According to experts, the color of honey depends exclusively. How to determine the origin of honey, honey varieties, its special properties, how to choose honey and much more

30.10.2019 Egg dishes

Leader: Yangolenko Lyudmila Gennadievna, teacher of biology and chemistry.

Topic: Does the color, aroma and taste of honey depend on melliferous plants (which ones) and weather conditions?

Educational institution: MOU Luchanovskaya school


A real beekeeper - the master of bees can only be one who knows firmly the course of bee life and knows how to apply his knowledge to the matter. A.M. Butlerov.

In the 7th grade in biology, the topic "insects" is studied. The biology teacher gave us additional material about bees, it interested me, because my father has been engaged in beekeeping for many years, and I try to help him in this. I have a desire to seriously engage in beekeeping, but besides the desire I need knowledge. I know a lot about the composition and life of a bee colony, but little about the waste product - honey. What determines the color, aroma and taste of honey? We decided to study this topic together with a biology teacher. We have our own apiary, which is located in the vicinity of our village, where in the summer I conducted research.


Does the color, aroma and taste of honey depend on melliferous plants (which ones) and weather conditions?

Purpose: To investigate what determines the color, aroma and taste of honey, using the example of one

bee family, in an apiary in the vicinity of the village of Luchanovo.

1. To study the theoretical data on the color, aroma and taste of honey.

2. To study the material about the variety of types of flower honey.

3. Conduct observations of the flights of bees during the period of mass flowering

melliferous plants. What types of plants are most often visited by bees, and differ

whether they are "consistent" in comparison to other insects.

4. To conduct observations of the influence of weather conditions on the secretion of nectar in melliferous plants

5. Analyze the results obtained, draw conclusions.

Object of study:

A bee colony in an apiary near the village of Luchanovo.

Research methods:

Study, observation, analysis, comparison.


Honey is a product obtained from the processing of nectar collected from plant flowers in the body of a bee.

The color, aroma and taste of honey depend on the flowers from which the nectar was collected.

Hypothesis testing

Honey color

The color of honey depends on the presence of dyes collected from the flowers along with the nectar.

However, not in all cases bees can collect nectar from the same plant species with the same

dyes. Honey of the same "botanical" variety, but collected from different places

or in certain seasons of collection, may have different colors.

Beekeepers sort honey into five groups by color:

1.Colorless (transparent like water),

2.light amber (light yellow),

3. amber (yellow)

4.dark amber (dark yellow)

5.Dark honey with brown and brown tint.

When honey is stored, its color changes. It can be from light amber to light brown in syrupy state, and amber in candied form.

Scent of honey

Flower honey has a specific, characteristic aroma, weak or well expressed

It depends on the presence of essential oils in it, which are contained in the nectar of plants visited by bees. Chemically, you can determine the presence of these oils in honey, we plan to study this further when I study the basics of chemistry.

A pronounced aroma, manifests itself when pumping out honeycomb honey in centrifuges, and then during subsequent processing a large amount of its aromatic substances is lost. When honey is heated, almost all the aroma evaporates, and if it is not heated correctly, honey takes on the smell of burnt sugar. The way and period of storage is also reflected in the aroma of honey. Unfavorable conditions and duration of storage weaken the honey flavor. During fermentation, a smell unusual for honey appears, unpleasant sourish or even sour.

Beekeepers say that determining the flavor of honey is one of the indicators of its nutritional value.

Unfortunately, the aroma cannot be measured in any specific units, and therefore it is necessary to evaluate it by the presence or absence of a certain pleasant characteristic honey smell inherent in one or another honey plant.

A Taste of Honey

Most varieties of honey have a peculiar flavor, depending on the predominance of the nectar of certain melliferous plants. According to the taste, honey experts determine its "botanical" origin.

The main component of bee honey is glucose and fructose. By using qualitative reactions to carbohydrates, the composition of honey can be determined.

This work is scheduled for next summer.

According to beekeepers, natural flower honey of all varieties has a sweet taste and irritating effect on the mucous membrane - astringency of varying intensity is felt.

These properties are not possessed by artificially dissolved sugar in honey, sugar honey.

When unripe honey is collected and stored improperly, the honey may ferment and taste sour. An unpleasant taste can be from the presence in honey of substances collected by bees along with sugar-containing products.

The consistency is used to judge the maturity of honey and its moisture content. It depends on the chemical composition of honey, ambient temperature, terms and storage methods.

Freshly pumped honey has a liquid consistency or it can be in the form of a thick, homogeneous syrupy mass. After one to two months, it crystallizes and becomes denser.

As hard as honey is, it has a sticky surface when cut.

Based on the fact that the color, aroma and taste of honey mainly depend on melliferous plants, what types of honey exist in our region?




Acacia honey

Honey collected from flowers of white and yellow acacia belongs to the best varieties. Fresh-transparent, becomes greasy, white when crystallized

Budyak honey

Bees collect from the crimson flowers of a buddy or a thistle. It is either colorless or greenish or golden, and becomes fine-grained during crystallization.

Beetroot honey

Bees produce from the nectar of the cucumber herb (borage). Honey is transparent, light

and has a pleasant taste.

Cornflower honey

Collect bees from blue and field cornflower. Greenish-yellow honey

with a slightly bitter aftertaste. Reminiscent of the smell of almonds.

Mustard honey

This honey is still liquid, has a golden yellow color, then gets a creamy hue. Crystallizes in small grains, has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste

Buckwheat honey

Bees make this honey from the nectar of blooming buckwheat. Has a dark yellow with reddish

a shade of color, a peculiar aroma and a specific taste. When crystallized, it turns into a mushy mass.

Melilot honey

Light amber or white in color, has a scent reminiscent of vanilla.

Fireweed honey

It is transparent, with a greenish tint, after crystallization it becomes white, resembles snow grains, and sometimes bacon. Warmed honey yellow

Clover honey

Transparent, colorless, upon crystallization forms a solid white mass

Meadow honey

Honey is golden yellow, rarely brown, has a pleasant aroma and taste. Bees prepare it from the nectar of various flowers growing in the meadows.

Alfalfa honey

Usually it is colorless or with an amber tint; during crystallization it becomes white and thick, has a pleasant aroma and specific taste.

Sunflower honey

honey is golden yellow in color, sweet in taste, has a weak aroma and a pleasant slightly tart taste. Crystallizes with small grains

becomes light amber with a greenish tint.

Rapeseed honey

Has a whitish color, sometimes yellowish, pleasant aroma, cloying, very thick.

Cucumber honey

honey is yellowish in color, transparent, of pleasant taste and aroma. It is prepared by bees from nectar collected from cucumber flowers.

From the information I studied and observations of bees, I came to the following conclusions:

All the nutrients that bees need for themselves are found in the flowers of honey plants.

For many millennia, flowers and insects, adapting to each other, ensured their existence on earth.

Flowers pollinated by insects are always bright in color and give off a strong aroma and, in addition, give off sweet nectar.

Various kinds of butterflies and flies randomly fly from a flower of one plant species to a flower of another species.

Some beetles and flies have a short proboscis, so they cannot get nectar.

Bees are very "constant", starting to work on the flowers of one plant species, a large group of bees continued to collect nectar on the same flowers

During the period of mass flowering of honey plants, bees did not switch to other plants, although there were deviations, but this was most often due to unfavorable weather conditions.



Bees in our apiary most often visited such plants as: cucumber grass (borage), raspberries, fireweed (ivan-tea), meadow clover.

The main melliferous plants in our apiary are fireweed, clover and borage.

Fireweed or willow-herb is a tall herb that blooms in July-August. Grows in the forest in meadows, sometimes in peat bogs. One of the most generous honey plants. Transparent honey with a greenish tinge, very delicate taste.

Red clover grows in meadows and is considered the main melliferous plant. Light, excellent taste and aroma, clover honey is unmatched.

With the time the clover begins to bloom, beekeepers associate the onset of the main trick

Cucumber herb (borage) plant 60-100 cm high Leaves are large, fleshy Flowers are large, collected in corymbose panicles. The corolla is blue in color, and fresh flowers and buds are pink in color. Blooms from mid-summer to autumn.

Raspberries bloom in early summer and bloom for about a month. Raspberry honey of light, white color has a pleasant aroma and taste. Raspberry honeycomb is very gentle.

What affects honey collection?

The totality of all meteorological conditions.

The state of the weather in a particular beekeeping season.

Windless, warm and moderately humid summers are most favorable for honey collection.

When sunny days are followed by short rains that fall at night or early in the morning.

The same melliferous plants produce more or less nectar under different weather conditions.

And the color, aroma and taste of honey largely depend on this.

Isolation of nectar in CYPRUS at different times of the day

Isolation of nectar from CLOVER at different times of the day

Isolation of nectar at the HOBBORNER at different times of the day

Isolation of nectar from RASPBERRY at different times of the day


Nectars reduce nectar production the most in fireweed and raspberries.

In a hot wind, nectar is not released at all, and the bees stop their flights.

If this weather lasts a long time, honey subsequently turns out to be less aromatic and not very tasty and the "harvest" is small.


On a sunny day, when the sunlight is at its maximum, nectar is abundantly released in all melliferous plants: cucumber grass and raspberries and meadow clover and fireweed flowers. In clear sunny weather, all plants actively form sugar, and nectar is abundantly secreted from melliferous plants.

When the air temperature rises to thirty degrees and above, the plants sharply reduce the production of nectar. And the bees stop their flights at this time

The wind also adversely affects the secretion of nectar, and if it blows even in hot weather, then no nectar is released at all.

This summer was favorable for honey collection, the bees processed a lot of nectar into fragrant and tasty honey.

Our honey is floral, and its properties are similar to meadow, fireweed and clover honey. It is golden yellow, very aromatic and excellent in taste.


Studying theoretical data, conducting observations, comparisons and analyzing the results obtained on this issue: Do the color, aroma and taste of honey depend on melliferous plants and weather conditions? I came to a conclusion:

    The aroma, color and taste of honey directly depend on what plants grow in our apiary.

    Many flowering plants grow on the territory of our apiary, but not all of them are melliferous, and bees are "well versed" in this, visiting those plants whose flowers are rich in nectar.

    In addition, bees are distinguished by the "constancy" of visiting flowers of one plant species. In our apiary, these are fireweed, cucumber grass, clover and raspberries.

    The resulting honey is similar in its properties to meadow, fireweed and clover honey. It is golden yellow, very aromatic and excellent in taste.

    Weather conditions also affect the color, aroma and taste of honey.

    The same honey plants under different weather conditions release different amounts of nectar, which bees then process into honey.

    The good quality of honey is influenced by calm, warm and moderately moist

weather, which then gives way to light rains.

    And delicious and aromatic honey will be obtained if there is no excess moisture in the nectar and a sufficient content of fructose, glucose and aromatic substances.

There are very few aromatic and mineral substances, as well as various acids in honey, but the taste and aroma of honey depend on their presence.

Their presence can only be determined using chemical reactions.

Spring conditions the intervals between different flowering plants remain almost constant ... taste, from which has a sore throat, and pleasant aroma. 355. What the percentage of glucose contains lime and buckwheat honey ...

  • Semyon Veniaminovich Volovnik Our acquaintances are strangers


    ... ". Their color depends from in addition to what flowers the picker worked ... deterioration weather conditions etc. - can destroy a family as would ... taste... Perhaps in South America, at home plants ... melliferous bees. And some people even say that bumblebees steal honey ...

  • Publisher: Azbuka-klassika, 2010


    Pearl color and filling it aroma charras ... depends, as and much more in life, from the motives of your actions and from ... due to weather conditions... For the first time I ... on my taste, - I replied, themes no less ... growing in them plants and flowers scattered all over ...

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  • Most of us, when asked what types of honey he knows, will answer - linden, buckwheat, May, maybe he will name a couple of more varieties. In fact, there are many more varieties of sweet delicacies, and learning to identify them is an art not available to every professional taster. Unfortunately, this is used by unscrupulous manufacturers who sell low-quality surrogates under the brand of a natural product. If you don't want to fall for their bait, learn to navigate the variety of honey products. And we will help you.

    A little about the classification of honey

    A sweet, amber-transparent, viscous substance with a divine aroma. Honey is often compared to ambrosia, the legendary drink of the inhabitants of Ancient Greek Olympus. The source for its production is sweet flower nectar and honeydew, which go through a difficult path from partial processing under the influence of special enzymes in the bee crop to maturation in combs.
    According to botanical origin, the following types of honey are distinguished.

    • Floral is a product obtained after processing the nectar of flowers. If it is collected mainly from one plant species, it is characterized as monofloral, from different - polyfloral. Monofloral honey is determined by the main melliferous plant (acacia, melilot, willow, etc.)
    • Honeydew is a derivative of honeydew or honeydew - the sweet juice secreted by the green parts of the plant. Compared to flower honey, this is a product of a lower (technical) quality.
    • Mixed - a natural mixture of the first and second directly in the combs.
    • Blended is also a mixture, but made by people, to equalize certain indicators of natural honey.

    A bee cannot be programmed to collect nectar from any one flower; it does not care if it is a linden tree or a dandelion. To get monofloral honey, you need a large array of a particular flowering plant (buckwheat field, linden grove). This does not mean that the addition of nectar from other plants is completely excluded, but the main flower will prevail.

    When, for one reason or another, there is little flower nectar (rainy summer or, conversely, drought), the bees are forced to collect the sweet juice secreted by the leaves and stems of plants. The admixture of honeydew honey increases in the flower product.

    Among the polyfloral types of honey from the so-called forbs, there are:

    • forest;
    • mountain;
    • meadow (field).

    Forest honey contains a high percentage of nectar from tree flowers (conifers, linden, maple), raspberries, oregano and other forest inhabitants. In the mountain there are a lot of acacia, chestnut, subalpine forbs. Fireweed, bruise, sage, sweet clover, St. John's wort are the basis of meadow (steppe) honey.

    In the classification of a sweet product, attention is often focused on the geographical location of the beekeeping farm. Knowing this, you can navigate the main honey plants growing in a particular area, determine how ecologically clean the region is. Russians are in demand:

    • Bashkir honey. Linden, wild raspberries, willow-herb (willow-herb), thyme, oregano, and meadow herbs grow here in large tracts. Many varieties of products come from here. Ecologically, the region is prosperous.
    • Altaic. The region is synonymous with pristine nature, ecological purity, and the richest plant diversity. From here they supply forest and mountain honey, including the famous - fireweed, angelica, taiga.
    • Caucasian. Mountain honey based on acacia, chestnut and subalpine herbs is famous for its medicinal potential.
    • Far Eastern honey has an unusual delicate taste. It is based on the nectar of the Amur and Manchurian linden, Amur velvet, raspberries, lilacs, hawthorns.

    Brief description of 12 popular varieties of honey

    What makes up the popularity of certain types of honey? In fact, there are not many criteria. Taste and aroma play a decisive role for gourmets who consume sweetness often and with pleasure, replacing sugar with it. Medicinal properties are important if honey is used for therapeutic purposes, as an ingredient in medicinal formulations. The price plays an important role - inexpensive and high-quality varieties are sold out even faster than rare, elite honey.
    Taking into account the above, we have compiled this popularity rating. Indicating the region, they meant the area of \u200b\u200bmass distribution of honey plants, its natural thickets, which make it possible to collect nectar in large quantities. This does not exclude the cultivation of melliferous plants in other regions.


    Acacia thickets, Sophora (a close plant) are massively found in the south of Russia, in the Caucasus mountains.

    The product is recognizable by its liquid, transparent consistency, not prone to crystallization. Pure acacia honey may not sit down for several years, but when frozen, it forms a white or golden-yellow fine-grained mass.

    The taste is light, not sugary, with a delicate floral aftertaste and aroma. The undoubted advantage of this type of honey is that it does not cause allergies and it is recommended to give it even to young children.


    One of the most common species, since linden trees are found throughout Russia.

    The color is light, translucent, after standing a little, it acquires an amber-yellow tint. A bit like acacia honey, especially when it hardens, but unlike it, it quickly crystallizes.

    Its taste is mild, but pronounced; at the very beginning, a slight bitterness is sometimes felt, which smoothly turns into sweetness. It smells of linden (or linden - honey?), Which in turn makes it easy to distinguish a fake. It is famous for its anti-cold and bactericidal properties.


    Produced wherever buckwheat is sown. Pure buckwheat honey comes in large quantities from beekeeping farms in Altai, central Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

    Refers to dark varieties, in appearance - dark brown with a reddish tint. Crystallizing, it brightens, acquiring a dark yellow tint and a coarse-grained structure.

    Possesses a recognizable, rich taste with sharp notes and pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste trail. Due to its unique smell, it is great in baking. It is considered one of the best medicinally. The authenticity of buckwheat honey can be easily identified by the sore throat.


    This name was given to the earliest spring honey of the first pumping. It is produced everywhere from early flowering melliferous plants - fruit trees, primroses, acacia, hawthorn, peonies. A sort of prefabricated "hodgepodge" in which it is difficult to single out the prevailing plant.

    The color is translucent, has a rather liquid consistency, but it should not pour like water - this is a sign of products that have not matured in honeycombs, which can ferment over time.

    The taste is very sweet, even slightly cloying, with a neutral smell. In comparison with later varieties, it is not so rich, but a lot of useful properties are attributed to it precisely because it is the first.


    This is one of the varieties of white honey, the best combination of excellent delicate taste and medicinal properties (in the USA, for example, it is considered the standard). Pure melilot honey is collected in Altai, in Buryatia.

    Fresh honey of light amber color, solidified - white. The color may have shades depending on the impurities of the nectar of other plants.

    The taste is sweet, with a slight bitterness and vanilla aroma in the aftertaste trail. Possesses pronounced analgesic properties, indispensable for insomnia.


    It belongs to rare varieties, especially valuable for its medicinal properties. Pure angelica honey is more common in the northern regions, where the thickets of the medicinal plant are spread over vast areas.

    The color is dark brown with a reddish-amber tint. Sits down slowly, acquiring a fine-grained "greasy" consistency and viscousness.

    It has a rich taste with a slight bitterness and caramel aftertaste.

    Floral (from herbs)

    It is also called meadow or field, since there is no prevailing melliferous plant in it, but the nectar of many plants flowering at about the same time is present, for example - oregano, thyme, St. John's wort, plantain, sage. Produced everywhere.

    The mixture includes herbs that, in their pure form, serve as the basis for both dark and white honey varieties. Mixing, they acquire a golden yellow color, rather light than dark. Honey crystallizes from herbs slowly, forming a thick elastic mass.

    The polyfloral composition also determines the taste - pleasant, rich, often with well-perceived fruit or herbal notes, but rather heavy, incomparable with linden or acacia honey. In many ways, the taste depends on which nectar of which flowers were collected more.


    Believe it or not, this variety is one of the best sellers in the honey market. First, due to the availability of honey plants, it is ubiquitous, and secondly, it compares favorably with an affordable price.

    Like a honey plant, the product from it is characterized by a beautiful golden-yellow color, which, after crystallization, darkens slightly, acquiring an amber, sometimes slightly greenish tint.

    Pure sunflower honey - pleasant on the palate with tart notes and a fruity sillage. You can recognize quality products by a slight sore throat.


    Another type of white honey from a plant common in Bashkiria, Altai, in the middle lane, Belarus.

    Immediately after pumping it has a light yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tinge. Quickly sits down, forming a creamy white elastic mass, reminiscent of cream in density. Crystallizes unevenly, forming clumps.

    It is characterized by a delicate texture and mild delicate taste, for which it is even called "childish".


    Not the highest quality, but inexpensive variety of beekeeping products. Thickets of heather are found in Belarus, the Carpathians.

    The color of heather honey is from dark yellow to reddish-brown. When solidified, it forms a jelly-like mass, after stirring it regains a liquid consistency.

    The taste will appeal to lovers of bitter species with tangible tart notes.


    A rather rare and valuable pure variety is produced in Siberia from the plant of the same name of the Legume family.

    When fresh, it is very light, translucent with a greenish tint. Does not crystallize for a long time. The shrunken mass has a creamy consistency and a fine-grained structure.

    The sainfoin honey tastes pleasant, fragrant, with herbal notes and a subtle rose aroma. The pollen that enters the honeycomb along with the nectar gives additional value to the product - it enhances its medicinal properties.


    The main supply region is Siberia, the Caucasus, where the plant is cultivated as a honey plant and can bloom up to 4 times a year.

    Outwardly, phacelia honey is very light, transparent yellow, crystallizing, it becomes almost white with a greenish tint, in consistency it is similar to a soft elastic dough. Fresh, if you don't know, can be confused with an acacia or lime analogue.

    Due to the large amount of fructose, the product has a sweet and spicy taste with light tart notes and a heady aroma.

    Every man to his own taste

    Experienced beekeepers note that the best varieties of honey are different for everyone. Choosing a delicacy, we are guided by our own taste preferences, and our body subconsciously strives for what it lacks.

    When giving a tasting assessment, the taste, color, aroma, and consistency of the product are taken into account. In the aggregate of these signs, the leaders are:

    • herb honey;
    • lime;
    • acacia;
    • sweet clover;
    • hyssop;
    • clover;
    • lavender;
    • crimson;
    • mint;
    • phacelia;
    • sainfoin.

    Some people especially appreciate honey, which retains its liquid consistency for a long time. This is important if the product is primarily used for baking or other culinary purposes. Examples of such varieties are acacia, angelica, chestnut, heather, alfalfa, most of the honeydew varieties.

    The color scheme of a sweet treat

    The honey palette is surprisingly extensive and depends on the pigments and minerals that enter it along with nectar and pollen. The main color is amber yellow, translucent. But there are varieties, both very dark and light, which, when solidified, resemble white lard or cream. It has been proven that color is not associated with taste - there are many first-class products among white varieties, and, for example, dark amber chestnut, heather honey is considered low-grade.
    The most valuable types of white or almost white honey:

    • acacia;
    • sweet clover;
    • fireweed;
    • clover;
    • crimson.

    Some less valuable varieties of honey products obtained from the nectar of rapeseed, colza, alfalfa, and cotton also acquire a white consistency.

    Of the dark varieties, the most common are:

    • buckwheat;
    • taiga (coniferous);
    • chestnut;
    • angelica:
    • hyssop honey.

    Darker varieties are not considered as tasty, but are often more flavorful and healthy. They contain more iron and other trace elements, proteins, amino acids, plant pigments.

    Useful properties of different types of honey

    Now we will say a seditious thing - it is impossible to determine which sort of honey is the most useful. A real natural product, from the nectar of whatever plants it is obtained, has a similar composition.

    It consists of 75% carbohydrates (glucose, fructose and sucrose), a small amount of protein substances and starch breakdown products, organic acids, trace elements, vitamins. Experts believe that the usefulness of honey is determined by the enzymes that are secreted by the bee while the nectar is in its goiter. The longer it stays there (20 minutes or more), the better. That is why, the farther the bee flies for nectar, the more healthful the honey is.

    The value of honey is due to its chemical composition, which is very similar to blood plasma. It contains magnesium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and potassium in almost the same concentration as blood. It is no coincidence that this is almost the only product that is absorbed by 97%, and it is absorbed immediately, without needing to be broken down with the help of digestive enzymes.

    Among the variety of types of honey, those collected from medicinal plants are considered more healing, since biologically active substances get into them with nectar. And also with additives of other beekeeping products. So, the most useful honey.

    1. Cellular. Natural packaging allows you to preserve a maximum of useful components, including propolis and pollen, which settle on the walls of the honeycomb. These substances help to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. Chewing honeycomb is very useful for teeth, gums, and disinfection of the oral cavity.
    2. With pollen. It is incredibly useful for children, as it contains growth factors, affecting the endocrine system. Normalizes metabolism, stimulates the release of bile and other digestive enzymes. Helps cleanse blood vessels from low-density cholesterol.
    3. Pine (taiga). It is indicated for people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, and often prone to colds. Well restores working capacity, saves from chronic fatigue.
    4. Mustard. An ideal treat for colds and viral infections. It has choleretic properties.
    5. Nardek. Watermelon honey is the best helper in the fight against influenza, bronchitis, and throat problems. Suitable for cores, will help clean blood vessels, increase hemoglobin.
    6. With propolis. The light bitterness that propolis gives to honey helps to cope with acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, promotes tissue healing and cleansing the body at the cellular level.
    7. Uterine. Honey contains royal jelly - a substance consisting of 400 biologically active components. With the help of a useful product, they strengthen immunity and normalize blood pressure, protect themselves from stress and stimulate metabolism.
    8. Zabrusny. This is the name of the scarce honey with caps with which the bees cover the honeycomb. They contain natural wax, propolis, pollen. The product is characterized by antibacterial, cleansing and preventive properties.
    9. Bortevoy or honey of wild bees. Contains propolis, royal jelly, bee bread, wax, very mature and healthy. Recommended for cleansing the body of toxins, improving the liver, gastrointestinal tract.
    10. Blackened. Rare honey from the Tatar maple, an analogue of the May vitamin product. Indicated for pregnant women as an antiemetic.

    The list of useful types of honey goes on - linden and buckwheat, bird cherry, almond, fig, cedar ... Enjoy this sweet treat and be healthy!

    Many lovers of beekeeping products prefer light varieties of honey: from which plants they are obtained, they are well aware. Do you know this?

    Did you know that honey is dark and light? In fact, you probably saw a variety of honey varieties at special fairs and imagine the variety of colors of this product.

    However, such a product differs not only in color. You can also talk about the features of the healing properties of various varieties of bee substance.

    And on the healing properties, in turn, the use of this substance is based. And the reason for such differences is largely the plant, from the pollen of which one or another sort of honey is obtained.

    Honey obtained from forest raspberries can also be attributed to light varieties of sweet bee substance. Like raspberry jam, this substance is an excellent medicinal and prophylactic agent that helps in the fight against colds and in order to strengthen the immune system.

    Of course, light color is far from a complete definition by which you can find out which particular variety is in front of you. The fact is that such a substance can be very light, for example, like acacia honey, or it can be, for example, light brown, like buckwheat honey.

    The so-called polyfloral versions of sweet bee substance are often referred to as light varieties. What is it?

    Such varieties are collected on the basis of the pollen of not one, but several species of flowering plants at once. They are also known as the herb variety of the crop harvested by the winged apiary workers.

    As a rule, they can be recognized by their appearance, because there is not such a wide range of colors. Typically, these options range from light to dark yellow.

    As known, herbs can be collected in different areas. As biogeographic communities that can serve as sources of flowering plants for collecting pollen for a sweet apiary harvest, it can be noted:

    • forest land;
    • meadows;
    • fields.

    Light varieties include those types that are obtained from plants such as linden and acacia. These are very good natural medicines.

    And, of course, these are far from the only plants from which non-dark versions of this sweet and delicious bee substance can be obtained. For example, these include the budyak and melilot varieties.

    For example, the budyak type is distinguished by a beautiful light amber color, although there are other options here: colorless and greenish shades. It also rightfully belongs to the high-quality varieties in terms of its taste and medicinal qualities. Source of raw materials to obtain it, there is a booth: a thistle, which differs from others in the following features:

    • crimson flowers;
    • grayish leaves;
    • spiny stems.

    Freshly harvested sweet clover can also vary from light amber to greenish, and can also be whitish. In the process of crystallization, it acquires a light apple color.

    Non-dark varieties include the sweet bee harvest obtained by collecting pollen from sunflower flowers. It can be of the following color:

    • golden yellow;
    • amber;
    • golden.

    This type of sweet bee substance is extremely sweet. It is quite tart in taste, and also has a pleasant, subtle aroma.

    This type is also prone to crystallization processes... Often this happens even in the conditions of being in the combs in the hive.

    Non-dark types also include fruit, phacelia, and cotton varieties. All of them quite quickly and easily undergo crystallization processes, changing their original color.


    One of the plants from which honey is produced is linden. This woody plant belongs to forest melliferous plants.

    This substance can be different in color: from a greenish-amber shade in the case when you are dealing with a freshly harvested crop, to a whitish shade when it has undergone crystallization processes.

    This variety can also be considered one of the best options if you are faced with the choice of which variety of sweet bee substance you prefer.

    Linden is rightfully considered a kind of queen among melliferous plants: the fact is that it has excellent qualities for obtaining pollen as a raw material for the further production of popular beekeeping products.

    If the bees have chosen this plant for their pollination, then you can be sure that you will not be left without a rich harvest. As a rule, from such a tree, a bee colony, under favorable climatic conditions, brings from 3 kilograms of sweet harvest.

    There may be individual records when the given indicator is significantly exceeded. Weather conditions favorable for pollen collection are considered to be warm and calm days.

    By their composition, such beekeeping products contain about 36-37 percent glucose and about 39-40 percent levulose. This variety is considered one of the most useful in terms of its medicinal qualities.

    Along with the raspberry version, this variety is excellent for colds and infectious diseases. Its use significantly strengthens human immunity and increases the body's resistance to various infections. It has high qualities for removing sweat, with which all bad viruses and microorganisms go away.

    If you are going to purchase such a natural medicine and a delicious delicacy, then it will be quite easy for you to recognize it among others. The fact is that it has a sharp aroma, similar to how linden trees themselves smell. At the same time, it tastes very pleasant, without bitterness.

    Unfortunately, this variety tends to undergo crystallization processes rather quickly. In fact, this is not a very favorable process, however, even after being subjected to it, this natural medicine does not lose its beneficial qualities.

    However, upon crystallization, this sweet substance changes its color and consistency. When freshly harvested, yellow or greenish, it turns into a whitish substance.

    From a liquid state, it is covered with medium grains. It should be noted that crystallization processes do not affect this sweet bee substance strongly enough.

    White acacia

    Also honey is made from pollen of white acacia flowers. In addition, winged beekeepers often collect nectar from yellow acacia flowers.

    The acacia variety of sweet bee substance differs from others in its very light color.

    And if such a variety undergoes crystallization processes, then its color will become completely white.

    It is believed that this sweet bee substance is one of its best varieties. It has a very delicate aroma and taste and has excellent healing properties. If we talk in detail about its composition, then it usually contains about 35-36 percent glucose and about 40 percent fructose. It is quite liquid and has a medium grain size.


    Honey is even raspberry colored. And this is one of the most healing varieties of this amazing natural remedy, obtained through the efforts of hardworking bees.

    First of all, this variety helps people suffering from colds. If you have symptoms of respiratory diseases, then this strain will help you overcome them.

    In addition, such a natural remedy can be used prophylactically. For example, to strengthen the immune system. The fact is that raspberry honey contains a large amount of vitamin C.

    Linden, raspberry, white acacia - all these plants are used to obtain light varieties of honey. However, color is not the only characteristic of this beekeeping product.

    The variety obtained from each of the above plants may also differ in taste. The healing properties of this substance also differ, which, in turn, determine the scope of this natural drug.

    Since ancient times, such a useful product as honey has played an important role in human life. Many different scientists have researched and studied its beneficial properties, composition and applicability in various medical and cosmetic fields. For centuries, the yellow, viscous, delicious honey product remains one of the healthiest delicacies, which is able to maintain normal health and immunity of a person at any age. The bee product contains a complex of essential nutrients, and due to its antibacterial properties it is able to fight and prevent various ailments.

    In order to use honey correctly, you should know what types of honey can help in the fight or prevention of various diseases. This article will discuss the types of honey and their medicinal properties, as well as characteristics of different types this product that bees produce in an amazing way.

    Not all types of honey are yellow, but mainly the honey product can be divided into dark and white varieties. But the varieties differ not only in color, but also in their composition.

    Dark varieties

    Dark varieties include:

    Such a bee treat is filled with iron, and this is what affects its color.

    White varieties

    White varieties include:

    • Donnikovy;
    • Crimson;
    • Acacia;
    • Lime.

    In most cases, such a delicacy acquires a characteristic white tint after crystallization.

    Honey varieties and their beneficial properties


    This type is considered one of the most valuable, as it is rich in iron. very useful for the blood and the process of its recovery. Its taste is very sweet, sometimes it can reach astringency with a corresponding smell. Buckwheat honey has a dark color, and crystallization can be both coarse-grained and vice versa - fine.

    The healing power of the honeycomb lies in the fact that the wax stores particles of pollen and propolis. With regular chewing of the honeycomb, the condition of the gums is normalized and the immune system is strengthened. The only drawback of such a product lies in its high cost.

    The characteristic of red honey differs from other types not only in its beautiful color, but also in that it contains a large amount of vitamin A. Such a delicacy is excellent for maintaining normal vision.

    This variety is also considered one of the most beneficial for human body... Its color is light, sometimes with a greenish tint, but despite this, it is considered a kind of white honey. The smell is delicate and soft with a noticeable hint of sweetness, and the taste of such honey is very sweet. This species is highly nutritious and is able to quickly and effectively restore the depletion of the body. In folk medicine, lime honey is considered a panacea from many diseases.

    This species is extremely difficult to find on store shelves due to its rarity, but manufacturers very often try to fake it. White honey contains white acacia, white clover and linden. It should be noted that the color of this species cannot be snow white, since it is almost impossible to achieve a "pure" composition, therefore the presence of a light shade is a normal phenomenon.

    Virtually any honey product that has been harvested in early spring, called May. The color of honey can be different, but more often it has light yellow tints. An early honey harvest has excellent cold-fighting power.


    This variety of bee product has an incredible the scent of flowering chestnuts and a pleasant bitter aftertaste. It should be noted that the smell remains in it for a long time, so it is very difficult to confuse such honey with another type. And also a distinctive feature of this useful delicacy is that it has the ability to maintain a liquid state for up to two years. Due to its composition, which includes many trace elements and vitamins, this species is very popular in folk medicine for the treatment various kinds of diseases and their warnings.


    Since ancient times, fireweed was considered a healing herb, and our ancestors used him for the treatment of ailments. is able to kill inflammatory processes in the human body, and it is also a primary remedy that helps to effectively fight colds and flu.

    The name of this species is due to the fact that bees collect not pollen from a plant, namely the pad, which forms on the petals or leaves of plants. The color of this type of honey is varied, but always of a dark shade, sometimes even black.

    Amazing properties combines such a product, due to the fact that wild bees collect nectar, and the honeycomb aging technology allows to achieve an increased concentration of vitamins, macronutrients and aroma of the product. The use of this wild delicacy strengthens the immune system and increases the resistance of the whole organism to diseases.


    This variety is distinguished by its uniqueness, which lies in the amazing, intoxicating aroma and exquisite taste. Its color is most often dark, but sometimes it can be red. In medicine, it is used to suppress spasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Honey with the addition of royal jelly

    Such a product is bred in order to enhance the properties of ingredients... This species is distinguished by an incredible amount of trace elements and vitamins in its composition, thanks to which it is able to fight many diseases. The dilution ratio is 1 part royal jelly to 150 parts honey.

    This yellow honey is considered one of the most useful ... It got its name, thanks to the fact that the bees are harvested from the plants that grow in the fields. A huge number of diseases can be cured with such a honey product.


    Usually, they try to get rid of such a plant as sweet clover as quickly as possible, since it is considered a weed. But, in the case of a bee product, the opposite happens, since sweet clover becomes an amazing basis for a tasty and healthy treat. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it is possible to significantly accelerate the healing of suppurations and various wounds.


    A useful and valuable product. Its color is white, yellow or almost colorless. This type is distinguished by its softness in taste and smell. Due to its special properties, the product is resistant to crystallization. Acacia honey is very useful for people with diabetes and small children, as it can be absorbed quickly enough in the body.


    This kind of honey product is rare and not very popular. The benefits of a sugar honey product are small, but great for desserts and baked goods.


    The name of honey speaks for itself. This product is for people suffering from diseases associated with the respiratory tract and cardiovascular system. And also sunflower honey perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and has a diuretic effect. In a liquid state, it does not last long, and upon completion of crystallization it acquires light shades, sometimes even with a green glow.


    Bashkir honey has an incredible set of medicinal properties. Honey bees collect pollen from a variety of mountain, meadow and forest grasses and plants, and in combination, they can have a miraculous effect on the human body. Bashkir honey product has an antimicrobial effect, due to the fact that it contains inhibin. Beekeepers of Bashkortostan distinguish between flower and linden Bashkir honey, depending on where the bees carried out pollination. It is worth noting that the bees of this area have incredible vitality, are immune to many diseases and cold, and this insect is also very hardy and gives a large output in a short time period.

    This sort of honey product is produced by bees from mountain herbs. The healing power lies in the fact that it contains various rare medicinal herbs, thanks to which the product can acquire a different color, taste and aroma. This variety is considered one of the best remedies for the common cold.

    What does the color of honey depend on? Honey is a unique product in all its parameters; it has a fragrant aroma and pleasant taste. And its beneficial properties cannot be overestimated, because it helps to get rid of various diseases, not to mention maintaining the immune system. This amazing product has many varieties, each of which is special due to its properties. Therefore, you should understand what classification of honey exists in order to choose the most suitable product.

    Types of honey

    The bee product has a huge number of varieties, each created from the nectar of a particular type of plant. In this case, the resulting product can have a light or dark color and a number of special properties. Usually these properties depend on the medicinal characteristics of the plants. Thus, it turns out that it is unlike anything and everyone's favorite delicacy. Now this delicacy can be divided into the following types:

    1. Monofloral honey is a product harvested from a single plant, such as buckwheat or linden honey. Of course, this delicacy cannot contain 100% nectar from one plant. Therefore, honey can be considered monofloral if more than 40% of the nectar is collected from one honey plant. This is because bees cannot fly to just one plant. Usually, many plants bloom in the environment in one period, therefore this variety is obtained.
    2. Polyflora honey collected from the nectars of several plant species. Such nectar is collected by bees in forests, mountains, steppes. This product has a very rich taste and aroma and is the most common. But if such honey is collected from wild bees, then it is very rare and has a huge number of medicinal properties.
    3. May honey is a product harvested for the first time since winter. Its name has nothing to do with its properties, because it originated from ancient times, when the chronology was different, and the collection of honey began in May, hence the name. May honey is one of the most delicious varieties, as the nectar for it is collected from many flowering trees and flowers, because there are a lot of them in May.
    4. Honey honey is special in that it is collected not from plant nectar, but from the sweet secretions of insects, including aphids. The composition may also include honeydew of such trees as linden, apple, maple and others. This happens when the summer is too dry and the flowers wither. The color of the bee product obtained in this way is usually dark green, brown in some cases also yellow. This type of honey has a not very pleasant aroma and a viscous consistency. Since it is the cheapest, it is used mainly in bakeries and pastry shops.

    All these varieties and their characteristics are of great importance when choosing a treat. After all, everyone who buys this product counts on its properties that can improve health.

    What determines the color of the product?

    Many are accustomed to seeing exactly yellow honey, since this type is the most common. Of course, the color can range from light or even nearly white to dark brown. But what determines the color of this delicacy? It should be analyzed in more detail in this matter. Now honey is divided into four color groups:

    • white, colorless;
    • amber, cream;
    • yellow;
    • brown, brown.

    The most important thing that affects the color of this product is from which plants the nectar was collected, and in what period of the year. In addition, the population of bees and the condition of their honeycomb affects. So, for different bees, the color of the product collected in the same period may be different in one area. The geographical location should not be overlooked, because it also plays a big role, for example, completely different plants grow in the mountainous area.

    Of course, this delicacy, despite its color and variety, has one common feature - to boost the immune system and treat colds. However, other properties may differ depending on its color and plant nectar from which the product was made.

    Nowadays, light honey colors and rare white honey are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the quality of the product, because it is made from medicinal plants that are sometimes very rare. Acacia honey is especially popular; due to its taste, it has long been top-notch. What can not be said about linden honey, because it is not always obtained of the required quality. Sometimes bees collect honeydew from linden when collecting nectar, so this product becomes dark in color.

    Based on this, you should be more careful about the choice of this sweet and ask the seller again what kind of nectar it is made of. After all, inexperienced buyers are often sold a low-quality product, dark in color, and at the same time claim that it is made from special types of plants, but this is not always the case and instead of a useful product, the buyer receives the cheapest type of honey at a high price. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the color, smell and especially taste, it should have a pleasant aftertaste, and not bitterness. And it is best to buy this delicacy from trusted and conscientious beekeepers who are confident in the quality of the products or at fairs where the products have a quality certificate.

    Yellow honey

    Everyone has long been accustomed to feasting on yellow honey, because this color is the most common. Both flowers and meadow grasses can give this color to this delicacy. At the same time, a natural product must have a transparent structure and a special aroma.

    Most often, the yellow color of this sweetness is given by the nectar of a plant such as sweet clover. This plant has excellent medicinal properties. Moreover, such honey is very useful for nursing mothers, because it increases lactation. Therefore, such a product is in great demand. In a liquid state, sweet clover nectar delicacy has a yellow color, but after a long crystallization process it brightens and becomes creamy.

    A plant such as cornflower can give honey a yellow color, because it is a good honey plant. The product obtained from it has a special taste with a slight bitterness, and its pleasant almond aroma makes it popular among lovers of this type of delicacy.

    The color palette of buckwheat honey is more varied depending on the time of the year and the populations of bees, it can vary from light yellow to brown. It is a very common and beloved species, as it has a very pleasant floral aroma and a good taste, characterized by its long aftertaste.

    Among all types of this yellow delicacy, honey from sunflower stands out noticeably. Everyone knows about such a plant as sunflower, in addition to its fruits, it is an excellent honey plant, therefore it attracts bees with its flowering. Among its taste qualities, one can especially highlight a pleasant bitterness and a characteristic aftertaste. Unlike the previous types, this delicacy does not have a particularly pronounced smell, but this does not prevent it from being one of the most delicious varieties. At the same time, such a product quickly crystallizes and becomes grainy and, which is very important, acquires a beautiful bright yellow color.

    This product cannot have a fully white color, because it always acquires a certain shade, depending on the nectar of the plant. But it is light honey that is the most expensive today and yellow shades of the product cannot always compete with it. This is due to the fact that the light product has more beneficial characteristics.

    Popular varieties of honey

    Every connoisseur of this delicacy believes that the most delicious are monofloral varieties of honey, that is, those that mostly consist of the nectar of one plant. So what is honey like? Depending on the origin, that is, from which plant's nectar was made, a huge number of species are distinguished. Among which are:

    1. Clover - this honey is transparent or has a slightly pronounced color. It is remembered for its floral aroma and good taste. After crystallization, it becomes a white thick mass.
    2. Raspberry - has a pleasant light golden color and is popular for the healing properties of the plant.
    3. Heather - it is distinguished by its reddish-brown color and has a tart aftertaste and not very pleasant smell. This product is classified as inferior.
    4. Acacia honey - has a pleasant, unique aroma and good taste. At the same time, such a product crystallizes very slowly and turns from light cream to milky or white. It is often used for insomnia and gastrointestinal diseases.
    5. Mustard has a bright golden color, but becomes creamy when solidified. In addition, it has medicinal properties and nutritious.
    6. Alfalfa, can have different shades, but upon crystallization it acquires a lighter color.
    7. Chestnut has a dark color and smell of chestnut flowers, special for its bitter aftertaste.

    Since this product is also polyfloral, it is characterized by the collection of nectar by bees in certain places, such as a field, meadow, forest. Therefore, such varieties are also distinguished:

    1. Field is a product that has a special aroma of field plants and a very pleasant taste. It is thanks to him that honey is in great demand among sweet lovers. It can have both light yellow and dark shades.
    2. Forest honey is the most valuable and rare variety, because it has good healing qualities. At the same time, it has special taste qualities that are even better than that of the field and meadow species. Its colors range from light yellow to brown.
    3. Lugovoi is special for its wonderful flavor bouquet and aromas. Therefore, it is very popular among connoisseurs of this delicacy.

    Regardless of where this product was collected, it should first of all be liked by its taste and aroma. At the same time, one should not forget about the unique properties of this product.

    Special types of honey

    In addition to all the known types of this sweet, there are also very rare ones, which are very difficult to find and buy. However, they are no less unique than the usual species. A product of dark brown color with a special tobacco aroma is called tobacco honey. This species is very rare and insufficiently studied, therefore it is not recommended to use it for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

    Stone honey is even more unusual. It got its name from the fact that it is laid by wild bees in the crevices of stone cliffs. This product is not like ordinary honey, as it is completely non-sticky, and its honeycomb does not contain wax. Its peculiarity is its high glucose content, thanks to which it is preserved, without changing its qualities at all for several years. Due to its origin, it can also be called Abkhaz honey.

    One of the species of this delicacy, special in its origin, is poisonous honey. This species is quite dangerous for humans, as it can cause symptoms such as headache, diarrhea, and vomiting. This is due to the fact that bees extract nectar from plants such as azalea, mountain laurel, Pontic rhododendron, hellebore. These plants are special due to their poisonous properties. Therefore, in its pure form, such a product can cause the above reactions. These types of treats should be tested in laboratories to avoid symptoms.

    Usually this product is collected from plants in Japan, the Caucasus, the Far East and some other areas. At the same time, it is not always possible to establish exactly from which nectars such honey is obtained. Symptoms of poisoning with them appear after about 20 minutes and are accompanied by about 5 hours of severe itching, pain, and even an increase in body temperature.

    Express honey can hardly be called a truly healthy and natural product. After all, it is made by foreign or domestic researchers who position it as a medicinal product. It is created with the help of bees, which feed on sugar syrup and medicines. This idea came from researchers who decided that in this way many diseases could be treated without the use of medication. But, unfortunately, such a product was not supported by many people, because they do not believe in the possibility of such a treatment.

    Features of choice

    Each person, choosing such delicacies for himself, should proceed from what effect he expects to receive and for what needs this product is needed. In most cases, honey is bought in case:

    • colds or their prevention;
    • maintaining immunity;
    • for confectionery use.

    If this delicacy is bought for diseases, then you should pay special attention to the nectar of which plant the product is made from. After all, each has its own healing properties. When choosing, it is very important to look at the color and consistency, it can tell what quality this product is.

    To maintain the immune system, especially when it comes to a child, it is best to choose light colors that speak of its medicinal properties and improving health. Linden or raspberry types of delicacies work well.

    When such a delicacy is necessary exclusively for the preparation of confectionery, then it does not matter which product to choose. It can be either the cheapest variety or the most expensive one. Indeed, when choosing, it is especially important to pay attention to the taste of the sweetness so that the conceived confectionery products turn out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic. In this case, it all depends on the taste needs of everyone.