What can make salads for the wedding. Delicious salads for a wedding in the summer with their own hands - the best recipes

23.05.2019 Restaurant notes

Drawing up a wedding menu is a strategically important task, because on the table there should be not only hearty and tasty, but also beautiful dishes. We offer you TOP-5 simple salads for a wedding table, having prepared which you will be delighted.

1. Salad "Wedding Ring"

Ingredients:  boiled pork or chicken - 300 grams, 1 can of pickled mushrooms, boiled carrots (200 g), 3 boiled potatoes, 4 boiled eggs, 1 onion, homemade mayonnaise, black pepper, salt. Corn or pomegranate grains for decoration.

How to cook?

Boil carrots and tinder potatoes on a coarse grater, mushrooms and meat - cut into cubes, chop onion into half rings, eggs - into slices. We spread in layers: potatoes, mushrooms, onions, meat, carrots, eggs, each layer is coated with mayonnaise. To get the symbolic shape of the ring, in the center of the dish you need to put a jar or glass, and spread salad around it. You can make two crossed rings and decorate them with contrasting powder.

We decorate the finished snack with pomegranate seeds or corn, put it in the fridge for an hour. After this, we take out the glass, coat the core with mayonnaise, fix the mold and serve it on the table.

2. Salad with prunes

Ingredients:  500 g boiled meat, 3 eggs, 2-3 onions, half a cup of walnuts, 2 medium beets, 150 g of prunes, mayonnaise.

How to cook?

Meat, beets and eggs should be boiled. Onions cut into half rings and scalded with boiling water. Eggs are finely chopped or rubbed on a coarse grater, prunes are cut into pieces, the beets are rubbed on a grater, finely chopped walnuts, meat cut into cubes.

Spread the salad layers: first onion, then meat, eggs, again onions, eggs, prunes, beets, walnuts. Each layer should be smeared with mayonnaise, can be decorated with vegetables, olives or greens. Or, as in the photo, mix everything in the usual way and serve, garnished with a sprig of green currant.

3. Salad "Wedding wreath"

Ingredients:  4 fresh tomatoes, 150 grams of hard cheese, 250 grams of feta cheese, 2 red onions, a jar of olives, 1 fresh cucumber, marjoram (1 tablespoon sliced), pickled chili peppers, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 6 tbsp. vinegar, parsley, pepper, salt to taste.

How to cook?

Cucumber, olives and onions should be cut into slices, tomatoes - into small cubes. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. In a separate bowl you need to mix the spices, vinegar, olive oil. Add the sauce, mix thoroughly. Cut marinated peppers, diced cheese, add them to the finished dish. We spread in the form of a circle, sprinkle with grated cheese on top, decorate with greens, tomatoes. Served on a platter on lettuce leaves.

4. Seafood Salad

Ingredients:  200 g of hard cheese, 2 cans of squid, 6 egg whites, 4 potatoes, mayonnaise, 300 g of celery, 300g of fresh mushrooms, 50 g of capers, 1 bell pepper, olives, boiled carrots.

How to cook?

Eggs and potatoes need to boil, three on a large grater, cut squid, for the decor - grated cheese. It is necessary to lay out the ingredients in layers in the form of a ring, the heart remains empty. It needs to be filled: boil down mushrooms and chicken fillet, cut into small cubes, cut capers, Bulgarian pepper, mix all the ingredients, add seasonings and mayonnaise. The dish is decorated with grated cheese, olives. You can also decorate with pickled mushrooms or vegetables - to your taste.

5. Salad "Forest Fairy Tale"

Ingredients:  2 potatoes, 1 fresh cucumber, 3 carrots, 200 g of pickled mushrooms, 2 pickled cucumbers, half a can of canned peas, 2 bell peppers, 50 g of lingonberries or pomegranate, greens, olive oil, salt, mustard or ground black pepper.

How to cook?

The potatoes are boiled and cut into cubes, the fresh cucumber is sliced, the carrots are boiled, peeled and cut into semicircles. Mushrooms and pickled cucumber should be cut into cubes. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned, cut into cubes, add green peas, green onions and parsley can be cut into a salad, as well as decorate the dish with greens. Separately prepare the sauce with mustard (or pepper), olive oil, salt, and then add it to the dish. You can put in a salad bowl, as an ornament you can use greens, lingonberry seeds.

Enjoy your meal!

If you have your own simple wedding salad recipe, share it in the comments or on the forum!

Of course, vitamin, tasty salads for a wedding, in the summer it is best to cook from seasonal vegetables. However, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and radish should not be limited to one, experienced cooks offer various original recipes that will help diversify the festive menu. Ways of cooking these dishes are quite affordable, which will allow them to cook at home and serve to guests on any other occasion.

What should be a salad at a wedding party?

When preparing the menu for the wedding, you need to consider that guests will be with different taste preferences, so you need to take care of a variety of dishes. Salads can serve as the best decoration of the table, as well as satisfy the most demanding tastes. This versatile dish is made from meat, fish, vegetables, cheeses, seafood and even fruit. To make the guests satisfied with the treats, it is better to cook salads in abundance, let them stay a little better than they miss.

It is customary to decorate holiday food in a variety of ways, as far as fantasy is enough, so that looking at this dish arouses delight and a terrible appetite. Decoration of salads for a wedding is a kind of ceremony, the design of this dish is necessarily symbolic. It looks very attractive salad, formed in the form of rings, or laid out in the form of fish. Flowers made from vegetables, ham rose buds and hundreds of décor options make this dish a gastronomic masterpiece.

The menu of summer weddings will surely diversify the salad without mayonnaise, since there will be such guests who do not like this dressing. Fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, or original sauce, or summer salad, which is widely known as “Greek”, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Crisp salad dressing method

One of these, easy to prepare, is the recipe for "crisp" salad. To get this tasty dish you need white loaf, boiled chicken fillet, hard cheese, Yalta purple onion, fresh cucumber, lettuce leaves and dressing, lemon juice and vegetable oil.

First, crackers are prepared, cut into cubes and fried in a pan until golden brown. Boiled and chilled meat is disassembled into fibers and laid out on a dish. Cheese is rubbed on a large grater, the cucumber is cut into strips, the onion is cut into half rings, and the salad is torn to pieces with just hands and the whole mixture is laid out in a heap. At the end of adding the crackers, pour all the dressing and the salad is ready. The perfect combination of flavors will leave the well-fed and satisfied guests.

Greek salad with fetaksa cheese

Having tasted the Greek salad with fetaksa, connoisseurs of summer salads will get true gastronomic delight. 150 grams of cheese, three cucumbers and tomatoes, lettuce, fresh, fleshy, Bulgarian pepper, salad onions to taste and a floor of a jar of black olives will be used to make a portion of salad. You will need to season with black pepper, dry, chopped oregano, greens of basil, dill and parsley. Olive oil will go to the dressing.

You can cut vegetables into a salad into cubes, circles or the floor, this is already at the discretion of the chef. It is necessary to lay out the beginning with lettuce, which is arbitrarily crushed with a knife or torn by hand. A bowl of sliced ​​cucumbers is laid on top, and only then are tomatoes and onions. From above, the diced cheese is perched together with the olives chopped into ringlets. Finally, finely chopped greens, spices, and oil are added and mixed gently so as not to touch the lettuce leaves. Great meal is ready.

DIY Salad "Caprese"

A great treat would be a salad that is as simple to prepare, as delicious as it tastes. The whole secret is the perfect combination of taste ingredients. 100 g of mozzarella, one sugar tomato, basil, olive oil and salt to taste are used for cooking. Optionally, you can add the sauce "Pesto", which is prepared from Parmesan cheese, garlic, basil, pine nuts, salt and olive oil. And grind everything brand, until a homogeneous mass, which can then be added to taste in a salad.

You can present Caprese in a variety of ways. If the tomato is cut into thin slices, then the cheese is cut in the same way, and then these slices, alternating, can be laid out in a circle and decorated with basil leaves. Very tasty dish is ready.

The presented salad recipes are just a few of the variety of existing pickles that can please dear guests at the wedding. Salad can serve as a supplement to the main treat or be a separate dish, but it is through it that you can create an abundance of delicious snacks that can subdue any gourmet.

If you try, with the help of kitchen utensils you can learn, present even the simplest dish in an original way, which will be the main decoration of the festive table.

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A wedding is the most important and memorable day in the life of a couple in love. The marriage ceremony unites young people in a friendly and strong family. Preparing for such an event requires responsibility. After all, the newlyweds really want the holiday to be remembered by every invited person.

Guests and the heroes of the occasion themselves can spoil the mood due to any, even the smallest, shortcomings. Naturally, the holiday can not do without problems, but it is better to try and prevent their occurrence.

Plan your wedding in advance. Think over every item and every little thing. Today we will talk about how to organize a wedding table and to please each person with the dishes offered.

Modern people appreciate the wedding not by the dress of the bride and the prestige of the car, which will go to the newlyweds. They pay special attention to the quality and quantity of dishes that they served on the table. The tastier and more satisfying the wedding menu, the more satisfied the guests will be.

That is why with particular responsibility you need to approach the selection of the holiday menu. None feast is complete without a variety of salads. You can serve guests exclusive and delicious salads that they will love.

Wedding salads should look like they would like to eat. Each dish must be beautifully served. Only in this case, the salads will be the main decoration of the wedding table.

What kind of salads can you make? There are a lot of recipes. Do not forget that the main role belongs to the design and serving. Let's take a closer look at the possible options for salads.

Salad with mushrooms for the wedding

  • one medium carrot;
  • fresh mushrooms (250 grams);
  • onion (1 piece);
  • boiled eggs (4 pieces);
  • mayonnaise (100 grams);
  • salt (pinch);
  • green onions (20 grams);
  • chicken leg (300 grams);
  • vegetable oil (50 grams);
  • Estonian cheese (100 grams).

You did not find fresh mushrooms and decided to make a dish with dried ingredient? So wash them thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Let stand for about an hour. Then get rid of the water and finely chop the mushrooms. The ingredient can be boiled and placed in a pre-heated frying pan. Fry the mushrooms until ready.

Take the carrot and onion. Remove the peel and cut the onion cut into small pieces. Carrot grate on a coarse grater. Take another frying pan and heat it, after having been lubricated with vegetable oil. Put grated carrots and chopped onions in a preheated pan. Vegetables should be grilled until cooked.
  Boil the chicken leg in water with salt. Then let the ingredient cool and cut it into small pieces. Chicken meat will be the first layer of salad. It is laid out in a pre-cooked container. Take mayonnaise and thoroughly grease the chicken.

Boil eggs until tender. Then remove the shells and rub them on a finely grated grater. Grated ingredient spread on top of chicken legs. Take mayonnaise and oil a new layer. Onions and carrots are laid on top of the grated eggs. Vegetables also grease with mayonnaise.

The last layer is mushrooms. Pre-rub the cheese on a medium grater and sprinkle it with mushrooms. The decoration of the finished dish will be chopped green onions.
  Salad put in the fridge and left there for a couple of hours. The chilled dish is well soaked and tastes better.

Salad with corn for the wedding

This dish is made from the following ingredients:

  • Russian cheese (150 grams);
  • mayonnaise (200 grams);
  • eggs (3 pieces);
  • garlic (2 teeth);
  • a jar of corn;
  • green onions (50 grams);
  • prunes (100 grams);
  • a pinch of salt.

Eggs need to boil until tender. Allow them to cool and remove the shells. Then cut the finished eggs into small pieces. Take a grater and rub on large cells cheese.

Take prunes (preferably, the bones were not), rinse it thoroughly and leave to lie in boiling water. After that, rinse the ingredient again and cut it into pieces.

Ingredients that you have prepared before, you need to mix in one container. Then crush the garlic and add it and the mayonnaise to the products. Mix the contents thoroughly. Open a jar of corn and drain excess fluid. Pour the ingredient into a bowl of salad. Leave some corn to decorate the dish.
  Take the oval container and place all the prepared products there. Top salad for wedding decorate the remaining corn. You also need to place the green onion on one side so that you get an improvised corn.

You can serve the salad both after cooking and chilled.

Wedding Celery Salad

This dish is made from the following ingredients:

  • walnut kernels (5 pieces);
  • celery (5 pieces);
  • pickled apples (2 pieces);
  • mayonnaise (250 grams);
  • can of tuna.

Rinse the celery thoroughly and cut it into small pieces. Peel from sour apples do not need to be cleaned. Cut the fruit in half and get rid of the core. Then take the right amount of pickled apples and chop them finely. Crush the nuts. Open the tuna fish and place the fish on a plate. It is not necessary to drain the liquid. Carefully mash the fish.

Prepared products spread in one container and mix the contents thoroughly. Take mayonnaise, add it to the salad and knead well.

Salad with ham for wedding

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • edam cheese (200 grams);
  • chicken fillet (500 grams);
  • mayonnaise (200 grams);
  • pickled peaches (4 pieces);
  • ham (250 grams);
  • a pinch of salt and pepper:
  • boiled eggs (3 pieces).

Boil the chicken fillet in water with salt. Then let the ingredients cool and cut into large pieces. Boil eggs, get rid of the shell and cut them into pieces. Cut the ham into large pieces.

Cheese should be cut into cubes. Take the peaches and also cut them into cubes.
Ready ingredients need to be mixed thoroughly.  Then the salad is salted, pepper and seasoned with mayonnaise. The prepared dish is refrigerated and left there for a couple of hours. Ready salad decorate with greens.

Salad with vegetables for a wedding

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • chicken leg (300 grams);
  • big carrot (1 piece);
  • onion (1 piece);
  • eggs (5 pieces);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • sauce (250 grams);
  • a jar of green peas;
  • vegetable oil (50 grams).

Salt the water and boil the ham in it. Then let it cool and tear it into fibers. Eggs need to break into a bowl, add a little salt and whip them. Heat the pan, pre-pouring vegetable oil. Fry egg pancakes (at least half a centimeter thick).

Peel carrots. Then grate the ingredient on a grate with large cells. Fry the carrots in a preheated pan until cooked. Finely chop the onion and fry it along with the carrot.

The cucumber must be cut into strips and put into a prepared container. Pancakes, which had time to cool down, also cut into strips and add to the container with cucumber. Complete the salad with ready-made onions and carrots, cooked and pulled chicken leg, a jar of green peas.
  Ready salad salt and season with sauce (homemade mayonnaise or sour cream).

Salad with potatoes for the wedding

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • pickled cucumbers (4 pieces);
  • pork (200 grams);
  • onion (1 piece);
  • fresh cucumber;
  • mayonnaise (100 grams);
  • Dutch cheese (50 grams);
  • dill or parsley (20 grams);
  • potatoes (5 pieces);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • eggs (5 pieces).

Take the salted water and boil the pork in it. Meat that is cooked in a saucepan can be seasoned with spices. Ready and cooled pork is cut into medium sized pieces.

Cut fresh cucumber into cubes. Add the prepared ingredient to the pork. Salted cucumbers cut the same way. Onions need to chop and add to cucumbers and meat. Dutch tinder cheese on a coarse grater and added to a container with the rest of the ingredients.

Eggs are cooked until tender. Then peel the finished ingredient from the shell and cut into slices. Potatoes are boiled without peeling. Cut it into small pieces. Put the prepared potatoes in a container. Dish salt and season with mayonnaise. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. To decorate the dish you need dill and parsley.

Thinking through the script of the wedding, young people pay special attention to the holiday table. After all, guests should not only eat, but also enjoy the feast. Recipes simple but original wedding salads will help solve the problem of interesting appetizers to the table.

Wedding is a great turning point in life. But along with this event on the shoulders and laid the trouble. Therefore, the first thing you start is the menu of wedding salads and a variety of snacks on the table.

Salads at the wedding table should be varied. But you should be aware that your guests may be allergic to certain foods.

Therefore, in order to satisfy all guests, it is necessary to diversify the menu of salads at the wedding table. Thus, you will not only have a fun wedding, but also feed all the guests with delicious salads.

Proper sorting of lettuce

Simple wedding salad recipes should have a combination of ingredients. You can cook salads from seafood, meat, vegetables. You can use:

  1. Squids;
  2. Shrimp;
  3. Fish;
  4. Meat salads;
  5. Tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper.

Use greens (parsley, dill) for decoration.

It is necessary to diversify the menu of salads

Salad recipes for the wedding table

Puff salad with chicken

For the preparation you need these ingredients.

  • Chicken Breast - 250 g
  • Raw mushrooms - 200 g
  • Carrots, onions - 1 pc.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, cheese - 100 g
  • Greenery.
  • Vegetable oil.

Boil chicken breast with spices (salt, pepper to taste), then chop finely. Fry mushrooms in a pan until golden brown. Finely chop the onion, egg and carrot (do not mix the ingredients in the same container).

Put the salad in layers, start with fried mushrooms + mayonnaise + onions + egg + mayonnaise + chicken + mayonnaise + carrots + egg + mayonnaise + cheese, decorate with greens.

Salad "Marseille"

Ingredients: prunes (50 g), mayonnaise (to taste), cheese (150 g), eggs (3 pieces), boiled chicken (300 g), Korean carrots (100 g), greens for decoration.

Finely chop the chicken and put a thin layer on a plate, put carrots on top. Salad is prepared in layers, so each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. After carrots we put prunes, eggs. Put grated cheese on top of the salad and decorate with greens.

Diabetic salad

Therefore, you can cook for the wedding simple recipes.

It is prepared from beets and grated pickled cucumber

Wedding salads should be varied.

The recipe is simple, you just need to grate two ingredients on a grater and mix with vegetable oil. Salt put to taste. As an ornament you can use greens and pomegranate seeds.

Simple salad recipes for the wedding table

Vegetables and anchovies


  1. Carrots, potatoes - 1 piece.
  2. Stryuchkovy beans - 50 grams.
  3. Olives - 20 grams.
  4. Anchovies - 60 grams.
  5. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  6. Spices - tarragon, pepper and salt.
  7. Mayonnaise - 45 grams.

Preparation: All ingredients cut into small cubes and mix with mayonnaise. This elegant and simple salad will surprise you with its exquisite taste.

Champagne fountain for a wedding and cake from cakes as an integral part of the wedding menu

Sea beauty

This salad is also very easy to make. But you must be sure that most of your guests are not allergic to it.

For cooking you will need: shrimp, cheese, salmon, trout 100 grams of each ingredient. We also need half-canned olives, one tomato, and to decorate sesame seed.

Put the finely chopped ingredients in layers. Each layer may be coated with mayonnaise (but not much), because seafood is already oily.

Layers: tomato + salmon + olives + cheese + shrimp + sesame seed.

All of the above recipes are designed for only one portion per. If you need a portion more, then the number of ingredients should be multiplied by 2. Thus, you get a uniform balance in the total capacity. Then you can decompose the salads into several small plates.