Pita bread is a Georgian recipe in the oven. Georgian pita bread. Recipe

23.05.2019 Snacks

Pita bread is very popular in many eastern countries. Today we are cooking classic Georgian pita bread. The recipe is very simple and tasty. This pita is eaten quickly, so you can immediately knead several servings.

Pita bread can be eaten instead of the usual bread, pita bread is especially tasty in combination with milk. If you do not have a special tona oven for baking lavash, then you can bake it in the oven - it turns out to be very tasty too.

Ingredients for Lavash

350 g of flour
40 ml. water
32 g. Fresh yeast
1 teaspoon salt

Cooking pita bread

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add a little flour and sugar and let them stand for about an hour to come.

Sift flour, mix with salt and mix with yeast. Knead homogeneous dough.

Knead the dough well, cover with a kitchen towel and leave to rest for 20-30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 220 degrees, sprinkle baking flour.

Roll out thin dough out of dough and bake for about 30 minutes.

Sprinkle the ready hot pita bread with water and wrap it in a linen towel so that it sweats a little and remains soft.

Enjoy your meal!


The main varieties of lavash are Armenian, thin lavash and Georgian. Today we will talk a little about Georgian pita bread. This is the most popular type of bread among the peoples of the Caucasus. Georgian pita turns out to be more lush and thick, it has a fragrant crumb.

Each nation has its own special oven. So, Georgian lavash is baked in the oven, which is called "tane". It is a large clay pot, lined with brick and located at an angle of about 30 degrees to the vertical. Tone is melted with sawdust and the flame is constantly maintained in the baking process.

Lavash sculpted from dough is placed on the back wall of the tonne and baked for 10 minutes. so that the crust of lavash is appetizingly crispy, it is constantly sprinkled with water. Pita bread is usually eaten fresh. And hot pita baked in a real tonne is just delicious!

Georgian lavash can be baked with a filling - naprmer with meat or cheese. Also, the dough for pita can be used as a basis for pizza, but it should not be too hard. Pita bread is especially tasty in combination with homemade milk.

Pita bread or Georgian is a very tasty kind of bread. Our family loves all kinds of cakes, pita bread. With the readers of Alimero, I already shared a recipe for fine pita bread, which is convenient to wrap something. Today I offer you a variant of thick, soft and crispy Georgian bread.

In my town, about two years ago, small bakery stalls opened where a real tandoor oven was installed. The flavor around the bakery is incredible. Coming closer, you can see a huge dough mixer and oven. Lavash, shoti, lavash with egg, khachapuri, achmu and many other things are baked there. Resist the temptation and not buy shoti I could only a few times.

So I decided that I could repeat such bread at home. The result did not disappoint me at all. Pita such was eaten with pleasure and very quickly. The main thing is to take a picture.

To prepare 1 large pita you will need:

    1 tsp dry yeast

    2 tsp sugar

    2 tsp salt

    140 g of warm water

    1 tbsp. vegetable oil

Preparation time:  15 minutes. Waiting time:  2 hours.

Put salt and sugar into the sifted flour.

In warm water we part honey.

In a glass with diluted honey add yeast.

All mix, let stand 10 minutes.

Introduce gluten into flour and mix.

Pour honey-yeast water into the flour and knead the smooth dough. Let stand 1 hour.

Without using a rolling pin, stretch the dough all over the pan. Cover it with cling film, let it rise for about 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Preparing the ice. We send a baking sheet with pita bread in the oven, pour 5-6 ice cubes on the bottom pan and close the door very quickly. Bake until golden brown about 10 -15 minutes.

Crispy outside, soft inside pita ready!

Armenian lavash is a universal type of bread. It is baked in the form of cakes, and in the form of a thin sheet. The second option is loved by many housewives, because from it you can make snacks and rolls with various fillings. Such a dish will easily become an element of a festive feast. When making a composition for a buffet table, thin pita bread is irreplaceable. And the daily meal will be very well complemented by a roll, albeit with the simplest filling.

To make pita bread at home requires a minimum of food. There are only three of them: flour, salt and water. A pleasant circumstance is the absence of yeast in the composition, which means that you can eat such bread and not be afraid for your figure. In the Caucasus, a special oven is used to bake pita bread, but in the oven you can bake its analogue, which is not inferior to the taste of real Armenian bread. It should be remembered that before you start baking pita at home, you must give the kneaded dough to infuse, then it will be much more elastic. As a form, you can use a baking sheet or a frying pan with a non-stick coating of large diameter.

Cooking thin pita at home

Pour a glass of hot water into any convenient container, add salt to it to taste and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour three glasses of flour into a large cup, and at the peak reproduce a small crater. Pour water in small portions, simultaneously stirring the resulting mass. You need to knead until it is free to fall behind the hands. Cover the resulting dough with a cotton towel and leave it for 30-40 minutes. After that, we pinch off a piece with a small fist from the total mass, roll it into a thin plate. Put it on the pan. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, immediately turn over with a fork to the other side. When the pita is ready, you need to sprinkle it with water and cover with a towel.

Cooking thick pita bread

To prepare a thick pita bread at home, you will need the same products, but with the addition of yeast. In a separate container, hot water is mixed with yeast and salt. This mixture is then added to the flour and the yeast dough is kneaded, and then left to rise (45-60 minutes). Next, it should be divided into pieces, which form the cakes - they also need to be allowed to lie down for 20 minutes. Bake in the oven for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Obviously, cooking pita bread at home does not take a lot of time and money. Of course, delicious bread does not linger long in any family. But still try to smear a thin pita with mayonnaise, put the fish or any other stuffing, sprinkle with chopped greens, roll into a roll and cut into slices. From thin pita can be cooked delicious shawarma.

Cooked lavash at home after cooling completely shift in a plastic bag. It is stored for about a week, if earlier it was not eaten for some reason.

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How to bake a thick pita bread at home video recipe - step by step

Below you will find a step-by-step video recipe that will help you with cooking.

Connoisseurs of pilaf and other meat dishes of Asian cuisine know that they need to be eaten only with special bread in order to fully comprehend the taste. The Uzbek lavash is best in harmony with them - round, like the sun, ruddy cakes with a characteristic depression, which are usually cooked on a unique leaven. To make them truly tasty, they are baked on the inner walls of a special clay oven, without which, however, it is quite possible to do.

The recipe of this popular bread is very diverse. But in any case, a special yeast culture is used. With its help, every local mistress knows how to make Uzbek pita bread so that it is fragrant, soft and not stale.

The process of making pita bread according to the recipe, which local bakers adhere to, takes many hours and involves a multi-stage kneading of dough for meat broth.

Obi-non and Patyr: Uzbek lavash at home

These two funny words denote different sorts of traditional bread of the people of Uzbekistan. The first of them, “obi-non”, is translated as “Uzbek bread”. The traveler, who went on a long journey, was given goodbye to bite Obi-non, which was certainly cooked in a clay oven. The rest of the cakes he had to finish when his wanderings returned.

Patyr is another type of Uzbek lavash. In its yeast dough put the fat of sheep or butter, so baking longer remained fresh. We prepared two simple recipes for Uzbek bread at home.

Uzbek pita bread: a recipe in the oven

We offer a detailed recipe for pita bread step by step, so that it is clear not only in what sequence to combine the products, but also how to form, and most importantly - how to bake cakes, so that they are tasty and airy.


  • Flour I grade - about 500 g;
  • Salt and sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • A mixture of water and kefir (proportion 50x50) - 360 g;
  • White sesame - 1-2 tsp.

How to cook Uzbek pita bread

To make the breads fluffy and soft, you need a lot of steam in the oven. To do this, in a very hot, deep baking sheet or deco, after placing the cakes in the oven, pour a glass of boiling water and close the door immediately. After 5 minutes, the remaining water will need to be removed, and the steam will be released by opening the door.

Finished tortillas must be cooled, folded one on top of the other, and then carefully covered to soften the crust. Lovers of pleasant crisps can not do that.

  • If there is no first-class flour on the farm, it can be replaced with top-grade product, slightly “diluting” it with whole-grain flour.
  • The kneading water may need a little more - if the dough turns out to be too tight.

Uzbek pita bread with milk


  •   - half a kilo + -
  •   - 2 tsp. + -
  • 170 g (half a cup)+ -
  • 170 g (half a cup)+ -
  •   - 2 tbsp. + -
  •   - 1 PC. + -
  • 1/3 tsp or to taste+ -
  • Sesame seed - 1-2 tsp. + -

How to get Uzbek pita bread in the oven

  1. Sifting flour (for the pomp of the dough), mix it with yeast, add some salt.
  2. Then - the turn of water and milk. They can be pre-mixed or added separately.
  3. The finished dough should come up. For this purpose, we place it in a container, smearing it with oil, and send it to heat for 1 hour.

When the lump of dough "grows up", add a little more oil to it, knead it well, and let it bask again in heat for a quarter of an hour. Then it will remain to form bread products, as in the first case, pierce the middle with a fork in several places, smear the entire surface with an egg and decorate with sesame. And then - in the oven to pita bread and turn up.

On flat cakes, which we prepare according to one of the recipes, you can cook a pizza in the microwave oven very quickly.


  • Pita bread - 1 pc .;
  • Cooked sausage or chicken (flesh) - 300 g;
  • Tomato - 2-3 pieces;
  • Ketchup - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • Onion - 1 pc .;
  • Hard cheese - 200 g;
  • Provencal herbs (dry) - pinch.

It is a universal type of bread. It is baked in the form of cakes, and in the form of a thin sheet. The second option is loved by many housewives, because from it you can make snacks and rolls with various fillings. Such a dish will easily become an element of a festive feast. When making a composition for a buffet table, thin pita bread is irreplaceable. And the daily meal will be very well complemented by a roll, albeit with the simplest filling.

Required Products

To make pita bread at home requires a minimum of food. There are only three of them: flour, salt and water. A pleasant circumstance is the absence of yeast in the composition, which means that you can eat such bread and not be afraid for your figure. In the Caucasus, a special oven is used to bake pita bread, but in the oven you can bake its analogue, which is not inferior to the taste of real Armenian bread. It should be remembered that before you start baking pita at home, you must give the kneaded dough to infuse, then it will be much more elastic. As a form, you can use a baking sheet or a frying pan with a non-stick coating of large diameter.

Cooking thin pita at home

Pour a glass of hot water into any convenient container, add salt to it to taste and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour three glasses of flour into a large cup, and at the peak reproduce a small crater. Pour water in small portions, simultaneously stirring the resulting mass. You need to knead until it is free to fall behind the hands. Cover the resulting dough with a cotton towel and leave it for 30-40 minutes. After that, we pinch off a piece with a small fist from the total mass, roll it into a thin plate. Put it on the pan. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, immediately turn over with a fork to the other side. When the pita is ready, you need to sprinkle it with water and cover with a towel.

Cooking thick pita bread

To prepare a thick pita bread at home, you will need the same products, but with the addition of yeast. In a separate container, hot water is mixed with yeast and salt. This mixture is then added to the flour and the yeast dough is kneaded, and then left to rise (45-60 minutes). Next, it should be divided into pieces, which form the cakes - they also need to be allowed to lie down for 20 minutes. Bake in the oven for 2-3 minutes on each side.

What to do with pita bread?

Obviously, cooking pita bread at home does not take a lot of time and money. Of course, delicious bread does not linger long in any family. But still try to smear a thin pita with mayonnaise, put the fish or any other stuffing, sprinkle with chopped greens, roll into a roll and cut into slices. From thin pita can be cooked delicious shawarma.

How to store?

Cooked lavash at home after cooling completely shift in a plastic bag. It is stored for about a week, if earlier it was not eaten for some reason.