Seven clear signs of dismissal. Comments and suggestions

During a crisis, employees are fired more often. The problem is that, according to analysts, these layoffs do not always happen honestly. Some of the bosses are trying to “squeeze out” the employee so that he quits of his own free will, someone forces him to work twice as much, putting on the employee all the duties of the reduced colleagues. Portal analysts have collected five of the most obvious “alarm calls” that most likely they want to fire you.

1. You are shifting the responsibilities of colleagues who have already been kicked out.

This is the most popular method lately, notes. Either the employee is given all the tasks of already fired colleagues, or - even worse - the most difficult, nervous or boring work is transferred to him. At the same time, the execution of tasks is very tightly controlled, and errors and blunders do not get away with it. This lasts exactly as long as the employee has the patience.

2. A stable salary is reduced

Many companies are reviewing motivation systems, including monetary ones. For example, they can reduce the salary and increase the “variable” part of the salary. The question is how achievable in principle are the criteria on the basis of which this variable part is calculated. “In order to “squeeze out” an employee, the manager simply does not revise the pre-crisis plan - and objectively there is nothing to pay a bonus for,” portal analysts explain.

3. You are transferred to another workplace

Reductions in the company often lead to personnel changes. Sometimes the employee they want to get rid of is offered a simpler position or even transferred to another department. It may happen that “a simpler position” for the same money will mean an additional burden. Such new conditions may force an employee to leave voluntarily.

A similar situation may arise in the regional office. For example, in a local office, jobs are reduced, you are offered a choice - relocation or dismissal.

4. You are no longer appreciated

For example, before you were the right hand of the boss, you were entrusted with responsible tasks, but now everything is different. You are no longer invited to important meetings, and you will be the last to know any company news. And the boss has new favorites.

5. Your boss is manipulative or obnoxious.

This is one of the common options, but it requires the manager to have knowledge of psychology about a certain skill. The goal, again, is to get the employee to leave on their own. Unfair reproaches and nit-picking, contempt and neglect can be used as means of pressure. Some use the proven practice of "divide and conquer" - defiantly praise some and scold others.

“Abomination is when you get benefits that you generally don’t need, to the detriment of colleagues who have long dreamed of them - a new computer, a business trip abroad or training. And at the same time, some attitude of the boss is demonstrated, causing gossip behind your back. Nerves on edge - and a statement on the table of the waiting boss, ”the situation is described in

What to do?

Trying to “fight” with the management is ineffective, even if you manage to keep your job, there will be no guarantees of further employment in this company. It is better to make the most of the situation: negotiate bonuses with the employer (starting from a letter of recommendation and ending with severance pay). Use your health insurance, gym membership, use special discounts, which are provided to employees, etc.

No matter how hard you try, there is always the possibility that you will be fired without warning. We prefer to ignore the warning signs, although it would be worth paying attention to them until it is too late to fix something. We have collected for you 6 signs of an impending layoff.

1. Comments and suggestions

The boss will probably not directly name a specific date for the dismissal, but in his words there may be a hint that this will happen sooner or later. The primary indicator is a performance review, which will make it clear how the authorities evaluate your work.

In addition, the boss may make oral or written comments about some aspects of your activities. If you stubbornly ignore them instead of taking into account the recommendations of the leader, at some point his patience will snap. He will understand that since his words mean nothing to the employee, the only way out is to be fired.

2. Violations

Not every laid-off worker is left out of work because of a serious misconduct. There are many little things that increase the risks. For example, if you are chronically late, the authorities may take you on a pencil.

In a 2017 CareerBuilder survey, 41% of employers said they fired an employee for being late. You are also at risk if you are having an affair with a colleague or client, talking about the company on social media, or behaving inappropriately.

3. Don't like the job

When you got the job, it seemed like the right fit. Or not, they just needed money. Be that as it may, it is now quite clear to you that you are in the wrong place. Perhaps others have noticed this as well. Think about looking for a new job, monitor the job market and do not miss the opportunities that come up. Otherwise, you will get used to the routine and continue to wipe your pants at the job you hate with no career prospects.

4. Relationships in the team

It usually takes time for employers to fire someone. Especially under pressure from the HR manager and demands for full compliance with the law. Colleagues may be aware that you are already looking for a replacement, it remains only to settle the formalities. If you are suddenly avoided by colleagues, others try not to look you in the eye, and important meetings are held without your participation, it's time to think about finding a new job.

5. The attention of the boss

In the months leading up to a layoff, an employee often notices a change in the boss's behavior. He is thrown from one extreme to another. The leader is watching your work closely, as if trying to notice mistakes, and when discussing important issues like he doesn't notice you. If the boss suddenly began to pay noticeably more or less attention to you, this is an occasion to think. Most likely, these changes are not without reason and there is cause for concern.

6. Time for change

Layoffs and layoffs often occur as a result of company-wide changes. It could be something as simple as losing a major client or cutting revenue. Mergers and acquisitions also cause unexpected personnel changes, sometimes affecting several groups of people at once.

It is important to understand that not every company change will result in a layoff. However, employers go to great lengths to reassure employees that nothing will change. Soon after these words, global changes begin. Then comes the fear of being left behind. The best cure for this phobia is to accept that it's not your fault and update your resume regularly.

So, all the signs matched? Do not worry, even if you understand that they really want to fire you, this is not the last job in your life. Most likely, this is even a new stage in your development. But to make things run smoothly, here are a few useful tips how to quit with the maximum benefit from the creator of the Anti-Slavery project, Alena Vladimirskaya.

It is necessary to take into account two nuances of the dismissal process: economic and psychological.


What do you need to know about economic benefits?

1. If you quit of your own free will, in any case, you will receive exactly what you did not receive - for example, compensation for the remaining vacation, bonuses for the previous period.

2. If you leave by agreement of the parties, you will most likely receive 3-4 monthly salaries - this is a common practice in Russia. However, the agreement of the parties can be anything - including implying more or less salaries, or even their complete absence.

3. If you are reduced, then by law you are required to notify three months before the time of reduction and pay 4 salaries.

Voluntary dismissal is any dismissal initiated by an employee. You come and say, "I don't want to work for you anymore." You work for two weeks, on the last day they give you a work book, transfer money to your account, and that's all - you calmly leave.

Dismissal by agreement of the parties- a matter of negotiation. Most often, this type of dismissal is initiated by a company when it cannot lay off an employee, but for some reason wants to get rid of it.

In these cases, the company usually says, “Yes, we want to replace you with someone else, or we want to do something different. Here, take the money that compensates for all the inconvenience of being fired, plus the money that you have already earned, thank you, goodbye. ”Unfortunately, quite often companies want to save money. They are trying to resolve the issue not by agreement of the parties, but are beginning to “squeeze out” a person from work in every possible way. Usually, an employee is forced to resign of his own free will, using a variety of psychological techniques - from moral pressure to scandals and even threats.

If you do not skip work and do not commit any illegal actions (do not steal, do not violate the terms of the contract, do not disclose trade secrets), then it will be very difficult to fire you. that you are not performing your duties well” is extremely difficult to legalize. If you really work well, then it will be almost impossible to prove your insolvency as an employee and professional. That is why people are trying to squeeze out morally.

Never succumb to psychological blackmail and do not deprive yourself of your own money.


How to quit with the maximum gain for yourself?

There is a second side of dismissal - moral. How to get psychological benefit from the fact of leaving work?

First, you need to get along well. This means that if you leave of your own free will, it will be right to transfer all cases in a quality manner. It is advisable to notify the employer in advance - not two weeks in advance, it can be earlier - so that he can find a replacement for you.

It would be useful to say that you will stay in touch for a while. Leave your phone number and email address new person I could call you, write and clarify something. Of course, these letters and calls must be answered.

Secondly, objectively evaluate your place of work and give adequate feedback. There is such a procedure - a survey of those people who worked in the company. It is most often carried out by HR to find out what exactly the employee did not like. During the survey, you can say completely objective things. State your reasons for leaving.

But avoid negativity and criticism, especially in the form of “You are all bad here, and I am in a white coat. Your company is stupid, the boss is stupid, and in general. This is worth refraining from.

What should I say? That there are points that you should pay attention to in order for the company to work better. Feedback must be constructive.

Thirdly, in no case should you criticize (especially publicly in social networks!) Your former employer. At the time of leaving, it can be difficult - everyone's emotions often go off scale - but it's better to make an effort and try your best to restrain yourself.

What is it for? The fact is that any professional world, even if you don’t think so now, is actually finite and cyclical. More than once - especially if you are just starting a career - you will run into people who were your employees, colleagues or bosses in another place of work. All are interconnected!

People will ask each other about you. Therefore, if you part with a scandal, a melodramatic note or accusations, this will first of all have a bad effect on you. You will be bypassed. You need it?

Fourth, don't be afraid. Even if you didn’t leave on your own and weren’t ready for such a turn of events at all, it’s okay! Leaving work is as natural a process as starting work. And find new job can.

They want to fire me, what should I do? Today's publication will be dedicated to all those for whom this issue has become relevant. Perhaps someone whispered to you about the upcoming dismissal, perhaps you yourself found out about it, or perhaps you were simply told about it directly. So, what to do if they want to fire you.

First of all, of course, do not panic, look at the situation pragmatically and without emotions.

If an employer wants to fire you, this does not always mean that something will change for the worse. It is likely that, on the contrary, it will be worse for your employer.

Therefore, the first thing to do with a reasonable thought “they want to fire me” is to carefully weigh the pros and cons and decide whether you really need this job. Maybe the desire of the employer to fire you is just that missing push that you lacked in order to finally change this job to something more interesting and promising?

After that, based on the deliberate decision you made, there can be two scenarios for the development of events:

1. If they want to fire you, but you don’t really mind, then all measures must be taken to ensure that this dismissal takes place with the maximum financial benefit for you. Maybe even speed it up.

2. Your employer wants to fire you, but you don't want to quit. This option, of course, is more complicated, and it requires thoughtful, and most importantly, legally justified, actions on your part. Of course, there are certain tricks that you can go for.

I will say right away that if they really want to fire you, then in most cases this is likely to happen anyway. The only question is, firstly, the timing, and secondly, the article under which you will be fired, which means your financial benefit from this dismissal. Of course, it cannot be denied that in some situations, dismissal can be avoided, but the percentage of such an outcome of events is still not large.

So, let's say the fear “they want to fire me” was confirmed. What to do in this case? If no one has officially announced your dismissal yet, then, first of all, you need to decide: go to your boss with a conversation or pretend that you don’t know anything. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer here: everything depends very much on the situation, on your future intentions, and even on the nature and type of personality of your leader.

However, now you have one very important asset: time to prepare for this conversation. That is, to study labor legislation, consult with lawyers, collect as much as possible large quantity arguments to defend their position. And this, believe me, is a lot! In addition, perhaps your manager, being, for example, self-confident, will spend less time preparing for this conversation, or not at all, so the advantage at this moment will be on your side.

If they want to fire you, but you have not yet been officially announced about this, carefully prepare for a future conversation on this topic with your manager. Collect as many weighty (substantiated by references to specific legislative acts!) Arguments in your favor. After all, you need to do everything possible in order to competently defend your rights.

Now consider some special cases of situations in which the employer wants to fire you.

What to do if they want to fire you under the article.

The so-called “dismissal under the article” means that in your work book that article of dismissal will be indicated, which will create serious obstacles for you to further employment. in labor law different countries there are a number of such articles, I see no point in listing them all, I will only say that if you heard that they want to fire you under an article, this is something very undesirable for you.

However, something else is important. All experts in labor law agree that dismissal under the article is very undesirable for the employer himself, perhaps even more undesirable than for his employee. The fact is that workers dismissed under the article very often turn to the courts (after all, this is a serious matter), and these courts in most cases take the side of the workers. And this threatens the employer with serious checks that will create many problems for him, as well as the payment of moral compensation and even the possible reinstatement of the dismissed employee, which is even more undesirable.

Therefore, remember the following: dismissal under the article can really only happen if you really, well, very seriously offended (you can always consult with lawyers about the degree of your guilt before the enterprise). For example, something was stolen from an enterprise, a criminal case was opened against you and your guilt was proven in court, or you skipped work, which is documented. In other cases, if they want to fire you under the article, most likely they just scare you so that you write a statement of your own free will, and the employer does not have to cut you off officially, incurring significant additional expenses. Keep this in mind, and be able to calmly and legally competently argue your “savvy” in these matters when talking with your manager.

What to do if they want to fire you on their own.

This is the situation that most often occurs: the manager wants to fire you of his own free will, instead of making an official layoff and paying the severance pay due.

In this case, you need to assert your rights. Of course, without emotion, in cold legal language, referring to specific rules law, explain to your employer that it is against the law to force you to quit your job, and if he continues to violate labor laws, you will have no choice but to defend your rights in court or by contacting various government bodies that enforce workers' rights. Surely your manager will not like this prospect.

Remember that if they want to fire you of their own free will, this is illegal, no one has the right to force you to write a letter of resignation. Therefore, do not be afraid to defend your rights, and if necessary, really apply to various authorities. As a rule, they take the side of the worker.

If you nevertheless decide to succumb to the leader and quit, then it is better to do this not of your own free will, but by agreement of the parties (there is such an article on dismissal). The meaning is about the same, but in this case you will receive much more rights when registering with the employment service, you will receive more unemployment benefits, which is important.

If they want to fire you of their own free will or you yourself want to quit, then it is better to do this by agreement of the parties - this way you will get more rights upon dismissal.

What to do if you want to be fired for downsizing.

Let's say you find out: they want to cut you. What to do in this situation? A downsizing is a really legal way to say goodbye to an employee for good. Therefore, if an employer wants to fire you on a reduction, he will most likely do this, unless, of course, you prove to him that you, as an employee, are invaluable, and it is better for him to transfer his choice to someone else.

The main thing in this case is to ensure that the reduction takes place in compliance with all norms of labor legislation. Namely:

- You must be notified in writing, against receipt, of the upcoming reduction at least 2 months before the date of reduction;

- If your position is reduced, you are obliged to offer another position if there are vacancies in the company;

- You are required to pay severance pay in the amount of at least the average monthly salary, as well as pay for all unused vacation days and days off;

- Some social groups of people are protected by law and cannot be reduced at all, or the question of their reduction should be considered last.

I took these norms from Ukrainian labor legislation, since it is more familiar to me, I think that similar norms apply in Russia and other countries, be sure to clarify this if they want to fire you on a reduction.

In addition, as a rule, it is possible to agree with the employer that you will be fired by agreement of the parties earlier than the planned date of dismissal for reduction, but at the same time you are obliged to pay material compensation for all days not worked before the upcoming reduction date. This option may be of interest, for example, to those who have already found a new job, or to those who received a salary in an envelope and cannot count on large unemployment benefits (in the case of dismissal by agreement of the parties, it will be less).

If they want to lay off you, you must ensure that all labor laws are observed and that you receive all the benefits due to you upon dismissal.

It is also worth mentioning two of the most common ploys that employers often use to illegally fire workers.

1. The manager tells you that simple company, so employees need to quit for a while (for example, if the company works seasonally, then until the next season) or go on unpaid leave at their own expense. This is contrary to the norms of labor law, according to which you cannot be forced to quit or go on vacation at your own expense. They can only officially cut.

2. If Are you retired or take frequent sick leave?, the manager begins to scare you with dismissal and offers to quit of his own free will, motivating this by the fact that such employees can always be fired in the first place. This also does not comply with the norms of the law: retirement age cannot be considered a basis for dismissal at all, and a frequently ill employee can only be dismissed if the medical commission gives an opinion on his complete disability, or if he does not go to work for more than the period established by law (several months).

What to do if they want to fire you, but you do not want to quit?

So, the thought “they want to fire me” haunts you, because this is not at all included in your plans. Of course, it will not be easy to influence the situation, but, in any case, you should try to do everything possible in order to keep your job if you really need it.

1. Never complain and don't play the victim. Such victims are fired first. On the contrary, behave as confidently as possible and do not give vent to emotions.

2. Prepare well legally. Understand the norms of labor legislation so that you can always competently conduct a dialogue with the manager.

3. If you receive any claims, conditions, ultimatums, etc. - ask them to provide writing (for example, at least by corporate email). Be sure to save all written materials - they can come in handy if litigation arises. Also answer in writing, in legal language, dryly and without emotion, referring to specific articles of labor law.

4. Visually demonstrate your increased work capacity. Work hard, showing good results work, overfulfillment of plans. It would be very helpful to get written or even oral feedback from grateful clients about how good and great it is to work with such a wonderful employee like you.

5. Despite the fact that the manager wants to fire you, try to get in touch with him. Without excessive familiarity and fawning, purely business relationships. Show him your interest in keeping the job, how important this work is to you, how you like it and are satisfied with everything. In no case do not make any claims to the head.

In any case, if they want to fire you, and you really need a job, start right away. It is likely that you will turn up the best way, and you yourself will happily move from this tense environment to a new place where you will be treated with respect, and there will be better opportunities for earning.

In general, do not forget that almost any is by far not the most best source personal or family budget income. Perhaps you just need to break the stereotype that you need a workplace, reconsider your views, and find other, more promising opportunities for earning, which are now many, the main thing is to see them.

In this regard, the site will always provide you with the necessary information support absolutely free of charge. Stay with us and you will find out that active earnings are not only employment, the conditions of which are often close to slavery, but also self-employment, and in addition to active earnings, you can also receive, which has a number of advantages that enhance your financial freedom and independence from other people, and first of all from employers. Then questions like “they want to fire me, what should I do?” you just won't have it.

See you in new posts!

Dismissal, if it happens not of one's own free will, always creeps up suddenly. Too often, employees abruptly lose their jobs without having time to understand what is happening, without having thought through alternate routes of retreat. When we are fired and we are not ready for this, the present becomes unstable, and the future is uncertain. But you can and should be attentive to the warning bells, indicating that the authorities are planning to get rid of you soon, and then there are many things to think about in advance.

Here are five signs that your job may be in danger:

1. You get a lot more critiques in writing.

Has your boss always used face-to-face meetings to say what he thinks of you to your face, but is now addicted to writing critiques in the form of emails and memos? It is possible that the authorities are collecting written evidence that there were complaints about you. Employers often require written confirmation that claims against an employee are justified.

2. You used to get a lot of praise, but now you don't hear the approval at all.

It is important to understand that some managers are not disposed to often give a positive assessment of the actions of their employees, in order to wait for their mean praise, you can wait for ages. But this does not mean that it is time for you to get out of the office - the boss can treat you as you like, he just has such a character and manner of leadership. But if earlier the boss handed out positive reviews right and left, and even now your colleagues are praised from time to time, and you just nod dryly, this may be a sign that something has changed in your performance or in the perception of you by your superiors.

3. Management does not consider your opinion when making decisions.

If your opinion was previously listened to, but recently what you say is treated with disdain, this may indicate that your boss wants to distance himself from you, knowing in advance that you will soon leave the company and will not be responsible for decision.

4. Your work is often checked

Perhaps you are accustomed to great responsibility and independently solve important tasks of the company, but suddenly they begin to check on you all your actions, looking even at seemingly insignificant trifles. If the leader does not trust you to do what he previously trusted you without limit, it’s bad. Your boss is probably concerned about the quality of your work and the correctness of your decisions.

5. You are told directly that you may be fired soon.

Many managers give clear and precise warnings when an employee's job is in danger - "You could get fired because of this", "If this is not done, you will lose your job" - but most employees do not take these words seriously. But in vain - such remarks can quickly become reality. So when you hear something like "This could jeopardize your job," take it for granted and try to save the day quickly.

None of these signs are 100% proof that you are about to be fired, but they all indicate a worrying situation, and if this situation continues long enough, it will no doubt lead to dismissal. The worst thing you can do if you feel any warning signs is to assume that nothing serious is happening, that you will definitely never get fired. Many people ignore these signs and are then shocked to learn that they have suddenly lost their job. If you feel that your job is not doing well, and the situation is unstable, it may be worth it to say goodbye to management yourself and start considering new employment options.