Boiled lamb recipes. sc

Wash the lamb (back, brisket, shoulder blade), put in a saucepan and pour boiling water so that it only covers the meat, cover the saucepan with a lid and put on low heat. After boiling, remove the scale and cook at a low boil for 1 - 1 1/2 hours. 30-40 minutes after the start of cooking, add peeled and washed vegetables and salt. Remove the prepared lamb and vegetables from the broth, cut the lamb into thin slices, put on a dish, garnish with boiled potatoes, chopped vegetables and pour over the white sauce prepared on the broth obtained by boiling the lamb.
For 500 g lamb 600 g potatoes, 1 turnip, 2 onions, 2 pcs. carrots, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and butter (for the sauce).

Lamb in sauce with potatoes and morels
From the back quarter, chop off the leg and kidney part to make it easier to put in the pan; pour water to cover, bring to a boil, remove the foam, put 2 onions cut in half, 1 parsley, 1 celery, a little salt and pepper, cook until the kidney becomes soft, then add 1/2 plate of peeled potatoes, as many peeled morels , season with 1/2 tablespoon of oil with 1 tablespoon of flour and, diluting a little with broth, boil.

Turkish lamb
Covering the bottom and sides of the saucepan with slices of lard, unsmoked, put down sliced ​​\u200b\u200bonions of medium size - heads 3, 1200 g of lamb from the pulp of the back quarter and 2 carrots, 2 parsley, 2 celery, a teaspoon of caraway seeds, 5 bay leaves, 20 pepper grains , 2 cloves and thimble-sized ginger, salt, cover the pot, cook until done. Take out the meat, cut into pieces, and strain the broth through a sieve, remove the fat, put in it a spoonful of flour fried in a spoonful of butter, 5 pickles cut into long pieces, boil everything together so that the cucumbers boil; Serving, pour this sauce over chopped lamb.

Lamb with beans
Salt the lamb cut into small pieces, sprinkle with pepper, fry in oil, transfer to a shallow saucepan, add pre-soaked beans, 2 1/2 3 cups of water and cook for about an hour. Then add lightly fried onions, chopped tomatoes and simmer for 30-40 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with parsley.
For 500 g lamb 1 cup beans, 1 onion, 200 g tomatoes, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil.

The same, in a pressure cooker:
800 g lamb, 50 g butter, 500 g dry beans, 2 tbsp. flour, 3 onions, 1 garlic clove, herbs, salt, pepper, chopped parsley
Sort and wash the beans. Place in a pressure cooker and cover with cold water to cover the beans. Close the lid and cook for 2 minutes. Drain the beans in a colander and wash the pot. Clean the onion. Melt the butter in a pressure cooker and fry the meat in it along with the chopped onion. Sprinkle with flour, stir. Pour in 3-4 cups of cold water. Put greens, garlic, salt, pepper. Close and cook for 10 minutes. Open, put the beans, close again and cook for another 15 minutes. Serve sprinkled with parsley.

Lamb stew with vegetables
Wash the lamb well, cut into small pieces and, without removing the bones, put in a saucepan and pour 2-3 cups of hot water. Cover the pot with a lid and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, add 2-3 potatoes, salt and cook for 1 hour. After that, shift the lamb with a slotted spoon into a shallow pan; on top of the lamb, put peeled and washed cabbage, diced carrots, onions, turnips and potatoes, cut into slices, bay leaf (1-2 leaves), 5-8 peppercorns (or 1/10 pcs. capsicum) and 4-5 pcs. carnations. Remove boiled potatoes from the broth, rub them through a hair sieve, combine with strained broth, pour over meat and vegetables, and cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes.
When serving, sprinkle parsley or dill on top.
For 500 g lamb 600 g potatoes, 2 pcs. carrots, 1 onion, 1 turnip and 200 g cabbage.

Lamb brisket with sour cream sauce
Wash 1200-1600 g of brisket, cut into pieces, pour with cold water, boil, remove scale, wash, dip in strained broth, cook with pepper, laurel. leaf, bulb, roots and herbs. Mix one tablespoon of oil with 1/2 cup of flour, dilute with 1.5 cups of strained broth, boil well, pour in 1-1 1/2 cups of sour cream, put 15-20 pickled gooseberries, put the brisket in the same place, boil once. Serve in a small deep dish.

Lamb brisket with turnips
Pour 1.2 kg of brisket with water, boil, remove scale, salt, put roots and turnips, cut into small quadrangular pieces, cook until soft. When ready, put 1/2 tablespoon of butter with 1/2 tablespoon of flour, boil twice, put green parsley and dill, put on a dish, cover with brisket, sprinkle with crushed pepper if you like.

Leg of lamb in English in a pressure cooker
(for every 400 g - 5 min)
1 leg of lamb, 250 g carrots, 250 g turnips, 1 large onion, into which to stick 2 cloves, 1 bunch of herbs, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper. For sauce: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 2 coffee spoons of chopped onion, 2 egg yolks, 100 g butter
Fill the pressure cooker halfway with water. Add vegetables, salt and pepper. Boil. Immerse the leg of lamb in boiling water. Close the lid. Cook at the rate of 5 minutes per 400 g of meat. Set the pot aside, let off steam, open the pot and remove your leg. Put on a dish, garnish with vegetables.
During cooking, prepare the sauce: boil the vinegar until a sharp decrease in volume, after putting the chopped onion into it. Cool down. Add to it 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cold water and yolks. Place over low heat and stir until foamy. Remove from heat and, while whisking, add a little 100 g of butter. Salt, pepper. Serve the sauce over the leg of lamb.

Boiled lamb with wine sauce
Cut a piece of lamb from the front quarter into pieces, boil 2 times, wash in cold water, pour in strained broth, cook until soft, put salt, 3 onions, bay leaves and English pepper. Dissolve a spoonful of butter, fry a spoonful of flour in it, dilute it with broth, pour in a little lemon juice, put lamb, boil, add 1 glass of table wine, 2-3 pieces of sugar; before the holiday, beat in 2-3 yolks, heat, pour lamb on a dish.

Boiled lamb brisket with gooseberry and sour cream sauce
Soup can be cooked from the brisket, but the brisket can be taken out and served separately under a sauce with sour cream and gooseberries, putting a little boiled potatoes in this sauce.

Boiled lamb brisket with cumin sauce
Boil the brisket until soft with salt and roots. Dissolve a spoonful of butter, constantly stirring, fry a spoonful of flour in it, when it is fried, add 1 spoonful of cumin, a spoonful of sugar, dilute with the broth in which the brisket was cooked, pour in 2 tablespoons of vinegar, boil; when the sauce thickens, pour it over the meat folded on the dish.

Lamb belly ragout
Wash, cut the raw brisket into several pieces, sprinkle with salt, pepper and flour. Chop 1 onion, lightly fry in oil, immediately put the brisket, pour over a glass of broth, cover, simmer, stirring more often from the bottom with a spatula. When the brisket is lightly browned, pour in the broth to cover it, put fresh sour cream, shredded, i.e. once boiled, chopped roots - carrots, turnips, a bouquet of greens. Cook over low heat until tender.
For 1/2 hour, put the potatoes boiled in salted water. Transfer everything to a deep dish, sprinkle green parsley and dill on top. You can overlay with croutons from a Polish roll, cut into thin half-slices, greased on one side with butter, dried in an oven.

Leftover Roast Lamb Stew
Trim the remaining meat, cut into small squares, finely chop the bones, cook (2-3 hours) with roots, 1 pc. laurel leaf and 5-10 peppercorns with a bunch of greens, drain. Dissolve a spoonful of oil in a saucepan, fry 2-3 chopped onions in it, add 1/2 cup of crushed sweet and sour bread or 1/2 tablespoon of flour, a little salt, a piece of garlic, 2-3 cups of broth, a spoonful of plain or champignon vinegar, or juice from 1/2 lemon, or apple juice, boil, put chopped roast in pieces, bring to the hottest state, serve.

Lamb in wine
For 4 servings:
2 tbsp. l. sugar, 4 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, 75 g prunes, 200 ml lamb broth, 200 ml red wine, 2 tbsp. l. fresh chopped thyme, 4 lamb steaks, 200 g each
Prunes give this dish an unusual juiciness.
Put the sugar in a saucepan and heat until it melts and takes on a dark caramel color. Add vinegar and stir.
Add prunes, broth and wine. Boil for 10 minutes until liquid is reduced by half. Add 1 tbsp. l. thyme.
Heat a cast iron skillet and sauté lamb for 4 minutes. on each side until done.
Serve the lamb with mashed potatoes and drizzle the sauce over the top. Sprinkle with remaining thyme and serve.

steam lamb
Young lamb meat - 2 kg, carrots - 4 pcs., potatoes - 6 pcs., celery - 2 pcs., lettuce - 200 g, water - 10 glasses, salt to taste, parsley (chopped) - 1 bunch
Peel the carrots and cut into large strips. Peel small potatoes and cut into quarters. Cut the peeled celery into several large pieces. Place the meat in a saucepan and pour water so that it completely covers the meat, cook over high heat. As soon as the broth boils, remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and rinse the meat with cold water. Transfer the meat to another bowl. Salt, pepper and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. 15 minutes before cooking, add potatoes and other vegetables. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the heat, sprinkle with parsley and serve. Zucchini can be served with this dish as a side dish.


Cook prepared lamb with onions, roots and spices in the same way as beef.
Cut the boiled lamb into 1-2 pieces per serving and serve, pouring over the broth in which it was cooked, or steam sauce cooked on the broth in which the lamb was cooked, white sauce with egg yolks, sour cream with onions or tomato with or without mushrooms . To lamb, poured with broth, you can serve grated horseradish with vinegar in a gravy boat. Garnish - boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, crumbly rice, wheat or barley porridge or any vegetable side dish.
Lamb 120, onion, boiled roots 15, sauce 50-75, garnish 100-150, bay leaf, peppercorns.


Lamb brisket and shoulder blade, cut like a stew, 2-3 pieces per serving, put in boiling water or broth cooked from bones (about 1 liter of liquid per 1 kg of meat), and cook at a low boil for 10-15 minutes, removing foam from the surface. After that, drain and strain the broth, and pour the lamb pieces with cold water and rinse, removing the gray protein that has curled up in the form of flakes and bone fragments from them. Put the washed lamb back into the bowl, pour over the strained broth and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then add sliced ​​potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsley and onions, fresh cabbage, cut into squares (40 x 40 mm), finely chopped garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and cook at a low boil until the meat and vegetables are ready.
After that, pour half of the broth, combine it with browned flour, boil for 5-10 minutes and pour back into the bowl with lamb and vegetables and, gently mixing, warm to a boil.
Release in portioned bowls or pots along with vegetables and sauce, sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill.
This dish can also be prepared in ceramic serving pots and served in them.
Lamb 120, potatoes 75, carrots 30, turnips 20, parsley 10, onions 30, white cabbage 60, garlic 0.5. wheat flour 3, bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs.


Cut raw lamb like a stew, 3-4 pieces per serving, put in a ceramic serving pot, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200braw potatoes, fresh tomatoes, eggplant, onions and chopped beans or beans (grain), or peas and connected in a bunch of petioles of parsley or celery. Fill with water just enough to cover the food. Boil at a low boil, removing foam from the surface at the beginning of cooking. When the meat is cooked, add salt, remove the parsley stalks, sprinkle with chopped
parsley or cilantro and serve in the same pot.
Lamb 75, potatoes 100, tomatoes 25, eggplant 45, onions 15, beans (pods) 30 or peas 15, parsley or cilantro 5.


Cut the flesh of the hind leg of lamb into slices (one per serving), sprinkle with a mixture of crushed cloves, powdered ginger, salt, pepper and sugar, pour over lemon juice, put in a bowl, add a little water or broth cooked from lamb bones, close the lid and simmer at the weakest boil on the stove or in the oven until fully cooked. Serve sprinkled with parsley, with crumbly rice porridge or fried potatoes.
Lamb 120, onion 20, lemon 1/6 pc., sugar 3, garnish 150, pepper, ginger, cloves, herbs.

Boiled beef mutton

Pieces of lamb weighing no more than 1.5 kg. soak, put in a bowl and pour cold water at the rate of 3-4 liters of water per 1 kg of lamb, depending on the salt content remaining in the meat after soaking. After 30-40 minutes of cooking, add onion, roots, bay leaf, peppercorns to the lamb broth. Then boil and serve in the same way as boiled lamb with a side dish.
Salted lamb 120, onion, cooking roots 10, sauce 50-75, garnish 100-150, bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs.

Boiled beef mutton in sauce

Soak the lamb, cook as described above, cut into pieces of 15-20 g, pour red or tomato sauce, add chopped browned onions, a little garlic, mashed with salt, and boil at a low boil for 10-15 minutes.
Serve with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, boiled pasta, beans or with rice, barley or wheat crumbly porridge.
Lamb 120, cooking roots 10, sauce 100, onion 15, garnish 100-150, garlic 0.5, bay leaf, peppercorns, herbs.

LAMB Roasted in Large Chunks

Prepare the back leg (leg), front shoulder blade and brisket for frying in the same way as for cooking. Roll the pulp of the shoulder blade into a roll, cut out the bones or only one ilium (pelvic) bone from the hind leg; at the brisket, cut off the sternum along the cartilages and cut through the films along the costal bones.
To make old lamb softer and more aromatic, it is sometimes kept for 3 to 24 hours in vinegar with onions and spices (pickled).
Salt the pieces of meat prepared for frying, place on a baking sheet or electric frying pan with very hot fat and fry on all sides until a crispy crust forms on the surface. Place the fried meat on a baking sheet in the oven for roasting.
Lamb, as well as beef, can be fried (at the request of the consumer) to varying degrees of readiness, i.e. cooked lightly or medium fried or fried to full readiness. To get pieces of mutton lightly fried, they must be stopped frying at the moment when the meat in the middle of the thickness of the piece warms up to 50 °, and its color on the cut will be pinkish. Medium-done is considered to be meat that has a reddish color on the cut. The meat, fried completely, becomes gray, and the temperature in the center of the piece reaches 70 °. The degree of roasted meat is also determined by its elasticity, which is achieved through practical skill. A piece of fried meat is pressed with a finger and if at the same time it is felt that it is elastic and slightly springy, this is a sign that the meat is fried poorly; medium rare meat is less elastic. The meat, fried until fully cooked, becomes more solid and almost completely loses its elasticity.
Cut the prepared fried lamb into 1-2 pieces per serving, pour over the meat juice with fat. Store until serving on a food warmer or on a slightly heated area of ​​​​the stove at a temperature of 55-60 °.
Serve on a warmed dish or plate, pouring over the meat juice. Garnish with fried potatoes, boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, any crumbly porridge, boiled beans, pasta, boiled vegetables or a complex vegetable side dish.
Lamb 120, beef or baked mutton fat 3, meat juice 50, garnish 100-150.


Salt the mutton legs without bones or the flesh of the shoulder blade rolled up in a roll, then fry in the same way as described above on a baking sheet with fat, then put onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices around it and put it in the oven for roasting. In the process of frying, turn the pieces of meat from one side to the other, and mix the juice released from the meat with onions. Transfer the prepared lamb to another bowl, and add equal amounts of red sauce and broth cooked from fried bones to the meat juice with onion and fat remaining on the baking sheet, boil and season with pepper. Cut the lamb crosswise into 2 pieces per serving and pour over the onion sauce.
When serving, put lamb together with onions and sauce on a dish or plate and sprinkle with herbs. Garnish with boiled potatoes, beans, pasta, crumbly buckwheat, rice or wheat porridge.
Lamb 120, onion 50, beef or baked mutton fat 10, meat broth 50, sauce 50, garnish 150, greens.

Roasted lamb with beans

Roast lamb hind leg, boned or boneless (pulp), or rolled shoulder blade, as described above. Boil beans, chickpeas or chickpeas and season with sauce, which is prepared as follows: finely chopped onion sauté with fat, add tomato puree to it, then sauté for another 8-10 minutes, then pour in the meat juice obtained by frying lamb, boil, combine this sauce with boiled beans and, stirring, boil for 10-15 minutes. After that, add the garlic, mashed with salt.
When serving, put beans on a dish or plate, and 2-3 slices of lamb on it, which are poured over with meat juice.
Lamb 110, baked mutton fat 10, onion 20, tomato puree 15, beans 60, garlic 0.5, pepper.

Sprinkle sliced ​​lamb with salt, pepper and fry in lamb fat along with chopped green onions. When the meat is almost ready, add a small amount of hot water or meat broth and finely chopped green onion feathers; get everything ready. Drizzle with butter and sprinkle with dill before serving.


Fry large pieces of lamb, as described above, but instead of onions, place whole tubers of peeled raw potatoes around the lamb, medium in size and as round as possible. For this dish, you can use potatoes turned into barrels. During frying, periodically turn the pieces of lamb and potato tubers from one side to the other and pour over the fat and juice released from the meat.
Release lamb 2 pieces per serving with potatoes and meat juice, serve cucumbers or tomatoes as a side dish, green salad seasoned with vinegar and butter or sour cream.
Lamb 120, potatoes 250, beef or baked mutton fat 10, cucumbers or tomatoes 50.


From a whole carcass of a young lamb, cut down the lumbar part, cut off the flank from it, rub with garlic crushed with salt and, without separating the kidneys, fry in the oven until tender. On a baking sheet, together with lamb, fry whole, not very large tubers of peeled raw potatoes, as well as chopped onions.
Before serving, cut off the meat from both sides of the vertebral bone in whole layers, cut obliquely into wide slices and put them back on the bone in the form of a whole piece, then place them on an oval dish, put fried tomatoes and potatoes around the meat, between which place kidney slices. Garnish the dish with sprigs of parsley, celery or lettuce. Serve the meat juice obtained by frying lamb in a gravy boat. The dish is served for 6-10 people.
Lamb 1500-2000, potatoes 1000, onions 200, tomatoes 500, lamb fat 100, greens.


Prepare lamb brisket like veal and stuff it with lamb meat passed through a meat grinder with the addition of chopped onion and diced pork fat, and fry in the same way as veal brisket.
When serving, cut into one piece per serving, pour over the meat juice obtained during frying. Garnish with crumbly rice, buckwheat, wheat, barley porridge or fried, boiled, mashed potatoes.
Lamb (brisket) 80, lamb pulp 40, lard 10, baked mutton fat or animal margarine 2, onion 20, garnish 150, pepper.


Lamb brisket, prepared as described above, stuffed with buckwheat porridge with the addition of liver, salt, put on a baking sheet, pour over with fat and fry in an oven until tender.
To prepare minced beef or lamb liver, pass through a meat grinder, salt, add chopped, not very finely, hard-boiled egg, chopped onion and mix with ready-made cold crumbly buckwheat porridge.
Cut the cooked brisket one piece per serving.
When serving, drizzle with oil, as well as meat juice.
Lamb 120, liver 20, ready-made buckwheat porridge 85, eggs 15, onion 30, melted butter 10, pepper.


Ingredients :
800 g of meat with bone (brisket, shoulder, neck), 40 g of fat, 30 g of flour, 250 g of tomatoes or 40 g of tomato paste, 100 g of apples, salt, sugar, vinegar, 1 tablespoon of finely chopped parsley.


Wash the meat, pour water so that it covers the meat. Cook on low heat. When the meat is almost soft, put the washed, chopped tomatoes, peeled and diced apples. Cook together. Cut the finished meat into portions of 3-4 pieces per person. Cool the broth.
Prepare dressing from 30 g flour and 30 g fat. Mix the broth with mashed tomatoes and apples, combine with dressing, add salt, sugar, vinegar to taste. Add chopped meat, boil. Put the meat on a dish, sprinkle with parsley. Serve with potatoes.
You can not boil the lamb, but after washing it, cut it into slices, fry in fat, add water and simmer until soft. Then cook in the same way as above.



Cook prepared lamb with onions, roots and spices in the same way as beef.
Cut the boiled lamb into 1-2 pieces per serving and serve, pouring over the broth in which it was cooked, or steam sauce cooked on the broth in which the lamb was cooked, white sauce with egg yolks, sour cream with onions or tomato with or without mushrooms . To lamb, poured with broth, you can serve grated horseradish with vinegar in a gravy boat.
Garnish - boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, crumbly rice, wheat or barley porridge or any vegetable side dish.



Lamb brisket and shoulder blade, sliced ​​like a stew, 2-3 pieces per serving, put in boiling water or broth cooked from bones (about 1 liter of liquid per 1 kg of meat), and cook at a low boil for 10-15 minutes, removing foam from the surface. After that, drain and strain the broth, and pour the lamb pieces with cold water and rinse, removing the gray protein that has curled up in the form of flakes and bone fragments from them.
Put the washed lamb back into the bowl, pour strained broth and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then add sliced ​​potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsley and onions, fresh cabbage, cut into squares (40x40 mm), finely chopped garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and cook at a low boil until the meat and vegetables are ready.


Ingredients :
For 500 g of lamb - 600 g of potatoes, 1 turnip, 2 onions, 2 pcs. carrots, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and butter (for the sauce).


Wash the lamb (back, brisket, shoulder blade), put in a saucepan and pour boiling water so that it only covers the meat, cover the saucepan with a lid and put on low heat. After boiling, remove the scale and cook at a low boil for 1-1.5 hours. 30-40 minutes after the start of cooking, add peeled and washed vegetables and salt.
Remove the prepared lamb and vegetables from the broth, cut the lamb into thin slices, put on a dish, garnish with boiled potatoes, chopped vegetables and pour over the white sauce prepared on the broth obtained by boiling the lamb.


Ingredients :
500 g lamb, 500 g potatoes, 2 large onions, 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of fat, 1 full teaspoon of salt, 1 incomplete teaspoon of red ground pepper.


Cut the meat into large cubes, fry together with coarsely chopped onion. add salt and red pepper, pour water so that it covers the meat, and simmer until half cooked.
Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, lay on the meat, add a little more hot water and simmer until tender. The liquid should boil away by about half.
The dish is designed for 3 servings.


Ingredients :
500 g lamb, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 cloves of garlic, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 1/2 bottle of white wine, 1/2 teaspoon of thyme, 1 bay leaf, salt, pepper, a little flour, 25 olives.


Cut the meat into cubes, salt, pepper, lightly fry together with finely chopped onions in vegetable oil. Add crushed garlic clove. Pour everything with wine so that it covers the meat. Place over high heat until the liquid evaporates a little, then add the rest of the wine, tomato paste, thyme and bay leaf. Cook until tender over low heat, covered.
Before serving, season the sauce with flour, add olives and let it brew for 5 minutes. Serve on warmed plates rubbed with garlic.

BOILED LAMB WITH Dumplings and Caper Sauce

Ingredients :
1.5 kg of lamb pulp (rump, back), 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 medium-sized carrots, 3 medium-sized onions, 3 tbsp. spoons of pearl barley, 2 teaspoons of chopped parsley.
FOR Dumplings: 120 g flour, 60 g finely chopped bacon, 1/4 teaspoon soda, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley, 1 incomplete teaspoon salt, pepper, a little cold water.
For the caper sauce: 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or margarine, 4 incomplete tbsp. tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, 1 cup lamb broth, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of canned food, 1 teaspoon of vinegar.


Place the meat in a large saucepan, pour salted water (it should cover all the meat) and cook over low heat for 0.5 hours. Then add pearl barley and after another 0.5 hours vegetables. After 2.5 hours, the meat is usually ready. Put it on a dish and serve with barley and vegetables, sprinkled with parsley on top. Garnish with dumplings and caper sauce.
Mix all the products for dumplings, add a little water with a teaspoon, knead a rather lush and steep dough (it should lag behind the dishes). Shape the dough into 12 round balls, put in boiling salted water or meat broth and cook for 20-30 minutes, uncovered, over low heat.
Prepare a sauce of butter, flour and very hot broth mixed with milk, stirring constantly. Boil it for 3 min. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Before serving, add capers and vinegar. Serve hot.


Ingredients :
500 g lamb, 500 g potatoes, 250 g onions, salt, pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 teaspoon thyme, parsley.


Lamb, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, salt, pepper, add most of the finely chopped onion, bay leaf, thyme. Pour in water so that it covers the contents, and put out to simmer on a small fire and cover with a lid. When the meat becomes soft, add the potatoes, also diced, the rest of the onion and in no case interfere, but only shake from time to time so that the dish does not burn. Potatoes should be boiled so that a porridge-like mass is formed. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped parsley.
Serve the dish on the table in the same bowl in which it was cooked.


Ingredients :
1 kg of wheat, 1 kg of meat, 500 g of onion, salt, powdered sugar, cinnamon.
For kayla: 500 g meat, 200 g peas (preferably chickpeas), 300 g carrots, 300 g onions, 200 g vegetable oil, salt, pepper.


A traditional Tajik dish, which can only conditionally be attributed to porridge. Usually khalisa is prepared for weddings and holidays.
The preparation of khalisa consists of three operations that are performed simultaneously.
Sort out high-quality spring wheat, rinse thoroughly, add water and boil for 1.5 hours. Then put it in a colander, after which the grains, somewhat dried, but containing enough moisture, are passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Transfer the resulting thick mass to an enamel bowl and cover.
Boil the meat in a separate pot (preferably lamb, but you can also use beef or veal), removing the foam from the surface of the broth. An hour after boiling, add finely chopped onion, then cook for another 2-3 hours. Put the prepared mass of wheat into the cauldron with meat, mix thoroughly so that lumps do not form, and cook over low heat for 3-4 hours, stirring occasionally . Khalisa should be lightly salted, as it is usually sprinkled with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon when served.
Put the finished khalisa on a dish, pour hot kayla on top.
Cooking kayla. Pass the meat and onions through a meat grinder, fry in a separate bowl in hot oil, along with carrots cut into rhombuses and pre-soaked chickpeas. Then add a little water and cook until tender, then salt and pepper.

Corned beef from boiled lamb

Ingredients :
700 g of salted lamb, 100 g of carrot roots, parsley, 80 g of onions, 15 g of flour, 50 g of sour cream, spices, herbs.


Soak lamb in cold water, then boil in a small amount of water with roots and spices until tender. After that, take out the meat, strain the broth, season with fried flour and onions, add sour cream, boil, pour over the meat with this sauce.
Serve with vegetable salad.

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In the Caucasus, quite often people use the boiled lamb recipe, since this meat goes well with many side dishes and sauces. In addition, by boiling it, you can cook several dishes at once. For example, numerous soups like kharcho and shurpa are prepared from fragrant and clear broth. This article will talk about a recipe for boiled lamb with a photo, with which you can get a lot of juicy tasty meat.

Features of boiled lamb

If you cook boiled lamb according to the correct recipe, then the resulting meat will differ in several noticeable features. First of all, such a product is absorbed by the body much easier compared to other types of cooking. In addition, in this case, you do not have to use exceptionally high quality ingredients to obtain the optimal result - this will significantly affect the price, since low-grade meat can be purchased much cheaper in stores.

In fact, for the preparation of boiled lamb with vegetables, it is recommended to use only meat, which contains a large amount of connective tissue, since when heated, collagen melts in it. So the best option would be to choose the lower part of the sternum, neck and shoulder blade.

Meat selection

Recipes with boiled lamb are not very popular due to the specific smell that many do not like. In order to avoid this problem, you need to carefully consider the choice of product in the store. First of all, you should not buy male meat. In sheep, it is much softer and practically does not smell, although it has a darker color. However, if it is impossible to purchase it, then the lamb before use must be pre-soaked for 8 hours, changing the water at least three times, and cut off all excess fat.

Classic recipe

If you want to cook boiled lamb according to the classic recipe, then you will first need to purchase all the necessary ingredients. As a result, you will get not only tasty and juicy meat, but also a fragrant broth, from which you can later make a sauce or cook soup. So, for 4 servings of meat you will need to prepare:

  • half a kilogram of lamb;
  • 2 liters of clean water;
  • 150 grams of carrots;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • 1 turnip;
  • about 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of spices and spices of Caucasian cuisine.

Step by step cooking

By itself, boiled lamb is a healthy and tasty dish. However, for its preparation, the following sequence of actions must be fully observed:

  1. First of all, you need to pre-prepare the lamb itself for subsequent cooking. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse it and put it in a saucepan.
  2. Water must be poured exactly so that the meat is completely hidden by water, and then everything is covered with a lid and put on a strong fire. You need to wait until it boils, and then greatly reduce the temperature.
  3. While you are waiting for the boil, you can start preparing the vegetables. They are washed and peeled, and then cut into small cubes. After boiling water, vegetables are added to the meat. In the future, in no case should the water be allowed to boil, since the lamb must be boiled exclusively on a small fire.
  4. After that, as you cook, you need to constantly remove the foam, because if this is not done, it will settle, and the broth will subsequently turn out to be very cloudy. That is why it is not the best option to pre-cut the meat into small pieces, since even though it will cook noticeably faster, there will be much more foam.
  5. As soon as the meat is ready, it can be taken out and used to add to hot main courses, and strain the broth through a sieve. Lamb can be served with fresh herbs, sliced ​​​​vegetables or pickles - they perfectly emphasize the taste of meat.

Cooking time

As you can see, the above recipe for boiled lamb does not indicate exactly how long it takes to cook the dish. It all depends on the age of the lamb used. If the meat of a very young animal was bought, then in order to get a soft and juicy dish, it will take only an hour and a half of cooking. However, it is very difficult to buy it, since the meat of older individuals that have already reached the age of one is found in stores. In this case, the cooking time will need to be increased to 2 hours. However, such meat has its plus - the broth from it turns out to be very rich and fragrant, so the soup will be much tastier.

It is also worth paying special attention to the fact that if a frozen product is used during cooking, the cooking time must be increased by another hour.

Boiled lamb dishes

It is worth noting that lamb is not particularly common in Russia, where chicken, pork or beef are more often bought in stores. However, there are several recipes for various dishes that use this product as the main one.

Therefore, if you are wondering what to cook from boiled lamb, then you should pay attention to such dishes as airishtu, that is, meat with vegetables cooked in clay pots, as well as manti stuffed with lamb and fat tail fat. Also, boiled lamb is often used for cooking Kazakh meat, which is better known as beshparmak.


Basically, boiled lamb is now cooked solely for the sake of fragrant broth, with which you can cook delicious Caucasian soups. However, even the meat itself in this form is very useful, because it is well absorbed by the body and gives it many useful substances and vitamins. So it’s worth trying at least once hot boiled meat sprinkled with fresh herbs and onions with a side dish of mashed potatoes or rice with spices.

Well, if you add classic adjika or horseradish to the dish, then you won’t be able to forget its taste for a very long time. In addition, lamb is considered an excellent dietary product, since it has a rather small amount of fat, and its calorie content is only 250 kcal. Such a dish in reasonable quantities will not harm harmony.

Lamb is not only healthy meat, but also tasty, and those who do not like it simply do not know how to cook it properly. Perhaps this is not the kind of food that can be cooked quickly, but it is good both boiled and as part of more complex dishes - from broth and soups based on it to rarer recipes (you can cook manti or shulum).

Specific subtleties

No matter how precise the cooking method and ingredients are, for many people lamb dishes still turn out tasteless. The problem is that this type of meat has many features, each of which must be taken into account, and in fact many do not even know about them.

First of all, let's talk about the unpleasant smell that many do not like. In many ways, this is a matter of lamb choice - young lamb, compared to old lamb, is a delicate product and practically odorless. In addition, to solve the issue, even if you are unlucky with raw materials, pre-marinating the meat will help. And although this takes a long time (sometimes up to 12 hours), the meat becomes softer and the smell is not at all the same. Finally, it is worth knowing that the unpleasant smell of lamb is largely due to fat, which must be cut off before being placed in the pan. Moreover, during the cooking process, it will melt and float - it must be removed in a timely manner with a slotted spoon.

Before cooking lamb in any way, this process should always begin with cleaning the meat. It is necessary to remove not only fat, but also tendons, as well as a special film - the last two components make the meat tough and tasteless.

If there is no particular unpleasant smell, just soak the lamb in cool water for 2 hours - this is enough to remove the smell completely.

If cooking is done in a classic saucepan, then the meat is placed in already boiling water, but in such a way that the liquid covers the entire volume of meat with a small margin. Potential broth should be salted and peppered at the beginning of cooking, at the same stage it is worth adding onion (whole or chopped) to the water. But you should be careful with the bay leaf - it often interrupts the taste of the main dish. The exact degree of readiness is determined by a fork or knife, since the exact cooking time depends on too many factors, but if you want to speed up the process, just cut the lamb into small pieces. At the same time, remember that you should not digest the product - from this it loses both aesthetic and taste qualities, and most importantly, it will become very tough.

Use of kitchen appliances

The above features are basically suitable for cooking with any cooking method, but each modern kitchen appliance has its own specifics. For example, in a pressure cooker, where cooking time is noticeably reduced due to high internal pressure and elevated temperature, young lamb can be cooked even in 40 minutes. A double boiler, by the way, also usually speeds up the process compared to a conventional pan, but the result will not be so bright - you still have to cook the meat for at least an hour.

Separately, you should consider the features of cooking in a slow cooker, since the abundance of its modes suggests that the product can be cooked in completely different ways. If you want to boil lamb, then it is usually advised to use the stew mode - then the dish will be ready within two hours.

An alternative solution could be the actual cooking mode, but such processing will drag on for an additional half hour.

But what you should not experiment with in the case of lamb is with microwave ovens. The fact is that the principle of their work involves the heterogeneity of processing pieces of the same density, but of different sizes. So, small pieces sometimes reach readiness after 20 minutes, while cooking large parts can go beyond any reasonable time frame.

For this reason, experts advise cooking lamb in the microwave only if there are simply no alternatives, and even then it is advisable to limit yourself to a simple soup that is cooked on the basis of already boiled lamb. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that it won’t work out very tasty anyway - you should not expect either a bright smell or taste.

Broth preparation

A rich broth is a good solution for those who seek to quickly restore their body after an illness or heavy loads, especially since the number of calories in the broth can be adjusted by choosing one or another part of the lamb.

If high calorie content is important to you, as well as a bright and rich taste, choose lamb on the bone, a shoulder blade is also a good solution, and in regions where sheep meat is traditionally consumed, the broth is prepared even from the head or neck. Please note that the number of bones and their location closer to the surface of the meat contributes to the increased richness of the broth, so they should even be chopped if necessary. An interesting fact is that for the broth they usually choose not young lambs, but adult rams - this way it turns out tastier in this case.

To prepare the broth, it is important that there is not too much water - usually it should cover the meat literally by a centimeter.

At the initial stage, the fire is made as strong as possible, regularly removing the foam that appears, and at the moment of boiling, the fire is immediately reduced to the minimum - it is highly undesirable to miss this moment. Immediately after the fire is reduced, the broth can be salted, for flavor, an onion (peeled, but whole) and carrots, cut in half, are added to the water.

It is difficult to determine the exact cooking time in advance. In the case of a lamb, you can manage it in an hour and a half, when preparing the broth from an old ram, the procedure can take twice as long.

You need to check the readiness of meat regularly for two reasons.

  1. When digested, it becomes too hard, so this should not be allowed.
  2. A quarter of an hour before readiness, it makes sense to add additional spices. Bay leaves and peppercorns are usually used as such finishing seasonings - if you put them in before, they are guaranteed to kill the taste of lamb. However, even at this stage, they should be put in moderation, otherwise you will not feel anything but spices in your taste.

Already on the basis of the finished broth, several other, more complex dishes can be prepared, since such a broth often acts as the basis for popular soups, including kharcho. When planning to enrich the decoction with additional ingredients for a new dish, remember the spices already used so that the end result does not turn out to be too spicy.

boiled meat

In some cases, it is assumed that one would like to cook delicious meat that should not give up much of its flavor and aroma to the water in which it is cooked. For consumption as boiled meat and for subsequent addition to various dishes, both ham and some offal are often boiled (of the most popular - lamb heart and tongue).

In fact, the cooking process is almost completely identical to what was described above in the case of preparing the broth. Perhaps the only difference is that pure lamb requires additional seasonings, so celery or parsnips are often thrown into the water to taste.

However, the main task is to make sure that the water absorbs less taste and aroma. This could be done by reducing the volume of water (or increasing the amount of meat by the same volume), but in general, the liquid level should be the same as in the case of the broth. To get out of the situation, professional chefs advise simply choosing pots of different shapes. For example, in a narrow and high one, you can cook lamb with a minimum amount of water used.

Preparation for serving boiled lamb is quite simple - you just need to decorate it by sprinkling chopped herbs on top, as well as chopped onions. If you don’t like the bitter onion taste, the chopped pieces can be pre-washed under water - they will still go well with meat. If we talk about sauces, then nothing goes better with lamb than spicy - here adjika, mustard and horseradish are completely equal, it all depends on personal preferences.

If you can’t get rid of boiled meat alone and you definitely need to serve some side dish to it, then the best options would be mashed potatoes and boiled rice with spices. You can also experiment with fruits and vegetables if you like.

How to cook lamb, see the following video.