How much does 1 banana weigh. Calorie Fruits: Banana

09.04.2019 Restaurant notes

In nature, there are about 400 species and hybrid varieties of bananas. But not all of them are usable. Inedible varieties are mainly used for the manufacture of paper products, bags, as well as decorative ornaments. Dessert fruits are always exported, which are always on the markets and supermarket shelves. Few buyers wondered how much one banana weighs. Let's try to deal with this issue in more detail.

Why know how much a banana weighs

Culinary recipes are striking in variety and value for proper nutrition. Many modern collections have a whole section of dishes, which include banana. The list of ingredients in addition to the name contains the amount of necessary products, calculated in grams. A similar indicator is in homemade cosmetics using an exotic fruit.

Reference! The weight of dessert bananas exported to different countries ranges from 80 to 300 grams.

Many people mistakenly take the total weight of the banana as a basis, without thinking that without the peel the pulp mass is significantly reduced. As a result of such an incident in the cooked dish, the proportionality of the ingredients is violated, which affects the taste of the dessert or salad. And the effect of the mask is not so effective due to the insufficient amount of vitamins or fruit acids in the cosmetic mixture.

Another good argument in favor of owning knowledge about the mass of banana is diet. With a strict low-calorie diet, it is important to give the body that minimum that ensures the normal functioning of organs and systems. Excess will lead to inhibition of the process of losing weight. Strict adherence to the formulation in combination with physical activity allows you to achieve your goal in a short time.

Weight 1 banana

All bananas that can only be seen on store shelves, conditionally need to be divided according to parameters into three categories:

Small - the length varies from 9 to 12 cm;

Medium - diameter 3-4 cm, length - 16-20 cm;

Large - length 25-30 cm with a diameter of 4-5 cm.

If the farm has a bench scale, then all the ingredients are simply weighed before laying. If this device is not available, do not despair, you can determine the approximate weight of the fetus visually. To simplify the calculations, the average options are always taken as the basis, as is the case with bananas. The average exotic weighs 146-149 grams. This indicator is rounded to 150 grams, and it is rational to use it to determine the weight of the pulp and peel separately.

Reference! All recommendations for determining the weight of banana with peel and peeled are made taking into account the conditioned products, which are imported under license. There are low quality fruits in the markets, many of which do not belong to dessert varieties. Their parameters may vary, as well as taste.

Calorie content

If the flesh of a medium-sized banana weighs 100 grams, it becomes easier to determine its calorie content. The indicator is 96 kcal, of which 1.5 g is given to proteins, 0.5 g to fats, 21 g to.

Reference! 100 grams of pulp contains many useful substances for the body: manganese (0.27 mg); vitamins K, C, B, E; zinc (0.15 mg); iron (0.6 mg); fluorine (2.2 mcg); selenium (1 mcg).

Calorie determination is available in a similar way for large and small fruits. But first you need to calculate how many pieces of bananas are medium-sized in 1 kg. Dividing 1000 g by 150 g, it turns out 6, 6666. With rounding, it can be argued that a kilogram consists of six to seven exotic fruits of medium size. If 3-4 pieces are purchased per 1 kg, then the sizes of bananas are considered large. Conversely, over 7 pieces per 1 kg means that the fruits are small varieties, respectively, their weight will be less than 150 grams.

Banana weight without peel

If someone still thinks that the weight with the peel and without it does not differ significantly, then you should familiarize yourself with the statistical indicators. They indicate that the mass of the peel is approximately 40% of the total weight of the fetus. This means that, not taking into account this fact, you can make a mistake with the proportion of banana in the recipe almost half.

Reference! The average banana weighs 150 grams. Accordingly, the banana peel weighs 56 grams (for the convenience of performing calculations, the indicator is rounded to 50 g).

How much pulp is in 1 kg of bananas

Given the weight of the average banana, you can calculate the mass of pulp from the purchased 1 kg of fruit. Having taken away 40% of the peel, about 600 grams of a nutritious product is obtained. This indicator should be taken into account when drawing up a diet menu or preparing culinary dishes.

Reference! In one fruit, the average parameters of the pulp are about 100 grams.

Possessing information about how much a banana weighs in peeled form and with a peel, it is possible to more accurately monitor the calorie intake, calculate the amount of vitamins and minerals used in the pulp of fruits.

Professional nutritionists advise you to consume fruits and vegetables daily, limiting yourself to sweets, flour products and fast food. At the same time, they treat bananas with caution. The fact is that this beloved exotic fruit is considered one of the most high-calorie ones, surpassing other fruits in terms of nutritional value. We suggest you find out how many calories in a banana - fresh, dried, green, red. This knowledge will help you determine how many fruits and in what form it is permissible to consume without harming the figure.

How much does a banana weigh?

Quick answer: an average of 210 grams

Calorie content of 1 banana without peel - 180 kcal

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Bju banana. In 100 grams of fresh banana - 1,500 milligrams of protein, 400 milligrams of fat, as well as 20.8 grams of carbohydrates (6% of the daily requirement for men and 9% for the fair half).

The main advantages of the fruit: the absence of cholesterol, low capacity of harmful fats and high - substances such as potassium, fiber, glucose, fructose, vitamins C and B6. Two main disadvantages: high energy value and excessive sugar content.

Calorie banana per 100 grams

Wikipedia claims that the calorie content of banana is 89 kcal per 100 g. But this indicator cannot be considered the only true one. Making unambiguous conclusions about the calorie content of banana1 pieces is the wrong approach. On the Russian market there are several varieties of this fruit, the nutritional value of which deviates greatly from the above indicator. The calorie content of ripe fruit and unripe also differs. Products made from banana (juice or chips) can have both high and low energy value. Therefore, we consider everything in order.

Fresh without a peel

Let's find out what is the calorie content of one banana (fresh) without a peel. Knowing that the weight is 1 pc. an average-sized fetus is 210 grams, subtract from this number the mass of the peel (about 50 grams). A simple mathematical calculation shows that in this case the calorie content of the unripe fruit will be 120 kilocalories, and overripe (with darkened skin) 180 kilocalories. For comparison: 120 grams of boiled chicken fillet have the same nutritional value.

In dried banana

Nutrition value of 100 gr. dried fruits - 320 calories.

Which is almost 2 times higher than the calorie content of a fresh, but overripe banana. One dried fruit weighs an average of 25-35 grams. But even in such a small amount of product contains about 100 kilocalories. What conclusion can be drawn from this? A dried banana can be eaten between breakfast and lunch, providing yourself with a feeling of satiety for several hours. But losing weight by consuming dried fruits is unlikely to work.

In the green Platano

One of the rare banana varieties that have appeared on our market relatively recently is a plane tree. It differs from the usual fruits by its taste (slightly sour), low sugar content, skin color (it has a greenish or red hue) and low energy value - 58 kilocalories. Platano still has not been able to win the love of a wide range of domestic consumers. This can be partially explained by the fact that people try to eat it raw. Abroad, plane trees are usually fried or boiled before consumption.

In red

Red bananas first hit the shelves of Russian supermarkets only a few years ago. Not all people were able to try them during this time. It is believed that red bananas taste better than regular ones. Differs in saturation and their aroma. Ripe fruits do not tolerate transportation very well, as they have delicate pulp. Therefore, they are transported still green. If you have already acquired this unusual fruit, do not rush to consume it immediately. Let him ripen for at least 5-7 days.

In a mini banana (baby)

Baby (Baby Banana) - a variety of miniature bananas, whose length is 13-14 centimeters, called dessert. They differ from ordinary fruits in taste characteristics. Baby can be consumed in reasonable amounts by people trying to lose weight, since the energy value of ripe fruit is 80 kilocalories (not in 1 piece, but in 100 grams). Note that in countries that export bananas, people eat only this variety, while large fruits go to animal feed.

In banana chips

Dividing the banana into slices and frying them in a pan (ideally, palm oil), you will get chips. Packaged packaging with this product has long been sold in large supermarkets. Candied banana chips will appeal to sweet tooth, but women and men trying to lose weight should exclude them from their menu. The energy value of this product reaches 500 kilocalories, that is, almost 2 times more than that of a hamburger. And there are practically no useful elements in a fried banana: they all disappear during processing.

In unripe fruit

The energy value of an unripe fruit with a greenish tint is 85 kilocalories. On plantations, fruits are torn off the bushes in this form. If you leave the banana to ripen, its peel will burst, spoiling the appearance and taste of the product. Unripe bananas are widely used to prepare delicious culinary dishes. At the same time, the ripened fruits are not suitable for this purpose, because they fall apart during processing.

In overripe fruit

Unlike, say, apples, fresh bananas have a short shelf life. Even under optimal temperature conditions (+ 10-12 ° C), the peel of the green fruit turns yellow after 2-3 weeks, and then becomes covered with dark spots. If there is at least one black patch on the skin, the fruit is considered overripe. When it becomes completely dark, the banana becomes unfit for consumption. The pulp of an overripe fruit is tender and sweet, but, unfortunately, more caloric: from 110 to 130 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Therefore, supporters of a low-calorie menu consume overripe fruit is not recommended.

In banana juice

Freshly squeezed banana juice does not contain as much sugar as fresh fruit. Therefore, its nutritional value is estimated at a fairly "modest" 47 kilocalories per 100 milliliters. I am glad that potassium, fiber, vitamin C and other useful trace elements contained in the whole fruit are also present in natural juice. The consumption of this drink is the “golden mean” for people trying to monitor their weight and at the same time adoring bananas.

Remember that you can get natural juice only at home with a juicer. The banana nectars presented in stores and supermarkets contain a maximum of 30% processed banana puree, which includes a minimum of nutrients. Other ingredients of such drinks are sugar syrup, apple juice. So do not believe the beautiful labels!

The benefits of banana for women and men

The beneficial substances contained in a banana have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • Potassium is good for the brain and cardiovascular system.
  • From the tryptophan protein present in bananas, the human body synthesizes serotonin (or the hormone of happiness), which improves mood, as well as promoting nervous unloading and helping to restore strength faster.
  • News for smokers: bananas contain valuable B vitamins that help the body neutralize the negative effects of nicotine and “wean” it faster. Therefore, if you are trying to get rid of a bad habit, be sure to include these fruits in your diet.
  • Vitamin C (the same that is found in milk and cottage cheese) protects you from stress, strengthens the immune system.
  • Bananas are useful for women and men engaged in intense mental or physical labor, including athletes. Eat 1-2 fruits on the eve of training, and you will provide the body with the necessary energy resource.
  • Finally, banana is effective for inflammation of the mucosa, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, intestines of the stomach (including ulcers). With prolonged consumption, it reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, removes toxins, and helps to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol concentration.

Use for weight loss

Given that these fruits have high nutritional value, they can be recommended for morning consumption. One medium banana will provide your body with the necessary charge of energy for several hours. Before going to bed, you should not eat them. It is better to eat unsweetened apple or orange.

Remember that people sitting on are allowed to eat unsweetened fruits of the plane tree variety or natural juice. Overripe fruits and, especially, banana chips, will immediately be deposited on your sides!

Therefore, when calculating calories for the whole day, you must also take into account the energy value of each product. Including banana. You must know the weight of the fruit itself.

On average, a banana weighs approximately 200 grams, of which 50 g are peeled.

In one banana without a peel there will be approximately 150 grams - 120 Kcal.

Some believe that the calorie content of any banana will be the same. But this is completely wrong.

Regarding the overripe banana, it is worth noting that the calorie content will be slightly higher - about 180 kcal.

This is the energy value of 100 grams of boiled chicken.

We are used to seeing ordinary bananas on supermarket shelves, so no one thinks that there are other varieties that differ in calorie content.

Mini banana   sometimes can be found in stores, mainly in large clusters. They are often called "baby." In taste and aroma, they are slightly different from ordinary and familiar bananas, but in comparison with them they have a lower calorie content.

In 1 piece of baby banana will be about 80-90 kcal.

Banana Platano   - a rare variety, characterized by green color. It contains a minimal amount of sugar, but it tastes a bit sour.

The energy value of such a product is quite low, approximately 60 kcal per 1 pc.

Abroad, this kind is either amenable to roasting, or simply boiled in a pan.

Banana chips

You can make chips out of bananas. The fruit must be cut into thin slices, and then fry all the slices in palm oil. If you follow a diet and do not eat foods high in calories, then banana chips are unlikely to take their place on your daily menu.

This is due to the fact that the energy value of such a product is approximately 400-500 kcal per 100 g of weight, which is very much.

The benefits of bananas

Like any fruit, a banana has its own beneficial properties that positively affect the functions of the body. It contains the minimum amount of harmful components such as cholesterol and fats. The fruit is rich in various vitamins and elements., namely:

  • potassium;
  • cellulose;
  • fructose;
  • vitamin C.

A good solution is to eat such fruit as breakfast, as it will bring the necessary amount of energy to the body for the whole day.

It is proved that this particular fruit allows you to get rid of such a bad habit as smoking.   This is due to the fact that certain groups of vitamins are able to eliminate the negative effects of nicotine in the body.

Quite often a banana used for medicinal purposes. It especially helps in case of diseases of the mucous membranes, stomach ulcers and problems with the liver and kidneys, also helps to strengthen the immune system and leads to a stable state of the nervous system.

Calorie content of different types of bananas

Many people are used to seeing ordinary bananas on supermarket shelves, so few people think about the existence of other varieties. In fact, the variety of banana varieties is desirable to consider.

Mini banana is also called "baby". This fruit is sold in the form of large clusters. The taste and aroma of mini-bananas resemble ordinary fruits. The main difference is the lower calorie content. In one piece, there can be up to 80-90 kcal.

Banana Platano is a rare variety of green bananas. The main difference is the minimum amount of sugar. In addition, the fruit has a slightly sour taste. The energy value of a banana of the Platano variety is 60 kcal per piece.

Both varieties, mini-banana and Platano, are more common abroad.

How much does a medium-sized peeled banana weigh?

For the correct calorie count, it is advisable to know how much one average banana without a peel weighs. The weight of one fruit is 150 grams. The average unpeeled fruit weighs 200 grams. Thus, the banana peel weighs up to 50 grams, which is a quarter of the total weight. Knowing the average weight of a banana without a peel is extremely important during the preparation of various dishes, cookies and other desserts, sugary drinks.

Usually in stores they buy a bunch of bananas. In a bunch that weighs a kilogram, there are usually 5 bananas weighing up to 200 grams with a peel.

The composition and calorie content of banana

In 1 piece without a peel contains the following amount of nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.1-1.5 grams;
  • fats - 0.3-0.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 21-23 grams.

The composition of the banana pulp also contains vitamins and fiber. Moreover, in the composition of the fruit, useful substances can be noted that, when used regularly, have a positive effect on the human body and guarantee the prevention of depression.

To date, it has also been established that bananas contain vitamins A, B, C, potassium and magnesium. These vitamins and macronutrients are considered the most useful.

Scientists note that the most useful are ripe bananas, on the skin of which dark spots may be present. It is such fruits that it is advisable to choose in order to note the maximum possible benefit of the fruit.

As already mentioned, the calorie content of fresh bananas is determined by the variety and degree of maturity. Usually in the shops they sell dessert varieties of bananas, which are small in size and average weight up to 200 grams. Large bananas of the Platano variety may not taste sweet enough, but at the same time they differ in higher calorie content and high starch content.

The smallest calories are ripe dessert bananas with a very sweet pulp and a pleasant aroma.

In 1 banana without a peel, calories will be different. The pulp of an unripe fruit contains 120 calories, ripe - 90.

Does Banana Have Starch?

Starch is always found in a banana, but its proportion will be different. Unripe green bananas are usually rich in insoluble, resistant starch. This substance is not digested in the human small intestine, since fermentation occurs in the large intestine. For this reason, unripe fruits can lead to increased flatulence and bloating in the stomach.

In ripe bananas, starch turns into sugar, so the fruits are particularly sweet compared to green ones. At the same time, ripe bananas are easier to digest and assimilate.

Are bananas allowed during the diet?

Many dieting women wonder how many calories are in a banana. However, few people take into account the following properties of bananas:

  • increased calorie content;
  • the ability to remove salts from the human body and get rid of puffiness;
  • the presence of sugars and insulins, which prevent cravings for sweet and light carbohydrates;
  • guaranteed supply of the body with useful energy;
  • gentle cleansing of the intestines from toxins and toxins;
  • low fat content in bananas;
  • high level of protection against depressive states due to the production of serotonin, a hormone of joy.

Thus, including 1-2 bananas in the diet of a losing weight is very useful.

Can I eat bananas after a workout?

Scientists assure: bananas can and should be eaten after a workout. This is due to the fact that the energy expended will be restored in the shortest possible time, and replenishment of muscle glycogen will begin, due to which muscle building will be greatly simplified.

Bananas also contain potassium, which is very useful for replenishing energy and preventing cramps after serious physical exertion.

Are bananas allowed on body drying

Drying is a special step in losing weight, aimed at the active destruction of fat. For this reason, only low carbohydrate foods are included in the diet. To replenish energy, the body can use fats, so the process of losing weight starts.

However, such nutrition is contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes, heart, liver and kidney diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, because carbohydrates are very important for every person.

When dried, bananas are necessarily excluded from the diet, as they are considered very high-calorie fruits.

Is it possible to eat bananas at night with weight loss

A dietitian can authorize or prohibit eating bananas at night while losing weight. During the consultation, the characteristics of the body of each person are always taken into account, namely, inclinations, habits. In any case, eating banana at night is undesirable, as you can get excess energy and continue to note insomnia.

Bananas can be included in the diet, bearing in mind the relevant restrictions to maintain good health and maintain good physical condition.

1 piece of peeled banana contains a large number of calories, so a sweet fruit is undesirable to regularly and actively eat thinning people.

Composition of banana: nutritional value. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and fiber.

The average content of substances per 100 grams of fresh bananas:

  • Protein: 1.5 gr.
  • Fat: 0.1 gr.
  • Carbohydrates: 21.8 gr.
  • Water: 74 gr.
  • Fiber: 0.8 g

How many calories in a banana: 1 piece and 100 grams of product

Depending on the ripeness of the fruit, the calorie content of one banana can be from 120 to 260 kcal.,for comparison, the calorie content of one medium-sized apple is 65 kcal., and the calorie content of 100 grams of chicken breast is 113 kcal. A banana is really not the most dietary fruit, but it perfectly energizes, and contains many useful substances for the body! But more on that later.

100 grams of peeled banana contains from 70 to 130 kcal.,   depending on how ripe a banana you come across. Unripe bananas contain much less sugar, hence the greater suitability for diet food. If you want energy and satiety, it is better to eat a ripe banana.

Calorie Green (Unripe) Banana

No matter where bananas come to us - from Ecuador, the Philippines, Colombia or Costa Rica, they most often begin their journey slightly green. These fruits tend to ripen over time even when cut off from a palm tree. If you see an unripe banana on the counter, then plucked it even more immature.

100 grams of such a fruit contains from 70 to 80 kcal., And 1 piece - from 120 to 160 kcal, depending on size.

Eating even green bananas is not recommended, but if you want bananas before bedtime, it’s better to eat these. It is a good idea to buy green bananas if you are not going to eat them on the very first evening, or even a week. Let them lie to better times. While you are going about your business, bananas will slightly “reach”, and then you can enjoy their sugar taste. Aerobatics is considered to buy bananas of different ripeness from green to overripe. While you eat one banana, the other is gaining maturity!

If you need to quickly bring the bananas to ripe readiness, then they are placed for one day in a warm and humid environment (preferably if together with other fruits), then allowed to ripen at room temperature.

Calorie overripe banana (with dark spots)

Even if the bananas are broken in perfect condition, it’s all the same as long as they lie in an elite supermarket, while the supermarket redeems the cheaper ones, and puts them up for sale — here you have the overripe bananas. They are easy to distinguish by darkened peel with black spots. Everything is fine with them, but their sugar content is increased, as are calories.

In 100 grams of overripe banana 100 - 130 kcal., And the fruit in the amount of 1 pc. will give you 180-260 kcal.

Stacked bananas are really a high-calorie thing, and lovers of diet food should not be joking with them. Including forced connoisseurs. But athletes love these fruits for their energy value. Ripe bananas can be recharged as it should: only 2 bananas and can be worn like mad for a couple of hours.

How to store ripe bananas to extend their life?

It is believed that 12-14 degrees Celsius is the optimum temperature. At low temperatures, the peel will very quickly lose its natural yellowness and darken and become stained. Nothing will happen to the fetus, but your child may refuse to eat such a banana - it may turn out to be your internal (psychological) child.

Calorie Dried Banana

Bananas are dried in a special device - a dehydrator, in an oven or under the rays of the hot sun. Previously, they are separated from the peel and cut into small pieces so that drying is faster. The procedure relieves the fruits of water, but not of calories. Their concentration in the finished product in relation to ordinary bananas goes off scale: it’s whole 310-330 kcal per 100 grams! If you want to take a quick snack with you for a walk, a run or a bike ride, it will be difficult to find a more delicious, compact and satisfying product. It is almost as difficult as losing weight by eating dried bananas with a sedentary lifestyle. They have nothing to do with diet food.

Calorie Banana Chips

There are many recipes for banana chips, but all of them consist in thin slicing of bananas and heat treatment. You can fry bananas directly in a hot frying pan flavored with oil, or you can bake in the oven.

Depending on the amount of oil used in cooking, the calorie content of banana chips will be in the region of 400-550 kcal.

High temperatures leave no chance for useful substances: they practically do not remain in the finished dish. But it turns out funny crispy slices that children will like, and not only. If you are on a diet, we do not recommend doing anything with banana chips other than cooking.

The calorie content of small baby bananas

When visiting elite supermarkets, you might notice there are bundles of tiny bananas - no more than 12 centimeters each. This is a separate variety of bananas called “baby”.

Contains 90 kcal per 100 g.

They are really less calorie than regular bananas, but let their small size and calorie content not mislead you - do not notice how you eat a whole bunch. They go away like seeds.

Calorie Bananas "Platano" - green varieties

And although this variety has not gained popularity in Russia, we decided to mention it as the lowest-calorie banana.

Calories - only 60 kcal per 100 grams!

The flip side of the coin awarded for low calorie content is the sour taste of this fruit. Even at home, it is practically not eaten raw, but boiled, dried or fried.

Calorie Banana Juice: A Diet Product!

So we got to the banana-based diet product. Juice means a high water content, but there are no calories in it. Hence the low calorie content.

In banana juice, 47-50 kcal. per 100 grams.

This may be enough to arrange a diet snack, because there is still a lot of pulp in banana juice. And nutrients are not burned, do not erode and completely remain in your glass. What are these beneficial substances?

How many calories in 1 banana without a peel and in 100 grams?

Are bananas high in calories and how many kcal (kilocalories) in one banana? Such questions are asked by those who are planning a diet with the obligatory inclusion of various types of vegetables and fruits. Despite the fact that this fruit is considered a useful delicacy, with a healthy diet, it is recommended to carefully consider its calorie content and energy value.

When calculating calories per day, you need to know: calorie content (energy value) of one banana without a peel (skin) is 120 kcal for the average fetus. The phrase “average fruit” is the key here: bananas, like the rest of the fruits, differ in varieties and growing conditions, and therefore their energy value can vary significantly. For a ripe fruit (with brown spots and rare dark stripes on the peel) of the fetus, the calorie content will be 180 kcal - the equivalent of the energy value of 100 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Baby banana, sold in attractive clusters in supermarkets, due to its small size, contains 80–90 kcal. Slightly sour bananas of a rather rare, "green" Platano variety are characterized by low calorie content - about 60 kcal in one fruit.

Calories 100 gr. cottage cheese with banana (1 piece) without peel

Of course, there is one and the same product in its pure form, not every day will be mastered by anyone and it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bamong people there are both real banana-eaters and those who are more than indifferent to these fruits. It is quite possible to diversify a banana menu by adding cottage cheese casseroles, kefir, yogurt or ordinary cottage cheese to it - calories in this case is calculated as the sum of the components of kcal products:

  • banana with yogurt - 135 kcal;
  • kefir with banana puree - 60 kcal;
  • cottage cheese with a banana - 190 kcal;
  • but the cottage cheese-banana casserole will be much less high-calorie - only 100-105 kcal.

How many calories in one average dried peelless banana

Banana - a very diverse berry, which is good in its pure form, and with cocoa or dairy products. Many people prefer these fruits in dried form as a nutritious snack, believing that such a hypostasis is more beneficial for the body. However, a dried (dried) banana product is still a “fruit”: its caloric content is practically twice as high   energy value of a fresh overripe fetus.

When calculating the diet menu, it is necessary to take into account that the weight of the average dried banana is, for obvious reasons, lower than the fresh weight and is 25–35 g. One such dried fruit can satisfy your hunger for several hours with a snack, but of course, it can be used as a low-calorie diet product for weight loss can not.

Calorie content (nutritional value) 100 gr. banana chips

Banana chips fried in oil a priori cannot be lower in calories than fresh fruits - it is: high calorie content makes this product unsuitable for a diet menu, they contain:

  • proteins - 9-10 kcal;
  • fats - 300-310 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 200–205 kcal.

So, consider how many calories are in 100 grams. banana chips? Gets 510-525 kcal. A small bag of such a product in caloric value is quite comparable with a full meal.

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in one banana without a peel and in 100 g of banana?

Let's move on to another indicator of nutritional value - BZHU: the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When compiling a diet menu with the participation of banana fruits, many questions arise: is there a protein in a banana, how many carbohydrates are in 1 banana, and in what form should it be consumed so that it is most beneficial for the body?

The composition of the BJU banana per 100 grams:

  • proteins - 1.5 g (6 kcal);
  • fats - 0.1 mg (5 kcal);
  • carbohydrates - 21.8 g (84 kcal).

An important indicator is how many grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates are in a banana (1 pc.):

  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 32 g.

Data are for a medium-weight fetus of medium maturity.

How much does one average peeled banana weigh?

To recalculate the indicators indicated per 100 g of product, you need to know how much an average banana weighs without a peel. Weight 1 pc. is 150 grams. The average unpeeled fruit weighs 200 g, with the banana peel weighing about 50 g, which is a quarter of the total weight. Know the average weight of one banana without a peel is necessary when preparing complex dishes, banana cookies, desserts, cocktails, etc.

Naturally, few people buy one banana in the store - a bunch and is stored longer, and a useful product is at hand for more than one day. How many bananas are in 1 kg? Again, if we take into account the average weight of the fruit (200 g with a peel), then in one kilogram there will be five pieces.

Are they getting fat from bananas?

In fact, the answer is not so clear, even if you take into account the solid calorie content of this herbal berry. There is an opinion that due to the high content of carbohydrates you can get fat from bananas - indeed, a carbohydrate-rich fetus quickly causes a feeling of fullnesshowever, if there are no bananas in kilograms day after day, the extra kilos are unlikely to form.

The myth that bananas are overweight is based on a very solid calorie content of the product, but it should be noted that in addition to the presence of an average banana of 110-150 kcal it is valuable in other easily digestible substances:

  • minerals and vitamins;
  • quickly “burning” in the body and giving a charge of energy for the whole day with glucose, sucrose and fructose;
  • malic acid and special enzymes invaluable for the absorption of carbohydrates.

With a rationally built diet, you will not be able to recover from bananas. In addition, it is this berry of grassy origin approved by dietitians for chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer.

How much sugar is in one banana?

Bananas are related to food high sugar, and therefore can not be recommended for low-calorie nutrition:

  • 100 bananas contain 12.23 g;
  • ripe banana (1 pc.) contains 12–16 g of sugar.

With proper nutrition, bananas, in turn, maintain optimal blood sugar levels, stopping bouts of uncontrolled hunger.

Is there banana starch?

Depending on the state of maturity of a banana, starch in it makes up a different proportion:

  • unripe green bananas are rich insoluble, resistant starch   - this substance is not digested in the small intestine of a person, but undergoes a fermentation process in the large intestine, causing increased gas formation and seething in the stomach;
  • in ripe bananas starch is converted to sugar,   that is why ripe bananas are sweeter than green ones and easier for the digestion process.

There are people who like the bright grassy taste of unripe bananas much more - perhaps knowing the significant starch content in such fruits will help them create a more rational menu.

How many vitamins are in a banana?

The banana pulp contains vitamins necessary for normal functioning of the human body:

  • vitamin C   - a strong antioxidant that helps slow down the aging process of the skin and increase the body's resistance to various infectious diseases;
  • b vitamins   smooth out the symptoms of PMS and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • vitamin e   prolongs the activity of skin cells - it becomes elastic, supple and smooth;
  • carotene   protects the body from cancer and cardiovascular diseases, prevents premature aging of the body.

100 g banana contains:

Vitamins Mg content
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin b1
  • vitamin B2
  • vitamin b3
  • vitamin b6
  • vitamin b9
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin e

What is the difference between mini-bananas and ordinary ones?

The fruits of dwarf bananas are popularly called "Baby Banana", "sugar bananas", "baby bananas", and these small bananas are different from large   not only in size:

  • yellow flesh has a sweeter taste;
  • the high content of vitamins and minerals makes them healthier;
  • the calorie content of one small banana is 80–90 kcal.

How much does a banana weigh with and without peel?

Based on existing standards, the ideal mass of peeled banana is 200   grams. Therefore, if a person wants to acquire a healthy fruit, he should pick up a banana of approximately this weight.

And now you can consider other parameters of the mass of banana. This will help satisfy curiosity :).

  • A large fruit with a peel has a mass of about 258   gram. And although each large fruit may have a different weight, it is believed that the average value of a large fruit \u003d 250   grams.
  • An average banana with a peel has a mass of about 146   gram.
  • A large banana without a peel has a mass 166   gram. The average weight of such bananas without a peel will be approximately 150   gram.
  • The average peeled banana has a weight in 90   gram. The average weight of the peeled banana is 100   gram.
  • The peel of a large banana is equal to the weight of 92   before 100   grams.
  • The peel of a medium banana has a mass of 50   before 56   gram.

Based on the above information, you can easily calculate the correct number of calories in a particular fetus. Thus, in one large fruit is about 144 kcal.

How much a banana weighs - interesting facts:

  1. Banana is the fourth agricultural product famous in the world, according to celebrity this culture is second only to rice, millet and corn. Every year on the planet eat up over a hundred billion   of these fruits.
  2. Everyone knows that bananas grow on trees. But, in truth, palm tree with bananas Is an ordinary grass. And such a widely held opinion around the world went because the banana stem is very dense and high, thereby resembling a woody structure. Banana is one of the biggest herbaceous plants   on the ground.
  3. Banana actually is a berryrather than fruit.
  4. Conditionally wild fruits of bananas contain black seeds, therefore they are isolated as varietal berries.

  5. About 95% of all existing banana bushes on which fruits are currently grown come from a single bush in South Asia. This means that all private banana   trees literally cloned.
  6. At the present time, there are thousands of varieties of these yellow berries, however, many of them simply can not be eaten. Only six species   this fruit are sweet and edible   berries.
  7. The most famous variety is Cavendish. However, it does not lead because of its incredible delicacy and quality, but because around the middle of the 20th century, beautiful bananas of the Gro-Michel type, much more sweet, tasty and large, were completely wiped off the face of the Earth. The reason was the strange fungus "Panamanian disease", which could only affect plants of this kind. After 60 years, such a threat loomed over the current view of Cavendish.
  8. Nearly all kinds   bananas - radioactive, namely, they contain potassium, as well as its isotope called potassium-40.
  9. Australia is growing unusual bananas   Goldfinger Their taste and texture are like apples.
  10. Most bananas are consumed in Uganda. For each resident per year, approximately 220 kg   bananas.
  11. Banana stands eat up to 12 daysso that potassium can be absorbed by the body and benefit the heart.

P.S.   You can see how much animals weigh or how many insects live. headings: Animals, Insects.

A recognizable aromatic fruit that can be found in any supermarket or market, originally from Southeast Asia. Its flesh is easily digested, but the relatively high calorie content of banana is rejected by many in weight loss diets. In this article we will answer some questions, for example, how many calories are in a banana, is it possible to use these fruits in weight loss diets. We’ll talk more about the nutritional value of the product and how many calories in one average banana. Compare how many calories in a banana per 100 grams without peel and in kilograms. And also - how many calories in 100 grams of banana, based on the size and weight of the fetus.

In contact with

In dietetics, one of the most important characteristics of the nutritional value of products is their ability to energetically saturate the body. It is determined by the amount of energy that a person receives when the components of food are released during digestion and assimilation. The abbreviation BJU, or nutritional value, consists of three main elements, the content of which determines the energy value of the product. These are protein-fats-carbohydrates.

The basis for calculating the BJU is taken 100 g of product (packaged or individually). In addition to the three elements, the energy value of the products is indicated in kJ, where 1 kcal is equal to 4.16 kJ, as well as in kcal. On the basis of BZHU, the daily calorie rate necessary for normal functioning and active human activity is calculated.

If we talk about BJU banana, then in 100 g of ripe fruit pulp contains:

  • protein - 1.5 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 21.8 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1.7 g.

When calculating the BJU, the weight of the product must be taken into account

In a percentage ratio of calorie banana in 1 piece - proteins, fats, carbohydrates:

  • proteins - 1.5%;
  • fats - 0.5%;
  • carbohydrates - up to 30%.

In addition to the importance of the question, how many kilocalories in a banana, we also note the presence of 42 mg of magnesium and about 350 mg of potassium.   Thanks to the combination of these elements, they quickly restore energy reserves, energy as a snack between meals. Given the average calorie content in 1 piece of banana, it should be noted that it is able to compensate for the daily intake of magnesium and potassium. Which, in turn, can be used to prevent myocardial infarction.

Another 100 g contains:

  • vitamin A, provitamin A - about 2% of the daily intake;
  • beta-carotene is more found in red varieties of plane trees, that is, vegetable varieties of fruit;
  • b vitamins, which are very important for muscle work, elimination of cholesterol and preventing the development of diabetes;
  • vitamin C - about 11% of the daily norm;
  • vitamins E, PP;
  • manganese - 14% of daily intake, important for immunity and good mood;
  • the tryptophan amino acid used by the body in the production of serotonin;
  • zinc, selenium, fluorine, iron.

So, simple carbohydrates, sucrose prevail in the pulp, and the proportion of complex carbohydrates does not exceed 8%. The remainder of the mass (\u003e 65%) is water.

Calorie content 100 g without skin

Nutritionists give an answer to the question of how many calories in one banana, indicating a range of values: 66-111 kcal in peeled fruit (per 100 g). The average weight of a fruit that is imported to Russia is 200 g with a peel, and the difference in the weight of individual fruits is from 150 to 250 g. The calorie content of 1 piece of banana without a peel is calculated from the average weight of 140 g, and the peel weighs 60 g, respectively.

Now it’s more or less clear how the calculations are made, how many calories in 1 piece of banana - the more weight, the higher the calorie content. 60-65% of the pulp of the total weight of the fetus is taken into account. This rule applies only to fresh fruits. The energy value of dried candied fruit is measured differently. The calorie content of 1 piece of banana is provided mainly by carbohydrates (about 22%).

How many calories is contained in fresh fruit (1 piece)?

As we said above, when calculating how many calories are in 1 banana, the average figure is given. But when you consider that there are more than 100 varieties of edible fruits in this group, including vegetables (sycamore), the indicator of how many calories in one banana without a peel can vary. When drawing up the appropriate diet, it is necessary to determine the variety, given the difference in weight and size of the pulp, peeled.

Consider how many calories in one banana, based on their size:

  1. In the small one, it differs from the variety called “mini”. To distinguish the fruit in size, a scale in cm is used - from 15 to 18 cm. How many calories are in one banana? Approximately 90 kcal.
  2. How many calories in an average banana are between 18 and 20 cm long? This is the most common type of imported fruit. Its energy value reaches 111 kcal.
  3. In large - more than 20 cm long, caloric value reaches 160 kcal.
  4. In a mini-banana - less than 15 cm long, the energy value is 72 kcal. This is a special variety that can be found in abundance in markets in Thailand, India, Burma. A bunch with dense growth of fruits is characteristic.

And how many calories in half a banana? Calories can easily be calculated according to the above scheme, taking into account the weight of 1 fetus.

Thus, when determining how many calories are in an average banana, the actual length of the fetus must be taken into account. The largest variety is considered to be "Saba" (also called Cardaba), but it can only be found in Asian countries.

How many kilocalories per kilogram of product?

We make approximate calculations. How many calories in one medium-sized banana we already know: from 66 to 111 kcal. If we take the average value of 88.5-89 kcal, then when converted to 1 kg of the weight of the peeled fruits, we will find out how many calories are in a kilogram of bananas: up to 885-890 kcal.

Knowing the calorie content of 100 grams of banana, it is easy to calculate it per kilogram of product

Is there starch in a banana fruit?

Many are interested in the question,. Starch occurs at the ripening stage. But as the fruit ripens, the starch content decreases, it is converted into sugar. If we consider the process of the occurrence of starch, then it can be divided into three stages:

  1. In an unripe fruit, starch appears distinctly, which can cause gas formation when consumed.
  2. There is practically no starch in the ripe fruit; it is converted to sugar. Therefore, the fetus is safe and perfectly absorbed by the body.
  3. In stale fruit, the starch content is also negligible. But provided that the fruit has passed the ripening stage, and not decayed, being unripe.

A small amount of starch indicates a sweet taste. Unripe fruits with a large proportion of starch are almost tasteless and look like grass.

Glycemic index

The glycemic index (GI) shows how the food enters the human body on the level of glucose in the blood. The GI scale is measured in numbers, of which 0 are products without carbohydrate content, and 100 with the maximum content thereof (or the so-called “pure glucose”). A high calorie GI should not be taken unambiguously negatively: such products give off energy faster.   Low glycemic index (low calorie content) have fiber foods that are slowly digested by the body without causing high blood sugar.

Of course, the constant use of foods with high GI against a background of low physical activity can cause various kinds of disorders, for example, body fat or diabetes. As for how many calories are contained in a banana and how it relates to the glycemic index, the degree of maturity of the fetus is taken into account.

Unripe ones have a GI of 42-44, ripe ones have 50, and overripe ones have up to 60 units. From which we can conclude that the important question is not only how many kcal per 1 banana, but also the GI of this product. As we can see, the fruit has an average GI, without causing a sharp increase in human blood sugar.

It is amazing how a simple question still raises a lot of controversy. Supporters of a healthy diet do not recommend eating at all after 6 p.m. Adherents of the morning banana breakfast claim that it gives them energy. On the other hand, young mothers have fun. This, they said, replaces a more high-calorie porridge.

For people suffering from insomnia, the fruit is recommended an hour before going to bed because of its ability to normalize the emotional background and calm the nervous system. We leave the final choice to the consumer of this useful and easily digestible fruit.

Nutritionists are unanimous in the opinion that the average calorie content of 1 piece of banana during weight loss has a positive effect when taken.   Moreover, such a calorie diet is suitable for both (8 months of age) and elderly people.

The usual opinion that banana due to calories is not suitable for diet is not supported by experts. Indeed, the actual calculations of how many calories in 100 grams of banana refute the opinion about the high calorie content of the product. If you know how many calories in 1 average banana and how many fruits you need to eat per day to satisfy hunger, then the inclusion of this product in the diet does not lead to weight gain.

In conclusion, we note that a banana diet is not only useful, but also nutritious. Due to the content of necessary elements in the process of such a diet, the body does not need additional doping. Also, a person does not experience an acute feeling of hunger. The fruit is easily absorbed and digested, bringing satiety.

The energy value of dried candied fruit

Due to the fact that after drying, the fruits lose water in which there are no calories (the flesh decreases in volume by about 5 times), the energy value of dried candied fruits increases. How many calories are in? 100 g of such a product obtained industrially contains up to 300 kcal. How many calories in 1 piece of banana and chips obtained from it? Energy value is from 480 to 530 kcal (due to the content of palm oil used for frying). Therefore, chips cannot be recommended for weight loss diets. But dried candied fruits are acceptable, although to a greater extent, as an exquisite treat.

Useful video


  1. In the article, we examined how many kcal in a banana per 100 grams - 90 kcal, and also based on the average weight of a fruit 250 g with a peel - 160 kcal.
  2. In the structure of BJU banana, U - carbohydrates prevail, which determines its calorie content.
  3. The glycemic index is calculated based on the degree of maturity of the fetus, and it does not exceed average values.
  4. As for starch, it is converted to sugar as the pulp ripens.
  5. At night, the fruit can be eaten 1 hour before bedtime for an adult, especially in case of insomnia. Sometimes it is given to small children instead of evening cereal.
   How much does an average banana weigh?

How much does a banana weigh? The average weight of a banana with a peel ranges from 100 to 300 grams. Why such a weighty “heterogeneity”? The fact is that a variety of factors influence the mass of fruits: variety, ripening period, terrain.

How many calories are in avocados?   245 kcal per 100 g

Average weight   - 200 g

But! Avocados practically do not contain sugar, but it is the richest source of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, C, D and E. Moreover, you can’t eat a lot of avocados. Therefore, although he leads the list of high-calorie fruits, you should not be afraid of him. The most high-calorie fruit (of which we have on sale) is actively used in salads and even desserts. A Mexican guacamole sauce is a great addition to a diet dinner.


Peel the ripe avocado fruit, mashed in a blender, add salt and lemon juice. This is a classic recipe. Of course, you can add spicy greens, cucumber, sweet pepper, mashed in a blender.

Bananas must be on the menu of people who suffer from various diseases of the kidneys and liver. They are indispensable for colitis, because I act both as a diuretic and as a laxative of natural origin. What else is important to note is the ability of the yellow fruit:   Increase concentration; Reduce fatigue; Positive influence on mood; A sufficient amount of fiber and pectin; By the amount of vitamin C, a banana is not inferior to an orange or lemon; Increases blood sugar;

In order to get all these actions from the yellow fruit, you do not need to buy kilograms of bananas. It is enough to eat 1-2 things a day and, in addition to the pleasant taste of the pulp, just get better.

About exact nutritional value

however, there are specimens weighing up to 100 grams. One peeled banana weighs about 70-80 grams,

The following is a table of calories and nutritional value of bananas.

Beneficial features

Consider in detail what is the use of bananas for the body. Like any plant product, a banana is rich in vitamins. It contains vitamin C, which is a strong antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and prolongs the body's youth. And vitamin E contained in a banana with regular use slows down aging, gives elasticity to the skin.

The calorie content of a whole banana

How many calories in 1 banana depends on its size. The average fruit of large-fruited varieties weighs 180–240 grams, two fifths of them are peels. It turns out about 140 to 200 grams of pulp. The calorie content of a large-fruited banana is approximately equal to 170–250 Kcal.   Small dessert fruits are 12 centimeters long and weigh 100 or a little more grams. Such a “baby” without a peel will give you a maximum of 100 Kcal.

Calorie content of banana chips and dried bananas

During the drying process, bananas lose water, which does not contain calories. As a result the calorie content of bananas and the concentration of nutrients in them increases many times. The calorie content of 100 g of bananas, dried by industrial technology and sold, is usually 285-290 kcal.

The calorie content of banana chips depends on the technology of their preparation. It ranges from 480 to 540 kcal. Indeed, in the manufacture of chips used fats, and sometimes also sweeteners.

Platano - this is the name of a rare variety that differs from the usual one in lower sugar content (the taste of a plane tree gives sourness) and a different shade of peel (green or reddish). Plato is not very popular among consumers, but a significant advantage of this variety is its relatively low calorie content - within 60 kcal. Abroad, a plane tree is consumed in a fried or boiled form.