Drink raw or boiled water. How to drink water correctly: drinking regimen for the health of the body

22.05.2019 Healthy eating

Water plays almost the most important role for the human body and all life in general. Nobody and nothing can live without it - even plants without water die. It is used for domestic purposes, cooking and quenching thirst. Medicine recommends drinking a certain amount of liquid per day. But is it so necessary and important, and what does water give to our body?

Similar anorexia and bulimia. These and other similar problems often have a karmic basis, and the case should be treated lightly. All these are recommendations, not the law - the more they are observed, the better, but when it is difficult, unpleasant, undesirable, you should not abuse it. If something exotic is desirable, unusual, although harmful, let it be there without worry. Single or sporadic use will not hurt, while attempts to force can have many undesirable side effects, such as anorexia and bulimia.

It is important to have goodwill, little will and more love and tolerance for yourself and your imperfect nature. Do not overdo the exact hours of eating, the exact weight of the food, etc. below. Eating at certain hours can even be harmful - if a person is not yet hungry, he should not eat. However, it is desirable to observe an approximate rhythm that stimulates the body to build an optimal internal relationship to the alternation of food - rest - work, etc. where they all perform most correctly and are most useful.

The role of water in the body

Water can be safely called our source of life! Because you can live without it for a maximum of 5-7 days, even if the body has increased immunity and stamina. Why is that? It turns out that water promotes the assimilation of all food and nutrients, which in turn leads to conversion into energy reserve. With its help, oxygen is created, which accelerates the metabolism, improves the functionality of many organs and systems, normalizes body temperature, etc.

In addition, alternating primarily physically with predominantly mental activity, each of them is an active vacation for the next. Many and conflicting recommendations for distributing food throughout the day. In a middle-aged man, nutrition provides almost half the energy needed by the body, but does not immediately, directly. First, energy is required to grind it. This is not accidental after a person’s sleep, because most of the blood and the corresponding energy are directed to the digestive organs.

Therefore, after eating, it’s good to cry, sit, honor, or do easier work. Usually it is noon, and after that it is a good break or moderate mental activity - even in the summer at noon it is very hot for lunch. After eating, there is nothing wrong with sleeping. And predators, and grazing and fertile animals, guided by a natural instinct, go to bed after eating. Standard dietetics advise you not to go to bed with a full stomach, which cannot be considered a valid rule. If it interferes, for example. hard to fall asleep - don't do this.

Our body contains up to 80% of this valuable fluid, only in plasma its 93%! In the muscular system - 75%, in the bone - 20, in the heart, lungs and kidneys - up to 80, in fat tissue - 10, and in the skin and liver - 70%. Most of the water is in the vitreous, its amount reaches 99%. And the lowest content is noted in the enamel layer of the teeth - only 0.2.

There are also stomach problems for which it exists, although it is more advisable to treat them; as well as overeating, which should not be allowed. When working during the day, it is better to eat in the evenings. It is difficult to say how much food to eat, since the assessment is very or less subjective, and measuring each meal by weight is painful manic. This does not apply to cases of psychoprogrammed or karmic shortness of breath that need to be treated. Food etiquette - clean food, clean and pleasant dishes and utensils, a beautifully decorated table, washed hands; without hanging objects and us with food or drinks; in a clean, comfortable place; in a calm, cool environment; with wonderful thoughts and feelings.

Modern medicine has proved that lack of water in the body leads to the development of the most serious and dangerous pathologies. This conclusion was reached through multiple studies and experiments.

The benefits of water

Thanks to water, all substances responsible for the vital activity of tissues, cells and organs dissolve, because water is dynamic. She takes a direct part in all biochemical processes. Useful properties of water for the human body:

We must eat elegant and beautiful, compliance and other basic rules of etiquette and aesthetics - like self-confidence and pleasant emotions of other people, but not to overdo it and obsession, always inner calm, without tension, without worry. And not only in a guest house or in a restaurant, but also at home.

BRIEF: everything that is tasty from harmless products is eaten; mainly raw vegetation, brown bread, cereals, legumes, dairy products, meat exclusively or whole, whole products; without fat, very dry, many cancers; without overeating, without calories and chemical composition; regular food, well-eaten, well-chewed food.

  • acceleration of metabolism (all metabolic processes);
  • removal of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • body temperature adjustment (when a person has a fever, it is recommended to drink more clean water);
  • oxygen saturation with humidity;
  • transportation of nutrients;
  • maintaining the normal water regime of the skeletal system, joints, etc .;
  • acceleration of the digestibility of nutrients;
  • providing protective properties of all internal organs;
  • excretion of salts from the body;
  • fat burning.

The most interesting about water

  • the more water gets inside, the faster it is removed;
  • a lack of aqueous fluid of only 10% can be fatal;
  • if you drink water with a high ph content, you can extend your life by at least 10 years, a maximum of 20;
  • a year, a person drinks up to 70 tons of water.

Is it good to drink water with lemon?

It is useful to drink water and this fact is undeniable. But is it possible to use it with lemon and other products? For example, citruses perfectly quench your thirst, therefore it is lemon water that they prefer to drink. But is it useful? In fact, lemon perfectly complements the properties of water and enhances its effect. But besides this, lemon additionally contributes to the following:

More and more energy needs will be met by chakras, direct receivers of energy, the sun through the skin, eyes, etc. but a certain amount of food is always necessary for the renewal of cells and for some specific energies for the body. Feeding can only be limited by an inner meditative knowledge of this, confirmed by spiritual leaders.

Proper nutrition in accordance with this lecture will ensure physical and mental health and performance, good memory and mood, a pleasant smell of the body and breath, lack of smell and dirty droppings, etc. conditions and aspiration are constantly above spiritual and physical perfection. Lectures will be periodically updated.

  1. Since it contains the striking power of many vitamins and minerals, macronutrients and trace elements, lemon strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with the daily norm of everything necessary. This leads to the normalization of the activity of all systems.
  2. Lemon is able to eliminate headaches, normalize blood pressure and calm the nervous system.
  3. If you wash yourself with lemon water, you can improve the color and structure of the skin of the face.
  4. Lemon accelerates digestive processes, activates the secretion of gastric juice.
  5. Quickly cleanses the liver of harmful substances and neutralizes free radicals.
  6. It relieves constipation and gives elasticity to the entire skin.
  7. It neutralizes bacteria and viruses, so lemon is most often used for colds.
  8. Normalizes lactic acid and relieves pain in the skeletal system.
  9. Burns fats and speeds up metabolism.
  10. Rejuvenates cells, tissues and the body as a whole.

What water should I drink for health: boiled or raw?

Water is very useful for the body, but not every liquid has such properties, especially in the modern world, which has an unfavorable ecological situation. In order for water to be beneficial, it must be saturated with nutrients in large quantities.

Most foods are complex substances and must undergo a series of transformation processes called digestion so that they are suitable for use by cells. It is not enough just to feed the food in the stomach - it should be at the right time, in a good combination of food, in a calm physical and mental state, chewing well. Of the food eaten on the earth, worried, hurrying somewhere, there can be more harm than good! When we eat in accordance with simple basic environmental rules, we don’t need to think about how many calories, saturated fatty acids, cholesterol and something else is not contained or not in the diet.

And how to check the level of ph at home, you ask. There are several ways:

  1. You can buy mineral water without gas. On each bottle, these indicators are indicated.
  2. You can use special indicators - litmus papers, sodium benzenesulfonate, phenolphthalein. All of these substances, when interconnected with water, change their hue and color.
  3. Today on sale you can find a ph-meter that determines the water and alkaline balance.

Each food must meet 4 conditions: 2 obligatory - it is harmless and healthy, 1 necessary - to be tasty and 1 desirable - to be pleasant, beautiful in appearance. The first rule: raw vegetation is the best, natural food for humans. It contains the basic and most necessary ingredients in proper proportions and good quality - it is very desirable to be the basis of each meal and be at least half of it. 2nd rule: there is everything that is delicious, with the exception of a small group of definitely harmful products; without overeating or overeating with certain ingredients and in accordance with the first rule.

Water from the water supply: features

The quality of modern tap water is quite good because it undergoes multiple purification processes. Only here with water pipes in our country are big problems. Of course, if a completely new pipeline is laid throughout the entire territory of water supply, then such water can and should be drunk.

This is not understood by standard nutritionists, who mainly evaluate or only the chemical composition of food. But do not get into fanaticism - meat, beans, eggplant and others. should not eat raw. Cooking should be applied to foods that cannot be eaten raw or varied. For example, add onions at the end of cooking for 5-10 minutes and remain crispy; also some others. vegetables that can be eaten either raw or oil or olive oil. It's nice to look for a good taste in new products and cooking methods, and not serve old delusions.

Unfortunately, this is almost never seen. Basically, the pipes are old and rusty, as a result of which they contain an increased amount of iron. The contained chlorine is also undesirable for the body, due to which the bacteria are disinfected from time to time. Therefore, tap water in its purest form is better not to use.

Raw and boiled water: features

Undoubtedly, raw water contains a huge number of useful substances. Such water is called “living” because it has a peculiar structure according to the arrangement of molecules. But in order to get the maximum benefit, you need to use only high-quality raw water.

Brewing damages the slightest, sucks, a little more baking, fries even more. Milk - cow, sheep, etc. Naturally intended for plant creatures. There is no right opinion that fresh milk is not good food or that it is not suitable for an elderly person. If he does not overdo it, this is great food, this is food, not booze. Most dairy products are as good as milk, if it is real, with lactic milk, milk powder, starch and gelatin.

Up to 1-2 eggs per week, as well as once a week, fish or chicken or bacon is acceptable, but if there is a definite desire for it. Strive to be more natural products - grown without artificial fertilizers, chemicals, improvers and less refined; just eat a few foods per meal. We should not get too big and shiny fruits and vegetables - they are usually artificially improved. Food should have enough, albeit not overly hard, ingredients that require good chewing. So that he will get wet with saliva, which is necessary for proper digestion, fast food is not allowed, the chewing machine is preserved.

Water, which is boiled, is completely useless for the body, to say the least:

  • beneficial salts turn into an insoluble form, due to which they are absent in boiled water;
  • oxygen content decreases;
  • chlorine is converted into toxic compounds that affect the internal organs in the most negative way, resulting in the formation of stones and cancerous growths;
  • it loses all useful substances and, accordingly, properties;
  • if boiled water is stored for a day or more, harmful microorganisms develop in it;
  • boiled water is called "dead".

If you are used to and love to drink boiling water, follow certain rules. First, before boiling, let the raw water stand for 2-4 hours. Secondly, remove the kettle from the fire as soon as the liquid begins to boil.

This is another reason to regularly eat salad, but lowers pulps, mashed potatoes, etc. - with them a good salad is harder than raw vegetables - cabbage, carrots, cauliflower. Cookies are suitable for winter storage and variety, but cannot replace a raw salad and should not be overdone. Both extreme opinions are erroneous - that they are unsuitable for food and that they are very good products. Some useful substances - vitamins, enzymes are stored quite well, but fermentation processes are harmful to digestion, although not very much.

Sterilized vegetables in jars are cooked food, not pickles. Frequent use of cooked spinach, docks, nettles and some other leafy vegetables carries a high risk of kidney stones, especially for some people prone to stone. However, there is no danger that these vegetables will be eaten raw, and they are great for salad. Nettles are crushed in advance, preferably with a wooden spoon. There have been too many tips lately to drink a lot of water - it should be as much as a person's drink.

Bottled water: features

Bottled water is a healthy raw water that undergoes repeated purification. Such water has two categories - the first and highest. In the first case, water is taken from water supply systems or surface water bodies, after which they are subjected to deep cleaning processes.

The highest category includes artesian water collected in ecologically clean areas from wells. Disinfect it with ultraviolet light, and clean it in the most gentle ways. This is the most favorable fluid for the body.

Less than 7-1 liters of fluid per day may have a sick or karmic cause. With the exception of hot, dry weather or hard physical work, there is no need or preferably more than 5-2 liters - so it is difficult for the digestive and secretion organs and the whole body. Slightly saline water can be used alternately or mixed with filtered tap water. It is not good to drink plenty of water or drinks with food and immediately afterwards, because the digestive juices are diluted. If a person wants to drink, you can drink water before eating - this will not ruin the appetite, as they often think, but whether it will be a balance - sometimes one is more hungry than drinking, pounces on food, trying to unconsciously satisfy her thirst and overeating.

Do not forget that in the world there are many unscrupulous manufacturers who do not focus on the purification processes. Yes, and water can be used from the water supply.

In order not to stumble on a fake, be sure to take into account the reputation of the manufacturer, pay attention to the quality of the packaging (responsible companies will not allow packaging water in bottles of dubious quality). But the most important advice is to take a small amount of liquid to any laboratory, and then you will be sure of the quality indicators of the water used!

The distinctive diet is quite popular, presented by Dr. William Hay, most fully described and explained by Dr. Herbert Shelton. Strict application of all Shelton's rules is quite difficult and not necessary, and this will also lead to some burst of the digestive system. In popular literature, they are not always properly explained. The recommendations in this lecture include the more important Shelton rules. Without any evidence, traditional nutritionist claims obediently listen to the advice of the dark that you need to eat meat.

It is also known from the Bible that meat is not good food for humans, especially for spiritual and intellectual growth. Plant cells are easier to suppress and absorb, because they are at a lower level than the animal. Of the various types of meat, the least damage is fish and chicken, which are at a lower level among animals. Eating meat leads the karma of particles for complicity in killing the animal, until plants usually only accept small details that do not interfere or fruits that are just about conceived.

People who care about their health often ask themselves: which water is better to use - raw or boiled? The human body consists of about 70-80% of water, and without constant replenishment of the fluid balance, life is impossible, so the choice of wholesome water is very relevant.

What is more beneficial to drink - raw or boiled water?

The opinions of doctors and nutritionists on this issue are similar: researchers believe that raw water will definitely bring more benefits to health. Drinking water, which has not passed the boiling process, contains salts and trace elements useful for the human body - copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, as well as soluble gases in the form of oxygen and nitrogen. Raw water not only quenches thirst, but nourishes the body, delivering beneficial substances and oxygen to it. Scientific studies have proved that natural pure water has a special molecular structure and, when ingested, has a positive effect on internal systems and organs, and triggers regeneration and rejuvenation processes.

When boiling, most of the useful salts precipitate, which not only negatively affects the taste of water, but also is deposited in the form of scale in a teapot. Boiled water is devoid of most trace elements and oxygen, therefore, it can not beneficially affect the metabolism in the body, but rather, it causes edema and contributes to the accumulation of harmful salts. Thus, the analysis of water before and after boiling showed that this process disinfects water, but deprives it of its taste and properties beneficial to the body.

How to choose raw water?

Researchers have come to the unequivocal conclusion that the properties of raw water are more beneficial than the properties of boiled water. However, environmental conditions and the state of public utilities can adversely affect the quality of raw water. In modern times, there are several ways to choose raw and at the same time clean and safe water.

Spring water undergoes natural purification through soil layers. showed that springs located in the city or near industrial production can be infected with harmful chemical and biological substances. Spring water is recommended to be used only after thorough.

How to purify raw water?

Almost everyone understands that only clean water is safe to drink. Since raw water is more beneficial than boiled water, it becomes necessary to purify it. To do this, you can use the method of settling water for two to three hours or get melt water by freezing and subsequent thawing, you can also use flow or pitcher filters. When choosing a method for purifying raw water, it should be carried out.

Natural methods in the form of sedimentation and freezing are suitable for areas with good ecology; if an increased content of iron or heavy salts is found in water, you should resort to filtration. The analysis of water before and after filtration shows that the use of the filter retains substances necessary for health and replenishing the balance of microelements in the body in water, while filtering components are retained by harmful salts. The result is “living” clean water that tastes good and is good for the body.