Mayo Clinic diet - nutritionist opinion, advice. Advantages and Disadvantages of an Authentic Diet

10.05.2019 Salads

Mayo Diet bears its name from the eponymous specialized clinic in the United States, which treats patients with various ailments, including obesity.

Specialists of the medical institution have developed a special food system. Women can also adhere to it at home, since it is quite effective in the fight against excess body fat.

Essence of the Mayo Clinic diet

The Mayo diet is based on the healthy weight pyramid. According to her, a weight loss program is not just a regular diet, but new style life, the purpose of which is to find the optimal nutrition system that will suit you individually and you can stick to it throughout your life without gaining weight. Moreover, it is very important for a person to enjoy food and the process of combining various products.

1. The base of the pyramid (bottom layer) is vegetables and fruits;

3. The third line of products is proteins;

4. The next row is fats;

5. At the top of the pyramid are sweet foods.

This is how it should be built healthy diet a person who seeks to eat for his own pleasure and not get better. The lion's share daily menu should be vegetables and fruits, then - in decreasing order of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, sweets.

There is also a strict rule that applies to drinking alcoholic beverages. This is strictly prohibited. Alcohol more than other foods slows down the process of removing excess fats from the body. At the same time, it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol from the diet a few days before the start of the diet so that its residues are excreted from the body.

The menu is based on a recipe for fat-burning soup from a specialist at the Mayo Clinic. It can be combined with various products. The feeling of hunger will not torment and pursue, since you can eat your fill - vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meats.

Mayo Diet Fat Burning Soup consists of two main stages:

  1. Slimming
  2. Retention of the result.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mayo Diet

There are practically no flaws in the Mayo Clinic diet. However, it is worth consulting a therapist for those people who are sick. diabetes mellitus, since it implies eating a large amount of fruit, which can provoke an increase in blood sugar.

As for the advantages of a diet, there are many of them:

During the diet, your diet will not be depleted in nutrients. Only the number of calories is reduced by reducing fast carbohydrates, saturated fat on the menu.

The body will not suffer from vitamin deficiency, no harm to health will be caused, since the diet is completely balanced, and the products are varied.

You will lose weight smoothly, without jumps, which does not contradict the norms.

Developing the habit of healthy nutrition, a healthy diet.

The result that you achieve, you can hold for any time.

Mayo diet soup and approximate menu

The diet is designed for seven days. Every day, you should have a fat-burning soup on your menu. special recipe... You can sit on the Mayo diet for longer, while focusing on your own well-being.

In order to make the soup, we need the following ingredients:

  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 6 small onions;
  • 2 green bell peppers.

Cooking healthy dish thus:

  1. We put water on the stove to boil. After it boils, put all the vegetables, previously chopped, into it.
  2. If there is no way to buy fresh tomatoes, you can replace them with canned ones.
  3. Add salt and hot spices or sauce to taste.
  4. Boil vegetables over high heat for about 10 minutes.
  5. After that, make a small fire and cook the soup until the ingredients are soft.

Once the soup is ready, you can eat it throughout the day at any time and in quantity until you are full.

Also, you can add to the soup various products... Consider sample menu for seven days.

  • Monday
  • In addition to soup, we eat fruits, except for bananas.
  • Tuesday
  • We exclude fruits. We eat baked or boiled vegetables during the day. Only legumes and corn are prohibited.
  • Wednesday
  • We eat soup, fruits and vegetables. Only bananas and potatoes are prohibited.
  • Thursday
  • Duplicate the environment menu. You can add a banana and a glass of milk.
  • Friday
  • Add meat to the soup. You can also eat tomatoes in addition.
  • Saturday
  • Soup and meat (beef) as the day before. We also add any vegetables except potatoes.
  • Sunday
  • Eating unlimited soup brown rice as well as vegetables. We eat unsweetened juices.

During mayo diets it is forbidden to use any alcoholic beverages because they interfere with the process of removing fat from the human body. The diet must be stopped at least one day before taking any alcoholic beverage.

It is based on "fat-eliminating soup". Consume it every day as much as you want. The more of this soup you eat, the the largest number extra pounds lose. If the diet is followed correctly, then in 7 days you can get rid of 4.5 - 8 kg. The main thing is that you eat the foods recommended by the diet exactly on the days when you need it. If during a week on a diet, you lost 7 kg (maybe more), stop the diet and rest for two days. It will always be possible to continue it. The only limitation is that you don't just eat soup without a diet!

You can stick to the seven-day diet as many times as you like. After a break, you should start it again from the first day.
Within a week, your weight will decrease by 4.5 kg (this is the minimum), and perhaps by all 8 kg. You will feel a surge of energy, vitality and health. Keep the diet for as many days as you will keep the positive dynamics of the physical and mental state.

Burning Mayo Soup Recipe.

You'll need:

  • 6 small onions

  • 2-4 tomatoes (canned too)

  • 1 medium sized cabbage

  • 2 green peppers

  • 1 bunch of celery

  • 2 cubes of vegetable broth.

Chop the vegetables finely or medium-sized, pour the resulting pieces with water. Season them with salt and pepper, add curry or other if desired spicy sauce... Cook vegetables in boiling water over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce heat and let cook until tender.
This soup can be consumed regardless of the time of day, if you get hungry - eat it as much as you want. Soup has practically no calories. Pour it into a thermos in the morning so that it is always at hand if you are not at home during the day.

In addition to soup, the Mayo diet includes other foods for variety.

First day.
Soup and fruits. You can eat all fruits, the only exceptions are bananas. Melons and watermelons are low in calories compared to other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. As a drink, you can use unsweetened tea or coffee (without adding milk), squeezed cranberry juice, water (if possible, a lot).

Second day.
Soup and vegetables. What vegetables you want, and eat such - raw, steamed, canned. Leafy greens is also permitted. Eat all foods with your soup until you feel full. It is forbidden to introduce dried legumes into the diet, green pea and corn.
Eat during lunch baked potato With butter. Fruit on this day is completely excluded. Drink water without restrictions.

Third day.
Three in one - soup, fruits and vegetables. All vegetables and fruits can be used as an additive to soup, only prohibited baked potato and bananas. Drink plenty of water. With proper adherence to this diet, over the past 3 days, your weight should have already decreased by 2.5-3 kg.

Fourth day.
Soup, fruits and vegetables, we introduce bananas and skim milk into the diet. The number of bananas can be no more than three, we use water and other vegetables and fruits without restrictions and do not forget to eat a lot of soup in between.

The fifth day.
Lean beef, soup and tomatoes. It is allowed to consume from 300 to 800 g of meat or tomatoes per day - as much as you wish (fresh or canned). Eat soup at least once during the day.

Sixth day.
Beef with vegetables (preferably leafy) and soup. You can eat vegetables with meat to your fill. If desired, it is recommended to consume 2-3 steaks with all the green vegetables you want, only baked potatoes are prohibited. Drink water in large quantities.

Seventh day. Brown brown rice, freshly squeezed fruit juice (no sugar), vegetables, and of course soup. Rice can be used as an addition to soup or vegetables (onions, tomatoes, cauliflower). Season vegetables with curry sauce, if desired. Drink plenty of water.
At the end of the seventh day, if you followed the diet strictly, you will lose from 4.5 to 8 kg.

During the diet, it is imperative to exclude from the diet: alcohol, bread, carbonated drinks. Do not eat fried foods or cook with fat.

General rules of the Mayo diet

  1. Follow the daily guidelines carefully.

  2. Do not deviate from them and do not fantasize. Be sure to do your morning weigh-in.

  3. Eat the soup exactly when you start to feel the first hints of hunger.

  4. Use oil sparingly - only once a week at the same time as baked potatoes.

  5. Clean fat well from meat, and peel the skin from poultry, it contains many carcinogens.

Before you sit on Mayo diet, be sure to check with your doctor.

Women will never stop, they are constantly looking for new diets, programs, means for losing weight, at night they read new methods on the pages of forums on the Internet, and then in the morning they start trying on themselves. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Perhaps the rules or diet were not followed correctly, or the diet menu itself was simply incorrectly selected, since there are a number of products that must be excluded from daily diet so that the process of losing weight does not stop.

For a very long time, experts in the field of nutrition and medicine have been thinking about how to help people who are experiencing a condition such as obesity. And after a while, after a series of developments and research, the Mayo diet was created, which is used with great success in our time for treatment and weight loss. Do not forget that, as with any low-calorie food intake, this program has a number of contraindications, which will be described below. Another name for this type of food is the Mayo Clinic Diet. Quite a scandalous weight loss program, which is based on adherence to a low-carb diet with a low fat content. The main dish of this method of losing weight is fat burning soup, which must be consumed throughout the duration of the diet. With proper adherence to a low-carb weight loss program, you can lose up to eight kilograms excess weight just one week. The Mayo diet itself refers to a strict diet, you cannot change the menu while observing, swap dishes, as this will no longer help your weight loss.

If you are a responsible person, you are not afraid of changes in nutrition, you always want something new, more modern, then you have nothing to fear and you can safely move on to using a diet for one week (if necessary, you can follow it for a longer period).

Mayo diet essence, usefulness of properties, basic rules and benefits

The basis of the dietary method of losing weight in a special nutritional system, namely low fat meals... One of these representatives is the fat-burning soup, which must be eaten every day and you should not skip any of the meals. The very process of losing weight is very fast and effective. The end result will simply amaze you with its numbers, since in just one week of strict adherence, you can lose up to eight kilograms of your body weight. These numbers are simply unrealistic, but do not forget that your efforts, correctness, the ability to control hunger and yourself can greatly affect the final indicator. Also, the effectiveness of the diet depends on the physiology, body structure (the more your weight at the time of the diet, the better it will be final result).

Due to the rapid effectiveness, you can lose weight very quickly, but so that this does not affect your body and does not lead to a stressful situation, you need to take a break for the unloading program.

For better adherence to the nutritional program, and so that you do not have side effects, you must observe the following main dietary rules:

  • Since the food is low in calories, before starting the diet, consult a doctor or nutritionist (this is necessary in order to exclude all possible contraindications and harmful effects on the body);
  • Eat all foods and dishes in small quantities, small portions, eat often, chew food thoroughly, do not drink water, the number of meals is three to four;
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the dietary diet every day, you must not skip meals and always eat at the same time;
  • Every morning you should step on the scale and record your body weight;
  • As for vegetable oils, it is allowed to use it once a week, products containing a lot of animal fats should be completely excluded from the diet;
  • Strictly exclude the use of alcoholic, carbonated and sugary drinks, as well as all bad habits, including smoking;
  • The daily diet should consist of a large amount of fruits, vegetables, low-calorie fermented milk products(with a fat content of no more than 1%), lean meat and fish (rabbit, quail, turkey, chicken, veal, salmon, salmon, trout, sea bass, hake, carp), cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, lentil, oat) , flakes, berries, beans, nuts, chicken eggs (no more than 4 per week);
  • The following ingredients are prohibited: high-calorie foods, including all sour milk, fatty and fried food, convenience foods and food fast food, fast foods, chips, crackers, salinity, smoked meats, flour, confectionery and sausages, White bread, buns, canned food, pates;
  • Observe the drinking regime for the entire duration of food and throughout life, drink more than two liters of water per day (this can improve metabolic processes and speed up metabolism);
  • The last meal is no later than six o'clock in the evening;
  • To cook a dish, choose the following methods - boiling, stewing, baking on the grill or in the oven, steamed or in a slow cooker;
  • Limit the use of drinks that contain a lot of caffeine to one cup a day;
  • While using the diet, do only light physical activity, you can run in the morning, go for walks, attend yoga, fitness, athletics classes;
  • Do not under any circumstances reverse rations or add new ingredients to the main course;
  • Duration of food from five to seven days;
  • You need to have a full healthy sleep, you need to rest and get enough sleep, go to bed from 10 pm to 1 am, since this is the time for the immune system.

If you follow the basic diet and the main rules well, then the end result will be successful, and you can easily fit into your dress, suit, go on a date, go on a trip. You will feel much more confident and beautiful. The main thing is to try and work on yourself, your body, then everything will work out for you.

Mayo diet variations and menu features

All kinds diet food unites one dish - this is a fat burning soup. To prepare it, you will need five medium-sized onions, about four fresh tomatoes, a small head of cabbage (you can also use cauliflower or broccoli with this ingredient), two pieces of green bell peppers, one celery, asparagus, and be sure to add two cubes vegetable broth... Treat all vegetables with water, cut into small pieces and pour over some water. It is allowed to add a little salt and a large number of greens, bring to a boil and cook until the vegetables are tender.

The soup contains minimal amount calories, so you can use when you feel hungry. To ensure that your soup has as many vitamins as possible, cook it fresh every day.

Varieties of the Mayo Clinic Diet Program.

    Classic Mayo Diet. Nutrition is complete, has useful properties, the composition of the dishes contains a large amount of vitamins, microelements and others nutrients... It is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet, ingredients cannot be replaced, rearranged. In order to eliminate the feeling of hunger, it is enough to eat a plate of fat-burning soup.

    An approximate menu for seven days.

    Breakfast - portion assorted fruits and a cup of delicious green tea without sugar.
    Lunch - three green apples.
    Lunch - portion dietary soup.
    Afternoon snack - a glass of unsweetened herbal decoction.
    Dinner - baked fruits (apple, pears, peaches), a plate of fat-burning soup.

    Breakfast - salad from fresh vegetables seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice ( White cabbage, greens, carrots), a cup of black natural coffee.
    Lunch - two fresh cucumber and a glass vegetable juice(freshly prepared).
    Lunch - a plate of fat burning soup.
    Afternoon snack - portion low calorie soup.
    Dinner - salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, arugula and avocado, season with a little soy sauce, a portion of the main course (diet soup).

    Breakfast - a salad of apples, pears, peaches and apricots, seasoned with a small amount of low-fat yogurt.
    Lunch - a glass of mango or grapefruit juice without preservatives.
    Lunch - as always, a plate of low-calorie soup.
    Afternoon snack - a glass of raspberry or other berry juice.
    Dinner - a portion of salad with arugula, red bell pepper, cucumbers and feta cheese, a plate of soup.

    Breakfast - soup, one banana, a glass of pineapple natural juice.
    Lunch - salad with fresh fruit, for example, banana, pear, apple, plum and orange (do not season with anything, cook in own juice and sugar free).
    Lunch - a plate of delicious diet soup.
    Afternoon snack - two bananas.
    Dinner is a vegetable stew.

    Breakfast - salad with tomatoes and mozzarella, a portion of soup and a cup of natural coffee without added sugar.
    Lunch - small portion beef stew with vegetables.
    Lunch - soup, salad from boiled vegetables(carrots, broccoli, green beans, peas).
    Afternoon snack - three fresh tomatoes.
    Dinner - baked beef salad, cut into slices, lettuce, green bell pepper, cucumbers and tomatoes.

    Breakfast - a portion of delicious and healthy soup, one apple and a cup of raspberry tea without sugar and honey.
    Lunch - salad of cabbage, cucumbers and peas.
    Lunch - soup, baked beef with vegetables.
    Afternoon snack - two bananas.
    Dinner - rice with green beans, corn and green bell peppers.

    Breakfast - healthy and low-calorie soup, a glass of herbal decoction.
    Lunch - low-fat kefir about 250 mg, one apple or banana.
    Lunch - a plate of soup, salad and a portion of white oblong rice.
    Afternoon snack - salad from seasonal vegetables.
    Dinner - a portion of cut vegetables.

    The Mayo Five-Day Diet. The basis of the diet and principles are the same. Thanks to such nutrition, you will receive a complete complex of vitamins and all essential minerals. It is important to strictly follow the menu and not change your diet. Watch your drinking regime, it should include about ten glasses of plain still water.

    Menu for five days.

    1st day.
    Breakfast - eat half a fresh and vitamin grapefruit, boil two hard-boiled chicken eggs and cook two slices of bacon, a cup linden tea sugar-free with lemon.
    Lunch - the second part of the fat-burning fruit (grapefruit), a salad with fresh cabbage, herbs, cucumber and seasoned with a little vegetable oil.
    Lunch is a serving of your favorite soup.
    Afternoon snack - a glass tomato juice.
    Dinner is another bowl of low-calorie soup.

    2nd day.
    Breakfast - salad with fresh cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and red bell pepper, seasoned soy sauce and lemon juice, boiled egg and a cup of unsweetened black coffee.
    Lunch - two fresh figs.
    Lunch - soup and salad of boiled beets with carrots (you can season with olive oil).
    Afternoon snack - a glass of juice from any vegetables, the main thing is that it is freshly prepared and low-calorie (you can add celery).
    Dinner is a light and healthy soup.

    3rd day.
    Breakfast - two bananas, omelet with vegetables and a cup herbal tea.
    Lunch - Prepare Fresh Juice from orange and grapefruit (tangerine can be added).
    Lunch - like yesterday, use soup.
    Afternoon snack - a salad of fruits, for example, apples, pears, grapes, bananas, peaches.
    Dinner - a plate of dietary soup.

    4th day.
    Breakfast - skim cheese with chopped dried fruits (prunes and dried apricots, you can add some nuts), a cup of coffee.
    Lunch - two oranges, one banana.
    Lunch is a bowl of soup.
    Afternoon snack - a glass of low-calorie kefir, one green apple.
    Dinner - a portion of dietary soup.

    5th day.
    Breakfast - a glass of seasonal fruit and two hard-boiled eggs, a cup of green tea without sugar.
    Lunch - fresh fruit juice and one banana.
    Lunch is a soup prepared today.
    Afternoon snack - salad of fresh seasonal vegetables (arugula, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, yellow bell pepper, season with soy sauce or vegetable oil).
    Dinner - the second portion of the soup.

Quitting the Mayo Diet

We read more than once that the most important point for the correctness of the diet - this is the way out, since it depends on it how well you can consolidate the final result, and how long your weight will be this or even less. Therefore, it is important that during this period you strictly control and observe the following rules:

  • Eat food fractionally, always eat at the same time;
  • The diet should only include fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • The daily amount of calories is not more than 1800 kcal;
  • Increase your diet gradually, introduce new products every few days that were previously strictly prohibited;
  • Drink as much plain water as possible without gas;
  • Cook salads, casseroles with vegetables, stews, steamed fish, meat in a slow cooker, soups.

In order to consolidate your result even better, go in for sports, go to workouts, fitness, yoga. The main thing is that all this should be regular and systematic. If you started to play sports, then you need to go to the end and not give up halfway. Monitor the condition of the skin, do body massage, visit a beautician and beauty salons.

If you follow a healthy lifestyle, then you will have an ideal body, slender legs and a flat tummy.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the Mayo diet

The disadvantages of nutrition include the fact that some people find it difficult to prepare soup, since it needs to be prepared every day so that it is useful and contains all the necessary vitamins that affect the vital functions of the whole organism.


  • Pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • Children in the period of active development;
  • Elderly people;
  • During diseases of the heart and other organs and systems;
  • The period after surgery, treatment, rehabilitation;
  • All acute and chronic diseases;
  • Disorders of the psycho-emotional state;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Anorexia;
  • Obesity in the second and third stages.

This diets a was developed by the specialists of the American Mayo Clinic, located in Rochester, Minnesota. The clinic is one of the best in the United States and positions its diet as an unusual approach to the problem of losing weight. The Mayo Clinic diet is, according to its creators, a lifestyle that allows you to safely lose weight and maintain your health in good condition, with the motto: "Eat well, enjoy life and lose weight!"... The diet is based on Scientific research and many years of clinical practice. In 2010, the diet was published as a bestselling book called The Mayo Clinic Diet.

Now they are in circulation different options this diet. Clinic representatives in 2005 officially announced that various' Mayo diets' spread over the decades, such as' mayo soup", Egg with grapefruit and others promising stunning results for a short time, have nothing to do with the Clinic, or would be approved by her. Such "diets" often lack a scientific basis, supported by clinical trials, and can be harmful to health. This article presents the official, real mayo diet.

Weight loss program builds on the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Food Pyramid, in accordance with which a nutrition and physical activity plan is drawn up. The pyramid shows the importance of balancing exercise and nutrition.

Eat healthy food and don't overeat

At the base of the pyramid is a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. These healthy foods contain a small amount of calories, but, having volume, fill the stomach and cause a feeling of fullness. They should be eaten more (but not excessively!). Above is the healthy food needed for proper nutrition the amount of which decreases towards the top. These are "good" carbohydrates - whole grains and flour products hard varieties; sources of essential protein - fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, legumes; and not causing diseases of cardio-vascular system, unsaturated fats (found primarily in nuts and olive oil). The diet does not require calorie counting and, in principle, does not limit the range of products. There is no scrupulously observed menu either. Losing weight independently makes up the one that suits him, delicious diet... Remember the motto of the diet.

Oatmeal, brown rice, flour bread coarse, eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese, homemade cheese, kefir / yogurt, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, herbs, fruits, olive and vegetable oils first spin.

Increase your level of physical activity

In diet Mayo physical being active is just as important as eating healthy. Active image life contributes to the burning of calories and establishes the right balance between incoming and outgoing energy. If you long time were inactive, or have health limitations, you need to consult a specialist to determine the degree of stress and draw up a training plan. For most, a 5-10 minute warm-up or walk will be sufficient initially, with a gradual increase in the duration of the session.

It is recommended to do daily, at least 30-minute, moderate-intensity physical exercises (they can be divided into 2-3 series during the day if there is a lack of time). If you can do more it will only be beneficial. A classic example moderate exercise is brisk walking.

The essence of the Mayo diet

According to the diet, achieving normal weight and maintaining stable results for a long time is possible if you focus not only on nutrition, but also on maintaining normal general condition health. It is claimed that The best way control over your weight - awareness of the need to change your lifestyle, the development of good habits. At the same time, the diet is not a dogma and can be adapted to the individual needs of the person losing weight, depending on the situation. The Mayo System will help you lose weight and find your comfortable and healthy eating plan that will stay with you throughout your life. Diet especially suitable for those who wants to lose weight by 5-20 kg.

There is a diabetes diet option to help you lose weight safely while keeping your blood sugar in check. This program is designed for type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent) and prediabetes, and allows dose reduction medical supplies and the risk of complications from diabetes.

The Mayo Clinic Diet Has Two Phases

Lose weight! This phase lasts two weeks and starts the process of losing weight. Weight reduction in the first stage from 3 to 4.5 kg. You analyze your lifestyle, get rid of five bad habits and develop five good ones. An obligatory part of the system is daily 30-minute physical exercises.

Live in a new way! This phase lasts a long period of time, possibly a lifetime and is based on rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. At this stage, you will learn how to correctly determine your goal - the weight to achieve which you should strive for, and correctly draw up a long-term plan healthy eating... You will learn how to select foods, formulate a diet, and determine portion sizes. New good habits become an integral part of your lifestyle. Weight will continue to drop gently by 0.5-1 kg per week until you achieve your intended result. Then, following the principles of a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to successfully maintain the achieved weight within the desired range.

Get rid of five bad habits:

  • do not watch TV while eating, spend no more time in front of it than you spend on physical exercise;
  • do not eat sugar, except as found naturally in fruits;
  • snack between meals only vegetables or fruits and nothing more;
  • limit the consumption of meat and dairy products;
  • do not eat food in cafes and restaurants that does not fit your meal plan.

Get five good habits:

  • eat for breakfast healthy food and do not overeat;
  • eat vegetables and fruits at least 3-4 times a day;
  • eat whole grains and wholemeal products, especially bread;
  • there are products containing the necessary polyunsaturated fats, for example, olive oil and nuts;
  • walk or exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

Stick to five rules:

  • keep a food diary;
  • keep an exercise diary;
  • walk or exercise for at least 60 minutes daily;
  • there is mainly fresh food;
  • write down your daily goals.

Mayo Clinic Diet Menu Examples

The diet has several dietary regimes with different energy value. In this example, the menu daily calorie content is 1200 kcal.

American menu is not quite familiar to us... Pizza and pasta are recommended as diet food. I must say that in America, pizza is mainly made from bakery flour. This torment is not top grade and contains the addition of durum wheat flour. Pasta is made mainly from durum flour. Quite a few diets allow the use of durum wheat flour as "good", long-digesting carbohydrates, along with wholemeal bread and brown rice. Ready salad dressings on different taste and calorie content are presented in stores in a large assortment. The main one is a cup, which is equal to 240 ml. In particular, the calorie content of foods and the content nutrients in American manuals and reference books it is given for 1 serving, and not for 100 grams, as is customary in our country.


1 cup low fat yogurt with 1 piece any fruit.

The yogurt is mixed with the diced fruit.


1 serving salad and from canned tuna with no oil added with pasta: for 1 can of tuna (average American can 142 g, or 5 ounces), take 4 cups of cooked small pasta(shells, horns), 2 cups chopped (grated) carrots and zucchini ( young zucchini) and 4 tablespoons of light mayonnaise.

One small orange.


1/3 slice of 12-inch (30 cm in diameter) cheese pizza.

Green salad (2 cups lettuce, ½ cup chopped tomatoes, red onions and mushrooms, season with low-fat salad dressing).


One apple.

Calorie-free drinks can be included with each meal.

Another example of a three-day menu

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3


1 cup low-fat milk

1.25 cups chopped fresh strawberries

Pancakes, 2 pcs. from 1.5 tbsp. l. maple syrup

Butter, 1 tsp.

1 cup low-fat milk

3/4 cup fresh blueberries

1 cup chopped melon

Poached egg on toast

2 slices of whole grain bread

1 tsp butter

Orange juice


Southwest Salad *

1/2 wholemeal pita bread (or slice of bread)

1 cup low-fat milk

Small pasta salad with vegetables and herbs

1 small apple

1 cup low-fat milk

Salad with canned tuna in pita **

1 bell pepper

1 small apple


Spaghetti with sauce

1 slice of whole grain bread

Raw carrots

1 cup low-fat milk

1 cup cantaloupe (cantaloupe)

Chicken (usually breast) with lemon and rosemary, grilled or fried with green beans and brown rice

A cup of low-fat milk

Fresh tomato

Cantaloupe cup

Pizza with tomatoes and basil

Vegetable salad

Cantaloupe cup

A cup of milk


7 almonds

1 cup of any grape

3/4 cup fresh blueberries

6 whole grain crisps

1/2 cup vegetable juice

* southwest salad - salad from popular in North America black beans with corn, avocado, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese.

** salad with canned tuna in pita - canned tuna with mustard without added oil, lemon juice and mayonnaise, cut into slices of tomato and lettuce leaves in a pita cut in half; can be wrapped in pita bread, or made as a sandwich.

Diet benefits:

  • Instead of a hungry diet - tasty and varied food in sufficient quantities
  • You will learn to choose healthy foods and eat a balanced diet.
  • You will leave the bad and develop good eating and lifestyle habits in general.
  • You will improve your health and reduce the risk of diseases associated with being overweight
  • You will finally find the right power system for a long time

If diseases associated with overweight are already available, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition.


The Mayo Clinic diet promises to reduce weight after the first two-week phase by 3-4.5 kg. During the second phase, weight loss should go by 0.5-1 kg per week until the planned result is achieved. Most people can lose weight on just about any calorie- and food-restricted diet. But, more often than not, the achieved effect will be temporary. The Mayo Diet, according to its creators, will help you lose weight forever by teaching you to choose the right foods, determine the size of portions and the amount of necessary physical activity, follow healthy way life.

The diet is safe for most people who practice it. However, check with your doctor before starting the Mayo Diet, especially if you have any medical conditions.

Other diets:

The essence of this diet is to use the fat-burning soup of the mayo diet, around which the rest of the diet is built. Someone will breathe a sigh of relief - really, what's wrong with eating soups and losing weight. Really nothing bad, only if you are ready to eat a kilogram of boiled daily onions in the company with celery.

To prepare the soup, you need to take 6 onions, a head of cabbage, a bunch of celery, 2 tomatoes and two peppers. All this is cut, filled with water, filled with a pinch of salt and cooked until tender. Ready soup should be consumed 4-5 times a day as a main course.

Full menu

Fortunately, the fat-burning mayo diet also includes other foods, so you won't have to choke on one soup, however, and you shouldn't expect much variety.

Day 1... Soup 4-5 times a day. You can eat any kind of fruit.

Day 2... A variety of vegetables are allowed with the soup.

Day 3... Soup and low calorie fruits and vegetables: watermelon, pumpkin, cucumbers.

Day 4... Soup, some bananas and a glass of skim milk.

Day 5... Soup, steamed beef, vegetables.

Day 6... Soup and vegetable salad.

Day 7... Boiled brown rice, soup, fruit soup and vegetables.

As you might guess, the mayo diet is designed for a week and guarantees tangible weight loss. Of course, she excludes the use of alcohol, although with such a diet and pulls "to take on the chest." If the diet rules are not followed, you need to start losing weight again from the first day.


The Mayo Clinic diet promises. However, it would be a mistake to think that leaving it, it will be possible to return again to the usual rolls with butter and cutlets. It is precisely the carefully thought out nutrition after the diet that will ensure the retention of the results obtained. It is strictly forbidden to snack in street cafes or in any other place where food is not cooked properly and contains a lot of calories.


Despite the declared effectiveness of the diet, the expected effect may not be achieved if the diet rules are not followed. First, the mayo diet will not be productive if you pour in several pots of soup every day in an effort to speed up the process of losing weight. But stretching the stomach is welcome.

Even the most dietary product harmful in excess. You will not get calories from it, but you will develop the habit of eating in excess.

This diet is contraindicated in obese people. The Mayo Clinic diet and its fat-burning soup are more suitable for people who are used to not eating very much, but for some reason want to lose weight quickly. If at one meal you are able to learn weekly dose starving child from Africa, you first need to visit a psychologist and only then resort to any kind of diet.