Salad wave with squids and crab sticks. Seafood cocktail salad with shrimps, calamari and crab sticks

21.05.2019 Soups

Squid Salad - a dish that is suitable for a solemn dinner, and for everyday diet. This dish has many advantages. It is useful because squid contains iodine. This is a nutritious, but not too high-calorie salad. It is suitable for those who watch their weight. In addition, it is a fairly simple dish. There are many recipes for this salad. Some of them are discussed in sections of the article.

Salad with squids and crab sticks: recipe

This dish is able to cook even a person with little experience in cooking. For such a salad is recommended to use frozen squid carcasses. However, you can cook this dish with canned seafood.

In order to make such a salad with squid, you will need the following products:

  1. Six crab sticks.
  2. Squids (three or four carcasses).
  3. Fresh cucumber.
  4. Three eggs.
  5. Corn (canned).
  6. Half a line of sweet pepper.
  7. One hundred grams of hard cheese.
  8. Salt and ground pepper (optional).
  9. Two hundred grams of mayonnaise.

Squid finely chopped (frozen, you must first boil for three minutes). Clean the cucumber and pepper. Cut into small squares. Cook the eggs. Cut into small pieces. Grind crab sticks. Cheese grate.

Put all the ingredients in a separate bowl, mix with two spoons of mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper. In a large salad bowl put all the products in the following order:

  1. Squids.
  2. Cucumber.
  3. Eggs
  4. Corn.
  5. Crab sticks.
  6. Sweet pepper.

Sprinkle with cheese. The salad prepared with this recipe with squid and crab sticks and with pepper and cucumber has a fresh and interesting taste.

This feature dish give fresh vegetables.

Capper Salad

This dish combines both pleasure and benefit. It is not only rich in iodine, but also contains a lot of protein due to the presence of ham. To make such a salad, you need the following ingredients:

  1. Three squid.
  2. One hundred and twenty grams of crab sticks.
  3. A bunch of green onions.
  4. Two hundred grams of ham.
  5. Five tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  6. A pinch of salt and pepper ground.
  7. Coffee spoon of lemon juice.

Boil squids, cut into small rings. Wash and chop the onion. Crab sticks and ham cut into slices. All products placed in a salad bowl. Add salt, pepper, mayonnaise and lemon juice. Mix.

There are many varieties of squid salad and crab sticks. Recipes can be found in many cookbooks. Some housewives generally like to experiment, adding to this dish a variety of ingredients to give it an original taste.

Calamari and Rice Salad

This is a hearty dish with a delicate, mild flavor. The presence of seaweed adds to its unusual notes.

To prepare this dish, the following products are required:

  1. Three hundred grams of squid.
  2. Three quarters cup of boiled rice.
  3. Salt and pepper (optional).
  4. Corn (canned).
  5. One hundred fifty grams of seaweed (without spicy seasoning).
  6. 120 g of mayonnaise.

Squid boiled in water with salt. Cut into squares. Sea cabbage and crab sticks chop. Mix all foods with boiled rice. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper. Stir again.

Salad with squids and crab sticks according to the recipe with the addition of rice is ready.

Dinner option for gala dinner

This salad uses an unusual combination of ingredients: shrimp, sweet pepper, apples and roasted squid meat. Such food is an excellent option for a festive treat.

To make this salad you need the following ingredients:

  1. Three hundred grams shrimp.
  2. Corn (one can).
  3. Cheese (100 g).
  4. Two eggs.
  5. Three hundred grams of squid.
  6. Sweet pepper (one piece).
  7. One hundred grams of crab sticks.
  8. Two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  9. Sour apple.

Shrimp cook for two minutes.

Then cool and, if necessary, clean. Squid cut into small pieces. Fry evenly in a griddle with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for three minutes. Cook the eggs. Cool, clean and finely rub. Crab sticks cut into small squares. To rub the cheese. Place the squid, corn, eggs and shrimp in a salad bowl. Add cheese and mayonnaise. Mix well. Top put pieces of apple and sweet pepper for decoration.

In this dish shrimp, squid and crab sticks are harmoniously combined. The salad according to the recipe described above will surely please all the guests of the feast.

Olive with squid - original and tasty dish

Many people are used to cooking classic New Year's food with meat or cooked sausage. However, for those who love squid salads, the best recipes for festive dishes include seafood and olivier. This is a great alternative to the traditional New Year's food.

The following ingredients are used for its preparation:

  1. Four potatoes.
  2. One carrot.
  3. Two or three pickled cucumbers.
  4. An Apple.
  5. Fifty grams of olives.
  6. Two or three squid.
  7. Tablespoon soy sauce.
  8. Salt, pepper (optional).
  9. One hundred and fifty grams of mayonnaise.
  10. Green or bulb onions.

Boil squids, leave to cool. Peel potatoes and carrots, wash them and cut them into squares. Peel off the apple. Remove the seeds. Cut the apple into small squares. Cucumbers chop. Squids cut into slices. All products placed in a large plate. Add chopped onion or herbs, olives, mayonnaise, sauce, pepper and salt. Mix all ingredients.


Today recipes of tasty salads are very popular step by step. Add mushrooms to the squid and crab sticks in this dish, which will give it a special charm, as well as tell you how to cook it in stages.

In order to prepare such a salad, we need the following products:

  • Two hard boiled eggs.
  • Cheese (100 g).
  • Two squid.
  • Two hundred grams of pickled champignons.
  • Green onion.
  • One hundred grams of crab sticks.
  • Rusks (optional).
  • One hundred and eighty grams of canned corn.
  • Mayonnaise.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Cook squids in water with salt and bay leaf.
  2. Spice up.
  3. Then cool and cut into slices.
  4. Cook the eggs.
  5. Cool and clean.
  6. Grate the eggs and cheese.
  7. Mushrooms cut into slices, onions - in small circles.
  8. All products combine.
  9. Mix with corn and mayonnaise.

Before serving, sprinkle it with crackers.

Salad with red caviar

Every hostess wants to surprise the guests and cook them something unusual. There are many ideas of festive salads with squid. One option is a dish with the addition of red caviar. To make it you need ingredients such as:

  1. Two hundred grams of crab sticks.
  2. Three eggs.
  3. One hundred grams of shrimp.
  4. A bunch of green onions.
  5. Four hundred grams of squid.
  6. One hundred gr. red caviar.
  7. Two leaves of green lettuce.
  8. Some olives (optional).
  9. Two hundred grams of crab sticks.
  10. Parsley.
  11. One hundred grams of canned pineapple.
  12. Champignons (200 g).
  13. One hundred grams of mayonnaise.

Squid boil in water with salt. Cool it down. Cut into slices. Boil eggs. When they cool, cut into small squares. Wash and chop the onion. Crab sticks and mushrooms cut into small pieces. Cook shrimp, cool. To peel. Connect all products. Add mayonnaise, caviar. Mix. For decoration, put parsley, green salad and olives on the dish surface. Food is ready. A salad prepared with such a recipe with squid and crab sticks has an exquisite taste.

Dietary version of the dish

This is a simple and healthy salad for those who adhere to the right nutrition. To make it you need to boil squid for three minutes. Cool and cut into squares. Cook the eggs. Cool, peel and cut. Grate fresh cucumber. Avocado cut into small squares.

All products placed in a large pot. Add sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. Mix.

I offer a completely new recipe for a festive salad with quite affordable ingredients. This is a simple and at the same time very   and crab sticks . To prepare it will not be difficult for both an experienced cook and a beginner. The main time is devoted to the preparation of products, and the assembly of the finished salad will take no more than 5 minutes.

Salad Recipe with Squids and Crab Sticks

For this salad, we need:

  • squid fillet 300 grams;
  • crab sticks 300 grams;
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • ½ bulb onions;
  • mayonnaise for refueling;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • greenery for decoration.

Peeled carcasses of squid should be boiled in boiling salted water until cooked. Boil the squid need no more than 4 minutes, otherwise it will become very tough as rubber. Boil eggs hard-boiled and cool with ice water.

Cut half of the bulb bulb into small cube, scald with boiling water to eliminate the bitter taste. Crab sticks choose quality, so that they do not exfoliate and do not fall apart under the knife.

The preparation is completed, proceed to the assembly of the salad.

How to cook a delicious salad with squid

For the first time I tried to cook this for the holiday table. I was pleasantly surprised by the harmonious taste of the finished salad, and the time for everything about everything took no more than 30 minutes (from preparing the food to serving). When you do not have much time to create treats, remember this amazingly simple and tasty recipe 😉

Squid cut into half-rings, eggs julienne, crab sticks into cubes. Combine the sliced ​​products in a beautiful salad bowl, add onions and fill with mayonnaise, mix. Remove the sample, add if necessary salt and ground black pepper. Festive and squids ready. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

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   Ocean - salad with red caviar

All housewives who wish to make the holiday unforgettable, salad with squid - the best solution in this situation. Thanks to seafood, the dish acquires an incredible taste and aroma. To cook it you do not need to have special skills. The desire and the minimum set of ingredients - and the holiday was a success. The best recipes squid salad with photos can be read below.

Quick salad recipe with squid and eggs

The dish, prepared by this method, has an incredible tenderness and interesting taste. This is a classic version, which is often prepared in restaurants around the world.

Ingredients for cooking salad with squid and egg:

  • half a kilo of squid;
  • 4 large chicken eggs;
  • two medium bulbs;
  • 60 grams of green (you can any);
  • half a cup of mayonnaise;
  • spices as desired.

It is not necessary to heat frozen squids, as this may affect the structure of the meat.

Frozen squid should be kept at room temperature until all the ice has left it.

Rinse the carcass thoroughly under the tap. Then take a deep pan, pour water and put on fire. When the liquid boils, seafood should be placed in it. Meat should be salted and pepper. Keep squid in boiling water should be no more than 4 minutes.

After the seafood has been cooked, put it on a cutting board and allow to cool slightly. Then squid must be cleaned, remove all films. Meat with a sharp knife cut into small stripes.

Wash the bulb and peel it.
Vegetable cut into any convenient way. If the onion is very bitter, then it can be slightly scalded with a small amount of boiling water.

Eggs put in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer until cooked.
Then put them in a container with cold water and hold for a while. This will help the shell to separate well. Chop protein and yolk with a knife. You can also grate them on a coarse grater.

Fresh greens washed and dried. You can do this with a paper towel.
Cut as small as possible.
Put prepared squid, eggs and other ingredients into a deep bowl. All fill with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Salad ready!

Delicious salad with squids and shrimps

The combination of these seafood will give the dish a delicacy and a pleasant, sweetish taste. This salad with squid can be served on a festive table, as well as cooked for breakfast. This is a dietary and at the same time hearty dish, which will be the best meal of the whole family.

In order to emphasize the taste of shrimp in the salad, you should add a little laurel leaves or a few pieces of whole, sweet pea into the water where they are boiled.

Components for cooking salad:

  • 1 kg of shrimp;
  • 1 kg of squid;
  • half bunch iceberg lettuce;
  • 12 stuff quail eggs;
  • greenery;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • low-fat mayonnaise.

Salad preparation should begin with the preparation of squid. Seafood should be boiled in salted water. Keep in boiling water should be no more than 3 minutes.

Chop onions and lettuce. It should be cut as small as possible.

Cook and clean the shrimp. Put all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well.

Peel the eggs and cut them in half. They should be laid on top before serving salad with squids and shrimps on the table. It is also recommended to sprinkle dishes with ground. Mayonnaise put in each serving separately.

Quick salad recipe with squid and crab sticks

This is an amazingly tasty dish that has an unusual aroma and aftertaste. With proper cooking, squid will be tender and juicy.

To squid qualitatively and quickly cleaned from the skin, you should put it in boiling water for 10 seconds while constantly stirring. Then remove from boiling water and place in cold liquid. This will allow the skin to peel off the meat.

To prepare the dish, you should take:

  • 500 g boiled squid;
  • 380 g of crab sticks (chilled);
  • 220 g of hard cheese (preferably Russian);
  • 6 small boiled chicken eggs;
  • vinegar, mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste;
  • 1 onion.

All components are cut into straws. The procedure should begin with the preparation of onions. This is necessary for him to marinate. Chopped vegetable put in a bowl and cover with half a tablespoon of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. All pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar. If there is not enough liquid, then it will be necessary to add water on top and mix everything well.

Chop cheese and eggs using a coarse grater.
  Boiled squid cut into strips.
  Crab sticks cut.

Ingredients put in a large container and add a little red caviar. Salad mix, salt and pepper. Also fill it with mayonnaise.

Serve the dish as you can in a large salad bowl, and portions, using special molds. On top, if desired, can be decorated with slices of cucumber and fresh sprigs of dill. A salad with squids and crab sticks, if cooked properly, will be the best substitute for the famous Olivier.

Unusual salad with squids and cucumber

Despite the simplicity of this recipe and the minimum number of ingredients, the dish is tasty, appetizing and very beautiful. Preparing such a salad is very quick and easy. Thanks to the fresh cucumber, which is included in the list of ingredients, it acquires a delicate and fresh flavor. Anyone who loves a satisfying and tasty meal, a salad with squid and cucumber is the best option.

If you digest the squid, the meat will be tough.

For cooking you will need:

  • one small squid carcass, about 100 grams;
  •   fresh;
  • small onions (preferably blue);
  • 2-3 chicken eggs (homemade);
  • jar of canned green peas;
  • two bay leaves (medium size);
  • peppercorns;
  • half a glass of apple cider vinegar;
  • a pinch of salt, sugar and pepper;
  • a bit of mayonnaise (in order to fill the salad).

Wash the bow and peel it. Cut the vegetable into half rings, then put in a bowl and marinate.
  This will give the salad an unusual aftertaste. To make the dish interesting in color, it is recommended to use purple onions. Marinate the vegetable should be within 15 minutes.

Thaw squid at room temperature. Then rinse it in cold running water. Pour the liquid into the skillet. Add a little salt, Lavrushka, and peppercorns to it and bring to a boil. When the liquid reaches the required temperature, put the squid carcass in the pan. Keep it should be no more than 1 minute. Then take the meat from the boiling water and rinse under running water.

If you have bought whole carcasses of squid, then special attention should be paid to their cleaning. To select all the necessary insides, one must take the head and the tentacles and thus remove all the insides. Then separate the chitinous plate, and rinse the meat itself well under running water.

Cut the squids into slices and put them into a deep container.
  Wash cucumber and grind in the form of small stripes. It is best to purchase a vegetable with dense pulp. This will prevent the appearance of large amounts of liquid in the salad.
Add sliced ​​cucumber to squid. There put the pickled onions, and the water that remained, pour into the sink.

Boil eggs. Keep in boiling water should be no more than 10 minutes.
  Then cool with cold water. Peel them from the shell and cut into strips. Send the prepared ingredients to the future salad.

Throw in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  As soon as he gives all his marinade, you can add it to the salad. The quantity should be determined independently. All components mix, a little salt and pepper, and also fill with mayonnaise. Who does not like this sauce, you can use vegetable or olive oil.

This is the most delicious salad with squid, before serving which can be decorated with figures of boiled carrots. A good option would also be to use small, thin slices of lemon. Citruses and seafood are perfectly combined with each other.

Squid Salad Recipes, as described above, are the best selection. Such dishes are prepared in famous restaurants of the world for many years.

Video recipe for low-calorie squid salad

   Calorie:   Not specified
   Time for preparing: 40 min

  Delicate salad with crab sticks and squid is perfect for any occasion. This is recommended to prepare portions. It takes a little longer than cooking one large serving, but the salad looks so much more attractive.
  The composition of the salad is simple, but very tasty. All the ingredients, namely squid, crab sticks, eggs and fresh cucumber are perfectly combined with each other. If you like more savory salads, its composition can be supplemented with a few cloves of garlic.
  You can prepare this salad very quickly and easily and please them to your guests. Consider the recipe for cooking salad.

- crab sticks - 100 gr .;
- squid - 2-3 pcs .;
- eggs - 2 pcs .;
- Fresh cucumber - 1 pc .;
- mayonnaise.

Cooking time: 30-40 minutes.

Recipe with photos step by step:

  Squids, if they are frozen, defrost and peel off the film and entrails.
  And also if you like seafood, we suggest you to cook.

  Boil water, throw squid into it and boil them for 2-3 minutes until cooked. Squid should not be cooked longer, otherwise they will become tough.

  Eggs for salad with crab sticks and squid boil and peel. Then grate them. Also rub the cucumber and crab sticks. Leave a small portion of the cucumber to decorate the salad. Squids finely chopped.

Now proceed to the assembly of the salad. Take a flat dish, put a form for salad in its center. Lay squid in the first layer. Tamp them tight.

  Each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise. The next layer of lettuce is cucumbers.

  Next, a layer of grated crab sticks.

  And the last layer is the eggs. Tamp salad with crab sticks and squid. Grease the top with mayonnaise. Put the salad in the fridge for a few hours.

  Cut the left part of the cucumber into thin ringlets.

  Decorate them with crab salad with calamari and egg in the shape of a flower. Also sprinkle the salad with grated crab sticks.
  And if you want to decorate this holiday salad in a special way, you can choose the appropriate option.

In past issues, we looked at various salads with squid and crab sticks. And at the request of readers, we decided to combine the best recipes into one big issue. Especially because the New Year is ahead, and for the New Year's holiday table (New Year of the yellow pig or wild boar), you will see the best selection ...

I bring to your attention surprisingly delicate and beautiful salads with squids and crab sticks. This is not only a healthy dish, but also quick to prepare and will fit any rich table. And I promise you that I will not have to blush for quality in front of your acquaintances and friends.

The most delicious salads with squids and crab sticks, according to classic recipes 2019

As you know, the taste of these marine inhabitants is neither fish nor meat. But when they are in a salad, there are no replaceable products and they complement their taste qualities with other ingredients well. For example: with shrimp, mussels, and vegetables or cereals. So let's make squid salads with crab sticks and other products for the New Year and festive table. They will be a good snack for you and your guests.

Neptune Salad with Squids and Crab Sticks

Neptune is easy to prepare and has an amazing taste. Would you like to surprise guests with an exotic salad, which is not just some vinaigrette or Russian salad, but a dish that cannot be found in any eatery. Then I will share with you the secret of cooking this recipe. I think you will like it and you will do it not only for holidays, but also on weekdays.


  • Squids - 400 gr .;
  • Rice - 250 g .;
  • Crab sticks or better crab meat - 200 grams;
  • Sea kale - 1 small jar;
  • Canned corn - 150 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr .;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Shrimps - 150 gr .;
  • Caviar - 100 gr.

1. Rinse the rice thoroughly, pour 1 cup of rice with two cups of water and cook over low heat until boiling completely.

2. Sea cabbage, corn, free from cans and drain water.

3. If you have frozen squid, we defrost it, but not completely, so that when we pour boiling water to clean the mollusk, it will not cook. You will see how the film starts to roll up, immediately squeeze the squid under cold water. She will wash away this film, and what remains of it will be a clean knife.

Do not forget to remove another film inside and outside, so the meat will be softer.

Cook squid in a saucepan in plenty of water. Salting it and when it boils, throw mollusks. After boiling again pull them out. Let them cool.

The most important thing in cooking is not to digest them, otherwise they will become rubber and not tasty.

4. Crab sticks cut into cubes.

5. Take the shrimps and throw them into boiling salted water and wait until it boils again. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then pull out and clean. At first we break our heads, then the shell with legs, and just push and pull on the tail, it will come out. At the bend, make a cut with a sharp knife and remove the intestines.

If you do not remove the intestinal tract from the shrimp, it can taste bitter, so we remove and enjoy the taste.

6. Now we take slices of squid and put there rice, crab sticks, sea kale, corn, shrimps, salt to taste. Add mayonnaise. All interfere, and on top for decoration put red caviar.

Well, that's all our salad ready, we carry to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Seafood cocktail salad with shrimps, calamari and crab sticks

This seafood cocktail salad is worthy of a place on the festive table. To be honest, he will surprise not only you, but all of your guests and relatives. Of course, you will not cook it every day, but for such feasts as the new year or birthday it will be the most valid salad on the table. Well, now let's start cooking, I want everyone to try.


  • Mussels - 250 gr .;
  • Crab meat (crab sticks) - 250 gr.
  • Octopuses - 250 gr .;
  • Squid - 1 pc .;
  • Small shrimps - 250 gr .;
  • Royal shrimp - 250 gr .;
  • Green radish - 1 pc. medium size;
  • Fish Red - 200 gr .;
  • Capelin roe as a dressing - 250 gr.;
  • Black pepper peas - 5 - 6 pcs .;
  • Greens (dill, onion, parsley) - to taste;
  • Coriander is a pinch;
  • Fresh lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.

1. Shrimp can be taken ready, peeled. We tear off the head, then the tail, remove the torso with legs. It remains the core, so we need it.

2. Cut the fish. Shallow for this salad is not necessary.

3. Crab sticks (you can crab meat) cut exactly the same.

4. First we prepare the octopus. Cut off and throw out the head with all its insides (ink bag, eyes) and rinse well under running water. Next, cook the octopus only under the closed lid and salt only at the very end.

If you have a large octopus cook for 1 hour.

Medium size cook for 20 minutes.

Cook small ones for 7–10 minutes (frozen seafood cooks during the same time).

Tentacles are also 7–8 minutes. They prepare the fastest.

5. Octopus legs cut into 2 parts.

6. Now we take a radish, only green. Another to this salad will not work. Cut into cubes. She will give juiciness to salad.

8. Black pepper, crushed coriander in a mortar or wrap in a napkin and turn it into crumb with a rolling pin.

10. Well, now we start to collect. First, pour out the fish.

11. Then mussels.

12. Shrimps and crab sticks.

13. Squids and sliced ​​octopuses.

14. Radish, salt and spices to taste. All sprinkle lemon.

15. Then throw the capelin caviar and mix.

16. Put onion, parsley, dill and then knead on top.

Let it brew for 20 minutes.

Royal salad with squids, red caviar and crab sticks. Sea Salads with Squids

If you want to cook the perfect dish for any holiday or celebration, then this salad fits perfectly.

I first tried this dish for the new year and I liked it so much that I just began to surprise everyone and cook it for almost every holiday, be it a new year, birthday, or March 8th. And especially delighted my wife. She likes him very much. Let's try and see for yourself.


  • Red caviar - 1 jar;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr .;
  • Squids - 500 gr .;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • Egg - 6 pcs .;
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr .;
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr .;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

1. First, let's clean the squid. If you have frozen squid, then remove them from the refrigerator, pour boiling water for exactly 2 minutes, but not more. You will notice how the film begins to curl, then pull them out of the boiling water and immediately immerse in ice water. Scrape off the remains with a knife. How to clean a whole squid I have described in this recipe

But do not forget that there is still a thin film. We delete it too. And the meat will be much softer.

2. We put to cook squid. We bring salted water to a boil, throw it and wait until the water boils again. We take out the mollusk.

He is ready, we cut it into stripes.

3. Now boil and chop the potatoes.

It is not necessary to put a lot of potatoes and cheese, so as not to beat the taste of caviar and squid.

4. Boil and clean the eggs. We cut only the protein, the yolk is not required for this salad.

5. Crab sticks, too, shred into strips.

6. Cheese three on a fine grater.

7. Take the salad bowl. We put in it squid, crab sticks, protein, potatoes, cheese, salt, pepper and mix everything with mayonnaise. Pour red caviar and greens on top.

And this salad can be made in layers. Spawn caviar and mayonnaise between each layer. But how you will do it is up to you. The taste of this will not suffer at all.

What a beautiful and delicious salad turned out. Put on the table, the guests will be satisfied.

Royal salad with shrimps, calamari and red caviar

An elegant and rich salad will not leave anyone indifferent: neither you nor your relatives. It will suit as a New Year's salad and will be a good snack to the festive table.

I found this dish too expensive in the ingredients. Therefore, I make it only for the new year and all the guests are crazy about it.


  • Squids - 600 gr .;
  • Shrimps - 500 gr .;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack, but the best is crab meat from canned food;
  • Caviar - 140 g;
  • Eggs -5 pcs .;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

1. Cook and clean squid. Cut them into strips, how to do it, see above.

2. Shrimp boil in boiling slightly salted water. The smaller they are, the faster they cook. Cooking should be 1-2 minutes after boiling water. When they are welded, they should float up and the shell will become slightly transparent.

Be sure to throw the shrimp in boiling water, otherwise they will lose their taste and do not digest them, otherwise they will become rubber and will not be juicy.

Then drain the water through a colander. Clean the shrimp from the shell. We tear off the head, the shell with the legs and remove the tail, just press on it and take it out. Do not forget to make an incision in the bend of the shrimp and pull out the intestinal tract. Because of this, our dish will not be bitter.

3. Cut the crab sticks into strips. If you have canned crab meat, it is best to use it.

4. Protein from eggs chop finely, yolk can apply for another salad.

5. It is better to make this dish in layers. Squid, shrimp, crab meat, protein, and between them a thin layer of mayonnaise and caviar.

6. Top decorate with caviar and shrimp, you can add greens.

All the salad is ready, you happy holidays.

Nautilus salad recipe with squid and crab sticks

This salad can be made for any holidays, including New Year's. He looks very bright. Just suitable for the holiday table. Believe me, when I made it, everyone was shocked by this taste and therefore I want to write you how to cook it. I am sure everyone who will eat him will like it.


  • Squids - 1 pc .;
  • Crab sticks - 250 gr .;
  • Red caviar - 80 gr .;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs .;
  • Onions - half;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs .;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

For the marinade:

  • Sugar - 2 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar 6% - 2 tsp.

1. First, we need to boil squid. But to do this, you need to clean them. How to clean squid I have written in this article in the recipe for the salad "Triton" Therefore, we will not be distracted by cleaning.

In a saucepan with salted water, drop the squid. Bring to a boil and pull out.

But do not digest squid, or they will become rubber and tasteless.

2. Boiled mollusk cut into stripes.

3. Crumb cucumbers also on the stripes.

4. Cook the eggs and chop them finely, first along and then across.

5. Peel the onion and shred in half rings.

If you want the salad to be tastier, you need to pickle onions. To do this, take a cup, put it there, add sugar, salt, add vinegar and pour boiling water. Let stand 30-40 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the onion in cold water.

6. chop finely greens.

7. Now cut into squares crab sticks.

8. Now we put squid, cucumbers, eggs, pickled onions, greens, crab sticks, caviar, mayonnaise in a salad bowl and mix everything.

Good luck to you holidays, sit down to the table.

Triton salad with squid, crab sticks and ham

This salad can be put on a festive or New Year's table as a good snack. And of course you can do it on a daily basis, like regular food. This dish is very easy to prepare. There are not only few ingredients in it, but also cheap products. Well, now let's start our preparation.


  • Squids - 600 gr .;
  • Crab sticks - 340 gr .;
  • Ham - 400 gr .;
  • Salt pepper to taste;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons.

1. First, clean the squid from the film, if you have them whole. We take and hold the head with one hand, and with the other pull the carcass and separate the head with the entrails.

2. If you have fresh squids, then the film is removed with one hand movement. And frozen first you need to defrost and pour boiling water, exactly 2 minutes, no more! The film will immediately begin to fold. Then put in cold water and scrape off the remains with a knife.

But do not forget that inside and outside there is another film that also needs to be cleaned so that the meat is tender and tasty.

4. Everything is cleaned, now it is ready for further use. Let's boil the clam first. In the pot, when the water boils kinema salt, then squid.

The fact is that squid should be boiled in salted water so that they take in as much salt as they need. If not salt, then it will be too late. They do not take in the right amount and we do not achieve as a result of good taste.

5. Without leaving the pan, as the water starts to boil (the first bubbles appear) boil for exactly one minute. Take out and let them cool themselves at room temperature. There are many ways to cook squid, but I like this one the most.

6. Cut them into thin strips.

7. Take crab sticks and grind in the same way.

9. Then all the ingredients that we have turned out to interfere, salt, pepper and add mayonnaise.

Well, our inexpensive and tasty dish is ready, please sit down to the table!

Such a wonderful selection we have turned out. You probably have not even heard about some recipes. But now, knowing them, you must cook them. Prepare the dish be sure to treat your loved ones. They will be delighted with such taste and will certainly want to know a couple of recipes!