Dessert definition. Famous Italian desserts: the best recipes

22.05.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Any holiday feast must certainly end with the delivery of something sweet: cakes, pastries, ice cream, sweets, pastries, and everything that your soul wants, because there is no limit to diversity! Interestingly, the tradition of serving something sweet at the end of the meal appeared relatively recently, some centuries ago, when sugar began to spread actively around the world.

It is not surprising that before that only rich and noble people could treat themselves to something tasty, but, fortunately, times have changed, and today every housewife has several recipes for delicious desserts in stock.

But today we decided to talk about the most famous and popular desserts in the world: they managed to stand out among the rest of the variety of recipes, now they are called classics, the best of the best, and everyone is obliged to try such goodies, at least once in a lifetime. So what is it all about?

1. Peach Melba

Interestingly, this is a very simple, but incredibly elegant and delicate dessert, based on peaches, ice cream and raspberry puree. The creator of the famous masterpiece is the famous French chef O. Escoffier, who created it for the opera diva Nelly Melba, very popular in the 19th century.

It is said that this delicate dessert was prepared by the author under the impression of the opera “Lohengrin”, in which the singer played one of the main roles. The effect was simply stunning - Melba was captivated by such attention and taste of the work itself, the author himself for several years treated the created masterpiece with only one singer.

2. Gulab Jamun

In second place of our top 10 is a popular Indian dessert, the main ingredients of which, at first glance, are very simple products - milk, a few pistachios and raisins, flour and corn oil.

The finished version of the dish resembles donuts in some way, but, unlike the latter, the gulabs are dipped in sweet syrup for the whole night, as a result of which the treat is soaked and becomes incredibly juicy, bright and unusual.

3. Tiramisu

Perhaps this Italian dessert can be called one of the most popular in the whole world, by the way, funny legends and stories are also associated with it. One such story says that the famous dessert was specially prepared for the Grand Duke Cosimo III of the Medici.

By the way, the name itself is translated as "lift me up", probably better than you can imagine! It is made from mascarpone cheese, eggs, cream, rum, as well as ladies' finger cookies, and grated chocolate and cocoa are often added.

4. Macaroons

This sweet and light delicacy is also widespread throughout the world, however, it is believed that China is its historical homeland. By the way, do not confuse this unique dessert with a fairly popular fortune cookie, these are completely different things. Loose, light, fragrant, literally melting in the mouth, to achieve the peak of pleasure, macaroons are recommended to be consumed with fresh milk.

5. Cheesecake

Rumor has it that this beloved dessert by many was first served in ancient Greece. Naturally, at that time they did not yet know cream cheese, and therefore they prepared it from cottage cheese. The classic version of the recipe, which we know today, was born in 1929 thanks to the cook Arnold Ruben. He was the first to guess the use of Philadelphia cheese, which, in essence, came from the name of the dish that is used today.

6. Eclair

An amazing delicacy of thin custard filled with the most tender custard is known to many today. And here he was invented by the inimitable chef Marie-Antoine Karem, who, at one time, successfully worked under the Russian and European monarchs.

It was he who invented to bake ready-made air cakes, which later filled with cream. Later, many varieties of such a delicacy appeared, however, the meaning remains the same.

7. Pavlova's cake

Just an amazing dessert based on cream and meringue, as you know, was named after the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. As you can see, fragile beauties can inspire not only poets, artists and musicians, but also confectioners, by the way, sweets, a variety of desserts and wines were also produced under her name.

This light dessert with a minimum number of calories is very popular in New Zealand, England and Australia, where, by the way, it can be found only in expensive restaurants and pastry shops.

8. Creme brulee

It is called, and the name translates as “burnt cream”. In its classic form, the dessert is an air custard covered with a golden caramel crust.

9. Napoleon

Is such a list of the best and most popular desserts in the world can do without the elegant, melting in your mouth, beloved Napoleon? Rumor has it that the origin of the dish is directly related to the famous historical figure, Napoleon Bonaparte, but do we find out the truth today? By the way, almost every kitchen in the world has its own variation of Napoleon, but what is surprising, there are more than a dozen of them in Russia alone.

10. Sabayon

And this masterpiece already belongs to Italian cuisine, however, it has spread far beyond its borders, especially in Latin America. A dish is a sauce in which sugar and wine are added; in the broader sense, "sabayon" has come to mean all foam desserts in which alcohol is added.

Any dessert is the crown of the meal. Italian dessert is a small celebration with a firework of taste and children's delight.

Italy was glorified by Rafael and Michelangelo, Rome and Venice, pizza and desserts. And these "celebrities" cause sincere admiration and reverence for the whole world, but Italian desserts ... You cannot write prose about them. Cakes, biscuits, cakes, sweets, ice cream - are delightful already in the names, which need to be composed of separate poems. Tiramisu - a crispy-airy treat with mascarpone cheese, Panna Cotta - a creamy-jelly dessert, Biscotti - sweet crackers, Cannaloni - cream tubes, Panforte - almonds, Sabyon - a fragrant wine cream. And this is not the whole list of sweets that Italy is proud of.

Italian cuisine desserts  - a symbol of exquisite taste and the highest quality. They are more original than French, lighter than German and more elegant than British. Italian sweets, like oriental ones, contain nuts, but unlike sugary honey treats, they are airy and incredibly tender.

Italian desserts can be eulogized for ages, but still, it's better to try. As a rule, their recipe is simple, and the preparation is not complicated by unnecessary processes. Therefore, delicious little Italy can be easily created right at home.

Tiramisu - a dessert uplifting

Tiramisu is a visiting card of dessert Italy. For the first time, crispy cookies with layers of air cheese cream were served to the Tuscan Archduke de Medici. This happened in the distant XVII century. Since then, many desserts have been created, but this one turned out to be so delicious that it became a favorite not only of Italians, but of the whole world.

“Tira mi su” in Italian sounds like “exalt me”. Chocolate-coffee combination gives the dessert a light stimulating effect, due to which the ascended-high mood appears.

Tiramisu is the most delicate delicacy that does not require baking. It can not be called a cake or cake. And if a neatly sliced \u200b\u200bpiece is served under his name in an expensive restaurant, do not believe it. A Tiramisu cut into pieces by a knife is not Tiramisu. A true Italian dessert is laid only with a spoon.

Recipe: Classic Tiramisu

2 eggs, 250 g of Lombard cheese mascarpone 55%, 30 pcs. Savoyardi cookies, 75 g powdered sugar, 200 ml strong coffee, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of Marsala wine, 80 g of cocoa powder.

In a coffee machine or cezve, brew strong natural coffee and leave to cool. Mascarpone (cream tartaric acid tartaric acid) whisk intensively until the consistency of very thick sour cream. Separate the icing sugar and beat the squirrels with one part into a stable foam. The second - grate with cold yolks until white. Gently add the yolk “cream” in the mascarpone while whisking with a whisk. And then, on a spoon, add lush proteins to the resulting mass, moving from bottom to top. Pour cold coffee and a couple of spoons of Marsala into a container convenient for dipping Savoyardi (you can replace it with rum or cognac). Quickly dip each cookie in coffee and place it more densely in prepared forms. The next layer is a dense cream (Savoyardi should lie in it, not swim). Alternating soaked cookies and mascarpone, fill out the form. The last will be a cream layer. Put Tiramisu ready for 3 hours in the refrigerator, but it is better to let it soak all night. Before serving, crush the dessert with cocoa powder and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Recipe: Savoyardi

Real cookies for Tiramisu - a scarce product. But Savoyardi can be baked with a basic recipe at home.

For 40 pieces you will need: 120 g of sugar, 6 eggs, 80 g of flour, 80 g of starch, a pinch of salt, powdered sugar.

Rub the cooled yolks with 1/2 granulated sugar. Introduce gradually and in small portions flour and starch, salt. When after 7-10 minutes the mass becomes homogeneous, you can proceed to the proteins. Beat them in a glass or ceramic bowl with the remaining sugar until foam resistant. Both masses are very gently mixed and laid out in special Savoyard forms or use a pastry syringe. On a baking sheet should get ten-centimeter sticks. Crush biscuit blanks with powder and send to the oven with a temperature heated to 180 ° C. Bake without opening the oven, until Savoyardi becomes a characteristic beige color. Cool cookies in an open oven.

If the cookie is not dry enough for Tiramisu, it is recommended to dry it in the oven, or leave it overnight under a covered towel at room temperature.

Panna Cotta - Italian “Young Lady Peasant”

The name of this dessert sounds like an appeal to a young unmarried woman - Panna Cotta. But his translation is somewhat rustic and so means only “boiled cream”. But it was this unassuming name that made Italian dessert famous all over the world.

The basis of Panna Cotta is cream, which is boiled, saturating them with vanilla sweetness. Gelatin is added to dessert at the end, and its amount determines whether Panna Cotta will keep in shape or whether it will become cream jelly, which is served in a bowl.

Recipe: Cat Panna Two-Tone with Berries

250 ml of cream with a fat content of 33-36%, 60 ml of milk with a fat content of 6%, 70 g of sugar, 6 g of gelatin leaves, ½ a vanilla pod or a bag of sugar, 150 g of berry mix (currants, raspberries, blueberries), a handful of berries for a layer and jewelry.

Soak half the gelatin in cool water. Divide the cream, milk and sugar in half, and start working with the first part. Boil dairy ingredients in a stewpan. Stir in sugar and add vanilla. Add the swollen gelatin to the saucepan, stir and turn it off immediately. When the milk mixture cools down a little, fill it with half a bowl of cream.

Pour the remaining gelatin to swell with water. At this time, take care of the berries and the second part of the delayed ingredients. Grind the berry mix with sugar (can be in a blender) and bring to a boil. Continuing to stir, boil for a couple of minutes. In another stewpan, cook the milk mixture and “season” it with gelatin, as in the first case. Combine the berry and milk mass, cool.
Put a few fresh berries on a well-frozen half of the dessert and pour them with the milk-berry mixture. The panna cotta should stand in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Serve dessert with whole berries and mint leaves.

Biscotti - double baked dessert

“Crackers,” as Biscotti would call a man unfamiliar with Italian desserts. And he would be wrong. Of course, the appearance of Biscotti is very similar to breadcrumbs, but the taste is a delicious dessert that often accompanies coffee or even sweet wine.

From Latin “biscotto” is translated as “baked twice”. And the name itself reveals a way to make dessert. It is baked twice. First, long, narrow loaves of nuts are cooked and baked, and then they are cut into “sandwich” slices and dried in the oven to make “crackers” rosy and crispy.

In the dough for Biscotti add not only nuts, but also dried fruits, fresh fruits, chocolate, zest, liquor and other goodies. And so that not only the taste, but also the appearance of the dessert acquires aristocratic sophistication, it is covered with glaze or chocolate.

Recipe: Orange and Chocolate Biscotti with Ginger Candied

150 g butter, 400 g flour, 200 g sugar, 3 eggs, 1 orange, 25 g cocoa powder, 12 g baking powder, 50 g dark chocolate, 70 g candied ginger, a pinch of salt.

Remove the zest from the orange with a grater. Chopped ginger and chocolate into small pieces. Grind the butter with sugar and into a creamy mass, add the orange zest and gradually stir the eggs. Separately mix the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, baking powder) and combine them with the egg mass, kneading to a smooth consistency. Add candied fruits and chocolate to the finished dough and form long “sausages” on a baking sheet with parchment paper. If the dough turns out to be liquidy, you can lay it out in an even layer in a rectangular baking dish. In the oven from 175 ° C, set the workpiece and bake for about half an hour. Willingness to check with a toothpick. If it comes out of the dough dry, the baking is ready. Chill outside the oven. Cut cooled loaves (or cake) with a sharp knife into identical slices (about 10 mm). Biscotti send again to the oven and brown on both sides (10 minutes each) at a temperature of 150 ° C.

Panforte Rug - Christmas present with almonds, honey and spices

Panforte almond dessert in Italian families is presented for Christmas. The uniqueness of the cake is that its recipe ingredients such as nuts, dried fruits and spices can be added to your own taste. From this Panforte will not cease to be an Italian dessert. Just another original recipe will appear that can become a traditional Christmas present for your family.

Italian Panforte is very easy to prepare. Such a dessert is stored in the refrigerator for a very long time, and after six months you can try the “present” presented even at Christmas.

Recipe: Chocolate Panforte with Nuts

180 g of high-quality flour, 160 g of sugar, 3 tbsp. tablespoons honey, 100 g almonds, 50 g cashews, 70 g dark chocolate, a glass of dark and light raisins, 0.5 tsp cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, a spoon of water, a couple drops of almond essence, cocoa powder on the tip of the knife for sprinkling, salt.

Combine dry foods: flour, spices, salt and add nuts, dried fruits. Prepare syrup sauce from water, sugar and honey. Remove from the stove and drip almond essence in a sweet liquid, add the detailed chocolate. In a bowl with dry ingredients, make a "well" and pour syrup into it. All is well connected in the mixing process. The dough should be hard. Put the workpiece in a mold oiled or covered with paper. Bake at a low temperature (150 ° C for half an hour) so that the "candy" does not dry out. Cut the finished mantle into thin slices and roll in cocoa.
  For a gift, put the slices in a beautiful packing box, tie them with a ribbon.

Cream Sabayon - Italian delicacy with the aroma of wine

Sweet egg cream is the basis of confectionery, without which Italian desserts would not be Italian. It occupies a leading position among creams and on its basis delicious cakes and pastries are created. And sometimes confectioners use it in Tiramisu. However, Sabayon is, first of all, a full-fledged and independent dessert in a cold glass, decorated with flowers, berries or figs. A strong Sicilian wine Marsalu or white sparkling d’Asti is traditionally added to the cream as an alcoholic filling.

Recipe: Sabayon with champagne and “drunk” berries

200 g of berry mix (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries), juice and zest from half a lemon, 4 yolks, 150 ml of sweet champagne, 85 g of sugar.

Sprinkle the mix of berries with a teaspoon of sugar and pour “drunk” champagne and lemon juice syrup into the refrigerator. In a steam bath, heat a bowl in which to put sugar, zest and yolks. Beat the mixture gently with a whisk. In no case should it boil! When the mass begins to lighten and increase in size, add a little champagne, without interrupting the whipping process. Pour the warm Sabayon over the bowls, garnish with hoppy berries and serve immediately.

Ready Sabayon can be “embedded” in any other desserts. For example, add fruit salad with wine cream or pour peach wedges marinated in red wine. And balls of chocolate or vanilla ice cream are perfectly complemented by Sabayon with coffee liquor.

Cannoli - a dessert for wanderers

Cannoli is the favorite sweetness of the people of Sicily. It was they who invented to wrap the tender curd filling in wafer rolls fried using special sticks. They were prepared only on those days when carnivals were held. Decorated with candied fruits, nuts or chocolate. It was also customary to treat Cannoli to people who traveled to Italy and recognized the country's culture through national traditions, including culinary ones.

Recipe: Sicilian Cannoli with Strawberry Sauce

70 g flour, 150 g sugar, 70 g butter, 3 eggs, 70 g glucose syrup or honey, 250 g ricotta cheese, 100 g mascarpone, 50 g crushed almonds, 250 g strawberries, ¾ cup powdered sugar.

From honey, flour, sugar and ghee, knead the dough for the tubes. Parchment to line the shape and put the dough with a spoon, forming circles. Place the pan in the oven. The tubes are baked to a golden hue at a temperature of 170 ° C. Hot mugs quickly roll into tubules. Combine and stir the ricotta, mascarpone, sugar, almonds and eggs to make a uniform creamy filling. Cut strawberries into pieces, cover with icing sugar and cook, stirring until aromatic and saturated syrup is formed. Fill the tubes with cream, put them on a plate beautifully and pour over strawberry sauce.

The refined taste of homemade ice cream Semifredo

Italian desserts are impossible without eggs. The only exception is fruit ice cream. The lightness of beaten eggs is the main component of many desserts. And Semifredo is one such treat. This version of Italian homemade ice cream is prepared on the basis of protein and fat cream or cream cheese. Berries, fruits, nuts or caramel are often added to dessert.

Recipe: Semifredo with Berries and Nuts

3 egg whites, 100 ml cream (highest fat content), 100 g powdered sugar, a handful of cherries, walnut kernels, blueberries, black and red currants, a pinch of salt.

Rinse, sort through berries, chop large ones. Beat whites with a pinch of salt in lush "snow", adding sugar in portions. In chopped whipped cream, add chopped nuts and berries. Gently mix this mass in a small portion into airy proteins. The mixture should remain lush and uniform. Fill the mold for soft ice cream with a film and lay out the protein and berry mass. Send the tray to the freezer. Let it freeze there for two hours. This time is enough for the dessert to set, but ice crystals do not appear. Serve Semifredo with berries and nuts in bulk.

Italian desserts  - This is a small trip to the whole culinary culture. But to make it, it is not necessary to go to the country of gastronomic masterpieces. Italian sweet holiday of happiness can be arranged where there is a love of desserts and a curiosity for experimentation. And having tried Tiramisu, Panna Cotta, Panforte or Sabayon at least once, you will not be able to dislike sweet Italy!

Each country will have its own dessert. It can be light fruit dishes or hearty chocolate treats. Find out what people around the world eat for sweets, from Japanese mochi to Icelandic skir.

1. France: creme brulee

A popular dessert in France is a thick custard with a caramel crust. You will find a recipe for its preparation.

2. America: apple pie

The most American dessert is apple pie. Crispy crusted apples can be served with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or even cheddar cheese. Write it down!

3. Turkey: Baklava

One of the most famous traditional oriental sweets is. Puff pastry from the thinnest layers filled with chopped nuts in syrup or honey, cut into small square portions, melts in your mouth, making you feel all the charms of oriental exoticism.

4. Italy: gelato

Here and there on the streets of Italian cities they sell gelato - a local version of ice cream, softer than ours. Gelato is prepared with various additives: raspberry, pistachio, rum and chocolate. !

5. Peru: picarones

Picarones is a type of Peruvian donut served with syrup. Picarones dough is made from flour, yeast and sugar with the addition of sweet potato, pumpkin and anise.

6. Russia: syrniki

Cheesecakes - sweet pancakes from cottage cheese dough, served with sour cream, honey or jam. If you want to taste the classic cheesecakes in a pan, take advantage.

7. Spain: Tarta de Santiago

Tarta de Santiago - an old Spanish cake with a rich history dating back to the middle of the Middle Ages. For the first time, an almond cake dedicated to St. James (in Spanish - Santiago) was baked in Galicia in northwestern Spain.

8. Japan: mochi

The traditional Japanese dessert got its name from the type of sticky rice “motigome”, it is pounded in a mortar, turning it into a paste, from which they make cakes or form balls. The dish is especially popular in the Japanese New Year, although they can be enjoyed all year round. Dessert with a scoop of ice cream inside - mochi ice cream - is not only sold in Japan, it is popular in some other countries.

9. Argentina: pastelitos

A special dish served on Argentina's Independence Day is a type of puff pastry stuffed with quince or sweet potato, deep fried and sprinkled with sugar syrup.

10. England: Banoffi cake

Banffy English pie is made from bananas, cream, boiled condensed milk, crushed cookies and butter. Sometimes chocolate or coffee is added to it. More detailed recipe.

11. Brazil: Brigadeiro

Popular Brazilian sweets are the main treat for the holidays. Like truffles, brigadeiro is made from cocoa powder, condensed milk and butter. It can be eaten as a paste, but usually balls are formed from it and sprinkled with chocolate chips.

12. China: Dragon Beard

Dragon Beard is not just a dessert, it is a traditional Chinese culinary art. A cocoon-like treat is made from regular and malt sugar syrup with peanuts, sesame and coconut.

13. Belgium: Belgian waffles

Thick corrugated waffles are sold in Belgium on every corner. An oily delicacy is best eaten warm, sprinkled with icing sugar or spread with nutella. If you have a waffle iron, you can easily cook them in your kitchen, taking advantage of this.

14. India: Gulabjamun

Gulabjamun is one of the most favorite desserts by the Indians, which is also popular throughout Southeast Asia. Gulabjamun resembles small donuts in sugar syrup. Sweet balls of dried milk are fried in ghee - a kind of refined ghee.

15. Austria: Sacher

One of the most famous cakes in the world is named after its author, Franz Sacher, who first prepared the dessert that became famous in 1832, when he was only 16. The cake consists of sponge cake with a layer of apricot confiture and is watered with chocolate icing, but is strictly protected and known only to the confectioners of the Sacher Hotel in Vienna.

16. Australia: Lamington

Lamington - an Australian square biscuit coated with chocolate and boned in coconut.

17. Germany: Black Forest Cherry Cake

This is how the name of this world-famous dessert is translated from German - it is made from biscuit cakes soaked in kirschwasser (alcoholic tincture of cherry must). Cherry filling is placed in the cake and garnished with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

18. Iceland: skyr

The history of the preparation of skir has more than a thousand years. This dairy product has the consistency of yogurt and a sour taste, a cross between sour cream and curd mass. Skir can be diluted with milk or add fruit and sugar to it.

19. Canada: Nanaimo Tile

The name of the popular Canadian dessert comes from the city of Nanaimo, in the province of British Columbia. This three-layer cake does not require baking: the bottom layer is made of waffle chips, followed by a thick creamy icing with custard flavor, and on top of everything is poured with melted chocolate.

20. South Africa: Koexister

This South African dessert is called from the Dutch word koekje for sweet cookies. Kyoksister - very sweet twisted bagels - are made from donut dough, deep-fried and dipped in cold sugar syrup. Traditionally served with tea.

21. Sweden: The Princess

The Princess multi-layer cake is covered with a thick layer of usually green marzipan and decorated with a red rose. Inside the cake are biscuit cakes smeared with raspberry jam, custard and whipped cream.

22. Egypt: umm ali

The Egyptian dessert is prepared from puff pastry, milk, sugar, vanilla, raisins, coconut flakes and a variety of nuts, all baked and served warm.

23. Poland: roll with poppy seeds

Popular in Poland is usually prepared for the holidays, but you can try it all year round. Top roll can be coated with icing.

24. Indonesia: Dadar Gulung

"Dadar gulung" in translation means "rolled pancake." The dish has an unusual green color due to the fact that the pancake itself is made from pandan leaves, a local plant used in Indonesian cuisine. Dadar gulung is stuffed with coconut and palm sugar.

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Ice cream


Eastern sweets


Birthday cake

The history of the origin of cakes

Interesting Dessert Facts

The right dessert recipes

A variety of dessert recipes

Features of the dessert table and recipes for desserts from different countries

How to choose the right dessert recipes?

Dessert Recipes


List of sources of information


Desemrt (from French desservir - "clear the table") - the final dish on the table, for a pleasant taste at the end of lunch or dinner, usually sweet delicacies.

It is usually sweet (for example, cake or ice cream), but there are unsweetened desserts made of fruits, nuts, cheeses, unsweetened confectionery. In addition, not all sweet dishes are desserts, for example, in Chinese cuisine there are sweet meat dishes that are not desserts. In China, sweets with pepper and ginger instead of sugar are also found. Before the arrival of Europeans, Native Americans made chocolate with pepper and spices instead of sugar. Even in Russian cuisine there are unsweetened desserts - for example, black caviar. A classic French dessert is cheese.

Confectionery may be served as dessert: cakes, cookies, waffles, muffins, pies; various kinds of sweets, pastille, whipped cream dishes; sweet fruit and berry mixtures (the so-called fruit salads); juices, soda water, compotes, jelly; sweet milk, chocolate and fruit and berry mousses, creams, jellies; ice cream and ice cream desserts; dessert can be tea, cocoa, coffee, coffee with ice cream (cafй glacй); special dessert wines - in short, everything that can be served on the "third".

According to the serving temperature, desserts are divided into hot and cold. Desserts are usually served in special dessert plates. Desserts are usually eaten with a dessert spoon - intermediate in size between a soup spoon and a teaspoon. A dessert table is also served with a dessert knife and dessert fork.


When we hear the word dessert, we imagine something very appetizing and sweet. In fact, dessert is a broader concept, derived from the ancient French desservir (removed from the table). A dessert can be everything that is served after the main course: cheese, fruits, berries, nuts, juices. True, it is not clear whether to consider chewing gum as a dessert. Traditionally, desserts include cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, sweets, ice cream, candy, jam, chocolate, liquors and many sweets from Eastern and European national cuisines.

The custom of ending a meal with dessert appeared in Europe only in the 19th century, along with an increase in sugar production. Before that, sweets were the privilege of the rich and appeared on the table of commoners only on holidays. From here comes the custom of paying great attention to decorating desserts, because the festive dish should look impressive.

Sweet fruits and honey were the first publicly available desserts. Many sweet foods appeared on the basis of natural sweeteners, which were later replaced by sugar. The sweets that we have today are far from original dishes in taste, nutritional value and vitamin content. Most of today's desserts are rich sources of glucose. They successfully fight hunger, give strength, stimulate the brain and increase mood. However, you should not treat yourself to sweets every day, especially if your lifestyle cannot be called active.

Ice cream

dessert chocolate cake recipe

Only the desire of people for a miracle can explain the appearance of ice cream about 4,000 years ago in the hot Mesopotamia, where noble people had "ice houses" for storing ice. Ice was brought to the table of the Egyptian pharaohs along the Nile. It is known that in the 5th century. BC. in Athens they sold balls of snow with honey and berries. For Nero, they collected snow from the tops of the mountains and prepared fruit ice with honey and nuts. In the 4th century BC. the Persians were able to build structures where ice collected in winter or brought from mountain peaks was stored all summer. It was in Persia that a prototype of modern ice cream appeared - a dish of frozen rose water, saffron, fruits and thin strips of dough that resemble vermicelli.

An ice cream maker was invented in China long before refrigerators appeared. The ingredients were placed in a large container with a mixture of ice and saltpeter. In France, salt was used instead of saltpeter. The principle of operation of the first ice cream makers is simple - since salt water freezes at temperatures below zero, mixing a large amount of ice with salt helps cool the sweet mixture to zero temperature, which is quite enough for ice cream. The first ice cream recipe was published in an English cookbook in 1718. In the mid-19th century. ice cream in England became available to everyone, since the transportation of a large amount of ice from Norway was arranged. In Russia, the favorite dish in the heat was planed milk frozen in the cellar.

Thanks to ice cream, a cream soda drink appeared (short for ice cream soda). Ice cream was the only permitted joy on Sundays in Puritan America of the 19th century when alcohol and soft drinks were banned. A cone-shaped ice cream wafer appeared in America in 1904. According to legend, at the fair, the seller of ice cream ran out of cardboard plates. A Syrian waffle seller, who worked nearby and suffered from a lack of customers, offered to cooperate and sell ice cream in rolled waffles.

In the 1950s, it was discovered that it was possible to double the amount of air in ice cream and, accordingly, reduce the amount of milk in each serving. Around the same time, industrial and affordable home refrigerators appeared, making ice cream a cheap treat. Today, the United States is considered the leader in eating ice cream, with 23 liters of ice cream per person per year.

Cold desserts are not limited to milk ice cream. Cold drinks are popular in the east: sweet sorbet (from nonfat milk, juice and sweet fruits) and sorbet (fruit puree without dairy products). In Italian cuisine, there is a dessert of non-skim milk and eggs (gelato) and a sweet cream of fat milk and yolks. Malaysian Ice Kasang is made from syrup, ice, red beans and condensed milk.


The history of sweets began at least 4 thousand years ago with the Egyptian desserts described in the extant papyrus. It is established that candied fruits were sold in the markets in 1566 BC. The world learned about chocolate when the ancient Mayan and Aztec tribes discovered the wonderful properties of cocoa. Appearing in the Amazon or Orinoco Valley, chocolate for a long time remained unknown in the Old World.

In 600 BC Maya migrated to the northern part of South America and defeated the first cocoa plantations on the territory of modern Yucatan. There is a version that Mayans were familiar with cocoa several centuries before, using wild-growing cocoa beans for counting and as a cash equivalent. It is not known who invented the first chocolate. Both Maya and the Aztecs made the cocoa bean drink from cocoa beans. According to the Aztec legend, cocoa seeds came to earth from paradise, so it gives strength and wisdom to everyone who eats its fruits.

The Aztecs believed that the god Quetzalcoatl, who arrived on earth on the morning star's beam, brought a cocoa tree as a gift to people and taught them to fry and grind its fruits and prepare nutritious pasta from which you can make a chocolatl drink (bitter water). To change the taste of the bitter drink, the Aztecs added pepper and other spices to it. The modern word chocolate, therefore, comes from the May word "xocoatl" (cocoa) and the Aztec "chocolatl". In the language of modern Mexican Indians, the word "chocolatl" is preserved, which means foam with water.

For many centuries, chocolate existed only in liquid form. This drink was part of magical rituals and marriage ceremonies. Some ancient Mexican tribes believed that chocolate was patronized by the food goddess Tonacatecutli and the water goddess Kalchiutluk. Every year they made human sacrifices to the goddesses by feeding a sacrifice before the death of cocoa.

The Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who was engaged in the classification of plants, changed the ancient name of cocoa to "theobroma", which translates from Greek as "food of the gods." It is believed that Columbus was the first to bring cocoa to Europe. From his fourth trip to the New World, he brought cocoa beans as a gift to King Ferdinand, but against the background of other treasures, the "food of the gods" did not attach due importance.

The first European to taste the original chocolate was Cortez, who visited Emperor Montezuma in Mexico. Montezuma drank nothing but cold chocolate with vanilla and other spices. Montezuma’s custom of drinking a cup of chocolate before entering his harem has led European doctors to think that chocolate is a strong aphrodisiac. In 1528, Cortez presented cocoa beans to King Charles V. It so happened that the Spanish monks began to make chocolate according to an Indian recipe and kept it secret for almost 100 years. When chocolate became known outside the walls of the monasteries, Spain began to grow cocoa trees in its many colonies and made huge profits from the sale of chocolate.

The Italian traveler Antonio Carletti brought cocoa beans to Italy in 1606. In 1615, the Spanish princess Maria Theresa presented chocolate to her fiancé Louis XIV. When Spain lost power and a monopoly on chocolate, it began to be made throughout Europe - in France, Italy, Germany and England.

The first cafe serving chocolate was opened in London in 1657. Chocolate was a drink for the rich and cost up to 15 shillings per pound. Like Maya, the fruits of the cocoa tree have become a currency in some countries. In Nicaragua, you could buy a rabbit for 10 cocoa beans and a good slave for 100. Leading doctors of the 17-18 centuries. prescribed chocolate to their wealthy patients as a tonic and a cure for many diseases. Chocolate was usually prescribed for children and men, adding milk, wine, spices, and even beer to the drink.

In 1674, soft chocolate appeared in the form of bars and rolls. The first chocolate bar was made by Fry & Sons under the brand name Chocolat Delicieux a Manger. The first milk chocolate appeared in Switzerland, after which the Swiss company Nestle gained popularity. In 1879, Rudolf Lindt from Berne released chocolate, which melted in his mouth. He invented conching - a way of slowly heating chocolate - and began adding more cocoa butter to his products. The first chocolate with filling appeared in 1913.

In the middle of the 18th century Chocolate has become cheaper and more accessible to all segments of the population due to the expansion of plantations and the mechanization of production. The invention of the press for cocoa butter in 1828 improved the quality of chocolate and made it even more affordable. During the industrial revolution, the industrial production of chocolate began. In 1765, chocolate appeared in North America.

Isaac Disraeli wrote about chocolate: "The Spaniards brought chocolate from Mexico, where it was a rough mixture of ground cocoa beans, Native American corn and spices. The Spaniards liked the nutritiousness of chocolate, and they improved the drink with sugar and flavorings."

According to Nestle, chocolate owes its popularity to four events: obtaining cocoa powder in 1828, reducing excise taxes, improving transportation and inventing hard chocolate. Arthur Knapp, a researcher in the history of chocolate, notes the particular importance of the invention of the press for pressing cocoa beans.

In the 19th century, Venezuela was the leader in the production of cocoa beans, now half of the cocoa is grown in Brazil and Côte d'Ivoire. The USA is now considered the leader in chocolate production; Switzerland is in the first place in the consumption of chocolate per capita. The world eats annually 600,000 tons of chocolate Chocolate production is one of the most profitable food industries.

In 1980, the world was shocked by the history of industrial espionage. A student of the Swiss company Suchard-Tobler tried unsuccessfully to sell a chocolate recipe to manufacturers from Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

Chocolate is one of the few products that has undergone a transformation from the bitter drink of the Indians to an exquisite dessert of the nobility and a consumer product in a wide range. In addition to taste and commercial value, chocolate has the ability to cheer up and give strength.


The name of this ancient dessert is translated from German as "March bread." In fact, marzipan is a mixture of grated almonds and powdered sugar. Other nuts are not suitable for this dessert. The oils contained in almonds make it possible to form complex shapes from a sweet nut mass without using gluing additives. Marzipan figures can be painted and glazed.

Marzipan is traditionally considered an aristocratic sweetness and a sign of good taste. There are several museums in Europe dedicated to this dessert. Marzipan is not just tasty figures, but also a source of vitamin E, which is useful for the nervous system and skin. The daily intake of vitamin E is found in just 20 almonds.

According to legend, Italians invented marzipan in the 10th century, when there was a crop failure for all cereals, and they had to replace flour with almonds, which, oddly enough, gave a good harvest. The French claim that they invented marzipan, and the Sicilians insist that they were the first to learn about marzipan from the Saracens. In Spain, marzipan was made in the 8th century, adding pine nuts, lemon zest and fruits to it. In Holland, marzipan is made with egg white, lemon juice and liquor. In Germany, marzipan is associated with Christmas. German confectioners know about 200 recipes for marzipan.

Eastern sweets

You cannot surprise a modern person with sweets, but in ancient times, when sugar was a rarity, oriental sweets were equal in price to gold. Arabs attributed to the sweets magical power. Oriental dishes owe their sweetness mainly to honey and juices of sweet fruits that do not grow in the middle lane. Candied fruits, spices and caramel are the visiting card of oriental desserts.

Turkish delight (in translation from Turkic - light pieces) was made from fruits, rose water, honey, crushed almonds and starch. Its history goes back several millennia.

Marmalade is a late European variety of Turkish delight, with less sweetness and more fruit. The name of marmalade comes from the Portuguese word quince, as the first marmalade in Europe was made from quince juice. In England, marmalade is called orange jam.

Marshmallows - an ancient oriental delicacy made from sugar and egg white. The French called this meringue recipe, and a dish with the addition of mashed fruit was called marshmallow.

Baklava (baklava) is made from puff pastry, which is rolled into the thinnest layers, greased with a nut-honey mass, baked and soaked in syrup.

Halva appeared in the 5th century. BC. in Iran. The original halva was made from sugar, nuts and soap root. Such halva was airy and melting in the mouth. A variety of halva is a kashkhalva of egg whites, molasses, poppy seeds, raisins or nuts.

Nougat was considered the delight of the padishahs. It was made from sugar syrup with egg whites, candied fruits and nuts and flavored with vanilla and lemon zest.

Sherbet is a cold dessert. It can be liquid and thick, like ice cream. Sherbet is made from juices of various fruits, so it not only cools, but also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals needed in the heat.


Pastila is very similar to oriental sweetness (Turkish delight), but is considered a Russian national delicacy. Pastilla has been known since the 14th century. It is possible that the method of its preparation was borrowed from the east, but the main ingredient of the marshmallow was Russian Antonov apples or sour wild apples. The most famous Russian pastila was Belevskaya, the recipe of which was invented by the merchant Prokhorov, who loved baked apples. Later, pastille recipes from raspberries, lingonberries, mountain ash, currants appeared, but these berries contain little pectin and do not form such a dense mass as apples. Berry pastille is often used as an addition to apple in the preparation of puff treats.

In the 15th century, protein was added to the pastille to give white color. The marshmallow with protein was more elastic and firm. The secret of Kolomenskaya white marshmallow was kept secret until in the 19th century the French, who knew about the properties of protein, surpassed the Kolomna confectioners, adding not just proteins, but whipped proteins to apple and fruit puree. The result was an even more elastic mass, called French marshmallow.

Initially, pastille was made from honey, and it was only in the 19th century that sugar began to be used. Due to the crystallization of sugar, the paste became strong and kept in shape. Sugar apple marshmallow has gained worldwide recognition. It was produced in dozens of varieties and exported to Europe. In Paris, London and other European capitals there were shops selling Russian sweets. They stopped cooking pastila at home when the Russian stoves disappeared. Pastila requires a lowering heat for 2 days, which is now possible only in factory conditions. Unfortunately, it is also unprofitable for factories to produce marshmallows because of the large time costs.


Tiramisu is the most famous of Italian desserts. Its name translates as “pull me up”, which reflects the high spirits during and after the treats with this dessert. For the first time, a tiramisu was prepared for the Tuscan archduke. Then this airy sweetness was called "duke's soup." The modern name for the dessert was given by the Venetian courtesans, who noted its ability to cheer up.

Real tiramisu can be tasted only on the Apennine Peninsula, because only there they make delicate creamy mascarpone cheese - the main ingredient in tiramisu. Other elements of this tiramisu are savoyardi cookies and Marsala wine.

A simplified version of the Italian dessert is called tiramisu in Russian. Italian ingredients can be replaced with sour cream, biscuit and cognac or liquor. It does not need to bake, just chill in the refrigerator.

Birthday cake

The first known cake for special occasions is a wedding cake. Even the ancient Romans finished the wedding ceremony, breaking a thin wheat cake cooked on wine above the bride’s head, which symbolized good luck and a quick addition to the family. The same ancient tradition exists among the Brahmins and many European peoples.

In medieval England, guests brought homemade cakes to the wedding, built a tower from them (very similar to modern multi-tiered wedding cakes), and the newlyweds kissed on top of this tower. By the way, the custom to wedding a wedding cake with newlywed figures comes from this kiss. This sweet custom was gradually forgotten when one confectioner came up with the idea to fill all the cakes brought by the guests with icing, forming a single cake.

In France, a wedding cake was made from small round cakes filled with cream and drenched with caramel. Stiffening, caramel held the shape of even a very large structure. Several balls were served to each guest, breaking them off the cake. Another type of French holiday cake is a layer cake made of cakes that are falling up. Such a cake was the highlight of the program and was served at the end of the holiday.

In Japan, newlyweds who do not have the money for an expensive wedding cake used a dummy. It could even be “cut” by inserting a knife into the slots. In India, sometimes use a "cake blank", which is covered with icing. Guests are treated to pieces of glaze and fruit. In Russia, weddings did not take place without a round loaf, symbolizing the sun. Cutting the wedding cake by the newlyweds had a sacred meaning among many nations. Today, a wedding cake plays only the role of decorating a table or serves to express a couple.


Another symbol of the holiday is a gingerbread, baked from dough with spices (hence the name), jam, honey, nuts and raisins. Gingerbread cookies appeared even during the Neolithic, when our ancestors learned how to bake bread and experimented with various flavors. The most ancient gingerbread cookies are honey. Cakes made with honey were known to the Egyptians and Greeks. The Germans perfected the ancient recipe and still bake honey gingerbread for Christmas.

In Russia, the first gingerbread cookies were also honey. The first mention of "honey bread" dates back to the 9th century. The first Russian gingerbread cookies were about half composed of honey. They were baked from rye flour with the addition of berries, aromatic herbs and roots. They acquired their modern name in the 13th century, when spices from India became available. Traditionally, black pepper, orange (bitter orange), mint, anise, ginger, cloves and nutmeg were added to the gingerbread cookies. Each area had its own gingerbread recipes. The most famous were always Tula and Koren (from the Root desert) gingerbread cookies.

The most ancient way of making gingerbread was hand sculpting. Later there appeared carved gingerbread cookies, baked in molds, and printed ones, on which a drawing was applied using a board. In Pomerania, roes are made - richly decorated and painted gingerbread bizarre shapes.

The history of the origin of cakes

Cake holiday head! So, to paraphrase a well-known expression, we can briefly characterize our attitude to the cake. Indeed, if you think about it, it really is, what triumph or anniversary is complete without this culinary masterpiece? What child can imagine his birthday without blowing out the candles on the cake? Fortunately, today's confectioners offer cakes for every taste and color, and for originals there is the opportunity to order a sweet surprise with an image of the birthday person.

Today it is impossible to say with certainty where and who invented the cake. Some culinary historians have come to the conclusion that the first prototype of the cake originated in Italy. Linguists believe that the word cake in Italian means something ornate and intricate, and associate it with numerous cake decorations from a scattering of various colors, inscriptions and ornaments.

Others adhere to a different theory of the origin of cakes. Everyone knows the delicious sweets of the East, which even a sophisticated gourmet can make admire their exquisite taste and enchanting aroma. The followers of this idea found that the ancient culinary specialists of the most mysterious part of the world prepared desserts using milk, honey and sesame. And in shape they resembled the cakes that we used to see on our tables.

Whatever the opinion about the origin of the first cakes, one cannot but agree with the assertion that France is the trendsetter in the dessert world. It was there, in small coffee houses and cafes, appearing once, that the cake conquered the whole world. It was the French culinary specialists and confectioners who for many centuries dictated the trends in serving and decorating this sweet masterpiece. It is not surprising that in this country of love and romance, the most famous names of desserts appeared, which still caress our ears: meringues, cream, caramel, jelly and biscuit.

Nevertheless, regardless of who invented the cake, each country has its own traditions and recipes for baking this dish. Cakes are prepared on special occasions, while each of them differs in shape and content. A lot of curiosities and interesting facts associated with cakes. Some of them were even recorded and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

For example, the tallest cake was prepared in the United States, Michigan. It towered over a table more than thirty meters and consisted of a hundred tiers. The heaviest cake was also baked in the USA, only in Alabama. This miracle weighed more than fifty tons. Ice cream was one of the main parts of this masterpiece, and its shape resembled a state image on a geographical map.

But the longest cake was made by Peruvian culinary specialists. Its length was two hundred forty-six meters. It was decorated with an abundance of candied fruit and cream roses. Then it was divided into fifteen thousand pieces and treated all the children of Peru who celebrated their birthday this month.

Russia also did not stand aside from sweet records. Our confectioners made the largest cake for the birthday of the most famous GUM department store in Moscow. The cake was decorated with a huge amount of jam and marzipans. Its height, which was recorded by invited experts from the Guinness Book of Records administration, was three meters, and its weight was three tons.

If you turn back a few centuries ago, then in Russia the concept of cake did not exist. From ancient times in Russia they baked a wedding loaf. Of course, he was not a full-fledged cake, but at the same time he was the most festive and elegant cake. "Bride's pie" was made only round. This is also due to the fact that our ancestors invested a certain meaning in this form. The circle symbolized the sun, which means well-being, health and fertility.

The wedding loaf was richly decorated with various braids, braids and curls. Sometimes in its center were placed figures that designated the newlyweds: the bride and groom. Pie was usually served at the very end of the celebration, it served as a kind of sign for guests.

A similar custom of baking a wedding cake existed in Ancient Rome, only there it was crumbled over the bride’s head, also investing in this action the wishes and parting words of the young.

Today, wedding cake is a separate and very important component of any confectionery everyday life. More recently, at Russian weddings, they used to use ordinary cakes. But the custom to specially bake and order huge desserts, consisting of several tiers, richly decorated with fruits and cream, came to us from America. And he got there, of course, from European countries.

It was in London that the first multi-tiered cakes appeared. Such cakes are sometimes brought into the hall where the celebration takes place, on special trolleys, due to their special fragility and, naturally, large weight. And the very procedure of cutting the first piece is surrounded by a halo of pomposity since the eighteenth century.

Modern cakes are decorated with marzipans, meringues, meringues, chocolate, fruits. The choice and riot of colors of decorative elements is limited only by the imagination and taste of the confectioner.

1. Have you decided to decorate an unusual cake? And also surprise guests? Make chocolate rose petals. Despite their fragility, they can be easily made independently. To do this, dip the real rose petals in melted chocolate. When it hardens, carefully remove the resulting chocolate petals and decorate the dessert with them.

2. In order for your glaze to acquire a bright shade, it can be painted with natural dyes. So to give the glaze a pink or deep red color, add a few drops of beetroot juice. In order to make the icing yellow or lemon, pour a few tablespoons of orange juice into it. In this case, the glaze will turn out not only beautiful, but also delicious.

3. In order for the glaze to lie on the surface of the product in an even layer, you first need to add a little butter.

4. Often when cutting cakes, especially large ones, all their beauty is lost. Drawings crack, break, roses fall or are unevenly cut. To avoid such troubles, you can first cut the cake, and then decorate each piece separately.

For true sweet tooth who prefer everything chocolate, including cakes, we can advice:

1. The easiest and most popular way to decorate a cake with chocolate is to grate it. To do this, you can use absolutely any chocolate, bitter, milk, white or with nuts. The tile is pre-cooled in the refrigerator, and then grated. Received chips and sprinkle cake.

2. Chocolate lace. This decoration of the cake looks very impressive and elegant. To make chocolate lace, melt the chocolate and use a culinary syringe. Again, you can take any chocolate, but without any various additives, nuts, raisins, etc. Prepare a sheet of waxed paper, create a pattern on it from intricate interweaving of lines and patterns. Allow to cool and dry, and then remove the paper very carefully. By the way, resourceful housewives advise, if you do not have a culinary syringe, use a regular plastic bag with a cropped corner.

3. Chocolate curls. With this decoration, the cake looks more airy and festive. Making such an ornament is also easy. Take a bar of chocolate at room temperature. Compliance with this requirement is very important, the success of the result depends on it. If the chocolate is warm, then the curls simply will not work, and if it is very cold, then they will break, which will also not look so aesthetically pleasing. Next, take a sharp knife and as if to smooth the edges of the chocolate bar. The longer the edge, the curls will be more ornate.

But back to the history of cakes and tell you a little about the origin of such famous creations of culinary art as the Sacher cake and the Napoleon cake.

Cake" Sacher" !

This cake was first served to the table of the Austrian king, and Franz Sacher invented or first baked it. Therefore, the cake got the name of the famous chef in its name. Or the culinary has become famous thanks to its sweet creation. The story associated with this cake is quite funny. Once an Austrian prince and respected nobleman at the court called his subjects and asked: this evening I want to treat my guests with something new and unusual. But ironically, it was on that day that the chef of the court kitchen fell ill and it so happened that there was simply no one to cook the cake. Many were afraid, only Franz Sacher decided to fulfill the will of the king. The cake consisted of chocolate cakes coated with chocolate icing, and under it was hidden delicious orange jam. The recipe for this cake, even at that time, was not something secret, but only young Sacher could cook it so tasty and unusual.

Cake" Napoleon"

There are several theories of the origin of this treat. According to one of them, the Napoleon cake got its name thanks to the city of Naples, where it was prepared. According to another legend, the Napoleon cake was specially invented and baked to mark the centenary of victory over Napoleon’s troops near Moscow. The best minds of confectioners serving at the homes of aristocrats worked on this culinary miracle. The cake consisted of many subtle cake layers, smeared with sweet cream. The cake has become a kind of symbol of Russia's victory over Napoleon.

But this truly heroic cake survived not the best of times. In the post-revolutionary era during the NEP, he began to serve as a snack in taverns and low-grade eateries. His appearance was sloppy, and cutting this cake in the presence of guests was considered simply indecent. Therefore, the educated housewives cut it in the kitchen away from prying eyes and only then served it on the table.

In many ways, this deplorable position of this glorious cake was explained by the lack and high cost of products. The cream was prepared using cheap flour, and the technology was violated when baking cakes.

Time passed, mores changed, and the Napoleon cake still remains a favorite. Now the recipe for this treat is passed on from generation to generation. And in every Russian family there is a special secret how to make Napoleon cake tender and very tasty.

Interesting Dessert Facts

Ш Real gourmets and lovers of delicious sweet dishes prefer desserts, which include one ingredient that only affluent customers can afford. This ingredient is a diamond! It is added to dessert as a decoration and quality mark of the served dish. A variety of desserts in the world boast such a "highlight".

The cost of such a dessert can reach several thousand dollars!

According to people who have tried this dessert, the diamonds that make up the dessert serve not only as an excellent and original decoration, but also give the dessert a refined taste and even aroma!

Ш When ordering a strawberry dessert in the old Arnaud's restaurant in New Orleans, do not forget to look at the price tag: on a special order for $ 1.4 million, the chef will prepare for you a crown dish - strawberries marinated in port with mint and cream, decorated with gold 5 carat pink diamond ring, owned by prominent British financier Sir Ernest Cassel, to enjoy this splendor accompanied by live jazz in a separate room inside the restaurant or on the balcony overlooking the famous Bourbon Street .

Располож Wine3 restaurant located in one of the resorts of Sri Lanka has been trying to ruin its visitors for $ 14.5 thousand for a year, for which they offer the magnificent dessert The Fortress Stilt Fisherman Indulgence. The dish consists of Italian cassata (Neapolitan type of ice cream with candies, dried fruits and nuts) from a gold leaf with the taste of Irish cream. Inside a fragile design that imitates a fishing net, there are mango, pomegranate and sabayon with the addition of champagne, and a chocolate design with a fisherman sitting above a large aquamarine joined the cake.

Ø The world-famous chef Pierre Erme creates amazing almond cookies, which cost more than $ 7.5 thousand. In addition to the traditional chocolate ganache, the chef adds rare seasonings and additives to the composition of cookies, such as fleur-de-sel and balsamic vinegar, due to which the dessert acquires a sophisticated and unusual taste.

Ш "Golden Sultan's Pie" - a delicacy is not so dramatically expensive, but it promises to pamper your receptors no worse than previous desserts. The cake created within 72 hours is a brick made of edible 24-carat gold, hiding juicy apricots, pears, quince, pickled figs in Jamaican rum and finely chopped black truffles. Dessert is served in a custom-made box of sterling silver with a gold seal. Price - 1 thousand dollars.

Ш The Italian restaurant of the Bangkok hotel Lebua will indulge in a composition of various delicacies: a sorbet from Louis Roederer Cristal Brut 2000, leaves from edible gold, a small glass with creme brulee and Perigord truffles, chocolate-strawberry mousse and a slice of amazing chocolate cake. Feel the heavenly sweetness of the dessert in contrast to a glass of Moyet Tres Vieille Grande Champagne No. 7. Cost - 640 dollars.

Ш Madeleine Truffle chocolate balls from Knipschildt Chocolatier, an American company, cost $ 250 each and consist of French Valron chocolate and fresh cream, whipped for 24 hours with vanilla chips and pure truffle butter dipped in chocolate and cocoa powder. The process of creating sweets takes a lot of time and effort, so they are prepared only on order and served in a silver box with a personal note from confectioner Fritz Knipschildt.

W. Chef Mark Guibert of Lindeth Howe Country House has created the world's most expensive dessert. It was a chocolate pudding with champagne jelly and expensive cookies, decorated with pieces of gold and a 2-carat diamond.

The $ 34,000 pudding looks like a big Faberge golden egg. It is made from the 4 best varieties of Belgian chocolate and must be ordered in 3 weeks so that the chef has time to prepare the sweets in the best possible way.

В In honor of the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova, who toured Australia in 1926, a dessert was called dessert - meringue cake with fresh fruit. The exact time and place of the invention of the dessert has not been established and is the subject of a protracted dispute between New Zealanders and Australians.

The right dessert recipes

The main purpose of the dessert is to complete the meal, and not to fill the stomach completely, but to smooth the effect of all previous dishes. The true historical meaning of this word is currently distorted. The French understood the dessert as a light, airy dish, came up with recipes for desserts that have a refreshing, invigorating effect.

That is why, in the true French sense, the category of desserts includes fresh berries, varied in taste, jelly color, fresh fruits, freshly squeezed juices. To taste, desserts made from these products are slightly sour, but not too sweet. Modern recipes for real desserts take this feature into account.

A variety of dessert recipes

There are a lot of types of desserts in modern and traditional culinary. But all desserts recipes can be divided into several large categories:

1. Cold: the temperature of these desserts is quite low.

2. Hot: high temperature desserts. This group includes drinks such as tea, cocoa, coffee, coffee drinks. Their advantage is that they have a positive effect in several directions: they accelerate the passage of food through the digestive tract, energize, and increase mood.

Features of the dessert table and recipes for desserts from different countries

In order to correctly design a table for dessert, it must be prepared either separately from the main table with dishes, or first remove all dishes, all remaining products from the main table. Most often, alcoholic drinks are served in the company for dessert, such as semi-sweet or sweet wine, liquor, but this is not a strict rule. In addition, for a dessert table, all served fruit should be placed in large vases. If the recipes for desserts do not involve fruit (for example, jelly), then for each person uses their own dessert dishes, designed for one serving. Another option is to serve a dish - a large plate, designed for all guests.

In different countries of the world, desserts recipes are diverse and peculiar. Therefore, desserts come from Italy, Greece and other countries quite often.

How to choose the right dessert recipes?

There is no exact answer to this question, but some recommendations can be given. Firstly, the selected dishes should be acceptable to all family members, that is, before cooking, you must carefully study the ingredients that make up the composition.

With all its diversity, conditionally desserts recipes can be divided into three main types:

1) mono-ingredient;

2) polyingredient;

3) complex in texture.

Mono-ingredient dishes, as a rule, consist of one main fruit, which in a bizarre form is baked or cut. It is served with a side dish in the form of mint, flowers or a special soft sauce with ice cream. On the culinary portal you can find recipes for such desserts in this section.

Poly-ingredient dishes are already more difficult to prepare, since they consist of two or more components, which must necessarily be combined with each other. It can be a cocktail glass filled with fruit salad or ice cream made by one’s own hands. Delicious and easy recipes for desserts for children, you can also beautifully diversify the festive table, making multi-tiered compositions of fruits and ice cream.

Texture dishes mean not only laying out ready-made ingredients as a side dish and decoration. They can also be served with baked goods or fancy frozen chocolate compositions. Dessert recipes with similar additional gastronomic accessories can also be found in the collection of our portal. In addition, you can combine them with each other, thereby creating your own dish.

Dessert Recipes

W Pickled Fruit Candies


o Fresh pears - 4 pieces.

o Fresh apples (sweet variety) - 2 pieces.

o Sugar - 1 cup.

o Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

o Peppercorns - 10 peas.

o Carnation (buds) - 5 pieces.

o Filtered water - 1 cup (200 ml).


1. Pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar, citric acid, pepper and cloves.

2. Bring the marinade to a boil, reduce the flame, place the pears previously cut into slices into the pan.

3. Cook for three minutes, put the pears in a small jar, add slices of sweet apples, pour the marinade until the slices are completely immersed.

4. Leave the fruit to cool completely. Then get the slices from the marinade. Melt a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath.

5. Using a fork, dip each piece into melted chocolate and lay on a table covered with parchment paper.

6. Put the “fruit candy” in the refrigerator to solidify the chocolate.

W Winter dessert " Snowballs "


o Fresh milk - 375 ml.

o Chicken egg - 2 pcs.

o Sugar - 2 tablespoons.

o Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.


1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat whites thoroughly in a strong foam (do not use enameled dishes!). In whipped proteins, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix for a short time until sugar crystals dissolve.

2. In a separate pan, heat the milk to a boil, dissolve vanilla sugar (a teaspoon) in it. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Using a teaspoon, form a lump of protein foam, which is dipped in hot milk. In milk can be no more than three to four lumps. "Snowballs" should increase in size. Carefully remove the finished lumps on a plate. At the same time, their volume will slightly decrease. Thus, it is necessary to use all whipped proteins.

3. To make the sauce you will need: mix the remaining yolks with sugar. Add two tablespoons of milk to their refrigerator. Stir. Add the mixture to the hot milk that is left on the stove, boil. Put snowballs in bowls or other dishes, pour the sauce over the "snowballs" with a thin stream.

4. Before use, it is necessary to cool the dish in the refrigerator for at least 120 minutes.

W Glazed Cheese


o 500 g of cottage cheese (rustic crumbly)

o 100 g sour cream

o 1 tablespoon semolina

o 0.5 cups sugar

o 100 g icing chocolate

For filler:

o 2 tablespoons of cocoa (nuts, raisins, candied fruits, chocolate)


1. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, semolina, sugar, vanilla.

2. Grind everything with a blender to get a homogeneous mass.

3. Add filler to this mixture (to taste).

4. Cover the mold with foil and lay out the prepared curd mass.

5. Smooth the surface of the curd mass.

6. Place this shape in another shape that is larger in size and which has high sides.

7. Pour water into a large mold to half the height of the mold with the curd mass.

8. Place the molds in the oven and bake the curd for 30 minutes at a temperature of 160 ° C.

9. From the oven, remove the molds, cool, and then place in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.

10. Carefully turn the cooled curd mass onto the board, free from foil.

11. Moisten the knife in hot water and cut into small sticks, the size of which should correspond to the size of the classic glazed curds.

12. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and gently pour it on prepared bars

Dessert salad


o 4 large oranges

o 4 apples

o 1 cup cranberries

o 1 large bunch of white grapes

o 300 g chicken ham

For the sauce:

o 100 g soft goat cheese

o 100 ml cream

o 2 lemons

o 3 tablespoons of lemon juice

o 1 teaspoon poppy


1. Carefully cut the oranges in zigzag shapes into two halves. Separate the fruit pulp from the peel with a spoon. Divide the orange into slices and cut into small cubes.

2. Wash the apples, choose a kernel with seeds, cut the apples into small cubes too.

3. Wash the cranberries, recline on a sieve, let drain.

4. Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the twigs. Dry the berries.

5. Dice the ham

6. Mix prepared apples, orange pulp, grapes, cranberries and ham in a bowl.

7. Arrange the salad in a bowl of halves of orange.

8. Prepare the sauce. To do this, mix goat cheese and cream in a blender. Add the grated zest of two lemons, lemon juice and poppy seeds.

W Candies " Raffaello "   homework


o Butter - 0.5 packs.

o Cream wafers (with filling) - 1 pack.

o Coconut flakes.

o Condensed milk - 0.5 cans.

o Almonds (whole) - 100 gr.

o Vanilla Sugar.


1. Soften butter (do not melt!).

2. Add sugar (pinch), coconut flakes (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), condensed milk, beat thoroughly with butter using a mixer.

3. Put the cream in the refrigerator, keep there for about five hours.

4. Wafers must be finely chopped.

5. Remove the frozen cream from the refrigerator.

6. Make small balls from the cream, place one almond nut inside each ball.

7. Roll the balls in the waffle chips, then in the coconut.

8 Put the prepared candies in the refrigerator for solidification.

9. Serve candy directly from the refrigerator.

W Revan


To prepare the test you will need:

o 100 g flour

o 100 g granulated sugar

o 100 g semolina

To prepare the syrup you need:

o 300 ml of water

o 300 g sugar

o 5 tablespoons of cranberries

o vanilla sugar


1. Separate the yolks from the proteins, add sugar, warm water and beat everything with a mixer to a lush, porous mass.

2. Add separately whipped whites to the foam and, gradually continuing to whisk, flour and semolina.

3. Pour the resulting mass into a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment for baking, and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The oven must not be opened until the end of baking, as the product will settle.

4. Cool the finished Revan, cut into squares. Cut the squares along the diagonals, pour warm syrup.

5. When the Revan is soaked in syrup, serve.

Syrup preparation:

1. Wipe the cranberries through a strainer. Set aside the resulting juice with pulp for a while.

2. Pour the remaining extracts on the strainer with hot water, bring to a boil and strain through a strainer.

3. Dissolve sugar in the resulting broth and bring to a boil. Boil for 1-2 minutes, removing the foam, then cool to 40-50 ° C and mix with cranberry juice.

W Sweets a - la "Snickers"


o 300 g of cream,

o 3 tbsp cocoa powder

o 50 g of softened butter,

o 0.5 cups of milk or cream,

o 400 g of any nuts

o 1 cup sugar.

First you need to mix milk, sugar and cocoa. Then put the resulting mixture to heat on fire. You need to stir it all the time so that it does not burn. Wait until it boils, then remove from heat, put the butter, previously softened and nuts. Mix well, adding a little bit of cream. When the mixture becomes solid, knead it with your hands. A sufficiently tight mass should be obtained.

Put a cling film on the dish and sprinkle with dry cream. From the resulting mixture, make small balls, which are put on the dish. If the balls are difficult to roll, you just need to moisten your hands a little with water - the dough will not stick, and the balls will turn out to be in perfect shape. After you make all the sweets, you need to cover them with cling film and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

W Peanut ice cream


o Peanut butter - 4-5 tablespoons

o Sugar - 2 tablespoons (or to taste)

o Milk - 50-100 ml

o Ice cubes (from 0.25-0.3 l of water)


This dessert should not be too sweet, rather barely, then the taste will be very tender. Despite the fact that I do not like peanut butter in itself, in ice cream its taste sounds different, very tasty!

1. Put ice, peanut butter, sugar, milk in a blender.

2. Beat everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. If the ice does not break, add some milk to melt it a little.

4. Spread in a dessert vase with a slide, on top you can sprinkle with crushed nuts.

W Frozen Berry Dessert


For 4 servings:

o 500 g of a mixture of frozen berries of your choice

o 500 g of natural yogurt or sour cream

o 3 tbsp powdered sugar


Very simple, almost nothing is needed, except for a large amount of time, so that everything can freeze qualitatively.

1. Defrost berries for 10 minutes at room temperature.

2. Put yogurt, powdered sugar and berries in the combine and mix for a long time until smooth. Transfer to a container suitable for the freezer and freeze for 5 hours or leave overnight, if possible.

3. Serve in glass goblets with biscuits, put on the glasses with a round spoon for ice cream.

W Mascapone Carrot Ice Cream


For 4-6 servings:

o 2 tbsp raisins (optional)

o 450 g carrots

o 250 g mascapone cheese (see below)

o 100 ml whole milk


Children will never notice vegetables in this sweet and delicious dessert.

1. Put raisins in a small bowl and pour boiling water. Leave on for 10-15 minutes until the raisins swell.

2. Peel and finely chop the carrots. Steam for 10 minutes until soft.

3. Transfer the boiled carrots to a blender and beat in mashed potatoes. Transfer to a bowl and let cool.

4. Add mascapone and milk, whisk with a whisk until smooth.

5. If using dried fruits, drain them and add to carrots.

6. Transfer the ice cream to the ice cream maker and turn it on - it will take about 20 minutes. Put in a container and put in the freezer.

On a note:  MASCARPONE - Italian fresh white cheese such as dairy cottage cheese from whole cow's milk with cream, about half consists of fat (Milan). By consistency, it is oily and soft, resembling soft butter in density. Mascarpone has a delicate taste and is ideal for preparing various dishes, for example, such a well-known dessert as Tiramisu.


Sweet food and drinks are a traditional addition to any menu. They certainly end lunches, they are the decoration and completion of the festive table. They taste good, are very nutritious, cause a feeling of fullness, enhance the activity of the digestive glands and help improve digestion. The custom of ending a meal with dessert appeared in Europe only in the 19th century, along with an increase in sugar production. Before that, sweets were the privilege of the rich and appeared on the table of commoners only on holidays. Decorating a dessert is of particular importance, since dessert is a festive dish. There are many varieties of desserts. Everything that is served after the main course is considered to be a dessert. According to one version, the origin of the first cakes is associated with Italy. “The famous French proverb” doesn’t argue about tastes, “in Italian it sounds -” they don’t argue about desserts (cakes). Another version says that the tradition of making sweets originated in the East: in the tomb of a noble pharaoh they found something that was once served to the table as a dessert and what can rightfully be called the oldest dessert in the world. Scientists have found that the Egyptian dainty contains honey, sesame and, possibly, milk. At the same time, the French are the trendsetters in the manufacture of cakes and pastries, because it is in France and for the first time cafes and pastry shops appeared, as evidenced by the names of cake ingredients that are caressing - cream, jelly, meringue, caramel, biscuit, etc., of French origin, since cakes and pastries belong to the “sweet side” of life of all countries and peoples, no one knows the exact number of their species, as well as the number of recipes on the basis of which they are created, but undoubtedly, sweet dishes always add festivity to any table and are always in demand and cheer up.

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A popular foreign publication compiled a list of 25 best desserts from around the world, which included our cheesecakes. The compilers of the list did not award any places to these dishes, because, in their opinion, they are all equally tasty.

Russia. Syrniki
“These are pancakes made from crumbly curd. They are fried and served hot, most often with jam, jam, sour cream or honey. ”

France. Creme brulee
“This is a delicate creamy custard topped with a layer of hard crunchy caramel.”

Indonesia. Dadar Gulung
“In Indonesia, dadar means damn, and gulung means roll. So it is not surprising that the dessert popular on the Indonesian island of Java is called Dadar gulung. This is a green pancake made from pandanus leaves, filled with coconut sugar. ”

USA. American apple pie
“Pie can be served with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or even cheddar cheese.”

Turkey. Baklava

Italy. Gelato (hand-made ice cream served with fresh berries, nuts and chocolate)
“Gelato can have a wide variety of flavors, including raspberries, pistachios, rum, and chocolate.”

Peru. Picarons
“Picarones are the Peruvian version of the American bagel made from sweet potatoes, zucchini, flour, yeast, sugar and anise.”

Spain. Tarta de santiago
“Almond cake has a rich history: It originated in the Middle Ages in Galicia, in a region in northwestern Spain.” Created by monks in honor of St. James.

Japan. Moti. This treat is made from sticky rice crushed into a paste.
“Moti is most often eaten on Japanese New Year. They often wrap ice cream in them. ”

Argentina. Pastelitos. Deep-fried puff pastry stuffed with quince or sweet potato
“It is usually eaten on Argentinean Independence Day.”

England. Banoffee pie
“A delicious pie of bananas, cream, and sometimes chocolate or coffee.”

Brazil. Brigadeiro
“Brigadeiros is eaten at any major Brazilian holiday. "Like truffles, desserts are made from chocolate, condensed milk and butter.”

China. Dragon Beard
“Similar to a white cocoon, the candy dragon beard is made primarily of sugar and maltose syrup with peanuts, sesame seeds and coconut. This is not only a Chinese dessert, but also a traditional handmade art. ”

Belgium. Waffles

India. Gulab jamun. These are donuts dipped in sugar syrup.
“Gulabjamun is one of India’s most favorite desserts, although it is also eaten throughout Southeast Asia.”

Austria. Sacher Cake
“The chocolate cake was invented in 1832 by the Austrian Franz Sacher. The recipe is still known only to confectioners at the Sacher Hotel in Vienna. ”

Australia. Lamington
“Sponge squares coated with chocolate and coconut flakes.”

Korea. Pumpkin
“Very sweet cookies made from sesame oil, wheat flour and honey”

Germany. Black Forest Cake

Iceland. Skyr
It is a cross between thick sour cream and cottage cheese, served with berries.

Canada. Nanaimo
“The Canadian bar got its name from the city of Nanaimo in British Columbia. A simple dessert of waffle crumbs with custard and melted chocolate coated "

“Extremely sweet fried buns dipped in cold sugar syrup”

Sweden. Princess almond cake

Egypt. Um ali
"The Egyptian version of American bread pudding made from puff pastry, milk, sugar, vanilla, raisins, coconut, and various nuts."

Poland. Poppy seed roll