Unsalted hard cheese. Low-fat cheese

21.08.2019 Egg dishes

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and, as a therapy, in addition to taking medications, requires adherence to a strict diet. The patient's diet should be varied and consist of healthy food products and correct processing. Doctors set out the diet individually and stipulate each food. Most patients ask the question whether it is possible to eat cheese during illness, and if so, which one? Cheese is a healthy product that contains many valuable and nutritious substances. Therefore, doctors recommend including it in the diet, but only permitted varieties.

The benefits of cheese

Cheeses have medicinal and prophylactic properties due to their main component - milk. In the process of making this dairy product, all the substances important for the human body are preserved. Due to the composition of the cheese, it has the ability to restore the organs of the digestive system and maintain it in a healthy state. This healthy dairy product contains:

  • up to twenty five percent proteins;
  • up to sixty percent of milk fat;
  • up to three percent of minerals;
  • phosphorus;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamins of group A, D, E, C, B12, B1, B2;
  • calcium.

Easy digestibility is inherent in cheeses, although their calorie content is high. They eat cheese for pancreatitis, but only of certain varieties. Thus, a dairy product is:

  • fused;
  • solid;
  • recycled;
  • brine.

How to eat cheese for chronic pancreatitis?

The benefits of cheeses are great, but their use may be limited for various diseases, including chronic pancreatitis. A dairy product can be included in the diet a month after the symptoms of the disease have subsided. Cheese is introduced gradually and at first, soft, low-fat, unsalted and not peppery. Then you can turn on half hard, the initial portion should be within fifteen grams, gradually increasing to one hundred grams per day. You can season pasta with cheese, add it to salads or eat it separately.

Cheese for acute pancreatitis

Patients with acute pancreatitis should not include cheese in their diet. Despite the usefulness of the product, it is considered dense and heavy for digestion. Moreover, it is very fatty, which means it is able to stimulate the secretion of the "pancreas", which is unacceptable in the inflammatory process of the digestive system.

What cheeses can you eat with pancreatitis?

An inflamed pancreas requires a strict diet, which means that the choice of food should be approached thoroughly. Although cheese is inherent in many useful elements, it is not always possible to include it in the patient's diet. If the doctor has approved the use of this dairy product, you should pay attention to its varieties. Diet for pancreatitis includes the following types of cheese:

  • solid;
  • not spicy;
  • without additives;
  • non-greasy;
  • with a short exposure.

And also the following varieties:

  • Cheese. Due to the small amount of fats and sodium compounds, feta cheese (unsalted) is allowed for pancreatitis. It is able to normalize the digestive system and prevent the growth of bacteria. The value of feta cheese is calcium in a form that allows the product to be easily absorbed in the patient's body and help the hematopoietic organs to function correctly.
  • Adyghe. With pancreatitis, it is recommended to include this type of fermented milk product, since it has dietary properties and contains the necessary enzymes, minerals and vitamins, amino acids that help the body to resist diseases. This cheese is able to normalize the digestive system and improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Circassian cheese can be used for salads, cold dishes, snacks and sandwiches. The daily portion can reach two hundred grams.
  • Non-greasy. The diet for pancreatitis should consist of light food; cheese with a low fat content (from ten to thirty percent) will be an excellent product. It is easily absorbed and does not overload the inflamed organs of the digestive system. These types are recommended for use with a diet, as they are not capable of harming the figure. This can be chechil, cottage cheese, feta, gouda, ricotta, or tofu. Tofu is also called bean curd, has gained popularity and demand, since it contains a large amount of high-quality protein. In terms of calorie content, all types are not higher than three hundred kcal per one hundred grams, so they are allowed to be taken in small portions several times throughout the day.

What cheeses are best to abstain from?

Treatment of pancreatitis requires strict adherence to proper nutrition, based on the stage of the disease. During the illness, doctors recommend refraining from eating these types of cheese:

  • Fused. It differs in the way of preparation, as a result of which the concentration of carbohydrates and cholesterol is reduced in the composition. It is easily absorbed, but due to citric acid it is prohibited during inflammation of the digestive system. Moreover, it is not recommended to include it in the diet, since many manufacturers make processed cheese with flavors and dyes, which is most harmful in the inflammatory process in the body.
  • Smoked. Do not eat smoked or smoked products, as their composition includes salts and aromatic additives undesirable for pancreatitis.
  • Fermented milk products with mold, herbs, nuts and other additives.

How to choose the right quality cheese?

Diseases of the digestive system require treatment, which is based on taking medications and following a strict diet. The patient's diet should consist exclusively of healthy, permitted and fresh products, choosing which at retail outlets should be careful.

First of all, you need to look at the shelf life of the product and its shelf life. Some types of cheese products only increase their taste over time, while others, on the contrary, should not lie in store windows.

Soft species should not be purchased if their shelf life is near the end of the second month. Even if the products are fresh, it is necessary to choose those with a shorter overall shelf life, since a long shelf life is achieved by adding a large amount of preservatives to food.

If there is no palm oil in the product, the cheese will become soft.

Choosing cheese, you need to look around the entire window and skip past those whose appearance you did not like right away. Next, you should pay attention to the size and where the eyes in the solid form of the fermented milk product are located. With a small size of the eyes, the cooking technology was violated, if the eyes are located randomly throughout the piece.

Pay attention to structure and integrity. The crust should be free of cracks, damage and punctures, as they may contain molds and bacteria. The color of the product should be uniform, but this rule does not apply to blue cheese. The coating of the head should not have white bloom and overdried crust.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the elasticity, which should be felt when you press the cheese head. If the surface immediately pushed through and assumed this position, this indicates a poor-quality product.

In addition, you should look at the cut, if a dry crust is visible on it, this indicates that there are no additives of vegetable fats in the product, which can be seen if droplets of liquid appear on the cut. When choosing cheese, you need to smell it in order to eliminate the ammonia smell, which warns the buyer about the beginning of the rotting process inside. The seller can cut a small piece for testing so that the buyer can appreciate the taste and make sure of its quality.

When choosing cheese, you should pay attention to the price category. Lower production indicates that these are cheese products, and not real cheese, since it takes a lot of investment and time to produce a real fermented milk product. This means that it cannot be cheap.

Cheese products should not be eaten with pancreatitis, as they contain a lot of vegetable fats and even palm oil, which is strictly prohibited in the inflammatory process of the digestive system.

Someone in their daily diet uses cheese as a main course, someone - as part of a salad, appetizer, sandwich or hot. The wide variety of varieties and producers is often confusing - which one to choose? What kind of cheese to give preference to so that extra centimeters are not added at the waist, and the body does not have to deal with an excessive amount of saturated animal fats, we understand below.

The reverse side of the cheese

Cheese, like any other fermented milk product, contains substances that are extremely useful for our body - potassium, calcium and vitamin D, A, B2, B12. Some types of cheese, such as Emmenthal, contain 70 grams of protein as much as 100 grams of meat, fish, or 2 eggs. Despite such a valuable "reserve" of vitamins and nutrients, cheeses also contain a large amount of saturated fats, which we try to avoid. These elements are especially abundant in cheese varieties made from whole milk with the addition of milk fat.

If you love cheese and want to get the most out of this product, opt for low-fat unsalted varieties. All over the world, low-fat unsalted cheeses are considered the best food for both adults and children.

How many calories?

The calorie content of cheese depends on what kind of milk and by what technology was used for its production. Cheese is made from whole milk, skim milk or low fat milk. Butter, cream, etc. can be added as additional ingredients - at the discretion of the manufacturer. Of course, the least high-calorie cheese (about 83 kcal / 100 g) is cheese made from skim milk, but cheese made from whole milk or with the addition of cream will not be so dietary - about 233 kcal / 100 g.

Cheese added to the finished dish automatically increases the calorie content of the portion by about 70-100 kcal. So, for example, potatoes baked in the oven with a calorie content of 145 kcal after adding cheese automatically turns into 245 kcal per 100 g.

Average calorie content of some types of cheese
Type of cheese - calorie content, 100 gr.

Dutch round - 377
Suluguni - 290
Goat cheese - 243
Maasdam - 350
Russian - 360
Brynza - 246
Gouda - 364
Swiss - 396
Estonian - 350
Parmesan - 392
Bursen - 404
Bree - 304
Camembert - 310
Cheddar - 426
Edam - 314
Emmental - 370
Feta - 304
Mozzarella - 278
Chechil - 255
Tilsiter - 361

Debunking myths

Cheese contains a lot of calcium.
The statement itself is not a myth. The fact is that not all the calcium that enters the body from cheese can be absorbed. Animal fats in this product interfere with the absorption of calcium. In low-fat and low-fat varieties, calcium is absorbed much better.

Low-fat cheeses are healthy, so you can eat them in unlimited quantities.
Low-fat cheeses - Adyghe, feta cheese, suluguni - really contain very little fat. However, these "brine" varieties contain a lot of salt. These types of cheeses mature in concentrated brine. Salted cheeses are not advisable for hypertensive patients, people suffering from kidney diseases. So not every low-fat cheese can only provide health benefits. To remove excess salt from low-fat cheese, soak the slices in cold water. Such unleavened cheese can certainly be consumed by everyone, without exception.

Cheese is a hypoallergenic product.
Any sort of cheese belongs to the rennet or non-rennet category. The latter are prepared in a fermented milk dressing and rarely cause allergies. But rennet varieties are produced using rennet of animal origin, which often causes allergic reactions - indigestion, skin problems, asthmatic attacks. Such consequences can also occur after taking mold cheeses. Experts do not recommend allergy sufferers to choose any cheese that is difficult to cut.

Very hard cheeses: Parmesan (Italy), Romano (Italy) and Sbrinz (Switzerland).
Hard: Emmental, Gruyere (Switzerland), Cheddar, Cheshire (England).
Semi-solid: edam, gouda (Netherlands).
Semi-soft: Limburgish (Belgium), Munster (France), tilsit (Germany).
Soft (ripening with mold all over the cheese or on the surface): Roquefort (France), Gorgonzola (Italy), Brie, Cashmbert, Neuchâtel (France).
Soft (no ripening): creamy (UK), mozzarella, whole milk ricotta (Italy).

Because you are eating a piece of cheese, not a piece of dry matter. It is worth noting that the standard cheese fat is 50-60g or 50-60% in dry matter. Many of the fat percentage indicated on the package are taken literally. Those. ate 100 grams of 50% cheese, so I got 50 grams of fat (450 kcal). Whoa! 40 minutes on an ellipsoid! But this is not the case!

So, if it is indicated that the fat content of Swiss cheese is 50%, then this means that 100 g of cheese contains 32.5 g of fat (cheese of this type usually has 65 g of dry matter per 100 g of weight, 50% of which will be 32, 5 d).

Low-fat cheese, a list of examples in ascending fat content

g fat in 100 grams of cheese

Soy cheese Tofu with dill and garlic 2.5g
Homemade cottage cheese, carat 4g
Valio Polar 5g
President processed cream cheese light 7g
Meadow Freshness - Light 9g
Bulgarian Brynza 11g
Cheese Gallery Light 11g
Cheese Bonfesto soft "Ricotta" 11.5g
Cheese "Home Light", Carat - natural 12g
Sirtaki cheese pickled for Greek salad Classic 13.3g
Cheese "Light", "Thousand Lakes" 15g
Cheese Casket light 15g
Arla Natura cheese Light creamy 16g
President Cheese Brynza 16,7g
Svitlogorye "Fetu" cheese 17.1g
Cheese President Chechil White Straws 18g
Cheese President Chechil White Spaghetti 18g
Cheese Ugleche Pole brine feta cheese 18g
Bellanova Product Bella Pickle Delicacy 18g
Bonfesto Cheese Mozzarella 18g
Umalat Unagrande Cachoricotta 18g
Lactica cheese "Adyghe" 18g
President processed cheese Mozzarella slicing 19.5g
Cheese Lactica "Suluguni" 22g
Suluguni cheese Meadow freshness pancakes 23g

1. Soybean tofu cheese (fat content 1.5-4%)

Although it is made from soy milk, tofu is considered a curd cheese, as it resembles lean and unsalted cheese in color and consistency. In terms of its content, tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so it can be a good substitute for meat. Calcium, which is present in abundance in this product, has a great effect on the skeleton, which makes tofu an ideal product for consumption by the elderly in order to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. In addition, 100 grams of tofu contains only 90 calories, so it is recommended to include it in the diet menu. Many celebrities have replaced dairy products and cheeses with soy products in their diets, so many diets have now been developed that involve a reduced consumption of classic cheeses, while tofu is recommended for daily consumption along with plant foods. A number of nutritionists also claim its medicinal properties, because it has already been proven that it helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, which serves to prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

With what and how to eat? Suitable for miso soup, for salads.

2. Curd cheese, country cheese, cottage cheese - in English. cottage cheese (fat content 4-5%)

Grain curd is a type of low-fat curd. It is a curd grain mixed with fresh, slightly salted cream. It can be used as an independent dish, as well as for preparing various salads (for example, vegetable salad with cottage cheese). In Russia, it is sometimes found under the unofficial names "granular curd" and "Lithuanian curd". In the USA, Europe and Asia, cottage cheese is called cottage cheese. It is often called homemade cheese. At first glance, cottage cheese looks like fresh cottage cheese, but its texture is much softer, one might even say creamy, and it tastes a little saltier. 100g of grained cheese will provide our body with 85 calories and 17g of protein, so it is recommended by nutritionists even with the strictest diets.

With what and how to eat? Without additives, in salads, in curd omelets.

3. Processed light cheese (fat content 7.5%)

President cheese has a "melted creamy light" percentage of fat that pleases slimmers! There is only 7.5 g of fat per 100 grams! Low calorie content is another plus! Cheese for lovers of processed cheese.

With what and how to eat? With porridge and bread.

4. Whey cheese - ricotta (fat content 9-18%)

Ricotta is an invariable ingredient in Italians' breakfast. This cheese contains no salt. Thanks to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and minerals, ricotta gives a quick feeling of fullness. This type of curd cheese is recognized as the protector of our liver, it contains methionine - a sulfur-containing amino acid.

With what and how to eat? This cheese is good with fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, ham, pasta, basil, salmon, broccoli. It is customary for them to stuff pancakes and pancakes.

5. Feta-type brine cheese - light feta cheese, feta (fat content 11-18%)

This cheese is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a fatty food, high in cholesterol and calories around 260 kcal / 100 gm. But not everyone knows that their adored feta cheese is produced in a light version, although, admittedly, this particular variety is difficult to find on supermarket shelves. However, the efforts you put into searching will pay off in full. Feta-light is usually made from goat's milk and contains only 30% fat, while traditional feta is made from sheep's milk, and then its fat content is 60%.

With what and how to eat? It is usually placed in Greek salad along with vegetables and olives, or it is used in caprese salad, where it replaces mozzarella. Usually served with olives. And also such cheeses go well with tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, watermelon, spinach, rosemary, mint, oregano, tuna, baked chicken. And when preparing Greek salad, they are simply irreplaceable!

6. Semi-hard light cheese - cheese to the taste of which we are used to(fat content 9-17%)

A low-fat light cheese, commonly labeled as Light, Light, Light is an affordable delight for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. These low-fat cheeses have a delicate pleasant taste of natural milk, the texture is dense, homogeneous, with small, evenly distributed eyes. Great for health conscious people. Suitable for making sandwiches and sandwiches, for example, bread-based, as well as for a snack at work or at a picnic. Such cheeses are just a godsend for losing weight! Learn more about the reverse side of the package - the label, some cheeses have 5% yogurt on the package, not fat! This type of cheese has a soft-thin, somewhat piquant taste, is easy to digest and has a high calcium content.

With what and how to eat? For slenderness, cheese can be wrapped in lettuce leaves.

7. Cream cheese, cream cheese (fat content 12%)

This Philadelphia type cheese (light) consists of non-fat pasteurized milk and milk fat, whey protein concentrate, cheese culture, salt, whey.

With what and how to eat? With toast, bread, vegetables.

8. Cheese fresh mozzarella type "buffalo" (fat content 18%)

Not to be confused with the usual! It can be found in the form of white balls soaked in brine, the cheese is not stored for long. The most delicious one-day mozzarella, but so far it can only be tasted in Italy. Now buffalo mozzarella is produced all over the world. Not to be confused with the traditional pizza mozzarella. Its fat content is 23%.

With what and how to eat? The best option is with olive oil, black pepper, basil and tomatoes. You can also quickly marinate this cheese in olive oil with herbs, garlic and sun-dried tomatoes and bake.

9. Low-fat cheese - Chechil (fat content 18%)

Chechil is a fibrous pickled cheese, similar in consistency to suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense, fibrous threads, twisted into tight braids in the form of a pigtail, often smoked. Chechil is often mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into jugs or wineskins. In appearance, this cheese has nothing to do with any other. It is produced in the form of filaments fibrous in structure, tied into a bundle.

With what and how to eat? An appetizer for boredom - in moderation, it is also suitable for a salad. Check the amount of salt. As you know, salt retains liquid.

10. Pickled, unripe, young cheeses - Suluguni, Adyghe (fat content 18-22%)

Traditionally, suluguni cheese was made only with natural rennet sourdough and only by hand without the use of any mechanical devices. The finished cheese can be eaten raw, baked, smoked or fried. Adyghe cheese is a soft cheese with a sour-milk taste and delicate texture. It belongs to the group of soft cheeses without ripening.

With what and how to eat? It goes well with cucumbers, spicy herbs, olives, tomatoes, bell peppers, honey and green tea. It roasts and melts well. Excellent filling for khachapuri.

11. Low-fat homemade cheese - recipe

  • Skimmed milk (0.5%) 500 ml
  • Fat-free cottage cheese 600 g
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Baking soda 2 g
  • Salt ¾ tsp


    Stir the cottage cheese and baking soda, leave the mixture for an hour at room temperature.

    Cover a suitable container with cling film. Add milk, salt, raw chicken egg to the curd, beat the mixture with a blender until smooth.

    Transfer the mass to a saucepan, heat over low heat, stir. The curd mixture should completely melt, this will happen in 5 to 10 minutes.

    Keep the product on fire for the same amount of time, stir, do not bring to a boil.

    Transfer the finished cheese to another container, cover with cling film on top, leave in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

Low-fat cheeses - serve

Low-fat cheeses on store shelves - photo

How to cook low-fat homemade cheese - video

When eating low-fat cheeses, remember: low-fat does not mean that you can eat more. This will lose the whole point of eating low-fat cheese, because in dry matter, the fat content of most cheeses is prohibitive and reaches 40-50%. You can lose weight on "light" products if you are careful. What kind of low-fat cheeses do you know and eat?

Cheese is a versatile product that can be found in almost every refrigerator. You just need to put a slice on bread and butter - and a nutritious breakfast is ready, and grated cheese will be a good addition to pasta or pizza. In other words, this product can and should be consumed in any form every day.

By size and weight, hard cheese is conventionally divided into large and small. Another way of dividing is according to organoleptic indicators: groups of Swiss, Dutch cheeses and cheddar cheese.

If you want to indulge yourself with varieties of hard, hot cheese, try feta cheese or chanakh. As a rule, they are white, a bit like cottage cheese. The smell and taste of feta cheese is moderately salty. You will not see a drawing on the cut, there may be only small eyes of irregular shape. Chanakh is a Georgian pickled cheese cooked in pots. These pots are called vats, which is the name for this type of cheese. Has a pungent taste and aroma. At home, he is considered a source of health and vitality.

If you are looking for a selection of unsalted hard cheese, Maasdam is the place for you. This cheese, originally from Holland, has long won the hearts of connoisseurs. Its exposure is not less than 4 weeks. Has a smooth yellow crust, sometimes covered with wax, pale yellow, very large holes on the cut.

Mild cheese

Mild cheeses are good for children to replenish calcium stores and grow. These include the following large hard cheeses: Soviet, Altai, Swiss. These cheeses can be safely offered to children from one and a half years old:

  1. Swiss. This cheese got its name from the country of origin. This is the most popular cheese today. Ripens for at least six months, has the shape of a low cylinder. The section shows rather large "eyes" and a cheese "tear". If stored in the right conditions, cheese can last up to 2 years.
  2. Altaic. Has a mild fresh spicy taste. Its aroma is less concentrated than that of the Swiss, but the taste is slightly sharper. Has a fat content of about 50%.
  3. Soviet. It is made from pasteurized milk. Milk is taken from cow, special pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria are added to it. The fat content of the cheese does not exceed 50%. Prepared in the form of bars weighing from 12 to 18 kg. The cheese has a smooth and crack-free surface, which is covered with paraffin and has a yellow color. The taste is light, there is a hint of sweetness and a nutty flavor. If the cheese is aged long enough, it acquires a more pronounced taste and aroma.

Blue cheese variety

Blue cheeses have been cooked for many years. Man could afford hard cheese without mold only after the invention of pasteurization. If you look closely at a piece of cheese (not without the help of a microscope), you will see many different organisms there. It is these invisible laborers who turn milk into a favorite product. There are two ways to make blue cheese varieties: industrial and traditional. The first method involves preliminary pasteurization milk, and then the introduction of the necessary organisms. In natural traditional preparation, milk is curdled immediately after milk production and prepared under special conditions. In this case, the taste of the cheese directly depends on what the cows ate before feeding. There are three types of mold that can be eaten: white (found in Camembert or Brie), red (in Livaro or Munster), and blue. The latter is found in elite varieties of cheese: Don Blue, Roquefort.

Cream cheese varieties

These cheeses are made from cream, which distinguishes them from other types of cheese. Due to this, the ripening time is much shorter and the taste is very delicate. Creamy varieties include cheeses called Mascarpone, Tilsiter, Bursen.

Various cheeses have long ceased to be an independent dish. They are a traditional ingredient for salads, sandwiches and a variety of hot dishes.

Many parents find cheese to be a great milk replacement for their babies. However, such a snack may turn out to be too high-calorie and fatty addition to the children's table.

Should you include cheese in your daily diet, and which varieties should be preferred by people looking after their health? Let's figure it out.

The benefits of cheese

However, in addition to them, the cheese contains not very healthy saturated fats and cholesterol - especially if the cheeses are hard and made from whole milk with an additional addition of milk fat. This is why nutritionists recommend choose low-fat varieties.

According to scientists, low-fat unsalted cheese is one of the healthiest snacks for children and adults. Many types of cheese, such as mozzarella and cheddar, stimulate salivary fats and help protect teeth from acids and bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Will cheese replace milk?

It is believed that since cheese is made from milk, it can completely replace it.

Let's try to count. A glass of milk contains about 0.0025 mg of vitamin D, while a small slice of cheese contains only one microgram. Thus, to get enough vitamin D, you will need to drink four glasses of milk or eat at least ten slices of cheese.

If we compare the calorie content of milk and cheese, then the energy value of the latter outweighs. So, 100 g of milk with a fat content of two and a half percent contains only 54 kcal. And in the same amount of the well-known Russian cheese - 364 kcal.

Counting calories

The calorie content of cheese varies greatly depending on how much fat it contains. That is, from what milk and by what technology it was prepared.

Cheese can be made from whole milk, skimmed, or made from low fat milk. In addition, cream and even butter can be added to it additionally.

Depending on this, one slice of cheese weighing about 30 g may, on average, have the following calories:

  • 70 kcal, if the cheese is made from whole milk or with the addition of cream,
  • 45 kcal, if it is made from milk with a fat content of two percent,
  • 25 kcal if the cheese is made with skim milk.

The calorie content of a piece of cheese may seem relatively small. However, if you prefer to add this product to ready-made meals, it increases their calorie content by an average of 70 kcal.

So, a hamburger with a caloric value of about 280 kcal per 100 g turns into a cheeseburger with a calorie value of 360 kcal. Baked broccoli with a calorie content of 26 kcal per 100 g - in broccoli with cheese with a calorie content of 75 kcal. A baked potato with a calorie content of 145 kcal becomes a baked potato with cheese and 265 kcal per 100 g.

We count the amount of fat

For those who not only try to maintain a healthy weight, but also follow a low-cholesterol diet, it is important to know the amount of fat contained in foods.

So, a slice of cheese weighing 30 g contains the following amount of fat:

  • Fresh cottage cheese - 5 g
  • Mozzarella - 6 g
  • Kostroma - 6 g
  • Sausage - 6 g
  • Adyghe - 6 g
  • Parmesan - 7 g
  • Emmental - 8 g
  • Cheddar - 9 g
  • Camembert - 9 g
  • Russian - 10 g

If you find it difficult to give up cheese in pasta, casseroles, or hot sandwich, choose low-fat cheese. It tastes as good as the fat one, but much healthier.

Also, keep in mind that regular consumption of other dairy products can fully meet your calcium and vitamin D needs.

The most important

Like other dairy products, cheese contains a ton of nutrients. However, it also contains a large amount of saturated animal fat, which should be treated with caution for those who care about blood cholesterol levels and want to maintain a healthy weight.