Tricks of life useful tips to simplify the life of the cottage. Useful tips to make life in the kitchen easier

28.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

1. Apples contain ethylene - it does not allow sprouting, so put a couple of apples in a bag with potatoes or carrots, and then you will save your vegetables from sprouting.

2. Fresh berries deteriorate very quickly, grow moldy, of course, they can be frozen, but there is another way to preserve their freshness - moisten the berries with a weak vinegar solution.

3. Cherry tomatoes can be quickly and immediately cut into halves as follows:

4. Reheat the pizza correctly, not in the microwave, but in a hot frying pan without adding oil - this way you will return the original taste and aroma to the dish.

5. Pour olive oil over the yellowed greens in ice cube trays and store in the freezer. Add to salads or pasta as needed.

6. Broccoli and celery are perishable enough to last longer and not spoil - wrap vegetables in foil and store in the refrigerator or in a dry, dark and cool pantry room.

7. A loaf of bread stuffed with cheese and herbs can be a tasty and hearty dish in a hurry. Such a miracle is baked or heated in the microwave. You can add sausage, sausages, tomatoes - for which there is enough imagination and food in the refrigerator.

8. If you are a fan of gourmet dishes that are mixed with wine, then here's a good tip: freeze it in ice cube trays or from under chocolates. You will always have unspoiled and dosed wine cubes in the refrigerator.

9. And here is the idea of ​​a chocolate basket for berries or any other dessert on the festive table. All you need is melted chocolate, a balloon, neatness and patience.

10. If there is no mayonnaise at hand, and neither sour cream nor butter will work in any way, then here is a simple recipe for mayonnaise: mix sour cream with boiled yolk and add salt and mustard to taste. Also, mayonnaise can be made by beating a raw egg with vegetable oil and mustard with a mixer.

11. If the baking dish is too big for your cake, then several times folded foil can act as one side.

12. If you are rather tired of scraping the shell of a boiled egg that is tightly adhered to the protein, then remember the following trick: pierce the egg with a pushpin or a needle (don't worry, the egg will not leak out) and send it to boil. The shell will peel off easily.

13. A baked / fried egg and bacon in a muffin tin can be a great, hearty breakfast for men. All this can still be sprinkled with cheese.

14. If you need the avocado to ripen, but not spoil, then follow these steps: remove the stem, sprinkle the fruit with apple cider vinegar and send it to the refrigerator next to the peeled onion slice.

15. With regard to pineapples, they must be stored upside down, or rather "hair" down.

Why make life difficult for yourself if you can make it much easier? It turns out that there are a huge number of secrets for preparing the most popular dishes and products, ignorance of which can significantly spoil the taste.

The most relevant life facts that can simplify your life in the kitchen.

Boil beets quickly

Anyone who has cooked beets at least once will confirm that this process can take up to 4 hours. But few people know that this process can be significantly reduced. If you put the beets in boiling water, the cooking process can be shortened to one hour. But chefs know how to cook beets even faster.

You need to boil the beets in boiling water for 30 minutes, and then drain the water and put it under a stream of cold water for 15 minutes (the colder the better). The temperature difference will bring the beets to readiness. And the whole process will take no more than 50 minutes.

If you need to boil the beets even faster, put them on a high heat, without reducing it or covering the pot with a lid. There should be a lot of water, it should cover the roots by 8 centimeters. After 15 minutes, place the beets under ice water for 5-10 minutes.

Lush scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs often turn out flat and not too appetizing to look at. Professional chefs know one secret: to make the scrambled eggs fluffy, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of cold water to the eggs and beat the mass well.

Remove bitterness from onions

The bitterness of onions can not only bring to tears, but also decently ruin the taste of salad, no matter how finely you try to chop it. You can save your dish and remove the bitterness in a very simple way: after slicing, put the onion in a colander and pour over boiling water.

Make pasta and rice crumbly

Due to the starch in rice and pasta, these foods often clump together and turn into an unappetizing lump when cooled slightly.

To prevent rice or pasta from sticking together during cooking, add a little sunflower or olive oil to the water if you plan to serve them hot. If pasta or rice will be used in casseroles or other dishes, pour cold water over them in a colander immediately after boiling.

Chop the onion quickly

Nobody likes the process of slicing onions, because it is quite difficult to hold it in your hands. But few people know that if you leave the tails (from the side of the feathers) while peeling the onion, then the onion can be cut much faster, holding it by these same tails. Then they can simply be thrown away.

Delicious vinaigrette

Vinaigrette is prepared, perhaps, in every family. This healthy and delicious dish can be made even tastier and more appetizing by adding one tablespoon of milk and one teaspoon of sugar. The taste will become very soft and delicate.

If your family loves cabbage pie or any other dish that contains this healthy vegetable, you need to know the secret to keeping it beautiful.

Chop the cabbage for the filling, pour boiling water over it, then pour cold water over it for a minute. Squeeze and fry or simmer in a pan. Thanks to this simple trick, the cabbage will not turn brown.

How to replace wine in sauce

There are a huge number of delicious sauces that include wine. But many refuse alcoholic components. However, two lumps of sugar, previously dissolved in a little vinegar, make an excellent substitute for white wine in a sauce. This is great for meat and fish dishes.

To make the rice white and crumbly, pour it only into boiling salted water, adding a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid dissolved in water. Do not cover the dishes in which the rice is boiled. Only in this case will it retain its ideal white color.

How to replace mayonnaise

If you suddenly run out of mayonnaise at home, and you have prepared dishes that are simply unthinkable without this sauce, do not rush to be upset. You can replace mayonnaise with sour cream if you add pounded yolk of a hard-boiled egg and a teaspoon of mustard to it. Even avid lovers of mayonnaise will not distinguish it.

The secret of yeast dough

Do not try to put yeast dough if the food for it has just been in the refrigerator. All ingredients need to be left in the room for 30 minutes. Compliance with this condition will make the dough more fluffy and accelerate its rise.

Sparkle the pies

Do you think that only industrial baked goods prepared by professional chefs can shine deliciously?

To make closed pies and buns shine, they are greased with beaten egg, milk, sugar water before baking. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best shine is obtained when lubricated with yolks.

Check the freshness of the egg

When in doubt about the freshness of the eggs, pour about 10 centimeters of water into the container and lower them there. Fresh eggs will remain on the bottom. If only one end of the egg has risen, then it must be used first.

Tender meat

There are a wide variety of marinades that give the meat a delicate taste and make it very soft. One of these is kiwi marinade. Soak the beef in the kiwi, seasoning and sugar mixture 2 hours before frying. But most importantly, do not keep the meat in such a marinade for longer, otherwise your meat will turn into a paste.

Minced meat secrets

The most delicious cutlets, potato pancakes and other minced-based dishes turn out to be much tastier if the minced meat is mixed. For example, you can add grated raw potatoes, carrots to cutlets, and put grated cheese and mustard into potato pancakes.

Useful Tips

In everyday life, you often encounter minor everyday problems, which can be easily solved with ingenuity.

We invite you to get acquainted with the collection useful tricksto help you solve your most annoying household problems.

1. In order to carry sandwiches with you to work or school, you may find it useful unnecessary CD box.

2. Water will not overflow the edge of the pot after boiling if placed on top of the pot. a long wooden spoon.

3. A soda can opener can be used to hold a tube.

4. To increase the sound of your mobile, you can resort to a simple trick: make homemade speakers from ... toilet roll core as well as two plastic cups. Here are several options for such structures, the idea of ​​which was suggested by the gramophone:

We are offering to you simple master class for the manufacture of a device for amplifying sound, which will also act as a stand for your phone:

To work you will need:

- Cardboard core from toilet paper roll

- Two power buttons

- Knife and scissors

- Pencil

- Colored paper

- Glue

Let's get to work:

Place your mobile phone against a cardboard base to measure hole size. Remember that it needs to be slightly larger than the base of the phone so that it can be easily inserted into it.

Use a knife to cut rectangular hole.

Use two power buttons, which stick into the bottom of the cardboard base, as shown in the photo. You can try sticking the buttons in different places to determine which position will be the most stable.

Your homemade speakers are ready! Now they can be pasted over at will colored paper... To do this, cut out a rectangle of paper that matches the size of the cardboard base. Make incision where the hole should be. Place colored paper on the base and fold the edges of the paper inward. Glue the colored paper to the cardboard.

The speaker stand is ready! Enjoy enhanced sound.

5. If you want to check if the battery has a charge, drop it on the floor from a height. about 15 centimeters... If it bounces off the floor just once, then there is still a charge in it, if more than once, then the battery is discharged.

6. In order to extension cord did not detach from electrical cord, tie both cords into a knot:

7. To mask scratches and damages on wood furniture, rub them shelled walnuts.

8. While working with paint, pull over the can gum, then when lowering the brush inside the can, it will touch the gum, and the paint will not flow down the edge of the can and stain everything around.

9. To prevent rolls of wallpaper or whatman paper from unrolling, they can be placed inside toilet paper roll core that can be cut lengthwise.

10. To open the blister pack, you can use can opener.

11. A great idea to protect yourself from beach thieves: put all your valuable little things in an empty clean sunscreen bottle... However, thieves can steal a bottle of cream, so it is better not to leave valuables on the beach unattended at all.

12. In order not to lose the remotes from the TV and other household appliances, you can stick to them Velcro to mount them somewhere secure, such as the side of a TV or furniture.

13. In order not to constantly search for the edge of the tape, attach to it plastic label.

14. If you have a very small piece of soap that is inconvenient to wash, do not throw it away, but stick it to a new bar of soap.

Today we have prepared new useful tips and tricks for you to make your life easier. This collection will tell you how to run a household more economically and efficiently. How easy it is to take care of children and houseplants. Plus, you will learn new ways to save time and effort in cleaning and much more!

1. To drip eye drops for children is actually not such a difficult task. Ask the child to lie down and close his eyes, then drop the product on the inner corners of the eyes and ask the child to immediately open his eyes - the product will immediately go to the eyeball.

2. If your wood floors squeak, sprinkle the joints of the wood panels with baby powder and brush the floors well. The powder will get into the crevices and soften or completely rid you of creaky floors.

3. If you need to quickly chill drinks (in sealed containers), mark the beverage packages in a deep container, sprinkle ice on top, and generously sprinkle the ice with salt. Then fill the bowl with water. After 2-3 minutes, your drinks will be ice cold.

4. In order for the back of your trousers to fit tightly to the waist and not show treacherously your underwear, it is enough to thread the elastic into the waist of your trousers.

5. Have you fried fish and it seems that the whole kitchen is saturated with a heavy smell? Pour some vinegar (9% table) into the bottom of the pan and boil it. Vinegar will not only remove fish smell from the pan, but also purify the air in your kitchen.

6. Have you bought a hair conditioner but it didn't suit you or you just didn't like it? Use it for hair removal - the shaving razor will glide very softly thanks to the conditioner, and the skin will remain very soft and smooth after it.

7. If you are away from home for a few days and are afraid that your flowers will wilt without regular watering, fill the pot trays (which usually drain excess moisture) with water. The water from the trays will soak into the ground through the hole in the pot and your plant won't wither until you arrive.

8. To clean your vinyl bath curtain, load it into the washing machine with terry towels and hand wash with your usual amount of detergent. Read about how to preserve color during washing and soften laundry here.

9. Buy some tennis balls and load them into the washing machine drum when washing - they will make the washing and spinning process more efficient.

10. To keep your autumn and winter boots in shape during storage, place rolled magazines or newspapers in them.

11. If you accidentally close the desired tab in the browser, just press ctrl-shift-T and the page will reopen.

12. Buy an inexpensive toothbrush and use it to clean your computer and laptop keyboard.

13. Use the top of a plastic bottle with a cap to seal the opened plastic wrap (process shown in the picture).

14. Frozen grapes are a much better way to chill wine than regular ice.

15. Limescale from any surface can be removed quickly and easily with table vinegar (9%).

16. Scale from the kettle can be removed without problems by boiling a package of citric acid in it.

17. Citric acid is also excellent for descaling the washing machine. To do this, pour 4-5 sachets of citric acid into the detergent compartment and put the machine (without laundry) on the hottest washing mode.

18. To make it easier to remove wax from candlesticks, coat them with a thin layer of olive oil before use.

19. If photo or painting frames scratch the walls, glue pencil erasers on them.

20. In order to find the original photo that you liked on the Internet, open two browser windows at the same time. In one, open the Google search page, and in the second - a photo and drag it from the second window to the first - the search engine will immediately find you all information related to this photo.

21. Buy large plastic bags with a sealed fastener, place instructions for use and documents for your household appliances (microwave, washing machine, refrigerator, etc.) on such bags and glue each bag on the back of your household appliances - this way you will always know where is what instruction and documentation is located.

22. If you do not remember where you put your phone, go to the page and enter your phone number. The computer will call you and you can quickly find your lost gadget.

23. Tik-Tac dragee packaging is perfect for storing such household items as invisibility, paper clips, buttons, as well as toothpicks and even spices (if, for example, you are going to nature).

24. To organize things in the shower, attach another curtain rod to the wall, mark enough S-hooks on it - you can fix plastic boxes for shampoos, soap and gel, washcloths and towels and much more on them.

25. The pit from cherries and cherries is easy to remove with a straw

26. Freeze aloe juice in ice trays and use the resulting product for cosmetic purposes. For example, for quick relief from sunburn.

27. When going to the beach, put your phone in a plastic bag with a sealed fastener. After bathing, you can safely use your phone without risking getting it wet.

28. Juice from lemons is easier to squeeze with kitchen tongs.

29. If you turn the toaster on its side, then you can toast toast with cheese

30. In order for bananas not to spoil longer, they should not be stored in a bunch, but after returning from the store, separate each banana - this way they will remain in their best form longer.

It would be good for all of us to learn a few tricks so that we can better recognize and receive signals from other people. We live in a society, and each of us must learn to understand the subconscious attitude of those around us even more than what they tell us, because it is much truer than words.

In addition, thanks to such knowledge, one can learn how to influence others and their perception. After all, the brain is an organ that is constantly deceived, it can be manipulated for its own benefit in all sorts of ways, which will be discussed in this article.

1. Meeting Trick

When you first meet a person, try to recognize the color of his eyes when you meet him, be sure to smile. Reward him with a long and deep look. Maybe because such an action takes place one second longer than usual, people react with particular enthusiasm, and you will instantly gain favor with yourself.

2. Trick in communication

If you come up to two people who are talking animatedly about something, look at the location of their legs. If the feet are pointing in the opposite direction from you, this may mean that they do not really want to see you right now, and, probably, they are talking about something of their own and they have no desire to share it with you.

3. Technique for obtaining the desired number 1

People, as a rule, will always fulfill your requests or, if you are a boss, the tasks set by you without thinking too much and with sufficient eagerness, if you first ask them for something insignificant or give a simple task. It really works!

4. Technique for obtaining the desired number 2

Ask the person to do the impossible or very hard work for you and they will probably say no to you. Then ask him to do what you really wanted to do. And he will probably say yes because he will be uncomfortable with the last negative response to your request.

5. Psychology of mutual support

If you convince a person to do you a small favor, then later he will be in a state of cognitive dissonance, and his attitude towards you will be based on the opposite logic. What does it mean? Simply put, he will quietly decide that he really treats you well and considers you a wonderful person, and it is for this reason that he did what he did. This is the whole trick that will allow you to subtly ingratiate yourself.

6. How to get a specific answer to a question?

If the person responds rudely or gives only a partial answer to the question, in no case do not interrupt him. Just wait a few seconds in silence and keep looking into his eyes. After this reaction of yours, he will probably continue to speak, answer your questions and, of course, appreciate this gesture.

7. How to quickly calm down in a stressful situation?

For example, if you are going to give a speech in front of a large audience, chew the gum for a while (remember to throw it away before speaking, of course). As it turns out, our brains feel completely calm and focused while we chew gum. Such a simple psychological trick at the physiological level is now at your disposal!

8. The secret for a good understanding and memorization of information

When you’re learning something, try to explain the new material you’ve learned to your friend or any family member. If you manage to do it correctly and in an accessible way, it will mean that there has been a good change in the awareness of the material. And when you tell it, you yourself will begin to understand it better, and the entire amount of information will be firmly fixed in your memory.

9. Always remember that ...

People may forget what you said. ... But they will never forget how you made them feel. This is very important to consider in any relationship.

10. Correct communication style with hot-tempered and nervous people

If someone yells at you, always, under any circumstances, remain calm. Psychologists have proven that there is a great chance that then a person will immediately understand how stupid he looks from the outside, perhaps even start to worry even more, but he will definitely apologize for his behavior.

11. How to impress and get affection for yourself?

If you want to quickly impress the person you are in love with or really get close to friends or coworkers, invite them to an exciting place like an amusement park, because there they will get a good dose of adrenaline. Their hearts will beat faster, and they will feel unrealistic excitement from it all! As a result, information about how much pleasure they experienced with you and thanks to you will be deposited in their subconscious. Therefore, the next time they meet, they will be delighted to see you!

12. How to appear more confident?

A good way to quickly gain self-confidence is to pretend that everyone in the room loves you before entering a room. Connect all your imagination and believe in it with all your heart! And when you enter, everyone in the room will see a calm and confident person in front of them, not a frightened person.

13. The trick for remembering names

If you're constantly having trouble remembering new names, here's one trick that works: When someone just introduced themselves, tell them “nice to meet you,” and repeat their name. When you repeat a name, it helps to keep it in memory securely. In addition, such an appeal will appeal to any person. Because the most pleasant sound for each of us is the sound of our own name. Always give your child the choice. This will allow him to feel that he is also involved in the decision making, and your child will learn to be more independent and responsible.

15. The meaning of touch

People are very aware of their actions when they touch someone. Therefore, if someone "accidentally" touched you during communication, I assure you, he knew perfectly well what he was doing. So then you can make certain conclusions yourself. Chances are, someone really wants to please you.

16. Relations with superiors

Want to befriend your boss? Make him coffee and chat with him while he drinks it. A hot drink will make him feel like you, too, are a good and “cozy” person. This association-level trick will definitely help you get a little closer to your boss.

17. Want to earn high praise and appreciation?

Praise and say only good words about the person, thing or situation that your friends, family and friends admire. When you do this, the other person will do their best to do something nice for you as well.

18. Benefits of a Little Regret

This is good advice for salespeople, but they are not the only ones using it. When you sell or give something to someone, express a little regret. Like, what a good thing it is, it’s even a little sorry to part with it! This will show the other person that you are in awe of the item, and they will begin to feel like a truly happy owner and take over your enthusiasm. And you might even get his trust.

19. How can you become more persuasive?

If we speak fast enough, it can really help us convey to the interlocutor what we want to say to him. And this person will actually believe it. The one who speaks quickly always seems to us smarter, and it seems that he really knows what he is talking about.

20. Penetrating Trust

When communicating, attune yourself to the person in front of you in order to develop empathy in him. People love to see themselves everywhere. So give them this "mirror"! Learn to copy the posture, gestures and manner of communication of the interlocutor. And he will feel you "his". Just don't overdo it! Then everyone with whom you communicate will unconsciously love you and begin to trust you even more.

We hope that these little tricks will help you better understand both yourself and your environment. Develop and never stop there! You will definitely succeed. We wish you every success!