How can you cook your cottage cheese at home. Cottage cheese from milk.

04.06.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Make at home cottage cheesevery easy with your own hands and in this article you will find the best recipes for preparing a tasty product - including a very simple step-by-step recipe for homemade curd made from milk and low-fat kefir.
Anyone, even the most expensive store product, will be inferior in taste and natural quality to homemade.

There are many methods for creating cottage cheese at home, both vintage and new. It can be made from yeast, milk, kefir, even yogurt will do. The classic method of making cheese is based on milk.

Classic recipe with a photo. The fastest way to make delicious curd from milk:


Fresh milk give the opportunity to sour a little. There is no need to create special conditions for this process, just put a container with it in the kitchen. Room temperature is fine. When the house is cool, you need to move the jar closer to the battery or the window.

When a thick white consistency with lumps appeared, you can safely proceed to the following actions. The longer the period of souring, the more acidic the curd will turn out. The first two days do not touch the jar, then look to find the desired consistency.

Sour liquid gently slowly pour into the pan, while shaking it can not. Put the pot on a small fire and do not remove until such time as all the serum is peeled off. Make sure that the milk does not overheat, it should not be boiled - the finished product will have a rubbery taste.

When the fire is turned off, let the substance cool and use a colander. You will need a gauze that you need to fold a couple of times and drop into a colander. The area of ​​the folded gauze piece should be larger than the pot itself so that the rag edges hang from it.

The consistency is cold, put it in gauze. Down under the colander it is advisable to substitute a deep plate for whey. If it is completely glass, tie up the edges of the gauze and hang over the container. It is not recommended to squeeze the product with your hands; it will become completely dry. When the whey stops dripping from the gauze, the substance can be obtained, this is the finished curd.

Using yoghurt instead of milk, begin to act with them as well as with sour milk. The presence of dyes or additives in yogurt is not allowed.

Today I want to tell you how to make a delicious cottage cheese from milk. “Сand made” products are much healthier and more natural, they are not a trick :) Preparing cottage cheese at home according to the recipe that I will give is quite simple. This cottage cheese - the very thing for baby food. When my children were small, we often cooked it.

Cottage cheese with sour cream, cheese cakes, dumplings with cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole - from the mere enumeration of all the favorite dishes dishes are drooling. To create any of these recipes, you need a delicious cottage cheese. When preparing a homemade recipe, we put a piece of our soul, it gives any dish a unique taste.

Cottage cheese is one of the champions of calcium among the products. So, 100 grams of cottage cheese contains 150 milligrams of calcium. Cottage cheese is recommended to include in the diet of children during intensive growth, women for the prevention of osteoporosis, in the diet who have had infectious diseases.

So, we will try to cook our tasty and healthy cottage cheese at home, quickly and simply.


milk2.5 l

0.5 cup

Servings Per Container: 8   Cooking time: 560 minutes

Choosing homemade milk right

To make a delicious cottage cheese, it is very important to choose the right milk. I will even say that the most important thing in this recipe is the choice of quality milk. There are two options - buy homemade milk or shop milk. In the market, especially in spring and summer, you can buy milk from the farm. It is, of course, much more natural milk from the "package". In order not to buy bad milk, you need to know a few rules:

  • since homemade milk is much fatter than shop milk, it must have a rich color. It should be white or even yellowish. Not in any way transparent or bluish tint;
  • milk must be smelled; the smell must be pleasant milky. Should not smell sour. The smell of "crib" should also be absent;
  • after several hours of “settling”, especially when stored in the cold, cream collects on the surface of the milk. This is a very good sign of a tasty product;
  • lactic acid bacteria are present in real milk, so it easily turns into yogurt, that is sour. In the spring, the milk will not turn sour within 24 hours, and will remain in the autumn for about three days.

Choosing store milk for cottage cheese

Instead of farm milk, you can also use pasteurized with a short shelf life of not more than 5 days. The second important feature is the high fat content - not less than 3.2%. Nowadays, even in big cities, you can buy whole milk without any problems.

  I found quite fat (3.4-4.2%) milk. Drinking pasteurized whole with a shelf life of 5 days. Corresponds to GOST R 52090-2003.
  The fresher milk for homemade curd the better. Of course, the quality of the final product depends very much on the taste of the milk itself. So, we chose milk. Start cooking.

Heat treatment of milk

It is not necessary to process pasteurized milk, it can be immediately fermented. Raw milk should be cooked. We warm the milk to destroy the bacteria that we do not need. It is important not to bring to a boil, but only how to warm. This should be done in an enamel or stainless steel saucepan. The pot must be washed beforehand so that the milk does not curdle. Instead of dishwashing detergents, it is better to use a weak solution of baking soda.

We put the milk on the middle fire, warm gradually, stirring from time to time. My grandmother taught me that milk should be boiled with the lid closed. For this recipe, the milk should be heated, but not boiled. Do not worry - 70 degrees will be enough to disinfect the product. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, turn it off. Do not wait for the milk to rise, it means boiling it.

Milk fermentation

First of all, the milk should be cooled to room temperature. It should not be hot, but warm, or rather, to say slightly warm. Ferment milk for homemade curd can be in several ways:

  • Cooking yogurt samokvas. To do this, milk should be put in a warm place, covered with a clean linen towel. In this case no ferment is added, the milk is fermented by the lactic acid bacteria present in it. My milk was fermented in this way. It took 5 hours.
  • Fermenting with leaven. As a starter, you can use a slice of black or sour rye bread. To do this, milk must be put in a warm place for 4-5 hours, covered with a towel.
  • As a starter, you can add a small amount of ready-made sour milk. At the specified amount of milk will need half a glass of yogurt. It is necessary to dilute it with milk, and then add milk to the rest, stirring it thoroughly.
  • As a starter, you can use natural fat sour cream, high-quality kefir with a fat content of at least 3.2%. Excellent sourdough will turn out from natural yoghurt without additives and sugar. Kefir, sour cream or yoghurt must also take 125 grams or half a glass.

Fermentation lasts from 5 to 8 hours. As a result, a tight clot should form. I got a great, delicious thick sour milk.

We warm yogurt for cottage cheese

You can warm the yogurt in the same pot where the milk was fermented or gently put the clot in the pan. It is important not to cook cottage cheese, namely to warm it. This should be done gradually and at low temperatures.
  It is necessary to build a water bath. To do this, in a larger pot of hot water, put the pot with the layers of the clot, put on the stove. At the same time, make sure that the water in the bottom pan was hot, but did not boil.

If you fermented milk in a glass jar, you can warm the cottage cheese right in it. Only in this case it is necessary to immerse the jar in cold water, and only then heat it. The method is very convenient, it is very good to observe the readiness of the curd through the walls. The water level should be sufficient for the whole mass of yogurt to warm uniformly.

Determining the readiness of cottage cheese is also a very crucial moment. Boiling is stopped when the cottage cheese becomes denser and begins to lag behind the edges of the pan, and the clot pieces begin to sink to the bottom. An important point of the recipe: it is better not to add some cottage cheese, than to digest. Overcooked cottage cheese is tasteless and resembles rubber.

You can warm up in a slow cooker in the “Quenching” mode for an hour. It is very convenient if your multicooker has a yogurt cooking mode. And before they cooked cottage cheese in ceramic pots in the oven after baking bread. Imagine what it was yummy!

Skim serum

After cooking, we transfer the curd to a sieve or a plastic (!) Colander, lined with clean gauze, folded in two layers. Give the serum to drain. If the cottage cheese is very wet, strain the whey under pressure.

  To do this, we transfer cheesecloth to cottage cheese on a clean plate, and put any load on top and put it in the fridge. Do not accelerate the process, everything should happen gradually.

I got about 800 grams of very tasty homemade cottage cheese out of 2.5 liters of milk. My milk was inexpensive - 40 rubles per 1 liter. As a result, 800g of cottage cheese cost me 100 rubles. In addition, there are 1.5 liters of serum left, which can also be used.

The most delicious cottage cheese is obtained only from homemade milk with good fat content. It is very easy to independently regulate the level of moisture, friability, softness of cottage cheese, depending on personal preferences. In addition, you can be completely confident in its high quality. A byproduct of production will be whey, which in itself is very useful for the body, and is also used in some test recipes or as a basis for okroshka instead of kvass. In this article we will explain how to make cottage cheese from milk, how to choose the right milk, how to sour it, how to work with yogurt, and how to get delicious homemade cottage cheese from sour milk.

The process of making cottage cheese, of course, takes a lot of time, but in fact at each stage it is required to make one or two simple manipulations, the rest will be made by lactic acid bacteria and time.

For the preparation of cottage cheese, we will use homemade cow fresh milk of good quality, without any impurities and additives. If you do not have the opportunity to buy home-made milk, you can use the store milk, but only you need to choose the right one, so shop milk for making cottage cheese:
• milk should be increased fat 3.2%;
• in milk should not be preservatives or antibiotics, very often they are contained in milk with a high storage date.

How to cook cheese from milk

Stage 1: Working with milk
First you need to assess the quality of milk. If a layer of cream is clearly visible in the jar or bottle on the surface of the milk, then the output of the curd will be more.

Such milk should be poured into glass, clay or ceramic dishes, where the souring process will take place.

Metal containers are not suitable! Krynku with milk placed for about two days in a dark place, preferably closer to the heat source, for example, in a cabinet next to a working refrigerator or stove. In the fridge, the milk will not turn sour, but only spoil! After a couple of days, you need to check the container, in which you can already observe not milk, but good village yogurt.
If you put milk for souring in an open sunny place, it can sour very quickly, you need to monitor it more carefully, because it peroxides milk in the sun very quickly.

Properly sour milk turns into a dense thick mass that exfoliates from the whey. This moment needs to be controlled, since less milk will get less cottage cheese, and cottage cheese from peroxidized milk will turn out not so tasty, it will be more sour.

To make milk faster, you can add to it:
• a piece of black bread;
• A spoon of sour cream or kefir;
• lemon juice or citric acid.

Stage 2: Working with sour milk
Sour milk must be heated in a saucepan over low heat, I cook cottage cheese on an electric stove and use the most minimal fire. You can warm up in a water bath, i.e. in one larger pot, put a smaller pan with yogurt.
In order to make cottage cheese sour milk you need to warm it up, and not bring it to a boil, i.e. The temperature should be approximately 40 degrees.

In the process of cooking the heating of the product is easiest to check with your finger. If there is a pleasant warmth, and not a scorching temperature, then everything is in order. The process lasts about 15-20 minutes. The longer the sour milk heats up, the tighter the curd will come out. Sour milk is desirable to constantly stir, or rather, distribute the jelly-like mass throughout the product.

Large portions of sour milk get warm worse, and cooking will go unevenly.

Stage 3: Work with cottage cheese
We practically talked about how to make cottage cheese from milk, in fact, after heating, the cottage cheese is ready. It remains only to separate it from the serum. To do this, use a strainer and a clean kitchen towel or gauze, folded in several layers. The sieve should be placed over a deep container and chafed with a cloth.

After the curd mass has been poured into such a construction, most of the whey is drained into the dishes, and the curd itself remains inside the sieve on the fabric.

But such a curd contains a lot of whey, so it is necessary to hang it in the same towel for the final expression of the liquid. Under the improvised bag of cottage cheese, of course, you need to place a plate or cup, where some more whey will accumulate.

In this form, the cottage cheese "hangs" for several hours. The longer the serum is decanted, the drier the curd is obtained.
Wonderful, gentle, healthy home made milk curd is ready!


Health 03.10.2014

Irina03.10.2014 Cottage cheese at home. How to cook. Recipe. A photo

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to cook cottage cheese at home. Probably, in every family almost no day goes without this product. And we eat cottage cheese, and we cook various dishes from it. In particular, everyone's favorite, probably cheesecakes. But let us ask ourselves the question: “Cottage cheese, which we buy in the store, is it useful for us?”. I think everyone will agree that homemade curd and purchased curd cannot be compared in quality, right? And if anyone has small children, then the question is not discussed at all. I think every mommy will surely find time and cook homemade cottage cheese for her children. There is no chemistry in it, our love is invested in the process of cooking cottage cheese, so I suggest today to talk in more detail about how you can cook cottage cheese yourself at home.

From the Slavic peoples, cottage cheese has long occupied one of the main places in the diet, eating it almost every day, knowing its benefits to the body. Yes, and there was a lot of milk, and since there was nowhere to store it, it was quickly fermented, but from curdled milk and cooked cottage cheese. Once in Russia, cottage cheese was called cheese, and all the dishes prepared from it were called cheese, so the name of all of our favorite cheesecakes came to us from ancient times.

At that time, homemade hard cheese was made in peasant farms, it was made from pressed cottage cheese, which was put in a hot oven, sent again under a press, and again into the oven, and this was done several times. As a result, the cottage cheese turned into a dry dense mass, which was stored for a very long time, literally helping out many families in the long cold winters.

Cottage cheese can be called a perfect food product, in which all the beneficial properties of milk are concentrated, and especially if the cottage cheese is home-cooked.

How to cook cottage cheese at home

When we cook cottage cheese ourselves, we are sure of its quality, and the taste of homemade cottage cheese is extraordinarily pleasant, and it is not difficult to cook it. There are several ways, you can cook cottage cheese from milk, and you can make it from kefir, but there are certain general rules, without the fulfillment of which high-quality cottage cheese will not work.

It is very important to separate the whey on time when the yogurt is heated, if it is overheated, then the curd will be hard, it will crumble, and if it is not enough to heat the fermented milk, the whey will be poorly separated and the curd will be sour.

Do not worry if the first time you have something wrong, the skills, as always, come with experience, over time this process will seem to you very simple.

For any recipe, take to start 1 l of milk and try to cook. As I have already said, it is important to remove the cottage cheese from the stove in time so that it turns out to be especially tender, and this can be achieved only in practice. The amount of cottage cheese is difficult to predict, it depends on the fat content and quality of milk.

Cottage cheese at home from milk. Recipe. A photo

A liter of raw fresh milk is poured into a saucepan, closed with a lid and put in a dark place, at normal room temperature, the milk turns sour in about a day.

Pour the milk into the pan and put it under a lid in a dark place until it is squashed.

Next, it is best to use a water bath, putting the pan with sour milk into another, large pot, so it is easier to control the process of separation of whey. But I sometimes put the saucepan with yogurt directly on the stove, substituting a special metal stand under it, diminish the fire to the minimum and do not move away from the stove so as not to overheat.

Pot with yogurt put in a water bath.

Watch, when yogurt departs from the edges of the pan, a yellowish whey appears, characteristic curd buns appear, it takes about 25-30 minutes, then remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool.

Keep on fire until the curds appear and the whey is completely separated (it took me 35 minutes)

Discard the cooled cottage cheese on a colander, but better on a clean gauze napkin, the corners of which tie and hang so that the serum drains. Cottage cheese get very tasty!

Pour the contents into a colander, slightly press.

That turned out such a cottage cheese.

And it remained a serum.

The most delicious and healthy cottage cheese is obtained from raw milk, but when I do not have the opportunity to buy farm milk, I cook pasteurized cottage cheese, which turns out to be an excellent product that is much tastier than the purchased one.

Cooking cottage cheese at home from kefir

To prepare the cottage cheese, take a liter of kefir, it is desirable that the kefir is fresh, for a better separation of the whey, you can add a spoonful of sugar syrup, but this is not necessary.

Recipes for cottage cheese, kefir and other dairy products at home [video]

A few simple recipes for making cottage cheese (including 2 minutes), kefir, cream, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, homemade cheese and other products (photo). Recipe for cooking cottage cheese from the farmer (video). Discussions and comments.

Cottage cheese home (recipe 1)

Products:1 liter of milk; 1 liter of kefir.

Cooking method:  Mix milk and kefir, heat on the stove, but do not bring to a boil. Then, when the whey separates, drain the whole mass into cheesecloth (water will drain, it will remain thick), tie it up and hang it for a day over the sink. After one day, remove, put into the dishes and put into the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese home (recipe 2).

Products:  1 liter of milk; 1.5 tsp sour cream.

Cooking method:  Boil the milk, cool to room temperature, put the sour cream in it and leave for 6-8 hours. Then heat in a water bath until the formation of serum. Throw out the whey on a sieve or squeeze in gauze. Put the finished cottage cheese in the dish and put it in the fridge.

When boiling milk, many vitamins are lost (if not all). Milk sour itself in 1-3 days, just drop a spoonful of yogurt or yogurt.

And we never re-boil milk, because then very many vitamins are lost (if not all). And the milk sour itself in 1-3 days, it is enough to drop a spoonful of kefir or yogurt.

Cheese needs rennet, so there are some difficulties at home ...

Butter from cow's milk is whipped, from goat separates badly. Yes, and milk need 20 liters per 1 kg of butter.

It is not necessary to boil the milk again, it will turn sour on the very next day if it is warm. Sour milk does not need to be heated. The lower the heating temperature, the softer the curd. It is possible not to heat at all, only then the serum is separated slowly. But the cottage cheese is very gentle. The truth is who as. Some people like it very hard.

I make cottage cheese from skim milk (skim milk). I believe that it is more profitable: from a single serving of milk we get both sour cream and cottage cheese.

Sour cream and butter is very easy to obtain if there is a separator. But it is in the presence of milk. In urban conditions, from one, two liters or anything does not work.

We do katyk  (in composition it is practically yoghurt). But in order to obtain it, ferment is necessary. You can take ready, and you can cook using hops.

Most likely, we have it simply called spoiled milk.

The grandmother always did this before: The inseparable was low in the oven until golden brown, then the fried top layer was removed with the crust into separate clean dishes (just the top fried layer is kaymak, only collect it for a long time, if the milk is lean and the cow is only one that's why he is very expensive).

The rest of the milk was poured into another dish (glass jars mostly), added sourdough (old sour milk) and put in a warm place for several hours until the milk settles.

I share the recipe for cottage cheese, although I understand that you can call this product differently - in Pokhlebkin, this is called "bladed cottage cheese". Highly recommend busy hostesses.

So, we ferment a little (or inverse), pour it into a bag in the form of a wedge (from canvas, modern gauze does not fit, even 5 pieces in 4 layers), hang for 12-15 hours, then put the same bag under the press.

It turns out very gently, but from whole milk - sour. However, the buyer is available.

I also boil milk when I do cottage cheese. Boiled milk leave sour - about 3 days. Then I throw back on the gauze (cloth), the day flows and that's it.

Why boiled? Because the little daughter is allergic to fresh milk, and if you make cottage cheese out of it - the same thing. Even on goat's milk, a very high temperature rises. And the cheese turns out just as tasty. And son and daughter eat with great pleasure.

I do goat cheese curd: I throw a crust of bread into fresh uncooked milk, soon it sours. I pour everything into a gauze bag and let it drain. Everything.

Cottage cheese:  1 kg of cottage cheese, 2 liters of milk.

Put cottage cheese in boiling milk, mix until received. serum. Pour everything in a colander to glass serum. Melt 200 g of butter, add 2 raw eggs, beat everything with 1 teaspoon salt. Combine everything, stir over low heat, pour into a mold, cool.

Cheese is obtained as melted, we smear it on bread.

You can also do cow cheese cheese, it is only necessary to add soda to the warm mass, then the cheese is more magnificent and with holes. If you add butter, then cheese is harder, and if sweet thick cream is softer.

Shoot down nothing. When you add soda to a warm mass, the soda starts to sizzle (as the acid in the form of whey is present in the mass). And it turns out "lush" mass.

The form can be any. You can pour it even into a tetrapack, even into a plate, it is very convenient - into plastic disposable dishes. Even in half-liter glasses with lids looks good, especially if with cumin or other additives. Only the form can be greased with butter, so that the cheese does not stick to the form.

Now real kaymak from melted foam  practically no one does)).

"Kaymak" is now a little different, but also delicious: Freshly separated. Enamel cream. stirring the dish on the stove while stirring so that the foam is obtained. Heat should not boil. Then bake this dish with cream into a water bath and bake in the oven so that a beautiful crust becomes. Then cool. It turns out very tasty such sour cream. She is always sweet, kept longer.

PS: The oil from the heated on the stove cream tastes better. ))))

My aunt does   cottage cheese is not sour. She adds a spoonful of calcium chloride to fresh milk and the milk is quickly rolled up. Then drain and gentle curd ready. Good for those who have increased acidity.

This is called calcined curd. Medical product. Good for children, pregnant, lactating and elderly. But it is healing. Norm 100 gr. cottage cheese per day for adults.

I do something like an ice cream of separated cream.  Cream knocked down by adding sugar, vanillin, cocoa powder. The resulting mass is laid out in small cups and freeze. Delicious!!

And this is my recipe.

Everything is very simple. Summarizing the above, I can say. If you prefer boiled, use boiled, I love fresh.

A regular jar (can be peeled) 3 liters. We ferment (either by itself) or something sour to improve the taste.

We ferment in the dishes that we will warm.

Slowly warming the milk that has come down. There is an opportunity - we warm up in a water bath, not - on a usual slow fire.

In the summer, sours quickly, in the winter slowly. And no sour, all almost sweet. During warming up, lower the hand so that the hand is not hot.

The son adds, the larger the pieces of the heated sour, the tastier the curd.

Be sure to remove the milk from the fire, let it cool, and only after that strain out, carefully pouring it into gauze or a colander.

SUMMER BE CAREFULLY, TO NOT PEROXIDALLY, IT CAN BE DECREASED by putting casserole with curd in cold water.

Raw CERTAIN - FROM sour milk - not warmed up (here it depends on the density of milk). To defend, to merge into the bag - that's all.

But when they mix fresh milk and sour and warm it, it is absolutely fresh and not for everybody.

Enjoy your meal!

Ice cream can be made from plain yogurt.

Buy a package of yoghurt (in cups), remove the foil from them and insert a stick from the ice cream, then in the freezer for 4 hours. In order to get ready-made ice cream from a glass, it is enough to dip the glass itself for a couple of seconds in a container with hot water.

The most delicious ice cream is obtained from yogurt with fruit pieces. My husband just fell in love with this yoghurt ice cream, in the summer I was ready to devour a whole package) and it is tasty and healthy, I think children will also like it very much) I recommend)

And sticks for it can be taken free of charge in any department with ice cream.

We have (or rather, I have) cottage cheese from 250 to 350 per kilo. In terms of output, in principle, I agree. Moreover, about half of the customers ask for the cottage cheese that is not too squeezed out (I leave it in the other, without hanging up the bundle).

And about the purchasing power - everyone sorts it in demand, a 3-4 kilogram leaves a week.

And where do they get curd sourdough?

I also do not hang up, he flows down in a colander. Bold cottage cheese does not see the point of pressing too much, because during the day fat matures there, it itself becomes drier and acquires a creamy taste.

And I take the leaven ukrainian vivo  (soft pasty curd with a large output) in a store, or industrial ferments in packages of 500 liters or 1 ton, just add a teaspoon at the tip, by eye, I keep hermetically sealed in the freezer.

Find out where your industrial processors ferment. You can ask the pharmacies, but there, usually only for drinks. This is a link to the website of the company with which we have been working for a long time, I now use their leaven.

There are bodies, call, maybe send. The site is very useful, there is a lot of necessary literature on processing.

Yesterday put sour Goat milk for cottage cheese. I'm waiting for sour. I also do not let it boil, but just warm it up a little on a slow fire, then I throw it in gauze to drushlak.

I am waiting for the day and the curd is ready. Then mixed with sour cream and sugars. All is ready!

So, your baby has grown up and needs besides mother’s milk, a lot of different goodies and goodies.

We buy kefir in the store, preferably medium fat. Put the saucepan on the fire and pour a glass of kefir there. Cook over low heat until coagulation. About 2-3 minutes. The longer you cook, the harder the curd. Therefore, do not tighten the cooking process.

Add grated banana to the curd. You will be surprised with what desire and appetite your baby will eat this healthy dish.

If you have the opportunity to purchase whole milk, it may be necessary cooking kefir  and cottage cheese at home. In this article, the House of Tips will give you some recipes about how to cook kefir  or curd yourself.

For several months I have been fond of cooking homemade cheeses, cottage cheese, cream and sour cream. I had such an opportunity after moving to the village and having a pleasant acquaintance with the neighbor's cow.

As it turned out, homemade cottage cheese or cheese is not only much tastier than the store one, but also more than three times cheaper. In addition, it is very interesting and really addictive.

Cottage cheese

Until recently, I thought that the preparation of most dairy products is possible only from fresh whole milk "from under the ladybird", and the store (pasteurized) is "dead" and is not suitable for these purposes. But why not try? - I decided once and set up a simple experiment. I took the same amount of milk from the village and the shop and in the same conditions I tried to make cottage cheese from it.

Milk home and shop

I tell and show how to cook cottage cheese at home  and what comes out of it.

One Saturday morning I went to visit a familiar cow and bought three liters of fresh fresh milk from her mistress. On the way home, I went to the store and bought three liter packets of pasteurized milk of the biggest fat content, which was in the store - 3.6%. The store milk was also fresh, as the saleswoman said, “they just brought it this morning.” Rural milk cost me 7 thousand (white rubles), and shop milk - 15 thousand (these are about 25 and 53 Russian rubles. Respectively)

Milk poured into the same three-liter jars.

In order not to get confused, I wrote “house” and “shop” on them with a marker.

In appearance, the milk was different in color: the home was more yellow and dense than the store. Even by eye it was obvious that the fat content of homemade milk is higher. Well, in the packets of milk a little bit, but not topped up. Trifle, but in the three-liter jar is already noticeable.

Both cans are covered with a clean, dense cloth (so that direct light does not fall) and placed near the battery (in heat, the milk is ripened faster). At this time, you can forget about the banks - all processes will proceed in a natural way. Stir, shake, heat or add vinegar is not necessary.

Three days later, the milk underwent such metamorphoses.

Store milk was squashed faster, and whey better separated from yogurt.

Please note that in a jar of rustic milk about ¼ is occupied by sour cream (it is more yellow).

If I took it off after the first day of settling, I would get first-class cream. But for the purity of the experiment I leave everything as is. In the jar of store milk, the cream was so small that they could not even fix my camera.

Another detail: in the milk formed vertical "moves" from the fact that air bubbles rose to the top. The more such moves, the better. Actually, the banks are no longer milk, but sour milk (very tasty and healthy, but more on that another time).

Now yogurt needs to be shaken out of the cans into a large five-liter pot.

It is to shake out, because the finished yogurt will not pour, but rather fall out in big lumps.

I put the pot on a small fire for exactly 10 minutes. Then with careful movements from the bottom up I mix the contents of the pan and put my finger into the mass. It should be a little warm. If the mass is still cold, then turn on the fire for another 5 minutes. It is very important not to overheat sour milk, otherwise the cottage cheese will become hard, fine-grained and similar in taste to the store.

Immediately after heating, yogurt should look something like this.

Then the mass should cool and exfoliate on a dense layer of cottage cheese on top and serum on the bottom. Therefore, for several hours, we do not touch it or disturb it.

Cover a large saucepan or bowl with clean cotton and pour the contents of the saucepan.

Hair sieve or gauze will not work, as they will pass through too much of the curd itself.

Tie a cloth in a knot and suspend it, placing under it a container for flowing serum.

When the whey stops dripping, the curd is ready.

I did all these operations with cottage cheese from both home and store milk.

In the end, I got this.

Summing up:

Appearance. As can be seen even with the naked eye (and even despite the quality of the photographs), cottage milk curd has turned out more than from the store. In addition, it is different in color. It is not white, but a little yellowish, which is caused by a high content of fat content.

Weight:  “Country” cottage cheese weighs 765 g. “Shopny” - 590 g.

Cost:100 g of cottage cheese from rustic milk cost 915 bld. rubles (3 rubles. Russian), 100 grams of cottage cheese from shop milk - 2 500 white rubles (9 rubles. Russian). There is no doubt that the cost of whole milk curd cheese is almost four times (considering the greater mass) more profitable than store cheese curd.

Taste.  “Homemade” cottage cheese turned out to be fat and tender. There was a feeling that it was mixed with butter. I really like the classic dish: "cottage cheese + sour cream + sugar." So, it is not necessary to add sour cream to cottage cheese from homemade milk - they are so tasty. True, in pastries and desserts, I do not use it, because I do not know exactly the percentage of fat, and for many recipes it matters.

Cottage cheese from shop milk turned out to be gentle and easier. In my opinion, it is far superior to the cottage cheese sold in stores, in taste. In addition, when cooking various desserts and casseroles, it does not require prior rubbing through a sieve or blender. It is so tender that you stretch it well enough with a spoon and you can start cooking. Of course, its price is comparable to the price of store cheese, but the taste is much better.

Conclusion:As it turned out, cottage cheese  can cook at home  both from whole country milk, and from shop pasteurized. If possible, pre-village milk for these purposes is preferable. But if there is no such possibility, then you can make it from the shop - it will still get tastier than the one that is sold in stores.

Well, the pleasure of the whole process of turning ordinary milk into cottage cheese with your own hands is at all immeasurable with no weights or numbers.

Enjoy your meal!

P.S. After cooking the curd, we still have the whey. Do not throw it away - it turns out great pancakes or pizza dough (replacing kefir). In addition, hair masks can be made from this serum. In the salons of these masks are surprisingly impudent money. But the effect of them is truly magical.