Freezing of dill for the winter in the food film. Sliced \u200b\u200bplants freeze in this way

09.05.2019 Grill Menu

Young dill is now in the juice: it's time and about the billet for the winter to think - and freeze it! there is different methods Bottling: drying, canning, but freezing is the most reliable way Save beneficial features, vitamins and trace elements. But here there are their nuances: on how correctly greens are harvested, its taste will depend on useful qualities. Therefore, "very tasty" I want to tell a proven way, as quickly, simply and practically harvest dill: And at the same time, to preserve it as much as possible and tasty. Join now!


  • dill greens;
  • plastic cups, molds for freezing.

How to freeze dill for the winter. Step-by-step recipe

  1. For freezing, it is best to take a young dill: until he releases his umbrella and blooms. In this form it is softer and tasty.
  2. Greens are soaked in cool water and leave to lie down for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After rinse, we remove possible impurities of other plants, sticks and so on.
  4. We declare on the towel and dry slightly.
  5. Before grinding in a blender, crumbling bunches of dill long 2-3 centimeters and fold into the bowl for the beating. This is in order to be evenly crushed during a whipping.
  6. Be whipped by a blender to the status of small crumbs. But do not overpay so that the greens do not let juice, and does not work out.
  7. As molds for freezing, you can use plastic cups, molds from yogurts, or make mini cubes in ice forms.
  8. Grinding dill tightly tamper into the prepared molds, each mold cover with a small piece of food film and send to the freezer for a day.
  9. Tip: If you have freezer, which supports the temperature of 18 degrees, then it is better to use it for freezing. Since when fast, shock frost, preserved useful vitamins and trace elements.
  10. Frozen greens try to quickly extract from the molds (it is convenient to do, pressing the bottom of the mold), the faces in plastic bags 3-5 such billets and send back to the freezer. Try so that Dill during this time did not have time to begin to defrost, since the properties of all products are lost during defrosting and re-freezing. It is best to get the molds with greens in small parties to avoid defrosting.
  1. Frozen greenery of dill can be stored up to 1 year (before the new crop) in tightly closed plastic container Or a polyethylene pack so that it does not dare in the freezer.
  2. It is best to store it packaged by small portions, so that during the delivery from the freezer, do not expose to excessive contact with warm air all the mass.
  3. Use frozen greens without prior thawing.

In winter, use frozen dill in this form is very convenient: after all, you can, not blurring your hands, throw one such a bar (or half of it) in the soup). And the taste and aroma will be, as if you used greens, just torn from the bed. In addition, it looks very beautiful in dishes. small crumb dill. Join us "very tasty", follow our recipes - and do not miss the season of harvesting of greens, vegetables and fruits for the winter. Bon Appetit!

Dill, probably one of the few spicy plantswhich is suitable almost to any dish. It is put in salad, second dishes, as well as no soup do without this fragrant herb.

In the summer of dill in excess, but in the winter it is very lacking on dining table! But the hosts find a way out. They are dill sued, dried and frozen.

Freeze dill can be in several ways. Which one is suitable better, each mistress solves independently, because in each of these ways there are advantages.

Several ways to freeze dill for the winter

Before proceeding with the freezing of dill, you need to know several rules:

  • Dill, designed for freezing, should be fresh, juicy, without yellowness and explicit signs Damage to both mechanical and due to insect activities.
  • For freezing, only a young dill is used, which has more thin stems and no blooming, since, otherwise, dill will have the smell of cumin and will look like that which is used during canning.
  • Dill, like any other greens, should be grown in an environmentally friendly area.

And now it will be about the ways of freezing.

Method 1

  • Fresh dill stems come through, removing yellowed and tagged leaves.
  • Ukrop cuts down the lower coarse pieces of stems without greens.
  • The greens are washed under running water and laid out on a cotton towel for drying. On top of the greens are wedged with paper towel. Also greens can be put in dry pure Bank (like a bouquet) and leave for a while. Then the upper part of the beam will dry well, and water drops from the stems will be used to the jar.
  • Well dried greens are crushed and leave for another time for the final drying, since the separated juice from the seats again moisturizes dill. Greens need to be fun to dry, so that it is faster, but not allowing wilting.
  • Pain small polyethylene packages or plastic containers. It is desirable that they were such an amount so that the amount of greenery is placed at once. This will give the opportunity to not get the same package from the freezer several times.
  • The chopped dill is folded into the packages - very loose, not comic. Tied or closed and removed into the freezer for pre-freezing.
  • When the dill is frozen, from the packages are released by all air, slightly giving the bag with hand, again tied and removed into the freezing chamber.
  • If plastic containers are used for freezing, then the chopped and dried greenery looser is placed in the container, closed and immediately removed into the freezing chamber.

Such dill will be stored for a very long time. In the process of cooking a dish, it is enough to take one bag with greens and add at the very end of the cooking.

Method 2.

Some hostesses freeze the greens of dill whole - branches.

  • For this twig, dill wash and dried as in the first version.
  • Then divided into small beams (at once).
  • Well-dried dill stems are put, not migrated, in bags, which are then folded with a tube (along the stems), alone, releases air from the package.
  • Clean the freezing chamber for freezing.

Before using such a dope, it needs to be slightly unimporn - just a few minutes - and cut, as it is supposed to be prescribed. Such a dill is getting out of the freezer before use, since with a long stay out of the freezer, it becomes watery and loses its useful and taste.

Method 3.

Dill can be frozen in ice cubes.

  • Dill washed, shake out excess water.
  • For freezing in ice cubes, only the delicate sheets of dill are used, since the thickened stems occupy in cells for ice freezing a lot of space. Therefore, leaflets are cut, and naked stalks are dried. After all, they can also be completely freeze, and then use to flavor soups and broths. Such twigs are put during cooking meat or fish, and then removed.
  • The dope leaflets are very finely cut and firmly fold into molds for ice freezing, leaving a few space for water.
  • Dill is poured with cold water.
  • Molds with dill are cleaned into the freezer for freezing. Such ice cubes with dill can be left directly in the molds, and after the final freezing, remove them from the molds, shifting into a plastic bag (preferably in two) and tie well so that the fragrance of dill does not disappear.

Such dill cubes are very convenient to use for the aromatization of dishes. Cubes, not defrosting, add at the very end of cooking.

The plant, first of all, is characterized by an attractive aroma, no one who leaves indifferent. It is added to any dishes with which it gives a spicy notch. In summer fresh greens Available to each mistress, and in winter it can only be purchased on store shelves. Today it is very popular to harvest the harvest in advance. From this article, readers learn how to freeze dill in the refrigerator for the winter without losing taste, aroma and useful qualities.

Saving in freezers is considered the best solution to use greens in winter time. Many people think that you should not mess with this, because companies engaged in the cultivation of this plant round year In the greenhouses, supply their products to the shops. But they are deeply mistaken, because in such a dill there are no vitamins, and only nitrates and fertilizers can be found in its composition. In addition, the bunch of greens have to pay far from a penny. Therefore, stocking hostesses come correctly, harvesting the harvest of the fragrant plant in advance.

The advantages of frozen greenery are as follows:

  • the taste and color is not different from fresh;
  • store all useful trace elements and vitamins;
  • essential oils do not lose their value.

Preparation of the greenery of dill to freezing

Before the workpiece, it is recommended to wash the plants beams. In a bowl is gaining cold waterin which greens are lowered. Laying plants are left for a few minutes. Then shifted into a colander or sieve, are washed 2-3 times under running water. Next, drying of greenery is carried out. Spreads the towel, one layer is laid out with one layer, which should lie at about an hour

If Dill immediately cut and remove into the freezer, then it will not look fresh. It will remain a frozen piece of ice.

Methods of freezing dill

Today are popular several ways. Everyone has pluses in use:

  • greens from bags and containers is suitable for making fragrances with dishes;
  • cubes are well added to soups and stew;
  • frozen butter with a plant goes to sauces, boiled potatoes, on sandwiches.

Before you start keeping greens in the freezer, it is important to know the following rules:

  1. Only fresh, juicy plants without signs of wiping and damage are selected.
  2. For the workpiece, a young dill with thin stems is suitable. If you take a greens with a color-sized, then in the end it will be with the smell of cumin.
  3. Plants should be grown without the use of nitrates in environmentally friendly areas.

Freezing with whole branches

The easiest way to maintain dill is the production of whole plants. For this, good and strong stems are chosen.

The branches are thoroughly clean and dried. After stacked in bags, firmly wrapped and sent to the freezer.

Before use reach required amount. On the twigs it is recommended to knock on them to grind.

If we need whole plants, they are deficuous at room temperature for half an hour.

Dill freeze in containers

For this method, containers made of plastic small sizes are used, pre-worked out in warm water And dried. Greens is prepared, it is finely cut, it consists in the tanks, which are hermetically closed with a lid.

Some hostesses use instead of containers plastic bottles. But they cannot be considered an equivalent replacement, because it is not easy to get the contents from such a container.

Sliced \u200b\u200bdill in portion packages

Plants are finely cut with stems or without them depending on the preferences of the use of dill. Sliced \u200b\u200bgreens folded in bags in small portions.

When the freezing is removed from the freezer, it quickly pulls off. If you repel and open the package repeated and open the package, the aroma will disappear.

Either use small packages for one application. Bags with dill are twisted and removed in the freezer.

Freezing of greenery in foil

After the plants for the workpiece are prepared, they are not cut, and wrapped in foil. It is necessary to harvest such portions to have enough dill for one refueling of the dish. Before use, the package unfolds, the contents thaws and cuts. It is not necessary to freeze it in such a way.

In the shapes for ice

Freeze dill in the freezer ice cubes You can no pre-dry. The whole process is as follows:

  1. The beam of greens is taken, it is clean and immediately cuts.
  2. It is folded in cells, compacted as much as possible.
  3. Content is filled with cold boiled water.
  4. Forms with dill are put in the freezer.

Cubes are frozen for 3-4 hours. The cells are then wrapped in packages to keep the fragrance. Or get, refer to dense polyethylene bags And they are retracted again in the freezer. It is recommended to sign freezes, otherwise it will be difficult to determine the fine content of ice cubes.

In oil or in broth

To freely freeze dill with butter or broth, you need:

  • finely cut the greens;
  • mix S. soft butter either broth;
  • mix well mix;
  • give fit form - sausage or briquette;
  • greens to remove in the freezer for 15 minutes;
  • after hardening, the dill shifted into plastic bags and send to further storage.

Freeze greens - the best solution to ensure myself and relatives fresh and useful aromatic plant for a long winter. For this, several ways to save all vitamins are used. Which one to choose, each mistress solves independently.

In one of the days of the birth of a husband, and he was born in January, I was struck by the price of a bunch of dill. It is a pity to give such money in the winter, for which in the summer at the cottage - WHO and a small trolley. I suggest to figure out how to prepare the greens in the summer to save in the winter.

Timing and 3 ways to store fresh dill

I have long solved the riddle, how to prepare dill for the winter, keeping his freshness long time. On average, competently prepared greens can be stored 3-4 weeks at a temperature of + 1 ... + 6 ° C, as in the refrigerator.

Picture Storage of dill

Method 1. Polyethylene packages
  1. Rinse and clean from cuffs and solar leaves fresh dill.

Before laying, leave the grass on paper about half an hour - so you get rid of the excess moisture and the appearance of condensate.

  1. Squeeze the greens in sachets and close a tight.

As containers, containers with a tight adjacent lid can be used.

Method 2. Paper towels
  1. Wrap the dill greens together with the roots of 2 layers of paper towels at 5-7 twigs.
  1. For reliability wrap convolutions food film Or pack in the cellophane package.

Method 3. Natural Wednesday
  1. You can save fresh dill by placing his petiole in a jar with water.
  2. On the foliage from above, put on a thin package.
  3. In the place of contact of the capacity and package, fasten the design with a rubber band.

Winter billets

As we found out, the greens are kept for no more than a month. However, no one canceled new Year's salads. To decorate them, you need to be able to make billets for winter from greenery.

I'll say right away, there are several options - salting, drying, freezing and marination. Before you familiarize yourself with each of them, voice General Recommendations:

  1. Pre-wash and clean from the roots and sluggish leaves greens.
  2. Cut the product.
  3. Leave the blanks on paper to get rid of excess moisture.
  4. Prepare the place of storage and all the necessary devices, which requires a billet for the winter.

How to dry dill - 3 ways

If you ask me how to dry dill at home, I will answer - easier simple. Since the greens easily loses moisture - she simply does not have time to plant.

People are known three main ways to dry:

Picture Instructions for drying

Method 1. In beams
  1. Get rid of the roots, collect small beams of grass.
  2. Tie them at the base with a dense thread.
  3. Hang down foliage to complete drying at room temperature.

During drying, do not allow sunlight, insects, winds and smells on the foliage.

Method 2. On paper
  1. Prepared grass spread on paper.
  2. Leave until complete drying at room temperature.

Do not forget to turn the workpiece every day - so, the product will fall asleep uniformly.

Method 3. With the help of technology
  1. Put the prepared greens on the pallet with a thin layer and send it to the oven or electric rig.

Time and temperature Each dryer for dill will choose itself, but in the oven, keep the greens at low temperatures for 5-6 hours.

  1. Give the workpiece to cool.

How to freeze dill - 3 ways

How to freeze dill for the winter, I learned from my grandmother. This process is not more difficult to dry.

The advantage of freezing is that finished products You can use the same as fresh:

Picture Instruction frost

Method 1. In beams
  1. Prepared product divide into small bugs.
  2. Wrap them into the food film.

You can use foil as wrapper.

  1. Spread B. freezer In the department for vegetables.

Method 2 in a cut form
  1. Finely chopped product package in sealed packages.
  2. Remove all the greens in the freezer.

Method 3. In molds for ice
  1. Finely chopped grass in equal shares Place in molds for ice.
  2. Pour the greens with water or melted creamy oil in a 2: 1 ratio (spice-liquid).
  3. Freeze within 24 hours.
  4. Winter prepared for winter, put in bags and store at low temperatures.

How to pick up dill - grandmother's recipe

I love cook very much, so I tried hundreds different recipes, Including to create marinade. However, the most delicious marinated dill of my grandmother remained.

Secrets delicious recipe I will share with you. You will need:

Picture Ingredient

Dill: 300-500 gr.
Lemon acid: 20-25 gr.

Garlic: 2-3 Dolki.

Bay leaf: 2-3 pcs.

Sugar: ½ teaspoon

Salt: tea spoon
Sunflower refined oil : 250 ml.

Instructions for cooking:

  1. Prepared greens get rid of extra moisture using paper or towels.
  2. Clean the garlic, and cut every 4 pieces each slices.
  3. Mix in deep frying pan lemonic acid, oil, sugar, salt, garlic, bay leaf.
  4. 7-8 minutes boil the mixture, then cool it out.
  5. In advance disinfected banks, spread the dill and fill it with hot marinade.
  6. 5-7 minutes sterilize banks in deep dishes with boiling water.
  7. Remove and roll banks.
  8. Enjoy the workpiece.

How to sleep dill - an old recipe

As soon as salt appeared in Russia, people learned to apply it in all their dishes. Also, from the shade of centuries, the recipe came to us how to sprinkle dill for the winter.


  1. Dill: 300-500 gr.
  2. Salt: glass.

Instructions for cooking:

  1. In the disinfected banks layers lay down dill with salt, alternating them.

Grass must separate 1-2 tablespoons of salt.

  1. Seal the contents until the greens give juice.
  2. Tighten the cans with covers and deposit into a cool place.


For particularly inquisitive imagination in this article - about the useful properties of greenery.

What billets to do for the winter ... It is precisely such thoughts are increasingly visiting the caring owners in the summer, when the majority in the rays of the sun on the beach. I am also an exception - I try to make a lot of diverse home billets for the winter, stocking of the greenery to make a lot of diverse home billets for winter, stocking of greenery.

Today I will tell you how to freeze dill for the winter. In fact, this is one of the most simple billets For the winter, but some nuances still have. For example, how to make frozen dill gets crumbly, and not frozen ice block, which will have to be broken with a hammer. In addition, I will tell you that it is more convenient to freeze dill for the winter in packages, or rather small sachets.


Preparation of dishes by steps with photos:

For this simple recipe The billet for the winter we will need only fresh dill (I have specified the weight - take how much it is). Well, as accompanying, cold running water, a sharp knife, paper towels, cutting board and plastic bags.

How to turn further, decide for yourself. The fact is that we have various "sticks and twigs" from fragrant greens Do not be acceptable in any form. If parsley is only leaflets, dill - exclusively needles. Yes, and that they were chopped in almost dust. That is why stems I do not use in this recipeBut they can not be thrown away, but to add to vegetables when preserving. The aroma from such a greenery is even more saturated. So, we go to the garden (who he has, of course), we collect a dill (or buy it in the market), we wash it very thoroughly under cold running water so that the earth, insects and other dirt remains. Now it is necessary to treat each bush - we drag dill twigs so that bare stalks remain (what to do with them, I have already advised you).

We fold the leafy needles in a bowl. I have from 700 grams of collected dill (right bushes with roots) it turned out 130 grams of prepared raw materials.

Further dill needs to be dried, that is, to save it to the maximum of moisture, which, naturally, is from washing. It is thanks to such a procedure that the frozen dill will not stick together, but will remain the same crumbly, as well as fresh. On the table or a wide board with stele paper towels or napkins and pour dill. Let them lie to an hour.

Then you can grind it with a sharp knife. Want, chop larger, and if your home is the same arrows, cut the bed.

Is it possible to freeze dill for the winter? You can not, but you need my dear hostess! After all, it is precisely in this form in this fragrant herba not only useful material, but also remains the characteristic smell, taste and color of fresh fragrant dill. Use it in the same dishes as fresh dill - there will be almost no difference.