Eggplant appetizer for the winter fingers recipes. Eggplant like mushrooms for the winter - the best recipes

29.05.2019 Blanks for winter

Still thinking what recipe to make delicious eggplants for the winter? I highly recommend to try the original and interesting dish - eggplants like mushrooms. Elastic slices of blue with a light aroma of garlic and in fact resemble mushrooms in some way (I would say, it looks like pickled mushrooms). During the season, be sure to prepare a couple of jars of such eggplants for the winter - I'm sure you will like them!

For the recipe of this vegetable preparation for the winter, eggplants of any degree of maturity are suitable, but it is advisable to choose young ones (they do not have such large and tough seeds). To remove the skin or not - it's up to you. Someone likes it, but someone does not tolerate it. If elderly eggplants, it is advisable to soak them in salted water, then squeeze them thoroughly - this way you can remove bitterness without any problems.

The amount of garlic for eggplants for the winter can be increased or decreased - this is a matter of taste. Vegetable oil will suit any refined, that is, odorless (I use sunflower). In the marinade, I have the most delicious and fragrant ingredients to the taste of our family. You can safely remove or add your favorites.




(1 liter ) (6 tablespoons) (1 tablespoon ) (1 tablespoon ) (2 pieces ) (3 pieces ) (2 pieces ) (0.5 tsp) (0.5 tsp)

Preparation of dishes step by step with a photo:

For the preparation of this simple but very tasty vegetable preparation for the winter, we will need the following products: eggplants, refined vegetable oil and garlic. In addition, for the marinade take water, vinegar, granulated sugar, table salt (not iodized!), Bay leaf, allspice peas, clove buds, mustard seeds and coriander. If you do not like any spices, you can not add them at all.

The first step is to cook the marinade. To do this, put the salt, sugar, bay leaf, allspice peas, clove buds, mustard seeds and coriander into a suitable container (I have a 4 liter saucepan).

Meanwhile, doing eggplant. We wash them, we cut tails off from both sides, if we wish, we remove thin skin (for this it is most convenient to use a housekeeper knife).

Cut the flesh is not small, but rather large pieces, so that later it was convenient to eat them. Approximate size - 3x3 centimeters.

When the contents of the pan boil, give it a brownie for about a minute (it is possible under the lid). After that, we add table vinegar, mix and lay eggplant slices in boiling marinade.

We wait until the contents of the dishes boil again and cook the eggplants over medium heat without a lid for about 3-5 minutes. During this time, the slices will boil and become translucent. They do not need to interfere too actively. It is best to lower them to the bottom with the help of skimmers, since vegetables always float on the surface of the marinade.

Turn off the fire, close the pan with a lid and let the eggplants stand in the marinade for 10 minutes. During this time they will absorb all the flavors and flavors of the marinade.

After that, we throw back the eggplant slices on a sieve or colander, so that the marinade stack is no longer useful to us. Let them stand like this for about 10 minutes. I throw away the bay leaves and the cloves - they have given off their flavor enough, and the storage during storage can give a little bitterness.

In a deep and wide pan pour refined vegetable oil and let it warm over medium heat. After that, lay chopped garlic and fry literally 20-30 seconds. No need for longer, as darkened (that is, well-roasted) garlic will taste bitter, and we need its aroma to soak in the oil.

Eggplant like mushrooms - a delicious and unusual snack for the winter. Cooking it quickly and easily, with any homemaker can handle cooking at home. And it turns out very tasty. After all, when there is a summer season in the yard, and in the garden there is an abundance of various vegetables, then you certainly want to cook something like that for your family. Whereas everyday tomatoes and cucumbers are already so fed up.

Eggplant marinated as mushrooms for the winter is an excellent snack for all occasions. And its main highlight is that it prepares a dish of vegetables, and tastes like real mushrooms.

What you need to cook eggplants marinated "under the mushrooms"

  • eggplants (better small, young) - 5 kg;
  • large onion - 500 g;
  • salt - add to your taste (about three spoons);
  • garlic - 4 medium sized heads;
  • refined vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Marinade: water - 450 ml .;
  • Lavrushi leaf - 8 pcs .;
  • acetic essence (6%) - 200 ml .;
  • pepper and peas - 6-8;
  • Any mushroom seasoning - 15 g.

Eggplant marinated as mushrooms for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo:

Wash the little blue ones, peel them and peel them off, cut into thick straws first, and then shape them into pieces, like feet of mushrooms, that is, in small rings. We send the vegetables in a large bowl or pot, so that it is convenient for you to interfere with the dish.

Add salt to eggplants, set aside for 2.5 hours, so that the vegetables let bitterness, which then will need to be drained.

Garlic and onions are cleaned, washed, laid out on paper towels for 5 minutes to dry. Cut the onion into thin rings (if small heads) or half rings (if you take large heads). To the onions add chopped garlic (one clove into three parts) garlic.

We take a deep frying pan, pour in the oil, heat it on the fire. Merge with eggplant juice.


Put the pressed (without juice) eggplants in a hot frying pan and fry for a few minutes. Vegetables should redden from all sides, but they should not be burnt or deep fried.

On a note!

In order to brown and fry the blue ones, you do not need to spread the blue ones in a pan in a large layer. It is better to divide this process into several stages. Spread the vegetables in pieces so that the pan is thin.

Put the fried eggplants in a saucepan with a layer of 3 centimeters, then put a layer of garlic with onions and a layer of blue ones. Alternate layers until the products run out.

Cooking marinade. To make eggplants marinated "under the mushrooms", you need a special marinade with spices. To prepare the marinade, you will need to pour water into a saucepan, add bay leaf, mushroom seasoning, peppercorns and a half cup of vinegar essence.

Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stir occasionally. Pour hot marinade layers of blue and onion with garlic.

Pickled eggplants like mushrooms are covered with cling film, leaving a small compartment for air and put in the fridge for two days. Within a day, the vegetables should begin to radiate an incredible flavor.

Two days later we get, they are ready. Delicious eggplants with the taste of pickled mushrooms for the winter can be decomposed into sterilized jars and rolled up or consumed immediately.


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Attention! If you are going to preserve pickled eggplants with the taste of forest mushrooms, first prepare for them liter or half liter jars, as well as lids for seaming. Capacities and covers need to be washed, sterilized jars for about 10-15 minutes (depending on size). Covers for seaming can simply boil. You can use and screw banks, but the shelf life of such a product will be slightly less than that of rolled cans.

Store the eggplants marinated “under the mushrooms” rolled up in the refrigerator until next summer. Now you know how to pickle eggplants with a taste of mushrooms. Cook and amaze your household.

Video - cooking recipe


Does your neighbor have a better harvest? Increased yields in just 2-3 days. Even in an abnormally rainy summer, you will have an excellent harvest after applying the original plant growth biostimulator. The composition of bio-fertilizer includes only natural ingredients.

Eggplants are the best for homemade products, or as they like to call - "blue". They do not have bright taste qualities, but differ in friable pulp and high hygroscopic properties. Any prepared marinade vegetable absorbs and enriches with its taste characteristics.

Eggplant marinated for mushrooms is the best option for winter snacks. Lzhegriby can be cooked in different ways: some like to add an egg to them, and others - garlic.

Choose the right eggplants for seaming.

Taste of any dish depends on the selection of products. For preparations for the winter it is worth buying young vegetables without firm pulp and with undripened seeds. Eggplants of bright purple color with elastic and smooth skin are suitable for recipes. The shape does not matter, so you can buy fruits of oval, ovate and cylindrical form.

Picking up vegetables, you need to look closely to the presence of brown specks, indicating the beginning of spoilage. Old vegetables produce a gray-green and brown shade of the fruit with a brown stem.

Regardless of the variety chosen, the vegetable is quenched, cooked and roasted. However, there are species that are subject only to stuffing and freezing for the winter.

Delicious recipes for eggplants with garlic

Eggplant cooked for the winter like mushrooms differ spicy taste. Vinegar gives spicy light sourness to them, which is added to the dish in a large volume. The texture of the winter snack is reminiscent of a salad and goes well with fish, meat dishes and potatoes.

Eggplant for mushrooms (recipe without sterilization)

Lack of need for sterilization gives the chance of preparation of snack quickly. This simple recipe among hostesses is very popular. The taste of the finished dish is indistinguishable from marinated mushrooms.



Vegetables washed, dried with a towel and peeled. Further, they are cut into cubes of medium size. In a saucepan with water, mix the salt, spices and wait for the marinade to boil. After that, vinegar is poured there and vegetables are sent. After mixing the ingredients, they are boiled under a lid for about 7 minutes.

At the bottom of pre-prepared jars spread of pickled spices, and then fill them with vegetables. Blanks pour marinade and twist the lids to turn over until it cools.

Eggplant for fried mushrooms

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 kg of eggplant,
  • 175 g onions,
  • 9 cloves of garlic,
  • salt,
  • bay leaf,
  • fresh celery and parsley,
  • refined vegetable oil.

Marinade ingredients:

  • 160 g of water
  • 160 g of vegetable oil
  • 160 g of vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

Washed vegetables cleaned from the stem and peel. Vegetables are chopped in the form of cubes and placed in an enamel bowl. Thoroughly sprinkle them with salt, leave to stand for a couple of hours, so that the bitterness and salt get absorbed.

At this time, shred onions in the form of half rings, crushed garlic and herbs.

Eggplant slices washedTo get rid of excess salt, recline in a colander and leave to drain. Then the vegetables are placed in a saucepan with vegetable oil and fried until browning. Ready-made vegetables fill the jars, leaving a little space at the end. Laurel leaves, garlic and onions are laid out there, and greens on top.

The water is heated to a boiling state, vinegar and oil are poured into it. All this mixes and boils again, and then quickly pours into the banks, filling them to the top.

0.5 liter cans are sterilized for 10 minutes, and 1 liter cans - 15 minutes.

Recipe for multicooker

Eggplant for the winter with a recipe with the taste of mushrooms can be cooked even in a slow cooker. The optimum temperature allows vegetables to preserve useful elements and taste.

For the recipe you need:

  • 10 young eggplants,
  • a glass of vegetable oil,
  • 8 pieces of allspice,
  • garlic head,
  • 70% vinegar,
  • 2 spoons of dill seeds,
  • salt.


Vegetables are washed, remove the stem and cut into cubes. In the bowl of the device dip the oil according to the recipe and set the mode of "frying". Vegetables are poured in there, the lid is closed and the mode is changed to “quenching”. Time should be set to 30 minutes.

At this time, prepare the banks for the twist: they are washed and sterilized by a convenient method.

When the vegetables are ready, they send the chopped garlic according to the recipe. It is better to crush it with a knife surface before cutting it so that it gives its flavor to the dish. Then, fennel seeds, salt and pepper are thrown into the bowl, stewing it all for another 5 minutes. The finished mixture is laid out in jars tightly, and before twisting on the lids pour vinegar  (1/3 tsp of essence is enough for a 0.5 liter can.)

Banks are turned over and covered with something warm, and after a day they put it down with a bottom and keep it covered for another day. After that, the jars are lowered into the basement and in winter you can safely open and enjoy a pleasant taste.

Marinated eggplants for mushrooms (delicious recipe for winter)

Recipe Ingredients:

Cooking process:

Peaches from vegetables are removed and cut vegetables into slices approximately 1.5 cm thick. They are put in a saucepan, sprinkled with salt. After gentle mixing, they are tightly covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator overnight.

The morning begins with the preparation of the dressing: the onions are cut into half rings, and the garlic is thin plates. Then pour all the spices there and mix well.

For marinating, combine oil and vinegar in water and put the dishes on the fire to boil and boil for about 7 minutes. Marinade is removed and left to cool to room temperature.

With vegetables drain excess liquid  and squeeze them. Each ring is blanched in boiling water for 10 minutes and thrown into the dressing for mixing. Vegetable mass is poured with marinade, salted and pepper to taste. It is left for 2 hours for impregnation.

Next, the vegetables are divided into jars, compacting as much as possible so that they are covered with oil 1.5 cm thick. They are sealed with plastic caps and left to cool. Then preservation is removed before the winter in the refrigerator.

This recipe makes eggplant mushroom incredibly tasty. In winter, you can diversify your snacks and enjoy the scent of summer!

"Teschin language" for the winter

This recipe for an interesting harvesting of vegetables for the winter is one of the best and is popular with housewives. Little blue ones in this recipe not long processedtherefore, they retain their taste and benefits.


Step Cooking:

To prepare the vegetables for the winter, you first need to wash them thoroughly and cut the stalk. Next, they are cut into uniform rings of 0.5 cm and put in a bowl, sprinkling the layers with salt. After 40 minutes, the vegetables are washed to remove salt and bitterness.

Pepper is washed and freed from seeds, garlic cloves crushed. Washed tomatoes for a moment pour boiling water to remove the skin and connect them with the rest of the components. All components are passed through a meat grinder, salted, poured sugar, vinegar, butter and mixed.

Eggplant slices are fried on both sides, spread on a plate and smeared with garlic-pepper mixture.

All this fits into the jars and rolled metal caps. Keep seaming before winter should be in a cool place that is well ventilated.

Korean Eggplant (like mushrooms) for the winter

According to this recipe, vegetables are obtained with the taste of mushrooms. This recipe of preparation for the winter turns out juicy and sharp. Eggplants will be great with rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals.


Cooking process:

Eggplant to wash and leave without tails. Then they are cut into straws, salted and pressed down with a load. So, they are left for 40 minutes to quit bitterness.

Carrot rubbed on a special grater, and the pepper is cut into thin slices. Onions are cut in the shape of half rings, and garlic cloves are passed through a press. All ingredients combine, salt, glove, inject vinegar and leave for 6 hours.

Liquid is poured from the eggplant, and then they are fried in a pan in vegetable oil. Vegetables are thrown to the remaining components and gently mixed.

The mixture is divided into banks, sterilized and rolled with lids to leave for cooling. Then seals up to winter clean in the cellar.


As you can see, recipes with eggplants "under the mushrooms" abound. The main thing is to follow the recipe and follow directions. You just have to choose the one you like, prepare the products and start cooking!

Do you know that you can close eggplants like mushrooms for the winter? Yes, yes, and their taste, and appearance will be very similar to the honey agaric oil or oil. My neighbor shared this recipe with me - she has been preserving eggplants in this way for a long time, and this workpiece is always one of the first to be sold out.

Somehow she treated me to such fried eggplants as mushrooms, and I really liked them. Armed with a recipe, this year I decided to also close such a blank. Moreover, the process of cooking such preservation is not too complicated, and in season eggplant is much more affordable than mushrooms, right?

You do not need any special spices or ingredients: only eggplants, garlic, hot peppers and standard marinade seasonings. Add to this your desire to surprise everyone with an unusual preparation, and you will certainly get very tasty eggplants like mushrooms for the winter.


  • 1 kg of eggplant;
  • 1 head of garlic, large;
  • 1 pod of hot red pepper;
  • 125 ml of vegetable oil.


  • 1.2 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons 9% vinegar;
  • 2 buds of carnation;
  • 6-7 grains of black and allspice;
  • 1-2 bay leaves.

   Indicates the weight of the already peeled eggplant. About 850 to 870 ml of preservation is obtained from a specified number of ingredients.

How to cook eggplants like mushrooms:

Eggplant for canning we select fresh - dense, with a shiny surface, even and thin. Eggplant wash in running water, cut off both ends and peel. You can not clean the eggplant, but the snack with peeled eggplant not only to taste, but also looks more like mushrooms. In addition, if the eggplants are not cleaned, it is necessary to soak them from bitterness, which significantly lengthens the process of canning. Peeled eggplant cut along crosswise in 4 pieces, and then cut into pieces 2-3 cm long.

Cook the marinade: pour water into a large saucepan, put all the spices except vinegar and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour the vinegar and pour out the eggplants.

Stirring, bring to a boil. Water should cover all the eggplants. If some pieces are not covered - it is not terrible, as soon as the eggplants begin to boil, they will become softer, and all will be covered with marinade. On a large fire, bring the mass in a saucepan to boiling, gently stirring rarely. Then reduce the fire to medium or slightly lower and boil for 4-5 minutes (all the pieces of eggplant should darken).

We roll the eggplants in a colander to the marinade stack. We leave the eggplants in the colander to cool, without shaking, without tamping them down - so that the pieces do not cuddle, do not break. It is best to decompose the eggplants in 2 colander - and their layer will be thinner, and they cool down faster.

In a large frying pan, heat the vegetable oil well. We lay out the eggplants and fry on high heat, stirring for 3 minutes.

Wash the hot pepper and chop it very finely. It is better to use red hot pepper - it gives the preparation a more appetizing look. Peel the garlic, rinse and pass through the press. Add garlic and hot pepper to the pan.

Stir and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

Put ready-made fried eggplants like mushrooms into dry sterilized jars, pour fat from the pan.

Banks are covered with lids and put in a pot of water - sterilized. When the water in the pot boils, we sterilize half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter - 20 minutes.

Eggplant jars with the taste of mushrooms roll (or screw caps), turn upside down and cool to room temperature. And then we send for permanent storage - it is possible at room temperature, but in a dark place.

Now you know how to cook eggplants like mushrooms. Really, in them there is nothing difficult? I hope you will certainly close such a blank. And, perhaps, you have another recipe for eggplants like mushrooms for the winter? I would be very happy if you share it in the comments or in our VKontakte group.