Medicines removing slags and toxins from the body. We remove toxins from the body. You are what you eat

28.05.2019 Healthy food

Cleaning the body is a very essential stage of recovery, which is necessary for every person who wants to be as healthy as possible.

A lot of various dietary supplements are being advertised, which promise to simply and quickly clean the body of toxins, but in fact most of them do not work for quite objective reasons - cleaning the body of toxins is a very voluminous process that should take place in several stages. One wonders how to remove toxins from the body, it is only after understanding the feasibility of this procedure.

Where do toxins and toxins come from and why do they accumulate in the body? Bad ecology, modern food, filled with preservatives, dyes and other food additives, low-quality water, antibiotics, harmful synthetic substances that surround us everywhere - these are the main modern sources of intoxication. Equally important is the factor of overeating, which affects a significant number of civilized people, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

Cleaning the body from toxins is a simple process, but it requires patience. Nature has created an excellent mechanism that allows you to effectively remove harmful substances from the body. But often the rate of consumption of toxins is much higher than the speed of their elimination, the protective functions of the body simply do not have time to cope with a lot of work. Therefore, slags are deposited in the internal organs, especially in fat deposits, liver, intestines. To extract harmful substances from these warehouses, you need to give the body a boost from the outside.

Cleaning the body of toxins is carried out in order, so that it is easier to cope with self-response to various negative impacts coming from the environment. The body has a large supply of forces and in fact is able to cope with diseases, viruses, and other negative phenomena coming from outside. To help him do this and help himself live a long and calm, healthy life, he needs to help his body and clean it, to know how to remove toxins from the body. After all, even drugs developed by pharmacists and used by us as a panacea for diseases, act much worse if the body is “cluttered up” with slags. Thus, if you do not purge, you can be long and unsuccessfully treated for a seemingly completely foreign disease. But remember: the organism is a single system, therefore the general overloading with its heavy slags is a direct obstacle to ANY treatment of ANY diseases. If you are being treated and it does not help - think, can a banal cleansing of the body of toxins make you free to health?

Principles of phased cleansing of the body

Before the start of slag removal, it is necessary to conduct preparatory activities. Practically all methods recommend going to vegetarian food within 1-2 weeks before harvesting. A good time is the summer months due to the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables or religious posts.

Cleansing the body of toxins at home is carried out gradually, observing the following sequence.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to do an ultrasound examination of the liver and kidneys to determine the stones. As for contraindications, each method has its own. Definitely should not experiment with your body pregnant and nursing mothers. Patients with chronic illnesses should consult your doctor before cleaning the body of toxins and toxins!

Slags are poisons and clog up, poison our body, not giving it the opportunity to clean, restore. They are the primary cause of polyps, kidney stones.   Cleansing the body takes place in several different sectors.

How to remove toxins from the intestines

It is necessary to clean the intestines with the help of a cleansing enema with a special solution: to create it, add a teaspoon of vinegar or any fruit juice to 2 liters of boiled water. With the help of the Esmarch cup, this solution is produced and injected. The procedure should be carried out two hours before bedtime. In order to properly clean the intestines, the schedule of such procedures should be approximately of the following kind - daily in the first week, in a day in the second week, in the third - in two days, in the fourth - in three and only once in the fifth week. This course will clean the intestines. In order for the body to be cleaned of toxins successfully, it is important to clean the intestines with this course 1-2 times a year.

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the cleaning procedure under the supervision of a specialist, so that he gives practical advice on how to clean the body of toxins at home, if there is one or another disease. The first stage of the procedure is to clean the body of toxins at home with the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal mucosa has a significant area due to special formations - villi. When a lot of mucus and remnants of undigested food accumulate in the intestines, the space between the villi becomes clogged and the absorption of nutrients becomes difficult.

Cleaning the body of toxins in the stomach

The stomach is also an important organ of our body, but it should be cleaned only when ingesting a toxic or poisonous substance. In other words, cleaning the stomach is called washing and is not recommended for the sake of prevention. It is possible to wash the stomach by drinking water in large quantities until vomiting occurs, or to induce a gag reflex in a different way - for example, by pressing on the root of the tongue. Gastric umbrella and the introduction of fluid through it are the ultimate method of cleaning the stomach.

In abandoned cases in the lumen of the intestinal tube a thick mucous membrane, food crusts, bilirubin stones are formed. All these pollutants interfere with normal peristalsis, cause constipation and diarrhea, prevent the excretion of harmful substances from fecal masses and, as a result, poison the body. Therefore, you first need to first clean the intestines, otherwise the toxins secreted by the liver will be absorbed backwards, and the procedure will not bring the desired effect.

The main methods of improving the intestines. Being a saline solution, it draws water into the intestines and erodes deposits on the walls, removing them naturally. Medicinal herbs, oats, bran, products containing a lot of fibrous vegetables, dairy products, help cleanse the intestines and normalize stools.

  • Water - necessary for the cleaning of all organs and tissues.
  • Every day you need to drink at least two liters of pure water.
  • Laxatives are magnesium sulfate.
The liver is the main filter that strikes the brunt.

How to clean the body of toxins in the liver

Slags in the liver also need to be removed. How to remove toxins from the body, if not cover all key organs? To clean the liver, you need to prepare your body with the help of plant foods, in particular apples - three days before the start of cleaning, you should use these products exclusively. On the day of the procedure itself, in the morning you should drink a glass of freshly pressed apple juice, and then clean the intestines with an enema. Before cleaning, or rather two hours before it, two tablets of No-Shpa are taken, then a warm water bottle is placed on the body in the liver area. Heat up to thirty-three degrees vegetable oil pour into one glass, in the other should be one of the fresh juices - lemon, cranberry or gooseberry. The procedure for cleaning the liver of toxins is carried out as follows: oil is washed down with juice, two sips of both. After a person drinks both glasses of liquid, it is not recommended to remove the heater from the liver - on the contrary, it is worth holding it for a few more hours, best of all, if the amount of time is equal to five hours. Next morning it is prescribed to start again with a glass of apple juice and bowel cleansing activities. To drink vegetable oil and juice is no longer worth it - it’s enough to eat only plant food on this day. The way out is to gradually switch to porridge on the water, then return to the normal diet, as it was before cleaning. Contraindications to such a procedure, by the way, recommended to repeat every two weeks three times, are pregnancy, breastfeeding, overwork and stress, diabetes and gallstone disease.

One of the many functions of the liver is to neutralize and bind toxins. They are then excreted with the bile into the intestine or into the bloodstream for further removal from the body through the kidneys, lungs and sweat glands of the skin. If the liver does not cope with its task, then the excess slags are deposited in the form of stones in the gall bladder, and some untreated toxins settle on the walls of blood vessels, joints, skin and other organs. After normalization of the intestinal work on the work on the liver.

To remove toxins from the body, you can use some herbs.

How to clean the liver and the whole body of slag at home? There are many methods, choose one of them, focusing on the general state of health. The most popular methods of removing toxins from the liver are. Cleaning with water - warm or mineral; vegetable oil; folk recipes based on wild rose, oats, mountain ash. Do not try to remove all waste at the same time, it is better to spend several courses with a break of 1-3 months.

How to remove toxins from the kidneys

All methods of slag removal at home are based on the renewal and maintenance of a good metabolism using natural products and natural methods.

Detoxification of the body begins with a review of the diet.

In the kidneys settle various products of metabolism, mainly from the salt nature. To remove them using the method of "washing" the kidneys, that is, increase urination in various ways. They not only erase the kidneys, but also perfectly clean other organs and the whole body of toxins and waste, especially at home.

  • Birch juice.
  • Corn silk.
  • Watermelon diet.
  • Fresh vegetable juices - carrot, squash, beet, pumpkin, cucumber.
In parallel, they begin to improve the skin.

The skin is an amazing and the largest human organ with many functions. One of its important tasks is the removal of harmful metabolic products through the sweat glands. If the kidneys are broken, some of their excretory functions are successfully transferred by the skin. In the case of a high degree of contamination, toxins and slags are deposited in the epithelium and the subcutaneous fat layer. Skin hose prevents normal perspiration and further aggravates the situation. Before you clean the body of toxins and toxins at home, you need to restore the metabolic processes in the skin.

  • Firstly, our body needs fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. Do not do without carbohydrates - honey and pasta from durum wheat.
  • Secondly, it is mandatory to minimize the consumption of heavy carbohydrates. They are mainly found in culinary products: cakes, muffins, fast food.
  • Thirdly, try to eat only lean meat and fish.
  • Fourth, control the amount of food consumed - do not overeat.
  • Fifth - increase the amount of water you drink, while it should be regular filtered water, not juice and not soda.

The list of products, the use of which will help to quickly remove toxins and toxins from the body:

After cleansing the intestines, liver, kidneys and skin, if necessary, continue targeted cleaning. There are ways to remove salts from the joints, to clean the blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, the total blood composition. One of the most effective methods of cleaning the body of toxins and toxins at home is therapeutic fasting. With a complete rejection of food in the body, there is a “general cleansing”. The digestive tract is released from the remnants of food masses, the liver receives the necessary respite, and the “hungry” blood removes slag from the cells and removes them from the body.

√ Parsley is in the first place among other spices for the effectiveness of cleaning the body.

√ Lemon juice reduces the desire to eat “something sweet”, also helps detoxification.

√ Brown rice - its main property is flushing the digestive system.

√ Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. A prerequisite - they should be only with the skin.

Traditional medicine and drugs

The founder of the healing post system, Paul Bragg, claims that with regular adherence to starvation diets, self-healing of the body without any additional procedures increases physical endurance and longevity. Cleansing the body with herbs at home from toxins and toxins practiced since time immemorial. Our ancestors have compiled an impressive list of plants that stimulate liver and kidney activity, purify blood, remove salts from joints and rejuvenate the vascular wall.

Birch buds and sap, cranberry leaf, oregano, strawberry, black currant, dandelion, tricolor purple, blueberry, horsetail, nettle, clover and many other plants are used to clean the body. There are drugs that you can drink for almost any disease, because they have no contraindications.

√ Bananas - they should not be abused, but when used moderately, the body is saturated with fiber. Fiber is very good at removing toxins from the body.

√ Porridge from “Hercules” is very fast, in terms of its absorption by the body, porridge. Also contains fiber.

√ Grapes - just a wonderful berry. It removes toxins and wastes from the entire body.

Such drugs act gently, take them for a long time, but they have a lasting effect. Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins at home requires patience and careful attention to your condition. The overall improvement is carried out in stages, starting with the normalization of the intestines and the removal of toxins from the liver. There are many methods to remove toxins, some of which can be harmful to health if used improperly. Persons suffering from chronic diseases before cleaning procedures should consult a doctor.

√ Carrots are always useful, but they have a particularly positive effect on the liver and contain fiber.

√ Asparagus contains substances that are good for the kidneys and liver.

√ Beets due to their high content of vitamins and minerals have a positive effect on slagged liver.

In the case of removing toxins from the body well helps rice. With it, you can remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. The method of its preparation is simple: in a small saucepan, boil three tablespoons of unrefined rice.

On the other hand, there are gentle slag removal methods that will need to be used for a long time, but their effect will not be worse. The main thing is to set a clear goal and maintain patience. All necessary materials are included in two systems for the life of the body: respiratory and digestive. The final metabolism of proteins, fats, foods, carbohydrates is displayed in four systems: respiratory, urinary, digestive and skin. The withdrawal of metabolites of cell metabolism, as well as their formation occurs in continuous mode.

Rice can be used as instead of a single meal, or as a supplement. Be sure to drink one glass of warm clear water before taking the rice. After eating it, refrain from eating and drinking for four hours.

Detoxification should be carried out with it within one week. The beneficial effect of rice on the body lies in its ability to absorb toxins and excrete them and the body.

The more intense the working cell, the more forms of the final metabolism products. By analogy with the human body, it is a product of industrial activity ballast that must be disposed of. Although the expression "waste of the body" is not a scientific word, but it falls on and in medical practice, and often this expression can be found in scientific articles.

Where are the toxins of the body

Substances which are formed in the human body, toxins are exogenous and endogenous origin. Endogenous substances - all harmful and toxic substances that enter the body through the respiratory system and the digestive system through the skin and mucous membranes. They can be in the air, in water, in food and in everything that surrounds us, with which we come into contact. These are oxides and salts of heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites, pesticides, chemical stimulants, dyes, preservatives, antibiotics, drugs, radionuclides.

There is another simple and affordable way to help your body detox - this. Its use contributes to the normalization of metabolism. This happens due to the high content of trace elements and organic acids.

A good metabolism is not only a guarantee of normal body cleansing from toxins and toxins, but also a slim body shape and general health. It is recommended to use apple cider vinegar three times a day, one teaspoon together with a liquid intake. The procedure should be done within one month, after which you need to take a break.

This includes physical factors that disrupt the metabolism: exposure to electromagnetic fields, vibration, noise, exposure to light. Cells, accumulated metabolic products and toxic substances, have a harmful effect on the body, which leads to an imbalance of physiological functions, the development of various diseases.

The first signs of tearing of the body are: fatigue, fatigue, irritability, headache often. Subsequently, slag formation occurs during the growth of an allergic reaction, fever, lesions of the mucous membrane and skin. In the future, if you cannot remove toxins, develop organ damage.

Watermelon will help remove toxins from the liver. Start buying watermelons should be in the period of their active ripening, but, in any case, not at the very beginning and end of this period. This is due to the fact that there is a very high probability of eating an immature, poisoned with antibiotics, watermelon.

It is necessary to eat these berries with black bread, instead of the usual intake of water. Watermelon activates urination, therefore, it is desirable to take a warm bath in the evening.

Salad from carrots and fresh beets has detoxifying properties. Carrots and beets are simply grated and mixed with sunflower oil. Thanks to this salad, the composition of blood is improved (