The best berry and fruit smoothie recipes: delicious combinations. How to make a smoothie at home in a fruit blender for children, for breakfast, lunch, dinner, at night, for weight loss? Delicious and healthy smoothie recipes with fresh and frozen fruits and berries

27.09.2019 Healthy eating

Recently, a drink called smoothie has been gaining popularity. It is a thick mixture of ground fresh fruits / berries with the addition of honey, milk, oatmeal, ice cream and other ingredients. The cocktail is filled with vitamins and nutrients. At home, you can easily prepare this drink with or without a blender.

How to make a smoothie at home

Unlike juices, cocktails have a very thick consistency. Due to the addition of several types of useful ingredients, the drink contains a high amount of fiber and vitamins. This fact makes smoothies almost a must-have for any healthy breakfast. Making a fruit cocktail is very simple, the main thing is to adhere to some basic rules:

  1. Use only ripe, not spoiled fruits and berries.
  2. Before preparing the juice, it is better to cut all the ingredients into small pieces.
  3. If frozen berries are used, defrost them before chopping.
  4. If the drink is planned to be consumed while losing weight, then use dairy products with low fat content (it is better to cook in water or green tea).
  5. Grind the food separately from the liquid, then the juice will be thicker.
  6. Add ice at the very end of cooking.

Vegetable smoothie recipes are often found on the Internet. This cocktail is perfect for losing weight as an afternoon snack or lunch. If you choose low-calorie vegetables, as well as arrange them correctly, you will be able to prepare a full-fledged dish that is not inferior in nutritional value to a standard meal. Traditionally, you need a blender for cooking, but there are recipes that will allow you to create a cocktail without using accessories.

How to make smoothies in a blender

In order for the cocktail to turn out right, a useful device is often used - a blender. He will be able to grind any food to the desired consistency in a matter of seconds. How to make a smoothie in a blender using one example:

  1. Choose the fruits you want to taste (strawberry, banana, orange, kiwi, raspberry).
  2. Wash the ingredients well, peel, cut into small pieces.
  3. Place all ingredients in a bowl, beat thoroughly.
  4. After the procedure, pour in milk, ice cream or yogurt (low-fat) to taste, bring to a homogeneous state.
  5. Grate chocolate if desired, toss in with ice.
  6. Use a blender one last time until a thick drink forms.
  7. If there is no ice, then the resulting cocktail should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
  8. Pour into glasses and enjoy a fresh cocktail.

How to make a smoothie without a blender

If there is no such device in the kitchen as a blender, you should not be upset - there is an alternative. The cherished smoothie can be prepared without the use of household appliances. A little bit of creativity, just a little bit of ingenuity - and your favorite cocktail will be ready. Making a smoothie at home without a blender:

  1. Take the most common grater, grate the necessary components (you can simply chop the berries with a knife).
  2. If the fruit is too juicy, then a sieve will come to the rescue - you need to grind the pulp through it.
  3. In the absence of everyday life. techniques, twist the ingredients in a meat grinder - this is a great way out.
  4. Add all components to a regular glass jar, shake thoroughly.
  5. Then add milk, kefir or ice cream, stir with a spoon, shake again.
  6. Serve a fresh, cool drink.

Smoothie recipes

Despite the fact that smoothies are a modern drink, you can find a large number of recipes for its preparation on the Internet. A cocktail can be either sweet (berry and fruit with the addition of ice cream or honey), or vegetable - low in calories for weight loss. Knowing certain secrets, making smoothies at home can be easy and simple. It is better to select the ingredients according to well-known recipes, since in some cases the incompatibility of certain products can play a cruel joke - spoil the desired drink.

Berry smoothie

In order to make a smoothie from berries, you need to choose the following components:

  • strawberries - 200 g;
  • cherry - 150 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • ice - 4 standard cubes.

How to make a smoothie at home:

  1. Wash all the berries, let the water drain.
  2. Free the strawberries from the stalks and the cherries from the seeds / tails.
  3. Cut all ingredients into medium cubes.
  4. Put the ingredients in a blender bowl, pour over with chilled milk, whisk.
  5. Add vanillin, ice; spin the blender one more time.
  6. Pour into tall glasses, serve.

Fruit smoothie

Fruit can make a wonderful cooling cocktail with the presence of vitamins and nutrients. To cook you will need:

  • bananas - 1 pc.;
  • honey (preferably flower) - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • hazelnuts - 5 pcs.;
  • ice - optional.

How to make smoothies in a fruit blender:

  1. First of all, grind the hazelnuts separately to small crumbs.
  2. Wash all fruits, peel them.
  3. Cut into large pieces.
  4. Whisk until smooth with a blender.
  5. Pour chopped hazelnuts, honey, ice into a bowl of juice.
  6. Grind one more time.
  7. Pour into containers, drink a delicious cocktail.

Breakfast smoothie

There are often recipes for a drink that can replace a full, low-calorie, but very nutritious breakfast. Especially the cocktail is recommended for those who decide to lose weight. The main ingredient will be oatmeal - an element that normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and regulates metabolic processes. Prepare the components:

  • oatmeal (flakes) - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • yogurt (natural, low-fat, dietary) - 200 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc.

How to make a breakfast smoothie:

  1. Peel the banana and apple and cut into slices.
  2. Soak the oatmeal in milk for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the yogurt into a blender bowl, add the oatmeal and whisk.
  4. It's the turn of the fruits - add them to the bowl and repeat the chopping process (1-2 minutes).
  5. Pour the thick mixture into a wide glass and drink (or eat with a teaspoon).

Vegetable smoothie

An incredibly popular cocktail is a vegetable cocktail. It is low in calories, nutritious, tasty and very healthy. For those who seek to make their figure perfect, it is recommended to use such a cocktail. Vegetable juice normalizes bowel function, improves digestion. Before making a smoothie, select the ingredients:

  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • basil - 70 g;
  • spinach - 100 g;
  • broccoli - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 200 g.

How to make vegetable smoothies:

  1. Pre-boil broccoli, cut into slices.
  2. Peel the cucumber and carrots, cut into slices.
  3. Mix all ingredients, add fresh spinach.
  4. Place everything in a bowl, add water, beat thoroughly.
  5. Put in the cold for an hour, then consume.

Recipes for smoothies from berries and fruits with milk, cocoa, coffee.

Now phyto-babies and healthy food are in vogue, which is why a variety of healthy drinks from vegetables and fruits are gaining popularity. With the help of a smoothie, you can satisfy your hunger and saturate the body with minerals and vitamins. It is a great supplement to protein foods for keeping the body in good shape.

This is a basic recipe for dieting. Despite the fact that banana is high in carbohydrates and sugars, this fruit is high in potassium and minerals. It is very beneficial to use this drink instead of breakfast.


  • 50 g grated chocolate
  • 2 bananas
  • 230 ml milk
  • 20 ml honey


  • Peel the fruit and place it in a blender bowl. It can be submersible or with knives inside
  • Turn on the device for 30 seconds and turn exotic fruits into a homogeneous substance
  • Add honey and purée for another 10 seconds. Fill everything with milk, add chocolate chips and turn on the machine for 10 seconds

In adults, there are small amounts of enzymes in the stomach that break down milk. That is why after taking milkshakes and drinks, bloating and diarrhea can be observed. If you're on a healthy diet, make a dairy-free smoothie.


  • 2 bananas
  • Handful of strawberries
  • 210 ml kefir
  • 10 g flax seed


  • Peel exotic fruits and tear off the tails from strawberries
  • Pour fruit into a blender cup and blend for 20 seconds
  • Enter kefir without turning off the blender and continue to average for 10 s
  • Turn off the machine and add flax seeds. Turn on the blender before serving so that the seeds are not at the bottom

This is a great drink that does not contain milk and will help quench your thirst in summer.


  • 1 peach
  • 2 kiwi
  • 2 bananas
  • 100 ml of water
  • 50 m apple juice
  • Sugar


  • At high speed using sharp knives, beat a handful of ice in a blender
  • Add the fruit to the bowl and purée for 30 sec. Pour in apple juice, add sugar and peeled peach
  • Averaged in the apparatus for 10 s and pour into cups

This is a dietary option that can be safely consumed at night. The drink is low in calories and will help you sleep.


  • Handful of blueberries
  • Handful of grapes
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 250 g cherry berries
  • Sugar
  • 100 ml of mineral water
  • Cinnamon


  • Wash the berries, remove the seeds from the cherries, and separate the grapes from the twigs
  • Place the berries in the bowl of the machine and puree for 10 seconds. Add ice and purée for another 10 seconds
  • Add sugar and cinnamon. Convert to homogeneous substance again
  • Dilute the drink with mineral water

This is a great option for those who love a healthy lifestyle. Green vegetables contain vitamins. In addition, they are low in calories.


  • Bunch of greenery
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 avocado


  • Peel avocados and cucumbers and puree
  • Introduce a bunch of parsley, after cutting off the tails
  • Purée 10 sec and pour into glasses

This is one of the milkshake options. The difference is that there are more strawberries in this drink.


  • 200 g strawberries
  • 60 g ice cream
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml yogurt


  • Go through the berries and remove the tails. Pour raw materials into blender bowl and purée for 10 seconds
  • Add ice cream and sugar. Run the machine again for 15 seconds
  • Add yogurt and whisk until smooth

A very unusual recipe that hardly anyone in our country will cook. This is due to the high cost of coconut. But if you are vacationing in exotic countries, use the recipe.


  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 2 bananas
  • 10 g granulated sugar
  • 150 ml of kefir


  • Peel bananas and toss into blender
  • Purée for 15 seconds and sweeten
  • Enter kefir in a thin stream and pour in coconut milk
  • Whisk a little until smooth.

The drink can be prepared using frozen or fresh berries. The drink contains milk.


  • 250 g berries
  • 150 ml milk
  • 50 g ice cream
  • 10 g sugar


  • Grind the berries in a cup of the appliance and add ice cream
  • Add sugar and average 10 s
  • Add sugar and milk, switch the appliance back to operating mode for 15 seconds
  • Berries do not need to be thawed before immersion in a blender.

Mandarins contain substances that improve metabolism. Therefore, tangerine drinks will help you lose weight.


  • 2 tangerines
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 5 heel leaves
  • 100 ml apple juice


  • Peel citrus fruits and immerse in the apparatus, disassembling into slices
  • Beat for 40 seconds, then add honey with crushed ice
  • Add mint leaves and apple juice, turn the machine back on for 15 seconds

In addition to apples, the drink contains carrots. It must be boiled beforehand.


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • 2 apples
  • Sugar
  • Mineral water


  • Boil the carrots and cut them into pieces
  • Peel the apples of seeds, you do not need to remove the skin
  • Peel the grapefruit and divide into wedges
  • Place fruits and vegetables in a blender and purée for 35 sec.
  • Add sugar and dilute the drink with mineral water

If it's winter outside and it's hard to find fresh berries, you can use frozen ones.


  • 100 g of currants, raspberries and strawberries
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml milk


  • Grind all the berries in a blender without defrosting them
  • Introduce milk and sugar, and crushed ice
  • Purée 30 sec and pour into cups

Delicious drink with a spicy taste. The composition contains banana and kefir.


  • 1 banana
  • A handful of currant berries
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 1 tsp chopped ginger root
  • Sugar
  • 100 ml of kefir


  • Convert fruits and berries into a homogeneous substance in a blender
  • Add crushed ice, kefir and sugar, mashed again for 10 s
  • Introduce chopped ginger and drink immediately

A very thick and satisfying curd smoothie.


  • 100 g baby curd
  • 1 banana
  • 1 persimmon
  • 100 ml milk


  • Turn the ice into cold crumbs and enter the banana
  • Remove the peel from the persimmon and send it after the banana
  • Introduce curd and transform foods into a homogeneous substance
  • Add milk and switch the machine back to operating mode for 10 s

A very satisfying drink that can replace one of the meals.


  • 20 g oatmeal
  • 1 banana
  • Handful of strawberries
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • 100 ml milk


  • Purée the banana with strawberries and add the cinnamon
  • Powder the flakes in a dry blender and cover with milk for 10 minutes
  • Pour milk mixture over fruit and average 10 seconds

It is a light summer drink that perfectly refreshes and saturates with vitamins.


  • 1 orange
  • 100 g pineapple, fresh or canned
  • A handful of ice crumbs
  • Sugar
  • Mineral water


  • Peel and slice oranges
  • Introduce pineapple and mashed 15 -35 sec
  • Add crushed ice and mineral water

A savory drink that can be used as a snack due to its low calorie content.


  • 2 pears
  • Lemon juice
  • 100 ml thick yogurt
  • Sugar


  • Peel the peel from the pear and squeeze the juice from the lemon
  • Purée pear with lemon and add yogurt
  • Add sugar and turn on the machine for 15 seconds

Cranberries are a very healthy berry for babies. With its help, you can prepare delicious and healthy drinks for children.


  • 1 banana
  • 50 g ice cream
  • A handful of cranberries
  • Sugar
  • Crushed ice
  • 150 ml yogurt
  • Cocoa spoon


  • Turn the banana with berries into a smooth puree
  • Enter ice cream and crushed ice
  • Pour in sugar, ground with cocoa powder
  • Pour in yogurt and medium

Milk smoothies are very popular as the combination of milk and fruit is very successful. Fruit vitamins in combination with milk minerals saturate the body with useful substances.


  • 1 banana
  • Half mango
  • 1 peach
  • Handful of strawberries
  • 100 ml milk
  • 50 g ice cream
  • Sugar


  • Peel the banana and the tails of the strawberries
  • Peel off the peach and place everything in a blender
  • Purée 20 sec and add sugar, ice cream and milk
  • Add mango chunks and medium again for 20 sec.

The smoothie uses freshly brewed coffee. It adds spice to the drink.


  • 150 ml coffee
  • 50 g ice cream
  • 1 banana
  • Cinnamon


  • Peel the banana and toss it with the ice cream in the bowl
  • Add honey and cinnamon and mashed for 20 sec
  • Add coffee and average a little more

As you can see, smoothies are a great way to saturate your child's body with vitamins, even if he doesn't really like to eat fruit. It is also a way to lose weight.

VIDEO: The benefits of smoothies

Recharge with spring mood, and at the same time with vitamins, fruits and vegetables are best of all. Our homemade smoothie recipes will make this treat even more delicious.

Banana energy

The simplest smoothie recipe includes those fruits that are almost always at hand. Peel 2 bananas, cut them into slices and keep them in the freezer for 15–20 minutes. In a blender bowl, mix half a large green apple, 7 large strawberries or raspberries, then add the chilled bananas. Pour the resulting mixture with 100 ml of milk, 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed oil and beat it into a homogeneous mass. Pour the smoothie into glasses and decorate with berries.

Berry cool

The recipes for making smoothies in a blender are unsophisticated, so even inexperienced chefs can easily master them. Let's start with a colorful berry smoothie. While the new harvest has not yet arrived, you can use frozen berries. We take 1 glass of cranberries, lingonberries, currants, blackberries and grind them with a blender into a juicy puree (berries can be any). Pour in a mixture of ½ cup of grape and cherry juice. If the taste is too intense, you can dilute the smoothie with water. Flavor the drink with a pinch of nutmeg and decorate with mint leaves and berries.

Hearty avocado

The recipes for fruit smoothies in a blender are charged with positive and beneficial in shock doses. Especially if you pick up interesting combinations. Take one avocado, peel it, remove the pit and cut into large pieces. We also peel and cut a couple of medium pears into slices. Combine the ingredients in a blender bowl, sprinkle them with chopped parsley and cilantro, and puree thoroughly. Top up the mass with 1-2 glasses of water, add a tiny pinch of salt and beat the smoothie again.

Beetroot mood

By experimenting with different ingredients, you can create original smoothie recipes in a blender. Bake small beets in the microwave. To do this, take a root vegetable, make several punctures with a fork and put it in the oven in a container with a lid for 15 minutes. Cool the beets, peel, cut into pieces and combine in a blender bowl with 100 g frozen raspberries, 100 g blueberries and 5-7 fresh strawberries. Pour the mixture with 300 ml of cherry juice, season with a pinch of vanilla and beat until smooth.

Green health

One of the most useful smoothie recipes is rightfully considered. Grind with a knife 150 g of young cabbage, one peeled cucumber, half a zucchini, a bunch of cilantro and add 150 g of canned or soft fresh pineapples, cut into pieces. Pour 150 ml of chilled green tea, juice of one lemon in a blender bowl and season it with 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root. Whisk all the ingredients well, pour into glasses.

Cocktail breakfast

Among other benefits, weight loss smoothies will quickly help you get in shape. A nutritious, tasty cocktail for business benefits replaces your regular breakfast. Pour ¾ cup raisin-walnut muesli with 100 ml low-fat milk. And while they are soaking, mix 2 chopped bananas and 100 ml of natural yogurt in a blender bowl. Beat them into a homogeneous puree, combine with muesli and milk, mix again and pour into glasses.

Slimming celery

For those more thoughtful in calorie counting, the low-calorie smoothie recipe will certainly be to your liking. First, peel and cut 3 kiwi fruits, 3-4 juicy stems and half a bunch of lettuce. Grind all the ingredients in a blender, pour a glass of water and add a pinch of crushed fennel seeds and ground coriander. Beat the smoothie again with a blender, pour into glasses and decorate with a kiwi wedge and mint leaves.

Diet broccoli

A wonderful diet smoothie recipe comes from broccoli cabbage. Cut one carrot and an apple into slices, disassemble 2 medium oranges into slices and remove the white skin from them. Put the carrots in the blender bowl, add 3-4 broccoli inflorescences, pour 250 ml of orange juice and beat the puree. Next, put the apple and orange in a blender. Pour the smoothie into glasses, if you wish, you can decorate with fresh herbs or lemon slices.

Invigorating dried fruits

Dried fruits look organic in spring recipes for delicious smoothies. We take 50 g of dates, dried apricots and prunes, cut into small pieces, add chopped banana to them and thoroughly puree all the ingredients with a blender. Pour the mixture with a glass of kefir and beat the resulting mass again. If desired, this drink can be supplemented with ground walnuts or hazelnuts.

Spring cocktail recipes, of course, are not limited to the suggested options. If you have your favorite fruit and vegetable smoothies, recipes with photos, or just interesting ideas in your collection, share them with other readers.

You can come up with smoothie recipes yourself, but why bother? We have prepared for you new, delicious, simple smoothie recipes, with informative instructions for preparation and a complete composition of ingredients.

Sweet smoothies

The main ingredients of this sweet smoothie are of course fruits and berries.
They should be washed, peeled and seeded, and chopped.

Recipe 1. Banana, strawberry

Cut the peeled banana into pieces and place in a blender with frozen or fresh strawberries. Beat until smooth. You can decorate the cocktail with mint leaves.

Recipe 2. Raspberry, banana, milk

Beat raspberries and banana in a blender, adding 50g of milk.

Recipe 3. Kiwi, pineapple, banana, ice cream

Beat all ingredients in a blender. The drink is refreshing and delicious.

Recipe 4. Apple, blackberry

Apples do not need to be peeled, because most of the vitamins are in the peel, and a good blender will ensure that you don't even feel it.

Recipe 5. Banana, coffee, milk (cream)

For coffee lovers. Whip the banana with natural coffee powder, add a little milk or cream. You can decorate the drink with grated chocolate.

Recipe 6. Oatmeal, yogurt, banana

Cut the peeled banana and beat with 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and 100 g of yogurt. This drink will make a great breakfast.

Recipe 7. Ice cream, peach, mango

Take one from each fruit, peel and beat with 2 tablespoons of ice cream. Delicious gentle and refreshing drink.

Recipe 8. Honey, cinnamon, apple, prune or plum

1/4 spoon of cinnamon add to honey - 2 tablespoons. Peel the apple, remove the prune pit. A healthy drink with a slight laxative effect.

Recipe 9. Nuts, honey, apples, cinnamon (optional)

You can take any nuts to your taste! Beat everything in a blender until smooth.

Beat for longer until the nuts become the desired consistency.

Recipe 10. Yogurt, figs

For fig lovers, this simple smoothie is perfect!

Recipe 11. Yogurt, mango, passion fruit

This smoothie also turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and healthy.

Recipe 12. Chocolate, nuts, cereals, cream

The most delicious smoothie for chocolate lovers. This smoothie is served warm. Whisk the cream into the chocolate melted in a water bath. Add cereals to this mixture, and sprinkle with nuts on top.

A diet smoothie is considered when it contains ingredients that are low in sugars and fats. Instead of milk and cream, it is better to use water or ice, but if you don't want to, nut milk is a great substitute for cow's milk. It suppresses appetite, and everyone's usual cow plays it out and exacerbates the feeling of hunger.

Recipe 1. Apple, lime, cinnamon

Whisk the peeled lime with the chopped apple and add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Recipe 2. Kiwi, lemon, carrot

Beat peeled fruits and vegetables until smooth.

Recipe 3. Kefir, cereals (you can oatmeal), prunes

Pour an ox of kefir into a blender, add prunes and cereals.

A useful cocktail for the gastrointestinal system, restores the microflora, which contributes to weight loss.

Recipe 4. Carrots, celery, avocado

The avocado should be peeled and pitted. Peel and chop the carrots as well. Whisk everything together with the celery leaves. Avocados give the smoothies a delicate texture, while carrots and celery add aroma and rich flavor.

Recipe 5. Kefir, cherry, blocks

All cherries should be pitted and beat together with chopped apples and kefir.

Recipe 6. Lemon, apple, ginger, cinnamon

Peel half of the lemon. Chop the ginger too, if you have a whole root.

Recipe 7. Sweet cherries, blueberries, yogurt or kefir

A light and dietary smoothie.

Recipe 8. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, nut milk

A delicious berry mix will hardly harm your figure.

These smoothies are also considered dietary if not overdone with salt and seasoning.

Recipe 1. Kefir, broccoli, celery, parsley, dill

Beat all ingredients in a blender, garnish with sesame seeds. Diet mix can replace breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can add salt.

Recipe 2. Radish, cucumber, kefir, green onion, parsley, referee

Take half a bunch of each green, one cucumber and 2-3 small red radish fruits. Beat all this with 2 glasses of kefir.

Recipe 3. Avocado, cucumber, broccoli or cauliflower

Peel and remove the pit from the avocado, beat with the rest of the ingredients, salt to taste.

Recipe 4. Cilantro, tomato, celery, parsley

Beat up all the ingredients to create a puree salad, which can be salted and even slightly pepper.

Recipe 5. Bell pepper, tomato, basil, dill

Pepper, clear of seeds, chop and beat with the rest of the ingredients, season with salt and pepper, this smoothie can be used as a substitute for dinner.

Recipe 6. Cottage cheese, herbs
Diet curd can be a great base for breakfast or dinner smoothies. Salt if desired.

When adding salt, one should take into account that it retains and accumulates excess water in the body, which slows down the process of losing weight.

You need to know that powdered black peppercorns added to a vegetable shake increase the feeling of appetite.

High-calorie, but equally healthy smoothies

The most nutritious smoothies come from bananas, melons, grapes, oranges and, oddly enough, watermelon. Therefore, you need to be on the alert with these ingredients.

Recipe 1. Melon, strawberry, ice cream

A very tasty and satisfying smoothie, it refreshes in the summer and does not give a feeling of heaviness to the stomach.

Recipe 2. Watermelon, mint, strawberry

This cocktail will quench your thirst in hot weather.

Recipe 3. Melon, banana, vanilla sugar

Whipped to the texture of a cream, this delicate drink will delight those with a sweet tooth, and no one can resist the vanilla aroma.

I would like to add that in an ideal smoothie there are no more than 4-5 products.

We also want to emphasize that you should not get carried away with the dark colors of greenery. In combination with bright vegetables and fruits, dark green colors will lead to the fact that your drink will not turn out to be the most pleasant - a dirty swamp color, serving such a smoothie to guests is not very aesthetically pleasing.

Cocktails will be useful for the body both in the form of a smoothie diet and will become a decoration in your usual diet.

You don't need to be too sophisticated and fantasize with the ingredients, because everything ingenious is simple!

Hello everyone! And again I return to the topic of useful products.
Many people who want to switch to a healthy diet often have a “goodbye” to their favorite food. This is due to the existence of a strange stereotype "healthy food is not tasty". Where this persistent phrase came from is not known. In fact, there are many healthy food recipes, and each dish has its own unique flavor. Confirmation of this is the smoothie drink. This is not only a fashionable drink, but also healthy. It is widely advertised in many fitness bars, cafes and restaurants. You can also make a nutritious and vitamin-filled drink at home. So what are smoothies and the best blender recipes.

From the article you will learn:

Smoothie is an ordinary juice with a small amount of pulp, based on fruits or vegetables.

The benefits of smoothies are obvious, you can see them after the first use. Drinking a drink based on natural and natural ingredients is an obvious benefit to the body. You can cook and drink smoothies at any age. They are equally beneficial for both children and adults.

For the first time, mentions of this healthy nectar appeared in the United States, it was America that became the trendsetter for the "right drinks" trend. Smoothies became widespread in the 20th century. Many people drank it as a child. However, at that time, the drink was simply called fruit or vegetable puree. The newfangled name did not yet exist.

Smoothie is a completely English word that means something soft and homogeneous in translation. In this connection, this word means directly thick drink. It is prepared using an ordinary blender, by chopping fruits or vegetables.

You can find the drink on store shelves, it first appeared in 1970. Healthy food supermarkets have been filled with nutritious and healthy nectar. You can also buy it in modern stores. This takes into account the fact that the shelf life of the drink does not exceed 48 hours. If more hours are indicated on the package, it means that it is based on preservatives, which significantly affects the utility rate.

How to make a smoothie yourself at home?

Supermarket chains are developed all over the world, where you can buy anything you want, and even smoothies. But why waste time and buy questionable drinks when you can do everything at home? To do this, you need to take your favorite fruits or vegetables and grind them with a blender.

You can do the work by using a mixer. In this case, cooking will be a little more difficult. Fruits and vegetables are pre-chopped and then influenced by the device. When the juice with pulp is ready, it is sent to a bottle or any other container. The main thing is not to forget about the expiration date and drink everything within 2 days.

There are varieties of the drink that you can eat rather than drink. This is due to the use of fruits with coarse dietary fiber. The banana is a typical representative of this group. Using it together with non-juicy fruits, you get a thicker drink. Nothing wrong with that.

The juice can be based on any component, and even celery. Some spicy drink lovers add a little starch and mayonnaise. This affects the nutritional value and usefulness, and makes the smoothie less harmless to the body.

What are the benefits of smoothies: composition and useful properties

The beneficial properties of the juice are determined solely by its constituent components. As mentioned above, you can cook it from any fruits and vegetables. It all depends on the culinary imagination of the person. Juice can vary according to needs, taste preferences and even geographic location.

Blender smoothie recipes

You can prepare an invigorating and healthy juice from the following ingredients: fruits and berries, vegetables and herbs, cereals, dairy ingredients, etc.

Fruit smoothies

The nectar is based on bananas, plums, peaches and apples. These are the simplest ingredients that everyone has in their home. You can make juice from more unconventional berries and fruits, in particular melon, persimmon and watermelon. Such a product will have a piquant taste.

The best base is apples and pears, they are moderately dense, juicy and healthy. They are often used for additional benefits, consistency and shade improvement.

Berry smoothies

They are a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Many food products can envy their chemical composition.

Berries are a natural source of antioxidants and rich in flavor. The most popular representatives of this category are cherries, raspberries and strawberries. Gradually, viburnum, lingonberry and cranberry are gaining distribution.

The combination of bright berries allows you to create a unique juice with pulp. However, there is a little caveat. Berries can interfere with the production of gastric juice and lead to an increase in acidity. It is not recommended to use smoothies with berries for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegetables and herbs in smoothies

You can get a nutritious drink not only from berries and fruits. Quite good variations include vegetables. The most popular are pumpkin, cucumber, bell pepper and celery. A little greenery is added to improve the taste.

For those who are not allowed to consume fructose and sucrose, but want to indulge in healthy summer cocktails - try the excellent vegetable smoothie options from my culinary piggy bank!

Smoothie with cereals

Many people adhere to a healthy diet and try to follow all its canons. In this case, a drink prepared with the use of cereals is an indispensable assistant.

Dairy products and a little oat or rye flakes are successfully combined. In this case, it turns out not just a drink, but a complete dish.

Flavors and flavorings in smoothies

If the natural characteristics of vegetables and fruits are lacking, they can be enhanced. Experts admit this, but only in small quantities.

The same natural ingredients should act as additions, in particular oats, seeds, honey, flakes, spices and spices. It is recommended to refuse artificial flavors and flavorings.

Making a smoothie using a blender

The easiest and fastest way to get delicious, nutritious pulp juice is to use a smoothie blender. For example, for cooking, you need to take any vegetables or fruits. The most nutritious and delicious drink is banana with kefir. For cooking, you need to prepare:

  • 2-3 bananas;
  • 300 ml of kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey.


Bananas are peeled and sent to a blender (they can be finely chopped beforehand). Then kefir and honey are sent to the container, all components are carefully processed to a homogeneous consistency. The finished product is poured into a glass and consumed.

Any type of smoothie is prepared according to a similar principle. It is enough to pick up your favorite fruits, peel them, cut them and send them to the blender bowl. Mix until smooth and consume both immediately and after a few hours.

How to make a smoothie without a blender

If you don't have a blender at hand, an ordinary mixer will help you with this. Selected fruits or vegetables are peeled, cut and sent to the bowl. Then they are beaten with a whisk until smooth.

You can make healthy juice with pulp without appliances. An ordinary whisk and fork are suitable for this. The fruit is peeled, finely chopped and chopped with a fork until smooth. Then a little milk or kefir is added to it. Using a whisk, whisk everything again. The resulting drink can be consumed immediately.

Smoothie for weight loss and how it is useful

Smoothies are the best juice for people looking to lose weight. The drink fills the body with essential microelements and vitamins. Due to its puree form, it does not create a feeling of heaviness, but at the same time it satiates the stomach. After using it, a person does not want to eat for a long time. Smoothies can be an appropriate substitute for dinner.

Correctly selected components make this drink healthy and satisfying. Homemade slimming smoothies in a blender are great for breakfast. The puree-like consistency normalizes the water-salt balance and satisfies the feeling of hunger. The main thing is to use low-calorie ingredients and not overuse additional ingredients.

Best videos: how to make a smoothie at home
