What does filtered beer mean? Unfiltered beer is a source of good mood and nutrients

Produced in much smaller volumes in comparison with the classic varieties, however, despite this, it is highly popular among connoisseurs foamy drink... What this product is not exposed, and other methods additional processing, allows brewers to maintain natural taste and the aroma of beer. At the same time, some experts pay attention to both benefits and harm to the human body.

Beneficial features

For cooking, the same ingredients are used as in traditional recipes... The only difference is the lack of special processing, which is why such beer contains a certain proportion of living yeast cells and a suspension of particles of some components. Thanks to this, the drink is characterized by a rich taste and a slightly cloudy shade, and there is a sediment at the bottom. For the same reason, the shelf life does not exceed several days.

Also, the benefits and harms are determined by the fact that it does not pass, which kills useful substances in the product. For instance, one liter contains 40% daily rate vitamins for humans. From this point of view, the benefits of unprocessed beer are 10 times higher than the benefits of milk, which is positioned as a health drink.

The remains of brewer's yeast, which are present in the foamy drink, is a source of vital amino acids, the lack of which in the human body leads to a slowdown metabolic processes... It is fraught with clogging blood vessels cholesterol deposits and the formation of kidney stones. Hence it follows that at regular use this beer reduces the risk of myocardial infarction.

Enriches the drink with substances that improve appetite and stimulate digestion. At the same time, due to its dense consistency, untreated beer seems to envelop the walls of the stomach, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of a person with gastritis and ulcers.

Saturates the drink with substances that have a beneficial effect on nervous system, help to relax and feel a sense of calmness, help to normalize arterial pressure... For this reason, it is recommended to use such a drink for people who suffer from hypertension.

There are also trace elements in unprocessed beer, without which the human body cannot function normally. Significant concentrations are characteristic of iron, potassium and calcium, in addition, copper, phosphorus and manganese are found. Of complex substances, the drink contains thiamine, pantothenic acid and riboflavin - these substances regulate the functioning of the central nervous system.

Potential damage to health

When discussing the benefits, the harm must not be forgotten. Negative impact on the body due to the presence of alcohol. With abuse, brain activity decreases, motor skills are impaired, the liver is exposed to destructive effects. However, these shortcomings are typical for any alcoholic beverages.

Modern beer can be classified according to several criteria. One of the most popular and significant is the degree of purification, that is. From this point of view, beer can be filtered and. Naturally, each type has its pros and cons, so that among lovers of a foamy drink, there are often disputes about which beer is better than filtered or.

The main difference

The main difference between these two types of beer can be understood even from their names. Filtered beer is obtained through repeated beverage. The purpose of this procedure is to free the beer from yeast cells, making it better and longer.

Usually 2-3 stages of cleaning are used. At the final stage, a special filter paper is used, which allows even the smallest suspended particles less than half a micron to be removed from the filtered beer. Thus, upon completion, the content of yeast and other microorganisms that can accelerate the beer spoilage process approaches zero.


Modern standards of production and quality of beer strictly regulate the amount of microorganisms contained in the drink. Since they negatively affect the stability of the finished product, significantly reducing the period of its possible. For this reason, many are absent from the assortment - it is being replaced by filtered varieties, which can take much longer.

The procedure, as well as the introduction to the beer composition, helps to partially solve the problem. However, such measures are not the most the best way are reflected in quality, so fans of this drink do not recognize varieties for the preparation of which are used or.

Taste properties

But if we consider the question of which beer is better than filtered or from the point of view of taste and aromatic qualities of the drink, then here the primacy should be unconditionally recognized for samples that are not subjected to multiple purification.

For example, a cardboard filter captures not only yeast particles, but also substances, the presence of which determines the taste of the drink, as well as the aroma emitted by them. As a result, the taste turns out to be more saturated, full, and notes are more pronounced in it. A filtered drink cannot boast of such nuances.

That is why true connoisseurs of beer prefer to pamper themselves, which allows you to feel the whole gamut of taste and pleasure.

Studying the question of which beer is better than filtered or, do not forget about the content of substances useful for our body. In this regard, the varieties also have certain advantages.

For instance, it contains 10 times more vital vitamins than filtered beer... This is explained very simply - the yeast that is present in the drink is very rich in vitamins and amino acids. Thanks to this, it even has a certain rejuvenating effect on the body - the microelements included in its composition contribute to cell renewal, as well as to cleanse the walls of the blood vessels of the circulatory system.

Naturally, the health-improving effect is manifested only if beer is consumed in moderation. When abused, even the most healthy drink can turn into a deadly slow-acting poison.

You can often come across the opinion that it is not only possible, but even shown to drink with stomach diseases. For example, gastritis, ulcers, etc. Let's say right away that doctors are very skeptical about such information. Any beer is an alcoholic beverage with a certain alcohol content, so its consumption leads to irritation of the stomach lining and negatively affects the intestines, in addition, beer contains a certain amount of carbon dioxide, which also negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract.

Beer is a low-alcohol fermentation product barley malt with the addition of hops. During production, the beer is saturated with carbon dioxide, which gives the drink its refreshing properties. IN finished form beer is poured into bottles, cans and kegs - special containers from 10 liters. It is in kegs that so-called unfiltered beer most often gets.


Filtered beer Is a beer that has passed two or three filtrations. The last filtration is carried out on filter cartons - special equipment that allows you to catch yeast cells with a radius of up to 0.4 microns.

Unfiltered beer - This is beer that has passed one filtration (often on a kieselguhr filter).


The re-filtration process removes all microorganisms from the beer - yeast cells. According to the rules of the current legislation, their presence in finished product is strictly prohibited, as they make the drink unstable, which can be hazardous to the health of the consumer. The cardboard filter, through which the beer semi-finished product is passed, retains not only yeast cells, but also a part of aroma and flavor substances, which negatively affects the quality. Basically, this beer is bottled or canned.

Unfiltered beer

Also, the need for re-filtration is partly due to the sensitivity of the beer to light. Waves of light introduce dissonance into a precarious chemical equilibrium, leading to rapid product spoilage. Part of this problem is solved by darkening the bottle.

Unfiltered beer that hasn't gone through sterile filtration is richer. It has a slight yeast flavor, and a more pronounced malt and hop flavor. Most often it is sold by the bottle. Metal kegs allow you to deliver beer from the factory without fear of sunlight hitting the product, which increases the stability of its system several times.

Unfiltered beer is a perishable product. Aging processes in it go much faster than in filtered one. Already after two weeks, the beer will lose most of the aroma and taste, and will become heavier. The appearance of sourness and foreign odors will indicate souring. Such beer is strictly prohibited for consumption.

Conclusions site

  1. Filtered beer goes through several stages of filtration, including sterile. Unfiltered is filtered only once.
  2. Unfiltered beer has a richer taste and more pronounced aroma due to more content relevant substances.
  3. Unfiltered beer is a perishable product. Filtered beer is more stable and can be stored without significant changes taste up to six months.

One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world without hesitation is beer. It has many varieties, differing in color, aroma, taste and strength. But these are far from all the characteristics of the foamy drink - beer is still divided into filtered and unfiltered. What is the difference between filtered beer and unfiltered beer and why its lovers have divided into two camps in their preferences, we will try to figure it out.


By color, this drink can be divided into and, but this is a very general approach. In fact, there is a whole palette of shades that are achieved through use in production:

  • various types of malt;
  • roasting malt;
  • water of different hardness;
  • interactions with oxygen;
  • filtration;
  • aromatic and flavoring additives.


Several factors can also affect aroma:

  • quality and variety of hops;
  • the type of malt and its content in the drink;
  • type of yeast strains;
  • wort preparation process;

  • fermentation temperature;
  • the amount of oxygen;
  • type of water;
  • the presence of sulfur compounds;
  • use of aromatic additives.

Thus, in light varieties of filtered beer there is a pronounced aroma of hops, while in dark, on the contrary, there is a pronounced aroma of malt. In addition, the aroma of malt is inherent and better expressed in varieties of light unfiltered beer.


  • Alcohol is felt more strongly in stronger and more aged varieties than in unfiltered ones.
  • Banana flavor is inherent in which special strains of yeast are used.
  • Brett (view wild yeast) add sharpness to the taste.
  • The taste is the result of aging in oak barrels from under bourbon.

  • Hops give bitterness.
  • The oak flavor is given by the wood from which the aging barrels are made.
  • Smokiness arises from the use of roasted malt.
  • Burntness is characteristic of dark filtered beers, which have a pronounced bitter taste.
  • Caramel sweetness is the base flavor that malt produces.
  • The acidity gives the drink a pungent and slightly harsh aftertaste, which is obtained through the oxidation process.
  • The sour taste is achieved through fermentation using yeast and bacteria, and their fermentation.
  • Coffee accents are typical for dark and strong species filtered beer (s).

  • The spice (clove) flavor is inherent, which is achieved using phenols.
  • Wheat provides softness due to its high protein content, which in turn gives a dense, fluffy foam.
  • Sharpness is inherent sour kinds this drink.
  • Rye taste is given rye varieties malts that provide velvety and dryness to the drink.
  • Sugar is used to create special specific flavors, as well as to achieve a high strength while maintaining the lightness of the drink itself.
  • The flavors are mostly used in Belgian foamy beverage brands, giving it a tart fruit flavor.

  • Sweetness is achieved by increasing residual sugar and saturating the malt.
  • Malt flavor can vary depending on which grain is used and how deep it is roasted.
  • The taste of spices is typical for winter species this drink and pumpkin ale.
  • Dryness is the opposite of sweetness in character and is achieved by absorbing sugar into the yeast.
  • Dampness (earthiness) gives special varieties hops, which are used in the production of dark types of filtered beer.
  • Astringency depends on dryness, sour taste and acidity, which creates bright fruity accents in the taste.
  • The phenols produced by the yeast impart a spicy, clove-like flavor, less often a banana flavor, and are often found in Belgian brands.
  • Fruit is often used in the brewing process, which is typical of American wheat varieties.

  • Some types of hops give a coniferous flavor.
  • Bread flavors (biscuit or crackers) are more commonly found in German lagers, some Belgian lagers, and also British malt species, and it is achieved by using one or another grain.
  • Hops, depending on the variety, can provide many different flavors, and this is influenced by the methods of production of a particular variety.
  • The hops give the floral flavor.
  • The citrus flavor is typical of American hop varieties.
  • Purity is a term used to describe sweetness and richness.
  • Chocolate flavor is mainly found in stouts and porters, which is achieved by using dark types of malt.
  • Esters produced by yeast can give it a banana or pear flavor.

Filtered and unfiltered species production technology

Beer is produced by a complex technological process, in which several stages can be distinguished.

Malt processing

Grains of cereals are first germinated, and then dried and cleaned of sprouts. In order to receive dark varieties beer with pronounced caramel flavor, at this stage the malt is roasted.

Mashing the wort

After that, prepare the mash by chopping all necessary ingredients (mainly grains and malts), which are then mash (mixed) with water. During this process, the resulting gruel is heated to a certain temperature at certain intervals:

  • 10-15 minutes to a temperature of 50-52 degrees;
  • 15-30 minutes to a temperature of 62-63 degrees;
  • 30 minutes to a temperature of 70-72 degrees.

After that, the mash is heated to a temperature of 78 degrees and sent for filtration.

Mash filtering

The prepared mash is placed in vats where it is divided into beer wort and insoluble mash residues (grains). At the first stage, the wort is taken separately, and then washed in hot water selected grains. This grain is used as a filtering baffle in the wort kettle, where the prepared wort is poured. In addition, press filters are used.

Boiling the wort

After that, the filtered wort is boiled for 1-2 hours. During the boiling process, hops and other necessary ingredients are added to it.

Wort clarification

At the next stage, the boiled wort is placed in a whirlpool (special vortex bath) for about 20-30 minutes in order to separate the non-dissolving elements of hops and barley.

Wort cooling and aeration

Then the wort is placed in the fermentation tank. In the process of pumping into the tank, it is cooled and saturated with oxygen, which promotes the multiplication of yeast strains.


During fermentation, the sugar in the wort is converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. For this, cylindrical tanks (CCT) are used, in which all processes occur continuously and in one container.


In order to purify the alcoholic mixture from yeast residues and increase the shelf life, it is subjected to filtration. For this they can use:

  • kieselguhr filters;
  • ceramic filters;
  • filter presses;
  • separators.

In the production of unfiltered beer, this process is skipped, which is the significant difference with filtered varieties.


At this stage, the prepared composition is heated to a temperature of 68-72 degrees, which further increases its shelf life. This method is used less and less now, because it is believed that the taste is noticeably deteriorating from this.

Benefits and harms of filtered and unfiltered

The debate about which beer is better and healthier - filtered or unfiltered does not subside, but they are quite groundless, because any quality drink contains useful substances and trace elements. The question is, rather, in personal taste preferences and the amount of use. However, it can provide both charitable and negative influence on the body.


  • Stimulates the digestive system.
  • Light sedative and pain relieving effect.
  • Increases the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

  • It is used in cosmetology for the skin of the face and hair.
  • Promotes the rejuvenation of blood vessel cells by accelerating certain metabolic processes in the body.
  • Helps improve metabolism.
  • Preserves dense structure bone tissue bones and joint elasticity.


  • Destroys heart tissue at the cellular level.
  • Degrades performance gastrointestinal tract (if abused).
  • It can provoke varicose veins and varicose veins.
  • Promotes an increase in the volume of the intestines and stomach.

  • Accumulates toxins in the body.
  • It causes alcohol dependence.
  • It is the cause of gastritis, pancreatitis and hypertension.

What products are combined with

Currently there great amount classifications of beer. Starting from light and dark, ending with female and male. They all depend on the principle that we put at the forefront. If we take the issue of filtration of a foamy drink as it, then we will just get filtered and unfiltered beer.

It so happened that there is a long-standing dispute among fans of intoxicated alcohol. Over the past several decades, they have been figuring out which beer is still better, tastier and healthier.

I do not set myself the task of convincing my dear readers of something. This article will lay out the dry facts about unfiltered and filtered beer. You will draw all the conclusions yourself.

What is the difference?

The main difference is already in the names of the drinks. Just don't take it too literally.

Unfiltered beer still goes through a filtration process. But this happens only once. This cleaning is quite gentle. Yeast and other fermentation products remain in unfiltered foamy drink. It is they who form the beer sediment visible to the naked eye.

Filtered beers are repeatedly filtered. Currently, depending on the brand of beer, producers carry out 2-3 cleaning procedures. In this case, we are talking about incredibly high quality filtration. This means that the result of this brewing technology is light or dark beer, completely free from fermentation products, including yeast. Naturally, there is no sediment in it.

So far, this is only a theoretical difference. But we are not at the congress of beer technologists. Foam drink fans are primarily interested in the practical difference.

It is expressed in several indicators:

  • shelf life or storage;
  • harm and health benefits;
  • taste.

Now I will take a closer look at all these points. But first, it must be said that the issue of filtration is not directly related to other possible classifications of the foamy drink. Unfiltered beers can be light, dark, draft, non-alcoholic, and so on. The same goes for filtered varieties.

Shelf life

Unfiltered foamy drink is stored much worse than filtered one. This is an objective fact that is directly related to the presence or absence of yeast in alcohol.

Moreover, this is reflected in the fact that unfiltered beer brands are perishable food... They were not originally intended for long-distance transportation and long-term storage.

From this point of view, it becomes clear why shops prefer filtered beers. Of course, this is not because they are better. Such products can simply be stored for 6-8 months. And with the addition of preservatives, even longer.

The shelf life of an unfiltered foamy drink even if all necessary conditions is only a few days.


However, we are a mere mortal buyer who is not at all interested in the problems of large retail chains. When choosing which beer to buy, we first of all want it to be tasty.

In this regard, no filtered beverage can compare to unfiltered. After all, in fact, the filtration process "kills" the beer. And this cannot but have a detrimental effect on its taste and aroma. This is why the vast majority of people prefer to drink unfiltered or live beer. These are close enough concepts, but they are not synonymous.

Unfiltered beer has more rich taste and flavor. This means that it is difficult to compare the pleasure of drinking these types of beverages. And even the sediment does not bother him at all.

Benefit and harm

To begin with, the filtered and unfiltered beverage remain alcohol. Therefore, any of them should be consumed in moderation.

This statement is an axiom. However, none of the healthy eating will not argue with the fact that any beer contains a large number of nutrients... First of all, these are vitamins, amino acids and mineral compounds. Of course, there are much more of them in an unfiltered drink.

If we try to briefly summarize what has been said, then we get the following statement: a small amount of beer is good; big - harm.

Top brands

A fan of a foamy drink will be able to get real pleasure from both filtered and unfiltered beverage... The main thing is to choose really high-quality and delicious stamps... I am sure that each of you has your own favorites in this informal beer competition.

Write in the comments which beer you prefer! Let's argue!

I will express my subjective opinion on this issue.

Unfiltered beer - the best brands:

  • Liebenweiss Hefe-Weissbier (wheat);
  • Paulaner Hefe-Weisbbier Non-Alcoholic (non-alcoholic);
  • Grimbergen Blonde (light);
  • Erdinger Dunkel (dark)
  • Kronenbourg Blanc (draft).

Top Filtered Beer Brands:

  • BUD Alcohol Free (non-alcoholic);
  • Smithwick's Pale Ale (draft);
  • Krusovice Cerne (dark);
  • Pilsner Urquell (light).