Harvesting greenery for the future for the winter. Storage methods

08.08.2019 Salads

- spicy herbs that perfectly complement many dishes, giving them a unique taste, aroma and exquisite piquancy. Unfortunately, the season of fresh herbs is coming to an end, so it's time to take care of the winter vitamin diet - stock up on your favorite herbs for the future.

Of course, at the present time, you can buy fresh herbs at any time of the year. But dill and parsley grown in a greenhouse cannot be compared with those grown in a garden bed - they are not so fragrant and tasty. And the price for a bunch of greenfinches out of season is quite high. In winter, herbs prepared for future use will be an excellent alternative to fresh herbs. About there, how to do it, now we will talk.

Methods for harvesting greenery

There are several ways to stock up on greens for future use, each of which is good in its own way. Which one to choose in the end is up to you, and we will only suggest possible options for harvesting for the winter.


Perhaps the easiest and most affordable way for everyone to prepare aromatic herbs for future use is. This method makes it possible to preserve the beneficial properties and aroma of greens as much as possible, but it will take quite a long time.

You can dry greens in the open air or with the help of household appliances: in a dehydrator, electric dryer, oven or microwave.

Drying herbs outdoors

  1. Twigs (parsley, dill, celery, and so on) are carefully sorted out, discarding yellowed and damaged by pests.
  2. Rinse them thoroughly under running water and lay them out on a towel to dry slightly.
  3. Further, several drying options are possible: whole branches ( in bundles) or chopped greenery.
Drying chopped herbs
Washed and dried greens are chopped with a knife and spread in a thin layer on a cutting board, baking sheet or tray. Take out to a dry (necessarily protected from direct sunlight) place with good air circulation. The degree of readiness of greens is checked once a day (if desired, it can be done more often), gently stirring it for even drying.

Pre-washed and already dried greens are tied into small (7-10 branches each) bundles.

Hang in the shade, in a well-ventilated place, protected from rain (attic, canopy, gazebo, veranda, and so on).

Drying herbs in a dehydrator

A dehydrator (in other words, an improved electric dryer) will facilitate and significantly speed up the process of drying greens.


  1. Fresh herbs are sorted, washed and chopped with a knife.
  2. The chopped greens are placed in a dehydrator. The minimum temperature is set on the device, not exceeding 40 ° C, which makes it possible to dry the greens, preserving the maximum amount of vitamins in it.
By the same principle, greens are harvested in a conventional electric dryer.

The indisputable advantages of this method: the color of the herbs remains almost unchanged, in addition, almost all vitamins are preserved. There are two ways to freeze greens for future use - dry or in water (oil).

Perfectly preserves the color and taste of herbs.


  1. Carefully sort out raw materials, rejecting yellowed, sluggish and coarsened parts of plants.
  2. Herbs (a mixture of herbs) are washed, shake off excess water and allow them to dry.
  3. They cut with a knife.
  4. Chopped greens are put in bags or plastic containers.
  5. The containers are closed with lids and cleaned in the freezer.
Freezing greens in water (oil)
And greens can be frozen in small cubes, so it is very convenient to use. The preparation will not take much time, and the result is excellent, try it!


  1. Dill, parsley, celery (you can take only one or a mixture of any other herbs to your liking) are sorted out, thrown into a colander and washed thoroughly.
  2. Chopped with a knife and doused with boiling water.
  3. Forms for ice (ideally silicone) are filled with greenery, compacting it well.
  4. A little water is poured into each cell with greens and the ice molds are put in the freezer. You can use olive oil instead of water for pouring.
  5. As soon as the cubes freeze, they are removed from the molds, transferred to bags and sent back to the freezer (for storage).

Re-freezing thawed greens is not recommended. It loses not only its appearance and aroma, but also its taste.


Another popular harvesting method is. Salted greens will retain most of the nutrients, taste and unsurpassed aroma. Here is one of the easiest recipes:


  1. Parsley, dill and celery are sorted, washed thoroughly and dried on a towel.
  2. Greens are chopped with a knife.
  3. Mixed with salt and packaged in pre-washed containers.
  4. Store pickles in the refrigerator or cool room.

Greens "Fragrant"

  • A mixture of parsley, dill and celery - 1 kg.
  • Salt - 250 gr.

Greens "Fragrant"


  1. Dill, parsley and celery are sorted and washed.
  2. They cut with a knife.
  3. Mix thoroughly with salt and transfer to pre-washed jars.
  4. Greens in jars are tamped until juice appears.
  5. As soon as the juice has appeared, the jar is covered with a cloth and left for 2 days in a cool room.
  6. During this time, the contents will settle a little, so the jars are filled to the top with a new portion of greens and salt, after which they are closed with lids and put away for storage in a cool room or refrigerator.

When adding salted greens to (, dishes from, and so on), you don’t need to add salt in addition - it’s enough in the workpiece.

Greens "Piquant"

For cooking you will need:
  • Dill - 1 kg.
  • Leaf parsley - 1 kg.
  • Leaf celery - 1 kg.
  • Chili pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 300 gr.
  • Salt - 400 gr.

Greens "Piquant"


  1. Celery, parsley and dill are sorted, washed and dried on a towel.
  2. Then finely chopped with a knife.
  3. Peppers (and) are peeled from the stalks and seeds and cut into thin strips.
  4. In a deep bowl, mix chopped greens, finely chopped pepper and salt.
  5. The salting container is thoroughly washed, sterilized and densely filled with the mixture.
  6. Close with lids and store in the refrigerator.

You can add a few cloves to salted greens, then it will acquire not only a sharper taste, but also an appetizing aroma.


Another way to stock up on greens for the winter is hers. Of course, there are not many vitamins in such a preparation, but you can store it not in the refrigerator (it is advisable to use it within a year). You can choose the recipe for canning according to your taste, since there are a lot of them. For example, here are just a few of them:

Greens with spices

For cooking you will need:
  • Greens (parsley, dill, celery) - 2 kg.
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Allspice - 5 pcs.


  1. Parsley, dill and celery are sorted and washed.
  2. The washed greens are folded on a towel so that it dries out a little.
  3. Then it is chopped with a knife (large, small - as desired).
  4. The container for salting is thoroughly washed.
  5. A brine is prepared from water, sugar, salt and vinegar, to which bay leaves and allspice are added.
  6. Greens are placed in a container for salting, tamped a little, poured with brine.
  7. Sterilize for 7-10 minutes (time indicated for jars with a capacity of 0.5 l) and roll up.

According to the same recipe, you can pickle each of the herbs separately.

For cooking you will need:

  • Parsley -1 kg.
  • Dill - 1 kg.
  • Celery (root) - 0.5 kg.
  • Salt - 250 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons for a capacity of 200 ml.


  1. Parsley, dill are sorted, washed and allowed to dry a little.
  2. Celery root is peeled, cut into small thin pieces.
  3. Greens are chopped with a knife.
  4. Parsley, dill and celery are thoroughly mixed with salt and packaged in clean jars.
  5. Vinegar is poured into each jar and sterilized for 5-7 minutes (after boiling).


An excellent alternative to canned greens can be prepared, for example, according to one of the following recipes.

For cooking you will need:

  • A mixture of parsley, celery, dill (any other greens) - 1.2 kg.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Salt - 50 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 30 ml.


  1. Celery, dill and parsley are sorted and washed.
  2. Greens are chopped with a knife and filled with clean jars.
  3. A marinade is prepared from water, salt and vinegar.
  4. Pour, not reaching the edge of the neck about 1.5 cm.
  5. Let stand for 2-3 hours, then add sunflower oil to the top and close.
  6. Store in a cool place.
For cooking you will need:
  • Parsley - 1 kg.
  • Dill - 1 kg.
  • Celery - 0.5 kg.
  • Refined vegetable oil - 1 liter.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liter container.


  1. Parsley, dill and celery are sorted and washed thoroughly.
  2. Spread on a towel to dry a little.
  3. Then they are crushed with a knife and transferred to pre-washed jars.
  4. Vegetable oil is mixed with salt and the greens are poured so that the oil covers it completely.
  5. Banks are closed with lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Oil can be poured as a single herb, or a mixture of them (selecting the composition to your liking). For piquancy, you can add a little, so the workpiece will become even more fragrant. Not only greens are used for food, but also fragrant oil.

Do you stock up on greens? If so, please share the secrets of your favorite harvesting methods in the comments. Maybe your recipe will become someone's favorite...

Many housewives make preparations of vegetables and fruits, but not everyone pays attention to spinning greens. Moreover, greens are perfect for pickling and you can prepare it for the whole year and use it if necessary. Green onions are very necessary for making homemade okroshka, vegetable salads, meat soups and.

Onions contain many vitamins, and it is very easy to prepare them. To salt green onions, you only need the feathers themselves and salt. Most of the work will be spent on cutting feathers. But at one time it is not necessary to harvest a large number of spins, you can cook them as you harvest the greens. And for the season it will be possible to prepare a large amount of useful grass.

Required Ingredients:

  • green onions - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 200-250 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

How to pickle green onions:

  1. To prepare this recipe, you should choose juicy shoots, you can choose both young and fairly mature ones. The pulp is washed, sorted, cut into pieces 2-3 centimeters long;
  2. In a separate container, mix the salt and chopped herbs thoroughly. The mixture must be thoroughly rubbed, it is best to grind directly with your hands, only carefully, the pulp is vigorous and can damage the delicate skin of the hands. You can mash the mixture a little with a spoon to make the mass more juicy;
  3. It is easiest to prepare containers in this way: rinse them with soda, rinse well with clean water, put in the oven, turn on the oven and heat to 100 degrees, hold the jars at this temperature for 15-20 minutes and turn off the oven. In this way, several jars can be sterilized at the same time, which is convenient and significantly reduces the sterilization time. Containers can be prepared a few hours before cooking and simply set aside, be sure to cover with a clean cloth;
  4. Place chopped pulp in prepared jars, tamp so that the surface of the mixture is filled with green juice. Only when a sufficient amount of juice is released, you can proceed to the next stage of preparation;
  5. Pour the mixture with vegetable oil, the oil should completely cover the surface of the mixture;
  6. The twist is closed with nylon or iron screw caps. Keep this mixture in a cool place for a very long time. With a large amount of such harvesting of greenery, it will be enough for the entire winter time until the next harvest.

How to salt green onions

This recipe suggests cooking green onions in layers, it is done faster. But the amount of salt can vary depending on how much is used. Therefore, it is recommended not to save, but to add more salt, such a mixture will be better stored. And the excess can be removed by quickly rinsing the mixture under running water. Can be used to make pickled.

Required Ingredients:

  • green onions - 1-2 kilograms;
  • salt - 100-400 grams.

How to pickle green onions:

  1. Rinse the feathers well, sort and cut. You can cut into different pieces, both small and large. Subsequently, it will be crushed with a wooden pusher and the size of the parts will not matter. When cutting, you can take into account the method of preparation of the finished product. For a salad, you can use greens chopped coarsely enough, but for soups, finely chopped grass is suitable. But it is worth remembering that you can cut the shoots even after its preparation;
  2. Salt containers are washed, sterilized and dried. Banks can be prepared in advance, for example, in the evening or in the morning. And already at a convenient time it will be possible to proceed to the direct implementation of the twist;
  3. Transfer the chopped pulp to the prepared containers, the layer thickness should not exceed two centimeters. Then it is worth pouring a layer of salt, tamping a little with a spoon, then laying out a layer of greens again, then a layer of salt and so on until the entire container is completely filled. It is important to make a salt layer last, it will prevent the stems from mold. You can also use mustard powder or vegetable oil for this;
  4. After that, you can close the container with lids and send it to the cold. Despite the fact that the jars are sterilized, the mass will not be stored in the room for a long time. A large amount of salt will help preserve the workpiece, but not for long. But if you store the mixture in the refrigerator, then it can be used for a very long time.

How to pickle green onions for the winter

Feathers are best collected in sunny weather, washed in the evening and left on a towel to dry. There should be no drops of water left on it, and in the morning you can start cooking. This method of preparation is the simplest, but it takes some time for proper salting. The pulp mixed with salt can be left overnight to extract juice.

Required Ingredients:

  • green onions - 2 kilograms;
  • salt - 500 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons.

Recipe for salting green onions for the winter:

  1. Rinse the feathers well, transfer to a colander or sieve and let excess water drain. A large amount of excess water will prevent the salt from being properly distributed, and the spin will be spoiled;
  2. In a large container, mix the chopped pulp and coarse salt, mix very carefully, you can leave the mixture to rest for a while and mix the mass again. You can stir with your hands, so it will be more homogeneous. Large crystals give a saltier taste and are well distributed throughout the mixture;
  3. Now you need to prepare containers for salting. Rinse glass jars well with detergent, rinse in clean cool water and sterilize over steam. It is enough for small containers to be sterilized for 15-20 minutes, but for containers of large volumes it will take about 40 minutes, but this is at the right temperature;
  4. Transfer the finished mass into prepared containers by half the volume, tamp the mass with a wooden spoon or pusher. You can use a pestle and tamp the mixture until the juice is released;
  5. Then it is worth filling the entire jar with grass and tamping again. Thus, it is worth filling the entire jar;
  6. When the jar is completely filled, pour a small amount of vegetable oil onto the surface of the mass and close the lids;
  7. Such a mixture will not be stored at room temperature, so it is removed in the refrigerator.

How to salt green onions with herbs

According to this recipe, you can cook not only salted green onions, but also other herbs. The recipe uses dill, cilantro, and parsley, but a wide variety of herbs can be used. You can combine all the frequently used and favorite herbs to make the mass more tasty and healthy.

Required Ingredients:

  • green onions - 0.5 kilograms;
  • cilantro - 0.5 kilograms;
  • parsley - 0.5 kilograms;
  • dill - 0.5 kilograms;
  • salt - 400-500 grams.

Recipe for pickling green onions with herbs:

  1. Rinse the stems, sort out, remove the yellow twigs. Remove thick stems from dill and parsley. For consumption, it is worth choosing only young shoots so that the mass is tender and can be used without additional cooking on the stove;
  2. After the pulp is washed, it must be lowered into cold water with the addition of a small amount of salt. The shoots should be soaked with water for 10-15 minutes, then they should be taken out and dried a little with a paper towel;
  3. Slightly dried greens should be chopped finely enough and mixed with salt. Then you can immediately lay it out in banks. You need to fill half the jar with the mass, tamp it well, fill the container to the top and close the lid;
  4. This mass should be stored in the refrigerator. And so that the mixture does not become moldy and does not deteriorate, it must be sprinkled with salt or poured with vegetable oil.

Salting green onions for the winter in their own juice

In order for the workpiece to be better stored, the salt must be distributed throughout the mass. It will be better distributed if the mass is in the liquid. Therefore, it is worth preparing the mass so that it gives enough juice in which the pulp will be stored. This twist can be used with juice.

Required Ingredients:

  • green onions - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 200-300 grams.

Salting green onions for the winter in their own juice:

  1. Rinse the feathers, sort them well, if there are yellow feathers, then remove them, cut off the dried tips;
    Now you need to cut the pulp with a sharp knife. It is better to cut with a sharp knife, it will cut the feathers better, and they will release the juice. It is necessary to cut small enough, large pieces will not let the required amount of juice;
  2. Now it is worth mixing the grass with salt. Salt is better to take large;
  3. Set the salty herb aside to infuse. In the meantime, you can prepare the banks. They need to be washed and sterilized. Such jars will store grass better;
  4. When the jars are prepared, you can lay out the previously prepared mixture on them, when the pulp has completely filled the container, you need to use a pusher or pestle. It is necessary to wash it very well, you can do it in several passes. The main thing is that the mixture let out so much juice that the pulp is completely covered with liquid;
  5. After that, you can close the container with lids and send it to the cold for storage. You can close the jars with nylon or iron lids.
  6. Green onions can be pickled in small jars for a single preparation. But you can make a blank in a larger container, from which you will take only the necessary part of the twist, and use the rest next time.

Good as a dressing for salads or cooking.

Fresh onions are rich in useful trace elements. In a frozen, dried form, it retains fewer nutrients, but at least it can improve the taste of food. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare for the winter. Below we give the main recipes for harvesting green onions.

Preparing green onions for storage

In order to be stored for a long time and not deteriorate, it is important properly prepare it for storage. This process goes in several stages. It begins with the choice of feathers for storage. They should be bright green, with no damage, signs of wilting or yellowing.
In most cases, they will shred, so you need to remove the remnants of the earth from them, and then rinse well.

Important! The onion must be completely dry, so after washing it is put on a towel and allowed to lie down for at least an hour.

After they dry well, they are cut, and then used depending on the chosen storage method.

However, if we are talking about ordinary greens in the refrigerator, washing is not recommended. otherwise it will deteriorate quickly. For this method of storage, it is enough to wipe it from dust. If there is too much adhering dirt on it, the feathers are washed in a bowl of water, thrown into a colander, allowed to drain and laid out to dry on a towel.

In the question of how to save for the winter, the method of chopping feathers is not particularly important. Usually it depends on what dishes then chopped feathers will be used. For example, for sauces you need small cuts, and for borscht and soups - medium. To dry it, it is chopped into pieces from 5 to 7 cm. And if large feathers come across, they are first cut lengthwise. It is important not to grind it in a food processor.
Before starting, you need to decide how to store green onions at home, the container in which it will be folded also depends on it. So, if it is simply placed in the refrigerator, ordinary bags will do, dried onions are kept in linen bags, pickles and blanks in oil should be in glassware, and plastic containers are used for freezing.

Storing Green Onions in the Refrigerator

An ideal, simple and convenient place to store onions is a regular refrigerator. How long do you keep green onions in the refrigerator? If you keep chopped feathers in it at a temperature of 3-4 ° C, it will not lose its marketable appearance within 2-3 weeks. If the temperature is lowered to 0 ° C, then the shelf life will increase to 1-2 months. There are several ways to keep vegetables in the refrigerator.

In a plastic bag

This method allows you to have fresh herbs on hand for one and a half months. It is enough to pack the feathers in a plastic bag, pierce a few holes in it for ventilation and put it in the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf.
There is a more complicated method, but it will work for feathers that have not been separated from the bulbs. To use it, it is necessary to remove all yellowed and spoiled parts of the plant, and dip it into water. Now the bulbs with roots should be wrapped in a damp cloth, wrapped with paper on top and tied with a ribbon. Only then can the onion be put in a bag in the refrigerator. This method allows you to keep it fresh for a month.

Did you know? For long-term storage, it is important that moisture does not get on the feathers. Usually, if you put the bag directly into the refrigerator, condensation will form on it and water will inevitably fall on the greens. To prevent this from happening, the empty bag is placed in the refrigerator for a while so that it cools down to the temperature inside the chamber. Then they take it out, immediately put the onion and immediately hide it again in the refrigerator.

In glass container

Put the washed and dried greens in glass jars, close with nylon lids and refrigerate. In this form, green about a month will keep a fresh look, aroma and useful properties.

Important! In this form, only whole greens can be stored, since folded and broken, it quickly deteriorates. Therefore, select only small feathers for cans.

in paper

You can store green onions in the refrigerator wrapped in paper. So it persists for two to three weeks. To do this, the vegetable is washed well and allowed to drain. Then wrapped in clean paper. It shouldn't be a newspaper, because typography is dangerous to health.
You can take a paper napkin that does not spread from water, or kraft paper. It is only important that it is not waxed. The bundle is sprayed from above with a spray bottle, hidden in a bag and left in the refrigerator.

Important! Onion greens have different shelf life depending on the harvesting method. So, salting a green onion feather for the winter allows you to store it for up to six months, the onion placed in oil is stored for the same amount. Dried onions retain their properties for two years, and frozen - no more than a year.

Freezing green onions

Most housewives prefer to use greens for long-term storage. To do this is quite simple. Fresh and sorted greens are washed under running water and dried.
After that, one of three freezing methods is used:

  1. Feathers are cut and fried in a pan until they are cooked. Cooled onions are put into containers and frozen. Roasting and subsequent freezing give the vegetable a special taste, which it then gives to all the dishes in which it is used.
  2. Feather onions are kept in boiling water for three minutes, thrown into a colander and waiting for the water to drain. Then they are cut into pieces of the desired size and tamped into plastic containers, which are placed in the freezer.
  3. Washed and dried feathers are cut into small pieces and blanched for about five minutes. After that, they recline in a colander and wait until the onion cools. Then they put it in plastic containers and send it to the freezer.

Drying green onions

Greens are another way to keep a healthy vegetable for a long time.
Before harvesting, it is well washed, cut and laid out on clean paper to dry in a warm room. Make sure that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the blanks, otherwise all useful substances will be destroyed in them. If there is no such place, the bow can be covered with another piece of paper.

You can tell if the onion is dry enough by rubbing it between your fingers. When it crumbles easily, it has reached the desired state. Now it is poured into jars, closed with lids and stored at room temperature in a dry place. This harvesting process takes about a week.

Salting greens

Pickled onions are used for soups, vegetable side dishes, salads.

How to pickle green onions? We take a kilogram of onions and wash them well. When it dries, chop and mix with 200 g of salt. We ram the resulting mass into glass jars so that the juice stands out. The jars are packed tightly, but in such a way that there is little room for vegetable oil on top. Jars closed with polyethylene lids are stored in a cold place.

How to ferment green onions

Another interesting way to harvest green onions for the winter is sourdough. To do this, prepared feathers are crushed with scissors or a knife about two centimeters long and poured into glass jars in layers. Sprinkle each layer with salt.


Dill greens 1 kg
- parsley greens 1 kg
- celery greens 1 kg
- hot pepper 2 pcs.
- sweet pepper 1 pc. big size
- salt 400 g

1. Wash parsley, dill and celery thoroughly in cold water and dry on napkins.
2. Grind greens. Wash the peppers, remove the seeds and stalks and cut into thin slices. Mix everything well in a large bowl. Add salt and mix again.
3. Place the mixture tightly in sterilized jars, cover with paper and tie with twine. Keep refrigerated.

The recipe is simple, finely chop all the vegetables and mix, these are: tomatoes, turnip onions, bell peppers, carrots and greens. Can be used for garnish. It's really convenient, thawed in the microwave and a delicious side dish is ready.

Simple ways to harvest greens for the winter

Salting greens

For salting spices for the winter, we need:

  • regular salt, without impurities 250 gr
  • fresh herbs 1 kg

Sort the plants, remove all yellow leaves and long stems. Rinse with running water and shake to remove excess moisture. Finely chop and mix with salt. Divide into small glass jars. Close with capron lids.

For lovers of spices, you can do this:

Mix salt for harvesting with 6-7 chopped cloves of garlic. Lay out the prepared ingredients in layers. After 18-20 hours, the spicy seasoning will settle. Lay the layers in a jar so that the last layer is salt.

Store such blanks should be in the refrigerator, but in the plus zone.

When cooking, do not add salt to dishes in which you will add salted greens.

With such a preparation of greenery for the winter, its shelf life is 9-10 months.

Cooking herbs in oil

Rinse freshly picked fragrant plants and chop finely. You can pass through a meat grinder. Arrange in small jars and fill with vegetable oil. Mix with a wooden skewer. Add enough oil to cover the greens.

For a sharp taste, you can add half a red hot pepper or a few cloves of garlic.

Close the jar tightly and store in the refrigerator. Shelf life 6-9 months.

Unusual harvesting of herbs and fragrant oil

You will need greens for your favorite taste:
olive or vegetable oil.
Wash all greens well and dry on a towel.
Finely chop with a knife or chop with a blender.
Put the greens in prepared dry jars (do not tamp). Pour the greens with oil and mix gently so that the oil reaches the bottom and envelops all the greens.
Store in the refrigerator on the coldest shelf.
I really liked this way of harvesting greenery. I used to freeze, dry and salt, but then such a miracle came across. I hope you find it useful.

Pickled greens for the winter

Prepare the marinade:

For 800 ml of water, take 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt without impurities and 200 ml of 9% vinegar.

Rinse the prepared raw materials thoroughly, put them tightly in jars and pour boiling marinade over them. Banks roll up and wrap well until cool. Pickled greens are stored for about six months.

frozen greens

The easiest and most convenient way to preserve herbs is to freeze them. It is better to freeze a bouquet of herbs. There are many ways that modern housewives use:

  • Rinse aromatic herbs, dry on a towel, then wrap in a plastic bag and freeze
  • Can be stored in vacuum containers, pre-cut into small pieces
  • Cut 0.5 kg of fragrant herb and mix with 500 ml of water. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze

You can store frozen aromatic seasoning for up to two years.

Harvesting dill for the winter
According to this method, I compact the greens very tightly into molds for freezing ice (you can freeze them with pancakes, but it is more convenient to use "cubes") and top up with water as much as possible (as in the photo on the left).
You get cubes. The ice completely retains its color and aroma. When I put this dill in the soup in winter, it seems that it has just been plucked from the garden.

Harvesting green onions for the winter.

Green onion recipes.

Green onions - greens are tender and do not store for a long time, they begin to wither and dry.

Green onions can be prepared for the winter in several ways:

  • dry
  • salt
  • to freeze

How to dry green onions for the winter.

Wash the green onion well, shake off excess water and let the onion dry completely.

Remove damaged and dried tips, cut off the white part, only green feathers are needed for drying. Cut the onion into pieces about 0.5 cm in size.

Spread the chopped onion on white paper in one layer and dry in the shade (not in the sun).

When the onion dries, put it loosely in a jar and close the lid.

Dried onions retain minerals and some of the vitamins, but lose their flavor, and are stored for a year.

How to pickle green onions for the winter.

You can salt the whole green onion, along with the white part.

Wash the onion well, dry it, remove the dried tips and let the onion dry well.

Cut the onion into slices and put in a sterilized jar in layers of 1.5-2 cm. Sprinkle each layer generously with salt and crush with a wooden pestle until juice appears.

The amount of salt for about 1 kg of onion is 200 g of salt. Pour a layer of salt on top and close the jar tightly.

Store the salted green onion billet in the refrigerator, the optimal storage time is 6-8 months.

How to freeze green onions for the winter.

Method 1.

Wash the green onions well, remove the dried ends and dry completely, spreading it on a towel. The onion must be absolutely dry.

Cut the onion into pieces and put in a plastic container without crushing.

Close the container tightly and put it in the freezer, if possible, setting the shock freezing mode.

Frozen onions according to this method can be sprinkled on ready-made dishes on a plate or added to salads.

Method 2.

Wash the onion, shake off excess water and chop.

Fill ice cube trays with onions, cover with cold water and place in the freezer.

Remove the frozen cubes from the molds, put them in a tight bag, tie the bag.

Add frozen onion cubes at the end of soups or main courses.

Frozen onions retain all vitamins, minerals and flavors and keep for up to a year.