The recipe for chicken legs in breading. Crispy chicken legs in breading.

10.06.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Chicken legs in breading - a fairly simple, but tasty dish. You can cook it in a slow cooker, oven and on a conventional gas stove.

Chicken legs breaded with yogurt

This cooking method is simple but original. In this case, will marinate in yogurt. The dish turns out very tasty and juicy.

For cooking will need:

  • one bunch of parsley;
  • one lemon;
  • two glasses of yogurt, breadcrumbs;
  • a piece of butter (grams fifty);
  • six chicken legs;
  • salt.

  at home

  1. Initially, pour yogurt into a bowl.
  2. Then chop the garlic there.
  3. Then add parsley to the yoghurt. Stir the mixture thoroughly.
  4. After squeeze the juice from one lemon.
  5. Then salt the chicken legs.
  6. Then roll them in yogurt.
  7. Next, pour the breadcrumbs in a separate container, roll the chicken legs into them.
  8. Then take the baking pan, put the legs into it, put the butter, chopped into small pieces on top.
  9. Then cover the form with foil. Cooked chicken legs in breading in the oven for one hour. That's all the features of cooking such a meat dish.

Second recipe

Now we will tell you how you can make a delicious poultry dish in a multicooker. The food goes well with a variety of side dishes and vegetable salads.

To cook the breaded chicken legs require:

  • one egg;
  • tablespoon of ketchup;
  • six ;
  • 100 grams of grated peanuts;
  • three tablespoons of breadcrumbs and vegetable oil;
  • spices (choose to your taste);
  • salt (a pinch will be enough).

The process of cooking at home:

  1. Initially, you need to remove the skin from the legs.
  2. Then whisk the egg.
  3. After that add salt and ketchup to the same container. Stir the mixture.
  4. Now you need a plastic bag. In it mix spices, grated peanuts, and also breadcrumbs.
  5. After dipping the chicken legs first into the egg.
  6. Then put them in a bag with our dry mix, roll well.
  7. Turn on the multicooker, select the “Frying” mode for thirty minutes, pour in the oil. Fry chicken legs, turning occasionally, until golden brown. Bring to readiness, then close the lid. Let the dish stand a little. Then serve him on the table.

Chicken legs in breading in the oven. Recipe with photos

This recipe is quite interesting. Crunchy waffles are required to prepare the breading. It is this ingredient that makes habitual food extraordinary.

To cook such a fragrant meat dish, you will need:

  • two eggs (choose more);
  • butter (6 tablespoons);
  • one and a half cup of flour;
  • whole milk;
  • baking powder (pinch);
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt (about one and a half teaspoons - one for chicken, and half - in dough);
  • eight large chicken legs;
  • spices (to taste);
  • vegetable oil.

The cooking process is as follows. First preheat the oven to two hundred degrees. Next, prepare the dough for waffles. To do this, mix two chicken eggs, butter (six tablespoons), flour, whole milk (1.5 tbsp.), Baking powder, two tablespoons of granulated sugar. As a result, you should have a homogeneous mass. Turn on the waffle iron, sprinkle with oil. Then, using a scoop, pour the dough into a preheated waffle iron. Cook until crispy golden crust. Of all the ingredients you should have four waffles. Put the items aside, let them cool. After chopping them in a food processor to fine crumbs. Then put the resulting crumb on a large baking tray.

  1. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, then add vegetable oil.
  2. Sprinkle chicken legs with salt, pepper, and spices.
  3. Then roll them in the waffle breading. Then put the legs in the pan in the heated oil, fry for about fifteen minutes until a crispy brown crust.
  4. Then put the chicken legs on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about ten minutes. After the finished meat pour maple syrup.
  5. So prepared chicken legs in breading in the oven. It is best to serve this dish with potatoes. You can also make a light salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Small conclusion

Now you know how to cook delicious chicken legs in breading in an oven, a slow cooker. We hope that our recommendations will help you in the cooking process, and you will be able to please your family and friends with a fragrant, tasty poultry dish.

These chicken legs will look beautiful in the form of snacks on your holiday table. Very appetizing and beautiful legs with a delicious aroma. It is very convenient to serve such legs at children's parties, because children often eat with their hands, and they do not get too dirty with breadcrumbs.


  1. chicken legs - 24 pcs. (preferably small)
  2. breadcrumbs  - 1 tbsp.
  3. dry oregano or basil  - 2 tbsp.
  4. ground sweet paprika  - 1 tsp.
  5. ground hot red pepper  - 1/4 tsp.
  6. butter - 30 gr.
  7. salt and seasoning to taste

For the marinade:

  1. natural yoghurt  - 1 tbsp.
  2. lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  3. garlic - 4 tooth.
  4. pepper sauce - to taste
  5. ground red pepper  - 1/4 tsp.
Here you can change the number of servings, the ingredients will automatically change.

Cooking method:

Prepare the marinade. Peel and finely chop the garlic. In a large bowl, mix together yogurt, garlic, salt to taste, lemon juice, pepper sauce to taste, and pepper. Throw in the chicken legs and mix everything so that all the legs are evenly covered with marinade. Send them in the fridge for 6 hours, infuse.

In another deep bowl, mix the crackers, oregano or basil, mustard, hot pepper, paprika and salt. Shake the chicken legs from the marinade and dip each in the breading.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Grease a baking tray richly with butter or cover with a foil of a little buttered butter. Put on a baking sheet legs and bake until a beautiful golden color, about 35-40 minutes. If the legs are small, they will cook faster.

Chicken legs in marinade and breadcrumbs are ready! Serve them warm.

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken is very popular in world cooking. It is used to prepare various dishes in the kitchens of different nations. At the same time, delicious chicken drumsticks - baked in the oven or on the grill - can be considered the most common cooking options for this type of meat.


For cooking you will need:

Chicken drumstick - 12 pcs .;

Parsley - 1 bunch;

Vegetable oil - 100 ml;

Mayonnaise - 1 pack;

Garlic - 4 cloves;

Dill - 1 bunch;

Egg - 3 pcs .;

Wheat flour - 5 tbsp. l .;


Chicken preparation

Shins must be processed on an open fire. This will remove the remaining feathers. Then they are washed and wiped off with paper towels. To get breaded, it needs to be marinated. To do this, they roll skin on it and rub it with salt. So the bird should stand for half an hour. Then the meat is sprinkled with pepper and chopped garlic. Next, return the skin to its place and marinate for an hour.


In the next step, you need to prepare the batter. Therefore, carefully beat the eggs with a small amount of pepper and salt. Then roll down each shank in flour, then place it in batter and then in breadcrumbs.

They put a frying pan on the fire and heat it well. The next moment they pour vegetable oil on it and also let it heat up. This is necessary so that the chicken drumstick does not stick to the metal in the pan. It is with this heat and should fry chicken. In this case, the dish is not brought to readiness, but only create a ruddy crust with breading.

Then the meat is placed on a baking sheet, which is placed in an oven heated to 200 degrees. There chicken leg in breading should be twenty minutes. The bird is taken out of the oven and spread on plates. If the meat is not cooked to the end, then it can be returned back to the oven, which in the process of cooling will have sufficient temperature to give the dish full readiness.

Usually in the photo it is not clear which sauce is used. However, in this cooking variant, it is best to make a special dressing, which will give the dish a special taste.

To create it, you must first chop all the greens (dill, parsley and cilantro). Next you need to crush a garlic clove with a knife and chop it. Then all these components are mixed with mayonnaise and let it brew for half an hour. So all components will unite among themselves, creating the real harmony of taste.

Breaded chicken drumstick is served on a large platter with cooked gravy. As a side dish, you can use baked vegetables or boiled rice. Such meat is also well combined with potatoes or various kinds of mashed potatoes. You can serve dry red wine or spirits to it. As non-alcoholic cocktails, you can use a mixture of different juices or tea. Serve shins to the table can be both hot and cold. However, it is necessary to take into account that, depending on the temperature of the dish, its taste may be different.

Many housewives prefer to stock up on meat in advance, and then get out of the freezer and cook something delicious. Suppose you suddenly jumped girlfriends and you do not know what to treat them. In this case, take out the chicken legs and cook from them a beautiful and tasty dish - breaded chicken drumsticks. Since the chicken meat is tender, it does not need marinade, just roll it in breading, put it in the oven and enjoy the conversation while the food is being cooked.

Chicken drumsticks with a crust in breadcrumbs

This incredibly simple recipe will give the legs juiciness and create a crisp. Wash the chicken legs, roll them in breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, put on a baking sheet, greased with plenty of vegetable or butter. Put in a well-heated oven and cook until the blood stops. To check the readiness, meat is pierced with a fork.

If you want to get crisp on all sides, lay the legs on the grill, which is located above the baking sheet. Drain fat can be used as a gravy or for cooking other dishes.

Chicken drumsticks breaded with sesame

This exquisite dish is perfect as a snack or a second. But it will take more time to prepare it than for the previous version. Take 3 oranges, wash them and cut each into 4 pieces. Squeeze the juice from all parts into a deep bowl. Put the chicken legs there, sprinkle with salt and chopped black pepper. Make sure the legs float in the juice. Marinate for 3 hours, stirring occasionally.

Chicken drumsticks rolled in flour and spices

To make the breading mix the flour with salt, ground black pepper, dried garlic, ground coriander and paprika. The proportions are as follows: 40% flour and 60% spices.

  1. Legs in Indian. Mix the flour with curry and salt. Before you salt, read the composition on the package with seasoning. It may already contain salt. Then it is not necessary to use it additionally.
  2. Hungarian legs. Mix flour with paprika and salt, you can add a dry mixture of sweet peppers.
  3. Georgian legs. Mix flour with seasoning hops-suneli and salt.
  4. The legs are Mediterranean. Mix flour with Provencal herbs and salt.
  5. Sharp legs. Mix flour with dried and ground chili pepper and salt.

After breading, place the chicken drumsticks in a greased and preheated oven. Cook until the juice is clear.

Chicken leg breaded tempura

Have you ever been to KFC? If so, then surely you know the incredible taste of very crispy chicken meat, completely boned in breading. Cook and you are very crispy chicken legs. If you want to make them hot, add cayenne pepper.

Wash chicken drumsticks and dry them with a paper towel, sprinkle with salt, black pepper and any seasoning. Suitable dried basil, turmeric, Provencal herbs, paprika or thyme. Ordinary salt can be replaced by Adyghe, which already includes dried garlic and other spices. Now you need to roll the legs in three breading. To do this, pour flour into one container, eggs whipped with water into the second one, and tempura breading into the third one.

Immediately prepare a tray where you will lay out the legs. Take each drumstick and roll in flour first (shake off excess), then fully dip in a beaten egg and then tempura breading. In the last container roll down so that there are no wet areas on the shins.

It is preferable to cook the legs in breaded tempura in deep fat. To understand the degree of hot oil, you need to put bread in it. If bubbles begin to appear next to it, this means that the oil has become hot to the desired temperature. Throw out the bread and put legs instead. Also, the shins of the tempura can be cooked on a grill or campfire.

Breading keeps the juice inside the meat and gives it a new taste. You can use wheat, rice, cornmeal flour or a mixture of them to make them taste good and delicate. Even as breading they use finely chopped nuts, oatmeal and buckwheat flakes, semolina, grated cheese or chips, ground to a crumb. Various breading will allow you to open all new sides of taste.

We offer to cook extremely tasty chicken legs in crispy breading. To add piquancy to the legs, we will not only bread in bread crumbs, but with the addition of crushed peanuts. This breading allows you to make the crust crisp and with a slight nutty flavor. Cook crunchy legs and treat your loved ones. They will definitely appreciate your culinary skills!

For the preparation of crispy chicken legs in breading will require:

  • chicken legs - 6 pcs.
  • egg - 1-2 pcs.
  • bread crumbs - 85 g
  • crushed peanuts - 85 g
  • ketchup - 25 g
  • spices for chicken, salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil

Chicken legs in breading - recipe with photos:

Wash chicken drumsticks and completely remove the skin from them. Then, sprinkled with salt and pepper, leave to stand for 20 minutes on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Together with ketchup, shake the egg until homogeneous with a fork. Season with a pinch of salt.

We combine breadcrumbs with chopped peanuts and spices for chicken meat. Thoroughly mix the breading mixture, which will make our chicken legs crispy.

Take the legs and dip in a mixture of eggs with ketchup.

Then we roll wet soaked shins in a breading mixture. In order for the breading to be well fixed on the legs, the legs must literally be “pressed” into it.

Breaded drumsticks are fried in a pan until crispy. The purpose of roasting is a crust, therefore we fry over medium heat without covering with a lid. Pour in oil so that the legs are covered with it to the middle. We take out the crispy chicken legs and put them on paper napkins to remove excess vegetable oil. At this stage, the legs inside remain damp, so we spread them on a baking sheet and send them in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Serve chicken legs in crispy breading hot, complementing fried or baked potatoes. Spicy tomato sauce and fresh vegetables will also be a great addition to this dish.