Flour: varieties, properties and description. Characteristic features with photos and the benefits of rye flour, its varieties, as well as cooking recipes with the product

08.08.2019 Seafood dishes

At some point, most of us come to understand that the only way to be healthy is to follow the principles of proper nutrition. Yes, and how else? Healthy food is proven to be the key to health. But not all modern products fit the concept of “correct” - the premium flour we are used to is among the harmful ones. That is why I would like to dwell on such a substitute for ordinary flour as whole grain flour: what it is, how to use it correctly, what is the difference between whole grain and regular flour, what types and varieties are there and what is the secret of its popularity among pp-shnikov, healthy-nick and even losing weight.

Types of Whole Wheat Flour

A hundred years ago, bread made from grinding the highest grade (fine grinding) was called sieve.

It was not available to all classes - the price was high.

Most of the population only knew what whole grain flour meant. Peasants and working people ate bread, the basis of which was whole wheat flour (poor people's bread).

What is the difference between whole grains and regular grains? Z-flour is the result of a certain way of grinding grain.

In modern pp-recipes, various types of this useful product are mentioned, you can find such names:

  • wheat
  • rye
  • rye wallpaper
  • rice
  • oatmeal
  • corn

At all, from almost any cereal you can get tsz-flour, useful and necessary for our health. Corn, barley and buckwheat can also be whole grains. But the varieties and features of a particular tsz-flour may differ depending on the grinding, processing technology.

Varieties (grades) of flour for grinding grain

The most popular is wheat flour. Here the varieties are divided as follows:

  • semolina (the most expensive variety of durum wheat, has the ability to swell after kneading the dough);
  • the highest grade (the most delicate flour of fine grinding, passed through several sieves, cleaned of larger fractions;
  • first grade (contains part of the crushed grain shells);
  • second grade (the content of abraded casings is even higher);
  • wallpaper flour (do not know what this means? Whole flour contains a whole shell of grain - bran).

Now it is clear that Whole-grain wallpaper flour is a grinding product that has not passed through a sieve. If you adhere to the standards of GOST, then the yield of raw materials in this case is 95%.

By the way, often beginners in healthy lifestyles cannot figure out how wallpaper differs from whole grain and is there a difference between flour and whole grain flour? The correct answer is nothing, all these concepts mean the same thing.

Otherwise, varieties of rye flour are determined:

  • seeded (passed through fine sieves);
  • peeled (passed through large sieves);
  • wallpaper (not sieved)

Wholemeal rye flour and peeled rye flour are not the same, as there is a difference in the percentage of endosperm (the inner part of the grain) and the grain shell. What is the difference between peeled and whole grain (wallpaper)? Wallpaper - a yield of 95%, peeled - no more than 87%. Peeled rye is sold in stores.

Whole grain flour: benefits and harms

Tz flour is most commonly used for baking bread.

A classic muffin with tsz-flour will be ugly and rough in structure.

Some types of dough (for example, puff or custard) cannot be prepared only from tsz-flour, since there is very little gluten in whole grains, you need to mix it with the traditional premium.

To be honest, tsz-baking has a special specific taste compared to classic high-grade bakery products. But the benefits of its use are ten times greater!

And if you take proven recipes for testing - different pancakes - then it’s easy to understand that it’s easy to bake a yummy from whole-ground ones. Even from tsz-flour they turn out delicious, no worse than the usual ones.

The benefits of whole grain bread are determined by the chemical composition and nutritional value of the raw materials.

The chemical composition of tsz-flour and useful properties

The whole grain product has a unique composition, which differs significantly from the composition of refined wheat. The grain shell contains unique "utilities":

  • vitamins E and group B;
  • trace elements (calcium, iron, chromium, selenium, potassium - a whole chemical laboratory);
  • cellulose.

Sifting out bran, we deprive the product of many irreplaceable components. But in tsz-flour they are. Here are the benefits of whole grain flour:

  • improves the process of digestion;
  • does not increase the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood;
  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • promotes weight loss.

Are there any contraindications?

Indeed, not all people can abuse wholemeal flour baking. In acute and chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and pancreas, doctors do not recommend tsz-flour.

Patients with celiac disease (intolerance to gluten protein - gluten), for obvious reasons, are interested in questions, is there gluten in whole grain flour - in rye, wheat, etc.?

There is gluten in tsz-flour, but its content is much less than in the premium product. Rye also has gluten. Spelled whole grain flour contains the least amount of gluten of all wheat products.

What is spelled flour - this is flour from a special type of wheat that our ancestors used. Spelled (aka spelled) is an excellent product for pp.

Here is a video about spelling:

Features and differences of different tsz-flour

Features and differences are determined mainly by the technology for the production of whole grain flour.

What a whole grain natural product looks like is easy to determine visually. Whole grain or peeled (what it is, we already know) differ from other varieties visually (what whole grain flour looks like, you can see in the photo below) and to the touch. It contains large particles (this is bran), it is darker than other varieties.

Moisture capacity (i.e. how much water is required by whole grain flour) when kneading dough for tsz-flour is slightly higher than for ordinary flour: large fractions, swelling, “collect” more liquid. This must be taken into account when baking.

Whole grain flour from different cereals has a different glycemic index. Rye (40), oatmeal (45) and buckwheat (50) have the lowest GI. Those who are forced to monitor their blood glucose levels should try to replace whole grain flour in their diet. How? There are many options - amaranth, pea or flax oatmeal practically does not contain glucose, although these products have a specific taste.

whole grain flour for weight loss

  • help cleanse the intestines (fiber as a "broom" removes all "blockages");
  • remove harmful substances - toxins (fiber works as an absorbent);
  • increase immunity, working capacity, physical endurance (the effect of microelements and vitamins)

It is thanks to these properties that whole grain flour will give the expected effect when losing weight, since it is unlikely to belong to low-calorie foods.

Take, for example, a product made from wheat. Wheat whole grain flour (calorie content per 100 grams - 298 Kcal), like any other whole-ground, preferably varietal (calorie content - 336 Kcal per 100 grams). Although the secret of its popularity among pp-shnikov and losing weight is something else - a lower glycemic index, the “slowness” of carbohydrates, and numerous useful qualities.

Some nutritionists also advise adding oatmeal to any z-flour - this will further reduce calorie content and increase usefulness.

Is it possible and how to make tsz flour yourself

It is not always possible for pp-shniks to purchase a useful natural base for baking in a store or order in an online store. How to make whole wheat flour at home? I can offer 2 options on how to do it yourself:

  • add bran to the product of the highest or first grade (proportions 10: 1) - this is the fastest and easiest solution to replace whole grain flour in baking if it is not found in your city;
  • grind cereals using a home mill (some manufacturers have such a function in food processors) or a coffee grinder. More laborious process, but interesting.

The use of whole grain flour

Whole grain flour is a versatile product. Therefore, there are hundreds of options for what can be prepared from whole grain flour. Recipes are varied - from bread to drinks:

  • Whole grain bread
  • Oatmeal or buckwheat pancakes
  • Fritters
  • Cupcakes and muffins
  • Bread and flatbread
  • Cookies, crackers
  • Pies with and without fillings
  • Kiseli
  • Smoothies
  • Macaroni and pasta, homemade noodles
  • Ravioli, dumplings
  • Dumplings and dumplings
  • Vareniki with cottage cheese, berries

When choosing any tsz-flour, try to pay attention to the shelf life - if it is 6 months, then the product in front of you is natural, but if the period is 12-18, then, most likely, some preservatives have been added to the flour.

If you use whole ground for baking (regardless of the recipe), let the dough stand for half an hour - this will make the product more magnificent, and the mass is convenient.

While wheat flour dominates the breads of Southern Europe and Great Britain, rye flour plays a more important role in the breads of Northern and Eastern Europe. This is due to the fact that rye has a high ability to grow in cooler and poorer climates.

Baking from rye flour is very tasty and healthy for the human body. Let's take a closer look at its composition and benefits.

Analysis of the composition and calorie content of rye flour

Rye contains much less gluten than wheat. Therefore, bread made from rye flour does not increase as much as wheat flour. A bread crumb dominated by rye will be denser and with smaller holes. On the other hand, rye has more free sugars than wheat, so rye dough ferments faster.
Rye contains a group of complex sugars called "pentosans". They are present in other grains, but rye has more of them. Pentasons break easily during mixing, and their fragments result in a sticky dough. Because of this, rye doughs require softer and generally faster mixing than wheat doughs.
Rye has more enzymes (amylases) that break down starch in sugars. Starch is essential for structure, and if too much is broken down, the texture of the bread suffers and becomes sticky. This is traditionally prevented by acidifying the rye dough, which slows down the action of the amylases.
Composition of rye flour:
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Group of vitamins B and E
100 grams contains - 8.9 g of protein, 61.8 g of carbohydrates, 1.7 g of fat.
Calorie content of rye flour - 298 kcal.

The benefits and harms of rye flour for the body

Weight loss
Rye is often considered an excellent material for weight loss. The type of fiber in rye is somewhat unique in that it binds extremely to water molecules, meaning it makes you feel full. The problem with dieting is that you are often hungry, so you inevitably give up. With rye flour, this issue will be resolved.
Prevents gallstones
Recent studies have shown an important element in rye that may help reduce the severity of gallstones. This is due to fiber's impact on the digestive process, as explained above, since fiber can help reduce the amount of bile acids produced, which is the main cause of gallstones.
Diabetes control
When it comes to blood sugar levels, diabetics should always take care and watch what they eat and when. Taking rye flour-based foods won't cause a spike in blood sugar (unless they're sweet).
Improves digestion
As mentioned in the weight loss section, the impressive composition and density of dietary fiber in rye makes it ideal for those suffering from constipation or other bowel problems. It can reduce excess gas, relieve stomach pain and cramps, and prevent more serious conditions like ulcers, gallstones, or even colon cancer.
Increases metabolic efficiency
Compared to other grains in the same family, rye appears to be the best for optimizing metabolic processes in the body. As a result, weight may also decrease, since energy will be burned, and not deposited in fat reserves.

Popular types of rye flour

There are the following types of flour:
  • Pecked. Virtually no vitamins. Used for baking bread
  • seeded. Very low calorie content
  • Peeling. Used for baking bread, very fragrant
  • Wallpaper. The largest amount of vitamins and minerals
Advice! It is best to bake bread from a wallpaper variety, because it has the most useful components.

What to bake? Delicious dishes based on rye flour

What to bake with rye flour? Rye is very well suited for baking bakery products. As a rule, the dough prepared on the basis of only rye flour, due to the rather low concentration of gluten, does not stand out with elasticity and elasticity and sticks strongly to the hands. Therefore, it is recommended to mix it with wheat flour in equal proportions. The resulting bread does not go bad for much longer than if it was made from wheat flour only.
Rye flour dishes are not the most diverse, but at the same time they are very tasty. So, in addition to baking bread and cakes, you can make sourdough for kvass. Based on rye flour - this will be the most delicious drink.
Very tasty rye flour makes cakes, which are especially suitable for hot dishes.

Variety of lean rye flour baked goods

I would like to highlight lean pastries as a separate item. At the moment, there are a large number of recipes for cookies, muffins, breads, cakes, which will be not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is especially useful for people who are fasting or adhering to proper nutrition.
Advice! Based on it, you can make small energy bars that will saturate the body with vitamins and satisfy hunger.

Top rye flour producing countries

As mentioned earlier, rye is grown mainly in those regions where it is of historical importance. Central, Eastern and Northern Europe remain the largest rye-producing regions in the world, cultivating grain since the Bronze Age. This information is also reflected in the list of producing countries.
So, the best rye flour is produced in:
In 2012, Germany grew 3,893,000 tons of rye, making it the largest producer in the world and one of the only countries to have increased production in the last 20 years. In 1992, Germany produced only 3.3 million tons of this grain, indicating an increase of 600,000 tons. Today, this country exports a significant amount of rye and is responsible for 21% of the world supply.
The second largest producer of rye is Poland. In 2012, this country produced 2,888,137 tons of rye. Despite its ranking and high production figure, Poland actually saw a gradual decline in rye cultivation. For example, in 1992 it was 5.9 million tons. Like Germany, Poland also exports a significant portion of this grain. In fact, it is responsible for the largest percentage of rye exports in the world. In 2014, 36% of the world's rye exports came from Poland.
Russia ranks third in the world in rye production. In 2012, this country produced 2,113,519 tons of grain. Although this is a significant amount of rye production, Russia once produced large volumes. In 1992 it was the largest producer in the world with 13.9 million tons. This decline in production suggests a decline in global demand. Most of what Russia produces stays inside the country. In 2014, Russian rye accounted for only 5% of the global export supply.

Simple rye flour cakes: video

Rye flour is very useful. At the same time, baking from it is fragrant and tasty. It is perfect for those people who monitor their health or like to eat deliciously safely. At the same time, the use of baking will contribute to the improvement and improvement of the work of the intestines, which is important.

What is flour? Flour is a food product obtained by grinding grain into a powdery bulk mass. Flour is divided by type, type and variety, depending on the type of grain used, into types according to purpose, varieties in accordance with the fineness of grinding and varieties of grains for making flour.

Flour, as you know, is a valuable food product, and without it it is impossible to bake bread, make a homemade pie, and cook magnificent pastries. Knowing the types of flour, what varieties and types there are, what to look for when choosing, how to properly use flour for its intended purpose, you can learn how to independently classify flour products and cook tasty and healthy food with flour.

The tester advises. The darker the flour, the more substances useful for the human body: proteins, minerals and vitamins.

In the flour milling industry, flour is made from various agricultural crops, mainly cereals. Flour is produced mainly from varieties of cereal grains, such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt, oats, buckwheat, corn, millet and rice.

In addition to those listed, there are other types of flour, but the bulk is made from wheat. Wheat flour is the basis of dough for bread, bakery products and is classified by grade.

What are the types of flour

The grade of flour is determined depending on the yield (obtaining) of the finished product from the grain. The yield of flour is calculated as a percentage. The more flour comes out of the grains, the lower the grade and the coarser the flour. If 10 kg of grain is ground into flour, then 8.5 kg of the finished product will be obtained, and the flour yield will be 85%. The lower this percentage, the higher the grade of flour.

An indicator of the quality of flour, its types and types, is the variety. In the production of bread, as a rule, rye flour and wheat are used. Flour from grain and cereal crops is included in composite mixtures and is used as an independent product.

Flour composition and properties

Flour, consisting of various impurities, has a valuable nutritional composition, enriched with dietary fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements, is used to improve the taste of flour products and increase the energy value of the product.

When choosing flour in the store, pay attention to the packaging. On the package with high-quality flour, the composition should be indicated. If the flour consists of composite mixtures, read the information on the packaging about the composition of the mixtures, their percentage in flour. Pancake flour, for example, contains additional ingredients such as milk powder, salt, sugar, baking soda, and dried egg powder.

Flour from different grains, from a mixture of wheat and rye (wheat-rye), from one culture has an unequal composition, we present the general indicators of the chemical composition of flour:

  • starch - 54-90%;
  • proteins - 14 (wheat) -44 (soy)%;
  • fats - 0.9-4%;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins - B1, B2, B6, PP, A, E;
  • dextrins;
  • enzymes;
  • minerals - 0.36-3.5%.

Flour is divided depending on its basic properties, in accordance with nutritional value, composition, technological features, taking into account the raw materials used and grain grinding. Flour is classified by types and types.

flour types

The type of flour is determined simply - its intended purpose. Wheat flour is divided into three types, it happens:

  1. Bakery - a type for baking bread.
  2. Pasta - a type of flour for the production of spaghetti and pasta.
  3. Confectionery - for the preparation of cakes, pastries and muffins.

Meanwhile, not all flour is intended for baking, not all types of flour are used in bakery production. Buckwheat and oatmeal flours are widely used in infant formulas, baked goods, pancakes, and biscuits.

Rice flour is used for breading fish, meat and vegetables. Porridge is cooked from cornmeal, casseroles are prepared. But wheat flour is considered the leader in production and consumption among other types of flour. What is flour usually made from?

  • Wheat bread flour is made from soft wheat.
  • Macaroni wheat flour is obtained from durum grains.
  • Rye flour is only for baking. The main feature of the composition of rye flour is its high content of proteins, carbohydrates and mucus.

Flour is coarse and fine

Fine flour - flour from the inside of the grain. When finely milled, white flour contains, as a rule, gluten and starch, fiber in white flour is contained in a small amount. Fine grinding makes the flour tender, such flour consists of small particles of grains, the outer layer of which is removed. Wheat flour is considered to be:

  • Top grade;
  • First grade.

Coarse flour - whole grain flour. In coarse grinding, whole grains are completely ground into flour. It consists of large particles, it contains bran and grain shells. Wholemeal flour:

  1. wallpaper;
  2. Second grade.

Wheat flour: varieties and calories

Wheat flour is produced from wheat grain, the main purpose of the product in the finished milled form is to be used for baking bakery products and bread. Wheat baking flour is divided into varieties:

  • grit;
  • the highest grade;
  • first grade;
  • second grade;
  • wallpaper flour.

In addition to the main 5 varieties, wheat flour Podolskaya, baking wheat flour Special of the highest and first grade are produced.

Varieties of wheat flour differ from each other in terms of the main indicators that have a different effect on the grade of finished flour:

  1. color, smell and taste;
  2. humidity and zoning;
  3. grinding type;
  4. the amount of bran particles content;
  5. pest infestation;
  6. acidity;
  7. amount of gluten.

Energy value of wheat flour, composition of BJU:

  • Proteins: 10.8 g;
  • Fats: 1.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 69.9 g

The calorie content of wheat flour is 334 kcal per 100 g.

Rye flour: composition and varieties

Rye flour comes in three varieties:

  1. seeded. Seeded rye flour is white in color with a characteristic creamy hue. Produced from the middle of the grain, consists of small particles.
  2. Peeling. Peeled rye flour - white with a grayish tinge with particles of grain shells. Bread made from such flour is low-calorie, porous and tasty. Contains vitamins and minerals
  3. Wallpaper. Nutritionists consider rye wholemeal flour to be the most beneficial for human nutrition, nutritious. It has the highest bran content compared to other varieties. Gray flour with particles of grain shells. Used for baking bread.

The difference between varieties of rye flour and wheat flour is in the content of bran, the degree of grinding and the amount of product at the exit. The less bran in rye flour, the lighter it is. But rye flour proteins do not form gluten, unlike wheat proteins.

Rye flour absorbs more liquid when making dough than wheat flour. Bread made from rye flour turns out to be black and dense, gray dough tends to stick to hands during kneading.

In addition to the main types and varieties of flour, there are many different types.

Types of flour

Flour of other types is produced in smaller quantities than wheat flour. The flour used in baking is regular wheat flour. But in some recipes, corn, barley, peas and soy are listed; such flour is more often used in the preparation of traditional national dishes. Rice and buckwheat flour is used for baby food, dietary meals, separately as an independent product or in combination with wheat flour.

Different types of flour combined with other dough ingredients give different results. If a certain type of flour is indicated in a baking recipe, it cannot be changed to any other type and grade. The simplest flour and the most common for baking bread, pies, buns and pies is wheat flour.

To bake yeast bread at home, cook it yourself, make it, draw, Austrian, you need to understand what kind of flour, its type, type and variety, for which baking it is suitable.

  1. Semolina is a type of flour obtained from durum wheat, a characteristic feature of the product is the high content of gluten in the composition. Semolina from wheat grain is used in the manufacture of traditional Italian pasta. There is wheat, rice, corn flour, semolina is produced from any grain - corn, rice, wheat and others. Depending on the type of grains, the semolina is given the appropriate name.
  2. Spelled is a type of flour made from spelled wheat. Flour is used for baking, it is produced from wheat, but it is nutritious, easily digestible fats in the composition, unlike ordinary wheat flour. Spelled flour contains gluten but tastes similar to whole wheat flour.
  3. Abyssinian panicle flour is a type of flour made from an old type of grain under the unusual name Abyssinian panicle. Such flour has a valuable composition and is very nutritious, it looks like grains of quinoa or millet. In the composition of small grains of the Abyssinian panicle - iron, calcium, thiamine, fiber. The protein content is higher than in wheat flour, small grains make flour gluten-free. The product has gained popularity among those suffering from gluten intolerance, athletes and people who are watching their weight.

Whole grain flour

Whole grain flour, also known as wallpaper, is a product of coarse grinding, produced from whole grains of wheat. Wholemeal flour contains more fiber, nutrients than white flour, and less gluten. Whole grain baking flour is most commonly used in a mixture with bread flour when making bread dough.

Flour of the 1st (first) grade

Flour of the first grade is also called universal. It is this flour that is most often bought in baking stores. Flour of the 1st grade is a mixture of flour from soft and durum wheat. First-class flour is white and darker. White flour is used for baking pancakes, cookies, waffles. The darker one is used in the preparation of yeast-free and yeast-free pastries: bread, casseroles, puddings, sweet muffins, and profiteroles with eclairs.

Flour of the 2nd (second) grade

Flour of the 2nd grade is good for baking. Wheat flour with an increased (of all wheat flour) starch content and low protein. Ready-made muffin from second-rate flour is obtained with a delicate lush texture. Used for , muffins, suitable for puff pastries and yeast-free bread.

Baking flour of the highest grade

Flour of the highest grade - white flour from durum wheat. Due to the high content - up to 14% - premium flour is ideal for yeast baking. It is rich in protein, as a rule, it contains ascorbic acid, due to the content of acid in combination with yeast, products made from premium flour are porous and fluffy.


Small grains without shells and farinaceous particles - grains. Flour is produced from special varieties of wheat, which contains a lot of gluten, due to which grit differs from other flour in high baking properties. Flour is used for baking products such as muffins, Easter cakes, suitable for yeast dough, noodles, dumplings, but not for yeast-free bread.

The benefits and harms of wheat flour

The benefits and harms of wheat flour depend on the amount of baking eaten by a person. In order for flour to benefit, and not harm, it is necessary to choose the right types of flour for baking. Snow-white flour is the most useless for human health. White flour is a high-carbohydrate product, consuming which in excessive amounts, a person becomes fat, the eaten bun or pie is quickly deposited in fat, causing harm.

Nutritionists, adherents of proper and healthy nutrition, recommend adding first grade, second grade or whole grain flour to high-grade flour when baking products. Baking from a mixture of several types of flour will reduce the harm of high-grade wheat.

How to store flour

  • Storage of any flour must be correct. Store flour in a dry, cool and ventilated area.
  • The shelf life of flour is indicated on the packaging, as a rule, it does not exceed 6 months.
  • Whole wheat flour keeps better in the refrigerator.
  • Flour should be stored in a closed jar, bulk container or airtight packaging. This method of storage will protect the flour from bugs and foreign odors.
  • In the hot season, any flour is best placed in the refrigerator, otherwise it will quickly become rancid at high temperatures in the kitchen.
  • It is forbidden to eat flour if it has changed color, a foreign smell, bugs have appeared.
  • You should buy flour as you consume it, there is no need to stock up for future use.

What is the best gluten-free flour for baking

Replacing plain wheat flour with gluten-free flour allows those suffering from celiac disease to indulge in the pleasure of eating a piece of cake, baking homemade bread. Gluten-free flour is suitable for baking gluten-free products for people suffering from intolerance to wheat flour. Gluten-free bread mixes can be purchased at the store, or you can mix the individual ingredients together yourself.

Knowing what kind of gluten-free flour is best for baking, what kind of mixture of different types of flour is best to use, any product can be prepared at home without the hassle and make baking as healthy as possible.

  • A mixture of starch, rice and tapioca flour is the perfect combination for baking bread.
  • A mixture of two types of flour - white rice and tapioca - is recognized by sweet tooth as optimal for baking cake layers.
  • Rice flour made from white rice is a popular product with a neutral flavor. It is more useful to use not in its pure form - mixed with another type of flour.
  • Brown rice flour is a useful type of flour, but the product is not for long-term storage.
  • Buckwheat flour is prepared by grinding buckwheat grains and is widely used in recipes for baking homemade waffles, pancakes and pancakes. Buckwheat flavor can be reduced by mixing buckwheat with other types of flour.
  • Cornmeal is prepared in a similar way - grinding corn grains. It is used for baking cakes, making casseroles.
  • Peanut flour is made from peanuts that have been pressed for oil. Gluten-free flour, an excellent replacement for a wheat product. Used in cooking for making noodles and bread.
  • Sorghum is a flour alternative to wheat flour. Similar in taste to wheat, but sorghum flour is gluten-free. It is used in recipes of any baking.
  • Coconut flour is one of the healthy foods, used for making desserts, sweet pastries.
  • Nut flour consists of crushed walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds. Flour is obtained by grinding almonds and nuts. In cooking, almond flour is found in recipes for pralines, marzipans, and chocolate pastes.
  • Quinoa and amaranth flour (amaranth flour) is considered one of the best options for baking bread, replacing wheat flour.
  • Lentil or chickpea flour is famous for its valuable nutritional properties and beneficial composition. More suitable for baking cakes.
  • Flaxseed flour, along with flour from ground pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, serves as an additive in gluten-free bread recipes.
  • Oat flour. Oat flour is obtained from oat grains. Oats are a cereal crop that has a unique gift of nature, a healing composition. Flour obtained from oat grain is one of the most useful types of flour, it is considered more useful than other cereals. Oatmeal is good for baking cookies and pancakes. In combination with flax flour, the nutritional value of oat flour increases, the structure and taste of flour products improve.

flour name

Housewives are increasingly using various types of flour at home. Many types of flour, varieties and types from the names on sale, the range of bulk products raises questions from housewives about the purpose of flour.

  • Barley flour. Flour is produced from barley in small quantities; at home, it is used for baking pancakes and flat cakes. Bread made from barley flour in its pure form quickly becomes stale, the product is usually used in bakery production mixed with wheat and rye flour.
  • The name pancake flour can be seen on packages in supermarkets. In fact, pancake flour does not exist. Pancake flour is a mixture of first grade wheat flour and often soy flour. Often, the composition of pancake flour includes preservatives, baking powder, starch and sugar with salt.
  • Pea flour. Flour obtained from chickpeas or peas is a valuable dietary food product. Flour is rich in proteins, vitamins and mineral salts. With the addition of wheat flour, donuts are made from pea flour, homemade cookies, dietary bread are baked. The world-famous Israeli falafel is made from pea (chickpea) flour.
  • Bird cherry flour is used in cooking for making casseroles, pies, and muffins. But such flour is suitable for baking bread and buns.

In addition to the listed types of flour, varieties, types and names, there are other types, such as spelled, hemp, cedar, soy. The names of flour can be listed indefinitely. It is important to remember that only wheat flour is suitable for. For baking bread, wheat and rye are the basis, flour from other crops comes as an admixture to the main ones.

Otherwise, when making dough for baking, try to use other types of flour and varieties with basic white wheat flour. Experiment with coarse grinding products, thereby making the taste of baked goods richer and the composition of the products more useful.

calories: 298 kcal
Proteins: 8.9 g
Fats: 1.7 g
Carbohydrates: 61.8 g

Product proportions:

1 teaspoon - 8 grams
1 tablespoon - 30 grams
1 cup - 160 grams

Compared to wheat flour, rye flour differs not only in a darker color, but also in slightly different nutritional qualities. In particular, the baking properties of rye flour directly depend on the percentage of gluten, which is very low in it.

By the way, gluten is a substance that is responsible for the elasticity, elasticity and extensibility of the dough, which, in turn, affects the volume of the finished bakery product, its size, shape and porosity structure.

Compensate for this property of rye flour by mixing it with wheat flour. But even then, the dough from a mixture of wheat and rye flour sticks quite strongly to the hands during kneading - it is quite difficult to work with it. However, the aroma and taste of rye bread is worth it.

In addition to making bread, rye flour is also used as part of cakes, pancakes, cookies, cakes and gingerbread. Rye flour sourdough is an integral part of fragrant Russian kvass.

Varieties of rye flour

To date, 3 varieties of rye flour are distinguished, the difference between which lies in the degree of grinding, yield and content of bran particles:

  • seeded rye flour;
  • peeled rye flour;
  • rye flour wallpaper.

So, for example, based on the content of bran particles, the color of rye flour may vary - the more there are, the darker the product and vice versa.

Composition of rye flour

As mentioned above, rye flour does not have the ability to form gluten (which is typical for wheat flour). That is why such qualities as firmness and elasticity are not inherent in rye dough.

However, rye flour contains more active enzymes that break down starch. So, the main indicator that determines the baking properties of rye flour is autolytic activity, that is, the ability to accumulate a certain amount of water-soluble substances in the dough. This directly affects the condition and stickiness of the crumb along with the shape of the finished baked product.

The benefits of rye flour

The benefits of rye flour, like rye in general, are obvious, because it is a truly healing food product. The beneficial properties of rye flour and dishes based on it is that with their moderate use, salts and toxins are removed from the human body, thereby gradually eliminating the causes of various diseases.

However, today, compared with wheat, the use of rye flour in home cooking is much lower, and in vain. It seems that this is primarily due to the rather laborious process of kneading dough and preparing products in general. But fragrant pastries and drinks made from rye flour are distinguished by their incomparable aroma and taste, as well as health benefits.

Flour for cooking food (primarily bread) has been used for centuries. Even before the transition to agriculture, people ate grains of wild cereals ground in stone bowls. True, the big question is whether this product had the right to be called flour or not. Most likely not, since the “grinding” was too coarse, and the particles of ground grains were large. Let's try to figure out how rye flour differs from wheat flour, in addition to the fact that they are made from different types of cereals - rye and wheat.


Wheat flour, depending on the gluten content and the method of grinding, can be of different varieties. In Russia, the following division is accepted:

  • grit;
  • wallpaper flour;
  • flour of the highest grade;
  • flour of the first grade;
  • flour of the second grade.

Moreover, the low grade does not indicate the poor quality of the product, but that this type of flour is suitable for preparing a certain type of food product.

The difference between rye flour and wheat flour is that it has a slightly different classification, namely:

  • seeded;
  • peeling;
  • wallpaper.

Rye flour does not have, unlike wheat, the ability to create gluten, so products from it are less suitable for bread production. However, it has great nutritional value, so bread is usually baked from a mixture of wheat and rye flour.


In different varieties of wheat flour, starch is from 60 to 70 percent, and in rye it is somewhat less - 50-60. Rye flour has less protein, but more fiber and sugar. Since it cannot form gluten, the quality of the dough made from it depends on the presence in the flour of active substances that can break down starch. These differences determined the scope of wheat and rye flour.

The lion's share of rye flour (mixed with wheat flour) is used for baking bread. As a minor addition to wheat, it can be present in small quantities in other food products, and also used as a breading. Its other use, if it occurs, is already exotic. As, for example, in the cosmetic industry: in particular, for hair care. Here, the abundance of vitamins found in rye flour turned out to be in demand.

Wheat flour has found the widest application in the baking and confectionery industries. It goes to the preparation of the following products:

  • bread;
  • sweet pastries;
  • pasta (durum wheat flour);
  • pancakes;
  • pies;
  • dumplings;
  • pancakes;
  • dumplings and their analogues in the cuisine of different nations ...

Perhaps it would be true to say that wheat flour products accompany us all our lives, from the moment we start eating on our own.


In a compact table, let's summarize what is the difference between rye and wheat flour.