Skim milk cottage cheese. How to cook low-fat cottage cheese at home? What products to make cottage cheese: rules for making homemade cottage cheese

03.11.2019 Fish dishes

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese in weight loss are confirmed by numerous studies. Firstly, this product is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to the well-known calcium, it contains phosphorus, as well as magnesium and potassium, the use of which is simply necessary for the proper functioning of all body systems.

Vitamin B and milk protein help to fix cartilage and bone tissue, thereby preventing the occurrence of diseases such as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Secondly, low-fat cottage cheese is easily absorbed by the body, and its calorie content is only 110 calories per 100 grams. With the help of this product, you can significantly diversify the dietary table by including cheese cakes, casseroles, dumplings or other dishes in the menu.

In an industrial setting, such cottage cheese is made from skim milk. First, it undergoes heat treatment - pasteurization. After that, useful microflora is added to the prepared milk, placed in special boilers, so that the fermentation process begins. As a result of this process, milk turns into curd mass. At this stage, maximum attention is required to every detail, because the taste of the finished product depends on what temperature will be in the boiler, at what speed the operator will mix the resulting mass. Then the whey is poured out, and the resulting curd is passed along the conveyor line and packaged in special cells. Over the next 3-4 hours, the product is placed in a refrigerator. This technology is considered the most environmentally friendly, since thanks to it, it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the curd and achieve a rich taste.

Many adherents of homemade food would be interested to know how to make low-fat cottage cheese on their own and what rules must be followed in order to get a healthy treat from ordinary milk. If you take the process responsibly, then a home-made product will have a pleasant taste and delicate texture. The main thing to remember is that all ingredients must be fresh, and their composition and conditions of receipt should not cause any doubts. In addition, the shelf life of natural curd should not exceed three days. Product stored for more than 72 hours must be heat treated.

As in industrial production, low-fat milk must be used to make homemade low-fat cottage cheese. If it was not possible to find such milk, then ordinary milk can be used. In this case, it is necessary to put it in the refrigerator for several hours, and then remove the cream formed on top. Then the milk will need to be brought to a boil, and then quickly cooled by lowering the pan into a container of cold water. The next stage is fermentation. To do this, add yogurt or sour cream to warm milk with constant stirring. The amount of starter culture should be 5% of the total milk volume. The contents of the pan should be gently mixed and placed in a warm place, having previously closed with a lid. A dense clot should form after a few hours. It will need to be transferred to a colander covered with gauze and wait for the serum to completely stop separating. The finished curd mass should be placed in the refrigerator. Low-fat cottage cheese can also be obtained in an easier way. To do this, you should buy low-fat kefir and place a bag or pack in the freezer for 6-8 hours. The frozen piece should be put in cheesecloth, placed in a colander and wait for the whey to drain completely. The curd obtained in this way will have a very delicate consistency.

It is widely believed among economical housewives that homemade cottage cheese is easiest to prepare from sour milk. However, we must not forget that such a curd product in some cases can cause poisoning. In sour milk, due to the peculiarities of its production or storage, bacteria harmful to the body sometimes appear. Accordingly, they will also be contained in the cottage cheese made from it. Therefore, for people with frequent disorders of the digestive system, it is better to refuse this method.

Quite often, adherents of a healthy diet ask themselves the question: "How to defat cottage cheese bought in a store?" In fact, there are no technical ways to reduce the fat content of the finished cottage cheese, but you can still find a way out. As a rule, many lovers of fermented milk products use various additives for cooking dishes: sugar, jam, jam, sour cream, etc. fatty foods. Of course, the taste will be different, but it will only benefit the body. In addition, you can simply reduce the portion sizes and instead of 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, eat 100 grams of regular.

Another great way to speed up the process of losing weight is to prepare cottage cheese and fruit desserts. Pineapples and grapefruits are perfect for these purposes. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme group that breaks down fats and proteins. Grapefruit is good because it has a positive effect on the level of insulin in the blood, on which the fat burning processes directly depend, and also activates the metabolism in the body. To prepare a healthy dessert, it is enough to cut the fruit into slices and mix them with cottage cheese. With the help of such dishes, you can significantly diversify the dietary menu and periodically pamper yourself with the consumption of non-fat dairy products.

Thus, for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to keep fit for many years, low-fat cottage cheese should become one of the most important dishes in the daily diet. Experimenting with various methods of making it, you can create your own unique recipe for a curd delicacy.

Hello, friends!

In this article, I want to tell you how to cook delicious cottage cheese from skim milk at home and what other methods are there for preparing a low-fat product from whole homemade milk.

  • Cooking cottage cheese from skim milk at home
  • Temperature range for warming home fat-free cottage cheese
  • Making semi-fat cottage cheese from blown milk
  • Low-fat cottage cheese from whole homemade milk
At home, you can make cottage cheese from homemade milk:
  • with zero fat from skimmed milk;
  • bold skim milk mixed with whole milk;
  • low fat whole milk.
Acidity and structure of low-fat homemade cottage cheese is changing depending on the souring conditions of skim milk / whole milk, method and temperature conditions when thawing the curd.

Cooking cottage cheese from skim milk at home

The technology for making cottage cheese from skimmed milk is simple. Milk is driven through a separator, separating into cream and return. The return is poured into jars and set to sour.
After distillation, I recommend chilling skim milk to 18 - 19 degrees and leaving it to sour at an ambient temperature of 20 - 22 degrees. With this temperature regime, the inverse turns sour slowly, the maturation time of the curd will increase and the cottage cheese will turn out with a delicate sweet and sour taste. The cottage cheese prepared from such a curd is divided into pieces, layers.
Important! At ambient temperatures above 22 - 23 degrees, the reverse quickly turns sour and the cottage cheese turns out to be crumbly, hard, the yield of the finished product decreases.

Temperature range for warming home fat-free cottage cheese

It is convenient to heat home cottage cheese in jars. The mechanism is described in detail in the article ...
Depending on what you want to get cottage cheese (dry or wet), change:
  1. Heating intensity.
  2. Maximum allowable temperature.
  3. Warm-up time.
If the reverse turns sour at a temperature above 23 degrees and the curd has risen up, it must be heated delicately, over medium heat. To obtain moist cottage cheese from such a curd, the maximum heating temperature is 45 degrees. For dry - 55 degrees.
If the curd is evenly distributed in the jar and has decreased to a maximum of one third, you can heat it over medium heat to 50 - 55 degrees, if you want a softer, moist curd, and up to 60 if you need dry.
How long does the clot need to be heated and how to determine when to remove the jar from hot water? I talked about this in detail in the article ...
Advice! When preparing any kind of curd, I recommend cutting the curd to warm up the middle more evenly.

Making semi-fat cottage cheese from blown milk

You can make semi-fat cottage cheese from skim milk. To do this, whole milk is added in reverse immediately after separation. Mix two parts of skim milk and one part of homemade milk, which should be cold. Leave to sour at a temperature of 22 - 23 degrees.
Cottage cheese from such milk is obtained in pieces or layers. It is elastic, does not crumble. Low-fat cottage cheese is heated at a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees over medium heat.
After reaching the set temperature, the fire is reduced to a minimum and the curd is heated until tender. The longer the cottage cheese is heated, the harder and drier it will be.

Low-fat cottage cheese from whole homemade milk

But not every house has a separator. Is it possible to cook low-fat cottage cheese from whole milk at home without separation? Of course!
We put the jar in a very cold place (but not to freeze) for a couple of days. The topshok will settle and almost all the milk fat will turn into cream. We collect them carefully. The more carefully you remove the vershok, the less greasy you will get cottage cheese as a result.Cream, on the other hand, will be a great addition to your morning coffee or tea.
Since milk is very cold, it can be sour at 22 - 24 degrees and it will take more time for the curd to ripen. Such cottage cheese is heated over moderate heat until reaching 50-60 degrees, and then kept on low heat until tender. Cottage cheese from such milk turns out to be tender, very similar to fatty.

Important! Sour milk for any type of homemade cottage cheese should be away from heat sources.
Dear friends. At the next meeting, we will talk about how they do
Copyright © Natalia Ivaschenko. 01 November 2015

Curd can be made from whole milk, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk. So they do, having their own cow and homemade milk.

You can remove the cream from the milk, you can pass it through the separator and also get cream, and from skim milk or with a low fat content, prepare cottage cheese.

Curd is prepared only from fermented milk - sour milk. To make good quality cottage cheese, milk must be pasteurized before fermentation by heating in a water bath to 80 degrees.

Then cool the heated milk to 36 degrees and ferment, in the amount of 3-5% of the amount of prepared milk. Wrap the fermented milk in a blanket and place in a warm place.

The fermented milk should be in the form of a dense curd, the whey should not separate. For making cottage cheese spoiled milk should have a homogeneous consistency with a shiny surface, the serum is transparent, greenish in color. If the milk is poorly fermented, the cottage cheese will turn out to be grains and there will be little of it, from the sour milk you will get sour cottage cheese and too dry.

The fermented milk with a large spoon or just a plate should be carefully transferred to another pan, being careful not to pick up the whey. Place the saucepan with milk in a water bath. Of course, you can just put it on fire, but it is better to cook cottage cheese in a water bath. The water temperature is not higher than 55 degrees, the milk clot must be constantly stirred carefully so that it warms up evenly, when heated, the sour milk curdles, forming cottage cheese.

When the temperature of the milk curd reaches 40 degrees, if it is not possible to measure the temperature, the readiness of the curd can be determined visually. The entire fermented milk curd will curdle, and will look like curd lumps floating in whey, which means it's time to remove it from the heat. Often the temperature is not a decisive indicator, the readiness of the curd depends on the acidity of the milk from the density and fat content.

Ready hot cottage cheese must be removed and transferred to a linen bag or gauze from several layers. Hang the bag of cottage cheese so that the whey is drained from it. Then put the cottage cheese in a bowl and cover so that it does not dry out. Cottage cheese made from fatty milk is tasty, sweet with a specific milky aroma. Low-fat curd is sour. You can store cottage cheese in a cellar or refrigerator for several days.

To prepare one kilogram of fatty cottage cheese at home, you need 7-8 kilograms of whole milk; to prepare low-fat cottage cheese, you need 9-10 kilograms of skim milk.

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how to skim cottage cheese

How to skim cottage cheese at home

In chapter Cooking in. to the question How to degrease cottage cheese yourself at home? For example with 2% to make even less percentage? given by the author *@ Catherine @ * the best answer is low-fat cottage cheese made from low-fat milk. In the finished cottage cheese, the fat content does not change to a lower side (please add butter or sour cream to a higher one)

2% is only 2 grams of fat from 100 grams of cottage cheese, just half a teaspoon of butter. It is not necessary with diets it comes to insanity, a little fat (milk) will not bring much harm to the body, and the liver will function normally.

Katya, if you're afraid to get better, eat less cottage cheese. Replace it with meat or lard and you will be full.

Pour the curd over with warm water, rinse carefully and strain through a strainer. The fat will remain in the water.

much less then

dilute with something even lower in fat, such as yogurt. depending on how you want to use it. just eat 2 times less and you will get the result. if for the filling, dilute the greens with onions, your favorite greens, you can use gelatin to make jelly with cottage cheese, how the cheese will turn out to be about, also delicious, for this jelly it is better to use milk, start heating like for cottage cheese, add your cottage cheese, and leave to milk whey. cottage cheese will become more tasty, it will become more, make jelly from whey, with cottage cheese. the remaining serum can also be made into jelly in a different form. , come up with as it is, I liked it with tea, a bite, instead of cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese recipes from sour milk

Main page »Miscellaneous» Homemade cottage cheese recipes from sour milk

It is unlikely that anyone will argue about the advantage of homemade cottage cheese over the purchased one. The presence of this product in the daily diet guarantees strong bones, teeth, hair and nails for all family members - from the smallest babies to elderly people. The shelf life of homemade cottage cheese is no more than 2 days in the refrigerator. The industrial version of the product can be stored, according to the labels on the packaging, for several weeks, which confirms the presence of a large army of preservatives in the curd.

Making cottage cheese from homemade milk

The main rule when doing such a thing is to be attentive in the very process of warming up curdled milk. Subcooled raw materials will result in too sour and moist cottage cheese, overheated - will make the finished product dry.

  • 1 liter of fresh milk from a neighbor's cow;
  • a saucepan of the appropriate size and one more, slightly larger;
  • colander;
  • loose cotton fabric, such as gauze.

Cooking cottage cheese at home:

  1. Leave the milk for a day in a warm place for fermentation.
  2. Pour the resulting curdled milk into a saucepan.
  3. Put on the fire a larger dish, filled with water by a third.
  4. Place a saucepan with sour milk in it.
  5. Heat until lumps of cottage cheese are visible from the whey and from the walls of the dishes, avoiding boiling of the product.
  6. The time required to completely separate the milk into whey and curd is always different, since the composition of the raw materials is never the same. Typically, this process takes from 25 to 30 minutes, but this is not accurate. Gradually, each housewife empirically develops her own interval between the start of heating and the end of the procedure.
  7. Put cheesecloth evenly in a colander so that the ends of the fabric hang out.
  8. Pour the slightly cooled whey with cottage cheese onto cheesecloth, leave for a while to drain the liquid.
  9. Gently tie the mass into a knot and hang over a sink or under a press. The press should not be too heavy so as not to crush the lumps of finished cottage cheese, its main purpose is to gradually, as much as possible, remove liquid from the product.

Ready cottage cheese from sour milk can be eaten fresh, or by adding raisins, candied fruits and sugar, you can prepare an excellent filling for sweet pastries or cheese cakes.

How to make low-fat cottage cheese at home

Farmed or homemade milk usually has a high percentage of fat, which is not always good if you are overweight or due to certain health problems. In this case, industrial skim milk should be taken as a feedstock.

Required products and tools:

  • liter of pasteurized milk;
  • two pots of different sizes;
  • gauze;
  • colander.

Cooking diet cottage cheese:

  1. Pour low fat pasteurized milk into a smaller container and place in a warm place to sour. Such a product takes much longer to ferment, so a piece of bread is put into it to speed up the process.
  2. Place the container with sour milk in a large saucepan with water and put on fire.
  3. Keep the structure on slow heating for about half an hour, until the whey is completely separated from the curd curd.
  4. Line the cheesecloth in a colander, gently pour the curd mixture.
  5. Allow excess liquid to drain, tie the ends of the fabric so that the curd is inside the gauze knot, and hang over the sink to completely drain the curd.

Homemade fat-free cottage cheese prepared in this way is very tender, slightly different in taste from the usual product, and is especially loved by kids.

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For thousands of years of communication with dairy products, a person has learned to make various types of cottage cheese and a lot of tasty and nutritious dishes with his participation - both the first and the second, and at the same time desserts. Culinary experts have more than 150 dishes that you can cook with cottage cheese! Most of the dishes are dietary and are used in baby food. Many of them are medicinal and suitable for baby food. In addition, cottage cheese goes well with a large number of products - milk, sour cream, cream and kefir, sugar, jam, vegetables, berries and fruits.

The technology of making cottage cheese provides it with excellent healing and nutritional properties. It is a dietary product with high energy and nutritional value. It is perfectly absorbed by the human body at any age, improves the functioning of the digestive system.

In the finished cottage cheese, you will find a set of useful amino acids, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, lecithin, choline) and vitamin B2. This product is considered ideal for the nutrition of children and adults, helps to form bone and cartilaginous tissues of the skeleton, improves metabolism, kidney and heart function, fights anemia and atherosclerosis, and stimulates the process of hematopoiesis.

Souring fatty cottage cheese is a simple and straightforward process: it is made from fatty whole milk. There is no need to wait for the milk to turn sour on its own - just add a little kefir or sour cream to it and put it on fire, but do not bring it to a boil. The milk will curdle in a few minutes and the process of separating the curd from the whey will be accelerated.

Calcined cottage cheese is perfectly prepared from cold pasteurized or boiled milk, to which you need to add a solution of calcium chloride, then make it sour - and unleavened cottage cheese is ready!

Fatty cottage cheese contains from 9 to 18% fat and has a high calorie content - 2200 Kcal, that is, higher than that of beef! Low-fat cottage cheese has a fat content below 9% and a calorie content of no more than 1090 Kcal.

Making low-fat diet cottage cheese requires skim milk - it is much easier to find it in a regular city store than normal fat milk, so there should be no problems with raw materials.

Good low-fat cottage cheese is prepared at home using a certain technology. First, you pasteurize milk, destroying harmful microorganisms - boil or heat it to 80 ° C and hold for about 15 minutes.

Then quickly cool the pasteurized milk to 30 degrees in a cold water bath, after which you ferment the cooled milk. You can do this with bio-leaven or a small amount of sour cream, but if you want to get fat-free cottage cheese, it is best to ferment it naturally, that is, wait until the milk turns sour by itself. Just remember to put the pan of milk in a warm place.

You just have to wait for the appearance of a dense clot, which forms at the top, and the serum goes down. And be careful - an unfinished curd will give poor quality perishable cottage cheese, and a too sour product will turn out from a fermented one.

Strain the remaining whey through a sieve or cheesecloth and cool the resulting product. Your curd is ready. Now you can add flavoring seasonings to it at your discretion - salt, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, etc.

Do not forget that homemade low-fat cottage cheese is obtained from milk, which is fermented by special microbes. Therefore, cottage cheese is an excellent medium for the vital activity of microorganisms, the action of which does not stop when the cottage cheese is ready. Literally in a day or two, the cottage cheese turns sour to a state of unsuitability and becomes dangerous for eating. It is not recommended to keep it even in the refrigerator for more than two days.

Cottage cheese made from raw unboiled milk or accidentally sour pasteurized milk is especially dangerous, because it can contain microorganisms that are dangerous to human health. Therefore, try to eat only fresh cottage cheese that you just cooked, or be sure to heat the cottage cheese that has been in the refrigerator for a while!

Updated 1 year ago


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When for some reason it is not possible to buy low-fat or even the most ordinary cottage cheese, but there is a need for it, you can prepare a homemade dairy product with a low percentage of fat on your own. Information on how to skim cottage cheese remains relevant for everyone who wants to part with extra pounds without depriving their body of the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

The desire to defat cottage cheese at home may appear if you want to consume less fat in food, but at the same time continue to saturate your body with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as other trace elements that this type of dairy product has.

In order to skim cottage cheese and prepare your figure for the summer season, you will need a set of the following products: milk with a low percentage of fat; lemon juice; boiling water. For self-preparation of low-fat cottage cheese, you will also need to take cheesecloth and an enamel pan.

It is also recommended to degrease cottage cheese for those people who are on a diet, and it is easy to do this by preparing a healthy dish for yourself. From one liter of milk, only about two hundred and fifty grams of fermented milk products are obtained. Based on these proportions, it is necessary to take a suitable amount of milk.

To skim the curd, you need to use the appropriate milk for its preparation, which is poured into an enamel bowl. Lemon juice is added to it at the rate of half a citrus per liter of milk. You can defat the cottage cheese and get a tasty product by pouring boiling water, which should be slightly larger than the volume of milk.

In an attempt to defat cottage cheese, it is recommended to use just boiling water. While stirring the liquid in the container, you can observe how it will curl up, but you should not wait for the moment when the flakes acquire a high density, because then the cottage cheese will be too dry and grainy.

After observing the curdling mass a little, it should be immediately filtered through several gauze layers when the flakes become slightly dense. Whey can be used to prepare other dishes, and in order to defat the curd, it must be allowed to cool and the remaining liquid drained off.

You can also defat cottage cheese in another way, but it will take longer. To do this, you need to boil the milk and let it cool well, using a water bath with a water temperature of no more than thirty degrees. Then add a little low-fat sour cream there. You can completely skim the cottage cheese if, while fermenting it, you wait for souring without using additional ingredients.

Continuing to cook the cottage cheese, the pan is sent to heat, and they wait for a dense curd to appear, which will form on top. Well fermented, but without overdoing it, the curd is decanted using gauze or a sieve. The resulting product is cooled to obtain a tasty and healthy, low-fat homemade cottage cheese.

To change the taste of the resulting dish, you can use salt, a little sugar, cinnamon, or your favorite seasonings. It is also important to remember that homemade cottage cheese obtained by fermentation should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days, so you need to cook in small portions.

Homemade cottage cheese recipes from sour milk

It is unlikely that anyone will argue about the advantage of homemade cottage cheese over the purchased one. The presence of this product in the daily diet guarantees strong bones, teeth, hair and nails for all family members - from the smallest babies to elderly people. The shelf life of homemade cottage cheese is no more than 2 days in the refrigerator. The industrial version of the product can be stored, according to the labels on the packaging, for several weeks, which confirms the presence of a large army of preservatives in the curd.

The main rule when doing such a thing is to be attentive in the very process of warming up curdled milk. Subcooled raw materials will result in too sour and moist cottage cheese, overheated - will make the finished product dry.

  • 1 liter of fresh milk from a neighbor's cow;
  • a saucepan of the appropriate size and one more, slightly larger;
  • colander;
  • loose cotton fabric, such as gauze.

Cooking cottage cheese at home:

  1. Leave the milk for a day in a warm place for fermentation.
  2. Pour the resulting curdled milk into a saucepan.
  3. Put on the fire a larger dish, filled with water by a third.
  4. Place a saucepan with sour milk in it.
  5. Heat until lumps of cottage cheese are visible from the whey and from the walls of the dishes, avoiding boiling of the product.
  6. The time required to completely separate the milk into whey and curd is always different, since the composition of the raw materials is never the same. Typically, this process takes from 25 to 30 minutes, but this is not accurate. Gradually, each housewife empirically develops her own interval between the start of heating and the end of the procedure.
  7. Put cheesecloth evenly in a colander so that the ends of the fabric hang out.
  8. Pour the slightly cooled whey with cottage cheese onto cheesecloth, leave for a while to drain the liquid.
  9. Gently tie the mass into a knot and hang over a sink or under a press. The press should not be too heavy so as not to crush the lumps of finished cottage cheese, its main purpose is to gradually, as much as possible, remove liquid from the product.

Ready cottage cheese from sour milk can be eaten fresh, or by adding raisins, candied fruits and sugar, you can prepare an excellent filling for sweet pastries or cheese cakes.

Farmed or homemade milk usually has a high percentage of fat, which is not always good if you are overweight or due to certain health problems. In this case, industrial skim milk should be taken as a feedstock.

Required products and tools:

  • liter of pasteurized milk;
  • two pots of different sizes;
  • gauze;
  • colander.

Cooking diet cottage cheese:

  1. Pour low fat pasteurized milk into a smaller container and place in a warm place to sour. Such a product takes much longer to ferment, so a piece of bread is put into it to speed up the process.
  2. Place the container with sour milk in a large saucepan with water and put on fire.
  3. Keep the structure on slow heating for about half an hour, until the whey is completely separated from the curd curd.
  4. Line the cheesecloth in a colander, gently pour the curd mixture.
  5. Allow excess liquid to drain, tie the ends of the fabric so that the curd is inside the gauze knot, and hang over the sink to completely drain the curd.

Homemade fat-free cottage cheese prepared in this way is very tender, slightly different in taste from the usual product, and is especially loved by kids.

Anyone who is on a diet or a healthy diet prefers low-fat foods. In this article, you will learn how to make low-fat cottage cheese at home so that it turns out not only healthy, but also delicious. Several proven recipes will allow you to do exactly what you need with minimal financial and time costs.

Taking care of your health is manifested not only in the use of low-fat products, because, most importantly, they must be natural.

Today, many unscrupulous manufacturers "flavor" low-fat cottage cheese with vegetable fats, starch and other additives to make it thicker and more tender.

But having made low-fat cottage cheese at home, we will definitely know that there is nothing superfluous and harmful in it. Moreover, it is impossible to degrease it at home. If the manufacturer has already declared 9 or 25% fat on the label, then they will remain so.

Before preparing our cottage cheese, let's roughly orient ourselves in the ratio of ingredients: the proportions are approximately 3: 1, that is, about 300 g of the finished product will come out of 1 liter of milk or kefir.

Accordingly, in order to get 1 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, it is enough for us to ferment 3 liters of milk.

Well, shall we try to cook it?

Low-fat milk cottage cheese with sourdough


Since industrially produced skim milk contains almost no calcium, there will be little benefit from cottage cheese made from it.

It also makes no sense to cook cottage cheese from pasteurized, so we will cook it from rustic raw milk, but with a little secret.

How to skim fresh milk

We buy 1 liter of farm milk, pour it into a saucepan and put it in the refrigerator to stand for 2-3 hours.

  • During this time, a thin film of cream forms on the surface.
  • We remove them with a spoon.

If the milk is high fat, it may not even be a film, but a good layer of cream - from a glass to half a liter. They will be visible by their color: the cream will stand out at the top of the can in a creamier color.

If the cottage cheese is prepared without sourdough, from naturally sour milk, the defatting procedure is carried out in the same way as in the first method.

The only difference: we will not remove liquid cream from kefir, but already thickened cream.

The finished cottage cheese will turn out to be very tender and tasty.

Low-fat cottage cheese without sourdough

Instead of adding kefir to milk, we can wait for it to turn sour naturally.

  • To do this, pour a liter of raw milk into a saucepan, close it with a lid and leave it.
  • It usually takes overnight for milk to ferment at room temperature. But if it is very cold at home, it is better to put it to the radiator.
  • To prepare fat-free cottage cheese without sourdough, we will use a special fire divider. By placing metal coasters on the stove, we will be able to create the optimal temperature for heating sour milk. So it will not overheat, and, at the same time, curl up well.
  • We put a saucepan with sour milk in a water bath, put a divider under a large saucepan and put everything on the fire.

After about 25-35 minutes, the mass curdles - whey and dense light-colored clots appear. After that, keep everything on fire for another 3-4 minutes and remove. Let it cool and squeeze out, as in the previous recipe: put it in a colander and let it drain for several hours.

It is made faster than from milk, since we have a ready-made fermented product in front of us. We buy 1 liter with a low fat content - pour no more than 2.5% into a saucepan or other container and put it in a water bath.

Warm up for about 30 minutes and, just as in the previous recipe, we discard the drain. Then we squeeze and hold for another hour and a half so that all the serum comes off.

There are several ways to cook low-fat cottage cheese, but there are a number of rules, following which the product will turn out delicious from any ingredients.

In no case should the curd be overheated, so that it does not turn out hard and crumbly. As soon as the whey is separated from the protein clots, it must be removed from the heat.

If you drain the curd too early, without waiting for the whey to separate completely, it will turn out sour, even if you let it drain well.

Whatever we decide to make low-fat cottage cheese at home, we remember that it should only be stored in the refrigerator and no longer than a few days.

If the portion is too large, the cottage cheese can be frozen in portions of 150-200 g. We put it in small bags and put it in the freezer.

After defrosting, it will not lose its positive properties and pleasant taste, however, it is not recommended to refrigerate it so much again.

Now that you know how to make low-fat cottage cheese at home, all that remains is to try to cook it, because there is nothing complicated about it!

Give it a try, friends, and share your remarks or additions in the comments.

homemade milk - 2 liters, a pan for 3 liters, a piece of gauze folded in several layers, a colander.

I want to note that not everyone has the opportunity to purchase high-quality homemade milk. In this case, you can use store milk. The main thing is that it was fat. Take with a high percentage of fat. Do not forget that the consistency of such cottage cheese and the taste will turn out differently from homemade.

So, you can pour homemade milk into a saucepan or a wide bowl. I often use a three-liter jar. This milk also soured in the jar, but we drank some of the yogurt, but made cottage cheese from the rest.

Leave the milk for souring at room temperature, covering it with a light cloth. I usually do this in the evening. In the summer, milk turns sour in a day. In winter, this process can take up to two days. But, then choose a warm place for milk - the ideal option is a battery.

This may be too long for you! Then you can speed up the process of souring milk by adding a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or sour milk to warm milk (room temperature). I do not advise adding yogurt, you will get the same yogurt. Only home and in large quantities.

Well, that my milk is sour. It's time to make cottage cheese from it. Yes, cottage cheese made from fresh yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Of course, even after these days it can be consumed in food. But, it is better to put this cottage cheese on baking. For example, fry cheesecakes, bake casseroles, and much more.

When the milk is sour, sour cream forms on top. I take it off. From a 3-liter can, it turns out to collect about 300-400 grams. sour cream. But when the milk sour in the pan, a smaller layer of sour cream forms. I also collect it and bake wonderful muffins for my home, or you can cook a pie in a slow cooker. Or these are the pies.

Look at the consistency of the sour milk - you just want to climb in and scoop it up with a spoon. Mmm!

We put this bowl on fire, on a very small fire. Do not touch the bowl for the first 5 minutes, but then you need to take a slotted spoon or spoon and start stirring quietly our yogurt. To warm it all up, stir the contents of the bowl or the pan from time to time. Many people cut it with a knife, but I'm so used to doing it with a slotted spoon that it turns out just as well.

It is necessary to heat a saucepan with curdled milk up to 70 ºС. (putting your hands on the pan will make you feel hot). My two liters warmed up for 20 minutes. If you have more curdled milk, you will need more time accordingly. About 40 minutes. And again, do not forget to stir it. And do it without fanaticism.

It is important not to overheat the yogurt or not to overheat it. Overheated curdled milk will produce dryish cottage cheese. And from not warmed up - you will get the wrong cottage cheese. In addition, the serum will last no more than a day. It will start to stink and be unusable. And, here, properly thawed cottage cheese has a transparent greenish whey and it can stand in your refrigerator for more than a month. Would you like a recipe for what to cook with whey? Pancakes, bread, you can just drink, straightening your stomach.

How do you know when the curd is ready? It settles to the bottom of the pan, and the whey turns out to be a greenish transparent shade. We turn off the fire and leave our container alone until it cools completely.

After cooling, the upper whey can be drained into jars, but the rest of the pots, along with the cottage cheese, are poured into a colander lined with gauze.

Here is the serum.

I needed wet cottage cheese, so I could not stand it under the press or under my own weight. I started it right away (made melted cheese).

But if you hang the cottage cheese and leave it for 12 hours (substitute a bowl for the dripping whey), all the whey will drain and you will get a cool homemade grainy cottage cheese!

Friends, I use this recipe to make homemade cottage cheese for my family. If you cook with me, you are great and thank you so much for that!

But what about the second recipe for making cottage cheese? No, I haven't forgotten. The process of souring milk for future cottage cheese is the same. Just standing and heating the yogurt does not take place on the stove or in a water bath, but in the oven. This recipe was shared with me by my friend, from whom I always buy homemade (excellent) sour cream for my cakes to order. She makes it for sale, so she prepares it at once with a big call. Bricks are placed on the bottom of the gas oven.

On these bricks, he installs cans (4 three-liter) with sour milk and covers them with lids (without rubber bands). It turns on the fire almost to the full extent and holds them there for about an hour. After that, the fire turns off, but does not reach the can, but leaves it until it is warm.

Friends, I hope the recipe was useful to you. I wish you all a pleasant hassle in the kitchen and do not forget to leave your comments!

P.S. Friends, on a note: to keep the cottage cheese longer in the refrigerator, put a couple of lumps of sugar on it. Store curd in a glass container with a lid. Or in foil or thick parchment.