Serving tomatoes. How beautiful to cut cucumbers and tomatoes - step by step photos

10.06.2019 Snacks

Cucumbers and tomatoes - beautiful assistants for good digestion of food, also contribute to the proper metabolism. They contain a lot of water, sugar, fiber and various salts and trace elements.

Of course, these two types of vegetables are successfully used in cooking, but you can use them not only as products for salads and other dishes, but also make them into beautiful cuttings that serve as a good decoration of a festive table.

The art of finely chopping cucumbers and tomatoes is the topic of this article. So, consider several recipes for decorating dishes from tomatoes and cucumbers, but before that, some necessary tips when cutting vegetables.

1. For the manufacture of "edible decoration" always carefully choose cucumbers and tomatoes, while the most ideal is that they are solid, and cucumber must have small grains.

2. Peeling should be created specifically before cutting.

3. If you make complex manipulations with vegetables, cut out interesting figures, sometimes spray them with water, it is better to use a spray gun with a small spray. This is done in order to prevent the drying and wilting of vegetables.

4. Ready-made vegetable decorations can be stored for about a week if they are placed in cool water with ice.

5. When making a composition of vegetables on a dish, use a paper napkin to remove excess water on cucumbers and tomatoes.

6. Before serving dishes on the table, it is allowed to introduce sauces and ketchup to complement the scenery. The main thing here is to stick to the taste of the main dish. Well, now let's go specifically to the recipes for making vegetable cuts.

How to cut cucumbers and tomatoes. Photo recipes

The following figures can be made from cucumbers: leaves, bells, circles, crow's feet, lilies, various fine ornaments. It is done very simply with the help of the usual small kitchen knife. For cutting not only the freshest cucumbers are suitable, but also pickled with lightly salted ones. Choose vegetables of medium size and with good density (this is especially true for pickles). You can add a greenish decoration with greens and lettuce leaves, but see that the salad and greens do not cover one hundred percent cucumbers.

How to make a rose from tomatoes

Take a ripe tomato, wash it and dry. Then cut in half, and also cut each of the halves into thin slices, and the slices should be divided into small, medium and large ones. Now roll up the small slices so that the bud comes out. Then wrap the bud in a circle with medium slices of tomato. And finish the flower in the same way with huge pieces of tomato. To give the rose a more believable look, bend a few petals at the folded tomato slices. Rose is ready.

Cucumbers and tomatoes. How to make an ornament

1. Take a few cucumbers and a couple of tomatoes. Each cucumber is cut along and divided, thus, into 2 halves.

3. Tomatoes are simply divided into 2 halves.

4. Cut the cucumbers as follows: cut each half of the cucumber from the side of the skin, but not completely.

5. With a small effort, press down the cucumber with a knife to give it a shape 6. Spread the halves of cucumbers on a dish in a circle, and between them put on? a tomato.

How beautiful cut cucumber. Decoration "Fan"

1. Cut a part of the vegetable from the tip to the spike, and then cut 5 thin slices at the same angle.

2. Now it is necessary to put together the resulting circles and cut all the layers from the center to the edge.

3. Unscrew one end of the slices by 180 degrees. And then straighten any of the ends, like a fan.

Creator: Katerina Sergeenko

Beautiful design of vegetable cuts

Vegetables are always in a fresh or canned form are present on our festive tables, and are a very popular snack. We will talk about how you can beautifully arrange a plate of vegetable cutting.

Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables today can be bought all year round at any large store, and if not everyone trusts such winter vegetables in terms of benefits, they enjoy an increased demand during holidays. The same can be said about pickled, salted vegetables. It is hard to imagine a holiday table without vegetables - in any form they serve as an excellent snack, and without them a meal on any occasion would be much more modest.

In recent years, vegetables such as celery, cherry tomatoes, avocados, etc. have been added to popular cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers, as well as greens. In general, even in winter you can make a very beautiful multicomponent snack out of vegetables. Well, the design of such snacks will not take long if you use the ideas suggested in the photo.

Like other snacks, vegetables can be beautifully decorated using only greens.

Add fresh vegetables can be pickled, pickled or salted, for example, as in the next photo - sauerkraut.

Very often, in addition to greens, such products as olives and olives are used to decorate vegetable cuts.

For such a beautiful design, cut carrots, sweet peppers of red and yellow flowers and celery in thick straws, also use olives and cherry tomatoes. The cucumber should be almost completely peeled, leaving only its thin strips, then cut into thin plates obliquely (at an angle not about 90, but about 45 degrees). Cover the dish with lettuce leaves, put the sauce in the center, put vegetables and olives in sectors, decorate the place around the sauce with curly parsley.

If you pay a little more time to decorating a vegetable, you can make a very beautiful composition by cutting vegetables in the form of flowers, as in the next photo.

Flowers are cut out of radish, decorated with sliced ​​rings of olives, cucumber and tomato are also used. For flowers from cucumber and tomato thin long strips cut these vegetables and roll them into flowers.

It will not be difficult to arrange such a cutting: make a big flower out of a tomato, place it in the center of the dish on a pillow of greens, put a cucumber around it. The cucumber should be cut along long thin plates and put overlapped in a circle, then rolled with an accordion and stuck in each one along the stick of greenery (you can replace the greens with skewers or toothpicks).

It is also easy to make such a beautiful cutting: take plum tomatoes, cut them up with a zigzag - you get “tulips”, cut flowers from radishes, cut the cucumber and strips into strips, decorate all with greens.

If you combine vegetables with cheese, you can make a very beautiful presentation: in the following cutting tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, basil, olives and finely chopped greens are used.

Fresh, pickled, pickled cucumbers play a big role in human nutrition. Today, no table is complete without pickled or pickled cucumbers. Well-cooked meat and fish dishes largely lose, if you do not apply them to pickles. Possessing a pleasant, delicate taste, aroma, with small seeds and thin skin, fresh cucumbers not only decorate the dishes, but also increase the nutritional value. They complement the main dishes, improve their taste.

Cucumbers promote metabolism and better digestion of food, as they are a source of water, sugar, fiber, mineral salts, vitamin C, essential oils.

Cucumbers are widely used in cooking throughout the year: for salads, side dishes, various dishes, as well as for decoration.

From cucumbers a simple small kitchen knife cut out lilies, bells, small fences, crow's feet, leaves, circles, etc.

For cutting take flat, medium-sized cucumbers, "green", thick salted or pickled cucumbers. Cucumber ornaments are complemented with sprigs of parsley, dill, lettuce and others.

The dish is decorated in such a way that the main product is not too covered with decorations.

1. In the center of the vegetable with a sharp knife we ​​make deep vertical triangular cuts to the center - from top to bottom, without cutting to the base of the vegetable 3-5 mm.

2. Split the workpiece into two halves - the lower and upper.

3. The resulting acute-angled petals are cut several times into thin plates across the petal.

4. Then dip into cold water to seal the petals for 15-20 minutes.


Lily decorate cold appetizers, complex side dishes for main dishes, large culinary products.

Cut from fresh and pickled cucumbers.

1. At an angle of 45 ° cut the upper part of the cucumber in the form of a spiral.

2. Cut the helix with the right hand, with the left hand at the same time turn the cucumber around its axis and cut to the middle or along the entire length of the vegetable.

3. Expand the spiral in the opposite direction so that the beginning of the cut is located in the middle of the flower.

4. In the center of the flower you can put the berries of viburnum, pea, etc.

Decorate cold dishes and snacks, as well as main dishes with a complex side dish with the addition of greenery.

1. Cut the flower from the top and bottom of the cucumber medium size.

2. Cut off from the sides three equally lengthened segments.

3. At the site of the cut, we cut out three thin petals, not finishing 2-3 mm to the base. In the middle we remove the pulp.

4. The resulting flower is cut in the middle of a cone-shaped incision. In the middle, you can insert stamens on sandwich sticks.

We make a dish with the addition of greens.




1. With a knife at an angle of 45 °, cut off the top layer of cucumber 1-2 mm thick in the form of a spiral.

2. Then continue to cut the second layer of the spiral.

3. The resulting spiral is unwound in the opposite direction and we get two cone-shaped cups, in the middle of which we put currants, viburnum, carrot or onion slices.


1. For the entire length of the vegetable, use a knife to cut out the grooves with a depth and a width of 2-3 mm, and at regular intervals - carbing.

2. With a knife at an angle of 45 °, cut off the top layer of cucumber 1-2 mm thick in the form of a spiral.

3. Then continue to cut the second layer of the spiral.

4. The resulting spiral is unwound in the opposite direction and we get two cone-shaped cups, in the middle of which we put currants, viburnum, carrot or onion slices.


1. Along a cucumber, along its entire length we cut long plates 2-3 mm thick.

2. Carefully, bending the obtained plate segments in half, we place the plates when decorating the dish in the form of bows, small fences or a bouquet.

3. We supplement the cucumber plates with other figured vegetables and greens


Cut from raw, lightly salted and pickled cucumbers.

1. Cut from the surface of the cucumber segments, as shown in the figure.

2. Cut the obtained segments into thin vertical plates, without cutting 2-3 mm to the round edge.

3. Lightly press down on top with a knife or fingers, give a fan shape.

4. Dip in cold water for 20-30 minutes to seal the product. A semicircular fan is cut in the same way, only cutting the round part of the segments with vertical cuts, without cutting 2-3 mm to the acute-angled edge.

Fresh Cucumber Salad

Cucumbers are sliced ​​into slices, onion and Bulgarian pepper in half rings, parsley, dill finely chopped, seasoned with salad dressing, sour cream or mayonnaise. You can add chopped boiled egg. All mixed, salted, sprinkled with pepper to taste, spread in a vase or salad bowl and decorated with figurally sliced ​​cucumber, egg and greens.

Cucumbers with mustard

Medium-sized cucumbers are washed, cut in half lengthwise, mustard is applied to the obtained halves with salt, and decorated with greens.

Natural Cucumbers

Select small flat cucumbers. Cut from two sides and placed on small plates, complement the greens.

A beautiful dish will be, if cucumbers figuratively cut into a fan, circles, asterisks, sprinkle with salt and pepper on top. This creates certain conveniences for eating them.

Cucumbers with garlic

They select small, dense, flat cucumbers, wash in running water, peel, cut in half and smear with a mixture of chopped garlic with vegetable oil and grated horseradish per 15g of garlic - 1 hour. spoon of vegetable oil and 1 h. Spoon of horseradish.

Lay figured cucumber, greens.

Salted cucumbers

Select small cucumbers, thoroughly washed under running water. Then prepare (wash and cut) the greens needed for salting - horseradish leaves, currants, cherries - for strength, raspberries, dill, onion, garlic, sliced.

Prepared greens are placed on the bottom of enamel or glassware, cucumbers are placed on it, then a layer of greens and cucumbers, etc. again.

Pour the prepared cucumbers with warm boiled water, seasoned with a mixture of 1 tsp. salt to 1 liter of water, 3 cm above the stowed products. Leave for 3-5 days without a refrigerator.

Used as a separate dish and side dish.

In salads from meat and fish it is better to add finely chopped pickled cucumbers.

For salads, vegetables should be only fresh, Cooking snacks should be as needed.

In the preparation of snacks should strictly abide by the rules of personal hygiene, as the products are not subjected to heat treatment.