Dyeing eggs with beets. How to paint eggs for Easter: beautiful and interesting ways

26.04.2019 Snacks

Painted eggs on the Easter table are a long tradition. Moreover, they are served on the table not only on the first day of Easter, as is customary in our country, but they are also exchanged throughout Easter week. The egg is considered the main symbol of renewing life.

The story of the Easter egg

Colored eggs are a long tradition. Moreover, they are served on the table not only on the first day of Easter, as is customary in our country, but they are also exchanged throughout Easter week. The egg is considered the main symbol of renewing life. Different peoples have a variety of traditions and customs on this basis. For example, in some regions in Russia it was customary to lay an egg in the foundation during construction. People believed that the construction would be successful and that the life of the inhabitants of the house would be happy and prosperous.

There is far from one version of how this tradition began - to paint and then exchange them on Easter. According to legend, on this holiday, Mary Magdalene gave an egg to the Emperor Tiberius. It was colored red - the color of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. Two letters were inscribed on the egg - "H.V." It meant "Christ is Risen!"

There is also a more logical explanation. Previously, when fasting was observed for 40 days from the first Wednesday, eggs were not allowed to be eaten. But layers could not adapt to the church calendar and holidays, in particular. Therefore, the Eggs had to be saved in some way. They were boiled, and they began to be painted in order not to confuse raw eggs with boiled ones. They were colored by adding plants to the water that gave off a natural dye.

How eggs are painted

  • In order to color eggs, most often people use onion peels. It must be collected in advance. The color of the husk is different, therefore, accordingly, the color of the eggs comes out different. If you want the color of the eggs to become richer, then use more husk. Boil it for a more saturated color for 30 minutes. After that, you just need to dip the eggs into the broth. Almost purple color can be achieved from red onion husks.
  • You can also resort to using food coloring.
  • The method of coloring with birch leaves is no less popular. An hour before you dip the eggs into the broth, they must be kept in warm water to avoid bursting, and also add a spoonful of salt to the water.
  • Some families maintain the tradition of dyeing eggs "speckled". To achieve this effect, you need to roll wet eggs in rice, and then wrap in cheesecloth (gauze is tied with a thread so that the rice sticks well), and then the eggs are boiled, as usual, in onion skins.
  • In order to achieve the brilliance of colored eggs, they are wiped dry and then greased with sunflower oil.
  • To achieve an interesting effect on eggs, they can be pre-wrapped with colored threads, and then dipped in hot water.
  • You can also achieve the effect of colored eggs from the inside. To do this, it is boring to cook them for three minutes, and then take them out, pierce the shell with a needle and boil for about one and a half minutes. You can also add coriander, cloves or cinnamon here.
  • If you want to color the eggs as quickly as possible, it is recommended to cook them with a vegetable for 10 minutes. It can be spinach, bright red beets.
  • To achieve a marbled effect, you need to wrap the eggs with onion peels and tie them with a piece of cotton cloth on top.

How to color eggs with beets?

It makes it possible to paint eggs in different shades of red: from pale pink to burgundy. The degree of color depends on how long you keep the eggs in the beet juice and on its concentration. There are many ways to color eggs. We will give you some examples.

The first way

In order for the egg shell to acquire a delicate pink hue, you need to put the boiled eggs in a bowl with fresh beetroot juice. By keeping them in the refrigerator overnight in this form, you can achieve a burgundy hue.

Second way

2-3 beets need to be peeled. Next, it must be grated on a coarse grater and filled with water. Here you need to add a teaspoon of vinegar and boil for 10 minutes. Boiled eggs are dipped into the broth. The degree of coloring depends on the time the eggs spend in the broth.

Another little secret is the fact that if you paint eggs, the shell of which is white, then the color after coloring will be light, and vice versa.

Third way

The first step is to clean the beets and rub on a fine grater. The eggs are rubbed with the resulting gruel. The color intensity depends on the same condition as in the previous case.

Fourth way

This method is the most economical. Eggs are boiled with beets.

In anticipation of the festive bustle, such a recipe for coloring in a rich pink color is very useful. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy bags with dry aniline or food paints. It is best to use folk methods - it is safer, easier and cheaper.
Now I will tell you how to paint eggs with beets for Easter. In order to color the eggs in a beautiful pink color, you need to take a beet root crop and make juice from it. In order for the juice to have a more saturated bright color, it is better to take root crops with a thin skin of medium-sized sizes.
In order for the beet juice to better fix on the eggshell, you need to add vinegar or concentrated acid diluted in the right proportion to it. Since the dye is natural, boiled eggs should be kept in this solution for at least 15-30 minutes to get the desired shade. Moreover, it is important to put the eggs in the dyeing solution hot, then they will be dyed better, and for a uniform color they need to be turned over in the solution from time to time.

- chicken egg (table),
- beet root vegetable (raw, with thin skin, bright color),
- table vinegar (9%) -1 tbsp. for every 50 ml of beet juice,
- salt (coarse) - 1-2 tsp for every liter of water,
- water (filtered).

Recipe with photo step by step:

First, select the eggs to paint. As a rule, these should be very fresh, high-quality specimens (it doesn't matter if they are white or brown). We wash them thoroughly with soap in running warm water so that they paint over evenly.
Fill the eggs with cold water, add salt and cook for at least 7-8 minutes from the time the water boils.

We wash the beets, grind them on a grater

and squeeze the cake through the gauze folded in half.

Add table vinegar to the juice, lower the eggs hot and keep them for 15-30 minutes until the color we need, periodically turning from one side to the other.

We take the eggs out of the solution, dry them slightly with a napkin, but do not rub them with oil so as not to smear the color.

Happy Holidays!

There are several ways to color eggs with beets. The one that we will use today is the simplest and requires the least investment of both time and effort.

So, to dye eggs with beets at home is very easy to do. My recipe with a photo will show you all the steps step by step.

All we need is to boil the eggs and grate the beets. Well, and be patient to wait until the eggs are colored. But let's talk about everything in order.


  • 400 - 450 g of beets;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt.

How to paint eggs with beets at home

As usual, we choose the eggs white so that the brown color of the shell does not affect the color of the colored eggs.

Wash the eggs thoroughly with warm soapy water using a foam sponge. We wipe carefully and thoroughly so that there are no dirt and traces of store stamps. Rinse the eggs in clean water.

To achieve perfect cleanliness of the eggs, you can additionally wipe them with a napkin moistened with alcohol. We put the eggs in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and put on high heat. Bring the water to a boil, add salt and, reducing the heat a little, cook for 10 minutes.

After that, we immediately lower the eggs for 10 minutes in cold water - this way it will be easier to clean them.

We wash the beets, cut off the peel and rinse. We select the container in which we will paint the eggs. It should be any non-plastic container: metal, porcelain or faience.

It is almost impossible to wash a plastic container after the beets, so it is best to choose a faience bowl. We select a bowl in such a way that the required number of eggs and grated beets can freely fit there.

Rub the peeled beets on a fine grater. We transfer to the chosen bowl.

Carefully place the prepared eggs in the beet gruel. Moreover, each egg must be completely wrapped in gruel, not in contact with others.

On top, the eggs should also be completely covered with the beetroot mass. Leave a bowl with beet gruel and eggs at room temperature for 12-14 hours.

Then we remove the eggs from the beet mass and rinse with running water. The eggs are of a delicate reddish-brownish hue. The color is not entirely uniform - due to the different adhesion of the particles of the beet mass. The eggs are speckled.

They are not very bright, but cute to look at. The most interesting thing is that with this method of staining, the protein turns into a pale purple color, the yolk remains yellow.

To decorate Easter eggs, the food industry now produces an incredible amount of a variety of dyes - primarily liquid and powdery ones. With their help, eggshells can be given any shade, up to a dazzling gold. But every year the "army" of housewives grows, who deliberately abandon "chemistry" in favor of natural dyes like beetroot juice. Let the painted eggs look dim and inconspicuous at the same time, but it is difficult to get rid of the craving for experiments. And now the fashion for "natural cooking" is gaining momentum. Therefore, the modest appearance of eggs, colored with beets or something else like that, can always be justified with one single argument: "But they are ecologically safe!"

So, one of the natural dyes that can be used to color Easter eggs is red beet. Several reviews have been published on the Internet from those who have already tried using it. Basically, everyone got a pale light brown hue, as if the eggs were not painted with beets, but dipped in black tea. Subconsciously, it always seems to us that beets should be painted in the color of burgundy or the one that we used to call beetroot. After all, these are the shades that you get when you put beets in borscht, pickles, salads and other dishes. But the eggshell has a fairly dense structure, so you need to accurately calculate the amount of "dye".

We will illustrate with step-by-step photos how in reality you can paint eggs with beets.

1. Wash the beets (you don't have to peel them) and grate them on a coarse grater. The more you take it, the more intense the shade will turn out when dyeing the eggs.

2. Fill with water.

3. To fix the color, so that it does not tarnish when cooking the beetroot solution, be sure to pour in a spoonful of vinegar. After that, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for another five minutes.

4. Wash and boil the eggs for 10 minutes. Transfer to cold water and cool.

5. Then the boiled eggs can be dipped into the beetroot solution (it is not necessary to wait until it cools down - the main thing is that the eggs are cold, then in the future there will be no problems with their cleaning).

6. Leave the eggs to stain for up to a day, depending on what color you want to get. Periodically you can check how much they are colored. You need to get the eggs out of the solution carefully and in no case wipe them with a towel, since the beet dye is easily erased from the surface of wet eggs, and after drying they do not smear at all.

How to paint Easter eggs correctly? This question becomes relevant for many housewives on the eve of the feast of Christ's Resurrection. Bright multi-colored Easter eggs are both a decoration of the festive table and a ritual gift for Easter 2017. After all, an egg has long been a symbol of a renewing life.

How to paint eggs for Easter? Some use chemical Easter dyes and special synthetic films, while others prefer natural dyes, because they are much safer for health, and the color and patterns are, although a little paler, but also very beautiful.

Today we are going to tell you some simple ways to paint eggs with beets.

Thanks to such a natural dye as beets, eggs acquire different shades of red - from delicate pink tones to a darker burgundy. It depends on the amount of time the eggs will be in the beet juice, as well as the concentration of the solution itself.

Method number 1

To get a pink shell, place the hard-boiled eggs in a bowl of freshly squeezed beetroot juice. If you leave eggs in a bowl of juice in the refrigerator overnight, they will take on a darker burgundy hue.

Method number 2

Peel 2-3 beets from the skin, rub on a coarse grater and add a little water. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. Put hard-boiled eggs in this broth. The longer they stay in the broth, the better they will stain.

Method number 3

Peel the beets and rub on a fine grater to make a gruel. Hard-boiled eggs with this gruel. The longer the eggs are in the beets, the more intense and darker their color will be.

Method number 4

The most economical option for dyeing eggs with beets is to boil them along with the beets. This will color the eggs and use the beets for salad making.

Little tricks

  • You need to cook eggs at room temperature, and not from the refrigerator, otherwise they may burst during the cooking process. You can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.
  • To make patterns on colored eggs, you can wrap them with threads, ribbons or roll them in cereal and roll them in gauze before dyeing. You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small grass) to the eggs and wrap them tightly with gauze.
  • To make the colored eggs shine, when you take them out of the beetroot solution, dry them, grease the eggs with vegetable oil and wipe them with a napkin made of natural fabric.
  • If you take white eggs for coloring, then the shade will turn out to be soft pink, and if dark, then the color will be enriched with darker and more saturated tones.