Tomato jam with lemon. Unusual tomato jam

10.02.2022 Desserts and cakes

step by step recipe with photo

A real culinary experiment - yellow tomato jam turns out to be very juicy and fragrant in taste, somewhat reminiscent of Tkemali plum jam, but with a lesser touch of sourness. It is prepared from both red and yellow tomatoes, but in no case from green ones, since the skin of the unripe fruit is very dense.

If you do not admit to your relatives that this delicacy is made from tomatoes, then none of them will guess about it - the jam turns out to be almost transparent and viscous, like caramel.


  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 400 g granulated sugar


1. We will wash the purchased or harvested tomatoes of the color we have chosen in water and remove the green stalk from each vegetable, cutting it out with a knife. Cut into small slices in a prepared container, preferably with a non-stick bottom: a saucepan, a cauldron, a saucepan.

2. Add granulated sugar and mix gently. We will not add citric acid or lemon juice, since the tomatoes themselves already contain oxalic acid. Place the container with the sliced ​​​​on the stove and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and boil for 20-25 minutes, stirring from time to time so that the jam does not burn.

3. As soon as it boils down by half, then our delicacy is ready. By the way, in the last 2-3 minutes, it is advisable to stir the jam continuously.

4. Pour the hot dessert into sterilized jars and immediately cork with hot lids, either using a conservation key or wrapping the lids up to the stop. Be sure to check the containers for leaks and let them cool at room temperature. Then we will transfer the jars of tomato jam to the pantry, cellar or basement and we will remove them from there as they are used. Do not forget to indicate on the jars that this is sweet jam, otherwise you may make a mistake in taste, forgetting in winter what is in the containers!

As you know, jam is the most popular winter preparation. For many, fruit jam is familiar: strawberry, orange, plum, etc. But tomato jam? This is, you see, something interesting. Contrary to the beliefs of many housewives, tomatoes are not vegetables at all, but berries. Therefore, the jam from them turns out to be very tasty, although somewhat unusual. You can make jam for the winter from any tomato. Recently, recipes for cherry tomato jam have gained popularity.

What is cherry?

Perhaps this is the only type of tomato with an almost year-round season. Small, growing in beautiful massive clusters - they can be bought fresh both in autumn and in winter or spring. The taste and smell of cherry tomatoes are similar to a real tomato. Varieties of these tomatoes are known in several colors - the traditional red, green, yellow or even black.

Cherry tomatoes differ from ordinary tomatoes in that they can be kept fresh longer. They contain one and a half times more various valuable substances useful for health (fructose, glucose, minerals and vitamins). 100 g of cherry tomatoes contains a daily dose of potassium and iron, as well as vitamins A, B, C.

cherry tomato jam

This treat is rightfully considered exotic among all home preservation. To taste, the workpiece resembles a sweet and sour sauce, which can perfectly complement poultry dishes or any meat. A jar of this delicacy will pleasantly surprise guests who will have to guess for a long time what kind of fruit the hostess cooked it from?

Cherry tomato jam is usually prepared in several steps. To achieve color saturation during the first brewing, it is recommended to add balsamic vinegar. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste.

Cherry tomato jam: recipe with photo

This recipe is called by many a real tomato masterpiece. The dish is easy to prepare and turns out very tasty.


To make cherry tomato jam (the photo is presented in the article), you will need:

  • ripe tomato fruits (2 kg);
  • lemon (1 pc.);
  • lemon juice (made from half a lemon)
  • sugar - (about 800-900 g);
  • anise (you can take star anise instead, this is a spice with a bright aroma, so it is used in minimal quantities - just one star).

Cooking steps

Next, we will tell you how to make cherry tomato jam. First, the tomatoes should be peeled. The hostesses advise for this to boil water in a saucepan, make a small incision (cross-shaped) on each tomato and for 40-60 seconds. put vegetables in boiling water. Such a heat treatment will make it easy to separate the skin from the pulp of the tomato.

Next, peeled tomatoes are carefully placed in a saucepan, covered with sugar, lemon slices are added (it is possible with zest: citrus is passed through a meat grinder), anise is added (1 star). After a while, the tomatoes give juice. After an hour and a half, the pan is put on fire. The mass is boiled for about an hour. In this case, do not forget to stir it regularly.

Then turn off and leave the jam to infuse. After a day, lemon juice is poured into the tomato mass and brought to a boil again. In order for the cherry tomato jam to thicken, it should be simmered over low heat for an hour. If, nevertheless, the consistency of the workpiece has not thickened enough, the cooking time can be increased to one and a half to two hours.

At the end, the jam is poured into small, pre-sterilized jars and put away for storage. Due to the fact that the product contains a high concentration of lemon juice, which is a safe natural preservative, there is no need to keep cherry tomato jam in the cold - it can “overwinter” perfectly even at room temperature.

Note to the hostess: something about spices

If, even after long cooking, the tomato mass does not thicken, you can add a little gelatin or any other product with a gelling effect to it.

Many housewives also create their own (author's) cherry tomato jam recipes. The taste of this berry is perfectly shaded by ginger, nutmeg, Dijon mustard. Chili pepper can be a good addition, but this spice is added to the dish only in very small quantities.

According to home craftswomen, it is in spices that the main secret of making original, very tasty jam lies. However, most often the housewives use only one spice - star anise or which have already been mentioned (see above). As part of a homemade cherry tomato preparation, it wonderfully transforms the well-known taste of the product. According to reviews, the jam turns out to be sweet and sour, very fragrant and tart. This preparation can be used both as a dessert during family tea parties, and as an unusual sauce for meat dishes.

Which tomatoes to use?

The choice of tomatoes for jam should be approached with great responsibility and attention. The fruits must be strong, in no case with watery, but with dense pulp. Otherwise, during cooking, they will turn into gruel.

Tomatoes must be fully ripe. An exception is the option of making cherry tomatoes (this will be discussed below). On red fruits, in no case should there be areas of yellow-green color.

How to make green tomato jam? Composition

To prepare the workpiece use:

  • tomatoes (1 kg);
  • sugar (1.2 kg);
  • purified water (1 glass);
  • citric acid (2 g);
  • vanilla (added to taste).


The most fleshy, small oval fruits are selected, the stalks are cut out of them, washed thoroughly and cut in half. Carefully remove the seeds from each half with a teaspoon. Then, for two minutes, the tomatoes should be dipped in boiling water.

Next, they prepare, for which they combine sugar and water. The purified ones are poured with syrup, after which they are left overnight (6-8 hours are enough). After this time, the pan should be put on high heat and boil quickly. At the end of cooking, add citric acid or lemon juice (possible with zest), vanillin. The finished jam, as usual, is laid out hot in sterile jars and rolled up.

One more recipe

Green cherry tomato jam is also prepared this way. In the composition of the product:

  • 1 kg of green berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • citric acid - to taste.

Bring a pot of water to a boil on the stove. Place the tomatoes in a deep bowl. Cut them in half and remove the seeds using a teaspoon. Then the half is laid on a cutting board and cut into small cubes. Next, the tomatoes should be placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water. After that, the product is again brought to a boil. The mass should be boiled for 10 minutes. Then the water is drained and again the tomatoes are poured with cold water. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. This product relieves bitterness. Boiled tomatoes are placed in a colander, allowed to drain, then put in a bowl and covered with sugar. The mass is left for two to three hours, after which it is poured with hot water and boiled again for about 10 minutes. Tomatoes should be allowed to brew for a day.

The next day, the syrup is drained, put on the stove and boiled for 15-20 minutes, after which they are poured with ready-made tomatoes. Next, put a bowl of tomatoes on the stove and cook for about 15 minutes. cook over low heat, stirring constantly. For 3 min. before the end of cooking, pour citric acid into it. Hot jam is poured into jars (sterilized), rolled up and placed in a dry, dark and cool place. According to reviews, this very tasty, inexpensive and healthy jam goes well with pancakes, waffles, fresh buns and sweet crackers.

If you like to surprise your loved ones, then do not pass by this simple recipe and do not look at it with contempt. After all, all masterpieces were born only thanks to unexpected experiments. We are accustomed to perceive a tomato as a vegetable and see it fresh, pickled, in a salad or adjika. And it's so hard to imagine that you can cook delicious red tomato jam that will amaze all your family and guests. It can also be prepared for the future for the winter.

Tomato jam tastes sour-sweet, with a pleasant aftertaste. So you can’t immediately tell what the delicacy is made of. And what an amazing color it is! Just a feast for the eyes and delicious! Don't be afraid and be sure to experiment. The result will definitely be positive. Our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you in this matter. Let's get started!


  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp

How to make Red Tomato Jam

Tomatoes are selected only ripe and fleshy. On each fruit we make an incision in the form of a cross. Next, immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for one minute, and then immediately dip in cold water.

After such manipulation, we easily remove the skin from the fruit. Cut the tomatoes into several slices. We remove the seeds.

And cut each slice into small arbitrary pieces.

Place the vegetables in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. We also add vanilla sugar to this. Squeeze the juice from the lemon directly onto the tomatoes.

We mix.

We begin to cook the future tomato jam, stirring occasionally. We carefully monitor the consistency: cook longer - thicker we get jam.

We spread the hot jam only in a pre-sterilized glass container and twist it with steamed lids.

When the treat cools, it will become even thicker. Now easily surprise your loved ones and tell the secret of such an unusual, and most importantly, delicious jam to all your friends.


Tomato jam is one of my absolute gastronomic hits. But there were times of distrust and suspicion of this chic product. True, you can’t drink tea with him. But it becomes a real bomb if served with tomato jam.

My St. Petersburg second cousin was known as a rare craftswoman to cook “out of nothing”, as her unforgettable mother used to say when I was a student. Tomato jam exactly matched this definition. But first things first. Aunt Sveta worked as a draftswoman at the Academy of Civil Aviation. This respected university has brought up quite a few celebrities. Or they nurtured him... The heels of the legendary Marina Popovich thumped along the noisy corridors of the forge of flight personnel. The mistress of compasses and protractors looked after her with sighs. Performing complex drawings, my aunt felt her involvement in something significant.

The short and not at all generous summer of Northern Palmyra endowed pale St. Petersburg residents with Polish tomatoes and Hungarian pepper. Sveta hurriedly selected the best copies of the messengers of the friendly socialist camp. In the aunt's kitchen, after a while, whole lines of pretty jars of tomato jam lined up.

The experienced draftswoman wore her masterpiece goodies to the department, where her culinary talents were valued unconditionally. The peasants (mostly bachelors!) greedily devoured boiled pork with black bread and tomato jam. Everyone praised what they had eaten, but no one called for marriage. Too tall (1 m 80 cm) and thin (50 kg), and even with lips a la Angelina Jolie, no one liked the aunt. Now this appearance is called model, and at that time the aunt was called "Sleeper" and "Gubakh" behind her back.

As life shows, sometimes you need to lower your eyes from the sky (with pilots) to the ground (with mere mortals). The groom appeared suddenly and very slowly in the form of an Estonian as long and thin as Svetlana herself. And she met him in the market - not at all romantic. But it turned out that it is reliable and practical. Innar, with an experienced look of a peasant, appreciated the rich contents of the aunt's basket (a good housewife, however) and decided to go on the attack. The assault in Estonian lasted only a year. Since then, the whole large Russian-Estonian family has been feasting on tomato jam with other culinary delights on a farm near Tallinn.

tomato jam recipe


  • Tomatoes 500 grams.
  • Pepper red sweet fleshy 150 grams (peeled from the stalks and seeds).
  • Sugar 300 grams.
  • Balsamic vinegar 25-30 ml.

How to cook

If there is no balsamic vinegar, then you can take a good quality wine or apple cider vinegar.

Ripe red cherry tomatoes or small creamy cream are ideal for this type of jam. Cut the tomatoes in half or into 4 pieces.
Cut the pepper into approximately the same pieces as the tomatoes.
We cover everything with sugar
and pour a glass of balsamic vinegar.
I didn't have any vinegar, so I poured a glass of very old dessert wine "Troyanda Zakarpattya".
Old wine has retained a wonderful aroma, golden transparency
and acquired a balsamic taste. Looking ahead, I will say that it turned out delicious!

We put the saucepan with the mixture on a small fire, let it boil,
turn off and set aside for a day. During cooking, do not interfere with the jam, but only draw a wooden spoon along the bottom of the dish so that the mixture does not burn.
We repeat this operation 3-4 times, not forgetting to leave the jam to infuse for a day. Be careful not to burn the contents!

This is what jam looks like in the photo after the fourth cooking.
Put the finished boiling jam in sterilized jars, roll up with boiled lids. It is necessary to store such jam in a dark and cool place. I poured the jam into my favorite old jar.

We will prepare jam from peeled tomatoes, for this you need to choose strong ripe fruits.

Rinse well in running water and pour a small amount of boiling water.

We keep the tomatoes in boiling water for about three minutes, after which we immediately cool them with cold water. Carefully remove the skin and cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

Scald orange and lemon with boiling water, then carefully remove the peel. Do not forget to take out the bones, otherwise they will add bitterness to the jam. We also cut oranges and lemons into small pieces.

Ginger can be used both dried and fresh. Fresh must be peeled and grated. Dry - add to taste. All products are gently mixed and covered with sugar.

Leave the tomatoes for one hour so that they start up the juice and the sugar turns into syrup. After that, it is enough to boil the jam for five minutes - over medium heat.

Tip: cook all the products at once in an enamel bowl so that you do not have to shift after the sugar has melted. After the tomatoes boil, set them aside to cool completely - about an hour. The last stage of preparation - we cook the prepared jam over low heat for about half an hour, after which it must be immediately spread hot into jars.

Ready-made lies are very well stored for a long time, and you can try as soon as it cools down.

For greater persuasiveness, you can put two options for tomato jam in front of your guests - your culinary skills will not go unappreciated.
Green tomato jam
You can use any unripe tomatoes to make this jam. The jam will turn out to be a beautiful emerald color and resemble exotic kiwi in appearance.

We cook syrup from the required amount of sugar and water - pour six glasses of sugar with one and a half glasses of water and cook over low heat until the syrup becomes homogeneous. Small tomatoes can be used whole, larger ones cut into halves or quarters.

We cool the finished syrup and pour the tomatoes. We leave the tomatoes prepared in this way for a day at room temperature. The next day, you need to carefully drain the syrup - it is best to use a colander.

Bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the tomatoes.

The first time pour cold syrup, the second - hot! We also repeat the procedure the next day - pour hot syrup. On the fourth day, we do not drain the syrup, but put it on a slow fire and cook until tender.

The readiness of jam is very easy to determine - put a drop of syrup on a piece of newspaper and leave for a few seconds. If water does not appear around the drop, the newspaper remains dry and the drop does not spread, then the jam is ready. The tomatoes themselves should become translucent.

Tip: before making jam, you need to remove the skin from the tomatoes. To do this, you need to alternately throw the fruits into hot, then into cold water. After that, the skin is quite easy to remove. If you want to make green tomato jam in a faster way, then use this recipe. For him, it is desirable to take tomatoes also of milky ripeness - not very green, but not yet brown.
Lemon and green tomato jam
Wash the tomatoes very well and cut into four to six pieces.

Put the tomatoes prepared in this way in a plastic container or bag and freeze.

Once the tomatoes are frozen, take them out of the freezer and thaw. The juice that formed during defrosting must be drained. Lemon finely cut with a knife or grind in a meat grinder - do not peel the peel.

We do not remove the skin from the tomatoes. Mix lemon, sugar and tomato slices and leave in the refrigerator overnight - 10 hours.

After that, cook three times for 15 minutes - after each cooking, set aside the tomatoes to cool for two hours. Arrange the finished jam in jars.

Excellent jam is suitable for pancakes and pancakes, they can be filled with pies and cakes, used to make desserts. Bon Appetit!