What goodies can be cooked. What to cook cheap

08.06.2019 Restaurant notes

Autumn brings with it wind, early twilight and coolness. I want hot tea and something delicious. I propose to cook an unusual and surprisingly delicate stuffing - lemon Kurd. This is the younger brother of custard, but instead of milk, lemon juice is taken and then a kind of custard on fruit juice is obtained. And, despite the pronounced acidity, they are ideal as a filling for any sweet pastry. A wonderful addition to herbal tea. Without it, the British are very depressing to drink their evening tea with buns, and the Americans immediately adopted this recipe.

Lemon Kurd is well kept in the fridge for about a week, it can be successfully spread on bread, put into pies and profit rolls, and just nyamkatsya directly from the jar (the latter in particular))). If you like citrus pastries and desserts, then this Kurd is defined for you: a thin layer of it in pies and cakes will give a unique touch. Kurdish spoon will emphasize and turn the usual taste of vanilla ice cream, And pancakes ?! Who does not love sweet, sugar pancakes with the aroma and taste of citrus?

Just ten minutes - and on the table is fragrant with lemon, amazing in color and taste, light and tender, melting lemon-lime Kurd.

   Egg - 4 pcs
   Sugar - 200 g
   Lemon - 4 pcs
   Butter - 60 g

You can make a Kurd only on yolks, and proteins, for example, use for meringue - if you make a tart. If you want a brighter citrus flavor - you can take 2 medium lemons and 2 limes, but you can play with taste: 3 lemons + 1 lime, 3 limes + 1 lemon (if you like more)

   1) With 2 lemons, remove the zest, chop and mix with sugar.
   2) With the lemons squeeze the juice, by the way, remember the trick? To get more juice from citrus fruits, put them in the microwave for 15 seconds. Add the resulting juice to the sugar, mix well and let stand for 20 minutes.
   3) Eggs are well broken whisk in a separate bowl. Gradually, while stirring, add lemon juice to the egg mixture. Then, strain the mixture in a small saucepan.
4) Put the saucepan on a small fire, and continuously (!) Stirring with a whisk, cook until thick. Gradually, the mixture will become thick, large bubbles will appear (which will immediately burst). If you want to get a thicker cream - add 3 tbsp. cornstarch at the beginning. At the very end, add the butter and knead again intensively with a whisk.

Next, pour in jars, cool and send in the refrigerator.
   Try it in the morning with coffee and toast, put it on a platter with a delicate pancake or peel the sponge cake, fill it with cupcakes or make a lemon meringue in tartlets. You will not be disappointed!

The recipe for cooking fried chicken Millie Pasquinelli. Try it yourself and surprise your loved ones.

Can a snack be tastier than salted red fish? If you properly salt the red fish, it turns out divinely tasty and is always the most popular on any holiday table.

It would seem that cooking a cake is so elementary, but not everyone can get it really tasty. I tell you how to cook a truly delicious cake. Recipe, time-tested;)

Preparing a tasty mashed potato without lumps is not a very difficult task. The main thing is to follow a simple recipe.

The recipe for cabbage with mushrooms for the winter is very simple. Take the time to prepare this piece, it will help you in the winter more than once!

Tasty herring is the codename of the herring under the carrot. Very simple dish balancing between appetizer and salad. It is very easy to prepare, and the name of the dish speaks eloquently for itself.

You know, no matter how the ladies love all sorts of tricks in the kitchen, for some reason, the potatoes work best for men. So I peeped, appreciated and offer you a simple recipe for delicious potatoes in a pan!

The recipe for the most delicious fried chicken. Such yummy you have not tried.

The beginning of autumn, the very season of zucchini! I advise you to prepare them for the winter in the form of squash caviar. I simply called my recipe - delicious squash caviar. Cooking!

A delicious apple pie is made from apples of the new crop, fragrant, ripe. Proteins and yolks are whipped separately, then connected. This makes the charlotte airy! I really love this recipe!

Recipe for cooking potato casserole with minced meat. Very tasty and beautiful potato casserole with minced meat.

Properly cooked pizza dough without yeast - a guarantee that the dish will turn out very tasty. I am telling you how to make pizza dough correctly, like in good pizzerias.

A simple classic recipe for cooking mannica - a delicious cake based on semolina, flour and sour cream.

Broccoli is a very tasty and healthy vegetable, but not everyone can cook it. I tell you how to cook fried broccoli - a great side dish or an independent vegetable dish.

The recipe for making a very tasty and, more importantly, healthy porridge made from oatmeal, water and butter. If you care about your health - oatmeal should be in your diet.

Quick pizza - a recipe for those who love pizza, but is too lazy to cook it according to the rules of Italian cuisine. Simplify the recipe to disgrace, but we still get very tasty and delicious pizza :)

French croissants from dough mixed in kefir. Wonderful pastries for a cup of hot coffee.

Apple pie "Magnificent"

Before you - a simple recipe for making German apple pie. Apple pie "Magnificent" turns out to be airy, juicy, light, incredibly tasty.

Tasty cheesecakes - a well-known dish, optimally suited for a rich and healthy breakfast. The dish is simple, but to cook really tasty cheesecakes - you need to know a few secrets.

Every person has his most delicious cake. I hope that this cake will become your most delicious cake.

The recipe for cooking chicken thighs. Delicious chicken thighs fit any garnish.

Mimosa salad"

Salad "Tasty"

The recipe is amazingly tasty and tender pork ribs. Surprise your family and friends.

The recipe for the most delicious potato soup. Soup like your entire family.

Salad with shrimps "Tasty"

Salad with shrimps "Delicious" - this is the perfect, in my understanding of cooking, a salad with shrimps. A simple recipe for a delicious shrimp salad will help you make a salad as good as an expensive restaurant.

Mimosa salad"

All familiar salad, suitable for the holiday table for any reason. Salad "Mimosa" - a classic salad is easy to prepare and incredibly delicate in taste.

Recipe for pancakes with meat - cooking pancakes with meat filling. Incredibly tasty snack popular in Russia and the countries of Europe.

Cutlets - a classic Russian cuisine. Well, so, ladies and gentlemen, let's go through the classics? ;) Cooking delicious minced meat patties - you can't just imagine the tastiest!

This simple recipe of Vergunov will especially appeal to all lovers of the sweetie, because the Verguns are such traditional Ukrainian donuts for kefir, tasty and tender, and they also prepare quickly!

The recipe of cooking popular Georgian soup Kharcho. How to make soup Kharcho every self-respecting home cook should know.

Belyashi are very fond of adults and children. We do not recommend buying them on trays, but cooking at home is a great idea. It is easy and very tasty. Sometimes this delicacy can be eaten even by those who watch the figure.

Traditionally it is believed that the best steak is from beef, but for high-quality steak, you must choose meat very carefully. But the pork steak is an excellent option for most cases.

If you have already prepared everything for the festive table, but forgot about the dessert - it doesn't matter, you can get out very quickly, knowing this simple recipe for a delicious cake without baking from the available products!

Salad "Tasty"

Everyone has their own delicious salad. My option is nourishing, bright, simple, and in preparation and affordable. Such a delicious salad will work well on weekdays and the festive table will decorate. He is preparing for half an hour.

Cake on kefir is very easy to prepare and economical, but, nevertheless, a delicious cake that can be safely put even on a festive table. I tell you how to cook a cake on kefir.

Constantly having a “on-duty” supply of products in the fridge, any housewife will hesitate to answer the question: what to cook inexpensively. Eating inexpensively, it is necessary to observe the well-known balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and not to forget about living vitamins, getting them from fresh fruits and vegetables.

You can always save by completely abandoning the semi-finished products. In addition, this failure will drastically improve the quality of food, because in all finished products and semi-finished products contains an incredible amount of salt and preservatives.

It is known that you can cook inexpensively almost any dish. It is worth paying attention to the traditional dishes of cereals, mushrooms, vegetables - their simplicity (not only in cooking, but also in composition) will help you to fix the digestion and organism torn by the wrong diet and help those who have long and often unsuccessfully struggling with excess weight.

Our site offers you a selection of recipes that can be cooked inexpensively.

Mushroom cabbage soup

  250 g fresh mushrooms or 70 g dried,
  300 g white cabbage.
  1 carrot,
  1 onion,
  2-3 potatoes
  vegetable oil,
  Bay leaf,
  2-3 peppercorns,
  salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the potatoes into strips, finely chop the cabbage, rub the carrots in a medium grater, chop the onion. Fry carrots and onions until soft. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry them separately (soak the dried ones). In the broth or water, lower the potatoes, cabbage and cook until half cooked. Then put roasted vegetables and mushrooms in a saucepan, add bay leaf, allspice and cook the soup until ready.

Fast jellied pie with onions and egg

  For the test:
  280 g flour,
  400 g of kefir,
  2 eggs,
  160 g butter,
  2 tbsp. Sahara,
  ½ tsp salt,
  1.5 tsp baking powder.
  For filling:
  2 eggs,

  Cut the green onions, slightly warm it with butter, salt and pepper, add hard-boiled and diced eggs. To make batter, melt butter, add sugar and salt, pour kefir and beaten eggs. Mix flour with baking powder, add to the liquid mixture and mix until smooth. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour a little more than half of the dough into it. Put the filling on it and pour the remaining dough. Bake the cake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 35 minutes. Cool the finished cake a little, cover with a towel, then lay out of the form on the dish. This recipe is ideal for multicooker.

Potato "Pizza" (a great recipe for "after the holidays")

  3 boiled potatoes
  2 eggs,
  boiled or fried meat,
  tomato paste,
  salt pepper.

  Grate the potatoes, beat the eggs, salt and pepper. Mix everything well. Put the potato dough into a pizza shape and smooth it out, brush with tomato paste. Put the diced meat and cover with cheese. Then put in the oven, preheated to 180 º C, and bake until the cheese melts.

Chicken mince patties with super-lush oatmeal

  500 g minced chicken,
  1 egg
  ½ stack instant oatmeal,
  ½ stack milk (or water)
  1 onion,
  2 cloves of garlic,
  paprika, black pepper, salt - to taste.

  Mix eggs with milk, pour oatmeal with this mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Chop the onion and garlic, add to the minced chicken and mix. Add swollen oatmeal and spices to the mince and carefully knead the minced meat. Heat butter in a pan and sprinkle cutlets on it with a spoon. Fry them from both sides, first over high heat, then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and bring to readiness.

Meatloaf in cheese and potato wrapper

  250 g mashed potatoes,
  2 tbsp. potato starch,
  2 eggs,
  1 onion,
2 tbsp. chopped parsley,
  150 g of hard cheese
  1 clove garlic,
  2 tbsp. semolina,
  500 g mince,
  2 tbsp. breadcrumbs
  ½ tsp ground coriander,
  salt - to taste.

  Add to the mashed potatoes 1 tbsp. parsley, 1 egg, 50 g grated cheese and starch and mix well. Put the potatoes on a polyethylene film with a rectangle 1 cm thick. Chop onions and garlic and fry in butter, then mix with meat, decoy, bread crumbs, coriander, parsley and egg. Salt, mix well, beat off and put the minced meat on top of the potatoes in a smaller rectangle. With the help of the film roll into a roll. After that, carefully remove the film, and roll the roll in foil and in several layers of the film. Boil the roll on low heat for 50-60 minutes. Remove from the water and, when slightly cooled, turn and sprinkle with grated cheese on all sides. Put on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 200ºС for 10-15 minutes so that the cheese turns red.

  1 squash,
  1 eggplant,
  1 sweet pepper,
  2 tomatoes,
  1 onion,
  2-3 potatoes
  3 cloves of garlic,
  greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

  Cut the potatoes, zucchini, eggplant and sweet pepper into equal cubes. Fry the potatoes in vegetable oil and add the eggplant and pepper to it, fry everything together and put in a saucepan. Place the peeled tomatoes, onion, garlic in a blender and chop into mashed potatoes. Pour the prepared sauce in a skillet with vegetables, add zucchini and stew until the vegetables are soft. When serving, lay ratatouille in a ring, around which pour sauce and garnish with greens.

Chicken Potato Cheesecakes

  500 g potatoes
  1 egg
  2 tbsp. flour,
  ½ tsp salt,
  greens, cheese.
  For filling:
  250 g minced chicken,
  2 bulbs,
  1 tbsp. mayonnaise,
  some garlic
  spices - to taste.

  Fry the minced meat with onions and spices, adding garlic and mayonnaise. Cook the potatoes in salted water, drain the water, mash, add the egg, flour, greens. Cool the dough and divide into pieces. From each piece make a small cake, put them on a greased and covered with parchment baking sheet. Grease each cake with a beaten egg, put the stuffing on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven at 160 ° C for 30 minutes.

"Lazy legs"

  1 pack of chicken drumsticks
  2 carrots,
  2 bulbs,
  1 can of corn,
  1 stack rice,
  500 ml of boiling water or broth,
  salt, pepper, paprika, spices - to taste.

Peel and finely chop the onion. Grate carrots. Fry onions and carrots in a pan. Add rinsed rice, corn without liquid to the pan, mix. Put the mixture in the form, pour two cups of boiling water or hot broth. Rub the chicken from all sides with salt, pepper and paprika and put it on rice. Cover with foil, bake in the oven and bake for 1 hour at 200 ° C.

Onion roll with chicken stew

  For the test:
  ½ stack water,
  1 egg
  1-1.5 stacks flour,
  For filling:
  3 bulbs,
  1 chicken fillet,
  1 bag (400 g) of frozen vegetables,
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Knead the dough out of water, eggs, flour and salt, like on dumplings and let it stand for 30 minutes. Cut the onion into half rings and fry it until soft. Roll out the dough, put the fried onions, roll into a roll and cut into small slices 4-5 cm wide. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, fry, add frozen vegetables and heat a little. Put onion rolls to chicken and vegetables, add enough water to cover rolls half. Stew in a lid until the water evaporates and then lightly fry.

Patties "Bombs"

  For the test:
  3.5 stacks flour,
  1 stack boiling water
  4 tbsp. vegetable oil
  1 tsp Sahara,
  1 tsp salt.
  For filling:
  5 tomatoes,
  200 g cheese or cottage cheese,
  2 cloves of garlic,
  salt, greens - to taste.

  Cut tomatoes into slices, mash cheese with a fork (if you use cottage cheese, salt it), squeeze garlic into it, add chopped greens and mix. To make the dough, stir the salt and sugar in boiling water, add vegetable oil. Mix water with flour and knead the dough well. Roll out half of the dough into a large thin layer. Put the tomato circles on the dough no closer than 3 cm apart. Put the stuffing on them. Next, roll out the second layer of dough and cover with the first one with the filling. With a glass of suitable diameter, cut the patties along the contours of each tomato circle. Walk your fingers along the edges of each cake so that they are well sealed. Fry patties in a large amount of hot vegetable oil on both sides.

Casserole with minced meat and buckwheat

  700 g minced chicken,
  250 grams of buckwheat,
  2 bulbs,
  2 carrots,
  2 apples
  120-150 grams of cheese.

Boil buckwheat and cool. Fry onions in a mixture of vegetable and butter onions until soft, cut it into cubes, and carrots rubbed on a large grater, cool. Mix with minced chicken, season well, knead until smooth, and lay a layer in the form. Add the apples and grated cheese, peeled and grated on a large grater, to the buckwheat, mix well and place, lightly, using a second layer in the form. Bake in the oven at 200 ºC for 25 minutes. After that, remove, sprinkle with grated cheese and again put in the oven for 5 minutes.

Lentil Casserole with Cheese and Curd

  100 grams of red lentils
  40 g of cottage cheese,
  40 g of hard cheese
  1 egg
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Boil lentils until cooked in the ratio of cereals and water 1: 2 for 15 minutes, filling it with cold water. At the end of cooking, salt. If water remains in the saucepan after the specified time, drain it, or boil the lentils a little more without a lid so that the liquid will evaporate, then cool. Add egg, cottage cheese, grated cheese, salt, pepper to it and mix everything until smooth. Grease the baking dish with butter, place the lentils and level the surface. Bake in the oven at 180 ºС for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

Puff pastry boats with potatoes, meat and cucumbers

  1 kg of potatoes
  400 grams of any meat
  1 onion,
  3-4 small pickles,
  500 g ready puff yeast dough,
  1 egg
  50 g of hard cheese.

  Boil potatoes and mash. Cut the meat into slices, cut the onions into half rings and fry everything as follows: meat on high heat, stirring for 3 minutes, then add the onions, stir, reduce the gas and simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes. After that open the lid and over medium heat slightly evaporate the juice for another 4 minutes. Cucumbers cut into slices, if large - into strips. Divide the thawed dough into 4 parts, roll out, put in the center 2-3 tablespoons. (with a slide) of cooked mashed potatoes, in the center - roasted meat and sliced ​​cucumbers. On the sides, make longitudinal cuts and pass one strip of dough into another in such a way that the cut is in the center. Put the shapes of boats on the items, tweak the sides, put them on a baking sheet, brush with a beaten chicken egg, slightly close the center with grated cheese and put in the oven preheated to 180ºС for 25 minutes.

Spaghetti Casserole with Chicken and Vegetables

  1 pack of spaghetti,
  3 eggs,
  1 stack cream
  200 g grated cheese
  2 chicken fillets,
  4-6 pickled cucumbers,
  3-4 tomatoes,
  salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

Beat the eggs with the cream and half the cheese, salt and pepper and mix the resulting mass with the cooked spaghetti. Put in a greased form, lay a mixture of finely chopped fillet and cucumbers on top, salt and pepper a little too. Then put sliced ​​tomatoes, make a grid of sour cream over the entire surface. The last layer is grated cheese. Put the form in the oven, preheated to 200ºС, and bake until the cheese turns rosy-golden.

Very lazy dumplings

  3 stack flour,
  1 egg
  ¾ stack water,
  ½ tsp salt,
  salt, pepper - to taste.

  Sift the flour, add the egg, water and knead the dough. Be sure to leave it for 30-40 minutes for the flour to swell. At this time, cook the stuffing: meat, onion, salt, pepper. Roll out the ready-made dough in a sheet no thicker than 1 millimeter. Put the mince on top and roll into a roll, tweak a long edge. Knife cut the dough with minced meat on the posts. Put them in a deep frying pan on the "pillow" of roasted carrots and garlic, cover with water, cover and simmer on low heat until all the liquid is absorbed. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh chopped greens.

Rice Patties with Cheese

  1.5 stacks rice,
  2 eggs,
  250 grams of cheese
  vegetable oil,
  greens, salt, pepper.

  Boil rice. Combine grated cheese with rice, add yolks, chopped dill, salt, pepper and mix well. From the resulting stuffing form an oval cutlet and roll them in breadcrumbs. Then fry them in a well-heated pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.

Now you know what to cook inexpensive and tasty. Enjoy your meal!

Larisa Shuftaykina