The Mayo Diet - Weight Loss Fat Burning Soup. Results, reviews of those who have lost weight and doctors

12.05.2019 Beverages

Magic fat-burning soups have earned positive reviews, because they allow you to easily acquire a slender body. Anyone who wants to get rid of excess weight... gives a feeling of fullness due to its volume and consistency. He helps to establish proper nutrition and put in order not only the figure, but the whole body.

The history of fat burning soup

In search of a nutritional system that helps lead to weight loss, nutritionists have developed a recipe for this dish. Soup is able to burn fat and relieve hunger for a long time. Women need not be afraid of the mood swings and depression that come with a variety of diets.

Fat burning soup, reviews of which are completely positive, have already been tested by many people. They followed such a diet with pleasure, while the result was always positive.

The recipe was passed on to patients by nutritionists and was not known to the general population, so it did not enjoy popularity. After the recipe was published in the media, magic soup there were a lot of fans. The reason was that the dish does not burden the digestion process and effectively eliminates extra pounds.

Soup Diet Principles

Nutritionists in the fight against extra pounds come up with new recipes and methods to diversify the menu for those who are losing weight. It's time for soups. Such food is easily digested by the body and does not overload the digestive system.

With a diet, fat-burning soup (this is noted in the reviews) can be eaten 4 times a day, and it is not addictive. Serving size should be reasonable in size. There is a strict rule that you can eat soup no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. The body needs time to process and assimilate the food eaten.

Secret useful properties soup is in the water on the basis of which it is prepared. The liquid instantly fills the stomach and stretches its walls. Therefore, a person feels a pleasant feeling of fullness and satiety.

Nutritionists have studied the properties of vegetables, and only a few of them were included in the soup. Its basis is mushroom, fish, meat or vegetable broth, which is determined by the personal preferences of the person himself. Soup is slightly salted, but seasoning in large quantities should be avoided.

There are many recipes for such dishes, so the menu can be diversified, you can use soups several times a day, if there are no contraindications.

The soup diet continues for 7 days. After the expiration of this period, losing weight needs to return to their usual diet. Such a diet can be repeated no earlier than after 5-6 months.

Fat Burning Soup Composition

Currently, there are many varieties of such dishes. The classic recipe for fat-burning soup, according to reviews, includes the following components:

  1. Chicken bouillon. Reduces appetite, improves digestion, soothes the gastric mucosa and intestines. Low calorie content, therefore suitable for soup base the best way.
  2. Potato. In a boiled form, the tuber is very useful for losing weight, because it contains many vitamins and quickly saturates the body. The starch in potatoes does not affect dietary properties soup.
  3. Carrot. The vegetable is great for losing weight, because it contains many minerals, as well as coarse fibers, contributes to the saturation of the body.
  4. Kohlrabi cabbage. The vegetable includes a large number of vitamins and minerals, so nutritionists advise adding it to soup.
  5. Onion. Due to its low calorie content and special properties, it is able to remove fat deposits from the body along with toxins and toxins.
  6. Dill. The seasoning cleanses the intestines and suppresses hunger, and also prevents the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.
  7. Garlic. It breaks down fat molecules perfectly.
  8. Tomatoes. The vegetable has a low calorie content and is the main source of vitamin A. Together with carrots, kohlrabi and onions, tomatoes completely preserve the carbohydrate balance.
  9. Black ground pepper... It is used as a spice and stimulates metabolism.
  10. Chicken fillet... The product is the main source of protein in the soup.
  11. Basil. The plant can be used both dry and fresh as a seasoning.

Each component of the fat burning soup for weight loss, according to reviews, performs all the functions intended for it and effectively fights extra pounds.

Fat Burning Celery Soup Recipe

There are several varieties of these dishes. Celery diet completely safe if the person does not have kidney disease. This soup can be consumed by pregnant and lactating women, because it perfectly satisfies hunger. It can be eaten in large quantities.

According to reviews, fat-burning celery soup with tomato is very popular due to several factors:

  • low product cost;
  • strong fat burning properties;
  • low calorie content;
  • cleansing qualities;
  • improve digestion.

To make the soup you will need following products: celery root (300 g), cabbage (500 g), tomatoes (4 pcs.), pepper (4 pcs.) and greens in the form of parsley and dill.

Celery soup is best cooked on chicken broth... Vegetables are peeled and cut at random. Add to broth and cook for 10 minutes. Turning off the heat, add greens to the dish. Then the soup is tightly covered with a lid and infused for 15 minutes. Now it is completely ready to use.

During the cooking period, you can fry the celery in oil, then the soup will get an unusual taste.

It is best to cook such a dish without salt if the person who is losing weight can tolerate such food normally.

When using fat-burning soup, according to reviews, 8 kg or more per week go away irrevocably. You should also drink at least 3 liters of fluid a day.

How to make celery puree soup

During the period of the diet on this dish, it can be cooked in a mushy consistency. Reviews of the recipe for fat-burning celery soup are completely positive.

One of the cooking options is as follows:

  1. The onions are peeled, chopped and fried in a little olive oil.
  2. When golden brown add tomatoes or tomato paste.
  3. Peel and chop some of the cabbage, celery, a few onions and carrots.
  4. Put vegetables in a saucepan, pour over the required amount water and put on fire.
  5. After boiling, the soup is cooked for 15 minutes over high heat and half an hour over low heat.
  6. When the vegetables become soft, then add the pre-cooked frying.
  7. After boiling, the soup is cooked for a few more minutes, then it is turned off.
  8. Beat the cooled dish with a blender until smooth.

Before use, it is allowed to add to the soup soy sauce taste.

Mayo Clinic Prescription

The Mayo Clinic is the largest medical center in the world. It was founded in 1889. The clinic is located in the city of Rochester, and its buildings occupy a significant part of the locality.

Fat burning mayo soup the reviews are positive, it is included in the menu of patients of military hospitals. Before heart surgery, if the patient has overweight to avoid complications, a special diet is prescribed.

Characteristic feature fat-burning soup is that it, by reducing weight, additionally enriches the blood with hemoglobin. As a result, preparation for the operation takes place.

All components included in the diet not only allow you to lose weight, but also serve to strengthen the body:

  • celery root, tomatoes, cabbage, paprika, herbs, onions;
  • vegetable broth, tea without sugar, cranberry juice;
  • beef and broth from it, milk, kefir;
  • baked potatoes with butter;
  • rice, beans, bananas;
  • fruit juice, fruit.

Beef is advised to eat 2 days in a row out of 7. Sometimes it is replaced with chicken and be sure to remove the skin from it. Fish can completely replace meat if the need arises.

The menu is guaranteed not to harm the body. Everything is designed to maintain and improve the physical tone of a person. In military hospitals, the military is treated, they return to service full of strength.

Alcoholic drinks, sweets, fried, smoked and starchy foods are prohibited.

Drinking water is necessary at will, there are no restrictions on its amount.

If during the day a person has a feeling of hunger, then he should eat Mayo's fat-burning soup included in the diet, the reviews of which are completely positive.

The basic principles of the menu include:

  • do not need to be considered daily amount calories;
  • do not limit the number of meals;
  • take food at will, and not under duress.

The slimming effect will be fully achieved if you exercise at least three times a week. If there are no power loads, then you can count on half of the result.

Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup Method

There are several ways to prepare this famous dish... Fat-burning Mayo soup, reviews of which are positive, is prepared from the following products:

  • 6 medium-sized onions;
  • the same number of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg head of cabbage;
  • 1 root or bunch of celery
  • 2 pcs. green pepper;
  • vegetable or onion broth.

All products are pre-washed and cleaned. Scald tomatoes with boiling water and peel them off.

All vegetables are put into the boiling broth, which are medium-cut. The soup is brought to a boil and only then the tomatoes are added. Cook for 30 minutes on the lowest heat.

Mayo Clinic Menu

The food system does not involve counting calories. In addition to the fat-burning soup, the Mayo Clinic diet, according to reviews, contains the following types of foods, distributed by day of the week:

  1. Includes soup and fruit. The quantity is not limited. Juice, unsweetened tea and coffee.
  2. Soup, any vegetables except potatoes. You can include more greens in your diet. It is forbidden to eat fruits and sweets on this day.
  3. Fruits, vegetables and soup. By this time, those losing weight notice that they have got rid of half of their excess weight.
  4. Bananas are on the menu. Thus, the intestines are strengthened, due to the consumed foods, which weaken.
  5. With a meat day, there is a restoration of strength. Beef is used in such quantity that it is enough for one meal. However, it can only be eaten after the soup. Usually 800 g of beef is enough per day. Losing weight notices that a small amount of food is enough for him to saturate. This is how the effect of fat burning soup manifests itself, the reviews and the result of the use of which are completely positive.
  6. On this day, they eat soup, then vegetables and only then meat. There should be at least 3 such meals per day. They also have a snack with soup and fruits. But many people who lose weight do not want this, because the stomach has taken on a certain size.
  7. On the last day, eating brown rice acts as a bowel cleanser, then fruit juice and then fat-burning soup. It has fulfilled its function and therefore ranks last in the menu.

During the period of weight loss, it is imperative to keep a diary and constantly weigh yourself on an empty stomach. After that, objectively assess the situation and proceed to next day diet taking into account the detected errors.

When using fat-burning soup, 8 kg per week, according to those who are losing weight, you can lose if you follow all the recommendations of nutritionists. You need to completely remove from the diet junk food, especially alcohol. After exiting the diet, to maintain the result, you must follow a carefully thought-out menu, which will allow you to maintain a stable weight.

The benefits and harms of fat burning soup

TO positive properties this dish includes:

  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body, thanks to plant composition soup;
  • getting rid of negative consequences fasting (constipation or diarrhea);
  • weight loss without harm to the body;
  • normalization of appetite;
  • the ability to consume soup without limiting its amount.

To the main advantages soup diet it can be attributed to the fact that losing weight receives all the necessary vitamins with the dish. Therefore, the state of health will not be under threat, and such a nutritional system will not harm the body.

Such a dish can also lead to negative consequences. It should not be consumed for an extended period of time, maximum 7 days. Otherwise, the body will lose a lot of weight, which will negatively affect its health.

If a person decides to lose weight on fat-burning soup, reviews of which are positive, he should definitely visit a specialist and get tested. If someone who is losing weight is found to have anemia or diabetes mellitus, then it is strictly forbidden to eat the dish.

If a person suffers from diseases of the digestive tract, which are in an exacerbation stage, then you should not include fat-burning soups in the diet for losing weight. It is also not recommended to eat it for problems with the liver and gallbladder.

People who have problems with the genitourinary system should refrain from eating soup with celery.

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 780 Kcal.

This diet is named after a well-known medical institution in the United States, whose specialists are engaged not only in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, but also help those wishing to fight overweight... This diet is calculated for one week. For a seven-day dietary path, you can lose up to 4-5 kilograms of unnecessary fat ballast. The Mayo diet staple is lightweight diet soup... Let's take a look at the rules this method slimming details.

Mayo diet requirements

So, soup, acting on the elimination of fat, will help to lose weight. To prepare it, you will need the following products: 2-3 medium-sized tomatoes (you can also use canned tomatoes in the cold season), a head of cabbage, green bell pepper(2 pcs.), Celery (bunch) and a couple of cubes of vegetable broth. Grind all ingredients and send to a saucepan with boiling water. Season the dish with salt. Add a little curry or something if desired. hot sauce to give the product taste... The main thing is that the added seasonings at the same time do not add an abundant amount extra calories... The calorie content of the soup itself is very low, so eat it as much as you need to satisfy your hunger. But don't overeat. This is important, even in order not to stretch the stomach and not to eat at the end of the diet. large portions dishes. Advice: if you leave home during the day, do not starve. Pour the soup to-go in a thermos so you can grab some Mayo-approved food when you need it.

Except the soup in different days other foods are also allowed on a diet: fruits, vegetables, milk, rice, meat (they will be described in more detail in the Menu section). These foods, like soup, should be consumed when you feel hungry. But do not eat dinner just before bed, and be sure to focus on the soup. For example, you should not eat 3 kg of fruit and a little bit of soup. Focus on your well-being and individual characteristics of the body.

The rest of the products at the time of losing weight are prohibited. Of drinks besides pure water From time to time, you can treat yourself to empty tea or coffee, as well as juices from permitted fruits and vegetables. Milk is allowed one day. It is recommended to exclude other drinks. The ban on alcohol is especially important. Even the smallest amount of it can significantly minimize the results of weight loss. In addition, this kind of liquids provoke appetite, and therefore the chances of breaking down increase dramatically. By the way, it is recommended to stop consuming alcohol of any kind at least one day before starting the diet. So it is not worth going on the Mayo diet after a plentiful feast, not without alcohol.

So, if you want to soon enjoy a body that has been modified for the better, always remember the basic dietary items:

  • do not deviate from daily recommendations;
  • weigh yourself every day on an empty stomach to track how the weight goes away;
  • do not bring yourself to acute bouts of hunger, if you feel it, immediately turn to soup;
  • be sure to peel off any fat from meat, and skin from poultry;
  • to improve the results from the diet, it is recommended to play sports, at least 30 minutes daily (do exercises on problem areas of the body and do not forget about cardio loads, this will help the calories burn more actively).

Mayo Diet Menu

First day
You need to eat soup and fruits (anything other than bananas). Fruits are preferable to those that do not contain starch and are higher in calories. You can eat up to 1.5 kg of fruit per day.

Second day
In preference, soup and vegetables that are allowed to be consumed in any form (raw, canned, baked, steamed). It is undesirable to introduce only dried legumes, corn and green pea... For lunch today, it is recommended to eat some baked potatoes, to which, as an exception, you can add a little vegetable oil.

The third day
In the diet, soup, fruits and vegetables allowed on the two previous dietary days.

The fifth day
Today's menu includes soup, lean meat (beef is recommended), tomatoes. The portion of meat, which you can pamper yourself with, is quite generous - you are allowed to eat up to 800 g. If you are eating less, of course, you should not eat so much. But do not save too much, at least 300 g of meat per day is worth consuming. It's already the fifth day of the diet, and the body needs strength.

Sixth day
The diet, like the previous one, consists of soup, meat (preferably beef) and vegetables (preferably green). In general, all vegetables are allowed except potatoes.

Seventh day
Allowed soup, known to us, rice (it is recommended to opt for brown unpeeled), vegetables, freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice... Vegetables, if desired, can be seasoned with curry sauce.

Mayo diet contraindications

Contraindications to following the rules of the Mayo diet are the presence of diabetes mellitus, anemia, as well as such a psychological and eating disorder as bulimia.

It is forbidden to lose weight in this way and pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, adolescents, people with chronic ailments of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.

Benefits of the Mayo Diet

  1. The advantages of this method of transforming a figure include its effectiveness. As a rule, plumb lines begin to delight in the first 2-3 days, and the total weight loss per week for some is up to 8 kilograms.
  2. Also, the advantages of the Mayo diet include the fact that it was developed by professional nutritionists, does not force you to starve and does not re-read the principles of proper nutrition, being a flexible approach to healthy way life and transformation of the figure at the same time.
  3. Almost every day, the diet is somewhat modernized, supplemented, and therefore the body will not suffer from a shortage nutrients, and the mood will not deteriorate from the monotony of the diet.
  4. Weight on this diet, as a rule, goes away, though noticeably, but smoothly, without jumps, which does not frighten the body and does not affect health.
  5. When returning from a diet to balanced nutrition the result of losing weight can be kept indefinitely.

Disadvantages of the Mayo diet

The calorie content of the diet is still quite low, and not all of this set of products is enough to feel cheerful, to be full of strength and energy.

Not everyone likes the taste of the soup (even after adding curry or other sauce), which must be constantly eaten on this diet. Tip: Try this soup before dieting. If you realize that you are completely unbearable to eat it, of course, you should choose another option for improving the figure. Don't torture yourself.

Re-administering the Mayo diet

In fact, the diet can be extended somewhat. If you haven't lost your weight before the right amount kilogram, experts do not prohibit sitting on a diet for some more time (for example, a total of two weeks). But it is not recommended to stick to this diet longer. If you want to lose weight further, return to Mayo at least after another two weeks, or better, more time.

The Mayo Clinic diet is based on soups that neutralize fat and prevent it from being stored in the body. It is based on good nutrition.

The diet is varied and includes fish, meat, vegetables (it is recommended to avoid root vegetables, including root parsley and celery), but you can eat beets and carrots. Vegetarians can instead meat products eat soy. The basic principle is to strictly follow the recommendations. If a person experiences excruciating hunger between meals, the Mayo Diet recommends soup.

While dieting, you need to exercise or visit the gym.

What is prohibited

  • Any fried food, pastries, bread;
  • Alcoholic drinks including beer. They prevent the elimination of fat from the body;
  • Natural honey, sugar, sweets, cakes and pastries;
  • Carbohydrate drinks. We drink green or black tea, as well as natural black coffee without sugar.

What is allowed

  • unsweetened juices
  • beef can be replaced with chicken or lean fish
  • You can eat any time you feel acute hunger, but fat-burning soup is the only thing that the Mayo Clinic diet allows.

To whom the diet is contraindicated

The Mayo Diet was developed by American medical practitioners. Before putting it into practice, experts conducted numerous studies that revealed contraindications to this nutritional program for people suffering from stomach ulcers, diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract: colitis, peptic ulcer.

Therefore, before applying the diet, a doctor's consultation is required.

Basic menu

1st day: soup and fruit

In addition to soup, the diet includes apples, unsweetened pears, and watermelon. Bananas are excluded. You can drink cranberry juice, black coffee, tea without sugar, water.

2nd day: soup and vegetable salads

Any vegetable salad. Green salad, which is eaten with soup. Avoid beans, peas, and corn.

3rd day: soup, fruits and vegetables

You can eat any fruits and vegetables with the soup (except potatoes). You can drink as much water as you want.

4th day: soup, vegetables, fruits,

All vegetables and fruits are allowed, including bananas. However, you can eat no more than 3 bananas. The amount of consumption of other fruits is not limited. We eat soup and drink a lot of water.

5th day: soup, meat, tomatoes

Beef or veal (300-800 g), fresh or canned tomatoes, soup.

6th day: soup, leafy vegetables, beef

Beef or veal is unlimited (eat your fill, but don't overeat). Leafy vegetable salad, herbs. Not allowed baked potato... Drink plenty of water.

7th day: soup, vegetables, rice, juice

You can add non-peeled (brown) rice to the soup, or eat it separately with vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and herbs. Vegetables can be cooked with curry.

Cranberry juice (or any other unsweetened fruit) and water are allowed.


Many of the products used to make soup are interchangeable. For example, instead of broccoli, you can use any other variety of cabbage: white cabbage, cauliflower, Peking cabbage or sauerkraut.

Celery can be replaced with parsley, ragan, dill, lettuce.

Fat Burning Soup Recipes

The Mayo Clinic's Fat Burning Soup diet is the main ingredient, based on low calorie content. Giving a feeling of satiety low calorie soup due to its volume, composition, high energy consumption for the digestion process, it contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the cleansing and overall health of the body.

Spinach soup


  • onion (1 pc.)
  • vegetable oil
  • 300-400 g spinach (can be frozen)
  • 120 ml milk
  • clove of garlic
  • parsley and dill


Lightly fry finely chopped onion and garlic in hot oil. Add spinach and simmer until soft. Salt. Add milk. Bring to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes. When the soup has cooled slightly, beat with a mixer. The soup is served cold with herbs.

Soup with tomato juice


  • tomato juice - 1200 ml
  • celery greens (or root) - 200 g
  • onions - 6 pcs.
  • cauliflower (small forks)
  • green beans in pods -400 g
  • green bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • fresh tomatoes - 700 g
  • lean beef broth - 700 ml
  • parsley and dill


Chop vegetables finely and fill them tomato juice and broth. The liquid should completely cover the vegetables. Bring the soup to a boil and then continue to cook for 30 minutes over low heat until tender. Add salt, pepper, chopped herbs.

Note: if you are on a diet, you can take a special multivitamin complex.

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People who are adept at losing weight are familiar with breakdowns and overeating. Rigid diets, in addition to harm to physical health, bring psychological inconvenience and force you to pounce on high-calorie foods. Adhere to a type of food that does not impose restrictions on the amount of food and allows you to eat food day and night, which is much easier.

Fat-burning soup and the Mayo diet are one of those - you can eat enough, and weight loss will be rapid.

What is this food

Fat Burning Soup - vegetable dish with a minimum of calories. It is a staple on the Mayo Clinic diet. The creation of the prescription is credited to doctors at the Mayo Clinic American Research Center, which, among others, studies the problem of obesity.

By type, the Mayo diet is also related to tough ones, but it is easier to tolerate like those. At each meal, those who are losing weight consume an unlimited amount of fat-burning soup and additional foods from the list of allowed. The set of the latter changes every day, does not have time to bother. A person creates illusions of a variety of diet, the absence of restrictions, and he wants to be frustrated less.

Classic soup recipe

On the Internet, there are variations of fat-burning stew, but the principle is the same: only vegetables in the composition. Classic version prepared from the following set:

  • 5-6 medium-sized onions;
  • Head of cabbage;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 2 sweet peppers;
  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • Vegetable broth;
  • Spices to taste.

The ingredients are washed, cut into small cubes. At the same time, everything is unloaded into a deep saucepan, poured with broth and cooked until the cabbage is cooked. Spices are placed at the end of cooking and are limited minimal set... It is better to give preference in seasonings natural pepper, curry, cilantro, a little salt. Avoid sets of spices; flavor enhancers are often present in the composition.

The broth is also boiled on its own. Take unnecessary stalks, pepper seeds, celery leaves and carrots for him. Rinse the ingredients, cover with water and boil for 15-30 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and used in a fat-burning soup.

If you don't have the time or inclination to bother with chopping, cut the food into 4 pieces. At the end of cooking, beat the brew with a blender. You will get a vegetable puree soup, which is even more pleasant to eat than in the first version. Especially those who are turned back by boiled onions.

A serving of these ingredients will last for 4-7 days. For beginners in losing weight on fat burning soup, it is better to reduce the amount of products by 2-3 times. Classic taste may not suit you. And there is a freshly made soup more pleasant than one that stood in the refrigerator for a week.

How does it taste

Broth cooked over classic recipe, has a pronounced aroma of celery. Similar to a neutral vegetable dish with the addition of a versatile soup base... Five onions in the composition are not felt.

For those who cannot stand celery, the plant can be removed from the list of ingredients. Then the taste of the fat-burning soup will be dominated by tomatoes with a characteristic sourness. If you're afraid to lose in flavor, replace celery with a bunch of cilantro, dill, or other greens.

Diet rules and menus

It is recommended to eat at the clinic system often and in small portions. Mayo soup for weight loss is the basis of every meal. You cannot supplement the chowder with sour cream, mayonnaise, or other sauces. It is allowed to eat what is initially allowed.

From drinks it is worth leaving clean still water no sweeteners. Try to drink 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. If you are unable to refuse tea or coffee, drink 1-2 times a day and without additives. We remove alcohol, drinks with sugar for a week.

Weekly food basket consists of the same vegetables, fruits and indulgence in the form of rare pieces lean meat... For 7 days, the alignment is as follows.

  1. For Monday or the first day of the diet, a load of fruits and berries is permissible. You can eat seasonal fruits, excluding high-calorie bananas and grapes. In the summer, it is good to eat watermelons. They consist mainly of fiber and water, in the pulp there are 27 kcal per 100 g. In the fall, winter, and spring, eat avocados. The fruit will give monounsaturated fatty acid, to get which from food with such a meager diet is problematic.
  2. Green leafy vegetables, cucumbers and 3-4 medium potatoes are allowed. The first is consumed in any form, without additives. Potatoes should be lightly greased olive oil, salt, pepper and bake.
  3. On Wednesday, eat kale, spinach, herbs, and cucumbers with low-calorie fruits... Legumes, potatoes and others starchy vegetables exclude.
  4. On the fourth day, a set of the third remains with a relaxation in the form of 3 bananas and a liter low-fat milk... Make a smoothie or a bite to eat, just remember to get enough of the soup first.
  5. The fifth day is meat. A fed up vegetable stew is diversified with 500 grams of raw meat - lean beef, turkey, chicken breast or a rabbit - and 3 tomatoes. Add protein to the main meal or bake with tomatoes and a sprig of basil.
  6. A pound of meat, leafy vegetables and cucumbers are left for Saturday.
  7. On the last, 7th day, eat brown rice - 100g dry, unlimited green vegetables and unsweetened fruits. It is allowed to make juices and smoothies from the latter. Steam the rice, divide into 2 meals and add a vegetable salad.

The rest of the restrictions and rules are standard for diets designed for weight loss. Before switching to the Mayo Clinic nutrition type, it is recommended that those who are losing weight visit a doctor and find out if the body is ready for such loads. During the diet, it is worth increasing physical activity... Avoid strength and high-intensity exercise, which is unlikely to have enough energy.

How long does the soup last?

The Mayo diet is designed for a week, but fat-burning soup is allowed on other days. Substitute them for food in your usual diet, and losing weight or maintaining weight will go unnoticed. Another thing is that by the 7th day, the vegetable fat-burning stew gets bored completely. You don't want to eat it already for 2-3 days, there are products from the list of allowed.

Once you have become accustomed to such a system, repeating the 7-day cycle continuously is useless. Over time, the body adapts to the calorie content. The weight will stand up or worse, go up from the cabbage leaf. And losing weight by more than a kilogram per week is dangerous. A sharp reduction in fat mass leads to problems with the skin, hair, teeth, and the reproductive system in women.

How much can you reset?

The result of losing weight with the Mayo diet depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the diet. Among them:

  • Exercise stress. How more calories burn in training, the greater the energy deficit will have to be replenished from fat reserves.
  • The amount of food eaten. The amount of permitted products is conditionally unlimited, but because you won't be able to eat a lot of vegetables. But if you overuse sweet fruits, avocados or rice, it is possible to go overboard with calories.
  • Water balance. If earlier they drank little water, sipped with alcohol and salty food, the body was stocked up with fluid. With the restoration of water balance and healthy diet there is no need for this, the swelling goes away and the extra pounds go away too.
  • Initial parameters. Big ladies weighing 90-110 kg drop 5-7 per cycle. In women with a slight excess of weight, it leaves from 2 to 5 kg. Obese men lose 6-8 kg.

What is the secret of the type of food

The results of the diet are due to a sharp reduction in calories. From a complete set of products in a recipe, you will get 5 liters of soup. There are 1,375 calories in the whole serving. This is the norm that covers the basic exchange of a slender woman.

But you will not master all the stew in a day. If you take 250 ml per serving and eat 3 times a day, eat 206 calories with one fat-burning brew. Plus you will get 200-400 with vegetables and fruits, 936 - with lean beef and 325 with rice. The daily deficit will be from 200 to 1,000 calories.

Pros and cons of the Mayo diet

Of the obvious advantages, losing weight attracts quick care weight. Restoring water balance and drastic reduction daily calorie content 5-7 times will not allow even the most stubborn kilograms to hold on. The Mayo System also allows you to:

  • Save time on cooking - cook fat-burning stew for 2-3 days and store in the refrigerator;
  • Snack anywhere - the soup is poured into a bottle or thermos and is drunk even on the go;
  • Save money for new clothes for your wardrobe - a set of ingredients for a brew for a week will cost 300 rubles;
  • Don't feel hungry. If you wanted to eat, you ate.

But not everything is so rosy. The type of food also has disadvantages. Offhand come to mind 3.

  1. Only a true connoisseur will withstand vegetable broths... Eating a dish every day is hard. The taste of celery, which is interesting at first, is disgusting by 3 days.
  2. For an adult, the daily calorie intake is too low. Fatigue, bad mood and well-being are guaranteed.
  3. The body will start looking for additional sources of energy by 2-3 days. And make the brain want sweets, starchy foods and others fast carbohydrates much easier than dealing with the processing of fat reserves. Expect to the middle of the diet a sharp urge to quit and break loose and do not give up on the way to the goal.

To whom is the diet contraindicated?

The Mayo Express Diet should be abandoned for teens and seniors. This nutritional system, despite the relative indulgence in the menu, is a heavy burden for the body. Only a healthy person can adhere to it.

Mayo Clinic Meal Type Not Suitable:

  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Patients with diabetes;
  • People with gastrointestinal problems, liver and kidney problems;
  • An organism weakened by other diseases.

If the problem is temporary, first it is worth recovering and only after looking at the fat-burning stew. If the disease is chronic, choose a gentle type of diet.

How to maintain weight?

After the system, as well as after other hard express diets, the lost kilograms quickly come back. In a bad scenario - also with a gain. For this reason, you need to step out of the Mayo Clinic food type gradually and correctly.

Until the body recovers, does not get used to healthy food and acceptable portions, you will have to count calories. Determine the required daily exchange using the available formulas and stick to the corridor with some deficit. You can lose weight and maintain weight with any set of foods, entering the food eaten into the established calorie content.

If the goal is not just a slim, but also a toned body, you will have to work with the diet. Avoid food with added sugar, baked goods made from 1st grade flour, fatty protein foods, ready-made sauces, margarines and semi-finished products. Focus on complex carbs, lean meats, vegetables and fruits. Even with such a meager set, the diet will be satisfying and varied. In addition, proper nutrition is a sure and simple way to get slim.

The Mayo Clinic diet is based on consumption vegetable soup prepared according to special recipe... According to forecasts, in a week of such a regimen, you can lose up to 6-7 kg (depending on the initial weight).

Also, success depends on how strictly you adhere to the recommendations. Many people lose about 4 kg on such a diet. Only people with a very high initial weight can lose more.

Researchers believe that given diet was developed in the United States for rapid weight loss in obese patients in preparation for surgery. It is good because the soup is allowed to be eaten in large quantities, and this excludes a strong feeling of hunger.

The good news: Mayo Diet Soup can be consumed in any amount!

Basic principles of the diet

  • When following the diet, it is forbidden to eat or drink any food that is not provided for in the diet plan;
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  • You cannot swap the diet menu by day or add new ingredients;
  • Spend half an hour daily to active training: walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.;
  • If you have a breakdown, then the diet will have to start from the first day;
  • It is allowed to observe such a diet until the weight is completely normalized, but you need to do one or two loading days in between seven-day periods;
  • You need to eat soup at least 3 times a day;
  • The amount of water consumed must be increased to 1.5-2 liters daily;
  • Salting the soup is allowed only before use, trying not to oversalt;
  • You can consume oil only once a week - on the day when baked potatoes are allowed.

Mayo soup recipe

To make the famous Mayo Clinic Fat Burning Soup, you will need:

  • 1 small head of cabbage;
  • 6 medium onions;
  • several tomatoes (canned);
  • 2 green peppers;
  • 1 bunch of celery (or celery root)
  • 2 cubes of vegetable (or onion) broth;

Spices and seasonings are also useful:

  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Spicy sauce;
  • Curry.

Rinse and peel vegetables. Blanch the tomatoes or peel them off in another way. Chop all vegetables and put in water. Adjust the amount of water according to your own preference, but the soup should not be too thick. Cook until softened over medium heat, but not less than 10 minutes after boiling water. Season before serving.

Description of the diet by day

You won't be eating soup alone! Each day has its own complementary foods that you can eat to your fill. In addition, all foods should be prepared without added fat and with moderate amounts of salt. Food can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, or microwave oven and also steam. Frying is strictly prohibited.

  • 1st day. You can add any fruit to the menu, except for bananas. In addition to water, you can drink tea and coffee without sugar and milk, as well as cranberry juice;
  • 2nd day. Any vegetables and leafy greens... It is strictly forbidden to consume legumes, green peas and corn, as their combination with soup can lead to an upset stomach. On this day for lunch, you can eat a portion of baked potatoes with butter;
  • 3rd day. Fruits and vegetables (except potatoes);
  • 4th day. Fruits and vegetables, including bananas (but not more than 3). You can drink boiled milk;
  • 5th day. 300-800 g of beef and raw or canned tomatoes. Canned Tomatoes you can not eat more cans, fresh - as much as you want;
  • 6th day. Beef and vegetables. Especially it is worth giving preference to leafy vegetables and herbs, but no potatoes;
  • 7th day. Brown rice, vegetables and fruit juice. The juice should not be store-bought or sweetened.

The second stage of the diet

The "soup period" is just the first of two stages. The second involves restructuring your eating habits for a healthier regimen. Preference should be given to cereals, fresh vegetables and fruit. Eat meat occasionally and preferably cooked dietary way... The least common thing to include in your diet is sweets and other high glycemic index foods.

Do you like experiments? Try making a creamy soup or adding carrots!

They can only be eaten "on holidays" and in very limited quantities. In addition, you should also exit the diet gradually over several days. First, you should include porridge, bran and whole wheat bread(Once a day), then milk and vegetable oil(1-2 tablespoons per day) and gradually bring food to a healthy level.

Diet options

Over time, people on a diet got bored of eating soup by original recipe, and other ingredients were added to it - such as carrots, zucchini, spinach, herbs, etc. However, one can come across the opinion that even such innocent changes in the composition negatively affect the effectiveness of the soup.

Contraindications and disadvantages of the diet

The main disadvantage is that the diet still lacks important vitamins and minerals for humans, so get a multivitamin complex. In addition, people with medical conditions digestive system before starting this diet, you need to consult your doctor. Constant eating mayo soup can lead to exacerbation of stomach ulcers or pancreatic diseases.

Plus, the soup can cause common heartburn. And remember, don't feast immediately after stopping your diet. Since she is associated with quick loss weight, the resumption of an unhealthy diet can lead to the return of lost pounds with interest. In any case, it is worth consulting a gastroenterologist or nutritionist prior to starting this diet.

Mayo Diet Results

Most people who have experienced the Mayo diet for themselves describe it as pleasant and quite satisfactory. With the concomitant intake of a multivitamin complex, it is well tolerated and does not lead to a deterioration in health - even with prolonged adherence to such a diet.

In addition, fans of this diet do not feel a shortage of food, because soup and other foods prescribed by the diet can be consumed in sufficient quantity for saturation. Mayo soup itself is low in calories, which makes it problematic to significantly exceed useful calories diet. High-calorie foods are limited or excluded from the menu.