Where to use sun-dried tomatoes from Italy recipes. Sun-dried tomatoes: what to eat with, where can I add them? How to make sun-dried tomatoes in oil

21.05.2019 Healthy eating

Tomatoes can also be dried for the winter (if they are available), since the dried tomatoes are stored much longer, or eat almost immediately. We have the hottest harvesting season at the beginning of autumn, but, for example, it is customary to cook sun-dried tomatoes in Italy in the summer. Sun-dried tomato recipes at home are very popular in Mediterranean cuisine. Anyone who has been on holiday in those parts has undoubtedly tasted this original tomato dish and, possibly, brought along a recipe for its preparation.

What do dried tomatoes eat with? Where to add them? The simplest option for using such dried tomatoes is a regular sandwich, that is, a tomato is placed on a piece of bread with butter or soft cheese. However, this is a simple but not the only way to use tomatoes.

Sun-dried tomatoes cooked in the oven or microwave can be added to salads, pizza, sauces, as well as served with meatballs, fish, pork, etc. During cooking, most of the moisture should be evaporated from the tomato, therefore, in order to speed up this process, it is better to select tomato varieties that are as fleshy and not juicy as possible. Various harvestings of tomatoes in the winter not only add variety to our menu, but also contribute to the removal of cholesterol from the body. It is clear that in canned tomatoes, as well as in other harvestings, the amount of nutrients is less than in fresh vegetables and fruits, but they certainly are.



1. We wash vegetables under running water.

2. Then wipe dry with a napkin or towel.

3. We cut each tomato into four parts or in half (depending on grade and size).

5. A teaspoon we clean from the middle of the seeds with pulp, leave only the walls and the shell.

6. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper or grease with oil.

7. We spread the tomato quarters over the entire surface of the baking sheet, cut pieces up.

8. Then add all the pieces, sprinkle with dry herbs and pour oil.

9. Place the prepared tomatoes in an oven preheated to 120 ° C for 4-5 hours.

10. As the tomatoes are dried, we make sure that they do not dry out, if necessary, turn the pan 180 ° clockwise. This is necessary so that the vegetables are dried evenly.

11. After the tomatoes have dried, take them out. At the bottom of a sterilized 500-gram jar, put a sprig of basil, pour a little oil.

12. Spread the tomato layer, sprinkle it with herbs, spread on top of a few chopped garlic cloves.

13. Thus, fill the entire jar with layers, fill with oil, close the lid.

14. We place in the refrigerator for storage.

After a few days, sun-dried tomatoes will infuse, soak in the scents of herbs and will be ready to eat.

Sun-dried tomatoes - a product that has been used in cooking not so long ago, but is already quite popular. Do not believe it, but you can sack tomatoes at home, which means you will be sure of their naturalness and quality. Want to try it? Come with us! Join now!

What tomatoes can be dried?

To get delicious dried tomatoes, it’s not enough to buy a couple of kilograms and immediately get down to business. To do this, you also need to know which varieties / types / sizes / colors are suitable. That is why you must read this article and only then go shopping.

The very first sign of a suitable tomato is the level of ripeness. Choose those that are already well ripe. Medium-sized meaty tomatoes with a dense skin are ideal for drying. If you can take those that are grown in direct sunlight, give them preference. Tomatoes born in a greenhouse do not smell as bright as "street" ones. If you choose a variety, then let it be plum - cream / cherry or just those that are similar in size to these varieties.

To dry the tomatoes faster, do not take the overripe ones, because they have more juice and, accordingly, they will need more time to dry. Take hard fruits, with a smooth skin and no damage.

It is also worth noting and remembering that out of 20 kilograms of fresh tomato, only 2 kilograms of dried ones will come out.

Oven-Cured Tomatoes Recipe

How to dry tomatoes in the oven:

Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 5 grams of provencal herbs;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 tomatoes;
  • 2 grams of sea salt.

Cooking time is 30 minutes.

Calories in 100 grams - 41 cal.

Cooking Tomatoes:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits;
  2. Cut each tomato into four parts, pulling out the membranes, seeds and juice;
  3. Put the fruits on a dish that fits in the microwave;
  4. Combine herbs with salt and mix;
  5. Sprinkle tomatoes with the dry collection;
  6. Put the tomatoes in the microwave at high power for five minutes;
  7. At the end of time, get the tomatoes and cool, draining the excess juice (if it formed);
  8. Refrigerate the tomatoes for another five minutes;
  9. Remove and cool the tomatoes, drain their juice, and then again send for five minutes for the last time;
  10. Remove the peel from the garlic and cut into slices;
  11. After the third time, lay the cooled fruit in a pre-washed jar, alternating layers of tomatoes with a garlic layer. Fill with oil and store in a cool place.

Sun-dried vegetables at home in an electric dryer

  • 4 kg ripe tomatoes;
  • 15 grams of sea salt;
  • 10 grams of provencal herbs;
  • 1.5 heads of garlic;
  • 250 ml of olive oil.

Drying time - 10 hours.

Calories in 100 grams - 233 calories.

How to dry tomatoes:

  1. Wash and cut the tomatoes in half;
  2. Cut out the core and pull out the middle with a spoon (membrane / juice / bone);
  3. Lay the fruits flat side down on paper towels for fifteen minutes;
  4. Close the dryer with a lid, not yet inserting the pallets and warm for five minutes;
  5. Put the fruits on four pallets with the flat sides up;
  6. Salt all the tomatoes and sprinkle them with herbs;
  7. Put the pallets in the dryer one on top of the other and put 70 degrees;
  8. Indicate the timer for nine hours and close the drying lid;
  9. For nine hours, change the pallets. Approximately every two hours;
  10. Peel and chop the garlic;
  11. Heat a pan with all the butter and add garlic. Bring to a boil and remove.
  12. Pour oil on the bottom of the sterilized jar (s), and then lay out a layer of tomatoes and garlic. Then again, tomatoes - garlic. Alternate to the top.
  13. Let it brew for at least three hours and you can eat.

How to make sun-dried tomatoes in oil

  • 1500 grams of tomatoes;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 grams of dry ground rosemary;
  • 3 leaves of laurel;
  • 10 grams of provencal herbs.

Cooking time - 3 hours.

Calories per 100 grams - 213 calories.

How to wilt tomatoes in oil at home:

  1. Rinse and dry the tomatoes. Cut them into medium pieces;
  2. Put the fruits on a baking sheet, as we will dry in the oven;
  3. Salt all the tomatoes;
  4. Preheat the oven at 150 degrees;
  5. Place the baking tray with tomatoes in the oven for three hours;
  6. Turn off the oven, leave the tomatoes inside;
  7. Peel and chop the garlic;
  8. Put the tomatoes in washed jars, alternating them with garlic, bay leaf and herbs;
  9. Heat the oil until almost boiling and pour the tomatoes;
  10. Wrap the jars until cool, store for several months.

How to cook dried vegetables according to the recipe of Julia Vysotskaya

  • 10 medium sized tomatoes;
  • 50 ml of olive oil;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 5-10 grams of salt.

Cooking time - 6 hours and 30 minutes.

Calorie content of the product - 154 calories.

How to cook tomatoes in oil:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into halves, washing them first;
  2. Pull out the middle with a spoon and cut out the cores;
  3. Preheat the oven at 40 degrees;
  4. Put tomatoes on a baking sheet and salt;
  5. Put the baking tray with tomatoes in the oven until they wither (about six hours);
  6. There must be a grid above the pan;
  7. Pull out the finished fruits and cool;
  8. Remove garlic from peel and cut into plates;
  9. Sprigs of rosemary cut into two parts;
  10. In a pre-washed jar, pour a small amount of oil on the bottom, and then spread a layer of tomatoes - half a sprig of rosemary and a few plates of garlic;
  11. Alternate layers to the very top, and then fill with oil;
  12. Remove insist on at least two weeks.

How to harvest cherry tomatoes

  • 800 grams of cherry;
  • 400 ml of olive oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 grams of provencal herbs;
  • 15 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 15 grams of salt.

Cooking time is 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Calories - 228 calories.

How to wilt cherry:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes well and dry them;
  2. Cut the cherry into halves;
  3. Pull seeds, juice and core out from each half;
  4. Cherry tomatoes tightly put on a sheet of the oven, covering it with baking paper;
  5. Sugar, salt and herbs to combine and sprinkle with a mixture of tomatoes;
  6. Preheat the oven at 95 degrees and dry the cherry for four hours;
  7. Cool the finished fruit;
  8. Remove garlic from peel, cut into plates;
  9. At the bottom of a pre-sterilized jar, pour a little oil, put the tomatoes and alternate them with garlic;
  10. At the end, pour the tomatoes with garlic butter to the very top;
  11. Store cans of cherry in the refrigerator.

  - an incredibly delicious dessert, which you can cook by experimenting by creating new taste duets. Try to cook this treat.

Recipe with a photo of a delicious rich soup with champignons - prepare.

Incredibly delicious hot sandwiches with sprats in the oven.

What to eat and where to add sun-dried tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes - a product that is considered piquant and is increasingly added to dishes. Where can they be added, what are they with and how will it be tastier?

Sun-dried tomatoes have long been a classic addition to a variety of salads and toppings for pizza. But, besides this, felt tomatoes can be eaten just like that, for example, on a bruschetta. What it is?

This is bread, but most often a piece of baguette dried in a pan is grilled. On it lay any filling and serve as a snack. In the classic version, cheese, greens are given to tomatoes, and the bruschetta itself is smeared with sauce or simply sprinkled with olive oil.

Such tomatoes, including, can be added to baking. They just need to be crushed and can be added to bread, rolls, muffins and so on.

Different types of pasta can also be varied with dried tomatoes. They can also be added to sauces, dressings or served with meat / fish.

How to store vegetables at home

Some say that sun-dried tomatoes can only be stored in the refrigerator or in another cold place. Others shout that they can be safely stored at room temperature. How is it more correct or where is it better to store sun-dried tomatoes?

When cooking tomatoes, pull out moist centers (juice / seeds). So tomatoes dry better and can stand longer at high temperatures.

Tomatoes need to be dried well so that the center does not remain wet. When pouring into jars, use hot oil, fresh from the pan / saucepan. It’s even better to fill it in hot, just sterilized jars. Spin immediately into the blanket.

The best way to dry tomatoes is the sun. This is a natural method that knows exactly how tomatoes should dry. Having dried tomatoes in the sun, you can store jars at room temperature longer. But it is also worth considering that such drying is the longest.

Sun-dried tomatoes can be prepared in many ways. They are tasty and you can add them to almost all dishes, diversifying your diet. It’s not at all difficult to cook such a treat, given several rules.

Such tomatoes will appeal not only to you, but also to your family and friends. Try to cook each recipe and find the way that suits you the most. Good luck and bon appetit!

Italians use dried tomatoes in many dishes. These tomatoes give them a unique taste and aroma. Sun-dried tomatoes can now be purchased at the store, or you can make them yourself at home. And it’s not very difficult, as it might seem at first.

  Making sun-dried tomatoes

  There are several ways to cook sun-dried tomatoes: dry them in the air, in the microwave or in the oven. Also, they can simply be dried and stored in this form, or you can add oil to them and so they will be stored longer. Consider several options for their preparation.

The first option is to dry the tomatoes in the fresh air. This is a classic way in which sunlight and an air temperature of at least 32-34 degrees are required.

You need to choose the right tomatoes. It is best to choose a cherry cream tomato variety for cooking. They should be ripe, without cracks and stains, small (100-150 grams) and preferably grown at home. It should also be remembered that from 15-20 kg of fresh tomatoes, you can get 1-2 kg of dried tomatoes.

To cook them you will need, of course, tomatoes, salt, baking paper and utensils for drying.

First of all, you need to wash the tomatoes in cold water. Then cut them in half and pull out all the seeds, partitions and stalks with a teaspoon. The bottom of the dishes prepared for felting should be covered with parchment paper and put the tomatoes there with slices to the top. Salt the halves, cover with gauze and expose to the sun.

With the arrival of the evening it is better to clean them in a warm place. Tomato is dried until all moisture is removed from them. It may take 8-9 days, provided that the air temperature is more than 32 degrees. A sure sign that the tomatoes are ready is a whitish cut.

But in our latitudes such weather does not last long, so the drying process can be carried out in the microwave or in the oven. Consider cooking sun-dried tomatoes in oil using a microwave oven.

For their preparation you will need tomatoes, garlic, salt, olive oil and a mixture of spices. Standard tomato preparation (cut in half, take out the core with a spoon). The resulting halves should be laid out on a plane with a slit up, then add spices and pour oil so that they are covered to the middle. Turn on the microwave for a maximum of 5-6 minutes, and then another 10 minutes already with less power.

Over time, drain the resulting juice and salt the tomatoes. Take a jar and lay the tomatoes in layers. Between them we put the garlic, passed through the garlic. Pour the resulting juice with oil. If it is not enough, then add olive oil.

It should be said that they are devoid of moisture, but they do not lose the beneficial properties of fresh vegetables. They still contain vitamins (C, PP, B), minerals (Mg, K, F, Ca), dietary fiber. At the same time, they are much more caloric than fresh ones - 13 times.

What dried tomatoes eat

Dried tomatoes are a unique product that is suitable for preparing snacks and more multi-component dishes. Often, the knowledge of many housewives is enough only to add these tomatoes, as a seasoning to the main ingredients. But there are a few secrets, the knowledge of which will help expand the range of culinary opportunities:

1. To return the dried state to the dried state, they can be poured for several hours with water in a 1: 1 ratio. They absorb moisture, get the same look, and the core becomes soft. But the taste and aroma of spices will remain, like dried tomatoes: richly sweet. Only excess salt will go away.

2. There is also an accelerated way to return a dried tomato to its original state. Here you need a tablespoon of bite, which must be added to a liter of water, bringing it to a boil. When the water boils, you can put dried tomatoes in it and hold them there for 2 minutes. Tomatoes will become soft, but retain their density. If you do not add vinegar, then tomatoes need to be cooked for 3-4 minutes.

3. Dried tomatoes can also be chopped and added together with other seasonings to various dishes: salad dressing, pastries, soups, omelettes and much more.

You can also make pickled dried tomatoes yourself, and they will be much tastier than the store ones. To make them, you need to put them in a container, which can then be closed with a lid, sprinkle them with a mixture of dried herbs, put a couple of peas of pepper and a few pre-baked garlic cloves. All this needs to be poured with warmed olive oil so that it completely covers the dried vegetables. Close the lid and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Sun-dried tomatoes can also be an independent dish - an appetizer. For example, sun-dried tomatoes in butter and cheese are classics of Italian cuisine. They are prepared as follows: on a slice of dried vegetable, a leaf of fresh basil is placed, then a slice of goat or cow cheese of hard varieties, and then again a slice of tomato. Such "pyramids" need to be put in a jar and pour warmed olive oil. They should be marinated for about a day.

From dried tomatoes you can cook a huge number of delicious and at the same time simple dishes. Consider a few classic and well-known recipes.

1. Sandwiches with dried tomatoes. To prepare them, you need 1 baguette, ½ tbsp. Dried tomatoes pickled in oil, 5 fresh medium-sized tomatoes, 200 grams of hard cheese, 4 tbsp. l olive oil, 3 garlic cloves, basil, 1 tbsp. l balsamic vinegar, salt and ground pepper. Place the baguette slices (slices 3 cm thick) in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

Stir the sun-dried tomatoes with finely chopped fresh tomatoes, squeeze the garlic, add chopped basil, butter and grated cheese. Arrange the resulting mixture into slices of baguette and put in the oven for another 5 minutes, so that the cheese melts. They can be eaten both hot and cold - they will be equally tasty.

2. You can make pesto sauce from them. To do this, stock up on one large tomato, 100-150 grams of dried, 50 grams of cheese and nuts (you can take cedar, almonds, walnuts), 5 tbsp. l olive oil, a clove of garlic and a pinch of fresh basil leaves and ground paprika. Mix all components (except butter and grated cheese) in a blender until puree, and then add olive oil and cheese gradually. The sauce is ready.

3.. To do this, you need ½ kg of pasta "feathers", 1 tbsp. sun-dried tomatoes and 1 tbsp. cream, ½ kg chicken fillet, fresh basil, 2 bell peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l olive oil, a little ground chili. Fry the diced chicken and add the chopped garlic.

While roasting meat, peel the core, cut into strips and bake in the oven (then it will need to be finely chopped), and grind the sun-dried tomatoes with a blender. When the chicken is fried, add pepper, mashed jerky tomatoes, chopped basil, chili pepper and curl it all with cream. Simmer for half an hour under a lid over low heat until thickened. Boil the pasta until half ready, drain the water and arrange it on plates, and top with hot sauce.

4. A simple salad for dinner with dried tomatoes. It will require 4 dried tomatoes in oil, 10 green olives, half a red onion, 40 grams of Mozzarella cheese, 2 tbsp. l olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, a sprig of basil, salt, peppercorns, lettuce.

We cut the cheese into cubes, cut the dried tomatoes lengthwise into strips, cut the olives into 4 parts, and the onion into rings. Then lay the lettuce leaves, previously torn by hand, at the bottom of the dish. We put tomatoes in strips on them, then olives and onion rings. Complete all cheese cubes. Fill with dressing.

For it, you need to mix oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and chopped basil leaves. Beat a little. Salad ready.

In addition to the above recipes using dried tomatoes, there are still a huge variety of possible dishes. For example, tomatoes in oil can be used for salads and even marmalade, and crushed dried tomatoes can be added when baking bread. Sun-dried tomatoes are stored for a year, so they can be safely harvested in the summer to enjoy their taste in the winter.

Sun-dried tomatoes are something unimaginable: unprepossessing at first glance, they perfectly retain the concentrated taste and aroma of summer tomatoes, simultaneously acquiring new, unexpected and slightly spicy notes. In Italy, whose San Marzano tomatoes are considered perhaps the best in the world, tomatoes are dried in the summer, under the scorching Mediterranean sun. However, in the absence of the Mediterranean sun, the most ordinary oven can come to the rescue - well, sun-dried tomatoes, which will be stored without problems for at least a year, can be used in dozens of ways: add to bread, salads, pasta, sauces, and just eat as delicious a snack, remembering the summer.

Sun-dried tomatoes

Wash the tomatoes properly and cut each one along. You can remove the seeds and all the liquid so that the tomatoes will crawl faster and more evenly, but I decided not to do this in order to maintain the maximum flavor of the summer tomatoes (however, the place where the tomato is attached to the branch, and the white flesh around it is better anyway delete). Cover a large baking sheet with foil or (even better) parchment, and spread the tomatoes upside down so that they do not touch each other. Now let's decide on the temperature regime under which we will dry the tomatoes: it depends on the capabilities of your oven and your free time.

Here are a few options - choose which one you like best:

  • Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and let the tomatoes dry for 3-4 hours.
  • Preheat the oven to 50 degrees and let the tomatoes dry for 16-20 hours.
  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, put a baking sheet with tomatoes in it, turn off the oven and leave for 8 hours.

I draw your attention to the fact that the time indicated above is a guideline, and you need to determine readiness by the appearance of tomatoes. If the tomatoes are wrinkled, get a darker shade, and the moisture has "gone" - then they are ready. In order not to miss this moment, I recommend that you periodically look into the oven, and turn over the pan for some time before the end, so that all the tomatoes are evenly cooked.

Now a few words about storing dried tomatoes. Traditionally, tomatoes are placed in a jar and poured with olive oil. You can add a little finely chopped garlic, dried herbs, spicy, salt, pepper and other spices to the oil so that the sun-dried tomatoes gradually acquire an additional dimension of taste and aroma during storage. On the other hand, it’s easier to do this: put the tomatoes in a container with a lid (or the same jar) and close them tightly: they are also well stored, and, importantly, retain their original taste.

Sun-dried can be found in the menu of many Italian restaurants. They are an integral part of the diet of Mediterranean cuisine. Buying a product from Italy in stores is unprofitable for financial reasons, but you always want to try the taste of excellence in Italian cuisine. Therefore, you need to learn how to cook such a dish yourself. In this article we will talk about how to dry tomatoes, what to eat dried tomatoes with and where to add them.

Sun-dried tomatoes in the oven for the winter

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right one. In the market, give preference to southern varieties of red tomatoes, which have a dense and fleshy inside. Experts recommend buying grapes "Grapes" or "Ladies' finger."
   A variety that has a minimal amount of juice is also good.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

To cook sun-dried tomatoes in the oven we need:

  • cloth or paper towel;
  • wire rack or baking sheet (covered with parchment);
  • kitchen spray gun or silicone brush;
  • glass jars.


One of the most popular oven-dried recipes is Provencal dried tomatoes. This dish got its name due to the addition of Provencal herbs, which give the tomatoes an extraordinary aroma and taste.

To cook Provencal dried tomatoes, you must have the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • provence herbs (dried, ground) -,;
  • ground black pepper (preferably own grinding for a better flavor);
  • oil - 0.6 l (preferably to preserve the traditions of Italian cuisine, but vegetable oil is also suitable for the first time; 0.5 liter of oil is necessary for preservation, and another 100 grams for drying);
  • salt - 2-3 tsp. (add as you like);
  • fresh basil leaves;

Important!It is better to grind the used spices immediately before use. Otherwise, they will lose a significant part of their aroma.

Provencal herbs can be combined, add their other types. Focus on satisfying your own taste buds. If you like spicy dishes, then instead of black pepper, you can add ground red.

Step by step recipe

The cooking process of this spicy dish is as follows:

  • Wash and wipe tomatoes well. After that, cut into halves and remove the inside (seeds with juice). If this is not done, then increased steam separation will form, the process can drag on for several hours.
  • Put the tomatoes with the center up on the prepared grid or baking sheet. Mix herbs with pepper and salt to taste, then sprinkle them with tomatoes. Treat the future appetizer with oil using a brush or spray gun.
  • At this stage, the baking tray with tomatoes can be pushed into the oven. The drying process can take about 4-6 hours (depending on size and juiciness). Drying should take place at a temperature of 80 ° C. In such conditions, the tomatoes will be dried, not baked. But you should take into account the fact that a lot of steam will be released during the drying process, so you need an oven with a built-in convection function of vaporous masses. If you have a conventional oven, then about an hour after the start of cooking, it is necessary to open the door and do not close it until the end of the drying process.

  • During drying, tomatoes will lose about 60-70% of their own weight. About 1-1.2 kg of sun-dried will come out of 5 kg of fresh tomatoes. After drying, you need to prepare for a snack for the winter. To do this, prepare cans, wash the leaves under running water and peel the garlic.
  • Now dried tomatoes are stacked in jars in layers. Between each layer, put a little basil and garlic.

Did you know?Archaeological evidence suggests that the ancient Aztecs and Incas began to use tomatoes for culinary purposes. And in Europe, this vegetable came only in the XYI century.

  • When the jar is completely full, add oil. I would also like to say about the heat treatment of oil. Here, everything will depend on how much time you are going to store a jerky snack. If it will stand in your refrigerator for 6-8 months, then the oil does not need to be thermally processed. For a longer shelf life, the oil must be calcined.
  • When the oil fills all the voids in the jar, close it and take it to a cool place for storage.

Sun-dried tomatoes in an electric dryer

Many chefs believe that cooking sun-dried tomatoes is best in an electric dryer.
   This is due to many factors: saving money on the drying procedure, gentle and gradual drying (no need to have a convection oven, constantly open the door), setting the exact temperature.

If we talk about the taste of the resulting dish, then there will be no big difference from cooking in the oven.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

To prepare a tomato snack in this way you will need:

  • electric dryer (power, height and number of pallets do not matter much, however, a more expensive dryer will be more effective in terms of saving time);
  • a teaspoon and a plate (to remove seeds and excess liquid from tomatoes);
  • wooden kitchen board and knife (for cutting vegetables in half);
  • paper towel.


Before you start cooking, make sure that you have purchased all the necessary ingredients:

  • ripe fleshy medium size - 4 kg;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 1.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 small heads;
  • herbal spices to taste (it is recommended to purchase a set of "Italian herbs") - 2 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1/4 liter.

  For a classic Italian sun-dried tomato recipe, buy coarse sea salt.

Important!When drying tomatoes in an electric dryer, it is important to preheat the device. This is necessary so that the juice dripping from the tomatoes immediately evaporates and does not damage the engine mechanism.

Spices are best picked by yourself; the set should consist of basil, dried garlic,.

There should be oil, do not buy the product of the first cold pressed.

Step by step recipe

To get a delicious Italian appetizer, follow these instructions:

  • To begin, cut the tomatoes into two parts and remove each core.
  • Then remove with a teaspoon all the juice and seeds from vegetables. This will save you 3-4 hours during the drying process.
  • Next, you need to remove the remaining moisture from the tomatoes. To do this, put the slices of tomatoes on a paper towel with cuts down (for 20-30 minutes).
  • We heat the electric dryer for 5-10 minutes. There should not be pallets inside.
  • Then we place the tomatoes on the pallets with the cut part up (if you do the opposite, that is, there is a chance of moisture getting on the engine).

  • We mix salt and dried herbs, evenly distribute the spices on the inside of the vegetables.
  • Now the trays with tomatoes must be inserted into the dryer. Drying temperature should be 70-75 ° С. If your electric dryer has a built-in timer, then set it to 8-9 hours.
  • Swap pallets every 60-90 minutes. The fact is that the lower pan always warms up more actively due to the proximity to the fan.
  • When the tomatoes are ready (about 9 hours), we pull them out of the dryer and start cooking jars.
  • Cut the garlic into small pieces and fry it in oil (but do not bring to a boil).
  • Now we do everything the same as in the previous recipe. We lay the dried tomatoes and garlic in layers to the very top of the jar, then add the olive oil and clog everything.

Did you know?Botanists number about 10 thousand different types of tomatoes.

  • It should be noted that you can use dried tomatoes according to the above recipe for several years, since the oil has passed thermal hardening. But preservation is best kept at low temperatures (around +5 ° C).

Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave are probably the easiest and fastest way to cook this Mediterranean dish. Cooking does not take you much time, and the taste of the finished dish will not differ much from cooking in the oven or electric dryer.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

  To prepare dried tomatoes, we need:

  • microwave;
  • paper towel;
  • plate and teaspoon;
  • cans for conservation.
  As an additional inventory, you may need a silicone brush to grease the tomatoes with oil. In extreme cases, you can use the old method and grease the tomatoes with gauze soaked in oil.


To prepare a delicious Italian dish, you must purchase the following products:

  • 1-1.5 kg of medium-sized tomatoes;
  • olive oil (about 50 g for lubrication in the process of drying, oils for filling cans may need from 150 to 250 ml);
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt to taste;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 / 4-1 / 3 tsp. (if you like more spicy dishes, you can add more pepper, guided by your own preferences);
  • dried ground basil - 1/2 tsp;
  • provencal herbs or a set of Italian Spices - 1/2 tsp;
  • garlic - 4-5 medium cloves.

Important!Sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil have 233 kcal per 100 grams of product.

If you wish, you can fantasize and collect yourself a mixture of various dried herbs of Provencal origin. Fans of spicy dishes are recommended to add a pinch of shredded.

Step by step recipe

The process of cooking dried tomatoes in the microwave is as follows:

  1. We wash the tomatoes and dry them.
  2. Cut the vegetables in half and remove the inner flesh along with the seeds. Then lay the tomatoes on a paper towel to remove the remaining juice.
  3. Sprinkle the prepared tomatoes with a mixture of spices, salt and pepper. Next, sprinkle a little olive oil on them.
  4. Now tomatoes can be put in the microwave for 5 minutes. After this time, we do not take out the vegetables from the oven, let them stand for 3-4 minutes and start the microwave for another 5 minutes.
  5. At this stage, the tomatoes must be removed from the oven and the juice released during the drying process should be drained from the container (but do not discard it, we will need it).
  6. We put the tomatoes for another 5 minutes in the microwave. After the specified time, add another 5-7 minutes on the timer, then let the vegetables stand for 10-15 minutes.
  7. We take out the finished dish and prepare the jars. We put the first layer of tomatoes in them, sprinkle everything with chopped pieces of garlic and spices, then lay the second layer and repeat the procedure.
  8. After canning, tomatoes must be hidden in a dark place for a day, then transferred to the refrigerator or for long-term storage.

How to store sun-dried tomatoes

According to the Italian recipe, many fragrant sun-dried tomatoes are kept in the refrigerator. And if you don’t have a cellar, then there’s no other option.

Tomatoes with thermally seasoned oil can be stored for 2-3 years, if the oil is not quenched, preservation should be maintained no longer than 6-8 months.

  If you have a cellar, then there will be no problems with storage. In such a room can accommodate many jars of tomatoes, and the temperature there is ideal for long-term savings.

What to do with sun-dried tomatoes

With sun-dried tomatoes, you can cook a wide variety of dishes. And this will not affect their taste, but on the contrary, will add variety to your usual diet.

Experienced culinary experts say that dried tomatoes will be a good addition to the following dishes:

  • vegetable, meat and fish salads;
  • to various soups and soup;
  • rice balls with Italian appetizer;
  • fried potatoes;
  • cutlets and chicken rolls.
  Dried tomatoes are not necessary to combine with other dishes, they can be used as a snack. Sun-dried tomatoes served on crispy croutons with leaves and a slice of butter will look harmonious and piquant.
   Now you know how to cook sun-dried tomatoes at home in many ways. For this you will not need rare kitchen utensils and a fine knowledge of Italian culinary business. But in the end, you get fragrant tomatoes for snacks for every day.

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