Recipe making coffee in the Turk. How can you make coffee in the Turk - traditional options and unusual recipes

07.04.2019 Restaurant notes

A cup of invigorating coffee brewed in the Turk by all the rules is what you need to start a fruitful day. And year after year, this flavored drink is becoming more common among people of different ages. The elderly value its laxative effect and antioxidant protection, which helps to delay the aging process, and for middle-aged people it is a way to increase brain productivity during a busy day and relieve nervous tension. Only rely on the expected effect can only know the recipes of coffee in the Turk with the use of natural grains.

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How to choose the right Turk

Coffee makers began their journey in the XIX century. Filter drip coffee maker belongs to American inventors, Neapolitan coffee can be prepared in a geyser coffee maker. Espresso coffee appeared simultaneously with the same-name espresso machine. Today, all these methods of brewing coffee are actively used, having received further development and transformation in the form of modern coffee machines. However, a true coffee lover always has a Turk in his arsenal.

Producers made sure that a Turk working on electricity was born, because it is rather difficult to make coffee in a Turk while on a business trip and not having access to the stove in a hotel. Electric Turkish coffee is suitable for use in the office, in the absence of a coffee machine.   The cooking technology is no different from the usual, only the container itself is made, as a rule, of stainless steel.

A simple version of the Turks, too, can be made of stainless steel, but the best are the copper Turks for coffee.

Connoisseurs of true taste and aroma of the drink, argue that the taste is largely dependent on the material of the container in which the coffee is brewed.

Any metal Turks: made of aluminum, silver, copper and stainless steel are practical in everyday life and have a long service life, but the value of copper in its thermal conductivity, since the contents of such a Turks are uniformly heated.

There is only one drawback - soluble copper compounds are dangerous to humans. But it is fixable, and acquiring a copper Turk, you need to take an interest in its internal coating, which must necessarily be from food tin. In the process of use, it is necessary to monitor its integrity, because damage to the tin layer indicates that it is time to change the Turk.

The rarity is represented by the Turks made of Isaian clay, which due to their porosity absorbs odors.   Coffee in such dishes is excellent, but if you cook only one type of drink. Adding spices to this coffee is fraught with consequences, the aroma will remain, even if the next batch suddenly wanted to be cooked with a different taste.

Ceramic coffee turks are very popular. They are more versatile because they retain heat well, like copper, and they surprisingly subtly convey the aroma of a drink, like clay. The thick walls of the Turkish ceramics allow coffee to keep the heat acquired from the flame for a long time. Alas, and they have a drawback - fragility and fragility.

You can cook a delicious coffee in the Turk only conical shape of a small volume (100 - 150 ml.). The narrower the neck, the less air access, which, in turn, is hampered by the foam.

However, if the experience is still not enough, it is better to get a Turk larger. It is believed that a quality coffee machine is not capable of spoiling coffee, and in any case it will perform all the actions with the accuracy laid down by the program, but cooking coffee in a Turk requires experience and skill. But this is no reason to abandon the good old way of making an oriental drink.

The subtleties of cooking classic drink

Some coffee lovers are so incredulous about coffee raw materials that they buy green coffee beans and roast them on their own. However, this skill is not for everyone, so you can limit yourself to purchasing already roasted grains. Of the many varieties of coffee on the Russian shelves, most Arabica beans.   This is the best coffee for the Turks - oily, large, regular oblong-shaped grains with no chips and no smell of mold. But you can search for a variety and Robusta. This variety has a significant strength, so you can mix 2 varieties in half.

But it is better to grind directly before cooking, because this is one of the conditions of high-quality drink. Within a couple of hours, the divine fragrance will evaporate.

The grinding should be as small as possible (to dust), since it depends on the size of the grains how quickly, over a short cooking time, they will transfer their rich taste to the liquid.

Making coffee in the Turk begins with heating the tank itself, at the bottom of which several salt crystals are placed. Do not be afraid that coffee will get a salty taste, but the aroma from this will be more pronounced. A volume of 150 ml will require 2 teaspoons of ground coffee with a slide. Water is poured only after the Turk warms up again, already with coffee.

Water is needed so that it reaches the narrowest point of the “neck” of the Turks, and it is better that it be icy. If you approach even more scrupulous about how to make coffee in the Turk, then it should be said that the spoon for applying coffee is preferable from silver, and the water is filtered or well. Cooling boiled water will only ruin the coffee.

How to cook coffee in the Turk immediately with sugar or without - a moot point. It is believed that a small piece of refined sugar has the same property to saturate the taste, like salt.   Some believe that sugar is placed before the start of boiling in order for the sugar syrup to slow down the boiling process. It is noticed that sugar contributes to the formation of a denser foam. Definitely, the drink, in which the sugar was dipped after boiling, will differ in taste.

The fire is only the smallest, but if you need to make coffee quickly, you can first increase the flame, and then, when the foam is about to form, reduce it to a minimum. The intensity of the flame will also determine how much coffee is brewed in a Turk in time. Haste can harm the taste of the drink, and even grains of coffee beans will float on the surface for a long time, without settling, if the cooking process was short.

As soon as the foam on the surface of the Turks began to rise, it is necessary with a deft movement to remove the container from the fire, so as not to damage its integrity. Then the Turk is set up again for some time on the stove, until a similar effect appears. As a rule, the action is repeated up to 3 times.

In order for delicious coffee in the Turk to remain so in the coffee cup, it is recommended to fill it with hot water and warm it. This can be done while the coffee is being brewed.

In order to have less grains in the coffee cup, the Turk hit the table a couple of times, but neatly. With the same purpose, you can add a teaspoon of cold water. You can, of course, not to. If the cup was preheated beforehand, then the coffee in it will not cool quickly and you can wait a bit until the thick of it settles to the bottom of the dish.

Coffee recipes from gourmets

Turkish coffee recipes are not limited to coffee, sugar, salt and water. Who has known and loved the authentic taste of natural coffee, certainly begins to experiment, creating exclusive variations of the drink. Many coffee lovers fell in love with Turkish cinnamon coffeewhen, along with coffee and sugar, cinnamon is added to the heated container at the tip of a teaspoon. It is not recommended to take more than a quarter of a spoon, although the Mediterranean recipe contains a lot of ingredients: 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp grated ginger, the same orange peel and 1 tsp. aniseed seed. The truth is that this amount is calculated for 400 ml, where a tablespoon of coffee and cocoa tea is supposed.

Before conducting experiments, you need to decide on your personal taste preferences and try to add components that differ from the classical version with care. Experts do not recommend immediately more than 3 spices.   You can start to add a pinch of cinnamon, which is wonderfully combined with a pea of ​​black pepper. Many recipes are known, where the same cinnamon is used together with vanilla or brandy (per cup 10 - 15 ml.). In this case, cinnamon is added after the appearance of the foam, and sugar and brandy after its full readiness.

Coffee "latte" can be attributed to the masterpiece of coffee art, which even looks very appetizing.

Hot milk is poured into the trickle in the brewed coffee, which accumulates on the bottom of the transparent glass, concentrating the coffee on the upper level. All this beauty with a snow-white cap of foam is sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Even ordinary Turkish coffee with foam is prepared in different ways depending on the national traditions of this or that nation. So, one of the Turkish recipes says that before you brew coffee in a Turk, you need to bring water and sugar to a boil, and only then add the appropriate rate of ground coffee. Who loves coffee of different concentrations, you can give a guideline how to prepare a single, double or triple drink. To do this, be aware that for every 50 ml relies 1 tsp. coffee. And not all the volume of coffee is loaded at the same time, each subsequent spoon is brought to the boiling point again and again.

What recipe to prefer for everyday morning mealcan only be solved by experience. So dare, but without fanaticism. And then the flavored drink will only benefit.

Interesting video on how to make coffee in Turk:

Enjoy your meal!


Date: 23 01 2016


Hello my dear readers! Are there any coffee lovers among you? I think that these are not enough. But among the army of fans for sure there are not just fans of the flavored drink, but real fans. I belong to this group of connoisseurs too. I collect coffee recipes with the thoroughness of a maniac.

Before me, only my nose wakes up in the morning. He feels the coffee aroma seeping into the room from the kitchen, and aggressively wakes up all the other parts of the body. Reluctance to get up, especially if you sit up with the article until the morning. But coffee does wonders - it awakens, teasing with a delicious warm aroma, makes you sweetly stretch and unsteadily, but joyfully stomp into the kitchen for a prepared caring husband's hand with an espresso cup. Of course, our coffee machine "knows" and other drinks from coffee, and we do not throw a Turk on the mezzanine.

I have selected for you various recipes for making coffee at home both in the Turk and with the help of a coffee maker or coffee machine. Get ready, there will be quite a lot of recipes. Making homemade coffee is an exciting process, giving a lot of interesting ideas for realization. But - do not overdo it. There is nothing worse for me than “too much!”

  Turkish Coffee Recipes

Ingredients for Turkish Coffee

  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee.
  • 50-60 ml of water.

How to cook in a brazier in the sand

How to cook on the stove

  1. Heat the Turk a little, put coffee in it, reheat a little again, pour cold water on it, stir it, put on a small fire.
  2. Wait until the thick fragrant foam rises, remove from heat.
  3. Repeatedly put on a weak fire, wait for the foam to rise, remove from the stove.
  4. Pour into ceramic cups, pre-heated with hot water, and serve.

My comments

  • During my childhood and youth at home, most often the divine drink was brewed in Turkey. It is also called cezve. I have two old Turks in my farm, bought in Echmiadzin. And I will tell you that in spite of the fact that now various coffee makers and even coffee machines, such tasty coffee as brewed in such a vessel of coffee beans ground to powder, are “dominating” everywhere, I have never drunk. I still cook not only espresso, but also Turkish coffee.
  • You can add sugar to taste. It is better to put it in Turku with coffee.
  • Grains should be roasted immediately before cooking.
  • Grains should be evenly and fairly deeply fried, but in no case should not be burnt!
  • Grinding requires the finest, which is called “to dust.” The famous cylindrical coffee grinder in Yerevan can provide such grinding.
  • Some add coffee to hot water — I don’t know which one is the most authentic.
  • Water should be taken as separated, filtered, spring, well, if possible - the softest.

Coffee recipes for coffee grinders and coffee machines


Recipes of popular coffee based drinks

  • With cinnamon:

We take for preparation 1 teaspoon of ground seeds, 120-125 ml of water, 1 stick of cinnamon (or half a teaspoon of ground), sugar to taste. Ground cinnamon and milled grains are added simultaneously. Next, cook as usual. The stick is usually used if the drink is also prepared with milk. Then you first boil the milk with cinnamon and add it to the serving of coffee.

Coffee Scrub Recipe

Coffee cake is organized here every day. It can be successfully used for the beauty of the body and face. Coffee cake scrub perfectly renews skin cells. It is made in several ways:

  1. Mix coffee cake, sugar, olive oil. This gruel massages the skin of the body.
  2. Mix ground grain with sour cream, apply the mixture on the face, rinse it off in 5-7 minutes, lightly rubbing the skin.

And you can cook great

Cooking turkish coffee   is the oldest method of brewing coffee. This method still has many fans, who rightly believe that only in this pot you can get a thick and rich coffee with a delicious aroma. But to get such a drink you need to know some of the nuances and simple cooking rules.

How to make coffee in Turk

  1.   must be clean.
  2. Do not use water from under the faucet. It is best to take filtered or bottled water. Quality of ready drink depends on quality of water. Water should be cold and not boiled.
  3.   must be very for the best extraction of aromatic essential oils and its constituent. It is best to grind coffee immediately before the preparation of the drink.
  4. Before falling asleep coffee, the Turk should be slightly warmed over low heat. After that, you can pour ground grain, pour cold water on it, stir a little with a spoon or a wooden stick and put on medium heat.
  5. Coffee in the Turk is not necessary to boil. Just bring the heat up to the moment the foam rises to the brim and remove from the fire. If desired, repeat this process 2-3 times to increase the strength of the coffee.
  6. Coffee cups also need to be heated before pouring a drink into them.

If you follow these rules, you will get hot, thick and fragrant over the entire surface of the cup.

For making coffee in Turku use a variety of recipes. Consider the most popular and simple among them.

Turkish Coffee Recipes

  1. Turkish coffee recipe. Pour into a pre-warmed Turk 1 teaspoon of ground coffee and granulated sugar. Put on a small fire until the coffee crema is raised. Remove from the stove for 2-3 minutes and again put on fire to raise the foam. Repeat the procedure again.
  2. Arabic Coffee Recipe. Pour 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar into the heated Turk, pour cold water into ¾ of the volume of the Turks. Bring to a boil, (but do not boil) remove from heat. Pour 1 teaspoon of ground coffee, stir and put on the fire to boil. Remove from the stove, add water and again put warm until boiling. After that, the finished Arabic coffee can be poured into coffee cups.
  3. Caramel Coffee Recipe. Pour 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar into a heated Turk and put it on a small fire until the melting sugar becomes brown in caramel color. It is important to prevent sugar from burning; the finished drink will get the taste of burnt sugar. After the sand has turned into caramel, pour in the water and add 1 stick of cinnamon. Bring to a boil, remove the cinnamon and pour 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee. At the time of raising the foam immediately remove the Turk from the fire. Set aside to allow the coffee grounds to settle and pour into the coffee cups.

In general, when making coffee in the Turk often add different

Coffee - the most popular, almost mystical drink. There are many ways to make it. However, according to coffee lovers, the best drink is obtained in the Turk.

It has long been known that the rational use of coffee has a beneficial effect on the human body, enhances immunity, enhances mental abilities. A cup of well brewed coffee gives energy and vigor for the whole day, so it is best to drink this drink in the morning.

However, it is very pleasant to drink coffee in a cozy cafe in a friendly company, or alone, fully immersed in the wonderful taste of this amazing drink.

Houses often use coffee makers, however, much preferable in flavor, taste and color, coffee prepared in the Turk.

Turk - This is a copper pot with a long handle. The Turks are distinguished by the size and the number of cooked portions - from one to ten. This dish was invented in the East thousands of years ago.

How to make coffee in the Turk correctly

The main distinguishing feature of coffee brewing in the Turk is that the thick remains in the drink does not decant: it retains all the useful substances in it.

When buying coffee for cooking in the Turk, it must be borne in mind that it should be ground for this method of cooking. Today coffee of various grind is sold, but for cooking in the Turk, coarse grinding is optimal, allowing to achieve the best taste and aroma. Given that ground coffee is stored for seven to ten days, it is recommended to grind grains immediately before starting the preparation.

In addition to the quality of the beans, water is an important component of decent coffee preparation in the Turk. Of course, it is best to use water from a well, but, unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity. In this case, filtered tap water will do (but not boiled by any means!).

Turku needs to be washed clean, but without the use of various chemicals: Flavors will surely spoil the aroma of coffee.

The proportions of water and coffee, in principle, depend on the taste, as well as on the state of the stomach and heart of a person. However, a hundred milliliters of water should have at least two tablespoons of ground beans, otherwise the taste will be mild.

The longer the drink is brewed, the richer will be the result of its taste and aromatic qualities.   Therefore, when cooking on a gas stove, you should make a minimum of fire and carefully ensure that the coffee in the Turk does not boil - it will spoil the taste. Coffee is considered ideal, so to speak, balancing on the verge of boiling.

It is important to know!   Coffee made in the Turk, most often served with a glass of chilled boiled water. If, while enjoying coffee, from time to time to take a sip of water, the taste and aroma sensations will be felt with a vengeance.

Gradually, the correct process of making coffee in Turk is as follows:

1) Before cooking, the Turk must be slightly heated: this will help the grain to “open up”.

2) Then in Turk it is necessary to pour coffee in the desired proportions of a teaspoon per one hundred milliliters of drink. To taste you can add sugar, anise, cinnamon. If there is a desire to achieve a milder taste of the drink, you can add a little salt.

3) Pour water over coffee so that the water reaches the narrow neck of the Turks.

4) Heat the coffee over low heat until foam appears, wait until the foam rises to the maximum and remove the Turk from the fire. In no case should boiling be prevented - it will destroy the foam.

5) Cups in which coffee is poured should be preheated. Remember: as much foam and as little thicker as possible should get into each cup.

6) To thicken down to the bottom, you can hit the Turk on the table. It is quite acceptable to add some water to the finished coffee.

Turkish coffee recipes

In different countries, Turkish coffee is brewed in its own way. Here are some of the most popular recipes.

Arabic coffee in the Turk.   Turku hold on the fire for fifteen or twenty seconds, then remove and pour on the bottom of granulated sugar (to taste). Put the Turk on the fire and wait until the sugar gets a light brown tint. It is very important not to burn sugar, so you need to be extremely attentive! As soon as the sugar reaches the desired color, pour in water and, while stirring, bring to the boil.

The next stage is the addition of coffee. Powder poured to taste, and after removing the Turks from the fire. Now you need to thoroughly mix the ingredients and, adding to the bowl a little cold water, put on the fire.

Coffee must be cooked over low heat without stirring. Emerging foam to remove and put in a cup. Coffee should not boil, and the Turk should be removed at the moment when the foam reaches the edge of the dish.

French coffee in the Turk.   Warming up a little Turk, you should add coffee. The French drink is not strong, so you need to pour a little powder. Pour water and put the Turk on the smallest fire. When the foam begins to form, you must add sugar and mix until it dissolves. To remove a Turk from the fire should be in accordance with the basic rule that has been repeatedly voiced by us - a couple of seconds before boiling.

Real French coffee is unrepresentable without liquor and a small amount of whipped cream. Liquor is added directly to the coffee (one teaspoon), top it with whipped cream.

Turkish coffee in the Turk.   Turku filled with cold water to the place of narrowing dishes. Add sugar, put the Turk on the fire. Slightly heated water, you should add finely ground coffee. After that, you need to bring the coffee to the formation of foam and remove the dishes from the fire. Wait until the foam settles, and again heat the coffee to the froth. Take off. The procedure is repeated three or four times. Thus, you get a strong and invigorating Turkish coffee.

But an unusual recipe coffee called "Eskimo". To start, prepare Turkish coffee, which will serve as the basis. Strain, let cool. While the drink is cooling, take a half bar of milk chocolate and melt it in a couple. You will also need ice cream - about four balls. After the coffee has cooled, it should be poured into a tall glass, add ice cream there, and on top of the whole composition pour chocolate. Coffee "Eskimo" in small quantities will especially please the kids.

In conclusion, it should be said that brewing coffee in the Turk is not an easy task. To get the coffee as rich and fragrant as possible, constant practice is necessary. Immediately count on the full success is not necessary. In this case, as in most other occupations, the main thing is patience. No need to hurry anywhere and you will certainly succeed!

Making coffee in the Turk - one of the oldest recipes. More African nomads brewed a drink in a copper water jug ​​with a handle and a small spout. Over time, the size of the jugs decreased for more convenient transportation and they were called “dalla”. However, after the Turks heard about the wonderful taste of coffee, they modernized dalla, narrowing the neck to it, so that during cooking the drink would not lose its flavor and would not spill on the sand. This is how the jazz appeared, or, as it is called in Russia, a Turk, and coffee became the national Turkish drink.

With the classical method of preparation in the sand, a small hole is created, into which the jazz is placed, after which it is evenly sprinkled with sand to the neck. Now the alternative to natural sand are electric sandboxes, recreating natural conditions. This method is considered to be the best, since the sand makes it possible to warm up the whole Turk evenly, unlike an electric or gas stove. But on the stove, you can properly prepare coffee in the Turk, if you know a few secrets.

The taste of the drink consists of five components:

  • The size of the Turks.   The standard coffee cup has a volume of 70-100 ml, so when choosing the Turks, it is necessary to calculate how many people a portion will be calculated for;
  • Clean water.   For making coffee, boiled and hard water is not suitable; it is better to take distilled water, necessarily cold or even ice;
  • The degree of grinding.   Grinding should be as minute as flour or dust. Only then will he be able to form a dense foam in the neck of the Turks, which will allow the drink to retain its flavor;
  • Grain quality.   The higher the quality of the grains, the less likely it is that mistakes in the preparation will affect the taste;
  • The cooking process itself.
Three popular recipes for the proper preparation of coffee in the Turk.
Of course, there are many options for making coffee in Turk. For example, instead of sugar, you can add orange juice or zest, which give the coffee an interesting sourness and unusual flavor. Instead of all the spices, you can add only black pepper - this combination will be especially invigorating. Coffee with cognac will warm up, and with ice will save from the heat. But regardless of the ingredients or their combination, the basic rules for obtaining a delicious coffee - do not let the drink boil, use good water and enjoy the cooking process.