naringin, which helps to improve digestion and accelerate fat burning. It is also recommended to drink it for insomnia.

Cherry juice

Prevents the development of atherosclerosis and helps to normalize blood pressure.

Carrot juice

Promotes confident brain function. The juice is very useful for vision and strengthening nervous system... Since carrot juice is loaded with fat-soluble vitamins, it should be drunk with a little cream or a teaspoon of olive oil.

Apple juice

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple contains: vitamins A, B, C, PP, in addition to them, it contains a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. Pineapple is best known as a weight loss fruit. This property is justified by the content in it of a special complex of enzymes called bromelain. They are highly active and are characterized by the ability to break down protein and, as a result, burn fat. Bromelain is also found in papaya and can be purchased in capsules. But it is best to consume it from natural products, especially since pineapple is low in calories (there are only 48 kilocalories in 100 grams).
Scientists believe that the most useful juice is the one that gives health and good mood!

Needless to say, fresh juices are good for your health. But which ones are the most useful? In this article, you will find 11 record holders!

Juices are not only a delicacy, but also healthy diet for weight loss, cleansing the body, enhancing immunity, replenishing vitamin reserve in organism.

In the summer, when there is an abundance of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, the menu becomes more varied, and freshly squeezed juices take not the last place in it.

Orange juice

Perfectly lifts the mood, is useful for vitamin deficiency, atherosclerosis and chronic fatigue. One and a half glasses orange juice satisfies the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Apple juice

It recovers well, is diet drink... Helps to cure gastritis with low acidity, restores iron levels in case of anemia. Improves appetite and bowel activity.

Grape juice

Carrot juice

It improves mood and activates the brain, improves vision. Useful for vitamin deficiency and respiratory diseases

Tomato juice

This juice satisfies hunger and thirst well, is an excellent measure for the prevention of cancer, helps in the functioning of the stomach.

Pineapple and grapefruit fresh juices

Improves digestion, promotes fat burning. Half a glass of grapefruit juice is good to drink before bed as a sleeping pill and one glass before each meal if you want to lose weight.

Pumpkin juice

Helps with diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines. It is used as a choleretic agent.

Parsley juice

Cabbage juice

Celery juice

Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, potency, removes harmful products metabolism. If you drink this juice at breakfast, it will fill the body with vigor for the whole day.

What is important to know when making fresh juices?

2. Juice should be drunk separately from meals - half an hour before meals or an hour after.

3. Daily rate juice should not exceed three glasses. After acidic juices, rinse your mouth with water.

Who shouldn't eat fresh juices?

2. Grape juice should not be used for diabetes.

3. Be careful when using juices during pregnancy and lactation.

4. Tomato juice should not be drunk in case of any poisoning, it is also worth consulting a doctor about the possibility of its consumption if gallstone disease and ulcers.

Anna Vorontsova

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Atherosclerosis - chronic illness arteries of the elastic and muscular-elastic type, resulting from a violation of lipid and protein metabolism and accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol and some lipoprotein fractions in the intima of the vessels (

Freshly squeezed juices are healthy - this is an indisputable fact.

Many juices have medicinal properties , thanks to substances that have an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.
They increase immunity and provide beneficial influence with sleep disorders, depression, increased fatigue.

Freshly squeezed juices mostly not particularly high in calories, which means they are suitable for diets aimed at weight loss.
Fruit acids present in fresh juices, improve the body's ability to absorb food.

Freshly squeezed juices: harm

This statement may seem to directly contradict the above, but it is perfectly true.
The fact is that with a number of diseases, these or those freshly squeezed juices can really cause.

For example, sour juices (apple, lemon, cranberry, etc.) is not recommended for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Freshly squeezed grape juice, due to high calorie content and a high glucose content is not suitable for diabetes and overweight.

Almost all juices should be taken with caution or even from them with increased intestinal excitability, diarrhea. After all, most juices have a laxative effect and activate the intestines and stomach.

It is worth consulting your doctor before you start drinking freshly squeezed juices during pregnancy and lactation. Small children should also be given them sparingly, starting with small doses and after consulting a doctor.

Carrot juice despite the mass useful properties, can cause severe liver disease. This happens when the drink is consumed immoderately.

Freshly squeezed tomato juice really dangerous for any poisoning, even in the most insignificant form. The fact is that it contains a number of substances that can significantly aggravate the patient's condition.
The use of this juice should be consulted by a doctor, patients with cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers.

No freshly squeezed juices should be taken uncontrollably. First, increased fluid intake alone is not good for the cardiovascular system. Secondly, even the most useful products in excessive doses can only bring harm.

Don't forget about allergic reactions. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you will have to exclude all juices related to this species.
Also for allergy sufferers there is a risk when using juices from red, yellow, orange fruits and vegetables.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

This is not a particularly difficult science, and nevertheless, it is better to stick to some rules.

First, the amount of freshly squeezed juices drunk per day should not exceed three glasses. Optimal dose- 0.3 l.
Don't think that the more you drink, the more pronounced the effect will be. Juices do not heal by themselves. They have a tonic, preventive, and health-improving effect. When treating diseases, freshly squeezed juices are drunk as an additional therapy, and not instead of it.

Juices need to be drunk no later than 15 minutes after preparation, otherwise they will lose theirs from contact with air. The exception is beet juice, which must be allowed to stand for 2-3 hours.
If you need to dilute the juice, it is better to use for this not simple water, but mineral water if taken plain water, then it must be clean and always boiled.

Drinking freshly squeezed juices is best separate from food... It is good to have a glass of this drink between meals, or at least half an hour before or half an hour after a meal. This is especially true for fruit juices, which can activate the fermentation processes in the stomach.

After drinking freshly squeezed juices, especially sour ones, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly. The fact is that fruit acids are capable of corroding enamel, small children are at greatest risk in this regard.
As for babies, it is better to consult a pediatrician about at what age and what freshly squeezed juices to give him. In any case, you should start with a few teaspoons.

Many juices are best drunk with other juices or drinks.
For example, carrot juice is better absorbed if you add a few drops of vitamin E, a little milk or cream to it.
A few drops vegetable oil will increase the digestibility of tomato juice, but the salt will destroy the nutrients in it.

Fruit juices are best mixed with vegetable juices.- so they will be less sweet. In addition, we get more vitamins from fruits, and minerals from vegetables. So the mixture will be quite balanced.

Fruit juices with seeds should not be mixed with fruit juices containing seeds. For example, peach juice does not go well with apple.
You can mix freshly squeezed juices, adhering to the color rule - we mix the juices of yellow fruits with other yellow ones, green ones with green ones, and so on.

All freshly squeezed juices should be made from quality ripe, well washed and peeled fruits.

Freshly squeezed juices: storage

Freshly squeezed juices it is not recommended to store, from contact with air they deteriorate. But if there is such a need, sometimes you can resort to this trick: pour the juice into glass jar, and pour on top lemon juice so that it does not allow air to pass through. Then we close and store in the refrigerator for no more than 8 hours.

What are the healthiest fresh juices?

To answer this question, you must first decide what kind of benefits you are going to get from juice therapy.

Let's just take a look at some freshly squeezed juices and their effects on the body, maybe it will help you a healthy drink for yourself.

Orange juice useful for vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis.
Pineapple and grapefruit juices good for weight gain.
Grape juice recommended for certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and urinary tract, lungs, liver.

Apple juice contains many vitamins, is useful for gastritis with low acidity, is used for low-calorie dietary meals.
recommended for loss of appetite, anemia, weak stomach activity.

Tomato juice it is shown to almost everyone (except for the cases mentioned above), even to pregnant and lactating mothers. It suppresses putrefactive and fermentative processes in the stomach, is a good cancer prevention, can be used for low-calorie diets.
Pumpkin juice useful as a choleretic agent, stimulates the stomach and intestines. It is indicated for diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver.

Carrot juice- a source of beta-carotene and mass useful vitamins and minerals. It is useful for vitamin deficiency, vision disorders, and respiratory diseases.

Cabbage juice in a heated form is very useful for diseases of the stomach and duodenum in the period after an exacerbation. It is used to rinse the mouth with stomatitis, inflammatory diseases gums. It has the ability to delay the conversion of carbohydrates into body fat, which means it is useful for obesity.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the "Family and Childhood" site. Not long ago you and I considered such a topic as "". Today I want to consider such a topic as - which juice is the most useful for the body . Can you choose the most useful one among them? We will learn about all this from this article.

The fact that the juice is very healthy drink, no one ever doubted. But which one should you choose from the rich assortment presented in our stores and supermarkets in order to get the best effect for your health? Let's figure it out right now.

What is the healthiest fresh juice?

Significantly improves skin condition, possesses great benefit with myopia, it has a great effect on the liver and heart.

Effectively burns excess fat and instantly sharpens feelings and passion, for which it received the proud name "drink of love".

It is the leader in vitamin C content, is extremely beneficial for the nervous system and is simply irreplaceable for colds and poisoning. It also boasts a high content of B vitamins.

4) Grape juice
It has many benefits for anemia and helps fight fatigue. Especially useful for children.

Able to dramatically activate enzymes. This means that after drinking just one glass of juice, you will soon feel a well-fed man.

Famous for its ability to improve blood circulation. Boosts immunity. It is indispensable for diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, biliary tract problems, anemia, etc. Helps treat colds and bronchitis.

In addition, they have huge reserves of vitamins, minerals, useful sugars and fiber. Just five pomegranate seeds are equivalent to a whole apple or orange. It has an excellent effect on the functioning of the lungs and kidneys, the thyroid gland and the spleen, and also makes the skin more elastic and beautiful.

Effective remedy to stabilize blood pressure and normalization of metabolism. As with pineapple juice, burns excess fat. True, grapefruit can block the entry of certain enzymes into the body, which is why it has contraindications for people suffering from hypertension, allergies and a number of other diseases.

8) Pear juice
It prevents obesity, which means it is simply irreplaceable on fasting days.

Relieves headaches and is an essential source of vitamin C.

10) Carrot juice
Contains a significant amount of provitamin A, which affects visual acuity and skin beauty. Contains a lot of potassium and folic acid. Potassium is very beneficial for heart and kidney problems, and folic acid, in turn, is especially necessary for pregnant women.

11) Sea Buckthorn Juice
It has rich reserves of vitamins A, C, E and group B. It also contains a number of minerals (iron, boron, manganese), organic acids and even some varieties herbal antibiotics... Capable of effectively removing all kinds of radioactive elements and harmful salts... It has antitumor and antispasmodic properties. Fights stress and depression.

12) Peach Juice
Useful for cores. Contains potassium salts, which prevent the development of heart attacks and nourish the heart muscle.

13) Plum Juice
It will save you from constipation, and will also help to normalize the bowel function.

14) Tomato juice
It is low in calories. Rich in vitamin C, especially if prepared at home. Significantly sharpens memory and protects against cancer. It is recommended to alternate it with a grape counterpart.

15) Blackcurrant Juice
Increases immunity in general and burns fats well.

16) Rosehip Juice
Stimulates metabolism, increases appetite and working capacity. It is extremely useful for digestive problems and stomach pains. In addition, it has choleretic and diuretic properties.

17) Apple Juice
Contains B vitamins, as well as a number of useful minerals (iron, potassium, boron). Helps stabilize brain activity and focus on the essentials.

As you can see, each of the above juices has its own advantages and is different from the rest. And which one is the most useful is up to you. That's all for today. Until next time on our website.

Best regards, Ekaterina Bogdanova

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