You can not put honey in hot tea. Is it possible to put honey in hot tea: arguments for and against. Harm of honey in hot tea

04.06.2019 Healthy food

If you care about your health, then you will definitely try to reduce sugar consumption in your diet or, in general, eliminate it. And it will be right. But if the body requires carbohydrates, and you can not tolerate sweet tea, which of the healthy foods can help you out? Of course, bee treat! Let's consider whether honey can be added to hot tea. We think that this question interests many who respect this natural sweetness and strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Tea with honey conjures up images of home and hearth, and rightly so. Honey sweetened coffee is less common, although smooth sweetness perfectly counteracts the light bitterness of coffee. The use of raw honey for sweeteners is a healthy choice for many reasons, although adding honey to hot tea and coffee does destroy some of its nutrients.

Fresh, raw honey is loaded with antioxidants, although it contains only trace elements of other nutrients. The main advantage of using honey instead of refined sugar is that natural sugar in honey takes more time than it processes than refined sugar. This means that your pancreas should not release enough insulin to capture and store extra sugar. When insulin clears the sugar from your blood, your brain signals that it needs more sugar and you feel hungry.

Can honey be added to hot tea? Useful or harmful?

Actually, this question interests us, since there are a lot of rumors and disputes on this topic. Some believe that - an excellent remedy for many diseases. Others argue that honey does not tolerate high temperatures. Under their influence, it turns from a useful product into an extremely harmful delicacy.

Harm of tea with honey

Honey can help you avoid this splash and fall, whether alone or in tea or coffee. Raw honey does not undergo any heat treatment, although sometimes it is strained for a more pleasant presentation. This means that it still contains all its natural nutrients. The best temperature for honey pasteurization is 145 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Beekeeping Association Newsletter at Mississippi State University. It destroys many of the nutrients in honey just as cooking vegetables at high temperatures destroys their vitamins and minerals.

What does science say about this?

When natural honey is heated to a temperature of 60 degrees, fructose, which is contained in the product, turns into a substance that has a very complex name - oxymethylfurfural. This compound is recognized by medical workers as a carcinogen. It greatly harms the esophagus and stomach of a person. It can cause not only heartburn and gastritis, but even cancer.

Adding pasteurized honey to tea or coffee will not affect its nutrients, because they have already been destroyed. For raw honey it depends on the temperature of the drink. This temperature is high enough to burn the mouth, and also high enough to destroy the nutrients in raw honey.

What honey is better to drink with tea?

Providing your tea or coffee to a cool drinking temperature can help raw honey to retain its nutritional value. Adding raw or pasteurized honey to iced tea or coffee should not affect its nutrients. The cold can make it difficult to dissolve the honey, so using a small halo is helpful.

The accumulative effect of a substance is of great danger. That is, from a single use of the wrong product is unlikely to happen. But if you regularly dissolve a bee treat in boiling water and drink - this is a big health risk. Consequently, now, if someone asks you a question about whether honey can be added to hot tea, you can describe the harm. And even be able to specify the name of the toxic substance.

Do you buy it in bulk and use it when baking?

You may have used honey in your baking for some time because you have been told that it is the best alternative to refined sugar. You happily began to change all your recipes, pointing out how to prevent overcooking, which can be typical.

The benefits of tea with honey

I have good news and bad news, and you can sit down before reading further. This goes against a good business beekeeper, but nevertheless, we are here. At a time when bees are becoming scarce, and the fruits of their labor are becoming less numerous, we hardly need to support the misuse of honey.

How best to use tea with honey?

Since we found out that at temperatures above 60 degrees the bees' life product converts its fructose into a harmful substance, you should find out the following: how can you then use tea with honey?

Pretty simple. The optimal temperature of the liquid, which we drink and at the same time consider hot, ranges from 40 to 45 degrees. Consequently, we can add our favorite delicacy to tea only after it has cooled to the right temperature. And for this we absolutely do not need to use a thermometer or similar meters. It will be enough just to have a drink. You will immediately feel that you can drink it. After that, it will be clear whether honey can be added to hot tea at the available temperature.

Rather, we should use honey as a healing food with a respectful attitude that retains all its advantages. Good news? Raw honey is generally considered safe for use in hot tea or coffee. We never recommend cooking with our raw honey products and instead offer creative applications until they are actively heated or boiled.

Harm of honey in hot tea

In the case of Ayurveda, it is believed that honey, heated to more than 60 degrees Celsius, creates “ama”. It loses a subtle nuance of flavor that contains raw honey and becomes too sweet and cloying. Although the glycemic index of honey can vary depending on the type of nectar collected, it is largely a product with a low glycemic index. There is some evidence to support my belief that cooking or pasteurizing honey increases the glycemic index. Why pay high prices for honey, which was stored in its natural, raw state, only to take him home and kill him on his own?

  • Ama is a condition of mucus caused by inflammation and toxicity.
  • Honey that is heated becomes one-dimensional.
Maple syrup is rich in minerals and can withstand high temperatures without changing the composition.

Well, the second option, which nutritionists believe is more correct, - you can use this natural delicacy with tea while drinking. In this case, the honey most fully preserves all the useful properties with which nature has generously rewarded it.

Why sometimes candied honey is better than draft?

Many consumers do not like candied honey. Another thing, when it is viscous, shiny and pours a beautiful alluring stream. The aesthetic appearance of the product greatly affects our appetite and desire to purchase this product. Agree! However, if you care about your health, and you do not have the necessary chemical laboratory at hand to distinguish fake from real honey, then consider some simple rules:

What type of sugar do you prefer to cook with? Doesn't the whole world drink honey in hot tea? It is also interesting to learn about collecting honey - bad for bees and their sustainability? The most expensive lover of Vermont. Who knew honey could be so versatile?

He said that the suggestion that honey becomes toxic in hot water is really inaccurate. The idea is that heat destroys enzymes. And basically, at any time when you are going to heat the honey, the enzymes will be destroyed and, as a result, they will dilute a lot of the medicinal value of the honey. Raw and unfiltered honey has incredible antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is very, very healing in many ways.

  1. Unscrupulous sellers can melt candied honey for its more profitable and “interesting” appearance that buyers will like. At the same time, during the process, the same oxymethylfurfural in dangerous quantities for human health will be released into the product.
  2. When you use candied honey with hot tea, you will eat this sweetness much less, which will positively affect the state of the body. Yes Yes! Despite the fact that honey is a very useful product, it is a strong allergen. And excess fructose will negatively affect the human endocrine system.

What honey is better to drink with tea?

We all know that there are many. For example, the May, buckwheat, grassy, \u200b\u200bflowery variant. There are even such refined varieties such as espartsetovy, white, coniferous, and the like. But which one is better to drink with tea? Which of these types will be the best for health? The answer is: the best option is the one you like the most. We all have our own preferences. So choose your favorite variety for tea drinking.

Video "Food that causes cancer"

However, there is no evidence that the heat-treated honey is actually toxic. Speaking of the whole world, you probably heard that our bees are disappearing. Forget about Halloween, it's scary, because without them, humanity is waiting for a big hark. Honeybees act as pollinators for many crops and are necessary for all of us to eat something. But due to the collapse of the colony collapse, our striped friends are dying. There are many factors that lead to colony collapse disorder, but pesticides and industrial chemicals are considered key players.

You should know that in some types of honey (especially in the thick delicacies with the content of propolis), in addition to fructose, also contains important amino acids and vitamins that are useful for humans. They collapse and die if they fall into the temperature above 42 degrees Celsius. They do not become as harmful as oxymethylfurfural, but they don’t carry the benefit anymore. Draw conclusions.

Unsustainable beekeeping can also play a role, and this is where your last question arises. If honey is harvested incorrectly, it can harm the bees. Beekeeping, Konrad says, looks like any other form of farming - some are more sustainable than others.

People who manage their bees in a natural, organic way are going to take the extra honey that bees collect, he told me. In addition to poor harvesting methods, there are other honey production methods that need to be worried about. Some beekeepers regularly treat their bees against ticks with toxic chemicals and antibiotics. This adds that bee bees are already carrying. Last year, researchers were shocked by the levels of pesticides found in hives.

What diseases treat tea with honey?

If we are talking about the benefits of tea with honey, then let's consider the following question: under what diseases do these two components have the maximum benefit and have a healing effect? So, they will positively affect the body, if a person has:

Although you think that buying organic honey may be the answer, truly organic honey is a rare find. Konrad told me that, although it is not so difficult to manage beehives organically, it is difficult to make organic honey because bees can fly to inorganic places and collect pesticides.

The hard part is finding a place that will be four or five miles from any crops that are sprayed or grown with artificial fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, fungicides, or any of them, he said. "It means five miles in any direction."

  • Colds or SARS. In case of acute respiratory viral infections, plenty of warm drink is always recommended. In our case it will be tea. Honey, as a component, well helps to strengthen the immune system. A patient has a higher chance of recovering faster.
  • Bronchitis. Tea with honey acts as an expectorant.
  • Allergy. Many people have intolerance to pollen. Doctors practice allergy treatment according to the principle “knock out with a wedge”. They give the patient honey with the content of this pollen in small quantities, gradually increasing the dose as the body’s resistance to it increases.
  • Weak immunity, especially in children. Regular consumption of warm tea with honey during the period of catarrhal epidemics in kindergartens and schools greatly helps to reduce the risk of morbidity of the child.

To find a beekeeper who uses best practices, buy your honey at the farmers market or at the farm. Talk to your local beekeepers about how they manage their hives. We need more beekeepers, says Konrad. If you want to spread a little kindness on the bees, Konrad advises avoiding chemicals in your daily life as much as possible and grabbing your garden gloves. By removing the monoculture known as your lawn and making a beautiful habitat for wildflowers, you will provide food for many natural pollinators, not just bees.


Let's summarize the following questions: is it possible to add honey to hot tea, harm to the body in which cases will be the highest? The answers here are obvious:

  1. When the temperature of tea is above 60 degrees, add a treat to the drink is impossible in any case.
  2. To preserve the beneficial substances of honey (enzymes, amino acids and vitamins), it should be put in a warm tea, the temperature of which is not higher than 42 degrees.
  3. If you drink tea with a bit of honey, it preserves the beneficial properties of natural delicacy.

We hope that in this article I most fully disclose all the necessary information relating to this issue. Therefore, if you need to explain to someone in life whether honey can be added to hot tea, you can bring the arguments to iron. Drink the right tea with honey and stay healthy !!!

In sum: Cool your cup chamomile before adding honey; find a local beekeeper; and finally make life pleasant for some bees. Because with friends like us, they don't need enemas. For most adults, the risk of botulism from spores found in honey is a minute.

However, this does not apply to children under six months. Their microbiomas are still developing, and their immune systems are not fully formed. In addition, since they have less mass, they require less toxin to cause illness and death. Honey is known as “madhu” in Ayurvedic scriptures, which means “sweet perfection”. Especially controversial is the opinion that honey cannot be heated or it becomes toxic.

: 1. honey loses its properties and 2. when heated in honey, hydroxymethylfurfural is formed, and it is dangerous to drink such tea. Unfortunately, these statements are widespread. But fortunately, there are other reasons   which have been confirmed by more than one study. Below are excerpts from the book "Word of Honey" V.A. Straw.

So, regarding the first reason: when heated honey loses its properties:   "I was a categorical supporter of such a favorite product used by all of us. Still, the recommendations were confirmed by the results of research by reputable scientists:

Unfortunately, my colony of bees did not pass through the summer, as the queen did not lay eggs, and there were too many wasps. Honey is one of the original superfoods in that it contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, sugars, and even some amino acids. It is much sweeter than other forms of natural sugars, since it was concentrated by bees. Honey, however, was pre-digested by bees and kept warm, which makes it an exception to the rule of ayurveda that sweet foods are cooled.

Therefore, honey is the only recommended sweetener for Kapha types that need to eat more warming foods to counter their cold temper. Indeed, honey can actually help weight loss when taken in warm water every morning and thus used as a traditional Ayurvedic remedy. People are increasingly replacing white sugar with healthy substitutes, such as honey, although there is a mixed picture for the holistic nutritionist Paul Pitchford, who writes: Honey is very thin by bees and has more calories than white sugar.

    t\u003e 60º С - intensive destruction of proteins, vitamins, enzymes, enzymes and other biologically active substances occurs

    t\u003e 60º С - intensive destruction of enzymes occurs, etc.

If you look at the data without thinking, you can say - you can not throw honey in tea. This is "without thinking."   And if you still think.Insofar as no one has researched it, let's think about it together. I cite the results of fundamental research J.White, 1993:

It is much sweeter and very quickly assimilated directly into the bloodstream. However, honey contains some minerals and enzymes and, thus, does not disturb the balance of minerals in the body, as well as sugar. Surprisingly, honey should still be used in moderation! A typical explanation is that copper is slowly absorbed during preparation and the molecules become like glue, stick to mucous membranes and clog up the body's channels, producing toxins or amu. Charaka, the ancient sage of Ayurveda, wrote more than 500 years ago that "nothing is as unpleasant as ama caused by the wrong flow of honey."

    at 30º WITH 200 days

    at 60º WITH- the amount of honey diastase is halved in 1 day

    at 80º   WITH - in 1.2 hours

If a honey throw in teaat a temperature   80º Сthat its enzymatic activity decreases in 72 minutes    only   half, and at 60º С the same thing will happen in 1 day. Do we drink a cup of tea all day or even an hour?   At the same time, the temperature of the tea is not constant, it tends to decrease, and after 15 minutes, the tea in the glass becomes cold.

And now about the loss of flavor... Where is he lost, and even intensively, while drinking tea? Aromatic the substances are aromatic, to    fly out of honey and its odor fascinate the consumer    tea Let them fly out and fill the room with their scents ...

You can drink tea with honey!

Regarding the second reason: when heated in honey, hydroxymethylfurfural is formed, and it is dangerous to drink such tea.

In honey, the main source of hydroxymethylfurfural is fructose. Standard    limits the permissible content of hydroxymethylfurfural 1 kg of honey - 25mg. In EU standards and UN Food Code   limiting content established hydroxymethylfurfural in honey 40 mg / kg, for honey   produced in hot countries, this value rises to 80 mg / kg.

According to the materials of the Bremen Institute of Honey Research, confectionery and jam contains oxymethylfurfural in quantities that are tens of times, and in many cases significantly more than the standard allowed for honey. To date, no harm has been revealed to the human body. "

Professor Chepurnoy says about this: “There are food products in which the content of hydroxymethylfurfural is ten times more, but it is not even defined in them. For example, in roasted coffee its content can reach 2000 mg / kg.   In drinks 100 mg / l is allowed. AT   Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola its content can reach 300-350 mg / l».

German scientists Werner and Katharina von der Ohe found that heating honey for 24 hours at 40 ° C and for 6 hours at 50 ° C did not cause a noticeable increase in the content of hydroxymethylfurfural. Heating for 24 hours at 50 ° C and especially at 60 ° C leads to a significant increase in the content of hydroxymethylfurfural.

Hence the same conclusion: But do we drink a cup of tea all day or even an hour? But does the temperature of the tea in the cup remain constant?   No, it is progressively decreasing, that is, honey does not heat up in tea for 24 hours.