Products on the road by car. Food on the road: what products to take on the trip.

11.06.2019 Restaurant notes
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So you decided to go on holiday by car. Your journey begins already on the threshold of the apartment, and the mood depends on the comfort of the car, comfortable clothing and of course the food in the autotravel. What to take with you on holiday by car, how to eat on the road, what to cook and where to buy,  read on.

On holiday by car

  If you go by train, I recommend reading my article "Food for the road / What should I take from food to train?".

Once upon a time, I also traveled by car along the endless roads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but more often in the Crimea.

They were going on a journey for quite a long time and spent almost a month in the car, even sleeping in the car. And it is with a small child.

So I know firsthand what a caravan is. Many will find it hard to travel by car, and even with children, especially when the road takes more than a day.

I assure you, it is only hard for the driver. Air conditioning in the cabin, soft seats, delicious food and cheerful music - the key to a wonderful trip.

What to take on the road to travel by car?

Let's start with things. In addition to suitcases and bags with clothes in the car must put:

  • First aid kit
  • Bag cooler with groceries
  • Water canister
  • Tent
  • Bowler
  • Mangal
  • The necessary set of dishes
  • Folding chairs
  • Fishing rod
  • Bedspreads or blankets
  • Sheets
  • Tablecloth
  • Matches and ignition fluid
  • Foil to bake fish or potatoes

To travel in the summer heat, you should not take a gas burner with a balloon with you, a very dangerous thing, gas may leak or something else will happen.

Now about how to fill your travel cooler and stomachs on the road.

Food in the auto-fridge:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Juices in small packages
  • Milk in small boxes
  • Baby puree in boxes (not in jars!)
  • Raw smoked sausage
  • Baked rolls or patties with jam, cabbage or apple
  • Stew in a tin
  • Canned fish

Do not rely on shops along the way. Always keep in your auto-ship supply of food for cooking. Shops can be closed, there is little space in the cafe or bad food.

Cook yourself, arrange a small picnic right on the side of the road. Of course, you should not take the roadside literally, you understand that you need to turn a little off the road and find a green meadow under some tree.

Four options for snacking on the road

Other products needed on the road:

  • Groats - buckwheat, millet, barley, oatmeal, etc.
  • Sugar
  • Tea bags
  • Cracker
  • Candy, but not chocolate
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Carrot
  • Onion and green
  • Powdered milk
  • Dried fruits
  • Bay leaf, peppercorns

What to cook on the road fast?

Well, very quickly it is unlikely to work, first you have to collect dry branches, kindle a fire and boil water in a pot.

And only then proceed to cooking. Hiking food is very similar to autotravel food.

By the way, you can go to nature not only by your own car, but also by taxi. If your husband or friend keeps his taxi, we recommend a program for a taxi, which allows you to automate the activities of the taxi control room and completely abandon the use of radios.

Recipes for traveling by car

Soup "Road"

In boiling water, throw one peeled potato, cut into smaller pieces. There is a handful of any cereal, peeled onion and bay leaf. As the soup boils, remove the foam and salt, then according to your taste, put a jar of canned meat or canned fish in the soup. Boil the soup until the potatoes are soft.

  If you took the pan on the road, you can safely bake pancakes for breakfast. From flour, powdered milk, water, salt and spices. Instead of butter, you can use a piece of fat, which wipe the pan before baking.

On the coals under the first course easy to prepare bake fish or potatoes. It is enough to wrap the food in several layers of foil and bury it in the coal.

Barbecue  - A great dish for traveling by car. You can fry fish, sausages, sausage or meat. SHOWER - recipes, tips and secrets Picnic menu / What to cook in nature?

Tea on the fire goes specific, not everyone likes it. Therefore, it is better to drink just water or cook dried fruits compote .

  1. As products are consumed, buy everything you need on the way. To do this, ask the locals, where they have a vegetable market. Usually in such markets, you can replenish the stocks of all. Often these markets are called "collective farm".
  2. In Ukraine and in the Crimea, these markets can be found not in the townships themselves, but outside the city, almost in the field. Fresh vegetables, fruits and fish will sell you with great pleasure and almost for a penny.
  3. Insist on trying everything, to be sure of the quality of the purchase.
  4. By the way, the fish will definitely offer you to clean and chop. Do not refuse, you also less fuss with cooking.
  5. But ask the head of the fish carcass specially cut. On the road, you do not need it.
  6. Sausages, sausages or meat on skewers, buy in stores. Let more expensive than the market, but from the refrigerator. Try not to buy meat semi-finished products already in the marinade for barbecue, it is not known how much it floats there and what kind of marinade.
Food in the train.

She found an interesting article, maybe someone will be useful, interesting.

What products to take to the train - a specific list

I want to remind you that there is food in our trains now. You may be given a plastic box with a side dish, a sausage, cookies, and something else for you, either in the load to the ticket, or for an additional charge ... In principle, do not die of hunger.
  But we are making our own set of products, so, as Yuri Gagarin said, going on a trip: "Let's go!"

I suggest:
  - bring with you more disposable tableware, napkins, bags;
  - do not take boiled eggs, radishes, onions, garlic and be careful with cheeses on the road - the smell is still that, and the choice of products is already so great;
  - as little as possible fat, dirtying, crumbling products. Chips, for example, refuse unambiguously.
  What remains? See the list.

Bottles with still water (juice and carbonated drinks are better not to take - they are very sweet, they only want to drink more).
  Bread and bakery products.
  Baked cakes or fried in a dry pan, without fat.
  Pita. You can make portion rolls with a variety of fillings, such as soft cheese and greens, from lavash and thin flat bread. Very tasty and convenient.
  Potatoes in uniforms (it is better to cook for a couple or bake) - it will withstand for two days. Baked potatoes do not dampen, unlike boiled ones, therefore it is stored better.
  Baked or boiled chicken breast - lean meat, not as quickly deteriorates as fat.
  Smoked sausage - the most "long-playing" of sausages.
  Smoked meat in cuts - eat on the first day.
  Sausages. The most convenient for the road - sold in glass jars.
  Boneless fish fillet - steamed, baked individually in foil, boiled or slightly stewed in broth.
Baked pies. The following fillings are best for the road: with cabbage (without eggs), apples, jam or jam.
  Cookies, crackers, gingerbread.
  Cheese (varieties without a specific smell) - sliced ​​or in portioned packaging. For example, processed cheese is sold in a convenient form - each slice is individually packaged.
  Tea bags.
  Instant coffee.
  Dried fruits.
  Candied fruit.
  Nuts or a mixture of nuts with candied or dried fruit (very satisfying product!).
  Fruits (preferably hard) - apples, pears, bananas, tangerines (as the most convenient for the road of citrus).
  Vegetables (solid can be cut into slices): carrots, cucumbers, celery stalks, tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper.
  Of the greenery - dill, parsley (cilantro, for example, is better not to take: people have different associations with the smell of this herb).
  Peanut butter (peanut or almond).

If the trip is long or dry meat is unbearable, then we take along the "canned food":
  - Chinese noodles, instant mashed potatoes, quick porridges, "dry" soups, instant jelly, etc. - filled with boiling water and ready;
  - several cans of canned food to eat with mashed potatoes or porridge;
  - salads in banks (they are already seasoned).

On the first couple of days, you can still grab something from the house (baked syrniki, cottage cheese or meat patties, etc.). And then go to the canned food. It is better to distribute all products - perishable to eat in one or two days, and canned food, nuts and solid fruits and vegetables - in the remaining days.

There is still an unpredictable and relatively expensive option: sublimated products. They are preserved in a special way: frozen and dried, but without heat treatment.
  The choice is great: fruits, berries, dairy products, meat, fish, mushrooms and even pickles. As well as ready-made mixtures of sublimate: soups, cereals, main dishes, omelets. Even sets are produced: tourist breakfasts and dinners. No sublimate is required for cooking. All products are in the form of powder and only water is needed for cooking, and cold is also suitable.

Well, with the list of products done, now you can make a little joke ... Since we are going to go by train, it is customary to measure products with suitcases. One large suitcase of food per adult, given two or three days, should be enough. Do not fret much, otherwise it will be hard to rest.

On hot summer days, it's time to take a vacation and go traveling by car. It is very convenient, because on such a trip you can invite your friends or relatives and have a great time. The question arises: how to feed a large company? What food on the road by car in the summer will not spoil a few days? Consider all the options.

What food will retain its freshness on hot days as long as possible

  1. Sandwiches

First of all, on a long journey, every traveler prepares sandwiches for himself. And quite often they have to be thrown away, since they have become unusable. This is due to the fact that in the sandwiches put boiled meat, sausage and mayonnaise, which are spoiled by the heat. Such foods are dangerous.

If you decide to make sandwiches on the road, then use butter instead of mayonnaise. Instead of sausage, slice fresh tomato or cucumber on bread and, sprinkle with grated cheese, send sandwiches to the microwave. After that, cooled sandwiches must be sent to the fridge. Before you go on the road, each sandwich wrapped in food foil and thermopacket. Such packaging will provide long-term storage of sandwiches and they can be taken in batches as needed.


Sandwiches on the road by car in the summer should be done using fresh vegetables. Sausages in such cases are not recommended. On the road, first you need to eat sandwiches so that they do not spoil from the heat.

  1. Vegetables and fruits

Become a great snack in the car between stops. Fresh fruit will replenish the body with beneficial vitamins and microelements, and you will get great pleasure in eating juicy peach.


Fresh fruit in a couple of days can get lost and lose a beautiful look. In order for the fruit to last several days, slices of apples, pears and apricots are dried a week before the trip. A supply of dried fruit will help you throughout the journey. Of these, you can cook compote on the fire.

  1. Bakery products

From baking, buns, cookies, crackers will be quite appropriate for the journey. Shortbread or homemade crackers can be eaten before the end of the trip.

Take cookies and / or crackers on the road


On the trip, the buns are eaten after the sandwiches are over. If not properly stored buns, they can quickly become stale. To prevent this from happening, buns are stored in packets.

  1. Candies

This delicacy will appeal to everyone and will enhance the mood even in difficult times, we all know very well what a good antidepressant is.


On the road you need to take candy. Chocolates melt from the heat and, instead of pleasure, will bring only disappointment.

  1. The drinks

On the road, always take a large supply of fresh water. This is especially true if you go on a trip by car. Fresh water can not only get drunk, but also wash the naughty child, wash down the medicine or cool the radiator.


You can take homemade compotes on the road; you only need to drink them at the first table, otherwise they may acidify. Often the compotes are frozen in the freezer, so prolong their freshness, and they remain cool until the ice has melted.

In the car, the cooler bag will become relevant, but remember, such bags do not freeze food, but only help to keep cold pre-frozen food.

It is no secret that now the most accessible mode of transport is the railway. Of course, getting to Turkey by train is a difficult and irrational business, but people still travel to relatives, on business trips and for sanatorium-resort treatment by train.

Considering the boundless territories of the former Soviet space, sometimes you have to spend several days on the train. In this regard, the question of what products to take on the train, what can you take with you on the trip without a risk to health, remains highly relevant. The answer to this question depends not only on personal preferences, but also on how much time you need to spend directly on the way, as well as on the time of the year you are traveling.

Healthy food during the trip

Despite the love for the culinary masterpieces of the fatherland, it is recommended to pay attention to more healthy and safe food on the train, namely:

  • fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears, bananas, plums, grapes, citrus fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, sweet peppers;
  • bakery products - bran, rye, white bread, buns (preferably without filling or with nuts, cinnamon, fruit jams, but not with cottage cheese!);
  • cereals that can be cooked in portions (by adding boiling water) directly on the trip — oatmeal, buckwheat, and other flakes — are now in great variety;
  • smoked sausages, melted and hard cheeses;
  • kefir, yogurt - you can take with you during the cold season and for a very short period of time, it is advisable to eat in half a day;
  • water, mineral and ordinary drinking in bottles, juice, packaged in small volumes, tea, coffee, bagged, sugar;
  • chocolate, nuts, seeds, gingerbread, crackers;

  • for children - fruit and vegetable purees and juices of industrial production, to be stored at room temperature closed.
  • liver or canned meat, canned food to buy small packaging - so that all at once ate.
  • cutlets, fried chops, boiled chicken - eat no later than 6 hours.
  • fried pies stuffed with apples or cabbage - eat no later than 8 hours.
  • boiled eggs, the main thing to cook hard boiled - eat no later than after 8-10 hours.

How to keep food on the go

In order to feel as comfortable as possible on a trip, you must follow these rules.

  • Buying products is better in the usual places where purchases are usually made, and not at the station.
  • It is necessary to check the temperature at which the products can be stored; the inscriptions on the packages indicate this. For the trip you need to choose those that are stored at room temperature.
  • All products that need it, you must thoroughly wash and dry at home, pack in separate bags, this applies to all vegetables and fruits, as washing them on the train is like using unwashed.

  • As mentioned above, all products should be packaged in separate packages, so they will be stored longer. It is more expedient to wrap some of them in food paper (confectionery parchment), which will not allow the products to "suffocate".
  • Sausage, cheese and bread for convenience is better to cut at home.
  • During the trip in the first place it is better to use those products that deteriorate faster. In the compartment, you must choose the coolest place, certainly away from the battery (as a rule, it is located under the window), and store the bag with food there.
  • It should be noted that in the warm season the products spoil faster, so what was possible in the winter, for example, to drink kefir in the morning, stored in the evening, can be dangerous to health in the summer.
  • Also do not forget to take napkins and disposable dishes, with plates, forks and cups for a convenient snack.
  • You can prepare your meal in advance and put it in sudochki or nice suitcases for food, they are also called a laptop lunch.

What products do not need to take with you on the train

  • dairy products, especially curd cheese, milk, to a lesser extent - sour cream, kefir;
  • pastry in the form of cakes, cakes with cream and custard;
  • boiled sausages, liver, blood, fish, pastes;
  • meat, fish salads, especially with dressing (for example, mayonnaise);
  • hot smoked fish, herring, boiled seafood;
  • pies with cottage cheese, fish, offal.

This is due to the fact that at temperatures above +8 degrees a favorable environment is created for the development of all sorts of microorganisms, which can be unsafe for those who eat such dishes for food.

If, nevertheless, such favorite fried chicken or fish and other gastronomic delights are included in the grocery basket, they should be included in the first meal that is planned for the trip, such products can be taken on the train and used without harm to your health. And, finally, the most important rule, by observing which you can avoid troubles with the stomach: if the products cause even the slightest suspicion, it is better to refrain from their use.

HOORAY! Summer is coming - it's time to get ready for a trip! We are waiting for warm beaches, new cities, forests, lakes, mountains and rivers. Throughout the winter, we carefully and lovingly made plans for the summer, very soon we will begin to embody them!

To make the journey as comfortable and easy as possible, plan your way, think over every detail. Make a list of things - clothes, shoes, medicines. And if you are waiting for a long train ride, be sure to decide in advance what will be the food on the road that you take with you.

We are going to go!

General principles

Add to this the traditional feminine fears of the “husband and child will remain hungry” series, and you will get a complete mess. And yet it is better to travel light, and the extra food in this case is equal to extra pounds in the direct, not figurative sense.

Therefore, the first rule is - it is better to take less than more. In extreme cases, food can always be bought on the train or at bus stops. You won't be hungry, and you won't have to carry extra bags.

So let's first define the general principles, and then draw up a specific list of products.

What food do we take on the road?

- which is stored for a long time without a refrigerator;
  - does not melt in the sun;
  - does not get dirty, does not crumble;
  - not heavy in weight;
  - does not have a strong odor;
  - does not leave many cleanings and other garbage;
  - easy to prepare (ideally - does not require additional preparation);
  - does not require cutting.

Grocery list:

  • Instant porridge.  It is better to take the one that is already sold in disposable cups. In this case, you do not even have to wash the cup.
  • Cream cheese. In portioned triangles or plates in individual packaging. The usual cheese in the heat quickly loses, if not taste, then appearance.
  • Pate in small portions tin cans. Opened, ate, threw it away. Almost like “came, saw, won”!
  • Cucumbers, sliced ​​peeled carrots  (we do not recommend taking tomatoes and other juicy vegetables - tomato juice looks very impressive in a glass and is much less appetizing on clothes).
  • It is better not to take fruits at all - they are heavy, and you will have to carry them. Instead, you can take several bags of fruit baby puree.
  • Muffins or muffins, pies  with jam and other sweet stuffing.
  • Sliced ​​bread or small buns, thin pita bread. (Lazy - so in full! On the road we will not cut even bread).
  • Instant noodles and mashed potatoes  (also in glasses, but not in bags). It may not be the most useful food in the world, but you can afford 1-2 times a year.
  • You should not take on the road potatoes in uniforms and boiled eggs - hands will inevitably get dirty, and a potential source of garbage will appear - cleaning. In addition, the smell of boiled eggs is quite specific.
  • We also do not recommend chocolate - it can melt in heat. If, without chocolate, the road is not a joy, take the one that (as they say in memorized advertising) melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  • For snacks you can take nuts and dried fruits, marshmallows, marshmallow. Do not take cookies and crackers. No matter how hard you try to eat carefully, crumbs are inevitable.
  • Yogurt When buying, carefully study the storage conditions - we need those that are stored at temperatures up to +25 degrees.
  • Still water  (soda quickly exhales) or juice in plastic bottles with a screw cap.
  • Jam in small portions.
  • Favourite tea in bags, sugar in portion packs, instant coffee.
  • And also be sure to take with you on the train disposable tableware, wet and regular wipes, paper towels, bags.

Sample menu

  Travel time is two nights and a day.

At home, have a good dinner before the trip, and on the train before going to bed, have something delicious to eat. At this first dinner, you can take almost any meal - it does not have time to spoil.

Tea / Juice
  Muffins, cupcakes, pies

Tea coffee
  Instant porridge
  Cream Cheese And Jam Sandwiches


Nuts, marshmallow, marshmallows, fruit puree

  Sandwiches with pate, with melted cheese
  Cucumbers and carrot slices
  Muffins, cupcakes, pies


Nuts, marshmallow, marshmallows, fruit puree.
And buy ice cream during a stop - you should not deny yourself small pleasures.

Soup, noodles, instant mashed potatoes
  or instant porridge
  pate sandwiches with melted cheese

We eat up all that remains. :-)

What to do in the train

With the bread sorted out, let's think about the shows.

What to do on the train during the whole day?

Board games

How long have you been playing "fool"? And chess? It's time to dust them off. In addition, now on sale you can find a huge number of interesting board games, many of which are quite compact.


Books and audiobooks, music, movies, games - almost any modern gadget will offer a lot of opportunities for entertainment.


Take a small notebook and pen with you and start writing travel notes right on the train. Describe your thoughts, plans, dreams, and memories. Write a short essay on the topic “What do I know about the place I go to?” Or “10 pleasures that await me”. A train ride is a break for a day or more. It's time to listen to your thoughts and write down some of them. If you can draw, try creating a comic based on your journey.

Games with children

"To the cities"

Enhance the well-known game in the city. To do this, call words from a particular narrow category. For example, remember the names of cartoons, the names of heroes of fairy tales, etc.

"Guess what?"

The presenter makes a well-known character, and the players must guess his name by asking leading questions. The facilitator can only answer yes or no. After you go through several rounds of the game and everyone is already bored a little, guess the person who is currently playing. Let him try to guess himself!

We consider raven

Better, of course, not a raven, but cows. Or horses. Or at home. Depending on what you are currently passing.


And the last tip :-)
  Do not forget to warm up. Especially if traveling with children. Get off at all stations where possible. Move a little away from smokers and do a couple of squats, bends, foot flips. Run, of course, not worth it. But it is necessary to jump on the spot!

Enjoy your trip!

P.S. Let's share our secrets of successful travels. What kind of food do you like the most? How do you have fun? Where are you going?