What to cook for your grandmother. Food for older people

01.11.2019 Restaurant Notes.

There are things that must be able to see each of us. For example, make a gift to my grandmother's birthday with your own hands. Of course, today you can buy any thing in the store, and the grandmother will appreciate your efforts. but exclusive gift from granddaughter or from the grandson and decorated with their own hands, will bring much more joy and positive. How to make an unforgettable surprise to a native person, we will tell further in the article.

Grandmothers love grandchildren sometimes more than their own matured children. And grandchildren, in gratitude for love, care, understanding and all sorts of snacks, can independently make a gift grandmother for the birthday, which she will remember and will keep with pleasure throughout life. Depending on their capabilities, you can think over a serious and useful gift (for example, sew a pillow), and you can make a pleasant trifle literally in 5 minutes.

For example, try to make a stylish stand for indoor plants from ordinary wooden clothespins. Put in the pot of greens, mint or a small flower and give a grandmother for memory.

If you can not imagine that you can present a grandmother for 80 years - give her memories. Family photos in beautiful design They will help to reveal many family stories that you did not know before.

Cute gift from the grandson - Spring flowers in a cup.

Grandmothers are unsurpassed kitchen cuisine and lean mistresses. Give Babulichke useful kitchen triflesMade with taste with your own hands.

Decorate your grandmother with your hands. With the help of acrylic paints and pieces of vegetables or fruits, you can draw original patterns on the fabric. With such a bag, the grandmother will gladly go shopping and delight you with new goodies. And best - take the grandmother more often And do not forget to help her by farm.

For 75 years You can pretend to my grandmother's beautiful handmade vase.

On the anniversary, make a grandmother as a gift original candlestick.

What to give on March 8 grandmother made with your own hands?

You can please the grandmother on March 8 with warmth and care. Prepare a tea box-surprise for her. Together with tea bags, place the box notes with words of love and gratitude. And then arrange a festive tea party with my grandmother.
The continuum of the first gift will be a delicious cake that you will cake for your grandmother with your own hands.

Substitute for grandmother several vases in the original way.

Good gift grandmother with your own hands - soft rug Make which you can from segments of old things.

From paper is also a lot of interesting and useful. A commemorative gift - a postcard - can be presented on the Dr. and on March 8, and for any other holiday. Try decorate a postcard with paper colors, And write the text yourself, from the soul, with the words of gratitude. How to make flowers out of paper, we wrote in detail in one of the previous articles, and the words of congratulations, we are sure you will find in your heart.

How to make a gift-card paper grandmother for a holiday?

More about making cards for your grandmother, we will tell you right now. For example, you want give grandma postcard for 65 years And please it with gentle greetings, sincere words or beautiful verses.

An excellent postcard on grandmother's anniversary will be beautifully decorated photos of loved grandchildren.

Ideas cards for congratulations grandmother amazed with their diversity and simplicity. For making postcards You will need quite a few things.

  • Scrapbooking paper
  • Corrugated paper (for colors)
  • Lace
  • Colored paper
  • Cardboard
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colored ribbons
  • Beads, beads, pearls

By connecting these elements into a harmonious composition, you will get a wonderful postcard as a gift for your beloved grandmother.

May 5th, 2018

The youth of our grandmothers and mothers fell on a difficult period of hunger, poverty and deficit. In those days, the main principle was to feed the family and occasionally. It is clear that almost no one thought about the dangers and benefits of products at that time.

Times have changed, and food habits remained. And the habit is not always good. Zabaka says that not so with dishes prepared by the majority of the hosts of 50+.


Although our moms and grandmothers lived in the era of total deficit, those times have long been behind. This is cheap to diversify your diet can also have a nurse in the hospital, and a school teacher.
But WHO and now there, and in the houses of women of the incomplete and retirement age, they prepare the same as in the factory dining room: Hercules porridge, puree on water, strained noodles, and on holidays a chicken under mayonnaise.

If such a hostess recognizes Korean carrot, olives and crab sticks, we can assume that it is in the forefront.

Most often, these keepers of the Museum of Dough power are stuck in the past, not because of poverty, but because of the total fear of the new. Usually, any tips and recommendations from children and grandchildren these hostesses are celebrated by phrases in the spirit: "All my life was fed, and nothing!".

Rubbed pasta

In Soviet times, no one has heard that the paste must be cooked a little Al Danthe - "with a tv." Yes, and the word "pasta" was associated except with the dental. Makaroni roused until they became sticky and starch.

The paste, cooked according to the rules, the Soviet man would have found an abnuous and too tough.

Pasta digested "on grandmother" pasta not only seem tasteless, but also have a higher glycemic index, increasing blood sugar. For diabetics and overweight people, this is not very useful.

"For beauty"
The dish cooked for everyday nutrition is usually not accepted. But if the hostess gathered to submit to guests, then this is revealed and so "decorates", which in one species can be given a star Mishlen.

Representations of the owners of beauty usually be reduced to the dish of the "Poker" dish.

But inventive options come across and more damage.

Sticky rice
So that rice was more crumbly, it needs to be washed with water. If this is not done, it will turn out to be more casual.

Unfortunately, many hostesses 50+ or \u200b\u200bignore this knowledge, or do not know what it is possible. Like pasta, for some reason it was accepted hard to digest. While the rice did not reach the consistency of the mucus, it was thought that he was not ready yet.

Water Break
If you like crumbly buckwheat, it is better to add two glasses of cold water to a glass of cereals. Babushkin Method of Cooking Buckle implies more water, because of which it is not evaporated, and the cereals come out with a water and liquid.

No spices
Soviet cuisine did not know other spices, except salt, pepper and laurel sheet. At the hosts of this generation, at best there are ready-made mixtures of seasoning "for chicken" and "for dumplings" with an already expired shelf life.

Deciding to experiment with the seasonings, they will most likely add them to the place. For example, thyme in pasta.

Giant servings

This item is not so much about the quality of food, how much about quantity. Many remember from childhood that the mythical "society of pure plates" do not take children who do not reach the portion to the end.

Most people in the USSR were forced to work hard and hard to work, burning more calories than a modern person leading a more sedentary lifestyle.

Lunch in the spirit "First, second and compote" is a heavy load on the digestive system, especially for a nursery.

Nowadays, all nutritionists urge to disobey the grandmother and eat more often, but smaller portions. And certainly should not push food in their children.

Healthy nutrition for the elderly is aimed at maintaining the active life of the body, providing its useful substances and energy. At the same time, it must take into account slowing metabolism, as well as the individual needs of a particular person.

Principles of proper nutrition for the elderly

  • Calculation Calorie and Energy Balanced Food. Serious harm is caused by both overeating and the use of a large amount of carbohydrates.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis of vessels due to the inclusion in the diet of fish, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables and other products that reduce cholesterol.
  • The maximum variety of the daily menu to maintain the normal functioning of the body and stimulate appetite.
  • Sufficient consumption of minerals and vitamins. When preparing dishes, it is important to select recipes that retain the food value of products. In addition, older people should use raw vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, dried fruits.
  • Easy food digestibility. In adulthood, the digestive activity of the stomach is reduced. In this regard, it is necessary to avoid products that may make it difficult to work the gastrointestinal tract.

Dishes from which it is better to refuse to elderly people

  1. Home and bought canned food.
  2. High salt kushan.
  3. Baking and confectionery.
  4. Fast Food and Kushan prepared for similar recipes.
  5. Meat semi-finished products and sausages.
  6. Roasted and alcoholic beverages.

From this article you will learn:

    Why in elderly problems appear with food

    For what principles to prepare dishes for the elderly

    What products do not eat elderly people who suffer from constipation

    Is it possible to drink alcohol in old age

To maintain the life of the body and adjust the various states of the elderly, it is necessary to provide an organism with energy and various nutrients. A key role in this process plays correctly selected nutrition. It is important to consider that slowing down metabolism, various diseases and lifestyles should be fundamental factors when choosing a diet and a healthy nutrition menu. Accounting for these principles will make it possible to form a full-fledged diet that will take into account the individual needs of each person.

Features and principles of rational nutrition of older people

Energy balance of nutrition

It is worth conducting a strict calorie counting: harm is applied both overeating and consuming a large amount of oily food and food, rich in carbohydrates (bread, cereal, sugar). Often, it is the overeating that causes the main harm to health.

Prevention atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis of vessels is one of the main causes of mortality of older people. You need to use as few animal fats as possible as much as possible fish. It contains important fatty acids. Also, indispensable in the diet of cottage cheese and dairy products, vegetables, fruits. All this will help lower cholesterol in the blood and will prevent his suction into the blood through the intestines.

Maximum variety of ration

To maintain the optimal functioning of the body, the daily menu should have a variety of products: fish, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, cereals.

Sufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals

In addition to the right choice of products, it is important to prepare food correctly. For example, incorrectly prepared vegetables or fruits, you can completely destroy the vitamins that are contained in them. Minerals in the body supply raw fruits, vegetables, freshly mounted juices, dried fruits.

To power the elderly, it is important to avoid canned foods and various concentrates. The basis of the diet is necessary to make raw vegetables and fruits, and on year-round basis. A large amount of salt, by the way, negatively affects blood pressure, the work of the heart and delays water in the body. The recommended amount of salt on the day is no more than 10g. Moreover, it is important to limit the use of knowingly salted products, such as herring, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, etc.

Products and dishes should be lighter, well absorbed

Digestive enzymes with age work all the worse and the digestive activity is noticeably reduced. Mushrooms, legumes and smoked people can greatly make the work of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is worth preferred to these harmful products fish and dairy products, instead of animal proteins.

Food should cause appetite

Dishes should look quite appetizing, since the appetite itself in the elderly people is strongly reduced. Use fresh seasonings: onions, dill, garlic, parsley, etc. They have an excellent property to enhance the taste, and they also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. By the way, few knows, but onions and garlic are perfectly used as the prevention of atherosclerosis and increase the functioning of the digestive organs

The main problems in the people of the elderly age are slow metabolism, reduced appetite, various side effects of drugs, overeating and picking food. Perhaps not with everyone, but with most of them, people are faced with age. To reduce the consequences of such phenomena, it is important to change your familiar diet:

Sources of proteins.The best protein is not meat, but seafood protein. It is at times better absorbed and more useful. It is advisable to eat seafood daily, bothering them or cooking for a couple. Use meat 2 times a week maximum. Moreover, soups on meat broth only once a week. You can eat 3 eggs per week. Dairy products are not limited, but it is important to choose non-fat.

Sources of fats.If you eat fats, then only vegetable. Oil - only unrefined and only fresh - add to salads, cereals, but not abuse. Cholesterol exchange is activated by animal fats with which it is also important not to overdo it. It is enough that fat, which is contained in the eggs and dairy products in general. With butter, it is also important not to overdo it - you can use a maximum of 1 sandwich per day.

Sources of carbohydrates.Carbohydrates are extremely important for the diet of an elderly person. They should only be complex, which slowly release energy. Moreover, to maintain the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is important to have in the food of unsuccessful food fibers. They will not only help avoid such unpleasant phenomena as constipation, but also stimulate the work of the entire digestive system. It is possible to find them in bread from the flour of coarse grinding, in the croups (buckwheat, oatmeal), vegetables, fruits. All that grows on the beds, you need to eat exclusively in the raw form, use soups, casseroles, and so on.

Sources of micro and macroelements, vitamins.The older we become, the worse the useful substances are absorbed. All micro and trace elements help our body, regardless of age, but in the elderly their assistance is invaluable. Of course, doctors advise to receive all elements along with food, however, all people older than 60 must take additional food additives to stabilize the number of vitamins and elements in the body.

Restrictions and prohibitions.The main thing is rational to approach the construction of the menu, then the prohibitions and restrictions will seem insignificant. The main goal of all restrictions is to reduce obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. "Empty calories" can be brought to this - sugar, pastries, confectionery. Replace them with fresh berries, honey, fruit. Also, it is undesirable to have bread from flour of fine grinding and grinding cereals.

Excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract in the aged age is undesirable. To avoid this, you can not overeat, use salty, sharp and smoked food.

Categorical "no" in the diet of the elderly.All semi-finished products, sausages, sodes and fast food must be strictly excluded from the diet. Alcohol is admissible, but in very moderate quantities. The most optimal is a glass of dry wine. It is better to use a blank salt to minimize - the extra salt will only help the development of heart defects. However, it is important to understand that the diet should be diverse in order not to introduce the body into a state of stress.

For a full assimilation of food in the elderly, it is necessary not only the characteristics of food, but also the general condition of a person. To maintain the body in the tone, the introduction of physical exertion is also important. This will help stabilize digestion. In addition, it is necessary to maintain an optimal psychological state. Election of food should not be accompanied by reading or watching TV, much better during food to communicate with close, for example.

An example of a menu preparation for elderly people for a week


    Breakfast: tea (green), sandwich with cheese and butter.

    The second breakfast: dairy porridge (dairy), apples, grated with boiled with a grated carrot, with lemon dressing.

    Lunch: Green salad, peas soup, fish cutlets with mashed potatoes and spam hips.

    Afternoon person: fermented milk products.

    Freck H: baked apple, calf cakes with boiled vegetables (small portions).

    Breakfast: chicory with milk, cottage cheese with the addition of low-fat sour cream.

    Second breakfast: oatmeal on milk, cheesecakes from cottage cheese, tea green.

    Lunch: cauliflower soup, beef with peas stew, cranberry compote.

    Afternoon person: one apple or any fruit.

    Dinner: Eggplant baked in cheese, potato mashed potatoes, berry kissel.

    Breakfast: tea with shed.

    Second breakfast: fruit and porridge.

    Lunch: Salad made of sweet pepper, onion soup, chicken meters with rice, compote from prunes.

    Afternoon: Compote Rosehip, cream from cottage cheese.

    Dinner: Porridge from rice, lemon tea.

    Breakfast: Warm Milk with Branches.

    Second breakfast: dairy porridge, butter sandwich, barley coffee.

    Lunch: noodle soup with meatballs.

    Afternoon: dried fruits.

    Dinner: Zucchini pancakes, fermented milk drink.

    Breakfast: Cocoa with milk, chicken or rabbit pate.

    Second breakfast: oatmeal porridge on water, boiled egg (without yolk), tea with the addition of lemon.

    Lunch: Tomato rice soup, Fish steak, cooked for a pair with boiled vegetables, a compote from a rosehip.

    Sferdnik: grapes, cheese.

    Dinner: Tomatoes stuffed with rice with puree, compote from dried fruit.

    Breakfast: tea with milk, bun with cottage cheese.

    Breakfast: Milk porridge with cinnamon adding, butter sandwich, cocoa with milk.

    Lunch: lentil soup with the addition of croutin, fish with mushrooms, prepared for a couple, boiled potatoes, cranberry kranker.

    Afternoon snack: fruit.

    Dinner: Fish soup (lean), salad (like Viperret), tea.


    Breakfast: chicory with milk adding, ham sandwich.

    The second breakfast: whipped eggs, sandwich with cheese and oil, cocoa with milk.

    Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled chicken with pasta, Fresh.

    Halfoon: kefir, rye bread with jam.

    Dinner: Cottage cheese cake, apricot compote.

This is one of the options diet for older people. Of course, it is important to pick it up with regard to diseases and human preferences. But in the proposed version, there is definitely no digestive products or what can harm the weak body.

What nutrition is laid in constipation in the elderly

One of the most unpleasant consequences of changing the functions of the body with age - constipation. At the same time, food for the treatment of this ailment is the key to rapid recovery.

Be sure to exclude the following products from the diet:

    any dough - puff or jerked, bread made from top grade flour;

    any meat and fat bird (goose or duck);

    smoked and canned food;

    eggs (boiled screwed and scrambled eggs)

    radish, garlic, onions, turnips, radish;

  • blueberry, Kizil, Quince;

    any confectionery;

    sharp sauces, mustard.

Also, during constipation, the ban falls:

  • black coffee;

    strong tea;

    any kissels;

    any alcohol.

Also, exclude rice and semi.

You can eat when constipation:

    rye bread and bread, baked from coarse flour, as well as dry cookies and intubable baking;

    vegetable soups, cooked on meat broth, as well as borsch, beetroot and fresh cabbage soup;

    semi-sustained and crumbly porridge, especially buckwheat;

    low-fat varieties of birds and meat;

    fish in boiled and baked form;


    greens and non-china cabbage.

Special recommendations in the use of beets, melons, prunes, drain, figs and apricots. Also show salads from raw vegetables (for example, vinaigrette). Refueling exclusively from vegetable or olive oil. Vegetable caviar and fruit salads will also be by the way.

Drinks best in constipation of dairy products: ryazhenka, prokobvash and yogurt (with good tolerance of dairy products), compote from rosehip and rye bran, vegetable and fruit juices.

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    24-hour care for the elderly people by professional nurses (all personnel of citizens of the Russian Federation).