1 egg of calories per 100 grams. How many calories are in an egg and how to use them

24.04.2019 Egg dishes

The eggs contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. The yolk contains the rare element choline (vitamin B4). They are prepared different ways, but they are most useful when cooked. How much BJU is in a boiled egg? How much does it weigh on average and what is its calorie content?

Composition, BZHU and properties

Why is the product called low-calorie, how many calories does it contain, what is the ratio of BJU? Caloric content 100 g raw chicken eggs medium size –144-160 kcal, which corresponds to 40 g of meat or 200 ml of milk. Weighs 1 pc. 35-75 g, it all depends on the category.

How much does the product weigh?

Category Weight, g
The highest 75
Selected 65-75
The first 55-65
The second 45-55
The third 35-45

How much does protein weigh? The protein in the egg, depending on the category, is 23-46 grams, in percentage terms - 56%. It is almost completely absorbed after heat treatment... Protein contains an essential amino acid, methionine, which helps to synthesize adrenaline. The body cannot produce this substance on its own.

Egg protein is fat-free - 87% water. It is in it that lysozyme is located - a bactericidal substance that disappears when the product is spoiled. Energy value - 47 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken egg composition:

  • fats -1, 6 grams;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels - 3.5 grams;
  • polyunsaturated - 1.7 grams;
  • saturated - 2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 0.8 grams;
  • cholesterol (found in the yolk) - 130 mg.

This combination of fats is only found in salmon fish. The product contains various vitamins - E, K, folic acid, retinol, B vitamins. The content of minerals is also high - iron, lecithin, calcium, choline. Thanks to the unique vitamin composition chicken eggs improve memory function, normalize the production of sex hormones. Choline detoxifies the liver, while vitamin D maintains optimal calcium and phosphorus levels.

Comparison of the composition and BZHU of quail and chicken eggs

In addition to chicken eggs, quail eggs are often eaten. The content of vitamins and microelements in the quail product is much higher than in the chicken one. The ratio of BZHU and calorie content in both types of eggs are approximately the same.

What substances in quail eggs more:

  • retinol - 2.5 times more;
  • B vitamins - almost 3 times;
  • potassium and phosphorus - 4.5 times;
  • iron - 4 times.

Quail eggs are not susceptible to diseases, so they can be safely consumed not only boiled, but also raw. The product is used in medical nutrition for diseases of the stomach and intestines, anemia, anemia, bronchial asthma... Despite their small size, they are considered an effective prophylactic against colds and hypertension. Boiled quail eggs are recommended to be regularly consumed by pregnant women to eliminate signs of toxicosis and the threat of miscarriage.

What happens after heat treatment?

Raw or boiled - there is a constant debate on this topic. Use boiled product healthier and safer - the protein is immediately absorbed, participates in the construction of new cells and antibodies. Raw eggs take a long time to process, and can provoke the development of serious diseases.

What is the nutritional value scrambled eggs? The calorie content of a boiled egg is the same as that of a raw one - about 70 kcal. The yolk contains 55 kcal, the protein accounts for only 25 kcal. A hard boiled egg contains 50 calories.

How much to cook

You cannot cook for more than 10 minutes - the yolk will acquire an unpleasant green tint, the protein will begin to release hydrogen sulfide.

To fully preserve the fatty acids in the yolk, dietary product it is better to put in boiling water for 1 minute, then turn off the heat and wait 5 minutes. After such heat treatment, the yolk remains liquid, and the protein remains elastic.

V fried in the product, the ratio of BZHU is not so optimal - it contains more calories and fats, together with overcooked oil, substances penetrate into the body that provoke the growth of cancer cells.

Why is the product considered dietary?

The optimal combination of BJU in the product allows you to effectively use it as a means for losing weight. Nutritionists recommend starting the morning with 2 pcs. hard-boiled eggs - such a breakfast energizes for a long time, provides a person with all the necessary substances, which allows you to reduce the number of calories by 400 kcal per day.

Optimal weekly dose of boiled eggs

Doctors recommend that older people eat 1 egg a day to avoid cataracts - the product contains carotenoids that prevent the development of degenerative changes in the retina. With regular use, the aging process slows down, the risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and the appearance of various types of tumors decreases.

Women need to eat 6 units of the product a week to prevent the development of breast cancer, strengthen hair and nails, and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Eggs are also indispensable for athletes - they help to build muscle mass in a short time, even during intense weight loss.

Egg dishes are contraindicated for children under 12 months old, since they have a high content of allergens. After a year, provided that there is no allergy, they should definitely be included in the children's diet, which will help make muscles strong and teeth strong. People who have high cholesterol need to limit the number of egg dishes in their diet - no more than three servings per week.

Boiled eggs are part of various dishes... They go well with herbs, vegetables, cheese and meat.

Food component Content in 100 g raw egg Content in a raw egg, 1 pc. (50 g) Protein content (28 g) Content in the yolk (16 g)
Squirrels 12,6 6,3 3,7 2,6
Fats 12 6 0 6
Carbohydrates 0,68 0,34 0,18 0,16
Water 70 35 24 7

Chicken eggs are a fairly healthy food product that is present in the diet of almost every person. The composition is distinguished by the richness of amino acids, minerals and vitamins of different groups.

How many proteins are in 1 egg (protein + yolk)

A significant part of the composition of an egg is made up of proteins - about 13 g per 100 g of product. In 1 pc. the first category, weighing 50 g - about 6.5 g. The amount of this nutrient in the protein and yolk is different. The yolk contains fewer amino acids, it has more calories, the protein content does not exceed 16%. The main protein components are represented in the yolk by phosfovitin, livetin, and also vitellin.

When cooked, the product does not lose its beneficial properties. Protein content in boiled egg: in 1 pc. - 6 g, in 100 g - 12 g.

The protein contains a protein called ovalbumin (~ 68% of the composition of proteins), which has antibacterial and regenerating properties, the rest is accounted for by avidin, conalbumin, ovomucin and ovoglobulin. Due to the large amount of useful amino acids, the product is perfectly absorbed by the body. Protein content in egg white is 13%, the largest part is water - about 80%.

Fat in 1 egg, cheese and boiled

Most (160 kcal) are yolks - more than 70%. The total share of fat in raw eggs is 11%; in boiled form, this indicator practically does not change. One piece weighing 50 g contains 5.5 g of fat.

The yolks include 30 g of fat (per 100 g), while for proteins this indicator is zero.

The yolk contains many unsaturated fatty acids... Some of them are linoleic, oleic, and stearic, representing, respectively, groups of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated acids... Due to the cholesterol it contains, you should limit daily intake product up to 3 pcs.

Carbohydrates in the egg

For lovers healthy way life and losing weight do not need to worry about eating chicken eggs, because the content of carbohydrates in them is less than 1 g. More precisely, 0.7 g. The product of the highest and first category, the mass of which reaches 80 g, includes about 0.5 G.

The indicator for the yolk (in 100 g of weight) is 1 g, for the protein - 0.65 g. Carbohydrates in the product are represented only by sugars. In boiled form, the indicator practically does not change - 0.8 g per 100 g.

BZHU table - food composition of raw chicken eggs

Eggs are full-fledged sources of trace elements and vitamins. Due to its balanced composition, the product is recommended during the diet, with severe physical activity... It is used to increase muscle mass and burning fat.

The benefits of eggs are undeniable. A chicken egg contains 12 vitamins. It is second only to fish oil in vitamin D content, is good source active vitamin A. It contains many vitamins of group B, vitamin E of beauty, and also in the yolk there is a large amount of an important vitamin - choline. This product contains 96% minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper. The egg is absorbed by the body by almost 100%.

The benefits of a boiled chicken egg

As for the chemical composition of this product, the first to be isolated is the amino acids that are contained in the egg white and are not synthesized by the body on its own. Moreover, it is in the egg that their balance is the most ideal in comparison with other products, and therefore all of them are compared with the egg when studied. Among the especially important here, it will not be superfluous to note tryptophan, methionine and lysine, whose deficiency can lead not only to the cessation of the creation of proteins in the body, because of which they begin to be taken away from internal organs and blood, but even to fatty degeneration of the liver. And for the time when the body is still forming, the lack of protein affects mental and physical development. Therefore, even despite the calorie content of a boiled egg, 1 or 2 are required to be present in the diet of a child and teenager. Moreover, often at this age, the metabolism is still active enough so as not to worry about extra pounds. By the way, with regards to the maximum assimilation and replenishment of protein from the egg, nutritionists recommend creating a tandem of potatoes for him. Undoubtedly boiled or baked: fried will only intensify the blow to the pancreas.

The rest of the important vitamins and minerals, as well as the largest fatty part, belong to the yolk. It is for this reason that it is a rather controversial element of the entire product. On the one hand, in a boiled chicken egg, the calorie content is determined precisely by the yolk, as well as the percentage of fat, but on the other hand, it contains a large proportion of nutrients... Here is a very high dose of one of the B vitamins, choline, which is supposed to lower cholesterol levels and prevent plaque on the walls of blood vessels. For this reason moderate consumption boiled eggs calorie content and negative aspects of its composition will not overshadow life. In addition, there is a decent content of biotin, which is required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, vitamin A, which works as a natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin and bone tissue as well as promoting best assimilation parts of those amino acids found in egg white. This is how the balance of the elements in this product is achieved.

In addition, 1 boiled egg with a caloric value of less than 100 kcal also contains folic acid (B9), vitamins D, PP and E. Of the microelements, iodine, copper, selenium, fluorine, cobalt, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium are of particular importance. sodium, magnesium and calcium. And special mention should be made of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, for which many people drink fish fat when you can simply include fish or eggs in your diet. This element is necessary during stress, since it lowers the production of cortisol, promotes muscle recovery, and therefore is especially actively used in sports nutrition, in addition, tidies up arterial pressure thinning the blood. Daily rate Omega-3 is achieved by consuming five medium eggs or one hundred grams of salmon.

What determines the calorie content of an egg

Calorie content directly depends on the size of the eggs, one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories. One average raw egg contains 70 calories. A large egg contains 80 kilocalories, and a very large egg contains 90 kilocalories. The calorie content of cooked eggs is different. V fried egg- 125 kilocalories, based on the fact that it is cooked in vegetable oil. The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 50 kilocalories, and a soft-boiled one is 70 kcal. The yolk contains three times more calories than the protein. The calorie content of a quail egg (this product is becoming quite popular and is often sold in supermarkets) is 16-17 kilocalories. Its mass is about 10 - 12 grams.

How many calories are in a boiled egg?

A boiled egg contains 80 kcal, but before completely eliminating from your diet this product, you need to know about its benefits for the body. The composition of eggs includes the following useful substances:

  • Zinc helps to strengthen the immune system
  • Vitamin E is powerful antioxidant that reliably protects human body from different types cancer
  • Vitamin D helps to strengthen teeth and bones
  • Vitamin B12 protects the heart muscle
  • Vitamin A prevents the onset of development cancer and helps to slow down the aging process
  • Riboflavin Supports Tissue Health
  • Protein promotes health and strength
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Significantly Lower Bad Cholesterol
  • Niacin normalizes the functioning of the nervous system
  • Zeaxatin and lutein help improve vision
  • Folic acid stimulates red blood cells
  • Choline activates the brain

Boiled calories

Eggs are most beneficial to eat raw, but there is no guarantee that they are free of salmonellosis.

Therefore, it is better to cook this product. Everyone knows that an egg is composed of protein and yolk. The calorie content of each part is different. The largest number calories are contained in the yolk, and in the protein there are three times less.

Surprisingly, there are as many calories in a boiled egg as in a raw one. That is, it will contain 70 kcal.

This great option for breakfast, and besides, scientists have proven that the cholesterol they contain is harmless.

Caloric content of protein?

The protein of a boiled chicken egg has a low calorie content and is only 17 Kcal, which is equal to about a quarter of the total calorie content. It is also important that the protein contains practically no fats and contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body, as well as B vitamins.

Calorie content of the yolk?

The calorie content of the yolk is about 50 - 55 Kcal. It contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, E, group B and trace elements: manganese, iron, calcium, zinc and others.

What type of egg is the healthiest and the lowest in calories?

  • Fried eggs are considered the most high-calorie and less healthy ones, there are 125 kcal in a fried egg, provided that it was fried in vegetable oil. Most of the calories are in the yolk, while in the protein there are three times less of them. 100 grams of fried eggs contains 358 kcal, while fried protein contains only 50 kcal. The yolk contains 2 grams of carbohydrates, 17 grams of protein and 30 grams of fat. Protein contains more protein and no fat at all.
  • One raw egg has an average of 80 kcal, but it is not recommended to eat them due to the possibility of contracting salmonellosis.
  • Such egg dish like an omelet, provided that it is prepared from two eggs contains about 120 kcal, and if it is prepared from only proteins, then 85 kcal. This is a hearty and healthy dish, and you can also add other products to it.
  • We have already mentioned the benefits of boiled eggs, but they are also divided in turn. The lowest calorie content of a boiled egg, only 50-60 kcal, is provided that the egg is a store egg, if the egg is rural, then the calorie content can be up to 70 kcal. It turns out that crumpled eggs are in the lead in our list, as the lowest calorie and useful option cooking eggs.

Quantitative rate of egg consumption

According to generally accepted nutritional standards, the average person needs to eat 300 eggs a year. To people who are suffering increased level cholesterol in the blood, it is recommended to eat 2-3 eggs per week, the rest can eat 5-6 eggs.

Young children are injected with yolk from the age of seven months.

A child 2 - 3 years old can eat from 2 to 3 yolks a week, a child 4 - 6 years old is recommended to eat 3 eggs a week.

When drawing up your menu, it should be borne in mind that eggs are found in many products: mayonnaise, baked goods and others.

How long does it take to cook hard boiled eggs

First of all, you need to pour cold water into a small saucepan so that the water exceeds the eggs by 1 cm. Then quickly but carefully, using a tablespoon, dip the eggs into the water one at a time. It is better to start boiling eggs in cold water, there will be fewer bursting eggs. And it is better to add salt to the water, then the eggs will not burst at all.

Then turn on the timer and cook the eggs until the water boils over high heat, after the water boils, reduce the heat and leave the eggs to cook for another 7-8 minutes. If you put the eggs in boiling water, then be sure to salt the water and cook the eggs for 8-9 minutes. With this method, the yolk will be exactly in the middle of the egg and the sliced ​​egg will look smoother.

Eggs cannot be boiled for more than 10 minutes. The yolk turns greenish, the egg proteins release a foul-smelling gas - hydrogen sulfide.

Boiled egg in the diet of those who follow the figure

As it became clear after finding out how many calories are in a boiled egg, you can include it in the menu if you want to keep the current weight or lose extra pounds, but you should do it wisely. Considering the risks of high cholesterol levels and not the most low calorie content, a boiled egg in the amount of one per day, of course, will not do harm, but clearly not heels the best way will affect weight. Zharka, of course, has to say her uncompromising no. But when it comes to pairing with other products, there is a lot to talk about.

Despite the fact that in order to increase the protein value, nutritionists advise adding potatoes to a boiled chicken egg, the calorie content of such a union, alas, will not please anyone. In addition, their joint assimilation is an order of magnitude more difficult than a single one. The situation can be corrected by greens and fresh vegetables- in particular cucumbers or tomatoes. But still, if the choice is made in favor of such a tandem, keeping in mind the number of calories in a boiled egg and potatoes, as well as their severity for the digestive tract, it is recommended to use it in the morning, before lunch, inclusive.

Another important point that many people forget about and which affects more not the figure, but health, is the shelf life of eggs as such. Moreover, not only raw, but also boiled. If it is desirable to eat the cooked soft-boiled immediately, then it is permissible to store it hard-boiled for up to three to four hours. This time is usually enough for him alone, and in a salad, sandwich or soup. After the specified period, the assimilation of valuable substances, as well as the processing of the product by the body, become more complicated.

Egg recipes

Eggs can be consumed in in different ways... Hard-boiled eggs are used in the diet, as this is the lowest calorie product. There are several popular and delicious dishes from this product.

  • Hard boiled eggs - Boil the eggs for 7 to 8 minutes. Boiled soft-boiled eggs - Boil the eggs for 2 - 3 minutes.
  • Fried eggs - fry an egg in a skillet, in a small amount vegetable oil, add salt, black ground pepper taste. You do not need to turn the egg over - you will get a wonderful fried egg, you can turn it over and fry on both sides, or you can shake it in a frying pan, then you will learn from scrambled eggs - talker.
  • Omelet is a popular, easy-to-prepare dish. To prepare it, beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a pan. Ham, tomatoes, fresh bell pepper, sausages and even cheese. It all depends on your imagination.
  • Poached eggs - eggs boiled in water without shell. This is original french dish that many people like.

Who better to give up eggs

Eggs are contraindicated if you are allergic, cholecystitis or hypersensitive to any component of the protein or yolk. Egg yolks even babies are allowed to use from seven months of age.

An egg is such a versatile product that you can use it to cook a lot of interesting, tasty and healthy dishes... So eggs are a must in your diet.

A couple of decades ago, many doctors and nutritionists did not recommend eggs for consumption. They classified this product as harmful to the body. The maximum allowed quantity was considered 1 piece. in Week. This was due to the fact that the cholesterol found in the yolk was considered harmful. Now the situation has changed significantly. Scientists have spent a lot of time to find out how this product affects the human body, what are its beneficial properties, and also, how many calories are in an egg.

After all, as it turned out, cholesterol, which was found in the yolk of an egg, is neutralized by leticin. Therefore, this product has become actively used in various diets. In addition, there are quite a few options for their preparation (hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, frying), so you can diversify your menu. Variety is also provided through the use of chicken, quail, goose eggs.

On average, one raw egg weighs about 45 grams, and its calorie content is 75 kcal.

Moreover, the protein has the following composition:

  • water - 87%;
  • proteins - 11%;
  • carbohydrates - 1%;
  • minerals - 1%.

Yolk composition:

  • water - 50%;
  • fats - 31%;
  • proteins - 17%;
  • minerals - 2%.

It is also worth noting that they are high in phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc and selenium.

In addition, they are rich in vitamins:

  • biotin;
  • folic acid.

Calorie content

For those trying to keep track of their diet, calorie counting is normal. The energy value of chicken eggs is 158 kcal. But it should be understood that the number of calories per 100 g largely depends on the form in which they are consumed. In particular, the calorie content of 1 raw egg will be less than that of the fried one. The main data are summarized in the table below.

In addition, it is worth considering the category.


Chicken eggs in this form are characterized by an almost complete absence of carbohydrates, so the energy value indicator is based on proteins and fats. The first component is found mostly in the protein, the second in the yolk. In this case, the ratio of BZHU per 100 g has a proportion of 13: 11.4: 0.1.

Note: Total calorie content estimated by nutritionists at 157 kcal. Moreover, if it is large, then it is approximately equal to 80 kcal, average - 70 kcal, very large - 90 kcal.


The product in this form is recommended for use by many nutritionists. Thanks to him, a person retains a feeling of satiety for a long time and has no desire to have snacks. One cooked product contains a large amount of proteins, which will energize for 4-5 hours. Not many people know how many calories are in one boiled egg. It all depends on the time during which the cooking took place. In order to get a soft-boiled dish, it is recommended to cook it for 2 minutes from the moment the water boils, poached - 4 minutes, hard-boiled - 7 minutes.

It should be noted that the most useful way its preparation is different from the usual cooking. The product must be placed in boiling water. After 1.5 minutes, the fire is turned off and allowed to "reach" after a certain amount of time. With this method, the protein will be solid, and the yolk will remain in a liquid state.

Practical tip: Nutritionists do not recommend overcooking. In this case, the food will be like rubber. For easy cleaning, it is recommended to remember the following advice: in order to easily remove the shells, you must place them in chilled water as soon as the cooking time has elapsed.


As such, the product has high calorie content... If frying took place without adding oil, then the indicator is 100 kcal. When vegetable oil is added, the calorie content increases to 125 kcal.

If we consider the most common and popular dishes, the following data can be distinguished:

  • scrambled eggs from two eggs - 250 calories;
  • fried eggs - 245 kcal per 100 g of dish;
  • omelet from two eggs - 200 kilocalories;
  • omelet from two proteins - 128 kcal.

Egg powder

This product is also called dry melange. It is actively used in Food Industry... 1 kg of this powder replaces about 9 dozen. Wherein, the energy value 100 g equals 542 kilocalories. BJU is 46: 37.3: 4.5.

White and yolk separately

The yolks are significantly higher in calories than the proteins in chicken eggs. If you need to consume fewer calories, then you should split the product and use only proteins in food. If you take a medium-sized egg, then the protein in it will have about 20 kilocalories. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 97% of it is absorbed.

Please note: Protein contains a large number of elements useful for the human body, in particular, methionine. Thanks to it, adrenaline is synthesized, cysteine, which is responsible for the elimination of toxins, as well as creatine. A deficiency of this element can lead to various disorders, including general damage to the central nervous system.

The yolk of one egg has a caloric content of 50 kcal. It includes whole complex fatty acids, dietary fiber that have a beneficial effect on the body. The presence of lecithin helps to improve the activity of the brain, memory, increases the performance of a person, prevents the development of diseases such as sclerosis, has a positive effect on the liver and helps to recover faster after physical exertion.


Having figured out how many kcal are in 1 chicken egg, you can move on to other types of this product. Quail eggs are also in demand, since they contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. At the same time, doctors do not indicate contraindications to their use. On the contrary, this product is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Also to his useful properties should include normalization blood pressure... The product has an energy value of 168 kilocalories.


This product is less popular than chicken or quail. Their main difference is their size. It takes 1.5 hours to boil such an egg.

100 g of product contains:

  • proteins - 12.5 g;
  • fats - 11.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7 g.

Compared to chicken, ostrich eggs have a lower calorie content.


This product has a thicker shell and is also heavier than chicken eggs. In raw form, the energy value of 100 g of goose eggs is 185 kilocalories. It is recommended to wash them thoroughly before use. Cooking takes at least a quarter of an hour.


The weight of turkey eggs is slightly higher than that of chicken. It is about 70-75 g. The shell is more durable and creamy. Moreover, the size of the eggs depends on the age of the birds. The energy value of the product is 171 kcal per 100 g. These eggs are not recommended for diet food, because they contain a large amount of fat and very little carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

The usefulness of eggs is recognized all over the world. Their use has a beneficial effect on men's and women's health.

The main useful properties are:

  • The presence of easily digestible proteins. Moreover, 1 egg has 15% of the daily requirement. In addition, it contains protein (6 g). Thus, almost 10% of the weight is spent on providing energy to the body.
  • Due to its high protein content and regular use people have a more developed muscular system.
  • Protein allows you to forget about hunger for a long time, which is especially important during diets.
  • Lecithin is beneficial for pregnant women as it ensures the normal development of the fetus's brain.
  • Animal fats, which are part of the composition, have a positive effect on the male reproductive system.
  • Vitamin D helps the body to better absorb calcium, which contributes to the maintenance of good condition of bones, nails, teeth.
  • Selenium improves the protective functions of the body, and also normalizes the thyroid gland.

It is also worth noting that the maximum benefits for the body bring fresh eggs... There are several methods to check their condition. If you shake fresh product, then no sounds will be detected. You can also dip it in water. If it drowns right away, it means fresh.

Eggs in diet food

Nutritionists often recommend eggs in diet menus... They are rightfully referred to as low-calorie and useful products... In addition to diets, they are also prescribed on the menu. health food... Thanks to their consumption, normalization occurs metabolic processes... Moreover, those who prefer to eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast provide themselves with a feeling of fullness for a long time. It also reduces daily ration by about 300 kilocalories.

Practical tip: For those looking to lose excess weight, nutritionists recommend eating at least 2-3 eggs per week. In low-carbohydrate nutrition programs, their number increases to 4-5.

When cooked, they can improve the protective functions of the body, as well as provide a sufficient nutritious diet. They can be seen on the menu of many popular and effective diets, in particular the Kremlin, protein, Atkins and Protasov.

Allowable consumption rates

To provide your body enough nutrients it is recommended to eat 1 pc. per day. However, this is only possible with normal blood cholesterol levels. At increased rates the amount of the product is reduced to 2-3 per week. Eggs can be introduced into the diet of babies from 7 months. It is recommended to feed only yolks at first. For children 2-3 years old, the norm is 2-3 yolks for 7 days. When composing your menu, you must also take into account the fact that eggs are found in many products, in particular, baked goods, mayonnaise, etc.

Eggs are a product without which many people cannot imagine their life. Each housewife knows a million recipes based on them. They are rich in elements that benefit our body, but should not be overused. This may not be good for your health. They are only useful as long as you use them correctly.

The most familiar to us are chicken eggs, the most useful are boiled eggs of domestic hens.

Contained in an egg: proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

Calorie content

Calorie content mainly depends on their weight and on the way in which they prepared... As a rule, one egg contains about 157 kcal, but the weight of the product must be taken into account, it varies from 35 - 70 g. If we talk about quail eggs, which are five times less than chicken eggs, then their calorie content is 168 kcal per 100 grams of product. The quail weighs approximately 10 - 13 g.

Calorie content may also depend on the diet of the chicken. If she ate different larvae and grains, the calorie content may be higher than usual.

The color of the shell does not affect the BJU and calorie content. Although there is a myth that brown or brown has a higher calorie content than white.

The calorie content of a boiled egg does not differ from a raw one. But it is important not to forget that energy value protein and yolk are different.

Chicken egg composition

White makes up 60% of the egg, yolk - 30% and 10% falls on the shell.

BJU raw eggs: 12 grams of protein, 11 grams of fat and 1 gram of carbohydrates.

Bju squirrel

The protein contains: 85% water, 12.7% protein, 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates. One hundred grams of protein contains 50 calories. Protein contains amino acids in the correct ratio, as well as methionine, which is not produced by the human body. Methionine is very important in the synthesis of creatine and adrenaline.

The composition of BJU protein without yolk: 11 grams of proteins and zero grams of fats and carbohydrates.

Yolk, calorie content

Part chicken yolk includes 50% water, 32% fats, 16% proteins and 2% are minerals. 100 grams of chicken egg yolk contains 350 calories and this is three times more in protein.

The composition of the Yolk BJU without protein: 16 grams of proteins, 31 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates.

The importance of the yolk is that it includes a complex of fatty acids that have positive influence on the work of the whole organism. Many do not eat yolk, because it contains a lot of cholesterol, but the human body cannot be without it either. If you use yolk, in reasonable measure, there will be no harm from it. To this, after all, in the yolk of a chicken egg, in addition to cholesterol, there is a large number of necessary elements, such as, which positively affects brain activity and prevents the appearance of sclerosis, or oleic acid, which activates the interchange of elements.

Energy value of one chicken egg

Nutritional value of a product is a complex of product properties that are necessary for the physical needs of a person. In foods that have great nutritional value, there are many useful substances that a person needs. They useful for the body and are easily absorbed.

Nutritional value of 1 chicken egg: 12.7 grams of proteins, 10.9 grams of fat and 0.7 grams of carbohydrates, this is calculated per 100 grams of product. An egg whose energy value is such that it replaces milk - two hundred grams, and meat - fifty. It is very nutritious and only contains animal protein.

Beneficial features

This is not only a product that has great nutritional value, but also a well of useful proteins and minerals.

Its chemical composition includes more than ten vitamins choline, B vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, magnesium, zinc, copper, chlorine, iron, sulfur, iodine, chromium, fluorine, iodine, tin, phosphorus and sodium. Protein supplies approximately 10 grams of protein per 100 grams of yolk. And the yolk contains cholesterol.

They also contain 12 vitamins:

  • Vitamin A - for the formation of bones and teeth, has a good effect on vision.
  • B6 - soothes nervous system, generates energy, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and insulin.
  • B12 - takes part in the development of red blood cells, lowers cholesterol.
  • E is an antioxidant that prevents blood clots from forming.
  • D - acts as an amplifier immune system, helps the thyroid gland function.
  • Folic acid - takes part in DNA synthesis, guarantees good development immunity.
  • Riboflavin - forms hormones and red blood cells, protects the retina.
  • Niacin - is necessary for cells to feed, produces sex hormones.
  • Thiamine - takes part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
  • Biotin - processes glucose, takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, restores the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Choline - helps to improve memory, helps cleanse the liver of toxins.
  • Pantothenic acid - takes part in the creation of antibodies, burns fat, relieves inflammation.

They bring many benefits and nutrients to our body and contain so many vitamins that the body is saturated with them.

Chicken eggs for weight loss

If you are on a diet for slimming, be sure to include eggs in your diet, but diversify it with others low-calorie foods... If you eat two for breakfast, then your daily diet will be four hundred kilocalories less, but at the same time you will be full.

If you throw away the yolk, then the calorie content of the diet will be less, since it is much higher in calories than protein, but in this case, you will not receive nutrients. The yolk must be present, but in smaller quantities. Eat it no more than twice a day, and you can eat protein as much as you want.


These include cholesterol which is contained in the yolk. The egg contains a little more than 200 mg, the norm of cholesterol per day is 300 mg. So, if you eat one egg a day, so much cholesterol will not harm the body.

Salmonella can do more harm than cholesterol. She can get through the shell, and it can happen on different stages egg development and consumption.

To keep yourself safe, you need to be vigilant:

  1. Eat eggs only after they have been heat-treated for at least five minutes.
  2. Wash them before cooking, not before putting them in the refrigerator. Because you can remove the protective film from them, without which it will be much easier for salmonella to get into the middle.
  3. Destroy eggs with cracked shells and do not refrigerate.