How to plant lettuce. How to plant salad in open ground with seeds

16.08.2019 Fish dishes

Those who have a capital greenhouse at their dachas usually do not have problems with growing early greens. Harder for those who prefer (or have only one option) plant salad in open or covered ground. But they can also successfully cope with the task.

How to grow salad

Lettuce growing technology outdoors - these are the few steps that ultimately lead to a salad bowl with spicy herbs for lunch or dinner. They can vary depending on the planting season and the presence or absence of seedlings.

Seedling method

It consists in pre-sowing lettuce seeds in pots or boxes that will be in the room. The soil for the culture should be neutral and enriched with the necessary set of trace elements. The best suited for this purpose is a universal primer sold in stores. When planting, the seeds are watered, in the future this action is performed as needed. Lettuce is a water-loving plant, but thin stems can easily rot in conditions of high soil moisture. For better germination, the pots are covered with foil until shoots appear. Seedling lives "in the house" up to three or four formed leaves. Then it is moved into open ground, if weather conditions allow, or under a film (into a greenhouse) with a lack of heat.

When to plant salad

It is good to plant salads in early spring. During the summer, this method is good for growing lettuce as a compactor in beds with other vegetable crops.

When to plant salad

Seedless way

Allows you to plant salad at any time during the summer season. Seeds germinate at temperatures from 4 degrees Celsius and are able to withstand light frosts (up to -5 degrees). The culture is sown directly into the ground at a shallow depth, then the rows are thinned to the distance between the plants corresponding to the standard ones.

When to plant salad: spring planting

The technology of growing lettuce is simple: sowing seeds in rows or planting seedlings... IN greenhouse or under a double layer of film, the crop can be sown in March, when the snow melts and the top layer warms up. For a salad, such conditions should be enough, because its root system does not lie very deep. It is advisable in the first week, before the emergence of seedlings or complete rooting of plants, to cover the planting with a film or spunbond. The layout of the salads is approximately 15x15 cm; when growing head varieties, it is advisable to increase the distance.

Soil preparation for the spring planting of salads is not carried out; watering is done only when necessary. There is no need to feed the plantings: salads are prone to fattening and fast shooting.

When to plant salad: summer planting

It is produced in both seedling and non-seedling methods. it is advisable both in a specially designated place, and among other crops as a sealant. The standard distance is maintained (from 15x15 for early ripening small varieties to 35x35 for cabbages). For constant green mass, seeds can be sown every 10-14 days. Watering is carried out in the absence of natural moisture. It should be borne in mind that in dry weather, the culture begins to actively throw out flower stalks. When semi-professional growing lettuce, it is advisable mulch organic or inorganic material.

The last planting is done at the end of summer. In the fall, salads grow much worse and are very prone to shooting. Therefore, cultivation in the cold season is carried out in a closed, protected ground.

Lettuce harvest

Another point that should not be neglected: it is important not only, how to grow salad, but also how to harvest and preserve the harvest. In leafy salads, it is not necessary to cut the entire rosette. You can remove some leaves when there are at least 7-9 of them in the plant. When single individuals with a stem and signs of future flowers appear in a row, the entire row is simultaneously removed.

When to plant salad

The salad is not subject to long storage. When wet, the leaves quickly rot. Therefore, the optimal conditions for collecting heads of cabbage are morning hours and dry weather. Soaked lettuce should be eaten immediately. Greens are stored in a cool dark place. In the refrigerator, cut out sockets may not lose their properties for up to 7 days.

Growing lettucefor cultural purposes has been conducted since the 18th century. The French began to use the plant in cooking. They added greens to a salad called Lettuce. Since then, the plant itself is often called this way.

Not only culinary specialists are interested in him, but also doctors. The leaves of the plant have been shown to help fight blood leukemia and increase resistance to breast cancer.

In the brain, lettuce extract prevents neuronal death, and thus Alzheimer's disease. The ability of lettuce to lower cholesterol was tested in mice. Doctors extract lactucaria from the stems - an antimicrobial and antifungal agent.

The vitamin cocktail in lettuce benefits the skin by restoring a healthy complexion and accelerating cell regeneration. Lettuce juice contains almost 15% sulfur, 9% phosphorus and 8% silicon.

It is the perfect hair nutrition. They grow faster, stop falling out, shine. At the same time, you don't have to go far for lettuce. We organize growing lettuce on the windowsill, in the greenhouse, garden.

When to plant a salad?

The timing of planting lettuce depends on its type. It can be leafy, or cabbage. The first Frenchmen began to cultivate in the greenhouses of Paris in the 1700th year. Growing head lettucestarted in 1812. The varieties were the result of selection.

Growing lettucestarts at the end of April. Cabbage varieties are planted in the second half of March. This is when sowing in open ground. Some gardeners add seeds there in the fall.

This hardens the grains. As a result, they give a rich and strong growth resistant to disease and frost. Young plants can withstand up to -4 degrees, and adults up to -8 degrees.

Subwinter growing conditions for lettuceare good for him if a number of conditions are met. The beds for planting are carefully loosened, freed from weeds, their roots. In spring, the sun will warm up the loose and clean soil faster. It is worth adding humus and ash to it - a nutrient medium for seeds.

If the site is in the lowland, it is more winter growing salad from seedsor seedlings does not make sense. The culture requires full sunlight. Even on flat areas, the most elevated beds are allocated for lettuce.

They are sown in the second half of November, early December. The grains are laid in already frozen furrows 5 centimeters deep. Cover the seeds with earth from home storage.

In the photo salad seeds

Speaking of rich and strong shoots of podwinter lettuce, the cost of sowing is rarely indicated. It should be laid in the soil 30% more than usual.

Some of the seeds do not withstand hardening. If the seedlings are dense, they are simply thinned out. Initially, podzimny sowing is carried out without leaving gaps between the salad grains.

Growing lettuce seedlingsstart in early March. Germination and preparation for planting in the garden take 30-40 days. This is for early maturing varieties. In the mid-season, the growing season lasts about 60 days.

There is also a late-ripening salad, the crispy leaves of which are enjoyed at the height of summer. The following batches of lettuce can be grown in parallel. Each subsequent planting is carried out a month after the previous one. The last planting of seeds is scheduled for the end of August.

Growing lettuce in a greenhousemoves the last crop to the end of September. Fresh herbs will be served on the table on the eve of November. The main thing is not to overdo the lettuce. It's not even about the coming frosts.

With a long growing season, lettuce leaves become bitter. Therefore, they eat young greens. Lettuce, in principle, is one-year, calculated for one cycle. The hero of the article recalls his tendency to bitterness. By the way, it is planted simultaneously with lettuce.

How to plant a salad?

It was said about planting podzimny lettuce. Now, let's deal with spring sowing. As in podzimnim, the beds are loosened. So that the seeds do not fall into the "tartarars", the earth is given a couple of days to settle.

Growing lettuce outdoorsat the end of April, it requires the preparation of prepared furrows with boiling water The soil is not yet fully warmed up. Realizing this, gardeners deepen the seeds by only 0.5-1 centimeter.

Growing salad in the countrycompact. The plant is miniature. 20-25 centimeters are left between the rows, and about 10 between the bushes. This is when planting head varieties. Leafy rosettes are spreading.

About 20 centimeters are left between them. Respectively, lettuce growing technology leafy requires rare planting of seeds. This also applies to laying them in the soil during the winter.

They resort to the nesting scheme, aiming 2-3 seeds every 15 centimeters. With the simultaneous emergence of all 3 grains, weak shoots are cut below the cotyledon leaves. This blocks the development of the salad.

The seed furrows are covered with sand. Loose earth will do. Seedlings are expected in 2-3 days. Germination can be delayed on lands where lettuce has already grown. It is returned to its original place after 2-3 years.

The soil should recover, accumulate the substances necessary for the salad. It is better to plant a crop in the beds from under, radish and radish. The soil from under other vegetables is also suitable.

If you plant a salad not instead of, but next to radishes, radishes and cabbage, the greens will protect them from earthen fleas. These insects do not like the smell of lettuce. Aphids pester him himself. Therefore, we plant nearby and. Its smell scares away aphids from lettuce.

The number of neighbors of the salad is recorded and, peas,,,. Move tall crops further away so as not to shade the lettuce. By the way, its cabbage varieties are prone to nitrate accumulation.

Their effect on the body began to be studied in 1945 in connection with methemoglobin. This is a disease in which the hemoglobin of the blood loses its ability to carry oxygen.

The body naturally begins oxygen starvation. One of the proven causes of the disease is receiving toxic doses of nitrates. In general, there is no benefit in them and there is nothing to feed the head lettuce with nitrogen-containing fertilizers or plant on a nitrogen-rich ridge with compost.

Lettuce loves moisture. Given this, the culture is grown without soil at all by the hydroponic method. This is what industrialists use. There are advantages to saturating a salad with a nutrient solution.

They are arranged in several tiers, effectively using the area. The grass does not have to waste energy on fishing for microelements from the soil. It is no secret that herbs can only be fed in dissolved form.

So that, growing lettuce hydroponicallyyields a harvest faster for at least a week. Sometimes lettuce grows out in just 20 days. Accordingly, sales increase.

There are no problems with sales, because the taste of the salad remains at its best. Agrarians dissolve in the water feeding the roots exactly as many elements as the plant needs at a certain period of development.

What types of lettuce to grow?

Lettuce is a familiar salad. It looked like this in the 18th century. Delicate green leaves with a white core curly around the edges. Curliness has been brought to its peak in Lollo Rossa.

It is a type of loose-headed lettuce. Its airiness is due to the curves of greenery. Its definition loses its meaning, because often it is not green at all, but red, violet.

Lollo-rossa varieties are decorative and are often chosen for growing lettuce at home... Rossa is also a favorite of restaurateurs.

They decorate with curly and colorful leaves not windowsills, but dishes. The growing season of the varieties of the group takes no more than 45 days. Lollo-rossa foliage is delicate and crispy.

Pictured lollo rossa salad

The varieties of the Romano group were bred by the Romans. Hence the name of the species. In Rome, it was eaten separately, without adding to other dishes. Romano still beats other salads in popularity in Italy and other Mediterranean countries.

Conventionally, the varieties of the species are classified as head varieties, but rather loose. Therefore, the concept of "half-cabbage salad" is encountered. It is considered a subspecies of "Letuka". The foliage of the varieties is juicy, crispy, pale green.

In the photo, Romano salad

Almost whitish leaves of "Iceberg" The group includes cabbage salads. They resemble a small, loose white cabbage. One plant weighs about 400 grams, differing from other species in increased crispness.

Initially “Iceberg” was called “Crispy salad”. After that, the Americans who bred the varieties of the group noticed that the greens were stored longer next to the ice. This was the reason to call the salad "Ice".

The next step was the name "Iceberg". It corresponds to the kind's love for coolness. At the height of summer growing lettuce "Iceberg" - a bad job. The varieties of the group are planted in late autumn, early spring or winter.

Iceberg lettuce"

The Oaklif salad resembles oak foliage. This is reflected in the species name. Oak translates from English as "oak", and leaf as "leaf". Outwardly, the plant resembles a loose head of cabbage, like "Romano".

"Oaklif" stands out for its special tenderness of taste, oiliness and minimum shelf life. It is advisable to eat varieties of the species directly from the garden, washing, of course. When moving, storing and mixing dishes with Oaklif, no metal objects are used. They oxidize the delicate leaves and spoil them even faster.

Oaklif salad

Frisse salad stands out for its cultivation peculiarities. In the early stages of development, the varieties of the group do not need light. This allows the plants to produce intibin, a substance that increases red blood cell count.

Not surprisingly, of all the salads, people with low hemoglobin and anemia are advised to use Frisse. It belongs to the class of individuals. Unlike lettuce, it is a genus of chicory. That is, a powerful rhizome is hidden under the ground at Frisse.

In the photo frisse salad

It is for him that ordinary chicory is used. He, like "Latuk", belongs to the Aster family. Cultivation of Cykory Saladgives a bitterness. It is also present in the roots of the plant. The taste is familiar from cocoa substitutes. They are made on the basis of ground chicory roots.

Chicory cocoa has a nutty flavor. It is typical of the group's salads. It also includes "Korn". This salad has small leaves folding like roses.

They are stored in the refrigerator for about 3 days. In dishes "Korn" is combined only with balsamic oil, or olive oil. Russians, accustomed to sunflower, rarely use the varieties of the group.

In the photo, corn salad

Arugula is also a cyclic salad. We are waiting for the same bitter-nutty taste. The long and narrow foliage projections of the species are somewhat reminiscent of rosemary. In Russia, "Arugula" was nicknamed "Wild mustard". Of the salads, only she has two-year varieties. Plus, "Arugula" is tall. Some orts are up to 70 centimeters in height.

In the photo, arugula salad

Let's conclude the list of types of salad with a couple of cyclones. The first is Radicio. He is burgundy. The core of the leaves is white. The varieties of the group are heady, dense and crispy. Like Frisse, Radicio is grown in the dark.

This is what determines the color of the lettuce leaves. Photosynthesis in twilight is difficult. The bitter taste of Radicio changes to sweet and spicy when the leaves are scalded. Other salads are used only fresh.

Radichio salad

The last view of the hero of the article - "Cress". Growing lettucepleases the eye with heart-shaped leaves. They are miniature, abundantly strewn with plant stems. The varieties of the group are considered aphrodisiacs. The ability of "Cress" lettuce to improve potency was first noticed in Morocco and Iran.

Taking into account the characteristics of the types of salad, we choose according to our requests and needs. It is worth noting that dark-leaved herbs contain more useful nutrients, for example, folic acid and vitamin A.

In the photo watercress

Salad care

Growing lettuce in winter, in spring, summer and autumn, tolerates with equal success. The main thing is to give the plant a loose substrate, watering every 1-2 days and an abundance of light. Solar lamps are used during the short day.

Otherwise, the culture is unassuming. The nuances of caring for individual varieties and species were discussed above. Finally, let us recall that salad is the only vegetable that does not accept freezing and any canning.

That is why it is justified to grow crops year-round at home, or in greenhouses. For a salad from stores, you will have to pay at least 200 rubles per kilogram.

Many housewives think about how to grow a salad on the windowsill. And this is not surprising, because then fresh herbs on the table will be even in winter. It is added to various dishes, salads and sandwiches. But before starting the process, you need to decide on the type of plant, as well as find out all the nuances of growing salad.

Salad on the windowsill. Growing and care

How to plant lettuce

It is not difficult to grow lettuce on the windowsill. It grows well all year round, especially with normal watering and good lighting. The plant is quite tolerant to low temperatures, but it does not tolerate heat well. It is best to plant the lettuce in the spring as there is no need for additional lighting. Lettuce on the windowsill in winter needs to be supplemented with electric lamps for several hours.

To set up a mini-garden at home you will need:

  • pots or other containers for planting salad;
  • the required amount of soil;
  • polyethylene for creating a greenhouse;
  • watering can and spray bottle;
  • fertilizer;
  • lamps to create additional lighting.

All this is required for growing greens at home. But just buying the necessary equipment in the appropriate store is not enough, you should know the secrets of planting and caring for this useful plant.

How to grow salad on a windowsill:

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the composition of the soil. Excellent substrate is obtained from 2 parts coconut fiber and 1 part biohumus... You can also plant lettuce in soil, which consists of garden soil, peat, rotted manure and compost soil. All soil constituents are taken in approximately the same amount. For quick growing of lettuce, you can enrich the soil with ash, urea or nitrophos. Many people prefer special soil in their respective stores.

How to grow salad on a windowsill. A photo

As a container for planting, you must use large pots, not less than 1-2 liters in volume. The fact is that the salad does not tolerate transplanting well, so it is better to immediately sow it in a suitable container. As for the material, you need to choose a plastic pot. The clay container tends to absorb moisture, which is why the soil dries out faster.

If another plant has grown in the pot before, then it must be thoroughly cleaned. Otherwise, leftover pest eggs and bacteria will destroy the salad over time. Therefore, the container should be washed with soapy water.

The next step is preparation drainage. This is necessary to avoid stagnant moisture and rotting of the plant roots. Expanded clay, silicone or synthetic winterizer are suitable as drainage for the salad. The moisture-absorbing layer must be placed at the very bottom of the container in which the salad will grow. These materials quickly absorb all excess moisture and evaporate it, moisturizing the air.

The soil must be poured into the pot to the very top, leaving only about 2-3 cm.

Before planting lettuce seeds must be soaked in potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours. The soil in the pot should be slightly wetted and small indentations should be made. The salad does not need to be sown to a very great depth, 1 cm is enough. After that, cellophane is placed on top of the container, which is removed when the first sprouts appear.

Growing lettuce on the windowsill. A photo

It is important to ensure that temperature air did not exceed 20 ° C. Therefore, during the heating season, it is better not to put it close to the radiator and other appliances heating the room. Also, the plant should often to water, especially in summer. Leaves follow from time to time spray using a spray bottle. The salad is very fond of this "bathing".

Potted lettuce can be eaten after 3-5 weeks. After another week, the plant becomes unusable, releasing arrows. In this case, it should be removed and sown with fresh salad.

Questions and Answers

What to do if small lettuce sprouts start to stretch and then wither quickly? Abundant watering does not help, as does additional lighting for 2 hours.

Watering the lettuce in a pot is necessary when the topsoil begins to dry out. In winter, there is very little light for the plant, because there is practically no sun. Therefore, the extra light should be left on all day. For this, fluorescent lamps are most often used.

How many seeds do you need for a 1.5 liter pot? And what density should the sowing be?

Such a container will require 20-30 seeds. They must be sown very thickly. When sprouts appear, the salad is thinned several times, removing weak and crooked ones. As a result, during the formation of rosettes, 5-6 full-fledged sprouts should remain. During thinning, you can transplant excess healthy shoots into other containers.

Secrets of growing lettuce

It's easy to grow lettuce on a windowsill, but if you consider a few tips, then there will always be juicy greens. It is not enough just to sow the seeds and wait for the result. Only by creating the right conditions for the salad, you can hope that it will grow. So, to quickly grow lettuce you need:

A lot of light... This culture will not grow in the shade. In addition, the lack of light provokes the formation of peduncles. Experienced gardeners choose certain varieties for growing these greens on the windowsill. Therefore, for home breeding, it is recommended to purchase a salad of the Lollo Bionda, Emerald Lace or New Year's varieties.

To make additional lighting and save money, you can use LED lamps. They practically do not emit heat and therefore will not dry out the plant. The distance between the light source and the salad should not exceed 6-8 cm.

To not allow excessive heat and drought soil. Otherwise, the salad will immediately start to disappear - the leaves will coarse and acquire a bitter taste. Especially often it is necessary to water the salad during the period of active growth. To do this, you need a watering can with a thin spout. Water needs to be defended, especially if it is tap water. Spraying lettuce leaves is a great option. It must be carried out daily until the plant is fully strengthened.

Check soil condition under the film. The greenhouse effect is necessary for the plant to emerge. For a salad, this is usually 4-5 days. But from time to time you need to look into the greenhouse and water the soil. As soon as the first shoots appear, the cellophane can be removed and the salad put in the sun.

Often thin out seedlings... It is best to do this several times. 5-7 days after the emergence of seedlings, they need to be thinned, leaving a distance of 1-2 cm. The second time the salad is thinned out when several leaves appear. The distance between the plants should not be less than 4-5 cm. If the lettuce is left in cramped conditions, it will grow upward, and then weaken and disappear.

For the full growth of the salad, it is necessary fertilize... It should be a complex composition. Instead of chemistry, many also use regular mullein. It should be diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1:10. The salad is watered with the resulting solution no more than 1 time a week.

Destroy harmful insects... Even at home, lettuce is attacked by various pests. Most often it is a salad aphid that feeds on plant roots. From this, the salad quickly stops growing and subsequently withers. Therefore, if soil from the garden is used when planting lettuce, it must be pre-processed. If the aphid has already started, then an infusion of onion peel or dandelion leaves should be used. It is better not to use chemicals.

Growing lettuce in heads of cabbage is an even more difficult task than growing lettuce. Therefore, it is better to gain experience first. Not many people manage to grow lettuce to full size, but at home it is not necessary.

The plucked salad is not stored for long, only about a week. But at room temperature, it is not stored at all. You can put salad in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. Moreover, it cannot be washed in advance, since the greens will wither even faster. So it is best to eat greens right away. And so that it is always available, you can plant the salad at intervals of 5-7 days. Then you won't have to wait long for the harvest.

Lettuce is included in the diet of medical and dietary food, which is due to its rich vitamin composition. You can please yourself and your loved ones with delicious, and most importantly, healthy dishes if you plant a culture in your personal plot or right on the windowsill.

With proper care and proper agricultural techniques, even a beginner can sow and grow a salad.

Planting salad in the garden every 2 weeks, taking off a fresh crop throughout the warm season. Sowing dates are determined taking into account the characteristics of the variety.

Among the offered varieties there are plants of different growing seasons: early ripening, mid-ripening and late... Culture ripens in 25-50 days.

Planting work begins in early spring, when the night temperature reaches positive values. In the middle lane this time falls for April - early May... According to the lunar calendar, the so-called vershoks, which include lettuce, are planted on the growing moon.

Growing lettuce and head lettuce is possible in several ways:

  • seedling;
  • seminal.

A variety like Romain is cultivated only in seedlings.

The garden is organized outdoors, in a greenhouse and even on a windowsill... The seedling method is more suitable for regions with harsh climates and in cases where there is a desire to get an early harvest.

The spring season is characterized by inconsistent weather and a high probability of night frosts. Seedlings should be planted in an open bed when the threat of freezing of young shoots has passed.

The seedling method allows you to get an early harvest, which 3-4 weeks ahead of normal time.

The most popular varieties of lettuce for growing in the country

A variety of varieties will satisfy the needs and desires of the most fastidious gardener. And for those who are just starting to master the technology of growing vegetable crops, it is recommended to purchase proven varieties.


Excitement is a plant with a mid-early ripening period with a growing season 64 days... The dimensions of the fan-shaped sheet are rather large, the edge has a characteristic waviness. The structure of the greens is tender, semi-crispy. The bush reaches a height of 25-27 cm, the diameter of the rosette is 30-32 cm.

Medium size head weight - 250 g... Disembarkation dates: april May.

After the emergence of shoots in the formation phase of the first leaf, the beds are thinned out, leaving an interval between shoots of 5-7 cm. After another 2 weeks, excess shoots are removed, choosing underdeveloped ones. The distance between the remaining ones is 25-30 cm.

Features of the culture: a positive reaction to feeding and watering, but you should not abuse food. Excess water leads to root rot.


The growing season lasts 65-80 days... The variety belongs to the buttery variety of lettuce. The mature shrub is characterized by its large size and semi-erect shape. The yellowish green leaves have a folded surface, but the structure is delicate. At the height and taste.

Benefits of Dubrava: resistance to gray rot and marginal leaf burn.


The appearance of the salad is similar to that of white cabbage. When forming, the leaves gather towards the core, forming a ball. The color of juicy crispy greens has a whitish tint. The plant is weighty, large specimens reach 1 kg (average 300-600 gr.).

The technical ripeness of culture comes in 75-90 days... The peculiarity of the Iceberg is its resistance to shooting and downy mildew. Variety value: high marketability and taste, long shelf life of fresh product (up to 3 weeks).

Romain Gelbus

Medium ripening culture, vegetation lasts 85-90 days... Oblong leaves grow strictly vertically. The structure of the greens is crispy, but delicate to the perception. The popularity of the variety is due to its very pleasant taste and juiciness.

The variety is very demanding for watering, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out, the plant will fade. Feature of culture: high and stable yield (1-2.2 kg per 1 m2).

What kind of soil does the plant like

Culture responds well to fertilized soil with drainage, which is enriched with mineral additives... If the medium is acidic, then it must be neutralized by introducing dolomite flour or crushed lime.

The place to plant is selected well lit and ventilated, but no drafts. The culture grows well in scattered partial shade. If there is a choice between a hill and a lowland, then preference is given to the hill. This reduces the risk of decay of the root system.

How to prepare a seedbed for sowing

The soil must first be prepared. In the fall, it is appropriate to enrich the future garden humus... And in the spring, 2-3 weeks before planting work, the earth is dug up again and mineral fertilizers are applied, in particular potassium salt, ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and etc.

If the soil is not fertile, it can be enriched with the following nutrients: perlite sand, peat, humus, compost, wood ash.

Preparation should begin in the fall, adding fertilizer when digging up the earth. In the spring, the landing site must be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water.

Before sowing, you need to level the soil well, break up all any large lumps with a rake. Lettuce loves loose soils, so the dense earth is lightened peat, river sand and humus.

Proper seed preparation before planting

High-quality seeds are selected for planting with a high germination rate (not less than 80%).

First, the seed is calibrated: healthy and undeformed specimens are selected from the total number. Sorting also includes rejection of small grains.

As practice shows, the shoots sprouted from them are weak and small. The size of the seeds complicates the task, so gardeners use this method:

  • to cook common salt solution (3-5%);
  • fill them with seeds and leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • remove floating seeds (those that remain at the bottom are considered suitable);
  • carefully drain the liquid and rinse the remaining seeds under running water through a sieve.

After drying, the seeds must be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Before sowing, it is worth checking the seeds for germination.

To do this, select several pieces of each grade and wrap them in a damp cloth. If after 1-2 days the seeds hatch, you can plant them in the soil and count the number of sprouts.

The spring period is characterized for any person by a deficiency of vitamins and valuable microelements, so an early harvest will be a good, and most importantly, a useful addition to the table. To speed up the development of salad will help soaking seeds in nutrient fluid.

  • Ideal (teaspoon per liter of water);
  • Epin (2 drops per 100 ml of water);
  • Epin-Extra (30 drops per glass of water).

Other drugs are also suitable, the action of which is aimed at plant growth stimulation.

What is the scheme for sowing seeds

There are several schemes for planting lettuce, the option is chosen depending on the characteristics of the variety. Summer residents who own small plots of land manage to sow a plant in aisles, along a fence, between vegetable beds.

A few days before planting, the soil is abundantly moistened, followed by a loosening procedure.

The bed is being formed loose method and ordering... The interval provided for by the lettuce planting scheme is observed only when transferring seedlings to open ground or a greenhouse. When sowing, the distance between the grains is no more than 3 cm.

Scheme designed for low-growing plants recommends adhering to the spacing between bushes not less than 20 cm (20x20 cm). For tall crops, the optimal distance will be 25-30 cm (25x30 cm). In the greenhouse, furrows are made for rows with an interval of 10-15 cm. The seeds are immersed in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. The plant cannot be transplanted.

The technology of growing lettuce is quite simple, you just need to adhere to the general rules and observe the regime. And the harvest obtained thanks to our own efforts is always tastier than purchased greens.

People need fresh vitamins all year round, and a special need for them arises in winter and early spring, when the garden and vegetable garden are resting. But so that our body is not deficient in vitamins, it is possible in winter to grow crops that have the most valuable medicinal and nutritional qualities, for example, green onions, watercress and lettuce, in greenhouses or on a windowsill. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. And in early spring, you can sow them again in the garden. In this article, we will tell you about such an important culture for the human body as salad and how to plant and care for a salad at home and in the open field.

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Planting and caring for a salad (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds of early-maturing varieties in open ground - from April to May, mid-season and late - from April to mid-June. You can sow early varieties before winter - in late October or early November. Sowing seeds for seedlings can be started in April, and seedlings are planted in open ground in May. When growing lettuce at home, sowing is done at any time.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or bright ambient light.
  • The soil: loose, nutritious, humus, moderately moist - chernozems, loams, carbonate soils with a pH of 6.0-7.0.
  • Watering: usually once a week in the morning or evening. From the moment the heads of cabbage form, watering is reduced. In extreme heat, lettuce is watered at night.
  • Top dressing: Not needed. Fertilizers are added to the soil before sowing or planting seedlings.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: lettuce flies, stem lettuce aphids, white-striped filly and slugs.
  • Diseases: white and gray rot, peronosporosis, powdery mildew and viral mosaic.

Read more about growing lettuce below.

Plant salad - description

Plant salad, which would be more correct to call sowing lettuce, is a herbaceous plant of the genus Letuk of the Aster family. This culture is represented by annual, biennial and perennial varieties. The name of the genus comes from the Latin word lac, which means "milk" - the plant contains milky juice. There are several varieties of lettuce - leaf lettuce, half-headed lettuce and lettuce, as well as romaine (Roman). All of these forms are equally popular in hobby gardening.

First, the lettuce develops basal leaves, and only then a highly branched flowering stem appears, reaching a height of 60 to 120 cm. Yellowish-green, sometimes red lettuce leaves form a basal rosette. They are obovate, sessile, horizontal, large, whole, serrated or indented, smooth, wrinkled, curly or corrugated. In head lettuce, the leaves are closed in a rounded or flat-round head. On the underside of the leaves along the median vein there are bristles. Lettuce inflorescences are small, cylindrical, pitcher-shaped heads, consisting of small reed bisexual yellowish flowers, which are collected in large numbers in panicles. The fruit of the lettuce is achene.

The origin of the lettuce is not known for certain, but it is suggested that it originated from compass lettuce, which grows wild in Asia Minor, North Africa, Central Asia, in Southern and Western Europe. The grass salad was introduced into the culture long before our era: there is evidence that the salad was cultivated in the ancient states of China, Greece, Rome and Egypt. It has been cultivated in Europe since the 16th century.

Lettuce culture is cold-resistant, light and moisture-loving. They eat fresh lettuce leaves, which contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. However, with the beginning of the growth of the stem, the leaves of the plant acquire a bitter taste and become unsuitable for food. Not everyone knows the beneficial properties of salad, with which we will introduce you, as well as the contraindications of salad, which, fortunately, are very few.

Sowing lettuce for seedlings

When to sow salad for seedlings

Lettuce is grown through seedlings for early production or in late cold spring conditions. Salad in the Moscow region or other areas of the middle lane can be sown directly into the ground, but in more northern regions it is better to use the seedling method for growing lettuce. You can sow lettuce in boxes, or in protected ground under a film. Sow lettuce seeds for seedlings 30-35 days before planting seedlings in open ground. For sowing, it is best to use pelleted seeds - they are more convenient to sow and they have a high germination capacity. If you have regular seeds, mix them with sand to make your job easier.

Growing lettuce from seeds

To prepare the substrate, you need to add two parts of high-quality humus earth to the sand and peat, taken in one part, and mix well. Although it is easier to buy in the store soil "Universal", "Vegetable" or "Biogrunt". As a container, you can use boxes and containers, but pressed peat cubes with a facet of 4-5 cm are better. The seeds are etched for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate and scattered over the surface without covering. If a box is used for sowing, the seeds are sown into grooves no more than 1 cm deep.The distance between the rows should be 5 cm, if you are going to dive the seedlings in the future, and if you decide to do without a dive, then the interval should be at least 10 cm. watered abundantly, but carefully and placed under a film. It is better to keep them in a bright place at a temperature of 18-21 ºC.

Seedlings may appear on the third or fourth day, and as soon as this happens, the temperature is lowered by 3-4 degrees, otherwise the seedlings may stretch out. When the seedlings develop 1-2 true leaves, they dive if necessary. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the stage of development of 3-4 leaves after two weeks of hardening of the seedlings, which consists in daily staying in the fresh air for some time, and the duration of these sessions is gradually increased until the seedlings can spend a whole day in the yard. Growing lettuce at home does not require hardening procedures.

How to grow homemade salad

Growing lettuce in an apartment can be done all year round. Lettuce is planted in boxes or pots with a capacity of 1-2 liters, which are placed on light, sunny windowsills in the spring. In winter, most likely, you will have to arrange additional lighting for the plant with fluorescent lamps or phytolamps in order to increase the length of daylight hours by 2-3 hours.

As a substrate, you can use the mixtures already named by us, or you can make it from one part of vermicompost and two parts of coconut fiber. Pickled, as mentioned, the seeds are immersed in a moist substrate, laid out in pots on top of the drainage layer, 5-10 mm, after which the crops are watered, covered with polyethylene and placed in a dark place. As soon as shoots appear after 3-5 days, the film is removed, and the crops are transferred to the light. You can eat salad when 5-10 leaves develop on it. Do not wash cut salad if you intend to store it because it will rot.

Watering the lettuce

A salad at home needs regular watering once every two or three days, it is especially important to water the salad in hot weather, since the drying out of the substrate accelerates the formation of flower arrows and, accordingly, the appearance of a bitter taste in the leaves. In general, the optimum temperature for growing seedlings is 16-20 ºC, although on a loggia they feel great at a temperature of 6-7 ºC. Higher temperature and dry air are more dangerous than coolness for a salad, so fresh young greens must be sprayed daily from a spray bottle. Both watering and sprinkling the salad in a pot should be with settled water at room temperature.

Salad dressing

Intensive growth of lettuce is possible only with good nutrition, therefore, it is advisable to add liquid complex fertilizer to the substrate every week. But since the lettuce has the ability to accumulate nitrates, the amount of nitrogen introduced must be controlled, and it is even better to feed the homemade salad with organic matter, for example, with an aqueous solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10.

Planting lettuce in the ground

Since lettuce is a cold-resistant culture, it can be sown in the ground before winter - at the end of October or at the beginning of November. In spring, early ripening varieties of lettuce are sown from April to May, mid-season and late litters - from April to mid-June. If you want to have a fresh salad all summer long, you can sow it multiple times every 7-10 days until mid-August.

The conditions for growing lettuce involve placing the garden in an open, sunny place. Sow the salad in a loose, nutritious soil with a sufficient amount of organic matter and trace elements. The acidic reaction of the soil should be slightly alkaline or acidic - from 6.0 to 7.0 pH. Only clayey heavy soils are not suitable for the plant, and lettuce grows normally in black soil, loam, calcareous soils and sand.

It is good if, before the salad, early cabbage, zucchini, potatoes or cucumbers were cultivated on the site, under which fertilizers were introduced into the soil, and next to the salad it is better to grow all types of cabbage, radishes and radishes - the cruciferous flea, which harms cabbage crops, does not like the salad. Lettuce is also a good neighbor for plants such as garden strawberries, peas, tomatoes and spinach. For the salad itself, the neighborhood with onions is useful, which scares away aphids from it. Lettuce is grown in one area at least with a two-year interval.

Prepare a bed for a salad in advance: they dig it up, adding compost or rotted manure at the rate of 1 bucket of organic matter per square meter of area. In the spring, when loosening, before planting, add 1 tablespoon of superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1-2 tablespoons of solution per m² into the ground. On acidic soils, instead of Solution, Nitrofoska is used in the same amount, necessarily adding 200 g of dolomite flour per unit area. Seeds are sown, mixed with sand in a ratio of 1: 0.5, into grooves 5-10 mm deep, made in moist soil at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.

Seeds germinate at 5 ºC, but keep in mind that lettuce germinates worse at 20 ºC. When the seedlings begin to rise en masse, they need to be thinned out in such a way that an interval of 6-8 cm remains between the seedlings for leafy varieties and 10-15 for head varieties. Thinning is best done in two stages.

If you prefer to grow lettuce in a seedling way, then plant seedlings of compact early-ripening varieties according to the 25x25 scheme, and large lettuce - 35x35 cm. Planting is carried out in moist soil. The root collar of the seedlings should be at or slightly above the surface.

How to grow lettuce in soil

Growing lettuce in the open field requires, first of all, regular watering, loosening the soil and weeding. Try to loosen the soil after each watering or rain and promptly remove weeds from the site.

Watering the lettuce

Open field salad is watered once a week, in the morning or in the evening. For leafy varieties, it is better to use the sprinkler method, and the head lettuce is moistened by watering the soil along the rows. From the moment when the salad begins to form heads of cabbage, watering should be reduced so as not to provoke the development of putrefactive phenomena. In order to prevent the appearance of internal necrosis of the salad, it is better to water it at night in extreme heat. In general, the need for watering is determined primarily by weather conditions.

Salad dressing

If the soil before sowing was well filled with fertilizers, there is no need to feed the leafy lettuce varieties in the future. But if soil nutrients are not enough to make a crispy salad, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium must be added to the soil. Cabbage salad, since it takes longer to ripen than leaf salad, needs one or two additional dressings. Fertilized infusion of grass, mullein diluted with water (1 part of fertilizer and 10 parts of water), bird droppings diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20, or vermicompost can be used as fertilizers. Top dressing is usually combined with watering the salad.

What to plant after salad

The next year, it is best to plant peppers and tomatoes in the area where you grew lettuce.

Lettuce pests and diseases

Lettuce diseases

The most harmful diseases of lettuce are white and gray rot, peronosporosis, powdery mildew and viral mosaic. The difficulty is that lettuce diseases cannot be fought with chemicals, since the leaves of the plant accumulate not only nitrates from nitrogen fertilizers, but also fungicides.

Gray rot of lettuce, caused by the fungus botrytis, it affects the stems and leaves: necrotic brown spots appear on them, which gradually spread from the bottom of the plant to the top. Cloudy weather and high air humidity are favorable for the development of gray rot.

Protection methods: Crop rotation is the most important prevention technique. Keeping the area clean, and immediate removal of affected leaves and plant debris at the end of the season will help protect the salad from gray rot. In addition, there are varieties of lettuce that are not as susceptible to gray rot, for example, Moscow Greenhouse, Khrustalny or Maisky.

White rot affects the ground organs of lettuce. The infection enters the leaves that are close to the ground or lying on it, then through the petioles the disease enters the stem and forms light watery spots on it. The affected tissue is covered with a flocculent plaque of white mycelium.

Protection methods: in the fight against white rot, a prerequisite is the alternation of crops, the timely removal of affected leaves and specimens. In autumn, it is recommended to carry out deep plowing or harvesting of plant residues. Do not grow lettuce on heavy acidic soils and control the amount of nitrogen in the soil.

Peronosporosis, or downy mildew, It also affects the ground organs of lettuce: on the upper side of the leaves, almost yellow blurry or angular spots appear, while on the lower side the leaves are covered with a white bloom. With the development of the disease, the spots turn brown and the diseased leaves dry out. The disease progresses in conditions of high air humidity and the presence of drip moisture.

Protection methods: it is necessary to strictly observe the alternation of crops on the site, sow healthy seeds. If in doubt about the quality of the inoculum, etch it in an eighty percent solution of TMTD. Do not thicken crops - follow planting patterns for both leafy and head lettuce varieties.

Edge burn - with this disease, rot gradually takes over the entire plant, and it dies. Too many nutrients in the soil contribute to the development of the disease.

Protection methods: observance of crop rotation, balanced application of fertilizers to the soil, especially nitrogen fertilizers, regular watering, timely removal and destruction of diseased specimens and plant residues from the site at the end of the season.

Powdery mildew affects stems, heads of cabbage and lettuce leaves - a white powdery coating appears on them, the growth and development of the plant slows down. The testes of lettuce are most affected at the stage of flowering and seed ripening. Powdery mildew progresses during the period of sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures.

Protection methods: disease can be prevented by observing crop rotation, removing diseased leaves and heads of cabbage during the growing season and plant debris after its end.

Lettuce pests

Among the pests of lettuce, lettuce fly, stem lettuce aphid, white-striped filly and slugs are especially dangerous.

Lettuce fly - an insect 7-8 mm long. Females are ash-gray with widely spaced red eyes; males have a black velvet back. Flies damage the testes of the plant - they lay eggs on the inflorescences, and the larvae that appear from them destroy the seeds. Damaged inflorescences do not open and darken.

Protection methods: as soon as the first larvae appear, the plants are treated with Phosphamide in strict accordance with the instructions. Inflorescences damaged by the pest should be cut and destroyed.

Stem salad aphid a very common pest. Wingless insects are from 1 to 2.5 mm long, Winged insects are slightly smaller - up to 2 mm. These are sucking pests of grayish-green or dark gray color, inhabiting flowers, stems and lettuce leaves. Organs damaged by aphids become discolored, curled, and the color of the lower leaves becomes mosaic. As a result, plants are lagging behind in growth and development. In the fall, lettuce aphids move to currants.

Protection methods: Protecting the salad from aphids will help you treat its leaves with infusions of onion husks, dandelion leaves or green potato tops.

White stripe, or slender filly - polyphagous locust pest of grayish-yellow, green or brown color. The length of the filly is from 13 to 21 mm. It is a gnawing pest that damages the leaves and stems of lettuce.

Protection methods: in order to prevent the appearance of these insects, perennial weeds, especially wheatgrass, must be removed from the site. After harvesting lettuce, spray the plant residues and soil well with Karbofos solution, and the next day remove the residues from the site.

Naked slugs also often damage delicate lettuce leaves by making large holes in them. Gastropods are most active in the evening and at night, and during the day they lie in cool dampness - among the leaves, in the shade of plants.

Protection methods: cans of beer are placed on the site, and when the slugs crawl to drink, they are collected and destroyed.

Types and varieties of salad

Sowing lettuce is a species of the genus Lettuce, therefore, when they write "types of lettuce", most likely, they mean four of its varieties - leafy, half-cabbage, cabbage and the so-called romaine or Roman.

Leaf salad

they are used without pulling out or digging up the plant, but tearing off the leaves from it - large and whole (oblong, fan-shaped or triangular) or cut (dissected or oak-leaved). The most famous varieties of lettuce are:

  • Critset - heat-resistant early maturing salad for protected and open ground, ripening in 40-45 days. It has thin leaves of light green with a yellow tint. The weight of one plant is about 250 g;
  • Emerald - resistant to heat and stemming, mid-season variety with dark green obovate finely bubbly leaves of excellent taste. The plant weighs about 60 g and does not grow old for a long time;
  • Ballet - a variety resistant to shooting and lack of light for cultivation in spring and winter in greenhouses, and in summer in the open. The leaves are large, dark green, crunchy, fan-shaped with a scalloped edge. The weight of one plant is from 300 to 600 g;
  • Fun - resistant to diseases and steming, mid-season variety with bright red, large leaves with an oily texture. The weight of the socket is about 200 g;
  • A sandwich - an early variety with delicate and crunchy light green leaves with wavy edges. The average weight of one plant is about 180 g. The variety is ideal for making sandwiches and salads;
  • Moscow greenhouse - an early ripening variety for protected ground, ripening in 30-40 days, with large, sweetish, juicy and delicate light green leaves up to 18 cm long.The rosette weight is from 100 to 200 g. The advantage of the variety is also that its leaves remain for a long time fresh and do not acquire a bitter taste.

In addition to those described, such leafy varieties as Tornado, Roblen, Dubachek, Dubrava, Lollo Rossa, Lollo San, Lollo Biondo, Lakomka, Royal, Kitezh, Crunchy vitamin and others are popular.

Half-cabbage salad

similar to ordinary leaf lettuce, and its leaves are collected in small but unclosed heads of cabbage. The most famous varieties of this variety of lettuce are:

  • Odessa kucheryavets - a mid-season variety resistant to flowering, forming a loose rosette with a diameter of 24-32 cm and weighing no more than 200 g. The leaves of this variety are green, fan-shaped, with a corrugated edge, crunchy, of excellent taste;
  • Eurydice - mid-season variety with a semi-raised compact rosette about 35 cm high and about 33 cm in diameter. The leaves are large, dark green, bubbly with a wavy edge, crunchy, excellent taste;
  • Festival - mid-season variety, ripening for about 70 days. He has a large rounded rosette weighing up to 150 g, consisting of juicy light green leaves of excellent taste;
  • Berlin yellow - also a mid-season variety with a rounded rosette up to 30 cm in diameter and weighing up to 200 g, consisting of yellowish leaves;
  • Kucheryavets Gribovsky - a disease-resistant mid-early variety with a loose rosette weighing from 250 to 470 g. Leaves are bright green, large, fan-shaped with a finely corrugated edge, crispy and juicy, excellent taste.

The varieties of the half-cabbage type Kado, Stone heads, Grand Rapids, Azart, Admiral and others are also popular.

Head salad

in appearance it resembles dense cabbage heads. The scientific name for head lettuce is "crunchheads" because the leaves of this lettuce are really crunchy. This variety was bred by California farmers back in the 20s of the last century. Head lettuce varieties:

  • Iceberg - not prone to shooting, high-yielding variety, ripening in 75-90 days, with pleasant-tasting bubbly leaves with wavy edges that retain freshness for a long time. The weight of heads of this variety is 300-600 g;
  • Great Lakes Is a crispy late-ripening high-yielding variety that is resistant to bloom and burns, ripening in 85 days. He has a large, round head of cabbage with a closed top, consisting of dark green leaves, shaped like oak;
  • Attraction - a productive mid-season variety with a high rosette, consisting of large, light green, slightly wavy along the edge, oily leaves of a triangular shape. The weight of one head is 230-260 g;
  • Four seasons - mid-season variety for open and protected ground with medium-sized heads. The outer leaves have a reddish-bronze tint, and the inner ones are yellow-green. The texture of the leaves is delicate and oily, the taste is excellent;
  • Design - high-yielding, stem-resistant, mid-late variety with a head up to 20 cm in diameter. Leaves are green, crispy, medium-sized, round-flat, bubbly, wavy along the edge, with small cuts in the upper part, excellent taste. Head weight 500-650 g.

In culture, varieties of head lettuce Khvorost, Petrovich, Argentinas, Papiro, Khrustalny, Yadkho, Kucheryavets Semko, Buru, Umbrinas, Platinas, Opal, Afitsion and others are also in demand.

Roman salad, or romaine salad

forms an elongated head of cabbage. The root of Roman lettuce is a branched stem, the head is covered with leaves of a rich green color, and inside the head of cabbage the leaves are yellowish. Romaine lettuce is represented by the following varieties:

  • Paris green - a heat-resistant and cold-resistant mid-season variety that forms heads of cabbage on the 84-90th day from the moment of emergence. The diameter of the loose head is 32-39 cm, weight is from 200 to 300 g, crispy, juicy dark green bluish leaves up to 27 cm long and up to 13 cm wide are sweetish in taste;
  • Legend - a new variety resistant to peronosporosis, marginal burn and shooting, forming a medium-sized compact green head of slightly blistery leaves;
  • Remus - resistant to peronosporosis, high-yielding late-ripening variety with a closed, loose, elongated-oval head of cabbage weighing on average up to 430 g. Medium size, dense, dark green elliptical leaves have a bubbly texture;
  • Balloon - a late-ripening variety with elongated-oval loose heads of cabbage up to 12 in diameter, up to 25 cm high and weighing 300-350 g. Light green leaves;
  • roman lettuce - resistant to septoria and bacteriosis, mid-season variety with elongated obovate leaves up to 26 cm long with a slightly noticeable fine-celled, weakly fibrous texture and barely torn jagged edges. The heads are elongated-oval, of medium density, up to 25 cm high and up to 14 cm in diameter, weighing 290-350 g.

Also grown are the varieties of lettuce Roman Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Sukrain, Dendi, Veradarts, Sovsky and others.

In terms of ripening, lettuce varieties are divided into early ripening, early, mid-ripening and late. The earliest ripening variety is Lue Leaf - lettuce, which ripens for 25 days. The varieties Kholodok, Lollo Rossa, Robin, Moscow Greenhouse and Dubachek reach ripeness in 35 days.

Mid-season varieties, formed in 45 days - Vitamin, Green Peak, Sunshine - make it possible to get two crops per season.

Medium late varieties, which include Ruby and Gourmet, ripen in 55 days.

Of the varieties that are not inherent in bitterness, one can note Green Manul, Rhapsody, Odessa Kucheryavets, Vitamin and Moscow Greenhouse.

Properties of lettuce - harm and benefit

The healing properties of lettuce

What is contained in lettuce? What substances are useful for the human body? Lettuce is rich in folic acid, which controls metabolism and is involved in hematopoiesis and the functioning of the nervous system. In terms of salt content, lettuce is second only to spinach. From trace elements it contains zinc, molybdenum, titanium, iodine, boron, copper, cobalt and manganese. Potassium, calcium, silicon, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur are also part of its leaves, which plays the role of an oxidizing agent and, in combination with phosphorus and silicon, provides a good condition of tendons, skin and promotes hair growth.

Lettuce leaves are a source of vitamins A and C, contain alkaloids, resins and bitterness, have expectorant, sedative and diuretic properties.

Since the most active element in the body is iron, it is very important that its reserves are regularly replenished. Therefore, a salad containing significant amounts of iron is so useful. The element is accumulated in the liver and spleen, and then, if necessary, is used by the body, for example, to form red blood cells with significant blood loss.

As a dietary supplement, lettuce is beneficial for sedentary lifestyles and diabetes as it improves digestion and soothes the nervous system. It is also indicated for elderly people who have suffered a serious illness.

An aqueous infusion of lettuce seeds helps to increase lactation, and homeopathic preparations based on lettuce juice are widely used for heart diseases. In folk medicine, for chronic gastritis, liver diseases, hypertension or insomnia, an infusion of fresh lettuce leaves is used.

To all that has been said, it should be added that eating fresh salad has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels, which reduces the risk of obesity, atherosclerosis or hypertension.

Salad - contraindications

Salad is not recommended for patients with gout, urolithiasis, as well as chronic or acute colitis, enteritis or other intestinal diseases that are accompanied by dyspepsia. Salad is not useful for acute gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, phosphaturia and oxaluria. Overeating lettuce can lead to increased gas production, which negatively affects patients with asthma and tuberculosis.

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