Temperature for brewing different types of tea. What you need to use and know to make white tea properly

22.08.2019 Lenten dishes

The only way to buy fragrant and healthy white tea is to go to his homeland and there, among the many tea shops, find the desired drink. Only in this way, it would seem, you can truly enjoy its divine taste.

However, this is not all. Real white tea fully reveals its flavor bouquet only for those who can not only brew it, but also drink it correctly.

Before brewing

In order to brew white tea as required by centuries-old Chinese traditions, it is necessary to use only pure, spring water. Chlorinated tap water and even purified bottled water are not suitable for making white tea.

The temperature of spring water, which is optimal for brewing white tea, should be exactly 80 ° C - no more and no less. The dishes should also be very specific - a miniature open teapot (the Chinese call this pot a "teapot of justice") and tiny bowls.

Brewing white tea

Before tea, the dishes must be doused with boiling water. The first infusion that rinses the tea and revives the tea leaves should be drained every single drop. This part of the tea ceremony should last no more than two minutes. It is interesting that tea is considered to be of high quality and fresh only if its leaves have a beautiful, uniform color and the same size.

Re-brewing the drink should take no more than one to two minutes. It is important not to overexpose the brew, as the drink may acquire a bitter and not quite "correct" taste.

The brewed tea is poured into a miniature "teapot of justice" by filtering it through a special strainer, which is included in every Chinese tea set. Only after passing all the necessary stages of a leisurely ceremony, you can pour white tea into bowls and start enjoying its incomparable taste.

The art of drinking white tea

Eastern traditions are peculiar and not always understandable for a Russian person. However, in the case of white tea, they should be observed, since this drink is the embodiment of the thousand-year wisdom of the Chinese people.

White tea, in accordance with tradition, should be drunk slowly, because this process should symbolize peace of mind and connection with the outside world. And it doesn't matter at all that a tiny bowl is enough for only three or four sips - it is important to be able to enjoy every moment.

Tea is one of the most common drinks on our planet. Billions of people enjoy its taste every day. It has many beneficial properties, the main one being life extension. It is used in medicine as it has a beneficial effect on the heart, stomach and metabolism. In our country, the most famous are black and green tea, but besides them there are many other varieties. For example, what white tea is, the benefits and harm that it brings, are known to few of our fellow citizens.

Types of tea

All the main characteristics of tea (taste, appearance, aroma) directly depend on how the tea leaves were oxidized before the last drying. Depending on how oxidized the teas are, they are divided into:

Green - this tea is either not oxidized at all, or only slightly amenable to fermentation. Its oxidation state is 3-12%.

Black tea is highly oxidized tea. The fermentation period is from two weeks to one month. The oxidation state is 80%.

White - tea, consisting of unopened buds (tips) and young leaves. It goes through a small part of processing, among which only wilting and drying. Its oxidation state is up to 12%.

Yellow - has the same degree of fermentation as green tea (3-12%). But its difference is that it languishes in an enclosed space before being sent to dry.

Oolong tea, or red tea - the fermentation period of this tea is 2-3 weeks, the oxidation state reaches 30-70%.

Puerh - made from the buds and leaves of old tea bushes. It reaches the desired state in a few years of "aging" or with the help of artificial fermentation. The older the tea, the higher its oxidation state (from one to two to tens of percent).

White tea

This special type of tea is produced exclusively in China. The largest place of its growth is Fujian province. This is an elite grade of tea. The buds, which are the main component of the collection, are covered with thick white hair. White tea owes its name to him. The benefits and harms of this drink were already known 800 years ago. In ancient times, only rulers had the right to enjoy this unusual infusion. Chinese emperors prized it for its delicate aroma and rich taste. The main reason for making tea is to preserve the leaf as it is on the bush. It should preserve the most natural and natural taste, and human intervention should be minimal.

Varieties and types of white tea

In total, this tea has about 10 varieties, but there are 4 main ones. It:

  • "White Peony" or Bai Mu Dan is a top quality variety. To make it, take tea buds and two upper leaves, the size of which should be the same. The tea tree from which these ingredients are collected is called Da Bai Cha. The leaves are harvested only from the first harvest. They must be very young, not yet fully blossomed. The technology of making this tea is very complex and is passed down from father to son.
  • "Silver needles" or Bai Hao Yin Zhen is a very popular, but also very rare type of tea. It contains only tea tree buds, which are densely covered with silvery villi. Because of this, they remind people of needles, for which tea is so unusually called.
  • "Elder's Eyebrows" or Shou Mei is a white Chinese tea that consists of buds and top leaves. It differs from the "White Peony" by the fact that it is collected later and has a more saturated shade.
  • "Eyebrow Offering", or Gong Mei, has a special processing technology. Its taste is rich, and the leaves are more voluminous.

Making white tea

As mentioned earlier, the bulk of this type of tea comes from Fujian province. Procurement of raw materials takes place at an altitude of over 1000 meters. The harvesting period is very short - only a couple of weeks from mid-March to mid-April. Each leaf is torn by hand from five to nine in the morning. Work takes place only in clear and sunny weather. There are also special requirements for tea pickers. They should not eat garlic, onions, spices or drink alcohol, as this can spoil the aroma of the collected raw materials. Only young and undamaged leaves are suitable for white tea. They are dried naturally under the influence of the sun, then brought to the desired state in the oven and sorted. Then it is packed and sent for sale. If at least one of the technological processes is violated, the tea is considered of lower quality. They do not use it immediately. It must take at least a month for all the required chemical reactions to occur inside the sheet. After that, you can drink exquisite white tea, the price of which matches its quality.

Properties and characteristics of tea

White tea has a unique aroma, the notes of which cannot be confused with something. Tea leaves can range in color from green-gray to white, from brown to silvery green. It depends on the type of tea and the degree of its fermentation. The taste of this drink is very delicate and refreshing. There are many flavors that characterize white tea. Reviews suggest that such an infusion can have honey, peach, berry and even a tinge of birch sap. The color of the drink can be barely noticeable, or it can resemble rich amber. Its characteristics depend on the quality of tea. Sometimes jasmine or chrysanthemum is added to the tea leaves, but they do not allow the real taste of the tea to unfold.


No matter how this drink is brewed, it will all be tasty early. But in order to preserve all the useful substances, you should adhere to a special technology. There are rules for how to brew white tea. The best utensils for this would be a china or glass vessel. First, you need to pour boiled water into it so that it warms up. Then pour it out and dry the kettle. The tea leaves must be poured, calculating it so that one teaspoon of leaves goes to 100 ml of water. The water temperature should not exceed 70 degrees, but it should not be less than 50 degrees either. If you add boiling water, then most of the nutrients will be destroyed. Tea is infused for 2-3 minutes. The same brew can be used up to 4 times.

White tea: benefits and harms

Thanks to the unique processing technology, which provides for minimal human intervention, this drink is extremely healthy. Everyone who looks after their health should consume white tea at least occasionally. The useful properties of this infusion are that it tones and relieves stress, as it is rich in essential oils and trace elements. It also contains caffeine, which is considered medicinal. To cleanse the body, you also need to drink white tea, the beneficial properties of which extend to human immunity. In medicine, it is used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, which is a natural antioxidant. Those who are losing weight will like this drink, because it is able to burn adipose tissue and prevents its renewal.


In order for white tea to remain healthy and tasty for a long time, it must be stored under special conditions. From the packaging it should be poured into a ceramic pot with a sealed lid. The best option would be if this vessel is new, since tea is very susceptible to foreign odors. For the same reason, it should be kept away from spices. It would be a mistake to store it in a paper bag, because of this, the tea will lose all its taste and aroma.

Thus, white tea is considered one of the most exquisite drinks in the world. Its benefits and harms have long been known to man. Even in ancient China, it was called a drink that prolongs life. Therefore, to be healthy, you need to drink it at least occasionally.

Black and green tea have long become familiar drinks for Russians, but in recent years everyone has heard of white tea. What is it, white tea, how to brew it and what useful properties does it have?

What is White Tea

White tea is made from the leaves of special varieties of tea bush, grown mainly in the mountainous regions of China's Fujian province. The most famous varieties of white tea are snow bud, white peony, green snow, silver needles. There is also Sri Lanka's Ceylon white tea and the Indian Darjilling variety.

Tea leaves of white tea are harvested in early spring, plucking the bud with the first two delicate leaves covered with the most delicate white fibers (hence the name of the tea). Then the leaves are only slightly withered in the sun and immediately dried, as a result of which they do not curl into tubes, but retain their shape. Some white tea producers then roll them, but very carefully and often by hand.

How to make white tea

White tea is brewed in the same way as regular tea, but with certain requirements. The most delicate white tea leaves require delicate handling and, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to brew them with boiling water. Boiling water will destroy the finest essential oils contained in white tea. The ideal water temperature for brewing white tea is 60-75̊C, and the brewing time is 5 minutes.

Useful properties of white tea

Due to the minimal processing during harvesting, white tea leaves retain all their useful properties. Catechins contained in white tea destroy cancer cells, increase immunity, fight pathogens and protect skin cells from free radical damage, that is, prevent skin aging.

Another important useful property of white tea is its ability to improve blood formation, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Fluoride in white tea prevents tooth decay and calculus.

There are more vitamins and minerals in a cup of white tea than in a good serving of carrots or spinach. Such a unique chemical composition and the above-mentioned beneficial properties make it possible to call white tea a real rejuvenating drink.

Any tea requires careful handling during brewing. After all, if you brew it incorrectly, you can not only deprive tea of \u200b\u200bits taste and aroma, but get rid of its beneficial properties. An even more reverent attitude is demanded by the hand-harvested plantation in Fujian province.

General rules for brewing white tea

For, to make white tea, you will need purified water. You need to have time to bring it to the boiling point and turn it off. The water must cool down to about 50-70 degrees, otherwise some may simply be destroyed.

For brewing it is better to use porcelain or glass teapots. First you need to warm up the kettle by pouring boiling water over it. The tea leaves should be poured into a bowl with the expectation that more infusions for white tea are required, since white tea leaves are less dense than other teas. The approximate proportion is two teaspoons per glass of water.

Tea can be brewed about four times... The first time the brewing procedure lasts 5 minutes, during the next - about 3 minutes. However, some white teas take 15 minutes to brew.

Brewed tea has a yellowish tint and smell of flowers... However, the smell of white tea is not as intense as that of other teas, but it is longer. The taste of the tea is not felt immediately, but a few minutes after a sip.

It should be remembered that a mistake made during brewing can deprive white tea of \u200b\u200bits delicate aroma.

A few words about storing white tea

Besides the fact that white tea needs to be brewed correctly, it also needs to be stored correctly. Ceramics are best suited for storing tea. The container should be as tight as possible, since any sharp extraneous odors destroy the aroma of white tea. It is advisable that the dishes were new, specially purchased for this occasion, since tea can also absorb the smells of what was stored in the dishes earlier for a long time.

Paper is categorically not suitable for storing white tea, since after a week it will lose all its properties: both taste and medicinal. Metal utensils do not allow white tea to breathe, which also deteriorates quite quickly.


Reading time: 3 minutes


White tea is considered a very elite variety. It is white because the tipsa (or tea bud) is covered with thick white fluff. This wonderful white drink contains beneficial properties and vitamins that our body needs. Today we'll talk about the properties of white tea, how to brew white tea properly.


This tea is grown in the highlands of the Fujian region. The tea leaves are harvested only twice a year, following special rules, in April and September. In the early morning hours from five to nine in the morning, pickers pick the tea leaves. Before this procedure, they are prohibited from smoking, drinking alcohol, because the product absorbs foreign odors. If the weather is bad on harvest day, pickers still work, but this affects the price of white tea. The harvesting process is very laborious, you need to pick and process about one hundred thousand fresh leaves in order to obtain one kilogram of high-quality finished product.

Only one or two upper leaves are plucked. Then they undergo steam treatment, then the product is dried. The leaves do not curl, so dry tea leaves are sold loose. The leaves look like white eyelashes because they are covered with a delicate white bristle. The elite high-quality variety has whole selected leaves, no broken and sluggish ones. White teas undergo less oxidation than green teas. Ready-made dry tea leaves of white slightly yellowish color. The brewed infusion has a green-yellow tint, which looks darker than that of the green variety. The finished tea has a pronounced floral aroma and sweet taste.

Types of white tea

  1. Chinese. The most expensive type of Chinese varieties, because a dry leaf differs little from a fresh one and retains a light color with a white pile. There are six varieties of this type, the most popular are "" and "Silver needles".
  2. Indian. The brewed infusion is white, like the tea itself. It is produced in Sri Lanka. Externally, the tea is similar to the Chinese and Egyptian varieties. Differs in taste and cooking process.
  3. Egyptian. Differs in a certain technology for preparing a drink. It is very useful and contains many vitamins. It is customary to drink Egyptian tea with lemon and honey.

What are the benefits of white tea

Due to its beneficial properties, it has a positive effect on our body. Due to the fact that the processing of the leaves is minimal, all the beneficial properties are preserved, therefore this tea variety is considered real in comparison with other teas. The presence of antioxidants and vitamins has a beneficial effect on our body, rejuvenating it and slowing down skin aging. Also, regular intake of the infusion prevents the onset of cancer. produces an antibacterial and antiviral effect, helps to strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. Also, white tea is very effective for colds, it heals wounds and cuts well, and normalizes the digestive system. The drink perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. Of all tea varieties, it contains the minimum amount of caffeine, which allows even pregnant women to consume it. It soothes well and helps the skin stay young and firm. White tea has no contraindications, but you should not drink it in large quantities. Now we will learn how to make white tea.

How to make tea

Before you brew it, rinse the utensils in which you will brew with hot water. When you fill the tea leaves with water for the first time, you need to immediately drain it, so you will rinse the tea leaves from dust. This procedure should not take longer than two minutes. The color of fresh natural tea leaves looks greenish-white and all tea leaves should be whole and the same size. It is better to take spring water or soft water in order to properly brew white tea. The optimum temperature for brewing water is no more than 80 degrees. To get water of this temperature, you need to turn off the kettle at the beginning of the boil.

To brew a drink for three servings:

  • Pour two teaspoons of dry tea leaves into the warmed gaiwan;
  • Pour boiling water over the tea leaves, as described above;
  • The tea leaves have already opened, they can be filled with water again;
  • After one minute, you can strain the infusion and pour it individually into cups.

Now you can enjoy the unforgettable taste and excellent aroma of white tea. The color of the brewed infusion can be either transparent or with a yellow tint. If you have brewed the drink correctly, you will not feel bitterness in it. If, nevertheless, it tastes a little bitter, it means that you have exceeded the infusion time or brewed with very hot water. The tea leaves can be brewed up to five times, each time increasing the infusion time by thirty seconds. To enjoy the true taste, it is advised to brew and drink the drink between meals, without any additives.