Healthy drinks. The healthiest drinks for our stomach

17.08.2019 Grill menu

Everyone knows about this: to be healthy, you need to drink at least two liters of water a day. And in order to increase activity and enhance vital activity, it is necessary to include in the daily diet, in addition to water, healthy drinks for health, which not only quench thirst, but also help improve metabolism, relieve stress, promote moisture from the inside, and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Since ancient times, people have been looking for drinks that would have miraculous properties and help them stay healthy throughout their lives. They mixed flowers and herbs, added biologically active natural substances, even added poisons with the hope of finding a wonderful elixir of youth. Unfortunately, no one has found a recipe for such a drink. It is an absolute truth that health does not depend only on what we drink. To a greater extent, it is influenced by nutrition, physical activity, sleep and rest, emotional state. However, it is possible to strengthen the body by drinking daily health drinks.

In the cold season, this can be done by drinking a few cups of herbal tea. And in the summer heat, when there are a lot of fruits and vegetables, it is better to drink natural juices, cocktails and drinks with berries, juices, fruits prepared by yourself.

Health Drink Recipes

1. Citrus, ginger, berries and mint

When the temperature is high outside, try a drink that will not only relieve lethargy and fatigue, but also energize the whole body for the whole day.

Add slices of citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime,) to a small jug of clean cold water. Next, cut the ginger into small slices or the cucumber into circles. Add some of your favorite berries and mint leaves. Don't forget the ice cubes!

2. Orange juice, honey, nuts

Using citrus fruits, you can also prepare a rejuvenating miracle drink to help maintain energy and strength throughout the day.

Mix half a glass of orange juice with a glass of clean water at room temperature. Add liquid honey and chopped kernels of nuts (2 tablespoons each).

3. Orange juice, pineapple, cranberries

On the eve of the arrival of guests, it will not be superfluous to prepare a wonderful drink by mixing water, orange juice, pineapple cubes and cranberries. Conceived as a treat, it will provide threefold protection against colds in addition to pleasure, providing the body with a sufficient dose of vitamin C.

Vitamin drinks against cancer

Berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants and others) can be used to prepare extremely healthy summer drinks for health.

1. Raspberry and mint

Take half a glass of raspberries, grind with a blender (or fork), dilute with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Raspberries will enrich the drink with vitamin C and. Adding a few mint leaves to the drink will further enhance the antioxidant properties of the drink.

By the way, blackberries have more antioxidant activity than blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and therefore more useful in the fight against cancer cells.

2. Watermelon

In watermelon season, enjoy their fresh juicy juice. Watermelon is a major source of lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer, vascular disease, and atherosclerosis.

3. Orange juice, mango, blackberry, tofu

Start your day with a drink that includes mango wedges, blackberries, orange juice and tofu cheese. It is rich in vitamin C, fiber and protein, helps maintain a healthy heart and increases energy potential. The enzymes in mangoes also aid in the digestion process.

4. Green tea with mint

Green tea is known to be a powerful antioxidant that not only inhibits the growth of cancer cells, but also kills cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue. Green tea can increase mental alertness, help reduce weight and blood cholesterol levels, and protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Isn't that enough to enjoy a glass of this tea every day, adding berries or mint leaves to it?

Healthy drinks for rejuvenation

If you want to look young and attractive, lean on dairy products, including drinks made with them.

1. Milk and apricot juice

To rejuvenate the body, an hour before meals, it is useful to drink half a glass of milk mixed with natural apricot juice with pulp. If there is no juice, you can replace it with 2-3 mashed apricots. If you forgot to drink the "heavenly" drink before meals, do not forget about it an hour after it. The effect will be amazing.

2. Kefir and grapefruit

And in the evening it is very useful to drink homemade yogurt - kefir with crushed grapefruit or juice. You can make the same kefir.

Healthy drinks against stress

And, finally, about the main health drink, which is advisable to consume every day, so that in the crazy hustle and bustle of our life with endless stresses, experiences and anxiety, remain positive, active, smiling and never discouraged!

Pomegranate and mangosteen

German scientists in the course of experiments have found that a daily glass of pomegranate juice is able to relieve stress, negative reactions to external stimuli, provide emotional uplift and intensify activity. Pomegranate is considered and, when consumed, has a significant effect on the processes of hematopoiesis in the body, actively neutralizes, turning them into stable normal cells. If you have the opportunity to mix pomegranate juice with mangosteen juice during your vacation, then you can look younger for several years. A mixture of pomegranate and mangosteen juices should not be drunk in glasses. It is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons a day so as not to feel tired, relieve tension, be vigorous, active, in a good mood!

Drinking healthy drinks for health with citrus fruits, berries, jasmine, mint, apricots and fruit juices protects your health and strengthens the body. Do not forget at the same time to "cleanse" the body with clean water with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar with added fiber, and healthy greens. And the zest of any drink, the recipe for which is given above, can become grated. It actively absorbs cancer cells without destroying healthy ones and is able to fight cancerous tumors.

Watch the health of your family and your family, live long and be happy!

Proper nutrition involves the use of tasty and healthy drinks that are part of the diet. These "liquid meals" are helpful for both weight loss and general wellness. Herbal teas, berry fruit drinks and fruit and vegetable cocktails, prepared on their own, are rightfully recognized as the best drinks for health.

Fruit and vegetable drinks: recipes

Drinks not only quench thirst, but also replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. Here are recipes for healthy drinks that are easy to prepare at home.

Attention! These vegetable and fruit drinks are not suitable for long-term storage as they are prepared without added preservatives.

Cranberry juice


1 glass of cranberries, 1 liter of water, a few slices of lemon, sugar to taste.

Strawberry milk drink


2 cups fresh strawberries, 1 liter of milk, sugar to taste.

Mix the crushed wooden spoon with sugar and slowly, in a thin stream, whisk constantly, add cold or hot milk.

Carrot milk drink


5 medium carrots, 1 liter of milk, a little salt or sugar to taste.

Peel, grate, mix with milk and season with salt or sugar if desired. Serve cold.

Tomato milk drink


4-5 tomatoes, 1 liter of milk, salt, pepper.

Chop finely and slowly, in a thin stream, whisk constantly, add milk. Serve cold.

Vegetable cocktail


4 celery stalks, 1/2 cabbage, 2 carrots.

Finely chop all the ingredients, pass them through a juicer and mix.

Healthy hot drinks: medicinal herbal teas

The healthiest hot drinks are herbal teas. Here are the recipes for the best ones.

Hawthorn tea


1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup boiling water over chopped blood-red hawthorn fruits and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Insist 3-4 hours.

Normalizes heart function, reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Three-leaf watch tea


Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs with 1 cup boiling water. Cool, strain and drink 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Strawberry tea


4 tbsp. grind or chop strawberries in a blender with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, pour in 0.5 liters of cold strong tea, add 1 tbsp if desired. spoon of lemon juice and stir.

Useful for anemia, gout and atherosclerosis.

Cranberry tea


1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of cranberries with 1 cup boiling water, cover and boil for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 30 minutes.

Stimulates immunity, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

Dried raspberry tea


2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry berries, brew 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. It is recommended to prepare immediately before use.

Stirs up appetite. It is used for fever, gastritis with low acidity, pyelonephritis.

Sea buckthorn tea

Drinks are an equally important part of our diet. Many people pay attention to the quality of the foods they consume. However, drinks are often forgotten. It sometimes happens that the consumption of high-calorie drinks such as cola, lemonade, colored sodas and energy drinks make all the efforts made in the process of losing weight meaningless. On the other hand, many people do not pay attention to the amount of liquid they drink. When a small amount of water is consumed, the body becomes dehydrated.

Water and its role for the body

It is worth remembering that our body is mainly composed of water, so drinks are the basis for the proper functioning of the body. For humans, the most important drink is water. It should be drunk in large quantities, mineral is best. Thanks to her, digestion is accelerated. By cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, you supply it with important trace elements that ensure the proper functioning of all organs and systems, thereby improving the appearance of the skin. At the same time, you should pay attention to what kind of water you drink. Different mineral waters have different levels of trace elements. It may happen that you buy water, the composition of which is not much different from the one that flows in your taps. Therefore, it is worth reading the labels on the bottles. In addition to water, people often drink coffee, tea, all kinds of sweetened drinks, fruit juices, milk, and alcohol. Some of these drinks have a beneficial effect on the body (milk, juices and tea, in particular green), but the rest is better to drink rarely.

The healthiest drinks for your health

Fruit drinks

A fruit shake is a simple and delicious way to improve your health. A few handfuls of fresh seasonal fruits and milk are enough to create a composition that not only quenches your thirst, but can also be a nutritious meal. A glass of smoothie is a serving of protein, calcium and fiber, as well as many vitamins and minerals derived from fruits.

Which fruit should you choose? Better to use seasonal fruits that have more flavor and nutrients. In summer, be sure to use strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, peaches. Do you love tropical scents? Add pineapple, mango, kiwi, banana and papaya slices to the cocktail. Flaxseed, chia seeds, goji berries, or coconut pulp should be added to smoothies for flavor and antioxidants.

Apple juice is considered the most useful, followed by grapefruit and pomegranate. They are recommended for heart and blood diseases.

Vegetable juices

Don't like sweet juices? Healthy drinks shouldn't only be fruit. Use vegetables that are great for juicing. In supermarkets, you can easily buy ready-made juices from vegetables, but it's better to prepare them yourself at home.

What you need? A juicer and plenty of fresh vegetables. You can use almost anything. Juice tomatoes, carrots, beets, celery, kale, parsley, spinach and kale. If you prefer the slightly sweet taste of juice, add apple juice to the mixture. Fresh vegetable juices are a great way to provide your body with a serving of micronutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber.

The most useful vegetable juice is carrot juice. It strengthens the immune system, eyesight and digestion. Tomato comes next in importance. Tomato juice acts as the prevention of cancer.

Milk and milk drinks

Milk is a source of calcium, protein and vitamin B12. A glass of cold drink is great for refreshing and quenching your thirst on a warm day. If you do not like or cannot drink milk, try other drinks based on it. Buttermilk and kefir are generally beneficial for adults and children. You can also make a Turkish drink on a hot day - ayran. Just mix natural yoghurt with mineral water and add some salt.

What to drink when water gets bored? Homemade lemonade! It is very simple to prepare and will certainly be a good alternative for juices. The most popular is lemonade, which is made with only lemons, water, and sweeteners (instead of sugar, opt for honey, maple syrup, or agave syrup). You can add fresh mint leaves for a healthy and refreshing drink full of Vitamins C.

Lemonade can be made with grapefruit, watermelon, pineapple, or strawberries. It is worth adding fresh herbs to it - basil, lemon balm, rosemary and thyme. There are many other options for you to choose from.

Young coconut water has won the hearts of healthy food lovers and athletes around the world. Due to its mineral content, it can be an alternative to isotonic drinks. Coconut drink is great for replenishing health, quenching thirst and preventing dehydration.

Peppermint tea is a stimulant of gastric juice and has a natural sedative effect against insomnia.

Chamomile tea is an excellent antibacterial agent, fights skin rashes, improves bowel function and soothes the nerves and relaxes.

The healthy drinks listed above not only improve your health, but also normalize your weight, skin condition and mood.

Many diseases are painful, their consequences are irreversible, and in the process of treatment, not only harmful cells die, but also healthy ones. They say that in 95% of cases there is no alternative. But Rudolph Breuss never agreed with such an opinion. An Austrian scientist has proposed one of the most effective ways to prevent ailments. Instead of pills, the scientist advised drinking juice.

Thanks to this approach, more than 45,000 people have already improved their health. According to the Breuss nutritional program, only special vegetable juice and herbal tea... In simple words, this is a period of fasting, during which harmful cells die and do not return.

Basis - beets

Why did Rudolf Breuss choose this particular vegetable as the main one? - is rich in antioxidants, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C, pantothenic and folic acids. Add sodium and zinc, magnesium and phosphorus, a little potassium, iron and calcium to the list - and you get a mega-useful product.

Beets have very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, treat a range of health conditions, and are part of many healthy weight loss strategies. But thanks to the betaine in the composition, the vegetable also helps prevent leukemia.

How to make juice

The products seem to be the most common, but you have to make sure you are using them. environmentally friendly... They can be purchased from pesticide-free fruit and vegetable farmers.

  • 300 g beets
  • 100 g carrots
  • 100 g celery
  • 30 g radish
  • 40 g potatoes

Potatoes are added only in the case of liver cancer prevention. So, grate each vegetable, squeeze out the juice, strain it several times. This is not your daily requirement: the amount of fluid you drink is determined by the feeling of hunger. Maximum daily volume - 500 ml.

During prevention you will lose a little weight... But the loss is not catastrophic if you do it right. In the morning, drink about 100 ml of cold kidney tea, after about 60 minutes - two glasses of warm infusion of St. John's wort, sage, mint and lemon balm, after 30 minutes - a couple of sips of cooked vegetable juice.

You cannot consume only this vegetable juice. It is drunk exclusively with the listed infusions. If it is very difficult to hold out on some drinks, you can eat a portion per day. Do not add sweeteners to drinks.

In order not to focus on the disease and the small amount of food consumed, Rudolf Breuss advised more distracted by useful activities and hobbies... It is very difficult to do this, but you can find more passive activities: walking, music, reading, films.

After a course of prophylaxis according to Broys, you also need to help the body get out of the regime safely: take 2 tablets of brewer's yeast three times a day, eat more semi-liquid and. Tell your friends about the method of preventing serious illnesses. Maybe some of them will find a way out for themselves in this method.

The healthiest drink for your health is plain purified water. This is the most correct and beneficial source of moisture. However, there are drinks that have many fortifying properties, give strength and energy to our body. We have collected information about the most useful drinks for human health and longevity.

Green tea

Benefit: Reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Green tea is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants that protect cells from harmful effects and neutralize free radicals. Tea also contains fluoride, which strengthens bones and has a beneficial effect on teeth.
Calories : 0

White tea

When collecting raw materials for white tea, special attention is paid to the selection of leaves. Usually, for white tea, only the youngest half-open leaves of the first harvest are collected, half-covered with white hairs of an open tea bud. For elite white teas, either only the top leaf (thyrsa) is collected, or tipsa plus one more leaf following it. The processing degree of white teas is low. The production of a variety of white tea consists of only two steps, therefore They are considered poorly fermented, because they are dried in the sun and warmed up, and then dried and due to this they acquire a low degree of fermentation. Essentially, the color of the leaves should remain the same (green or gray-green), the white of the underside of the leaves should be clearly visible. Despite the seeming simplicity of preparation, the leaf used for this tea is very whimsical. All processes are done manually.

White tea has such varieties as: white peony, green snow, silver needles and other varieties. When brewed, white teas have a transparent yellow infusion, with a delicate taste and delicate aroma. White tea is distributed almost exclusively in China and is considered one of the finest (and most expensive) teas. White tea, due to its high content of vitamins, amino acids and pectins, helps to rejuvenate the body.
Make sure to brew white tea with soft and not too hot water (50-70C). Since it has a special concentration of essential oils that give it an exquisite aroma, brewing with too hot water will kill these wonderful smells. The brewing time is extremely short, usually no more than 5 minutes.

Mint tea

Benefit: Benefits of peppermint drink helps relieve indigestion, relieve colic, aid digestion by helping food move through the gastrointestinal tract. Mint tea has an anti-spasmodic effect, relieves muscle pain and muscle tension.
Calories: 0

Milk with 1% fat content

Benefit: Milk contains complex carbohydrates, proteins and a little fat, so this product is absorbed slowly and you feel full for a certain time. Due to complex carbohydrates, blood sugar levels remain stable. Calcium is found in milk along with vitamin D, therefore it is well absorbed. What's more, calcium helps cells burn fat, hence milk contributes to normal weight loss.

Calories: A glass of milk (250 g) contains 120 calories.

Soy milk

Benefit: Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fiber and proteins in soy milk reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides. However, if you want to completely replace the cow's milk with soy milk, you will lack calcium and vitamins A and D. In this case, you can buy soy milk fortified with these microelements. Soy contains phytoestrogens that are likely to be associated with breast cancer risk. If you have a family history of this disease, it is better to discuss the advisability of using soy milk with your doctor.

Calories: 81 kcal in 250g of product

Hot chocolate or cocoa

Benefit: improves mood and protects against cardiovascular disease. What provide this product with its beneficial properties? Cocoa contains many polyphenols that protect cells from free radicals. Drinking hot chocolate increases the production of the hormone serotonin, low levels of which can negatively affect mood.
Calories: about 195 kcal for 250g finished product and 115 kcal in powder mix

Tomato juice without salt

Benefit: protects against many forms of cancer. As you know, processed products of fresh tomatoes contain lycopene in a higher concentration than the fruits themselves. Lycopene has been associated with a reduced risk of cancer in the following organs: mouth, lungs, stomach, liver, mammary glands, cervix, stomach, colon and rectum. In addition, lycopene protects the heart from free radicals, thereby reducing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
Calories: 43 kcal per 250g of product.

Cranberry juice

Benefit: Prevents gum disease, helps to cope with urinary tract infections. However, juice is most likely to contain sugar, so either choose 100% sugar-free juice or consume no more than one glass a day.

Calories: 140 kcal per 250 g of product.

Orange juice

Benefit: Vitamin C contained in the juice enhances immunity, protects against many diseases, including cataracts, cancer. Orange juice is an excellent source of folate, which is essential for preventing fetal malformations.

Calories: 115 kcal per 250 g of product.

Drink delicious, natural and healthiest drinks! Always be healthy and cheerful!