What fruits are the most nutritious? Lowest-calorie fruits, vegetables and berries: list and features.

22.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Fruits contain sugars of natural origin, they contain a minimum of fat and many useful vitamins and minerals that the human body needs. Diets exclude confectionery and baked goods from the diet of a losing weight person, but fruit is a great alternative and satisfies the need for sweets. Fresh apples contain a minimal amount of calories and a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins.

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What fruits can you eat while losing weight?

The lowest calorie fruits are lime and lemon.These fruits contain about 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. Their use contributes to the rapid burning of the subcutaneous fat layer. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with fresh citrus juice daily. It is advisable to do this in the morning, before breakfast.

People who want to lose weight are advised to include the following fruits in their diet:

Name Useful action How to use
Grapefruits and orangesCitrus fruits are a source of vitamin C. They also contain bioflavonoids and enzymes that effectively fight extra pounds. Fruits stimulate the digestive system and accelerate metabolic processes in the bodyGrapefruits and oranges go well with stewed chicken breast. They can be used not only in fruit salads, but also in vegetable salads, complement seafood dishes with citrus
AvocadoThe most high-calorie fruit, but this exotic fruit is a dietary product, since it contains easily digestible fatty acids and relieves hunger for a long time. This unique fruit contains practically no sugar, but contains vitamins of all groups and mineral salts (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium)

Avocado goes great with:

  • fish dishes;
  • meat; seafood;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits
KiwiHas a mild laxative effect and contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This fruit is high in fiber and low in sugar.Nutritionists recommend eating one ripe kiwi half an hour before the main meal.
ApplesThey are the most affordable low-calorie fruit (about 35 kcal / 100 g). It is better to choose sour varieties because they contain less sugar.You need to eat apples together with the peel - both fresh and baked.

It is undesirable to eat bananas and grapes during the diet, since these products are high in fructose and high in calories.

Fruit calorie table

The list of calorie content of fruits in ascending order and their nutritional value (BZHU) are presented in the table:

The product's nameCalorie content per 100 gramsBZHU, g per 100 g
Lime27 0,85/0,12/10,6
Lemon32 0,93/0/3
Grapefruit34 1,11/0,13/11
Watermelon37 0,65/0,12/8,9
Melon37 0,65/0/9
Pomelo38 0,92/0/10
Orange39 0,91/0,24/8,2
Mandarin42 0,63/0,25/8
Apricot43 1,4/0,11/9
Peach44 1,2/0/9,4
Plum45 0,85/0/9,7
Pear46 0,52/0,33/9,6
Apple47 0,14/0,12/8
A pineapple48 0,43/0,22/12
Nectarine51 1,25/0,22/11,1
Papaya52 0,63/0,14/11
Fig53 0,74/0,1/11,4
Persimmon54 0,53/0/13
Feijoa56 1,6/0,52/13,2
Quince56 0,54/0,12/15
Mango58 0,53/0,22/11,6
Kiwi62 1,14/0,6/4
Grapes66 0,73/0,23/15,1
Garnet75 1/0/11,3
Banana91 1,41/0,14/20
Avocado183 2,4/9/15,2

The daily norm of fruit for an adult is 250-300 grams.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to completely remove excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger like his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

In the modern world, more and more people suffer from obesity and diseases associated with it. This is explained to a large extent by the achievements of modern science and technology. People began to move much less and eat significantly more, and food, more often, contains a lot of calories, fats and carbohydrates. Many people spend all their free time in front of televisions and computers, consuming high-calorie foods in large quantities. At the same time, all homework is often performed by modern technology, and personal vehicles are used for movement, so people even walk very little. This lifestyle leads to the development of stress, depression, excess weight and obesity, as well as related diseases.

A person can cope with this only by revising his regime, lifestyle and diet. Physical activity plays a very important role in this process, but nutrition is the most important. In order to lose the excess weight gained and maintain it at an acceptable level, a person must remove the most high-calorie foods from their diet.

It is known that the basic elements of all foods are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are more responsible for the calorie index. According to which component prevails in the product, all of them can be divided into three large groups:


The most high-calorie protein foods

Proteins are an important element of nutrition, they are necessary for the body for normal development and growth, the formation of muscles and tissues. Proteins are the main building blocks for the human body. In the daily diet, proteins must be present in sufficient quantities, but not exceeding the permissible norms. With an excessive intake of proteins in the body, they can settle on the human body in the form of adipose tissue. A large amount of protein is found in fatty fish, pork and sour cream. These foods can be harmful to your figure. Cottage cheese, cheese, milk and kefir have an average protein and calorie content.

High-calorie fatty foods

The breakdown of fats in food releases about twice as much energy as the processing of proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, foods high in fat tend to be very high in calories. For those people who monitor their figure and seek to lose excess weight, it is better to give them up or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Natural foods that are high in fat include:

Vegetable, especially sunflower oil;

Butter, as well as margarine;

Lard and pork fat;

Most nuts, for example, pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and others;

Fatty meats;

Fatty fish;


Olives and olives and others.

From processed foods, a lot of fat is present in:

Sausages, including sausages;

Many canned food;

Pastries, ice cream and cakes;

Many types of cookies;


Chips, croutons, French fries and other "quick" foods.

Too frequent excessive consumption of foods that contain a lot of fat can lead to the development of obesity and atherosclerosis, which can ultimately lead to strokes and heart attacks. At the same time, scientists have identified such a pattern that men are more prone to these diseases than women.

However, it is also impossible to completely abandon fats, although they give food a high calorie content. After all, only with the help of this element, fat-soluble vitamins can be absorbed in the body. In turn, with a lack of such vitamins, premature skin aging, faded hair color and brittleness, blurred vision and other problems with appearance and health are observed.

Cookies, cakes, pastries, cereals and pasta and sweets, in addition to fats, contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which also add calories to foods.

Almost all fast food products such as pizza, hamburger, sandwich, and others are high in calories. They contain a lot of carbohydrates.

The foods with the highest calorie content include the following (in parentheses, the calorie content is indicated per 100 grams or per serving):

Halva (600 kcal);

Nuts (610 kcal);

Lard (900 kcal);

Whipped cream mixed with raisins (800 kcal);

Margarine (720 kcal);

Omelet with bacon, mayonnaise or other similar ingredients (up to 750 kcal);

Stuffed bacon (500 kcal);

Hamburger (510 kcal);

Oil (720 kcal);

Chocolate bar (550 kcal);

- "Bird's milk" candy (473 kcal);

Chocolate-covered prunes (610 kcal);

Raisins in chocolate (510 kcal);

Dragee sweets (almost 500 kcal);

Cherry Pie (about 410 kcal);

Chocolate spread (650 kcal);

Wafer cakes (up to 600 kcal);

Smoked bacon (475 kcal);

"Cherry in chocolate" sweets (446 kcal);

French fries (240 kcal) and others.

So, analyzing these data, we can conclude that most foods have a fairly high calorie content. So, is it necessary to completely abandon such food? In fact, even high-calorie foods will not become enemies if you are wisely approaching your regimen and diet. Even high-calorie foods can be consumed only in small quantities, in addition, it is important what they are combined with, in what form and at what time of the day they are eaten.

The most nutritious fruits

The most nutritious fruits in the world are the following (the list of fruits is presented in descending order of calories):

Tamarind... This fruit contains so little liquid that it looks like dried fruit. Its taste is very sweet. The calorie content of tamarind is quite high - 239 kcal, according to this indicator, as well as in its composition, it is also similar to dried fruits.

Avocado... Its main element is fats, which is not typical of fruits. The calorie content is 160 kcal. Many people even mistakenly consider avocado a vegetable because of its taste. But this product does not contain allergens.

Aki... It also contains quite a lot of fat - as much as 15 g, however, according to this indicator, aki is still inferior to avocado.

Durian... He is loved by many people for his special taste. The calorie content of this fruit is 147 kcal. The main elements of durian are carbohydrates and fats. Compared to avocado, durian gives a person more energy and tastes better.

Canistel, or egg fruit... It has a dense texture and, when eaten, lends a feeling of fullness for a long time. Kanistel practically does not contain fats, and its calorie content is 139 kcal.

Sapote... The fruit has a bright, exotic appearance and a pleasant sweet taste. Its calorie content is 134 kcal.

Marang... It is considered one of the most satisfying fruits. It has absolutely no fatty component. This contains 125 kcal.

Sugar apple... This fruit got its name for a reason, it contains a lot of sugars, which give it a sweet taste. Its calorie content is 101 kcal.

Champedak... The calorie content of this fruit is 98 kcal. It is closely related to jackfruit and marang. Champedak leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time, has a dense structure and is juicy.

Jackfruit... It has no fat at all, and the calorie content is 92 kcal. The fruit is a pleasant rich fruit that grows in the tropics. It is interesting that growing up, the jackfruit fruit can reach large sizes up to 8 - 15 kg, and sometimes there are specimens weighing up to 40 - 50 kg.

Other very high-calorie fruits are soursop, bananas, and chiku, or sapodilla.

The most nutritious vegetable

The most high-calorie product among vegetables is considered to be ordinary potatoes, however, it also has many useful properties. Potatoes are able to normalize metabolic processes in the human body. Eating potatoes and potato-based products helps to remove excess water and salt.

There is quite a lot of information about the vegetable itself, its useful and harmful qualities, but not everyone knows about the healing properties of juice from raw tubers. It must be remembered that if there are signs of greenery on the potatoes, you cannot use them raw or prepare juice from them. These tubers contain a lot of solanine, which is dangerous and can cause poisoning. Solanine is produced in large quantities in potatoes when exposed to light.

Properly selected raw potatoes have many health benefits. He is able to cope with edema and spasms, has choleretic, wound healing, analgesic and general strengthening effects. Funds based on it are used for peptic ulcer disease and cardiac arrhythmias. Raw potato juice improves the functioning of human internal organs: kidneys, liver, digestive organs, and also normalizes the intestinal microflora. This product promotes the elimination of cholesterol and heavy metal salts, including mercury, as well as neutralizes and removes many other hazardous substances from the body.

How do you juice raw potatoes? This will require several young potatoes, which should be washed well with clean boiled water, and then grated without peeling. It is easy to get juice from the resulting mass using gauze.

Raw potato juice is used for various diseases:

When treating internal burns, especially chemical burns, you can drink from a quarter to a whole glass three times a day;

To remove pain and discomfort in the stomach, as well as reduce the manifestations of heartburn, take half a glass of juice inside 20 to 30 minutes before meals;

This juice has the ability to lower blood sugar, which is beneficial for diabetes. When treating such a disease, this remedy should be taken as a course, starting with a quarter of a glass diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, gradually increasing a single dose to a whole glass of juice. However, in the presence of diabetes mellitus, any treatment must first be agreed with the attending physician;

Fresh potato juice can help relieve oral inflammation. To do this, it is used as a gargle in the morning and evening.

The most high-calorie porridge

Porridge is one of the most familiar dishes for a Russian person. There are several types of cereals, in addition, they are often prepared with various additives and fillers. The cereals from which such a dish is cooked contain many useful substances. Ready-made porridge gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

What cereals are the most high-calorie

The most high-calorie porridges include three - millet, rice and oatmeal.

Oatmeal contains approximately 345 kcal per 100 g of product. This type of porridge is considered one of the best types of breakfast. When consumed, oatmeal gives a person a huge boost of energy. That is why in some countries of the world, morning oatmeal has become almost a tradition.

This porridge, getting into the stomach, gently envelops its walls, due to which it is especially useful in case of their damage, for example, in case of peptic ulcer, gastritis and other similar diseases.

The next porridge is millet, it is only slightly inferior in calorie content to oatmeal. For her, this figure is 334 kcal. Like most other types of cereals, millet gives a feeling of fullness for a long time and adds energy. In addition, this porridge helps to eliminate excess salt and fat accumulated in the body. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary to keep the skin in good condition, retain moisture in it and regenerate it. Of the microelements in millet, magnesium and calcium are present; these substances ensure the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

True, today in stores offering a huge assortment of goods, it is quite difficult to choose the "right", that is, truly healthy cereals. You should know that she should have a rich bright yellow color. The shelf life of such cereals is not too long. By the end of it, it becomes pale, this indicates the loss of most of the nutrients contained in the cereal.

Rice porridge also belongs to the most high-calorie foods, 330 kcal per 100 g of dry cereal. This cereal contains proteins and starch. Due to this, such porridge is easily and quickly digested, so rice is included in many diets.

What other types of high-calorie cereals are

Another popular and favorite porridge is buckwheat. Its calorie content is practically the same as that of rice - 329 kcal. Buckwheat porridge is often used by people who watch their weight and dream of losing weight. This product contains many useful elements: calcium, iron, easily digestible proteins, B group vitamins and others.

Doctors say that this product, when consumed regularly, helps prevent many cardiovascular pathologies.

Buckwheat porridge effectively fights hypertension, edema and liver dysfunction. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs of the digestive system. All these actions are due to the content of a special substance in buckwheat - quercetin, which, among other things, is effective in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

The use of semolina also benefits the body, the calorie content of which is 326 kcal per 100 g of cereal. It contains a lot of vegetable protein (gluten), due to which porridge is especially useful for pathologies of the digestive tract. However, this substance is an allergen and may cause reactions in people prone to it. In addition, gluten is able to remove calcium from the body.

Corn porridge is especially popular among the peoples of the North Caucasus. 100 g of this cereal contains 325 kcal. This porridge is especially rich in minerals and vitamins, for example, it contains silicon, which is necessary to maintain good dental health. Corn porridge is a fairly low-calorie dish, so it is often eaten during weight loss, because it is also capable of removing fat from the body.

Barley is recommended to be eaten with excess weight and anemia. Its caloric content is only 324 kcal per 100 g. This product contains many different microelements, of the vitamins here most of all belong to the B group. Barley is advised to be consumed by those who have a strong allergic reaction to other foods.

1. Fried dishes should be very rare on the table, you can completely refuse them, replacing them with boiled, stewed and baked dishes. These cooking methods do not involve a lot of extra fat, and they also help preserve most of the nutrients.
2. It is worth eating more salads, herbs and fresh vegetables, preparing salads from them. They should be filled with soy, olive or corn oil, but it is better to refuse such dressings as fatty sour cream, mayonnaise.
3. Sweets and pastries are best eaten only on holidays or special days, and even then in small quantities, they should not have a place in the daily diet.
4. The lightest, low-calorie and healthy foods - fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tangerines, pears, melons, watermelons, radishes and others.
5. Do not have a snack on the run, buy food in fast food stores.
6. Chocolate lovers do not have to completely abandon this sweetness. Just replace other varieties with high-quality dark chocolate without any fillers.

What foods must be present in the diet

The correct human diet includes:

Boiled fish and lean meats. These foods can be combined with sauerkraut, vegetables, or herbs;

It is better to replace products made from white flour with cereal bread;

Apples and other natural low-calorie fruits;

Natural yoghurts, yogurt and low-fat kefir will be an excellent substitute for mayonnaise and sour cream;

You should not eat seeds and nuts in large quantities, as they are quite high in fat;

Honey and dried fruits are good to eat with tea instead of cakes, sweets and pastries.

The healthiest fats are fish oil, soybean oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, and corn oil. It is advisable to consume them every day, 1-2 large spoons.

People who want to get rid of extra pounds and keep in great shape, eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. This is quite reasonable. The energy value of these foods is much lower than that of fried potatoes, cutlets, hamburgers and other similar foods. In addition, vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and These components have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body as a whole, give energy, and help fight diseases.

Fruits have not only a lot of useful properties, but also a pleasant sweet taste. Therefore, everyone, without exception, loves fruits. Agree how nice it is to enjoy the taste of sweet and think that you are losing weight. However, do not forget that the energy value of some fruits is quite high. Eating the most high-calorie fruit without restriction, you will not be able to lose weight. But what does this mean? Losing weight people need to exclude fruits from their diet? Of course, you shouldn't go to extremes. Knowing the calorie content of fruits, you can independently calculate your fruit diet. Even the most high-calorie fruit, eaten in small quantities, will not harm the figure and will bring a lot of benefits and pleasure.

So, let's figure out how many calories are in fruits that we usually eat.

Dates are the calorie champion

Dates can be called energy champions . This is the most high-calorie fruit. 100 g of fresh fruit contains about 200 kcal. The content in the composition of a huge amount of nutrients makes dates a real natural first aid kit:

  • and pectins improve the work of the digestive tract and start lazy intestines;
  • b vitamins improve metabolism;
  • vitamins A, C and E prolong the youth of the body;
  • a complex of minerals maintains water balance and eliminates edema.

Dates quickly restore a weakened body, provide a powerful burst of energy. Diabetics are not recommended to take dates due to their high sugar content.

Avocado Secrets

Avocado is in second place in terms of calories. 100 grams of fruit pulp contains 100 kcal. However, it does not have a sweet taste, the sugar content in it is minimal.
Pear-shaped fruits with green flesh contain significant amounts of fat, but they are monounsaturated and beneficial to health. The content of vitamins E and F in avocados gives the fruit antioxidant properties. This fruit with a buttery nutty flavor is invaluable for hypertensive patients, improves memory and heart function, stabilizes the condition and the gastrointestinal tract, invigorates and cheers. Care should be taken with avocado pits and leaves that contain toxic substances.

Banana is the best antidepressant

Banana can compete with avocado in calories. 100 g of this fruit contains 90 kcal. Its sweet taste, due to the presence of glucose, fructose and sucrose, is probably familiar to everyone. And in terms of potassium content, bananas bypassed many fruits and vegetables. This makes them. The high sugar content mobilizes the activity of the body, stimulates brain activity. This property is widely used by athletes and students. Eating bananas normalizes bowel function, eliminates constipation. The content of the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, in fruits makes bananas a real antidepressant.

Unique properties of grapes

Grapes are also quite high in calories. 100 grams contains about 70 kcal. The unique composition of grapes makes it not only a delicious treat, but also helps prevent many dangerous diseases. Polyphenols protect against atherosclerosis, tartaric acid against bowel cancer. From the latest discoveries of scientists: the juice of green grapes promotes weight loss, and the special substances of grapes reduce the risk of cancer in smokers.

There are the following table grape varieties:

  1. Kishmish is a high quality and yield grade. It belongs to the early varieties. Berries of pink and red color are pitted. Contains a lot of sugar and has a long shelf life.
  2. Arcadia is a very high yield variety. The berries are white with a firm skin and moderate sweetness.
  3. Codryanka is a variety that is unique in its chemical composition of berries. Contains a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals and is recommended by nutritionists for mandatory inclusion in the diet. The dark purple, fleshy and juicy berries of this variety are very pleasant to the taste.
  4. Flora is an early table variety. The berries are salad-white in color with firm pulp and large seeds, rather sweet.
  5. Kesha is a selection variety with a good yield. The berries are large, white, with firm pulp, and are characterized by increased sweetness.

These table grape varieties are far from a complete list, but they are the most popular.

Cherry strengthens the heart, bones and nerves

The next representative of high-calorie fruits is cherries. 100 grams of cherries contain 53 kcal. The pulp of delicious berries contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which stabilizes the digestive tract. Vitamins A and C interfere with the aging process in the body. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, calcium is needed for strong bones, and magnesium is needed for strong nerves. These wonderful berries also help fight Alzheimer's disease and fight cancer.

Kiwi is a fighter against colds and flu

Completing the rating of high-calorie kiwi fruits. This unusual fruit with an unsightly skin and amazing emerald pulp contains 50 kcal per 100 grams. The content of a large amount of vitamin C strengthens the body's immune forces, which makes kiwi an indispensable product during the SARS epidemic season. The low sugar content allows this fruit to be included in any diet. Kiwi has a mild laxative effect on the intestines, enhances metabolism and cleanses the body.

You need to have information about the energy value in order to calculate the calories of fruits. The table below describes the calorie content of the most popular fruits.

Fruit calorie table
Fruit nameFruit nameEnergy value, Kcal / 100 g
Dates fresh200 Currant43
Avocado100 Pear42
Banana90 Mandarin, dogwood41
Grapes70 Watermelon40
Cherries53 Cherry plum, strawberry38
Kiwi50 Blueberry37
Gooseberry48 Cranberry33
Apricots47 Blackberry32
Apple, peach, raspberry, orange, lingonberry, melon45 Quince, grapefruit, lemon30
Plum, blueberry, pineapple44 Cherry25

Knowing about the calorie content of fruits, you can safely keep the daily menu under control. But don't get hung up on meticulous calorie counting. Remember: eating even the most nutritious fruit, you enrich your body with invaluable vitamins and minerals that are absorbed much better than pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals. And the calories eaten can be spent doing your favorite sport.

Many, in pursuit of ideal external forms and weight, begin to adhere to a diet, almost completely devoting their diet to fruits. I must say, this is a win-win way to get rid of extra pounds. However, even fruits have their own nutritional value. Their calorie content, which can be found in the table below, is determined by the content of certain components in them. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What does the calorie content depend on?

Fruits are characterized by a different degree of calorie content, which can be found in the table below, depending on the presence of liquid and sugar in them. For instance, dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruits... This is due to the loss of moisture during the drying process, which turns them into a source of energy in a concentrated form: only a quarter of a glass of raisins is equal in calories to a glass of fresh grapes.

The calorie content of fruits subject to freezing or canning also differs. In this case, the nutritional value is determined by the addition of sugar or syrup during the preparation process. Fresh fruit is the lowest in calories because it contains a lot of liquid.

High and low calorie fruits

Depending on the calorie content, there are fruits that can contain the minimum and maximum amount of calories. Fruits with a minimum calorie content are presented:

  • Raspberries. There are 40 Kcal in 100 grams of this berry. At the same time, the fruits are useful for their composition, which enriches the human body with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and folic acid. These components help to strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, cleanse the blood, and also have a positive effect on the color of the skin.
  • Watermelon. 100 grams of the largest berry contains 38 kcal. Watermelon is 80% water, which is why it quenches thirst well, helping to cleanse the kidneys, liver, and also normalizing the genitourinary system. It contains folic acid and lycopene, which slows down the aging process.
  • Grapefruit. 100 grams contains 35 Kcal. Bitter citrus also cleanses the body of excess water, helps to reduce appetite, and also speeds up the breakdown of fats, increasing skin elasticity.
  • Melon. 100 grams contains 33 Kcal. The silicon contained in the melon has a positive effect on the nervous system, hair and skin condition.
  • Cranberries. 100 grams of cranberries contain 228 Kcal. The berry is a powerful antioxidant natural origin. Eases the condition with colds, chronic diseases, iron deficiency. Also effectively relieves pain in the head.

High calorie content can boast:

  • figs
  • avocado
  • grapes
  • banana
  • all kinds of dried fruits

Therefore, these products are contraindicated for those wishing to lose excess weight. You can make compote from them, which contains much fewer calories and will prevent a sharp increase in body weight.

Calorie content of dried fruits

Dried fruits save all calories. 100 grams of the product contains 150-300 Kcal. When following a dietary diet, dried fruits are quite useful, since they contain glucose, but they should be consumed in small quantities and subject to a complete rejection of sugar: glucose completely replaces it.

Calorie table

To speed up and more effective the process of losing weight, it is advisable to calculate the amount of calories consumed. The following table will help you determine the calorie content of individual fruit products per 100 grams:

Fruit Calories Protein Carbohydrates Fats
Apricot 45 1 Absent 10
Cranberry 25 0,2 Absent 5
A pineapple 51 0,5 Absent 12
Avocado 200 1,7 20 6
Banana 95 1 0,3 22
Black currant 60 1 Absent 14
Cherries 77 1 Absent 17
Chestnut 211 14 3 42
Lemon 40 1 Absent 9
Clementine 40 0,8 Absent 9
Coconut 371 4 35 10
Fig 80 1 Absent 19
Strawberry 36 1 Absent 7
Raspberries 40 1 Absent 8
Passion fruit 100 3 Absent 22
Guava 60 0,7 Absent 25
Garnet 64 Absent Absent 16
Currant 30 1 Absent 6
Persimmon 63 0,5 Absent 15
Kiwi 53 1,6 0,3 11
Lychee 68 0,7 Absent 16
Mandarin 40 1 Absent 9
Mango 62 0,4 Absent 15
Melon 31 0,5 Absent 6,5
Blackberry 57 1 Absent 12
Blueberry 16 0,5 Absent 2,5
Orange 40 1 Absent 8,9
Papaya 44 0,6 Absent 10
Watermelon 30 0,4 Absent 7
Peach 47 0,5 Absent 11
Pear 61 0,4 Absent 14
Apple 52 0,3 Absent 12
Grapes 83 1 1 17
Grapefruit 40 1 Absent 9
Fruit (compote) 100 Absent Absent 25
Avocado (1 pc.) 425 3,6 42 13

Most people believe that fruit is the most dietary food. It is the fruit that is first brought to the hospital by relatives. It is believed that they are easy to digest, as they do not need heat treatment and special preparation. They contain vitamins and minerals, as well as a large amount of fiber. Fruit is a favorite treat for children and a staple for vegetarians. A large number of diets have been created on the basis of fruits, for example: a fruit diet, a fruit-yogurt diet, a fruit-vegetable diet. Most fruits are low in calories. Least of all calories in lemon, grapefruit. But avocado is very high in calories - 100 grams of avocado contains 208 calories. Therefore, for dietary nutrition, you need to choose fruits that are low in calories.

However, is everything so cloudless in our gastronomic romance with these useful gifts of nature?

Scientists and dietitians have argued that under certain conditions, fruits can be harmful to our health.

At first. We are used to eating fruit as a dessert, and this is fundamentally wrong. After all, most fruits are high in carbohydrates. During meals, we most often eat meat, fish, various side dishes, soups. If you add fruit to this whole mixture, then digestive problems are guaranteed. After all, fruits, unlike protein products, are not digested in the stomach, but in the duodenum. And it is simply impossible for the body to fully digest incompatible foods. Therefore, there is a simple rule of thumb when eating fruits: eat them on an empty stomach before the main meal, or use them as a separate meal.

Secondly, most of the fruits that come to our stores all season are processed with chemicals that significantly extend the shelf life. In addition, fruits very often contain nitrates and herbicides. And the more you eat such processed fruits, the more harmful substances accumulate in your body. All this can lead to a wide variety of diseases, especially in children. Therefore - be attentive to the choice of fruit. Buy them in season and from trusted sellers.

Calorie table of fruits per 100 grams













Cherry plum


A pineapple



Canned pineapple










Frozen cherries
























Star apple


































Passion fruit














Canned peaches


