How to cook juicy chicken breast kebab. Chicken breast kebab

14.05.2019 Healthy eating

Chicken breast is a healthy dietary meat that is also recommended for those who seek healthy way life, and those who hope to get rid of a few extra pounds.

However, the breasts are often too dry and tough. How can you avoid this? Most chefs advise following a few rules, of which the first is to use correct marinade for chicken breasts.

General principles making chicken breast marinade

It is undesirable to add mayonnaise and other mixtures containing vinegar to it. If the chicken breast kebab marinade contains a lot of acid, then the meat will acquire a sharp taste and will be harsh. In general, do not make the mixture too acidic, regardless of what you decide to add: vinegar, citrus juice or kefir.

Salting the chicken breast marinade too generously in the oven is also not worth it. Salt helps the meat to quickly lose juice and become "rubbery". It is better to add salt towards the end of the marinating process, 10-15 minutes before baking.

If you want to get juicy and soft dish, buy a chilled, not frozen chicken, and one that has been frozen and thawed several times, no marinade for a chicken breast kebab will save you! Not to mention the fact that such meat can easily be poisoned. So take the product only from a trusted store.

Using the marinade for chicken breasts, you can bake a whole chicken in the oven, only it needs to be marinated much longer, it is best to leave it overnight. But bake the chicken so that it turns out not dry, but juicy, better in the sleeve. If you like the crust, then you can cut (carefully so as not to burn yourself!) The sleeve and turn the temperature higher.

Put in the chicken breast marinade various spices... This, of course, depends on the taste, but the following should be attributed to the generally accepted seasoning options:

  • Coriander;

Can be used ready mix or compose your own. Or you can make a chicken breast kebab marinade or a baked dish, limiting yourself to one thing. For example, interesting taste adds thyme to the dish, and often “solo” is also curry (although it may be wrong to talk about solo in this case, because curry is a mixture of spices). But it is important not to overdo it with spices, otherwise the marinade for chicken breasts in the oven will clog the taste of the bird itself!

It is necessary to marinate the breast from an hour to two, it does not make sense to keep it longer.

It will marinate faster at room temperature, but if this “ room temperature»Is too high, it is better to place the chicken bowl in the refrigerator.

Make sure that the chicken breast marinade completely covers the meat. If this is not the case, you need to periodically take out the bowl and mix the contents, ensuring that the chicken is completely coated with marinade.

Recipe 1. Kefirny chicken breast marinade


    Garlic - 2 cloves (3 if small)

    Lemon - about a third of a small citrus

    Kefir 1% fat - quarter liter

    Thyme, mint, a little black pepper

    Mustard - tablespoon

    Salt to taste; add one hour after the start of marinating the chicken

Cooking method

    Peel the garlic and chop finely, squeeze juice from a third of the lemon. Peel the onion and chop it very finely. Using a whisk, mix kefir with garlic and onion, then gently stir in lemon juice followed by mustard and black pepper. If you are using fresh herbs, chop them as small as possible, you can even chop them with a blender. If dry, rub it between your fingers. Then add the chopped herbs to the marinade.

    Put chicken breast in the marinade and keep in it for about an hour, turning every now and then. Then add salt, mix again and marinate the chicken for another 15 minutes.

    Bake in the sleeve or cook a kebab.

Recipe 2. Marinade for chicken breast in the oven with honey


    Honey - 4 tablespoons

    Dry spicy herbs (thyme, basil, rosemary, etc.) - 1 tablespoon

    Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons

    Olive or corn oil - 5-6 tablespoons

    Black pepper - to taste

    There is no need to add salt to this chicken breast marinade - soy sauce will add saltiness

Cooking method

    Melt the honey in a water bath (put a container with honey in a saucepan of water, and that one on gas; heat, stirring the honey continuously).

    Mix liquid honey with soy sauce and then add vegetable oil and stir well. Add dry herbs and peppers.

    Marinate the breast in this composition for about an hour, and then bake in the sleeve. It's a good idea to add new potatoes and pour over everything with the rest of the marinade - it will turn out exquisite dish in a somewhat oriental style.

Recipe 3. Marinade for dry chicken breast

This chicken breast marinade option is especially suitable for those who love the taste of chicken itself, not spices.


    Salt - spoon

    Sugar - spoon

    Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method

Mix salt and sugar with butter and rub the chicken breast with the mixture. Place under a small load and hold for about an hour, and then bake in the sleeve.

Recipe 4. Spicy chicken breast marinade


    Vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) - 2 tablespoons

    Lemon - 1/2 small

    Granulated sugar- 2 large spoons

    Garlic - 4-6 medium-sized cloves

    Ginger - a piece about three cm long

    Soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons

    Lime - wedge (you can use lime juice - full teaspoon)

    Black pepper

    If you think the sauce is not salty enough, add a little salt.

Cooking method

    Remove the zest from half of the lemon, then squeeze the juice. Pass the garlic through a press. Peel the ginger and chop finely (but it is better not to grate it).

    Mix lemon and lime juice with soy sauce and vegetable oil, add ginger and garlic, stir, add pepper and, if necessary, salt. Put in small lemon zest cut with scissors.

    Place the chicken breast in the marinade for an hour or an hour and a half, and then cook in any way.

Recipe 5. Marinade for chicken breast in the oven with sour cream


    Sour cream - half a glass (it is better to take 20% fat)

    Mustard (you can take the usual, Russian, or you can prefer some kind of exquisite softer) - a teaspoon with a top

    Dry paprika powder - teaspoon

    Garlic - 3-4 cloves

    Curry - about one and a half teaspoons

    Lime or lemon juice - about a teaspoon

    Spices any, according to your taste, you can Italian or Provencal blend- half a teaspoon

Cooking method

    Peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press.

    In sour cream, drop by drop, mix the whole citrus juice, then, continuing to stir with a whisk, put the garlic, curry and paprika, add, lightly rubbing the herbs between your fingers.

    Coat the breast or pieces of chicken breast with this marinade and keep so for about an hour and a half, making sure that the chicken is covered with sauce on all sides, if necessary, turn it sideways.

Recipe 6. Marinade for chicken breast "Pineapple"


    Grain mustard - 1 spoon

    Plain mustard - 1 spoon

    Half can (400 gram) canned pineapple

    Sour cream 15 - 20% - 3 tablespoons

    Pepper mixture - half a teaspoon

    Onion - half a small onion

    Salt - half to a whole teaspoon

    Apple vinegar- 1 spoon

Cooking method

    Peel the onion and chop with a knife finely enough; you can also chop the onion with a grater or food processor, blender, or the like.

    Put the pineapples and syrup in a blender bowl, then grind in liquid puree... You can, however, leave larger pieces, and not exactly mashed potatoes.

    Mix sour cream with pineapple puree and mustard in a bowl with a blender or whisk. Then add the onion and pepper mixture and mix well again. And only at the end add salt and vinegar (you can do without it).

    Chicken breast marinated in pineapple marinade, it makes sense to continue cooking with pineapples, for example, you can bake the breast with pineapple pieces and cheese.

Recipe 7. Marinade for chicken breast in the oven "Horseradish"

In fact, this is a joke name. The marinade is very tasty, it just contains horseradish. It is better to take a piece of horseradish root, but if this is not possible, ordinary horseradish in a jar will do, preferably the simplest one, without beets or cream. However, you can use them as well.


    Horseradish - a piece of root of a centimeter in 3 - 4 (or 2-3 tablespoons of ready-made horseradish from a jar)

    Sour cream 20% - half a glass

    Tomato paste - 1 spoon

    Parsley (fresh; if not, you can take dried)

    Salt - a teaspoon

Cooking method

    If you are using fresh root horseradish, it must be washed and cleaned, and then grated on fine grater or grind with any suitable kitchen device.

    Finely chop fresh parsley, and chop dried parsley with your fingers, you can crush in a mortar.

    Mix sour cream (you can take more fatty, but less fatty is already undesirable) with horseradish, freshly grated or from a jar, add parsley and tomato to the same place, and later - salt.

    Marinate chicken breast in this composition for about two hours.

Recipe 8. Marinade for chicken breast barbecue with white wine

One of the most exquisite and delicious chicken marinades.


    Orange - 1 piece

    Lemon - half medium

    Honey - 2 - 3 tablespoons

    Ginger - a piece of about 3 cm

    Table white wine - ¾ glasses

    Greens (dill, thyme, basil, and the like fresh) - small bunch

Cooking method

    Wash the orange very carefully with a brush. Remove the zest from it and cut with kitchen scissors into strips a couple of millimeters apart.

    Cut the lemon into thin slices.

    Melt the honey in a water bath so that it becomes completely liquid.

    Wash the ginger under running water, peel and cut into small slices.

    Squeeze the juice out of the orange.

    Rinse the greens thoroughly by immersing them first in water and then under running water. Chop as small as possible.

    Put honey in orange juice and mix thoroughly until smooth. Top up with white wine. Mix everything well again and even beat a little.

    Now you can add solid ingredients - pieces of zest and lemon, herbs.

    Stir the marinade again and dip the chicken breast into it. Leave to marinate for at least an hour and a half.

  • Sometimes it is difficult to chop the garlic finely enough, especially the young one. To make it easier for yourself, crush a clove by pressing flat with a knife.
  • It is advisable to add fat to any marinade. Best suited corn oil, but you can also any other or sour cream, heavy cream etc.
  • If you don't have a sleeve, you can bake the chicken breast in a sauce or foil-covered pan.

Hello Dear friends and guests of my blog. It's getting warmer and warmer outside. Spring has finally come into its own and the May holidays are just around the corner. And with them the opening of the barbecue season.

In Russia, chicken is the second most popular meat for an indispensable attribute of a picnic in nature. The first, in my opinion, is pork. How to make a shish kebab out of it, I recommend that you look.

Well, today I will tell you about the most delicious recipes marinade for chicken so that the meat is soft and juicy. As I already said, I do not know how to cook this dish myself. I have a husband for that. I continue to torture him on the subject useful tips and the secrets of marinating so that the meat is juicy and tender.

Dear women, after all, we are already constantly at the stove at home, so entrust this business to a man. Let him also put his powerful hand. Show him the recipes he likes and let him cook! Well, we'll just relax in the bosom of nature, bask in the sun and just eat deliciously.

In today's collection there are recipes that you may have never even heard of. And I'll start with them. Although there are simple classic ways.

Well, first of all, the meat must be fresh, chilled. Frozen is not good. And see the expiration date on the package.

Chicken meat itself is soft, pickled and cooked in time less than others. The most ideal and most juicy and tender part of the chicken for a kebab is the thigh. I usually buy already thigh fillet, but you can buy it on the bone and cut it yourself, it will be cheaper. Not much, though.

Sometimes the breast is also chosen, but it is rather dry. After all, this is dietary meat and there is no fat in it. However, we will consider such marinades that even the breast will be juicy.

Wings and drumsticks are also often chosen for a picnic, but it is more convenient to cook them already on the wire rack. I don't like to buy wings, there is little meat there. But I would take the shin.

Choosing meat, you need to think about the marinade. And consider detailed recipes we'll be below. Choose any you like.

Original recipe with tomato paste and yogurt

It can be called Indian, as there is Indian folk spice curry. The recipe contains the ingredients and calculation for 0.5 kg of meat. It is better to cook from thigh fillets. Accordingly, if you have more meat, increase the proportions.


  • Curry - 0.5 tablespoon
  • Dried ginger - 0.5 tablespoon
  • Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon - 1/3
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Yogurt (unflavored) - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomatoes - to taste

We start to marinate:

1. Cut the fillets into small pieces. I usually divide in half. And be sure to cut off the fat layers, they will still burn.

2. Put the spices in there, put the tomato paste, squeeze the lemon juice, squeeze out the garlic and add the yogurt. Mix everything and marinate for 4-12 hours. There won't be much difference. You can simply prepare the meat for barbecue in advance in the evening and leave it overnight. Or you can do it 4 hours before cooking.

Spicy marinade for chicken skewers

For those who love hot things, this recipe is intended. Here you will need to use a blender to grind all the products. We also take 0.5 kg of thigh fillet and calculate the ingredients for it. This marinade can be called Mexican because of the spice.


  • Cilantro - 1 pack.
  • Chives - 4 arrows
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Mint - 3 l.
  • Lime - 1/3
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Hot sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Ground pepper - to taste

1. Everything is simple here: you need to put all the ingredients in a blender and pour over with sauces and butter. Grind everything until smooth.

2. Pour into meat, stir and marinate for 4 to 12 hours.

Pineapple juice and soy sauce marinating recipe

This is just an amazing recipe. Very tasty. Not a lot confused on products, but honestly - you won't regret it if you dare to try it. We are still counting on 0.5 kg of chicken thigh.


  • Canned pineapple juice - 4 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Wine or apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tablespoons
  • Oregano - 1 tsp
  • Paprika - 1 tsp
  • Chile - 0.5 tsp
  • Garlic - 2 cloves

Pour pineapple juice, soy sauce into the meat. Add a pinch of salt, vinegar, spices, and squeeze the garlic. Mix everything and leave in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then take it out and let it stand for another two hours at normal temperature.

Soviet recipe for chicken breast with vinegar and onions

In the old days Soviet times there was a total shortage of food. But kebab even then firmly entered the life of Soviet citizens. Its preparation is an obligatory ceremony in any trip or excursion out of town or to the country.

Therefore, the products were taken to be the simplest and most affordable. But who said that such a marinade would make the meat less juicy and tasty? Nothing of the kind, many still use only this recipe.

You can buy the breast and remove the meat from the bone yourself, but it's better to buy the fillet right away.


  • Chicken fillet- 2 kg
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon

Cut the onion into rings or half rings. We put it to the meat, salt, pour with vinegar and mix the food properly. Remember the onion so that the juice comes out. Leave it on for at least two hours. Then you can put on a skewer and cook. Cooking time is about 10-15 minutes.

Cooking chicken fillet shashlik in kefir

On such a marinade, the kebab will turn out to be very tender and juicy. The composition of the recipe is simple and budgetary. Mixes quickly, no more than 15 minutes.


  • Fillet - 2 kg
  • Kefir - 500-600 ml
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Black ground pepper- 1 teaspoon
  • Mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves

1. Cut two kilograms of fillets in large pieces... Add two teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of black pepper. Two teaspoons of mustard.

2. Pour all this with kefir 500 ml. Stir well and add 5-6 cloves of minced garlic. And leave it on for two to three hours.

The pieces are not large, so the frying time will take 10-15 minutes.

Soy sauce juicy marinade recipe

Here's another one for you interesting way marinade. The recipe is for 1.5 kg of thigh meat. It is not necessary to remove the meat from the bone. Skewer straight with the bone.


  • Soy sauce - 70 ml
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Chili pepper (jalapeno) - to taste
  • Orange - 1/2 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off excess fat from the thighs and make several cuts at the top.

2. Fold the meat tightly plastic bag(can be taken with a zip-lock on top or grippers are also called them) and fill with soy sauce, olive oil, sprinkle with spices and chopped peppers, squeeze out the garlic and squeeze out half an orange. Close the bag tightly or tie and shake well. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours. You can keep it up to 12 hours, but not more.

3. Over time, put your thighs on skewers and grill in a charcoal grill for 15-25 minutes. Remember to turn over periodically.

Video on how to cook a very juicy barbecue on the grill

For those who like to watch video recipes, I suggest great way cooking on the grill. Can be skewered or cooked on the wire rack. The kebab turns out to be juicy and very tasty.


  • Chicken thighs - 2 kg
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Water - 100 ml
  • White wine - 150 ml.
  • Fresh basil - 4-5 sprigs
  • Bulb onions - 3 pcs.

Finely chop the onion and mix with the meat, add salt and basil leaves. Fill with water and wine. Marinate for at least 2 hours. Then fry the thighs on a wire rack for 10-15 minutes on each side.

Now take a look at how this is done.

Everything is so appetizing that I am already drooling. Hurry up to a warm weekend. I’ll take my husband under the white hands and go to Mother Nature for a picnic.

Delicious picnic meat recipe in mayonnaise

Another simple and unpretentious recipe pickles chicken meat for outdoor recreation. Choose any part of the chicken that you like. The recipe uses ingredients for 3.5 kg of meat.


  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.
  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Barbecue seasoning - to taste

Cut the chicken into small pieces. It will marinate faster this way. Cut the onion into half rings and remember it well for juice. Then add the chopped meat to the bowl to the onion. Salt, add seasoning, mustard powder and mayonnaise. Mix everything well.

Mix better hands, so the pieces of meat will soak better in the marinade. Leave on for 3 to 12 hours, if desired. Then string the pieces on a skewer and place on the grill. Turn meat periodically. prepare such a kebab for up to half an hour.

Chicken marinade with lemon, cooked on skewers in the oven

My friends, I just can't stop. So many more interesting recipes. Here's another one light marinade that gives the chicken an amazing seductive flavor and bright taste... But unfortunately, it is not always possible to get out of the city or the weather does not allow. What's stopping you from making barbecue at home in the oven? Nothing gets in the way. Take it and do it.


  • Chicken fillet - 800 gr.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Green onion - 3-4 feathers
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Hot pepper (small) - 1 pc.
  • Lemon zest
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Italian Herb Blend

1. Put all the ingredients in a place, except for the chicken for now, and rub with a crush. Better yet, use a blender and grind everything into a fine gruel.

2. Cut the fillet into small pieces, put in a bowl and add the prepared mixture there. Stir and marinate for 60 minutes, of course.

3. Then slide the pieces onto the prepared wooden skewers, stirring with the onion and bell pepper pieces.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the kebab there for 30-35 minutes.

The marinade itself, of course, can be used for meat cooked in the bosom of nature. And the proportions can be taken for more.

Armenian barbecue sauce

And finally, I want to present you a video on how to make an amazing sauce for our meat in nature. It will be a wonderful addition to our skewered chicken.

Well, on this positive note, I want to finish my article. And then I was carried away by something. Well, by God, it’s so interesting itself that it’s impossible to stop. But I still pulled myself together and put an end for today.

But I will definitely return to this burning topic about kebabs. After all, we have not yet talked about all types of meat. How much more interesting marinades left. Do not count.

I'd like to see your comments, what you liked, what surprised, etc. I wish you all the best.

Making chicken breast skewers is quite difficult. It usually dries out rather quickly and becomes tough. We will share with you a few interesting recipes, and you will understand that this meat can be made deliciously tasty dish... It is perfect both for a buffet table and for everyday meals.

Juicy chicken breast kebab


  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • mineral water - for the marinade;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • spices;
  • lemon - to taste;
  • fresh herbs parsley.


Cut the chicken meat into small portions. We wash the lemon, wipe it and chop it into rings. We clean the onion and also chop it with middle rings. Now we take a bowl, put on the bottom of the breast, onion, and pour butter on top and mineral water... Sprinkle everything with spices to taste, mix well, cover and leave to marinate for 4 hours. After the specified time, we string our meat on a skewer, alternating with onions and fry for 5 minutes on each side so that the breasts do not dry out! If you are preparing a dish at home, then we use skewers and a well-heated oven. Before serving, decorate a plate of chicken breast skewers with fresh herbs and sprinkle the meat with lemon juice.

Chicken breast kebab recipe


  • - 800 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • apple brandy- 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • spices.


So, remove the zest from the lemon, rub it on a fine grater, and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Now we combine the zest, juice in a bowl, pour in apple brandy, vegetable oil, throw in sugar, spices and mix everything thoroughly. Cut the breast into small pieces, put it in the marinade, stir and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. At this time, we are preparing the apples for now: we cut their quarters, and then chop them into large pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. We string the chicken and apples tightly on wooden skewers, or on thin metal skewers. Lubricate everything with marinade and cook the kebab on the grill or in the oven for 15 minutes, constantly turning over.

Diet chicken breast kebab


  • chicken breasts - 1 kg;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • spices;
  • provencal herbs - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp.


We wash the chicken fillet, dry it and cut into small cubes. We clean the onions from the husks, chop them in half rings and knead them well with our hands so that it gives juice. Rub the lemon zest on a fine grater. Add some salt to the chicken fillet pieces to taste, sprinkle with pepper, seasonings and zest. Mix the meat thoroughly with your hands, fill it with kefir and leave to marinate for about 2 hours. After that, string the meat pieces on skewers and fry until tender over hot coals.

Delicious chicken breast kebab



In a bowl, mix the olive oil, wine vinegar and lemon juice. Then add ground paprika, throw in dry onions, squeeze out the garlic, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, put the meat in the marinade and mix well with your hands. Cover with a lid and remove to marinate for about 1 hour. After that we plant chicken pieces on skewers and fry on hot coals.

In the process of marinating chicken fillet pieces, one of the most important stages is the preparation of the correct delicious marinade... It is thanks to this component that after roasting on charcoal white poultry meat will acquire a tender and soft structure. So, how to marinate and roast chicken breast for barbecue?

Chicken fillet - kebab: recipe using vinegar

To prepare 4 servings of a dish you need:

  • a kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • a pair of onions;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a dinner spoon of sugar;
  • a couple of dinner spoons of salt;
  • some salt and spices;
  • 4 dinner spoons of vinegar.

How to cook?

  1. The breast is washed under cold water jet and then cut into small pieces. If breast was taken instead of the sirloin, all bones must be removed from it, and the skin must also be removed.
  2. The onion is peeled from the husk, and then finely cut into cubes.
  3. Pour the onion cubes into a pickling bowl. Further, the vegetable is actively crumpled until the onion releases its juice.
  4. Onions are mixed with chicken, everything is pepper and sprinkled with spices.
  5. Vinegar and water are mixed in a separate container. The liquid is salted and sweetened. The marinade is mixed, and then chicken slices are seasoned with it.
  6. Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes. Better to let everything brew for a whole night.
  7. The meat slices are placed on the grill so that they are arranged in one layer. The grill is closed.
  8. The dish is cooked over glowing coals for a quarter of an hour. The wire rack must be turned over regularly so that the ingredients do not burn.

Chicken fillet: kebab recipes in tomato sauce

For cooking you need:

  • half a kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • Cup tomato sauce;
  • juice of a third of a lemon;
  • a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half dessert spoon ground paprika;
  • a quarter of a dessert spoon of ground pepper.

How to pickle?

  1. Oil, lemon juice, pepper are mixed in one container. In this recipe, salt may not be added to the marinade, as the soy sauce used in the dish is quite salty.
  2. Fillets are actively washed under water, cut into cubes of the required size. You should not make too small or thin slices, as it will be difficult to string them on a skewer.
  3. Pour the slices into an oil base and then mix well.
  4. Pours into the total container tomato juice, soy condiment. Sprinkle the ingredients with paprika and mix.
  5. The bowl is closed and placed in refrigerator compartment at least 3 hours.
  6. After the end of this time, pieces of chicken are neatly strung on skewers, and then fried over coals. Everything fries very quickly, so it can be removed from the heat when a delicious blush appears on each side.

Also, such a recipe can be carried out in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Without a doubt the best side dish any meat is accompanied by vegetables. In this video you can find out the recipe for a delicious, appetizing vegetable stew Grilled.


Chicken fillet - recipes: skewers marinated in honey and soy sauce

For cooking you need:

  • one and a half kilos of bird fillet;
  • 120 milliliters of soy sauce;
  • one and a half dinner spoon of honey;
  • some salt;
  • 2 centimeters of finely grated ginger;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 70 milliliters of sesame oil.

Cooking technology

  1. White meat is washed under running water, and then rubbed with salt and set aside for a third of an hour.
  2. At this time, the marinade base is prepared. To do this, honey is heated to a liquid state using a water bath.
  3. The capacity is removed in hot water, soy sauce and sesame oil are poured into honey.
  4. Ginger root it is cleaned from the top layer with a knife, and then finely rubbed or chopped with a blender. Chopped ginger is poured into the marinade.
  5. Garlic cloves are peeled from the husk, and then passed through a press directly into the marinade liquid.
  6. Everything is actively mixed until smooth.
  7. Salted chicken breast is cut into the desired pieces, and then immersed in the marinade base. Each piece should be carefully greased with it.
  8. The bowl is placed in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  9. Then the meat is strung on skewers or placed on a wire rack and grilled on the grill for a third of an hour. Turn the meat slices periodically.

Chicken fillet marinated in beer

The dish requires:

  • a couple of kilos of chicken breast;
  • 0.75 liters of beer;
  • a pair of onions;
  • a little salt, oregano, ground pepper.

How to cook?

  1. The breast is actively washed under running water. The skin is removed from the meat pulp, all bones are removed. The resulting pulp is cut into medium cubes. The optimal size of the pieces will be about 3x3 centimeters.
  2. The bulbs are peeled and then cut into thin rings.
  3. Meat slices are mixed with oregano, salted and pepper.
  4. After that, the onion is placed in a bowl, so that it covers the meat only on top. You do not need to mix everything with onions.
  5. All ingredients are filled with beer and left in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If you want the meat slices to become more saturated with the marinade liquid, they should be left overnight.
  6. It is best to carry out this recipe over embers, open fire... White meat is cooked very quickly, usually a quarter of an hour is enough.

Chicken kebab, prepared for cooking in the right marinade base, is always juicy and soft. In addition to the options presented, chicken can be prepared in kefir, mineral water, mayonnaise, sour cream. It is worth considering that the marinade base is not involved in further cooking, so it can be poured out after removing the meat slices. Vegetables cooked on charcoal are perfect as a side dish for such a dish. Better to give preference to eggplant, bell pepper, zucchini. And the bread fried on charcoal will become perfect complement to meat for all family members.

In this video you can find out the recipe for unusually delicious chicken hearts on the grill. Juicy, soft, with a crispy crust - they cook in just a few minutes. Be sure to leave your proven kebab recipes in

You can marinate the brisket not only traditional way but also using orange, grapefruit, mineral water.
It is quite difficult to get a tasty and juicy chicken breast kebab. You need to know some secrets of making a marinade, which will help correct the situation. How to properly marinate meat? What recipes are there?


Some people, despite the fact that they have a diet, cannot deny themselves delicious barbecue... To reduce calories, they choose less fatty meats. These include chicken breast. It is this part of the bird that is dry. During the cooking process, it can become even tougher and drier, which will undoubtedly negatively affect taste dishes. In order not to end up with charred solid meat, it is important to know the secrets of the right marinade.

Cooking methods

The first way

The simplest chicken breast kebab marinade is as follows:

  • Chop the onion.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon and mineral water.
  • Pour some olive oil into the resulting liquid.
  • Salt, pepper, season with a mixture of herbs.

Mineral water will speed up the marinating process, and also make the meat more tender.


To get delicious diet kebab from chicken breast, you must do the following:

  • Chop six onions into rings
  • Squeeze out juice with pulp from two grapefruits.
  • Combine ingredients with meat.
  • Salt, pepper, add hops-suneli.
  • Mix thoroughly so that the marinade covers the entire brisket.
  • Place under the lid or cling film in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • Chicken kebab will be fried for no more than 20 minutes, periodically pouring it with marinade.

The third

Pickled recipes with added tomato paste will appeal to lovers of Georgian cuisine.

Such a chicken kebab is prepared as follows:


You can get a juicy chicken breast kebab by adding kefir or yogurt to the marinade. The preparation of the marinade is as follows:

  • In a bowl, mix kefir (natural homemade yogurt or sour cream) with olive oil, spices, paprika, salt.
  • Add the garlic passed through a press.
  • Pour in the juice of half a lemon, as well as a little grated zest.
  • Cut the skin off the brisket, cut into small pieces. Dip the meat in the marinade for several hours.
  • String the pickled kebabs on skewers with sweet pepper rings and tomatoes.


Another spicy recipe chicken breast kebab, which will be enjoyed by many:

  • In a deep ceramic or glass container, mix the juice from one orange with soy sauce and ketchup in the amount of 100 ml.
  • Add some sugar and ginger root shavings.
  • Mix the meat with the marinade with your hands, cover with a plate.
  • After 30 minutes, you can start frying the meat.

If desired, add to such meat canned pineapple which will add sweetish notes and also make the taste incredibly attractive. During charcoal cooking, care must be taken to prevent the pineapple from burning. It is recommended to pour marinade or wine over the chicken throughout the entire process.