The harm and benefits of still water. Is carbonated water suitable for weight loss?

21.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Carbonated water is a popular refreshing drink especially popular on hot days. Soda is enriched with carbon dioxide, additives, flavor enhancers, and sugar are added to it. There is such water in nature, but it is extremely rare. Beverages with chemical impurities are usually found on store shelves. We will help you figure out what harmful and useful properties of carbonated water can be.


Natural soda is rare, so ordinary soda water is saturated with carbon dioxide. Carbon allows you to kill all harmful microorganisms that can be found in ordinary flowing liquid. This water tastes better than ordinary water, it refreshes and quenches thirst better. But many experts argue about whether carbonated water is useful.

The following positive properties stand out:

  • Quick thirst quencher.
  • Strengthening the walls of the stomach.
  • An increase in gastric acid content is prescribed for low acidity.
  • Cell nutrition thanks to carbon dioxide.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Improving blood supply.
  • Improving the activity of the central nervous system.
  • An increase in the content of hemoglobin in the blood, which is important with low values.
  • Support of acid-base balance in the human body.
  • Protection of bones and muscles from destruction due to calcium and magnesium in the composition.

But all the positive properties (with the exception of quick thirst quenching) apply only to natural carbonated water. Common drinks, especially with sugar and chemical additives, cannot improve the functioning of the internal systems of the human body. And for women, and for men, and for children, such water will not bring any benefit. On the contrary, depending on the chemical composition, it can impair the functioning of the gastrointestinal system.


They talk about the dangers of carbonated water much more often than about its positive properties. All over the world, it is drunk often and in large quantities, both by adults and children. The negative consequences that the consumption of soda can lead to are as follows:

  • Exacerbation of gastritis.
  • With frequent use, stomach ulcers can develop.
  • Bloating.
  • Heartburn.
  • Dysfunction of the pancreas.
  • The development of diabetes mellitus while taking sweet soda.
  • Destruction of tooth enamel.
  • Addiction to synthetic flavor enhancers.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Risk of genetic disorders due to a number of artificial preservatives.
  • Development of atherosclerosis.

At the same time, it is not natural or mineral soda that is harmful to the human body, but one that contains dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and a large amount of sugar. It is not necessary to completely abandon tasty drinks of this kind if there are no individual contraindications. But don't use it often. Most of the negative consequences do not apply to natural mineral water.

Diet properties

Speaking about the dietary and beneficial properties of carbonated water, it is necessary to distinguish between natural and store-bought sweet. The effects of these drinks are completely different.

Plain soda water helps to strengthen the stomach and quench thirst. For eating disorders and the need to normalize appetite, it can only be useful. Therefore, it is prescribed for a therapeutic dietary menu for different patients. Both for patients with RIP and for people with low stomach acidity. But also in limited quantities, it is impossible to completely replace ordinary water with it.

Sweet store soda, the composition of which is saturated with sugar and many harmful substances, will have a negative effect on health and weight loss. It contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel, leads even healthy people to indigestion, and can cause peptic ulcer disease. It is absolutely contraindicated for patients with diabetes mellitus, even in small quantities (on the contrary, savory can be taken). Also, sweet water can become a serious cause for the development of obesity and cause real addiction.

Calorie content

The calorie content of ordinary carbonated water is not just minimal, it is absent altogether. 100 ml of plain soda, without impurities and flavor enhancers, is 0 kcal. There are no proteins, no fats, no carbohydrates in it at all. But the calorie content of sweet, on the contrary, is incredibly high. It is necessary to look at the nutritional value directly by brands, because different sodas have a different composition.


There are a number of contraindications to drinking carbonated water that must be taken into account without fail if you do not want to harm your body. These are contraindications:

  • Gastritis.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Allergy (relevant to water with additives) to the components of the composition.
  • Pregnancy.

Despite the fact that there are few contraindications to drinking carbonated water, there may be more negative consequences for human health. Not only the exacerbation of existing diseases is scary, but also the effects that can be caused by prolonged and regular use. Therefore, even if there are no contraindications, it is better to think twice before taking a bottle of refreshing soda from a store shelf on a hot day.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating

Absolutely all doctors forbid pregnant and lactating mothers to add carbonated water to their diet. Even plain soda, without additives, can cause heartburn, bloating and disturbed bowel movements, which negatively affect the baby and cause discomfort for the mother. And water filled with chemical components can cause serious harm to the development of the fetus, affecting the bones, not allowing them to form normally.

The ingredients of plain soda are not harmful to a newborn. But frequent use will also cause discomfort to the mother, leading to indigestion. For the entire period of gestation and feeding, any carbonated water should be abandoned. It is not even necessary to consult your doctor about this, because he will give a categorical refusal. Even if you have low stomach acidity and water with carbon dioxide, on the contrary, is shown for health.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value is relevant for the simplest soda, to which only carbon dioxide is added. For the human body, such water is practically harmless, which is not to say about the popular sweet. The nutritional value of soda saturated with additional components is individual and depends on the immediate composition.

The chemical composition is quite modest, vitamins are not included in it at all, only some trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. But the mineral composition can vary depending on what the water from the source is saturated with, where it was taken from. The composition of soda with additives will also differ. The specified composition is relevant only for plain sparkling water.

How to use

Soda water is simply drunk. And it is best to use it chilled: this increases the ability to quench your thirst. Soda is also added to some baked goods instead of regular water to add fluffiness. The dough loosens better under the influence of carbon dioxide, rises faster. Such “carbonated” bread is prepared all over the world, the first patent for recipes appeared in England, later it migrated to Germany, France and the USA. Sweet soda is widely used in the preparation of pies and cakes. But you shouldn't forget about the negative properties of drinks either. Often indulge yourself with citrus pies with "Fanta" is not worth it.


The shelf life of carbonated waters in a closed bottle is 6 months. In the open - only three days. It's okay if you haven't drunk the water during these three days. You can drink it. The drink will simply fizzle out, its taste will change. This is a matter of preference, many people like to drink sweet soda that has stood. The taste is less bright, the bubbles do not hit the nose. But it does not become less harmful for consumption.

Soda is stored in glass, plastic or tin containers. To increase its refreshing properties, keep it in the refrigerator before use (never in the freezer). There are no other special storage rules; soda is completely unpretentious in this matter.

How to choose

Soda differs in the degree of carbon dioxide saturation. There are three types: slightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated. But there is no need to worry about a large amount of carbon dioxide: the substance even in a highly carbonated drink is about 0.4%. The choice for this parameter will depend solely on personal preference.

When choosing, you need to look at:

  • Color. The water should be either just clear or completely uniform in color.
  • Compound. When purchasing soda with additives, give preference to products with herbal ingredients, herbs, natural juices.
  • The presence of sugar. With diabetes and obesity, drinking with sugar should become an absolute taboo, unless you want to aggravate your health by quenching your thirst.

When choosing soda and soft drinks, focus not only on your personal preferences, but also on the potential harm that the drink can cause. For stomach problems, obesity, diabetes, it is better to choose other drinks. Plain soda is also not one hundred percent safe, it can cause bloating, heartburn, disrupt intestinal motility and lead to gastrointestinal upset.

What is combined with

A variety of medicinal herbs are often added to mineral carbonated water, which enhances its medicinal properties. Additionally, such infusions have an antibacterial effect due to the saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide. Lemon can be added, it will increase thirst quenching properties and improve the taste of the drink. Suitable for mixing and other fruits and berries that you like directly.


Carbonated water raises a lot of controversy about the positive and negative properties for human health. Natural water benefits the body and quenches thirst perfectly. The popular sweet - on the contrary, is harmful to health, becomes the cause of stomach problems on the tooth enamel. But any soda is forbidden to use by pregnant and lactating mothers, because it can cause problems with intestinal motility and cause discomfort.

Carbonated drinks are irreparable harm to your health. The harm of carbonated drinks has been proven by many scientific experiments; they do not carry any benefits for the body as a whole. Even as a child, we were afraid that nails and razor blades dissolve in Coca-Cola. The funny thing is that this particular drink cleans even rust, and this is a fact. There are others. We often, without thinking about the consequences, buy cold soda in the summer heat, and it would be okay to drink it ourselves, but there are “kind” parents who sing to children with this chemical mixture. The huge acid content not only affects the delicate gastrointestinal tract of the child, but also flushes calcium from the bones, which is very important in the proper formation of the child's body. In general, if we talk about drinks, it is better to drink Coffee break, which has proven itself well. Today it is this coffee that is gaining great popularity, because it is a great break for any event. The harmfulness of carbonated drinks is obvious, and if you think that replacing tinted water with regular soda will save your health, you are not entirely right. Drinking artesian water with gas in hot summer, you will not quench your thirst and you will want to drink even more. So why are carbonated drinks really dangerous? Let's try to figure it out in stages.


It is clear that it is added to drinks to make them tasty and sweet. There are 5 tablespoons of sugar for one glass of carbonated drink. In the gourd, such drinks are consumed in liters. The result is an impressive sugar intake. And this can lead to diabetes mellitus, the development of caries, obesity, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases. The word “sugar” is not always present on the labels, I often rename it in order to inspire consumer confidence in the drink, it is desirable to know.


Everyone remembers the Soviet soda machines. Then all syrups were natural, and contained only fruits and berries. But in the modern world it is costly and unprofitable, so manufacturers add flavor enhancers and flavorings. Let's take a drink in our hands and look at the composition, what is there instead of fruit? The composition contains only: flavors identical to natural. Which natural? The key word here is "identical." This is another gimmick for shoppers to buy more drinks. Fragrances are chemical compounds! As a flavoring add sodium benzoate (E211), which has carcinogenic properties. If ascorbic acid is present in a carbonated drink, then the mixture turns into a time bomb, as a chemical reaction produces toxic benzene.

Carbon dioxide

Without it, soda will be colored water. By itself, it is not harmful. He brings trouble to those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Carbon dioxide irritates the gastric mucosa and can not only provoke an exacerbation of the disease, but also contribute to the transition of the disease to the next stage. Carbon dioxide, also known as carbon dioxide, kills the intestinal microflora. Soda also contains phosphates, which contribute to rapid aging. And with such drinks, they not only remove rust, but also wash toilets until they shine.

Used as preservatives citric acid (E 300), it dissolves tooth enamel and promotes the development of tooth decay. Also use orthophosphoric acid (E 338), which promotes the leaching of calcium from the body, which can lead to osteoporosis, a condition that occurs most often in older people. Also, preservatives contribute to the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

Should I drink soda?

So, before pampering yourself and your kids with soda, weigh the pros and cons. In this case, the bowl with "against" significantly outweighs the bowl "for". Do not kill the body and pass by "chemical" drinks.

It is best to prepare fruit drinks from berries, compotes at home and take them with you on the road. Or buy artesian water without gas.

Remember, man is his own enemy. In order not to be in a hospital bed ahead of time, carefully study the foods you eat. Take care of your health, as well as the health of children and loved ones.

Since childhood, most of us have fallen in love with drinks in which bubbles burst beautifully on the walls of a glass or bottle, and leave a pleasant tickling taste in the mouth. A lot of carbonated products are currently produced: from sweet water and mineral water to champagne and kvass. Quite a few people consume certain varieties every day: they quench their thirst, wash down their food and simply enjoy the familiar fizzy taste on the tongue. But are these drinks as safe as enjoyable and popular? It is worth learning more about them in order to consciously approach the choice.

What are they

Carbonated drinks are a special type of soft drinks that contain a certain liquid, carbon dioxide and related additives (sugar, dyes, etc.).

There are a lot of varieties of such drinks:

  • mineral water;
  • fruit water;
  • soda;
  • cider;
  • soda;
  • a sparkling wine;
  • champagne;
  • beer;
  • kvass.

Although these drinks are produced using different technologies, the results are similar.

Distinctive properties of this type of product:

  • refreshing effect;
  • pleasant taste;
  • sparkling (bubbles).

All these qualities have made this product very popular in many countries around the world. But this popularity did not come overnight. A lot of time passed before the soda that we know now appeared.

Bubble history

A natural sparkling drink (mineral water) has been consumed since ancient times. And for the first time the English chemist J. Priestley got soda artificially in 1767. A few years later, saturators were invented - apparatus for saturating water with carbon dioxide, and the first carbonated drinks went on sale.

However, such production turned out to be technically difficult and therefore not cheap. At the end of the XIX century. German entrepreneur and inventor J. Schwepp came up with a solution to the problem: instead of using a saturator, add ordinary baking soda and citric acid to the water. A chemical reaction took place, carbon dioxide was released. At the same time, the production process was much cheaper. The new method proved to be popular, and such water has since often been called soda. It was distinguished by a pleasant sour taste and increased effervescence. Subsequently, the production of Schwepp's drinks expanded significantly, forming the Schweppes trademark, which is now known.

Where are they made

Currently, the production of carbonated drinks is carried out in special factories. For saturation with carbon dioxide, two main technologies are used:

  • mechanical (using a siphon, saturator, acratophore, etc.);
  • chemical (the reaction of acid and soda or the addition of carbon dioxide during fermentation).

Alcohol free bubbles

The variety, purpose and manufacturing technology determine the composition of carbonated drinks.

For example, fruit water consists of purified water, natural juice and mechanically pumped carbon dioxide. Soda is a product made from water, citric acid, and baking soda. The familiar soda also contains purified water and carbon dioxide, as well as sugar and various sweeteners that create and enhance the intended taste. Carbonated soft drinks are usually saturated with carbon dioxide using siphons and saturators, while alcoholic drinks get their bubbles through a chemical reaction.

Fortress and gas

Sparkling wine and champagne contain a mixture of second-fermented grape wines (bubbles usually appear just during the fermentation process). And there is also a carbonated wine drink - it is called sparkling wine. It is also a mixture of fermented grape wines, only the saturation with carbon dioxide occurs not chemically, but mechanically - with the help of special devices.

Beer is composed of water, malt, hops, yeast, and various additives. The effervescence of this drink is achieved chemically.

A low-alcohol drink cider is made from a certain type of apple juice, subjected to yeast-free fermentation and saturated with carbon dioxide by a mechanical method.

Kvass, which is sold in stores, is made from water, malt, flour and bread, and is saturated with carbon dioxide before bottling.

Everybody knows

What are the most famous brands of carbonated drinks? Most of all soda is produced in the USA, these are such well-known names as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Schweppes, Fanta, Sprite, etc. The most famous domestic carbonated drink is Buratino. And also famous brands "Baikal" and "Tarhun". The latter was invented at the end of the 19th century in the Russian Empire. It is worth telling about it in more detail.

What is "Tarhun"

This unusual green drink was invented by the pharmacist Mitrofan Lagidze. At that time, the production of water with bubbles and the addition of sweet syrups was already established. In fact, these were sweet carbonated drinks known to us today, but only natural in composition.

The Tarhun drink was created back in 1887 by adding a fragrant extract to carbonated water with natural fruit syrups. The plant from which the extract was made is called the Caucasian tarragon, or tarragon. Thanks to him, the carbonated drink has an easily recognizable and pleasant taste, as well as a characteristic green color.

Beverage history

Through experiments, the resourceful pharmacist obtained new interesting flavors of fruit waters. Over time, the well-known enterprise "Lagidze Waters" appeared. The carbonated drinks he invented won the highest Russian and international awards at exhibitions in the early 20th century. Over the years, Lagidze supplied drinks for the Russian imperial court and the leadership of the USSR. By this fact, one can judge how high the quality of the products was and what various flavors it could boast of.

Currently, the original drink is produced with carbon dioxide injected into it. The color of the finished product is no longer green, but yellow, but for the convenience of customers it is still produced in green bottles. At present, the successor of the "Water Lagidze" enterprise is the Tikhvin lemonade plant (Tbilisi, Georgia).

There is also a soda with the taste of the Tarhun drink and of the same name. Of course, it is not natural: it contains dyes that create a green color and an original taste.

Now is the time to clarify the health risks soda can bring. Or maybe there is some benefit from them?

Health damage

We have all heard from childhood that it is not recommended to drink a lot of soda. But in what exactly is its negative effect on the body manifested? The harm of carbonated drinks lies not in carbon dioxide, but in preservatives that are used in the production of all sweet fizzy drinks: from Cola-Cola to Buratino. The most dangerous preservative is sodium benzoate. Used in large quantities or on an ongoing basis, it causes irreversible changes in the structure of DNA molecules. This can lead to various kinds of diseases, up to cancerous tumors.

Other synthetic substances that make up carbonated water are no more harmless. Even despite the fact that certain types of preservatives, coloring agents, flavor enhancers and sweeteners are allowed for use in industry, no one can give an exact guarantee that the company does not violate the technology bypassing the law. But if we assume that the concentration of preservatives does not exceed the permissible level, it is still difficult to overestimate the harm of carbonated drinks.

Increased incidence

Drinking large quantities of sweet soda leads to consequences such as:

  • change in the water-salt composition of the body;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity in children and adults;
  • impaired concentration and memory;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased vision;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • weakening of immunity;
  • fragility of bone mass;
  • provoking urolithiasis;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased risk of cancerous tumors.

This impressive list of reasons is enough to stop drinking soda. But this is not the end of its negative impact on the body. And although sugar in itself is not very useful, in carbonated drinks its content is many times higher than the permissible norm: 17 teaspoons per 1 liter of water.

In addition, the sweet fizzy does not quench thirst at all, but, on the contrary, enhances it due to its individual components. Also, these ingredients are gradually addictive, so you want soda over and over again.

And finally, sweet drinks with bubbles tend to provoke dehydration and flush useful trace elements from the body.

But is it really that bad and not a single kind word can be said about the effervescent waters?

What kind of fizzy drink can you drink?

Although the benefits of carbonated drinks are small, they are still available. But it is worth emphasizing that this statement does not apply to sweet varieties containing a lot of preservatives and sugar.

You can drink mineral water, which is produced in different degrees of carbonation: strong, medium and weak. This drink contains mineral salts useful for the body. In addition, it is not addictive, it quenches thirst well and does not flush nutrients from the body, unlike cola and other sugary sodas.

Bread kvass, which is usually sold in bottled form with the addition of gas, also has its useful properties. In addition to the fact that it contains many vitamins and amino acids, its properties have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity and strengthen the nervous system.

Safe choice

But you shouldn't get carried away by the effervescent waters anyway. The effect of carbon dioxide on internal organs is in any case unfavorable, and if you abuse any carbonated drinks, it will soon affect your health in a negative way.

It is better to give preference to plain water, mineral still water and herbal teas. And if you like kvass, then it is better to make homemade. So you can be sure of the composition and quality of the ingredients, and in addition, once again, do not irritate the gastric mucosa with a pop.

Homemade soda

You can also try homemade soda. There will be much less harmful substances in it than in the purchased one.

For cooking you need ingredients:

  • purified water;
  • baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass);
  • citric acid (half a teaspoon per glass) or lemon slices (1 per glass);
  • honey, sweet syrup, sugar (optional).

Everything is prepared quite simply: the ingredients are mixed in a container and filled with water. Baking soda and citric acid (powdered or fresh lemon) chemically react and bubbles form. The beauty of such a drink is that it is relatively safe for health, as well as the possibilities for experimentation. By mixing different ingredients, you can create interesting flavors. This is how, in the century before last, pharmacists in different countries of the world received the first fizzy drinks: soda, lemonade, water with syrup, and others.


Let's summarize. What fizzy drinks are best not to drink? All sweet varieties. As a last resort, if you really want to, you can make homemade soda: it will not contain a whole "bouquet" of preservatives, and sugar is always easy to replace, for example, with honey. Which drinks are more or less safe for your health? Mineral water (preferably slightly carbonated), kvass (preferably homemade, still), sweet water with natural syrups.

Remember: widespread, sometimes intrusive advertising does not mean that the product is useful. And the fact that many people drink carbonated drinks daily and in large quantities also does not speak about their safety. After all, negative effects accumulate gradually, and for some time the powerful resources of the human body can resist them, creating external well-being. But sooner or later, the harmful effects of preservatives, sugar and carbon dioxide break the body's protective barrier, and the body responds with an exacerbation of old diseases or the unexpected appearance of new ones.

The question of why soda is harmful has been discussed by doctors for many years. On a hot summer day, a rare person will refuse a sip of cold mineral water, which perfectly quenches thirst. For children, there is nothing tastier than the sweet, effervescent lemonades that tickle the nose so pleasantly.

It would seem, what's wrong with ordinary sparkling water, which we drink so often? It turns out that this drink is not as useful as it is usually said about it. Let's try to figure out how negative the influence of carbonated drinks on the human body can be. Why is carbonated mineral water harmful to us?

The harm of sugary carbonated drinks

The benefits and harms of soda

The harm or benefits of mineral water have been discussed by doctors for many years. Natural mineral springs are a real storehouse of trace elements, minerals and salts. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines, high blood pressure, asthma and other ailments are prescribed vouchers to health resorts. Natural, gushing from the bowels of the earth, water in the gas is only beneficial. However, you need to remember that drinking carbonated water must be dosed, in small sips, and strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The problem is that natural water containing carbon dioxide is extremely rare. In bottles, which can be found on store shelves, water is artificially carbonated with carbon dioxide. In such drinks, there is much more harm than good. If you drink one glass in one gulp, peristalsis is disturbed - bloating, hiccups and flatulence appear.

Molecules of carbon dioxide in high concentration can disrupt the functioning of the stomach, increasing the secretion of gastric juice. For patients suffering from gastritis, ulcers or colitis, carbonated drinks are contraindicated.

Why do people drink carbonated water?

The answer is simple - it tastes better than usual, perfectly quenches thirst. In addition, gas water contains more minerals and trace elements. A keen desire to drink carbonated water may indicate a lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for the formation of strong and hard bones.

0.5 litters of mineral water contains 25% of the daily calcium requirement. Also, the desire to drink water with gas may indicate a lack of magnesium or chlorine - the first is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, the second - for proper digestion and breakdown of protein entering the stomach with food.

Why are carbonated drinks bad for the body?

One glass of carbonated unsweetened mineral water a day will not harm the human body in any way. More frequent and heavy use can negatively affect health.

Is sweet soda water harmful?

More than 70% of the production of soft drinks and soda comes from the United States of America. The famous Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite are imported to Russia from the USA. According to statistics, every American drinks about 15 liters of sugary carbonated drinks a month. Is carbonated yummy harmful to humans?

The harm from carbonated drinks containing sugar, dyes, flavors and preservatives is enormous. One 1 liter bottle contains approximately 20 tablespoons of sugar, or 400+ calories. A shock dose of glucose is detrimental to the pancreas - after drinking such a drink, a huge amount of insulin is produced, which can provoke diabetes mellitus.

How does soda affect the human body?

Why are carbonated drinks harmful, the use of which makes you feel so much better on a hot summer day? What negative consequences can an innocent passion for sweet water carry with it?

  1. Obesity. Since one bottle of soda contains a huge amount of sugar, metabolism is unable to neutralize the harmful component without consequences. The liver converts excess sugar into fat, which is stored in the hips and waist. For this reason, most Americans who are fond of fast food and Coca-Cola are overweight.
  2. Destruction of tooth enamel. The benefits and harms of carbonated water in this case are not equivalent. The drink contains citric acid, which destroys and thinns enamel, making teeth sensitive. A child who is overly addicted to soda will have to visit the dentist more often.
  3. Destruction of bones. Soda water should be blamed for the early development of osteoporosis. The abundant content of phosphoric acid in the drink flushes calcium out of the body. Carried away by lemonade, children stop drinking milk and other dairy products rich in calcium. Several decades ago, people over 60 years of age suffered from osteoporosis. Today the disease has become younger, this diagnosis is often found in children aged 6 to 13 years.
  4. Hypertension. Sweet soda contains a high concentration of caffeine, a substance that stimulates the nervous system and brain function. After drinking the drink, the mood and performance increase, but at the same time the pressure rises. The problem is that after 30-40 minutes the action ends, apathy, lethargy and drowsiness appear. The body requires a new dose of caffeine - you want to drink soda more and more. The harm of sugary drinks is that a kind of addiction is formed. A person is forced to drink several liters of soft drink a day, causing destructive harm to his body.
  5. Oncology. The huge harm of soda lies in the content of dangerous carcinogens in the drink - sodium benzoate, sulfites and other substances that provoke the development of lung, liver and thyroid cancer, cause breathing difficulties and headaches.
  6. Allergy. Carbonated drinks contain aggressive stabilizers and colorants, the regular use of which can provoke the development of allergies, chronic rhinitis and even asthma.

What can replace soda?

Is drinking soda harmful for pregnant women?

In a fit of whim, under the influence of hormones, a woman in a position may want not only salty. What to do if a pregnant woman suddenly wants to drink mineral water?

There can be no talk of sweet soda - it is harmful to everyone to drink it. The benefits of ordinary mineral water in this case are also questionable. If the desire to drink a drink is irresistible, it is better to go to the pharmacy and buy the so-called "medicinal" mineral water. Its composition is healthier than the usual "canteen" soda, which is sold in the store.

It is still not worth getting carried away with medicinal water - an increased concentration of carbon dioxide can provoke a violation of the stool, bloating and nausea, and in some cases, allergies can occur.

The harm of carbonated drinks directly depends on the composition of the water. Try to choose drinks with a medium or low concentration of carbon dioxide. In the summer heat, you can make homemade lemonade from fresh lemons, which will perfectly quench your thirst, cheer you up and increase your tone, without having to worry about extra calories and harm to the body.


Here are 10 top facts about the dangers of soda in this video.

Carbonated mineral water is a good alternative to sugary soft drinks. However, some believe that it can be unhealthy. Let's take a look at the health effects of soda water. /site/

What is sparkling mineral water?

Soda is water that is saturated with carbon dioxide gas, which makes it sparkling. This drink is called soda water, seltzer or soda.

With the exception of seltzer water, salt is added to the soda to enhance the flavor, and sometimes some other minerals.

Natural mineral sparkling waters such as Perrier and San Pellegrino differ in composition and taste. This water is taken directly from the mineral spring. It usually contains minerals and sulfur compounds.

Tonic is a type of soda that contains the bitter compound quinine along with sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

Carbonated water - acidic

Carbon dioxide and water chemically react to form weak carbonic acid, which stimulates the same nerve receptors in the mouth as mustard. This causes a burning sensation, which can be annoying or pleasant to different people.

The acidity of carbonated water is low (pH 3-4), so it will not change the acidity of your body. The kidneys and lungs will remove excess carbon dioxide.

Does soda affect the oral cavity?

One of the biggest concerns about carbonated mineral water is its effect on the teeth, as the enamel is directly exposed to acid.

There is little research on this topic, but one study found that carbonated water damages enamel only slightly more than regular water. In addition, it is 100 times less harmful than sugary soft drinks.

According to another analysis, carbonated drinks can destroy tooth enamel, but only if they contain sugar. In fact, non-carbonated sweet drinks are more harmful than carbonated ones without sugar.

In one study, samples of tooth enamel were placed in various drinks for 24 hours. Sweetened carbonated and non-carbonated drinks cause significantly more damage to the enamel than dietary ones. Scientists have concluded that the combination of sugar and carbonation (carbonation) can lead to severe tooth decay.

If you are concerned about dental health, try drinking soda with meals or rinsing your mouth with plain water after drinking soda.

How does soda affect swallowing?

It may sound surprising, but soda water improves swallowing in humans. Carbonated water has shown the strongest ability to stimulate neural activity when swallowing.

Cold soda enhances these effects. People who felt the constant need to clear their throats drank sparkling ice water, which improved the condition in 63% of the subjects. Those with frequent and severe symptoms experienced the most relief.

Carbonated water makes you feel full

Soda water keeps food in the upper stomach longer, which can make you feel full.

Sparkling water helps relieve constipation

A two-week study of 40 older adults who had a stroke found that the frequency of bowel movements was almost 2 times higher in the group who drank soda. What's more, participants reported a 58% reduction in symptoms.

Soda can relieve other symptoms of indigestion, including stomach pain. Two weeks of drinking soda is enough to significantly improve digestion and gallbladder emptying.

Does soda have an effect on bone health?

Many people think carbonated drinks are bad for bones due to their high acid content. However, research does not prove this. However, cola, which is high in phosphorus and low in calcium, is a potential risk factor for bone loss.

Studies have shown that adolescent girls who drink soda have lower bone mineral density. This is because they replaced milk with soda, which leads to inadequate calcium intake.

Soda water improves animal bone health. When carbonated water was added to the diet of chickens, after 6 weeks, the strength of the birds' bones increased.

How does soda affect the heart?

Results from a study of postmenopausal women showed that those who drank soda, rich in sodium, decreased bad cholesterol, inflammatory markers, and blood sugar. Moreover, their levels of "good" cholesterol increased.

The risk of developing cardiovascular disease within 10 years was 35% lower in those who drank soda.

So is carbonated water good or bad?

There is currently no evidence that soda is harmful, so there is no reason to skip this drink if you like it.

In fact, soda can improve health.