Chang shu purple tea: description, positive and negative reviews of doctors. Negative reviews of doctors about Chang Shu Purple Tea

06.05.2019 Salads

Tibetan tea Chang Shu or purple tea became known not so long ago, although in Nepal and Tibet it is popular, as it has a lot of beneficial properties. Local monks have been making this tea for over 6,000 years. Flowers for this tea are harvested only by hand; they are picked only twice a year. Therefore, tea is considered rare and expensive.

Chang purple tea contains biologically active substances and amino acids:

  • Vitamin complex. Vitamins of various groups help the body to fight against harmful environmental factors, strengthen the immune system.
  • Bioflavonoids. They make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, promote the removal of cholesterol. Lutein protects the retina and improves vision. At the cellular level, these substances trigger the processes of rejuvenation.
  • Caffeine. Increases the body's endurance, tone, is a fat burner.
  • Methylxanthine. It resembles caffeine in properties, being a compound of alkaloids that helps burn fat.
  • Catechins. These substances are antioxidants, they improve the condition of blood vessels, promote weight loss, and control blood glucose.
  • Tannins. The substances improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers.
  • Chromium compounds. They have a positive effect on the muscular and nervous systems. They take part in weight loss, since they can have a suppressive effect on appetite. Effective for the treatment of depression.
  • Tianin. The amino acid theanine has tonic properties. Tianin is useful for those who wish to relieve stress, fatigue after physical exertion.
  • Dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter, it activates the centers of fat burning and pleasure at the same time. The feeling of satiety from it appears faster. The substance strengthens memory, increases attention, improves mood.
  • Synephrine. This substance is better known in sports pharmacology, since it is actively recommended for burning body fat, getting rid of internal and subcutaneous fat.

Chang Shu tea: will it help you lose weight

Despite the fact that this Tibetan purple tea has a lot of useful properties, you should not think that when you take it, fat deposits will immediately begin to melt, and extra pounds will evaporate without a trace. The result will be noticeable only after changing the lifestyle and establishing a balanced diet. Physical activity is encouraged.

The tea drink normalizes the state of the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism. The tea contains substances that accelerate the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, improve the digestion of food. After taking it, there is a decrease in weight, a feeling of lightness.

Tea helps to lose weight, get rid of puffiness, it helps to remove water from the intercellular space and cells, and normalizes salt metabolism. The skin gains elasticity, the looseness of the skin is eliminated, it becomes smooth.

Chang Shu slimming tea not only participates in the process of losing weight, but also makes sure that extra pounds are not returned. Under the influence of the beneficial components of the drink, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, coming from food, begin to be properly absorbed. Drinking purple tea is enough to lose weight without fasting and exhausting diets.

Who shouldn't drink Chang Shu tea

This purple tea is completely harmless to health. Its use can not cause discomfort and side effects. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of this drink.

With caution, you should drink tea only under reduced pressure. Do not neglect the doses indicated in the instructions. There will be no additional benefit from exceeding the intake of the drink, although there will be no harm either.

How to prepare and consume Chang Shu tea

It should be remembered that Chang Shu tea is not just herbal tea, it is a medicinal drink related to tonic. And all medicinal products should be taken according to the instructions, tea cannot be prepared in reserve.


Hot, but not boiling, water should be used to make tea so that the plant used does not lose its properties. The maximum water temperature should be 90 ° C.

For one glass of hot water, it is worth taking from four to seven flowers from a pack of tea. Flowers are poured with water and left to infuse for ten minutes. The resulting drink should be consumed immediately.

The drink turns out to be a beautiful blue color. But it can change its color, like a chameleon, if you add a little lemon juice. The tea thus takes on a shade of purple or violet. Tea does not have a pronounced taste, some add sugar or honey to it, but for those who want to lose weight, this option is not suitable.

How to take purple tea for maximum benefit? It is recommended to use tea in courses. The first course should last seven days, you need to drink three cups of tea daily. Next, you need to take a week or two-week break, then repeat the course.

It is not recommended to interrupt the course, drink too strong a drink, increase the number of cups. The maximum dosage for one day should be seven flowers of the plant. It is advisable to take Chang Shu purple tea after consulting your doctor in the presence of chronic and acute diseases.

Chang Shu tea is primarily marketed as a slimming tea. Opinions differ on its effectiveness, some leave positive reviews, but most of them are negative for Chang Shu purple tea. One of the reasons for this is that many expect instant results from tea intake without making any effort to lose weight. But miracles do not happen, it is worth remembering that Chang Shu is a useful medicinal plant, and not a magic drink.

Purple tea has a sufficient amount of nutrients to promote weight loss, creating the necessary prerequisites for it: reduce appetite, normalize metabolism, remove excess fluid from the body. And regular exercise, proper nutrition will help make the process of losing weight effective.

Chang Shu tea is a decoction of dried flowers of the trifoliate clitoria, a plant native to South Asia. The drink has long been known to the locals and is used by them for medicinal purposes. Chang Shu has a versatile therapeutic effect on the body, including promoting weight loss.

The health drink is of interest to consumers for its unusual appearance. Clitoria flowers color it blue. Therefore, the product is called blue or purple tea, and also Butterfly Blue Pea Tea.

Clitoria trifoliate - the basis of tea

Clitoria trifoliate flower

The raw material for the production of Chang Shu tea is the evergreen climbing plant Clitoria ternatea. Liana grows wild in South and Southeast Asia. Its thin long stem reaches a height of 3.5 m. Leaves on long petioles have a complex structure and consist of 3-5 small leaves. Flowers of the moth type, characteristic of legumes. The corolla is large, up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the petals differs depending on the variety: from blue to lilac. The central inner part of the sepal is yellow. After pollination, fruits are formed in the form of long beans (4–13 cm).

The appearance of the flowers resembles the intimate part of the female body, for which the plant received its Latin name. The people call the liana a shameful flower, pigeon wings, moth peas.

The flowering period lasts all summer (May - September). At this time, the flowers are picked by hand and dried in two stages. First, they are dried in the sun for 10 hours, and then dried in special units. As a result, the flowers curl up, but inside they retain their freshness and elasticity. The laboriousness of the procurement process determines the high price of the final product.

The trifoliate clitorium is a heat-loving southern plant. It does not withstand a drop in temperature below +10 C. Its distribution area covers the regions of the tropical belt: South and Central America, Australia, Africa. In temperate climates, vine can be grown indoors.

Composition and properties

The effect of chang-shu tea on the human body

Chang-shu purple tea contains a complex of useful substances:

  • catechins;
  • synephrine;
  • dopamine;
  • methylxanthine;
  • fatty acid;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • steroids;
  • saponins;
  • vitamins B, C, E, K;
  • trace elements (iron, phosphorus, etc.).

The flowers contain a large amount of natural dyes - anthocyanins, which give the drink a unique colorful color. Catechins prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, help fight obesity. Caffeine is the main tonic element, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system. Bioflavonoids have antiviral effects. Methylxanthine has an antispasmodic effect. Synephrine speeds up the metabolism in the body and serves as a natural "fat burner". The high content of phosphorus and magnesium in the drink has a positive effect on the blood supply to the brain, improves its functioning.

Chang Shu blue tea has a wide range of positive properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain relievers;
  • diuretic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • local anesthetic.

Consumers, first of all, pay attention to the ability of the drink to quickly break down lipids, carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to this, a significant reduction in body weight is achieved in a short time. Therefore, blue tea has become very popular, especially among women.

In addition, the natural components of the clitorium are characterized by useful properties in the field of cosmetology. Their presence has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails:

  • skin color is refreshed;
  • fine wrinkles are smoothed;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • the nail plate is strengthened;
  • the appearance of gray hair is prevented.


Clitoria tea is famous for its amazing shade, pleasant taste and delicate aroma. It is drunk as a refreshing drink with lemon or lime juice. For sweetness, honey or sugar is added to the broth. Sometimes mint or lemon balm leaves are thrown into the liquid for taste.

Chang Shu's recipe is simple:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 5-7 dry flowers.

Plants are brewed with hot, but not boiling water. The liquid is immediately drained and a new one is poured. The broth is infused for 10 minutes. Drink tea warm at once the whole portion. In the countries of Southeast Asia, a chilled drink is popular. It helps to better endure heat.

Neutral reviews

Positive reviews

Now, when there are a lot of teas, the choice is large, I settled on purple tea. I really liked its properties. I read reviews from other people who have already drank tea. I wanted to lose 10 kg and ordered a course for 2 months. I drank it sometimes once, sometimes 2 times a day, my sides and stomach have already started to leave for 2 weeks. I began to feel much better, my hair became much better, my skin condition became better. I drank the course, I lost 13 kg for 2 months, even more than I planned. Six months have already passed, the weight is not returning. I recommend it to everyone who wants to lose weight without any stressful situations.

Today the parcel arrived, read the reviews thanks, I will not pick it up

I decided to lose weight and tried everything from the Reduxin 15 mg tablets. to TurboFit. Considering that there were also physical activities on the stationary bike. The last attempt at Chang-Shu tea was bought in the Russian Roots store. The result is 3kg. for a month I will continue to drink. And at work they noticed that she dropped a little, although everyone (we have a female team) looked at the color of the tea and were horrified.

I have long been fond of non-traditional methods of treatment. Having stumbled upon one of the books on oriental medicine describing the beneficial properties of Tibetan purple tea, I decided to try the remedy for myself. For a month and a half I have been drinking Chang-Shu twice a day. One of the first positive effects of tea was the normalization of bowel movements and a decrease in the feeling of sleepiness that followed me on a daily basis. In addition, I noticed that my eyes became less tired, even if I have to spend many hours in front of a computer monitor. In general, I can say that I am satisfied with the results of taking "Chang-Shu" and will continue to drink it.

And I ordered this tea for myself, so that it would contribute and give the appearance of my hair and nails. After giving birth, the hair fell out a lot, the nails broke terribly. I have already tried several remedies and reached Chiang Shu. I was very happy when I noticed improvements after a week and a half. A natural shine has appeared, hair has become more lively, and nails almost do not break. In addition, tea helped me get in shape faster, with it I lost a couple of extra pounds. I hope for a good result in the future.

I heard a lot of good things about this tea and wanted to buy it for a long time. Finally I found the official website where you can buy real Chang Shu purple tea. I liked the taste, you can drink it instead of regular tea. His action is very strong. After it I don't feel like eating at all. I use it as a preventive measure against the accumulation of excess fat. He copes with this task perfectly.

Chang Shu is a flower tea, which manufacturers position as an effective means for losing weight. Unlike ordinary tea, the Tibetan purple drink Chang Shu is collected and brewed not with leaves, but with flower petals, which have a huge amount of amino acids and vitamins useful for the human body. After drinking Chang Shu tea, excess weight goes away and, according to women, does not return anymore. Let's see what other qualities the high-mountainous purple drink Chang Shu has.

Beneficial features

Chang Shu tea for weight loss grows in the highlands of Tibet and Nepal. It was originally used by Tibetan monks famous for their longevity. The air in the mountains has a low oxygen content, which gives slimming tea unique characteristics. Purple drink differs from green and black tea in sweetish taste and rich aroma. Chang Shu for weight loss contains many beneficial properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • slows down aging;
  • improves vision;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  • strengthens nails;
  • prevents hair loss, stimulates hair growth;
  • has a beneficial effect on the brain; breaks down fat cells;
  • produces a tonic effect;
  • promotes accelerated digestion of food;
  • heals ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • creates a feeling of fullness.

Tibetan Chang Shu tea is not a fat burner, but it promotes weight loss if the use of the drink is combined with diets and sports. After a three-month course of using this product, the annoying kilograms will go away and the number of wrinkles will decrease, there will be less gray hair and the complexion will improve.

The composition of Tibetan tea Chang Shu

The composition of tea for weight loss contains many biologically active components that will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, salt deposits, atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency, obesity, diabetes and cancer. The following components have been found in Chang Shu Tibetan tea:

  1. Tannin (theotanine)... It is an amino acid that stimulates the mental and physical activity of a person, but does not have a too stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Tannin normalizes the functioning of the liver, stomach, intestines and has a bactericidal effect, the ability to remove toxins from the body.
  2. Kakheti... A natural antioxidant that protects blood vessels from plaque cholesterol, promotes oxidation and breakdown of fats, and lowers blood glucose levels.
  3. Caffeine... An alkaloid that has a psychostimulating effect, increasing physical endurance and mental activity.
  4. Methylxanthine... Stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin, which helps to remove toxins from cells.
  5. Dopamine... The hormone of joy that improves mood. When dopamine is consumed, nervous tension is reduced, fear passes.
  6. Lutein... A substance that actively protects the retina from harmful radiation.
  7. Bioflavonoids... Prevents hair loss, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Chromium picolinate... A trace element that accelerates muscle growth, helps to fight stress, prevents depression, and reduces appetite.
  9. Vitamins... Useful organic substances that have a tonic effect on the body.

Unlike other weight loss drugs, Chang Shu tea is safe for your health. Extra pounds go away by improving metabolism and normalizing the water-salt balance. Body weight is reduced without additional load on the internal organs, which remove toxins. Two cups a day of this drink will release energy, which will give strength to the body.

How to brew and apply

Buyers will certainly have a question: how to drink Chang Shu tea? Thousands of people who have bought the wonderful purple drink commented on the ease of use. When consuming Chang Shu tea, you do not need to revise the dietary system or come up with tea use patterns. It is easy to get rid of fat with this slimming drink - just drink two teaspoons a day for three months.

How to take Chang Shu purple tea:

  1. Take 5-8 flowers, depending on the saturation you want.
  2. Brew with a glass of hot boiled water, but not boiling water.
  3. Infuse Chang Shu tea for 10 minutes.
  4. Drink for weight loss without additives.
  5. Add a wedge of lemon for an additional fat-burning effect.

Real reviews of people who have been drinking Chang Shu tea for three months show that it is possible to lose 30 kg during this period. Moreover, it is not necessary to deny food and exhaust yourself in the gym. Eliminate high-calorie foods from the diet and a positive result will not be long in coming. There are also negative reviews from people who did not lose weight using Chang Shu tea. We recommend such people to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and continue to drink tea.

Are there any contraindications for use

There are no contraindications to taking Chang Shu, but you should not consider the use of tea as a medicine for burning fat. This is a slimming drink that only helps to get rid of extra pounds, has many beneficial properties and is able to have a general strengthening effect on the entire body, slowing down the aging process.

It should be noted that the side effects from excessive consumption of Chang Shu tea are the same as from any other herbal drink: pressure may increase or decrease, nausea, vomiting, and irritation of the oral mucosa may appear. But to do this, drink 20 cups of purple slimming tea. Overdose is not harmful. First aid is to moderate your consumption of Chang Shu tea to two cups a day. If such a measure does not help, then it is advisable to temporarily abandon the use of coffee and tea of \u200b\u200ball varieties.

Where to Buy Chang Shu Purple Tea

In the mountains of Tibet and Nepal, the flowers of the Chang Shu tea plant are harvested by hand, so this process is difficult and takes more than one week. Altitude and lack of air requires people to have stamina and physical strength. Among the local population, these jobs are mainly recruited by men, who receive wages that are much higher than women. For this reason, you will not be able to buy inexpensive purple tea for weight loss.

You can find and order Chang Shu on the Internet on the official website of the company, both in bulk and in a single copy. The price for a weight loss course (three months) is the most favorable - 5 thousand rubles. If you buy one package of Chang Shu tea, then, taking into account the delivery, the goods cost 2.5 thousand rubles, which makes the purchase more expensive. Find out the cost of a wholesale order on the website of the "Chang Shu Purple Tea" online store.

To make a safe purchase of natural slimming tea, you should:

  1. Go to the official website of the seller.
  2. Find the order form at the bottom of the page.
  3. Indicate your phone number and name.
  4. Click on the "Order" button.
  5. Wait for communication with the manager to confirm the purchase.
  6. After 2 days, get Chang Shu Slimming Tea at your post office.
  7. Pay for the order.

Can I buy it at the pharmacy?

Chang Shu purple slimming tea is sold not only on the Internet - it can be purchased at the pharmacy. The point of sale plays the role of an intermediary, so the price of the product will be higher. It is easy to find out how much Chang Shu purple tea costs in Moscow pharmacies, just type the corresponding query on the Internet in a search engine. However, whether the seller will guarantee you the quality of the purchased product and how many hidden markups are in one package of tea - the question remains open.

Whichever method of purchase you choose, you will not need to make an effort to improve the appearance of your figure with Chang Shu tea, which contains a set of organic substances and chemical compounds beneficial to the body. If you regularly adhere to a moderate diet, then within a week you will begin to lose weight, and the pleasant taste of Chang Shu tea activates your mood and gives you vigor for the whole day.

Chiang Shu Tibetan purple tea grows high in the mountains and is used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for health and longevity. Judging by numerous reviews, this drink is effective and affordable, as evidenced by its price, a weight loss product. Chang-Shu tea cannot be found on free sale, you rarely find its original in a pharmacy, but on the manufacturer's official website you can buy this drink profitably and with a quality guarantee.

Go to the supplier's website

Chang-shu purple tea is difficult to confuse with other similar drinks due to its special unique taste and blue hue. The tea plant grows exceptionally high in the mountains of Tibet and Nepal. It is collected by hand, gently tearing off only the top leaves, rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the human body.

Among the many medicinal properties of Tibetan tea, the ability to break down body fat in a short period is distinguished. Many women who want to get rid of extra pounds have experienced this effect on themselves, and no one has returned the weight. Having drunk this tea, a person does not just lose weight, his body gets rid of toxins and toxic substances accumulated over the years.

Many weight loss products have side effects, and Chang Shu slimming tea promotes health and rejuvenation of the body: when taken, aging of the skin slows down, hair loss stops and even gray hair disappears. Shown this fat burner and stress, and nervous overload, and hard physical work.

Real Customer Reviews of Chang Shu Purple Tea

Chang Shu purple tea is a very popular weight loss remedy, real reviews about it can be found on websites and on various forums, where buyers share their experiences on how they are fighting overweight.

I bought Chinese high altitude purple tea from a website that offers weight loss products. At first, I doubted, even after reading customer reviews about this product, well, a very effective tool cannot cost so much. And the tea price was very attractive. After reading the instructions, I discovered that I had purchased not just tea to get rid of extra pounds, but a remedy to improve my health. Having brewed, as indicated in the instructions, I saw a real miracle - a blue drink. I drank for a month, noticed that my hair became thicker, my skin improved: pimples disappeared, my complexion became healthy. Tea really improves metabolism. I lost the constant feeling of hunger, noticed, stopped going to the refrigerator at night. The result of such herbal medicine pleased me - in a month I lost 4 kilograms.

Anastasia, 36 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Over the past year, I have greatly recovered, I think, due to age-related slowdown in metabolism. Therefore, there was a need for a tool that would help me get rid of body fat and not harm my health. A slimming friend of mine drank purple tea and lost her weight very well. I decided to follow her example, but first I studied the contraindications to tea and read on the Internet an article by phytotherapist Leontyev about the healing properties of the drink. I didn't learn anything negative about the product, that's why I bought it on the website.

Brewed and gasped, what a color! I've never seen this. The drink also tasted very pleasant. A week later, I noticed that I absolutely did not want sweets. After drinking a cup of the drink, the mood improves, energy appears, and you want to move more and go somewhere. I am hypertensive, and I was pleasantly surprised that the beneficial substances contained in this drink reduce blood pressure. In 2 weeks I lost one kilogram, I'm not going to stop there, I continue to drink tea and enjoy it.

Natalia, 43 years old, Moscow

Negative reviews of doctors about Chang Shu Purple Tea

Chang Shu purple tea is so effective and safe that it is advised as a weight loss aid by many doctors, even those who avoid herbal treatments. The negative reviews of doctors about modern phytotherapy are quite understandable: people may prefer traditional methods without consulting with specialists, which leads to disastrous results.

Since blue tea not only contributes to weight loss and rejuvenation of the body, but also contains many useful components, many doctors prescribe this remedy to their patients:

Many of my patients who have gained extra pounds are not examined and delay treatment. They look for various forums for losing weight, read consumer reviews of various products and rush to buy them at the pharmacy without consulting a doctor. The effect after taking such a remedy will be negative. And a person is losing time, because there are many causes of obesity, and this disease can be cured only after its etiology is identified.

The deposition of excess fat occurs as a result of hormonal disorders, thyroid diseases and slagging of the body due to malnutrition. To purify and remove harmful substances, I always prescribe Chang Shu Tibetan tea to my patients. After a month's intake, 70% of patients lose weight by 2-5 kg, 20% lose 5 to 7 kg, and only 10% of people do not change their weight, but they feel better.

Murtazina G.I., specialist in dietetics

Excess weight is a common problem, people of any age suffer. It is sometimes impossible to get rid of kilograms without drugs, even diet and gymnastics do not help. But many drugs that reduce appetite and speed up metabolism have contraindications and can cause real harm to health. Therefore, I advise everyone who is losing weight who comes to me for help to take herbal remedies.

One of them is Chang Shu herbal tea - a natural drink that improves metabolism and triggers the decomposition of adipose tissue. Most of my patients liked the taste and unusual color of Purple Tea, and they were able to lose 2 kg or more in a month.

Anokhina V.S., nutritionist (therapist)

Prices and where to buy Chang Shu Purple Tea

Chang Shu purple tea is produced in a special way, so it is almost impossible to buy it at a pharmacy at a real price. Based on people's feedback, there is a risk of buying the wrong product and wasting your funds without getting the desired effect.

It is better to order purple tea on the official website in Moscow - this is not only an opportunity to get a real slimming drink directly from Tibet, but also to save significantly. Many people like to shop from the comfort of their home, and judging by their reviews, they are very satisfied with the quality of the product and fast delivery, and the price on the website is much lower than in the pharmacy.

How much does Chang Shu purple tea gel cost in pharmacies:

  • Moscow - 990 rub.
  • St. Petersburg - 990 RUB
  • Krasnoyarsk - 990 RUB
  • Novosibirsk - 990 RUB
  • Ukraine, Kiev - 399 UAH
  • Dnepropetrovsk - 399 UAH
  • Gomel - 23 BYN ruble.
  • Almaty - 5600 tenge.

How to take Chang Shu Purple Tea

Information on how to properly take Chang Shu tea is of great importance. In order to preserve all the useful substances in the drink, it must be brewed not with boiling water, but cooled down to 80 ° C. Tibetan slimming tea is brewed at the rate of 4-5 inflorescences per 250 ml of water. The instructions for use give recommendations on how to drink tea for quick weight loss correctly - up to 3 glasses a day, more is contraindicated, since it lowers blood pressure too much.

Doctors advise drinking purple tea in a course of 2 weeks to a month. Many people write in reviews how and with what you can enjoy this drink. Most people like the taste of lemon tea, and aesthetes like to watch the color change when citrus juice is added: the blue broth gradually acquires a fuchsia hue.


Chang Shu has the following contraindications for use:

  1. the drink has the property of inhibiting the reaction: this way it helps a person to relax and relieve stress, but it is better not to drink it before getting behind the wheel;
  2. you should not drink tea for people who are allergic to substances that make up its chemical composition.

Despite the fact that there are few contraindications, and judging by the reviews, they are rare, you should consult a doctor before use.

Fit and Health Benefits

Chang Shu purple tea is collected high in the mountains, where there is little oxygen, so it is extremely rich in nutrients that are rarely found in other plants. The blue drink is often called the elixir of health and youth. The benefits of tea have been proven not only by the many years of experience of Chinese healers, manufacturers have studied the drink in scientific laboratories around the world.

It was revealed that the unique composition of Purple Tea has the following effects on the human body:

  • improving skin condition: smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion;
  • reduction of hair loss and reduction of gray hair;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improved vision;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • stimulation of the work of the heart muscle.

Chang Shu tea is popular due to the fact that it has the ability to decompose body fat, contributing to weight loss. Judging by the numerous reviews, the tool helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds without negatively affecting health.

Doctors advise drinking this tea not only as a means for losing weight, but also for prevention:

  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • diseases of the liver and stomach;
  • obesity;
  • development of neuroses;
  • decrease in reproductive function;
  • mood swings, excessive sweating, irritation, wrinkles during menopause.

A remarkable fact: thanks to the properties of tea to improve the condition and elasticity of the skin, none of the people who lost weight required plastic surgery.

Unique composition for youth and slimness

To understand the health benefits of purple tea, let's take a closer look at its unique chemical composition.

This blue drink contains:

  • bioflavonoids - help to strengthen blood vessels and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • b vitamins - capable of repairing damaged cells;
  • catechins -antioxidants that promote weight loss, normalize blood glucose levels and have a healing effect on blood vessels;
  • methylxanthine -promotes weight loss;
  • caffeine- improves mood, provides additional energy and helps the body convert fat into energy;
  • theanine - has a tonic effect, helps to launch hidden reserves in the body, so doctors recommend this Tibetan remedy for people involved in sports;
  • chromium compounds, synephrine, dopamine - The substances contained in the plant are usually found in the composition of products for bodybuilders, as they help to burn excess fat and build muscle mass.


Judging by the reviews, Chang-Shu tea, collected in Nepal or Tibet, has a beneficial effect on the human body, therefore it is suitable for losing weight and healing for almost everyone, with the exception of those people for whom the drink is contraindicated.

Video: Review of Purple Slimming Tea

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