The benefits of vegetable, fruit and berry juices. Vegetable juices and their health benefits

22.08.2019 Salads

Extracting juices from fresh fruits and raw vegetables with the help of a juicer, we get almost all the most valuable from these products. All juices contain large quantities of vitamins, minerals and vital enzymes. All freshly prepared juices are digested by the body within a few minutes, and after a very short time, they are completely absorbed by the body.

A juicer should definitely be part of your kitchen utensil, just like a mixer. The taste of freshly made juices has nothing to do with the taste of conventional industrial juices, they are not comparable to the latter in terms of nutrient content. Try to include a large glass of juice on your menu every day.

When juicing is prepared, usually vegetables and fruits are never mixed together. However, there are two exceptions to this rule. Apples can be mixed with various vegetables, and celery can be mixed with fruits. Despite the fact that carrot juice is very popular, the benefits of its use will increase significantly if you mix this juice with juices from other vegetables. Try to make the following combined vegetable juices sometime: carrots - celery - cucumbers, carrots - asparagus - apples or carrots - tomatoes - celery.

Never peel vegetables and fruits. Of course, in this case, an exception should be made for those of them whose peel is very coarse - for pineapples, citrus fruits and other similar fruits and vegetables. In all other cases, it is recommended to simply scrub the peel with a special brush for cleaning vegetables under running cold water.

It is necessary to cut and peel vegetables and fruits just before juicing from them.

If the fruit is hard, it is best to cook with it. juice... And in its natural form, you can eat soft and ripe fruits.

Drink fruit and vegetable juices best immediately after cooking. Otherwise, their oxidation occurs very quickly, an almost complete loss of vitamins, as well as the destruction of extremely unstable enzymes.

As noted above, it is most beneficial to drink freshly made juices. However, in case of emergency, it is allowed to store vegetable and fruit juices, but only in sealed vessels, at low temperatures and only for several hours.

Always drink juices in small sips. Never pour them into yourself in one gulp.

In order for vegetable and fruit juices to be better absorbed by the body, drink them on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to drink juices with food or drink them after meals.

If possible, try to keep your juicer close at hand and ready to go. Remember, the more difficult it will be for you to get to any device, the less often you will use it.

Fruit puree

A pleasant and easy way to consume fruits is to puree them. Moreover, the use of fruits in this form has a number of significant advantages: the body assimilates most of the nutrients, all fiber is preserved in the finished product, and digestion is facilitated. The fact is that the mixer “chews” the fruit for you. In addition, with this processing option, you can eat several different types of fruits and vegetables at the same time.

Do you know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? It is known that all phytonutrients from them begin to volatilize immediately after preparation. And vitamin C, in contact with the metal parts of the juicer and the air, is completely destroyed within half an hour. That is why such juices should be drunk immediately! The only exception is the beetroot drink.

In the sunny south

While vacationing in Crimea, many pay attention to the sale of fruits. For example, in the city of Yalta, in the central market, sellers sell pomegranates and at the same time immediately make fresh out of it on the spot. People ask them to make them juice from this delicious fruit and drink it for a couple of minutes. Some buy and immediately consume a ready-made drink that has stood on the counter in the sun for an unknown amount of time.

There are customers who buy juice with the words "I'll go home tomorrow and take them for children as a gift." Apparently, they do not know how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. After half an hour, all the vitamins in them disappear, they begin to turn sour and turn into a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. What will they bring to the kids? A dark red liquid with germs?


How to drink fresh juices? Consuming these beverages provides an effective and easy way to get your daily vitamin intake from fruits and vegetables. Since there is no fiber in fresh juices, fructose from it is absorbed by our body very quickly, which can disrupt the sugar balance in the blood.

Drinks made from vegetables (with the exception of carrots and beets) do not have this negative effect. Therefore, doctors advise to consume more vegetable juices and limit the intake of fruit juices to one glass per day.

It is known that one glass of juice can be prepared from 3-4 oranges, which in its composition will contain up to 8 tsp. Sahara.


Not everyone knows how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly. You shouldn't be afraid to experiment. Most people do not want to mix these juices. But it is known that it is necessary and possible to combine them. Not everyone can drink pomegranate or lemon juice because of the sweetness and acidity. When mixed with others, you get a delicious cocktail of minerals and vitamins.

Of course, not all drinks can be combined thoughtlessly. Many of them ferment when combined. By the way, sugar and salt cannot be added to fresh juice. If the juice tastes too sour, add a little honey to it, and if it is sweet, dilute it with another juice or water.


Are you interested in the question of how to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly? Do not try to consume them during or immediately after breakfast. Fresh is a concentrate of active substances. He begins to wander, reacting with food. As a result, a person develops bloating, heartburn, and many side symptoms of flatulence. In addition, he asks himself, "What have I eaten?" There is a simple answer to this question: fresh must be consumed on time.

With high acidity, you need to drink such drinks an hour after breakfast or lunch, and with low acidity, an hour before meals.

Several rules

Nobody taught you how to drink freshly squeezed juices in the morning? Let's try to understand this issue. All fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach. After all, the fruits are digested in the small intestine. If there is a lot of food in the stomach, then, upon reaching it, the fruits fall into the trap and begin to ferment.

Not everyone can start the day with a glass of citrus juice. Each of us has our own ailments - some morning intake of this drink will benefit, and others - complications! For example, people with gastritis or ulcers are not allowed to consume citrus juices on an empty stomach. This rule also applies to those who have a sore gallbladder or pancreas.

One of the sweet drinks is pineapple juice. That is why it is impossible to lose weight with it. It breaks down proteins, not fats. Nevertheless, it contains a colossal amount of amino acids that improve human digestion.

Medical statements

Doctors say that drinking juices that have not been sterilized is unhealthy. They claim that raw fruits and vegetables contain pathogenic microbes that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and even kidney failure. Doctors do not recommend drinking freshly squeezed and pregnant women.

In sterilized drinks sold in stores, not only harmful microorganisms are absent, but also "live" vitamins. Think for yourself, what can remain after heat treatment? Moreover, such drinks contain various dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers and other food additives.

Apple product

Now let's find out how to drink freshly squeezed juice. Many practitioners believe that the most useful cocktail is an apple-carrot drink. It is well absorbed by the body, enriches it with carotene and iron. Sugar from fruits, combined with trace elements found in vegetables, is of great benefit to humans.

If your stomach reacts negatively to juice, try diluting it with water in a proportion that is harmless to you. The simplest recipe is to take a freshly prepared apple drink 30 minutes before breakfast (about half a glass).

In addition, you can make any cocktails from vegetable juices, taking apple as a basis.


It is rare where you can find information on how to properly drink freshly squeezed beet juice. We will tell you about it now. Beets can be stored for a long time, so they can be juiced all year round. The tops of this root vegetable are also useful, and many squeeze life-giving moisture out of it. A red beet variety that lacks white streaks is suitable for obtaining a healing drink. The extracted juice is kept in the refrigerator for several hours, the foam is removed from it and mixed with carrot in a ratio of 1: 4.

Pure beet juice can cause unpleasant reactions: dizziness, nausea, diarrhea. Thus, it cleanses the body. Experienced people are convinced that it is better to start drinking mixtures with those in which carrot juice predominates. They say that the proportion of beetroot should be increased gradually. Instead of carrot juice, you can use pumpkin juice.

If a person wants to be treated with beets, then he should take one glass of the mixture twice a day. When his body gets used to it, you can start drinking pure beet juice. It should be taken up to two weeks, then take a break for the same time, and then repeat the course again.

If a person is healthy, he can use beet juice with lemon, carrot, currant, tomato, apple, pumpkin. You can add honey, kefir or bread kvass to the mixture.

Some people mix 50 ml of beet juice with the yolk of one egg and 4 tsp. Sahara. Then, on a fine grater, grind a couple of pickled cucumbers and add the resulting substance to the mixture. Then the cocktail is salted to taste and half the glass is filled with it. After adding a little lemon, stir and cool. The drink is served on the table, adding parsley, ice and green onions on top. This amazing dish is eaten with a spoon.

Carrot product

Did your grandmother tell you how to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice? First you need to remember that such a drink retains its useful qualities for a very short time. Therefore, it is important to drink it immediately after preparation. From evening to morning, this juice cannot be prepared, since there is no point in storing it even in the refrigerator. It must be prepared immediately before use.

If you wish to store your carrot juice, you can freeze it. As a result, it will retain all its useful vitamin composition unchanged.

Carrot juice can be combined with meals containing vegetable and animal fats. Thus, all of its useful components are fully assimilated in the body. You can simply add a little yogurt or sour cream to the drink. But starchy or flour dishes should not be combined with it.

You can add orange, beetroot, apple, or pumpkin juice to the cup to improve the taste of carrot juice.


You can't find information on how to drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice anywhere? We will help you figure it out. Grapefruit juice is used both for the prevention of ailments and in their complex treatment. If your digestion is disturbed, your intestines are weak, you suffer from hypertension, you should add a little honey to this drink and drink it in half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

So, now you know not only how to properly drink freshly squeezed juice from beets and other healthy vegetables and fruits, but also how to consume these drinks. What is the healthiest freshly squeezed juice? The one that you liked the most. Therefore, experiment - come up with your own unique recipes, mix, combine vegetables and fruits. Vegetable and unsweetened juices are recommended to be consumed up to 3 glasses a day, and sweet fruit juices - no more than one glass. Now let's list the rules for taking the most famous drinks:

  • juice from apricots can be drunk 2 hours before meals (it is prohibited for those with diabetes mellitus);
  • you cannot drink orange juice on an empty stomach;
  • pineapple is taken with meals (it should not be consumed by those who suffer from peptic ulcer or gastritis);
  • cherry is drunk to bind fat during meals (it is prohibited for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and high acidity);
  • grape juice is taken 2 hours before meals (it is prohibited for those who have chronic bronchitis and diabetes mellitus);
  • pear juice is consumed 10-15 minutes before breakfast or lunch (it cannot be drunk by pregnant women and those who have colitis);
  • pumpkin, tomato and black currant juice can be drunk whenever you want;
  • plum is taken with meals for weight loss;
  • potato should be eaten between meals, excluding fish and meat products for this period;
  • with the help of cabbage juice, you can lose a couple of kilograms in 2-3 weeks and cure an ulcer (during the day you need to drink 1 liter in small portions).

Not everyone knows how to drink freshly squeezed juices properly. Most of them need to be consumed immediately, but there are some that should be infused for several hours. Not only the effectiveness of vitamin drinks depends on this, but also a person's well-being. Important are questions about the use of juices for treatment, weight loss, during pregnancy and in the diet of babies.

Beneficial features

Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements. This helps maintain immunity during and after illness. Fresh juices have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In addition, they have properties such as:

  • improved appetite;
  • diuretic action;
  • cleansing the body;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • weight loss.

Each drink is useful in its own way. If you need to support the cardiovascular system, you should give preference to nectar from orange, grape, grapefruit, pumpkin or beet. To cleanse the body, it is useful to drink pear, grape, beetroot and pumpkin fresh juices. With iron deficiency anemia, pomegranate, apple and carrot drinks are indicated. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are recommended for people with stomach diseases, a drink made from white cabbage is especially effective.

Drinks based on orange, lemon, carrots and beets will help to improve mood and tone. Fat-burning properties are possessed by such fresh juices as:

  • apple;
  • pineapple;
  • pear;
  • beetroot.

When choosing nectar, it is necessary to take into account not only the desired result, but also contraindications. Every natural product has them. Before use, you must read the list of restrictions.

How should you drink fresh?

To get the most out of your vitamin drink, you need to know how to properly drink freshly squeezed juice. At first glance, this is not difficult. We pass the fruits through a press or juicer and during the day we drink a natural product. This is the most common mistake. Most fresh juices lose their value within 15-30 minutes. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen, the breakdown of nutrients begins. After 2-3 hours, nothing useful remains in the drink, instead, a beneficial environment for the growth of bacteria is created. Drink juices immediately after preparation.

The only exception is beets. Drinking freshly squeezed fresh beetroot is not recommended. It contains enzymes that can cause nausea and vomiting. To neutralize these substances, the drink must be refrigerated for 2 hours.

The preparation method also matters. It is not recommended to use metal spinning devices, as contact with the metal starts the oxidation process.

When is it better to drink fresh? A fruit drink should be consumed in the morning, as it contains a large amount of glucose. The optimal time is 1-2 hours after breakfast. If you drink nectar on an empty stomach, you may experience stomach pain. You can not drink fresh while eating, this can entail negative consequences:

  • abdominal pain;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence.

Digestive disorders are a common consequence of the misuse of natural fresh juices.

It is better to start juice therapy with a small amount of drink, about 100 ml per day, and gradually increase the portion. The permissible fresh rate depends on its components. On average, this is 1-2 glasses a day.

Many have heard that nectar should be drunk through a straw so as not to damage tooth enamel. This is true, but few people know that a natural concentrated drink must be diluted. So, you can add water or fresh beetroot to pomegranate nectar. Lemon juice is diluted with water and honey.

Many people prefer mixes of several ingredients, but you need to be able to combine the products correctly. So, apple nectar in combination with lemon and beetroot juices improves digestion. It is better to add melon and honey to apple juice for weight loss. The combination of lemon and cucumber drinks helps to remove fluid from the body and get rid of swelling.

Fresh juice mixes, how to drink properly? There are many similar recipes, but when mixing juices, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • do not mix stone fruits with pome fruits;
  • fruits of the same color are ideally combined (red with red, green with green, etc.).

In order for the vegetable fresh to be better absorbed by the body, it is worth adding a little fat to it. Cream is suitable for a carrot drink, and vegetable oil for a tomato drink. Do not drink fresh juices instead of water. Freshly squeezed juice contains a large amount of nutrients, so the body perceives it as food.

Drinking nectar during pregnancy

Can i drink natural juices during pregnancy? Expectant mothers can not only use fresh juices, but also need them. A woman at this time needs more vitamins and nutrients than usual. Fresh juices may well replace vitamin complexes from a pharmacy. However, not all of them are created equal.

Safe juices for pregnant women:

  • apple;
  • carrot;
  • pomegranate;
  • cabbage.

Due to the risk of developing anemia, an apple drink is recommended for pregnant women. You need to drink it every day, not exceeding the norm established by the doctor. In addition to iron, the apple contains vitamins A, E, C and B2, as well as a number of trace elements. Apple nectar will help keep your intestines, kidneys and heart working. The drink is also recommended for breastfeeding. It is contraindicated in pancreatitis.

Carrot juice during pregnancy will help to cope with toxicosis and soothe heartburn. This vegetable drink contains a huge amount of vitamin A, which allows you to maintain visual acuity and skin elasticity. It is useful for pregnant women as it reduces the risk of tearing during labor. But everything is good in moderation. Overuse of carrot drink leads to excess vitamin A, which is bad for the development of the fetus. This fresh juice should be discarded in case of obesity or an inflammatory bowel disease.

Pomegranate nectar helps restore hemoglobin levels, relieve swelling and reduce blood pressure. For pregnant women, pomegranate nectar must be diluted with water. Fresh cabbage contains all vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of the fetus. Not everyone likes the taste of the drink; in order to improve the taste, experts recommend adding honey to it.

With extreme caution, you need to use juices such as:

  • cranberry;
  • orange;
  • grape.

Cranberry juice is extremely beneficial, especially during colds, but it can tone the uterus. Orange fresh juice can cause a predisposition to allergies in a child if the mother drank a lot of it during pregnancy. Grape nectar is rich in vitamins E and K, necessary for normal blood clotting. But it can cause nausea, headache, and bowel upset.

Fresh in a child's diet

It used to be thought that freshly squeezed juices could be given to children from the age of three months. Today, pediatricians do not recommend introducing a child to fresh juice before the baby turns 1 year old. It is better to start with freshly squeezed apple juice and only 1-2 tsp. every 3 days. Children perceive light juices more easily, so drinks based on peaches or carrots are introduced after the baby gets used to apple juice.

The child needs to dilute the juice with water, the proportion depends on the products used. Pear or apple nectar is diluted 1: 1, and concentrated juices, such as pomegranate, are diluted in a 1: 3 ratio. Mixed juices can be given no earlier than 3 years. Until this age, the digestive system is still not strong enough to perceive multicomponent drinks.

Until a certain point, the child feeds only on mother's milk, receiving all the necessary substances from it. What juices can you drink while breastfeeding?

Apple juice is the first to be introduced into the diet of a young mother. It is better to start with a few spoons, gradually bringing this amount to 700 ml of juice diluted with water per day. Recommended after childbirth and pomegranates, at first 2-3 grains, if the reaction is normal, the portion is gradually increased to 30 ml per day.

You can taste tomato juice only 10 months after giving birth. Birch sap stimulates lactation, so it is often recommended for women with HB. However, this drink is not suitable for everyone; an allergic reaction is possible in both the mother and the child. As practice shows, most babies perceive birch sap well. During breastfeeding, you can take 150 ml of the drink throughout the day. For vegetable juices, a carrot drink is a good choice.

Pumpkin juice will also benefit your child. It is enough to drink 200 ml of the drink a day to get all the necessary vitamins. In this way, a young mother can cleanse the body.

You can start drinking any fresh juice only 1 month after giving birth. Do I need to add water to natural juices? As with children, women during lactation can only use diluted fresh juices.

When losing weight

When using freshly squeezed juices for weight loss, it is better to choose drinks from vegetables. Vegetable juices contain less glucose, and their calorie content is also much lower. Vegetables saturate faster and do not irritate the stomach. The most popular slimming juice is cucumber juice. It speeds up metabolism and removes excess fluid, and its calorie content is only 15-20 kcal per 100 ml.

Not everyone likes juice from celery stalks, but it has no equal in cleansing the body. In addition, the vegetable has fat burning properties. When losing weight, it is very useful to drink this freshly squeezed juice, the calorie content of the drink is even less than that of cucumber - 12 kcal per 100 ml.

Diet meals can be varied with such freshly squeezed juices as:

  • tomato;
  • cabbage;
  • beetroot;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin.

Despite the fact that there is a lot of glucose in fruit juices, they also need to be drunk when losing weight. There will be no harm even if you drink 2 liters of fruit juice (diluted).

Most often, orange or grapefruit juice is drunk for weight loss. Citrus fruits have fat burning properties, which allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. How many calories are in these drinks? Grapefruit juice contains 30-38 kcal / 100 ml, and orange juice - 36-45 kcal / 100 ml.

Apple nectar is also popular. It contains enough pulp, which normalizes the bowel function. An important factor is the high content of vitamins, because, as you know, dietary food can not always saturate the body with the necessary substances.

You should not drink juices at night, for the body it is food, not drink. The last glass of juice should be drunk no later than 2 hours before bedtime. The classic fresh juice diet should not be longer than 3 days. If the diet includes other foods, the juice cleanse can be extended up to 1 week.

Do not change your diet dramatically. Preparation is needed within 3-5 days. During this period, it is worth giving up sweets, flour and meat. Why prepare? If you suddenly change your usual diet to a liquid diet, juicing can turn into nausea, dizziness and increased fatigue.

Who doesn't love a glass of fresh juice? A sweet drink with ice in hot weather - what could be more useful? But not everything is so simple - nutritionists warn.

This article will help you understand the pitfalls of such a popular drink as juice. Juices are drunk by a large number of people, children are very fond of juice, athletes replenish energy reserves with juice, but is it really safe? Let's make the right choice.

Best choice: vegetable juice

The most convenient way to provide your body with plant-based nutrients is to add vegetable juices to your diet. The lycopene in tomato juice reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Beet juice can help lower blood pressure. Vegetable juice with pulp reduces appetite. Juices contain much less sugar and calories than fruit juices, but more sodium, unless you prefer juices without salt.

Worst choice: Fruit drinks

Most juice-flavored drinks have only a small fraction of real juice. The main ingredients of these drinks are water, sugar and high fructose corn syrup. These drinks, like most other non-alcoholic drinks, are high in sugar and calories, while nutrients are low. Research suggests that fruit drinks increase the risk of obesity in children and associated health problems. Nutritionists recommend replacing such drinks with plain water.

100% natural juice

What about pure fruit juice without added sweeteners? Such a seemingly innocent drink causes endless controversy. No one can dispute the fact that natural juice is a storehouse of vitamins and antioxidants that help the body fight disease. The problem is that juice can be high in sugar and calories. For example, a glass of pure apple juice contains as much sugar as a chocolate bar. That is why experts recommend not to consume more than one glass of natural juice per day.

Good choice: Pomegranate juice

If you decide to adhere to the above recommendations and drink one glass of juice a day, then you probably want the juice to be the most useful. Pomegranate juice is at the top of the list. Although it is high in sugar and calories, it is also high in antioxidants. They help the brain function and may prevent cancer. One study says that 240 gr. juice a day reduce the risk of recurrence of prostate cancer.

Good choice: Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is rich in vitamin C, which is vital for a healthy immune system. There is also evidence to support a folk remedy - unsweetened cranberry juice may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.

Good choice: Blueberry juice

Substances found in blueberries help keep the brain healthy. In a recent study, researchers examined the effect of blueberry juice on memory in adults in their 70s who had age-related memory impairments. Those who drank 2.5 cups of blueberry juice for 12 weeks had significant memory improvements compared to those who drank no juice drinks. So drink blueberry juice for health!

Good choice: Acai berry juice

Scientists have just begun to study the Acai berry, which grows in South America, but the results of the first studies are quite promising. It contains more antioxidants than cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries.

Good Choice: Cherry Juice

In addition to having more antioxidants, cherry juice has anti-inflammatory properties. One study found that tart cherry juice before and after exercise or other physical activity may reduce muscle pain.

Good choice: Red grape juice

We've all heard that red wine, in moderation, is. The same goes for red grape juice. Red grape juice contains powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids and resveratrol. This is because both wine and juice are made from seeds, skin, and all grapes without a trace. When you eat fresh grapes, you are not getting the nutrients that are found in the seeds.

Good choice: Plum juice

Another folk remedy that has a right to exist is plum juice, which has long been considered a remedy for constipation. This effect is achieved thanks to the extremely high fiber content and natural laxatives called sorbitol. But the "usefulness" of plum juice does not end there. The juice is also a source of antioxidants, iron and potassium.

How about orange juice?

It is most often consumed for breakfast, but is it worthy of being on the table every day? Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which is an immune stimulant. In addition, orange juice is fortified with calcium and vitamin D, nutrients that strengthen bones. Unsweetened orange juice contains fewer calories than some berry juices or grape juice. Its disadvantage is in a rather small amount of antioxidants.

Children and juice

Most kids love juice, but the American Academy of Pediatrics has set clear guidelines for how much to consume. For children under 6 years old, 120 - 180 ml of pure juice per day is recommended. From 7 to 18 years old - 240 - 360 ml per day.

Diluted juice

If you or your kids crave more than one cup of juice a day, try thinning it. Add plain or mineral water to the juice and you can cut calories in each serving. Instead of having a glass of pure juice, you can enjoy two or three glasses of this home-made fruit drink throughout the day.

Whole fruit

Nutritionists say whole fruit is a great alternative for fruit juice drinkers. They are rich in fiber and additional nutrients found in the skin and pulp. Unlike juices, fresh fruits and berries help control hunger.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices, if consumed regularly, will help your skin glow from the inside out. The secret to drinking this juice is to drink it within 15 minutes after preparation. Then its benefits will be most tangible. So, choose the best option for yourself.

Fresh Juice Recipes

Supervitamin C juice

The name corresponds to the essence of this drink. And you will see for yourself when you see its composition. The recipe includes oranges, apples and broccoli, which are a treasure trove of anti-aging vitamin C. It is essential for our skin to produce collagen. Also, this vitamin helps her to protect herself from ultraviolet rays, strengthening the protective barrier.

Someone might notice that broccoli in a juice recipe is not a good candidate. But believe me, it does not spoil the taste, on the contrary, it improves it. You can safely throw everything into the juicer: stems, leaves and crown. By the way, the stems are very juicy. Another argument in favor of broccoli is that it contains selenium. Scientists consider its use to be a good prevention of skin cancer, since it helps the skin to protect itself from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

The recipe for this freshly squeezed juice also includes sweet and aromatic oranges. They contain vitamin B, copper and potassium. By the way, copper, in combination with vitamin C, promotes the production of elastin, which supports the structure of the skin from the inside and helps it to regenerate.

Besides the aforementioned vitamin C, fresh apple juice is rich in vitamin K and potassium. Vitamin K improves blood clotting and promotes rapid wound healing and minimizes circles under the eyes.

Ingredients for one serving of juice:

1 head of broccoli;

2 oranges without peels and seeds;

1 large apple, without skin and core.


1. Cut broccoli into small pieces.

2. Place all ingredients in a juicer. Prepare the juice as usual.

Vitamin A + juice

The ingredients in this fresh juice recipe are high in vitamin A. This vitamin is an excellent antioxidant, and it can help reduce wrinkles and acne.

If the juice is very sweet, you can add some lemon juice. It will increase the vitamin C content of the drink. Since melon and mango are not good candidates for a juicer, it is a good idea to simply whisk them in a blender along with the juiced carrot juice. It turns out to be thick, rich in fiber and wonderfully refreshing on hot summer days.

- ½ a small melon without skin and pits;

4 carrots - peeled, with the ends cut off;

1 large mango - peeled and pitted


1. Prepare carrot juice in the same way as you would normally make it in a juicer.

2. Pour fresh carrot juice into a blender and blend with mango and melon until smooth.

Note: If the drink is very thick, add 0.5-1 tbsp. water.

Refreshing and moisturizing juice

You will appreciate the benefits of this freshly squeezed juice when you consume it regularly. It carries out a kind - perfectly cleanses and moisturizes it, moreover, it contains many vitamins and minerals useful for the skin. True, it has a sharp taste.

Kale is rich in vitamins A, C, K, contains small amounts of B6, B1, B3, E, omega-3 fats, which are very beneficial for the skin. Parsley is one of the most powerful sources of vitamin K, it also contains vitamins C and A, folate, iron and copper. Lemon saturates the body with vitamin C, which helps it neutralize free radicals that destroy healthy cells and cell membranes.

Cucumber is not only a high-quality storehouse of vitamins (A, B, C and K) and minerals (magnesium, potassium, silicon), but also a powerful moisturizer. It is 95 percent water and contains almost all the vitamins you need to consume every day. Cucumber also has anti-inflammatory properties. By preparing freshly squeezed juice using this recipe, you will bring tremendous benefits to the body, both internally and externally.

Ingredients for one serving:

1 bunch of kale, without stems

1 large or two medium cucumbers;

1 small bunch of parsley

- ½ lemon.


1. Juice the cabbage, cucumber, parsley and lemon in a juicer.